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MARCH 2025

Recent Israeli Attack On Syria Targeted ‘Game Changing’ Iranian Air-Defense Systems – Report

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Recent Israeli Attack On Syria Targeted ‘Game Changing' Iranian Air-Defense Systems – Report

Illustrative image.

The July 2 Israeli airstrikes on Syria targeted an attempt by Iran to deploy “game changing” air-defense systems in the war-torn country, Israel’s Channel 12 reported on July 3.

According to the news channel, the location of the airstrikes, which targeted the Syrian town of al-Hamidiyah near the port city of Tartus, “implies that it [targeted] a weapon transported by sea, possibly using Iranian ships that docked at the port last week”.

Channel 12 added that the airstrikes came amid “a new move by the Iranians in Syria to bring in air defense system to protect their military interests”. The network provided no source.

Syria said that the airstrike destroyed small poultry farms in the outskirts of the town of the al-Hamidiyah, which was confirmed later via geolocation. The airstrikes wounded two civilians who lived next to the farms. Footage from the scene of the airstrike showed no remains of military equipment.

Channel 12 assumption was likely built on the basis of a recent report by al-Arabiya TV, which said that Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is building its own air-defense network in Syria as a part of a joint project with the Syrian Arab Army. According to the said report, some Iranian air-defense systems has been already deployed in Syria.

It’s worth noting that London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that Lebanon’s Hezbollah used to store weapons at the targeted poultry farms before smuggling them into Lebanon.

The recent reports of Channel 12 and the SOHR are clearly meant to justify the Israeli airstrikes on al-Hamidiyah, which may have been just a message from Tel Aviv to Damascus.


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United nation led by all drug addicted gangs.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Anglia

Yes, jewish drug addict pedophiles.

Jens Holm.

Hard time for You having family like that. Thats what abortions are for.

The Crunge

I guess they didn’t change the game too much.


The air defence wasn’t activated I believe because they did this strike a day after Iran said they’ll bring more air defence

Jens Holm.

Its routine for decades only. It only partly solve the overpoplation there.

I kind of love it. When they kill each other they dont come here. We have out own problems too. So thank you for making Yiurself as targets amd thank to israrel for hitting them well.

None of them ever will be blamed from here.


Mister Jens holms said Chlomo the Mossad is happy when arabs are killed. He think, he is a good man but he his only à criminal . Not à human being

Jens Holm.

That seemes to be correct.


But you, you are a pervers narcissique clown. You Hope the death of arabs. Why? Are you a human?


Oh, I thought the targeted the chickens cos they weren’t kosher…….


No, it was a case of friendly fire

Bigg Chungus

Jews should just sit back and enjoy pork sausage with cheese, instead of causing problems for the world with their Talmudic neurosis.

Jens Holm.

And then we of course is back in Muhammed and 8 year old girls.


And Danes and 5 year old girls

Jens Holm.

Halal chickens are kosher if they are dead

Elohim Kosher Bar

Jews and chickens have a long history together. Its called “Kapparot”, a satanic ritual of sins transfer.

Scroll down to the yellow section for the video.


Elohim Kosher Bar

Hitler saved animals from barbaric kosher slaughter.

Caution around anyone sensitive.


Jens Holm.

No he didnt. In germany and the whole west is was a normal procedure to use the blod for food. It has many nutricians.

By that bleeding the pigs and cows was a very normal procedurre for most of us but not all. You get the blod much better if the animal pump out the blood itself.

Many did exact what most mulims still prefare and jews too. In Islam its named as Halal slaughtering.

John Brown

Jews and ther lord Satan use Goyim blood for food.

Nothing beats the voluntary confession

The Bloody Satanic Sacrifice Rituals of the Jewish Race: Blood Passover, English Version by Bryrick, Ariel Toaff Israeli historian and Son of the chief Rabbi of rome.

This is not something he worked on in secret. If it had been published in Israel, in Hebrew, no one would have cared. There are large bodies of literature in Hebrew that Jews do not wish Gentiles to know about.

Come in out of the darkness, and strike a blow for the light. READ AND PASS ON. A MUST READ… The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murder

Christine Moore

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Last edited 2 years ago by Christine Moore
Jens Holm.

Its very visible Syria has no need of the many roosters. At least the hens lay eggs. Women should take ove Syria. men has shown their very limited and narrominded capabilities well.

Give women the weapons and let them kill anyone they wish.


Keep those rockets moving around Iran. Including the decoys. And then go slowly into the direction of Israel.. Remember, they are always relying on reconnaissance..


Israel have been funking you since it’s formation, which achievements are you bragging about?


Losing the whole of Sinaï ? Control of the Suez canal ? Southern Lebanon ? The Gaza strip itself ?

S Balu

Robert You mean USA AS zionist entity is AN EXTENSION OF US IMPERIAL AGENDA

Jens Holm.

…None are as clever as you..They of course are sitting ducks too and listen to arap music.


How is Iran so ineffective? Israel is so small geographically. None of their critical infrastructure is ever hit. Unfortunately for Israel’s enemies, Israel is very good at defending itself, and at underhanded and effective ways of attacking it’s enemies. None of the middle eastern countries stand a chance without Russia. When/If Russia decides that neutrality with Israel no longer serves it, Israel will be squashed. Until that day, Israel will continue to embarrass Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and anyone else who stands against them. It sucks, but it’s true.

Jens Holm.

Russia has no friends there apart from their Assads oblast. Is Fata Morgana family of yours. It must be.


Hamas closed down ben Gurion in 2014 and again in 2021 May war. israel critical infra never hit because US threatens Arabs when they get too close. Israelis cannot take casualties but this time the US will not be backing ZioPigs

S Balu



Not true of Iran,purely militarily speaking. In that regard mltiple public open letters have been penned by former Israeli intelligence members to the Knesset to warn about the extreme dangers of engaging in open confrontations with Iran. The latter’s ballistic and cruise arsenal have grown expontially both in numbers and much more importantly :pecision . IRGC’s weapons have demonstrated in wartime (Al-Asad airbase strike) that they enjoy metric precision and can fevastate Israeli infrastrucutre and its very concencrated assets considering its very small strategic delth as ou mentuonned.Eesalination plants, elecric and nuclear plants (namely Dimona), refineries,bridges,institutions, airbases, you name it.

Uzi Rubin ,father of Israel’s ABM program said time and again in various interviews that Iran can and will overwhelm Israel’s Arrow if it decides on a determined strikes with volleys of diverse missile types + decoys.

This is why despite a lot of regular saber rztlig from its press and leaders, Israel never actually walks the talk of actually trying to bomb Iranian nuclear sites directly. Iran is the one country that Israel considers an existencial threat that it has never dared attack once so far. They stop at covert and deniable assassination and linor sabotage,but never cross that line.


chickens attacking chickens

Mohale Thoka

The headline is misleading.


All the air defence in the world can not stop izrael cause they know how to brite the right person.

Jens Holm.

That might right too. A number one in warfare is to know Your enemy well.


That is why they are looking for Iranian air defences? Their F35 was downed by S200 in 2018 – Puleez you filthy Zio Anus – Israel lost a major war it prepared years for to a 2000 man militia. Its ground forces are Pu$$ies. 16 year old volunteers from South Lebanon can make them shit in their pants

Peppe il Sicario

If it weren’t for all those Ukranian and Russian immigrants in the IDF, who aren’t even minimally Jewish, the Swiss Guard could over-run Israel in a few hours.


Sohr is just a mossad financed Syrian wh ore who is sodomized by gay jhous in a squalid apartment in London.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dicksonrp
Jens Holm.

Its well descriebed by internet. Its very reliable compared to very much from that region. The coordinater and leader is a Syrian which was jailed by assad several times.

Many has donated to his site and the GB as well once with a lot of money.

You can rely of most of it. Its always a good eidea to try to verify any information here. By thats you also will see its an amost 100% relyable source.

Trusted persons send in mails and pictures. They mainly are Syrians.


Times Up ZioTrash. Leave Palestine or prepare to be buried in the Med.

Peppe il Sicario

Welcome people to the month of Judaic mendacity: Jewlie! Yes, this is the month when the money worshipping satanic filth spread their evil lies more than ever. Were you any of you aware that the Julian calender had a month dedicated to Hebrew lies????


“Israeli airstrikes on al-Hamidiyah, which may have been just a message from Tel Aviv to Damascus” .. or maybe it’s exactly what it looks like, an embarrassing Israeli intelligence failure.

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