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Recent Israeli Airstrikes Hit Joint Syrian-Iranian Warehouses – Israeli Media

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Recent Israeli Airstrikes Hit Joint Syrian-Iranian Warehouses - Israeli Media

SOURCE: ynet.co.il

The last night Israeli airstrikes allegedly hit joint Syrian-Iranian infrastructure in Hisyah Industrial Area located 30km south of the Syrian city of Homs, the Israeli media reports.

“Several hours after Syrian news outlets announced that the Israeli Air Force (IAF) bombed targets in Syria, the intelligence-related Facebook blog Intelli Times reported that the site that was targeted west of Homs has been in use by Iran and its allies for over a decade,” JerusalemOnline reported on November 2.

The report added that the industrial area “has been used for joint projects by both public and private Iranian and Syrian companies. The projects were part of trade agreements the countries signed in 2007, according to Intelli Times. The industrial area reportedly contains warehouses belonging to the partially government-owned Iranian vehicle company Saipa. Its subsidiary Iran Khodro is a partner of the Industrial Development & Renovation Organization of Iran (IDRO Group), which has long been under US sanctions for its support of Iran’s missile program.”

The Israeli airstrikes were initially reported by the Lebanese al-Mayadeen TV channel. The media added that  the 72 Brigade of the Syrian Air Defense Forces responded with launching an anti-aircraft missile on the warplanes. However, no hits were achieved. The 72 Brigade of the Syrian Air Defense Forces is mainly armed with the Soviet-made S-75 air defense system.

Recent Israeli Airstrikes Hit Joint Syrian-Iranian Warehouses - Israeli Media

The site before the airstrikes. SOURCE: ynet.co.il

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Deo Cass

At this point only retaliatory strikes against the Zionist entity can stop this Zionist aggression against Syria’s vital infrastructure. Syria has surface to surface missiles capable of hitting the Zionist state. They need to respond in likes blasting a factory inside the Zionist heartland. It is their right protected by the UN charter for every country to defend itself from aggression. Let Russia say whatever it wants. Enough is enough.


Not the right time when Assad is on the verge of total victory over Israel’s foot soldiers in Syria.

Let Syria be one again…. then Israel will not dare to attack it


ahahaaa, you two above really believe in that crap what you just wrote.


Well monkey, you are free to prove our crab is not true. Well, and let me demolish you …. Hehe


You are dreaming

Mangi Mfunga Mangi

Absolutely you are right 100%


And a war with Israel would be a good idea at this time!

You can call me Al

Maybe not a war, but a warning.

If you don’t knock some sense into a bully, the bully continues !!


The number of warnings by both Iran and Syria we lost count. So long as Russia at this point turn a blind eye, this will continue until the war is over which should be very soon.

But this is a bad time to start a war with Israel really.

Win Syria first then when all the missiles start to point at Israel then there will be peace

You can call me Al

I am split on this issue, maybe because of old personal history.

I do agree with you in principle – and I would agree with you now, if I were 80% of other Countries, but it is not, it is Israel and / or the USA, where there is no honour, no real and stable agreement and where you trust them at your own peril.

When I say Israel and the USA; I obviously mean the government cronies.

PS There is no point arguing about this, between ourselves, more divisions is the last thing we need.


Russia is not turning a blind eye. Russia is concerned about causing a nuclear war with the Jews’ puppets in Washington. When it can be seen that Washington won’t/can’t protect their masters, Israel is GONE.


Wishful thinking?

Let just wait a little long with another excuse????????

UNTIL Israel; conquers all and then we have the BEST excuse not to confront them-We are DEAD or SLAVES !!!!!!!!!!!


Syria has just attacked a Judeo-Nazi aircraft in Syrian airspace. IF the US responds, it will have NO LEGAL basis for its response.


What warning can you give them, remember an eye for an eye it would just esculate into a war with Israel whilst fighting US proxy forces inside Syria, thats the trap they want Syria to fall into!

You can call me Al

Take a plane down.

Turkey did it to Russia and we see the results now, totally contradictive to what many considered would happen.


That is what I mean and is ONE EXAMPLE, when I say “War by Deception” which provides “Plausible Deniability” and thus will not result in an all -out war

Israel does it all the time so, time to do it back to them

I am sure Military tacticians know this so WHY are they NOT doing it ?????????????

Something stinks and it is not fish

You can call me Al

We should change the topic because you lot bombed my Arndale centre and I never met the love of my life again.


Many of us did lose loves of our lives but yes we shall change the topic

Ironically on my Mothers side of the family ( English and Scottish) we had “Lords and Ladies” but due to her mother marrying into “commoners”, titles and inheritances were “disappeared” :-)

C’est la vie


S3/400 are for defence of Russian personnel and equipment, Syria did put a F35 out of action was S200 (or was it bird strike) what difference did that make?


As long as the same or BETTER TACTICS of “War by Deception” are used, such as send in Special OPS forces using Guerrilla Tactics to do what needs to be done to make Israel DEFENSELESS.


Whilst fighting US proxy forces in Syria, why open another front better to take a few hits whilst bringing about peace in Syria and then sort out Israel!


What IS Happening is “WAR by Deception”, NOT, as you say, “taking a few hits”


The whole of ME is war by deception but to open a front with Israel would lead to outright chaos, involving both Russia and the US in direct confrontation, possibly leading to WWIII.


It depends on how it is done,so we disagree.


True. But, better to let Russia go after Israel. That would make it clear to Washington that, if the US is determined to protect their outlaw Jewish masters, that protection could come at the ultimate cost.

Floyd Hazzard

There was a point I used to think Putin, Lavrov and Shoigu were honourable men. Now I know they are just deceitful scum.


The term is “Western Partners”..Whatever that means


How many more F35s taken out of service for bird strikes this time or was Israel to scared to use them again?

You can call me Al

and it was raining today….(the F-35s cannot handle that).


Sounds like British Rail or the 21st century equivalent.


Israeli media usually mixes truth and lies together. For readers, Iran Khodro (IKCO) and Saipa are two major automakers in Iran. None of them is subsidiary of the other (each almost produce 500k autos annually).

So the Israeli report says they hit a warehouse used by Saipa. Saipa subsidies IKCO, IKCO is part of IDRO and IDRO is sanctioned. Translation: We could reason they are Martians, be grateful we stopped there.

FYI, IDRO or Industrial Development & Renovation Organization of Iran: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IDRO_Group

It’s a dangerous organization!


Judaism is a dangerous organization and should be outlawed.


Yeh, that’ll work just like ALL of those UN RESOLUTIONS against them have worked…….oh, that’s right they haven’t worked !!!

You know the TALMUD as well as I do and what those Ashkenazi ( emphasis on the NAZI part) Zionists think of LAWS by/from GOY


They rape 1,000 babies every week and should go to jail like everyone else. Their evil cult should be outlawed:

“Woman sentenced for having oral sex with her baby

A Northwest Side woman was sentenced today to life in prison with no chance of parole for 15 years”


“if the victim is under 16 AND the defendant is over 21, oral copulation with a minor must be charged as a felony …

Oral copulation is defined as any contact—no matter how slight—between the mouth of one person, and the sexual organ or anus of another. Neither penetration nor ejaculation/orgasm is required.”


You can call me Al

Yes and no – https://financialtribune.com/articles/auto/74763/iran-khodro-saipa-to-expand-foreign-operations

888mladen .

Satanjahu has told Putler he is not going to tolerate Iran and Hezbolah doing any business on Syrian soil and Putler quietly agreed. Deeds speak louder than words.


These types of scofflaw international law violations are why the Jew baby rapers have 100+ UN and other international law resolutions against them and Israel should be delisted from the UN and replaced with Palestine.


As I have stated MANY times BULLIES continue to pick on those who behave like COWARDS


Cowards don’t roll armored columns into nuclear Israel like the Syrians and Egyptians did in 73. Or bomb Israel with ballistic missiles like Iraq did during the Gulf war.


Even TROLLS are welcome to comment, but ,in the end………IGNORED!


I’m not a troll. Try answering the comment above and lets see how you do.


My main comment is your answer TROLL


Your main comment offers no implementable solutions because you have none.

You can call me Al

I have to 100% whole heartedly agree.


You have the “Irish” spirit


And what specifically should Syria do to stop the attacks, and what would the Israeli response be?


Find out who’s telling them and plug the leak.


Good suggestion, assuming it’s a leak, and the target had any kind of military significance. And wasn’t some type of false flag attack based on an untrue pretext. It still doesn’t justify their aggression even if it did have military significance. They have a defense pact with Iran and have every right to pursue military activities within their borders, including the occupied Golan.

I’m sure that they have a target list with pre made excuses to “justify” their crimes. They deliberately attacked the USS Liberty, and claimed that it was a “mistake”.

You can call me Al

Irish Spirit ……..not yet, I’ll get that at about 7pm tonight (Tullamore Dew 12-Year Special Reserve).

But the spirit of Manchester flows through me.

PS I don’t even know what I am on about, ignore me.


I can’t ignore you. You even made me laugh

It took .we Irish, 600 years and 5 million deaths ( FORCED FAMINE by the British, did the most damage to us) to WIN and we are still fighting for N.Ireland : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDndoQrqQys

Do Syrians have that kind of spirit??????????

It doesn’t look like it BUT I hope I am wrong

You can call me Al

I cannot answer that concussively, but I think that maybe with the arrival of the likes of Hezbollah and some Iranian guards (shush on the later), all I can assume from what I can see and read on sites like this is the fact that 1. their confidence and optimism levels have sky rocketed, 2. they have won some seriously fantastic battles with minimum casualties and 3. they maybe can see the light at the end of the tunnel now.

Remember also that they went 8 years with Yank sanctions before he war (I think 8). So I am confident they will win this disgusting farcical war relatively shortly.

Now regards the Irish thing, I wasn’t born and I shall take no responsibility for it. However to a certain extent, I shall ask you a) to aim the blame at William of Orange who is Dutch not English and b) advise you to stock up on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SAbJjktk7E

Don’t shout – Joke.


I wouldn’t shout at you and thanks for that. YOU made me laugh again

If you are talking about my use of CAPS-THAT is not shouting for my generation(I’m 77).

I come from the time of Newspapers and Magazines and CAPS ,as was Bold Face were used strictly for EMPHASIS, not shouting

That is my advantage over younger people I KNOW their way and they do not know MINE. I can use BOTH, depending on the MEDIUM.They cannot until they understand, history better

“The YOUNG do NOT know what THEY do not know” :-)


“the French Catholic church sent troops to help the British fight the Irish”

Fascinating , tell us more about that – since you’;re the only one who apparently knows about it.


Thanks Mikronos, for reminding me.

As soon as I dig up the links, hopefully saved in my folders, otherwise I will need to SEARCH them again.

Normally I would tell the commenter/doubter of me, to do his own search BUT I want to make sure links to such are in my folder(s) and if not I will put them in, because I want them there, with me, in addition to providing them to you

Be patient and if you don’t hear from me in a few days, REMIND me.


Still waiting – like the Irish – to be attacked by the French.


Sorry about that Mikronos but it was the French Catholics assisting the British Catholics. Here is the main link to Irish History : http://www.irishhistorylinks.net/Irish_History_Timeline.html#The_Tudor_Era and it should make reference to it in around 1688 under King James

Thanks for the reminder


I believe not, as they never lived centuries under occupation and oppression of a foreign country as brutal as Britain, I guess that’s the reason the Irish feel for Palestinians. Go raibh maith agat Eire.


Yes and You’re welcome AND Dublin flies the Palestinian Flag


So? It’s the Catholic thing to do. They fly the Israeli flag in protestant Belfast.

Pick any fight anywhere, and ‘the two sides’, in Ireland, support the difference.


My comment stands

Good Bye


Hello again, my dense friend. My Eire/EU passport lists Béal Feirste (Belfast N.I.) as part of Ireland – it must be a ‘state of mind’ kind of thing.


As I stated THAT is NOT the Republic and as I also suspected you are a pathetic Englishmen.Being part of the ISLAND is GEOGRAPHIC and different than being part of the Republic

You truly are not too bright ….oh that’s right, you are this generation of English/ Zionist Jews who simply argue for the desire to WIN rather than learn

The day is coming, and sooner than you might know, when we return the North to the REPUBLIC and trolls like you will need to make a choice

Good Luck and we are done now


And I thought you were an uneducated gentileman. I believe, now, that you may be an assoholic.


“The stranger came and tried to teach us their way, they faulted us for being what we are.” An American wrote those words.

Even in their country that crap ain’t right. Like Americans, to-day, they did it in somebody-else’s.


You are. The Syrians qualify for Irishmen of the middle east – they even like Catholics.

Check out (google) rebuilding Aleppo. The electricity is back to the whole city. Churches have been re-built. Christians celebrated last Christmas and Easter for the first time in three years. They’ll be celebrating Christmas even better this year – if what’s left of the award-winning ‘white helmets’ don’t find some way to car bomb them.

American Christians are buying the political bullshit – and inadvertently supporting Muslim extremism.


I am not Catholic. I was Born other, but I am an ATHEIST by choice.from my many years of Knowledge, Experience and RESEARCH


If we lived forever you might be right. It’s the inevitability of extinction that scares me, not religion.


I am too old to be scared by anything :-)


Irishmen have never done well when ‘in their cups’ – except in the ‘Dutch courage’ department. A drunken coterie was beaten before it formed up – that happened most of the time. Most effective Irish patriots didn’t drink.

You can call me Al

Well that’s good to know – especially since I am English, hence my above comment.


“Mikronos” does not know what he is talking about.Check my rebuttal to him

In addition to what else I said to him, In fact Ireland is down at 21st, in per capita alcohol consumption.Russia is number 4 :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_alcohol_consumption_per_capita


The English are a bunch of tossers, Al. They just try to hide it.

You can call me Al

Come and meet me and I shall to.ss off, all over you head after I give you a slap.

Anyway, you are another troll, you are blocked – cheerio.


Oooh. Ye feckin’ brute!


I am one of those who doesn’t drink, neither did my Grands

We all “got Drunk” on WINNING the individual Battles and finally the WAR in 1949

Now we shall drink of the “Returning of the North ” of Ireland to the Republic

THAT is also not too far away


Erin go bragh!


The Brits certainly ‘appreciated’ the millions of Irishmen who ‘took the King’s shilling’ over the years. The Irish regiments were some of the best at conquering an Empire for their Majesties.


Irish CATHOLIC regiments


Sir John Redmond, the leader of the Free State movement made sure they did precisely that. In 1914 he volunteered the Irish Volunteers to the crown , en masse. That matched the formation of the Ulster division of mostly protestant Irish regiments.

One of the reasons the 1916 rebels were abused in the streets of Dublin after their capture, was because so many people had family serving in France. They agreed with the Brits it was ‘a stab in the back’. It was the brutality of British military courts in putting the rebellion down (and the war casualty lists) that changed the public sentiment.

Free Spirit you must be ‘bog Irish’, you seem to be as ignorant as dirt. Go read some Irish history – start with Wikipedia. You may find that reference you think you saw about “the French Church” attacking the Irish.


I’m not interested in arguing with you because THAT is EXACTLY all, as TROLL, that you are, want to do

He was NOT a true REPUBLICAN

We are done now so go find someone else to fulfill your infantile fantasies





“Stand up to Israel and it will back off”

It’s easy to make nationalist statements like this. It’s difficult to provide a scenario that is actually implementable and achieves the desired results.

Please offer some real time suggestions on how you think that Syria should stand up to Israel, and what the likely response to your suggestions from the the Jew baby rapers would be.

War game this out for us to show how you would stop these types of attacks.


READ my comment again for your answer.

I especially will not REPEAT myself for fools and PROVOCATEURS


You’re evading the issue, and making false accusations doesn’t change that. What specifically should Syria do to stop these attacks?



My comments stand


You have no implementable suggestions that would work. You just like to make meaningless unimplementable grandiose proclamations.


Thanks for your input


So much for your your grandstanding and false accusations. You have no implementable solutions to offer. It’s better to keep your mouth closed and let people think that you’re a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt.


Thanks for your posts. You saved me the effort. Armchair generals rarely have any answers, but lots of inane suggestions. Hopefully it woun’t take Syria 600 years to defeat ISIS/Israel.


Read my comment to “roumeli”, below


“If my family and PATRIOTS in Ireland had behaved, with Britain, the way Syrians ,Russian and Iranians are behaving now, with ISRAEL and U.S., we would never have achieved the Republic of Ireland”

The Syrian government coalition is defeating the Jew world order on the battlefield every day. Which is why the government is gaining ground as the opposition loses it. The Israeli strikes are little more than a nuisance that have done next to nothing to stop Syrian advances.


Irish Jews have what appears to be a sterling reputation as Irish PATRIOTS.



another Russian troll pretending to be a Nazi. I hope your troll farm pays enough to make up for the eye strain


You’re an idiot. I’m not a Russian, Nazi or troll. Nobody is paying me. I’m an American.

What is it about :

“the government is gaining ground as the opposition loses it. The Israeli strikes are little more than a nuisance that have done next to nothing to stop Syrian advances.”

that you have a problem with?


Yes he ignores my original comment which made all the suggestions I can, based on the FACT I would need to be in Syria or at least in the Middle EAST or have INTELLIGENCE there to create a successful strategy.

He should realize that IF he is a knowledgeable adult, unless he is just a little boy TROLL in his Moms basement, who wants us to think he is politically savvy.

I believe he is a young TROLL who simply wants to look like he is winning an argument.


The terrorist state of Israel doing what terrorists do; bombing civilian infrstructure and aiding it’s fellow terrorists in Syria, killing civilians when it feels it can get away with it (as in Palestine), attacking the military of foreign countries under false pretenses and, as always, using lies to justify it criminality.

Israel is like Isis in many respects, one of them is they seek martyrdom and are striving towards it with great vigor.


Israeli air forces are so brave that they do airstrike on Syria and then they run away like rats from the seen. LOL.


Here in Croatia there is an old saying, God help anyone that Russians defend and Greeks feed


And God help anyone that falls into Croatian hands. The Serbs can certainly tell you. The Croatian ustashe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usta%C5%A1e https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_persecution_of_Serbs http://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/the-holocausts-most-vicious-killers-2/2011/01/19/ With a record like this it hardly becomes a Croat to criticise Russia – or Greece.


Was thinking the same..One of the most despicable nations on earth


most despicable nations on earth”… yes, but goat fucker Arab/nigger scum can not come to Croatia and rape women like they do in Germany or Sweden or France, we would kill not only him, but his family. Personally I can not imagine that here, where I am some let say Syrian, Pakistani, Afghan or other similar scum say something to my daughter let alone just touch her, I would kill him on the spot.

Solomon Krupacek

croats and serbs are brothers in extreme brutality.


Rubbish. Find the equivalent of Jasenovac in Serbia.

Solomon Krupacek


and lots. chetniks were the same animals as ustasha


The truth of sebrenica.

Yep. Lets have it. An islamic military base being used to terrorise, mass murder by beheading and other, theft and rape of the surrounding Serbs. It was a legitimate military target – as the dutch amongst others knew. Take a look at what your mates – those you siupport did in Serbia and bow your head in shame. An islamic terrorist supporter indeed. https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/3t9x4c/crimes_against_serbs_in_bosnia_19921995_vi_what/ http://serbiasos.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/warning-very-graphic-content-real.html http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/3254890.stm Take a look at Kosovo today. A terrorist cesspit. http://barenakedislam.com/2015/07/10/the-disaster-that-bill-clinton-created-in-bosnia-by-backing-muslims-against-the-serbs-has-now-become-next-front-for-the-islamic-state-isis-caliphate/

Solomon Krupacek

i know the truth about srebrenica. and also what you did in whole bosnia. the blodbath in sarayevo. good serb = death serb. also croats. in yugoslavia only slovins were normal nation.

Solomon Krupacek

mass rapeing of moslem girls, women worse then animals


You clearly have not seen the findings of the ICTY. Milosevic and the Serbs have been cleared. The raping was muslim on christian – as it usually is. You really should check your facts before spouting islamic and US propaganda. Terrorist propaganda.

Ivan Ruzic

Pardon me but someone from England should not be giving any labels , doubt our history is any worse than yours , in addition enjoy the New England , I know Ahmed does.


There has never been anything in England to compare with the Croatian Jasenovac. Even the gestapo were sickened.

Ivan Ruzic

Oh please your ancestor wiped out native population of America , starved to death Irish , did the same in India and now you are complaining ??? I use to feel sorry for you there on that Island , but now not anymore , may the hordes of invader come in even greater numbers then. After all to atone for the past sines.


Utter piffle. You haven’t even a clue as to what jasenovac was. Your ignorance must be bliss. If you did you wouldn’t try to defend a deathcamp. A real deathcamp. A deathcamp even the Gestapo couldn’t take. The pits and psychopaths. Croatian ones.

Ivan Ruzic

Can you find any mass grave anywhere around the country , I can give you links to dozen of communist made ones , whose victims were listed in that camp. It lasted till 1952 under socialist government.


Ivan Ruzic

Does not disprove my previous claim , your country holds the record in number of killed and was first to open death camps in SA for Boers, I can not take seriously someone from the West when they point the finger without looking at themselves first , study 1918-34 period of Balkan and you will see what lead to the revolution in 34-41 to 45.


One might think that being a ‘Catholic’ nation Croats might be a little more Christ-like toward their neighbor. That, patently, is not the case – at least since their outing with the Nazis in the USSR.


Amen brother!


I think Syrian missile defence and its anti aircraft systems need an upgrade, Mr Putin. Please see to it asap. It doesn’t look that good when Israel can illegally attack, destroy and kill with impunity your protogees and those under your assumed protection.. Can you sort it?. Em.

Brad Isherwood

Syria better hope in Iran’s new Gen SAMs. … Putin has thrown Syria under the Bus,…they’ll be lucky to get parts for their old Mig 29s abd Su 24s. Syria’s Airdefence…. is like Santa Claus/Easter Bunny ….non existent. Saker in past article coments that Putin agreed to Netanyahu deal https://aladinsmiraclelamp.wordpress.com/2016/01/05/putin-and-israel-a-complex-and-multi-layered-relationship/ Excerpt: Second, it is clear that Putin and Netanyahu struck a deal when the latter traveled to Moscow: the Israelis don’t interfere in Russian operations in support of the Syrians as long as the Russians don’t interfere in the combat operations between Israel and Hezbollah.  This made it possible for both sides to pursue their main interest even if it was at the cost of their secondary objectives.  You don’t like that deal and you question its morality?  Good!  So do I.  I am, in fact, intensely uncomfortable with it, but I expect no less from ruthless realpolitik practitioners like Putin and Bibi Netanyahu ****

Iran,IRGC, Hezbollah and PMU best wake up to Reality that Russia is in No way sponsor Toward them. Putin made his bed with Nosferatu (Netanyahu)


Long ago, Syria and Russia should have established a rigid no-fly zone over ALL of Syria, destroying any unauthorized aircraft entering Syrian air space.

As to the Jewish cowards that stand off in Lebanese or Jordanian airspace and fire missiles, those aircraft could legitimately be chased back to their bases and those bases destroyed. Jews don’t fight – they sneak in and cut throats, depending on their American boot-licks to protect their crimes.


And what would the likely Israeli scofflaw response to that be?


They would attempt to retaliate. All of which would result, one way or another, in the end of a disease that has plagued the Middle East for 69 years.


I’m not sure that it would play out like that. The Jews could fight and possibly win a long conventional war without using nukes. There isn’t the force structure in the middle east at this time to win a conflict like that quickly. Nobody plays the victim better than the baby rapers. Though many people aren’t buying that anymore. It would be a case of the “only democracy” in the middle east being attacked by the Arab “dictatorships” seeking NATO, and Jewmerican in particular, support. 95% of the planet’s Jews live in the US, Israel, France, Canada, and the UK.

They reportedly had the nukes fired up and ready to launch at Cairo and Damascus in 73 as they were getting overrun by Syrian and Egyptian armored columns in Palestine on their way to main street Tel Aviv to accept the Jews unconditional surrender and the return of everything that they’ve stolen. They used nuclear blackmail against the US to get a massive airlift, including 100 modern fighter jets and missiles to push back the invasion conventionally.

Now if they made a first use of nukes, the gloves could come off and they would fare badly. Right now they’ve got the middle east mired in conflict. To prevent the neighbors from posing a credible conventional threat. But if you look at the military build ups in Egypt and Syria and other regional governments. That’s changing and Israeli conventional superiority is waning.


If the Jews use nuclear weapons, even one, the world will turn on them. Jews are already the most despised cult and country on Earth and it won’t take a lot for humanity to decide to dispose of that plague.

Jewish troops have already proven their cowardice – except, of course, when facing women and children, where they become sadistic animals.

If Israel attacked Iran (even if Russia didn’t come in on Iran’s side), Iran have enough surface to air coverage to eradicate Israel’s air force before the Jews could find targets. Iran has an equal surface-to-surface missile force and a very tiny target in Israel. By comparison, Iran is a vast target for Israeli missiles.

Bit-by-bit, IsraHELL is losing the Middle East, they have pretty much lost support from Europe, except for what little Washington can extort from NATO members. Soon, all the Jews will have is a gang of fools in Washington to back them and the rest of the world with its back turned.


I’ve read that Iran’s conventional ballistic missile capability can level much of Israel quickly, including making airfields inoperable. Without the US entering the war quickly on Israel’s side. The baby rapers would be in big trouble.

I’m sure that the IAF can penetrate Iranian air defense. But they would pay a price in lost equipment and personnel. And would be unable to establish a no fly zone or shut down Iran’s air defense system. Which would just replace lost equipment from storage or import.

The only option that Israel on its own really has against Iran is the nuclear option. If it wants to avoid a highly destructive conventional conflict.

And starting a war with Iran followed by a nuclear first strike would be diplomatic suicide for the Jew pedophile mass rape cultists.


Correct. However, Israel has no aircraft with legs long enough to reach iran and return. They supposedly have an airfield in Azerbaijan that they could use IF Russia or Iran didn’t destroy it before it could be used for refueling. Israel has no real air-to-air refueling capability and if the US provided tankers that would commit the US to IsraHELL’s fate.

Israel’s use of nuclear weapons would, absolutely, be suicide. It’s probable that the US would turn its back on the ZioNazis.



Israeli Air Force https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_Air_Force


Hmm, those weren’t there a few years ago. Even so, Iran has about the same surface to surface capability as the Jew states and only a bit of ground to cover with those missiles. Israel has to find targets in the vastness of Iran.

Without nukes and/or US interference, Israel would be toast. Of course, without those, Israel would have been finished long, long ago. They are the most despised cult/country on Earth.


The syrians should just launch those old-ass S-75 towards Israel everyt ime they get attacked, even if they don’t hit anything. Just launch them, they are getting more and more useless anyway. Make the israelis sweat a little, spend some expensive Iron Dome missiles to intercept, launch strikes on S-75 radars etc.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x