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Recent Israeli Strike On Aleppo Was Delivered From US-occupied Zone Of Al-Tanf: Reports

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Recent Israeli Strike On Aleppo Was Delivered From US-occupied Zone Of Al-Tanf: Reports

Israeli Air Force F-35 flies during an aerial demonstration at a graduation ceremony for Israeli air force pilots at the Hatzerim air base in southern Israel Dec 26, 2018. REUTERS/Amir Cohen

On September 11, Syrian state media reported that Israeli warplanes launched several missiles at the outskirt of the city center of the Syrian city of Aleppo. Several Israeli missiles were intercepted while others hit their targets.

Sources loyal to Idlib terrorist groups claimed the strike hit the al-Safirah defense factories, 21 km to the south of Aleppo city. The complex, where Syria stored some of its chemical weapons before the 2013 deal, is now developing and producing conventional ammunition for the Syrian Army.

Often Israeli warplanes use airspace of Lebanon of the occupied Golan Heights to conduct strikes on Syria. However, recently, reports appeared that the Israeli Air Force was also using Syrian airspace over the US-occupied zone of al-Tanf to conduct strikes. The September 11 airstrike reportedly became such an example.

Recent Israeli Strike On Aleppo Was Delivered From US-occupied Zone Of Al-Tanf: Reports

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So what? Al-Tanf has U.S forces and we protect them too, so we can bomb from that area hostile targets anytime we want. Maybe Syrian Arabs need to think again if it’s worth dying for Iran and their proxies, Israel is not going anywhere so they need to cooperate with us (and maybe one day we can discuss the Golan) or keep this war going forever. We’ve always said we only want Iran and Hezbollah (which also don’t have any right to be in a foreign land) to go home, they have no business there except for building more bases and gaining weapons to attack us in the future. How has that been working out for them so far? not good in my opinion. They can decide to stay though, but the airstrikes will keep coming.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The Syrian people will always think it’s worth it to fight for their own land you twat.

It’s the cowardly Yanks who keep developing headaches who do not want to fight, they pray their terror tactics will put off the Syrians.

I don’t see no IDF protecting their dumb goy troops neither, so your lot are just as cowardly.

Free man

The mullahs regime wants to protect Arab countries from Israel. It is only ironic that Arab countries make peace with Israel, so that Israel will protect them from the mullahs regime.


The UAE and Bahrain already signed a peace deal with us, if more Sunni countries do the same we might have a new ME. For a start, we need to give the Palis a state, but both leaderships are cowards to end this conflict. We’ve been stuck in this loophole for too long we forgot we can have another way, a better way. Bibi at al and Abbas el al need to disappear, two old corrupted leaders that don’t care for their own people.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

If only those two states had a sizeable population, of their own.

Dopey agreements with states with populations that would fit 20 times into Gaza.

Just like the SS interviews with Jews in the camps who said everything is fine, same tactics from the same scum.

Potato Man

“so that Israel will protect them from the mullahs regime.” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA Did you really said that LMFAO hahahahahahah Ohhh no that’s right Israel is very well know for protecting Arabs LMFAO Motherfuker do you even think?

Free man

“Motherfuker……..” – I understand that this is common by you guys, but you have to understand that it is not a normal act by other people.

Potato Man

Sarcastic: (adjective) – marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt.

LMFAO why do I believe it took you some time to come up with that LMFAO. Don’t worry kiddo I used to play LOL and BF3-4 LMFAO That was you come back tho? A kid (12 years) in BF4 did better job than you BTW LMFAO

” I understand that this is common by you guys, but you have to understand that it is not a normal act by other people.” Ohhhh no you got me, what should I do now…. LMFAO You get C+

Potato Man

Ohhhh wait you are Free Ape, I didn’t read your name, yeah fuk you bitch pieces of shit. I thought I was talking to Jens Holm, fuk off you.


Muller muller… Are you really not tired repeating same stuff over and over again?

Free man

These are different variations of the truth. Did you get tired of hearing the truth?


I see every night you sleep, you reboot and tomorrow you repeat Bibi’s propaganda again. The guy doped you into thinking these attacks are the only thing that protects you. There’s no danger against you or your family from Syria or Iran, unless you create it.

Oy! Snap out of it!


Good afternoon Garga :) The thing is it’s not Bibi, I’m smarter than that to fall deep into his lies. But tell me honestly, what do you do in Syria? it’s not about ISIS and we know it. Why are you closer to our border then (of the Golan if you want to call it like that)? why do you build bases in southern Syria? storing rockets till we bomb it?


Good morning sunshine! Ooooh! You are smart, are you? You don’t get fooled by Bibi, do you? Unless all the times that you fall for his propaganda, you are so smart! I’m so proud of you that don’t fall “deep” and only superficially fall for his lies.

What do you think we do in Syria? Day and night plot to get you? How do we know it’s not about ISIS? Who do you think finished ISIS? Now it’s AQ and other terrorists, that your regime support against the people of Syria.

We are mainly focused in two points: Qaim and Aleppo. The protection of Aleppo from the Idlib terrorists is mainly under Iranian advisors. Don’t tell me al-Qaim and Aleppo are right next door to your house!

And finally, why are we building bases in Syria? If one day we started to build one it would be none of your business! Why did you give bases to US so close to Syrian border?


I might fall for lies but not that easily my friend. You say the U.S has no right to be in Iraq for example, and remove all of their bases. Then why is it okay for you to build bases in Syria so you can transfer your rockets underground and to give it to Hezbollah in Lebanon? ofcourse we would be pissed of about it. Your “advisors” are high ranked IRGC officers that continue Soleimani’s way in the region to hurt us. Last time we hit position at the Kiswa airport near Damascus, and some Iranian militias members were killed. What were they doing there? making popcorn? we all know.


Oh my god you are so cute when you think you understand it all. You just repeat what Bibi and his cronies tell you through TV and media.

I try my best to explain as simply as I can:

US base in Iraq – Iraq doesn’t want it = Bad, get out!

US base in UK – UK wants it = good for them both, None of my business US base in Syria – Syria doesn’t want it = Bad, get the F out!

US base in Israel – Israel begged for it = None of my business Russian base in Syria – Syria is willing = none of my business Iranian base in Syria – Syria wants it = Good, none of your business!

Simple as that. Remember, if you don’t attack Lebanon, you have no reason to be scared even if they possess millions of precision missiles. With these unprovoked attacks, your regime is putting you and your family in danger, they are not saving you, they try to force Syria to retaliate to send the likes of you to become minced meat in the war which they hope it saves their skin.

PS. I finished rolling on the floor, I’ll edit my reply under Bahrain article in a minute or two. Read it to receive your answer.


Fair enough Garga, how about both Bibi and the Iranian militias leave our border? would be the best thing for all Israelis! hell, they can even take him back with them to Iran.


You’re smart, aren’t you? And to think I wanted to post you Rohani….

OK. You define your borders, I promise I’ll move whatever you want away from it. I’m being more than generous here. Maybe I took Bibi too for my cats to play with.


Okay let’s see…I thought about being greedy but I’ll just stay with what I have. In the north – The border with Lebanon as it is, the Sheeba farms might be discussed in any peace deal as a good will to give it back. The border with Syria is the 1974 ceasefire line agreement, that might change due to any future peace deal but that IS the current border which needs to be respected by both sides as it has been. In the east, our border with the West Bank according to Trump’s plan, meaning 30% ours 70% theirs (but I support giving them 85%-90%, again just don’t say I’m greedy). In the south the Gaza strip is our border, with Egypt it remains unchanged.


Erm… excuse me, but you can’t use other countries’ borders as your own and draw lines in the air.

You need to define your borders in your constitution, like every single other country.

Now can you see the problem?


We don’t have a constitution, we hardly have any laws that can keep the corruption away. Let us solve it first, then I’ll get back to you with with a better option :)


Good luck solving that.

If you ever needed Iranian troops to protect you, just whistle!



rightiswrong rightiswrong



Again that broken record… they were there at the official and legal invitation of the Syrian government along with Russia in response to Western,Gulf and Israeli-sponsored and supported Islamist paramilitary groups overruning 60% of the city of Aleppo raising Al-Qaeda flags over every neighborhood ,while also encircling and harassing Damascus from its outskirts killing thousands upon thousands of ordinary innnocent children,women and men with daily indiscriminate rocket fire, at the peak of their advances.

That’s called a sovereign alliance that foreign powers have no say on,and such pinprick attacks will never succeed in ending. The same kind of treaties you guys hastily sealed with the US in 73 and that helped you overcome the dire situation you thrn found yourselves in , when Egyptian and Syrian forces both suceeded in securing key parts of their lands back form your 67 attack.

Al-Tanf is Syrian lands, period.The US came in guns blazing and used the exhausted SAA mobilized to its limits on more pressing fronts elsdwhere in the country to move in and settle as opportunistic occupiers. Meanwhile, Hezbollah has just announced that 2500 of its fighters were relocated in Lebanon itself after judging that their Syrian mission is over, and the homefront needs them more.

Now if you don”t like them or Iran leaving residual forces in Syria, you should have first refrained from sheltering Salafist militant groups and their local commanders on the whole of the occupied Golan and the Quneitra for several years straight.

Besides,we all know full well that no Israeli leader will ever discuss the Golan again with any Syrian leader in the future. Those times are gone and mainstream Israeli parties of all tendancies have adopted or accepted a maximalist Zionist expansion policy for a couple decades already ,this is a secret to none, their actions both inside and outside the Occupied Territories speak for themelves everywhere in that. Rabin was killed for a reason. And the context that led to his tragic assassination has only grown in scope ever since he passed.


I would like you to make a difference between the Israeli public and the politicians, we voted for one thing and got the other. That is not a democracy, my voice was robbed by Bibi and his dirty political games. I don’t care about Iran as long as they don’t try to hurt us, same as Hezbollah. Why do you think we bomb them? because the intel says they are storing rockets / AD systems at that point to be used against us. I don’t like the salafists too, same as I don’t like Hamas or PIJ. I hate all radicals, Sunni or Shia and the IRGC in Syria is a radical Shia for me, they need to go back home along with Russia and the U.S forces. Accept?


I make that difference, and trust me the same is true of France where I live, politicians nowadays always have the last word on who gets what (often them getting everything and us getting nothing, of course). What I’m pointing at is that the decision-makers will invariably adopt the same kind of core policies, no matter if they Likud or Hosen L’Yisrael, unfortunately. Pretty much identically to the Deep State and Pentagon making sure that no US President ever, would he/she be Democrat or Republican, would ever wield enough executive power to temper their militaristic agenda in any meaningful way whatsoever.

I absolutely am in favor of *ALL* foreign forces packing up and going away from Syria once and for all, of course, I oppose foreign interference of any sort even when it emanates from a so-called “helping-hand”, since hidden national agendas always end up supplanting initial goal, no matter how noble, we even saw it with American after they liberated their respective parts of Europe and put an economic and thus political and cultural stranglehold on the relevant western European powers for decades all the way up to today.

But I make a difference between those who contributed (and still actively contribute) to the madness that destroyed Syria from within, and those that came to help put the fire out to this day. That’s all I’m saying.

AS for Hezbollah having the necessary military deterrent against future Israeli incursion, you know my position.


Yup gryzor, and I respect your views and opinions. If you ask me, the best thing for Bibi now is a war in the north against Hezbollah / SAA / Iran to help him deflect his upcoming trial (3 times a week in court, starting January 2021). If Trump wins, Bibi can breathe and relax. But if Biden wins, then the rope around his neck will get tighter. We need to wait and see, if can affect the entire ME.


Biden would be the worst thing happening to the USA.He might even perform worse than Obama!Every American ally will suffer if Biden wins.China and Russia would be the winner in that case and the world would be ruled like a dictatorship.


I agree Paul, let’s wait and see how it turns out. I like Trump too, but I don’t like the support he gives to Bibi.


We don’t need more warmongering in the ME, and for that to stop happening, we need the likes of Trump and Bibi to be thrown out of the picture, I mean it with all my heart, I ask you to trust me on this, there is no anti-jewish hate lurking in the back of my head. I want to be able to tour the ME one day, which is impossible right now for obvious reasons. When peace prevails, I’ll book many tickets.

PS : I would LOVE to see the “3 times per week in courts” thing :D a lot of corrupt and weak people in the PA and Hamas need to have a taste of this, too, when Palestine finally becomes a state of its own. A lot of scores will have to be settled when the struggle becomes 100% between Palis. Palestinians were always secular and nationalistic at heart must and will get back to this mindset.


Yup, I hope so too! https://www.timesofisrael.com/witnesses-to-start-testifying-in-netanyahu-trial-in-january-3-times-a-week/

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Excellent retort.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Syria should saturate that area with artillery, missiles and then ground troops, but of course the “brave” Americans have kept human shields around them.

Cowardly butchers those people.

Free man

Syria should do this Syria should do that. Why don’t you call Assad and explain to him what he should do?


Well someone needs to explain it,whats your alternative allow US terrorists so use that base to attack the SAA? that mens it would never end.

Free man

Assad does the best he can. The Americans will eventually leave.

Fog of War

Sure they will. Ask Germany, Japan, and Iraq about that.

Free man

Germany and Japan want them to stay. To some extent also Iraq. But I believe the American forces will eventually leave Syria and Iraq.

Fog of War

The quizling , sell out, chicken shit governmets want them to stay not the people. Just like in Iraq and especially Iraq. If you think the average Iraqi wants the ZioAmericans there you’re delusional.

Free man

I don’t pretend to know what Iraqi citizens think. The various sects (Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds) don’t necessarily have similar views. I think the US should not have invaded Iraq in the first place. And it should leave as soon as the Iraqi government (controlled by Shiite parties) asks.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Why don’t you go get a weapon and fight Syrian troops face to face, you cowardly POS?

Rather than using the tactics of human shields like the SS taught to you scum.

Rhodium 10

Only one missile hit a part of the research center and the damage was no significant!…last attack vs T-4 airbase IAF launched 6 cruise missile and one hit a border of the runway and another one hit ground and caused no damage.

The Objective

More than 10 people have died this month from Israel’s air assaults on Syria. Tons of equipment damage. Some strikes will be more successful than others. Because this one doesn’t cause enough damage doesn’t make it less serious.

Rhodium 10

Proof?..I only saw a satellite photo of the T-4 base without damage and other photo with clouds of a suppose warehouse destroyed but not a clearly image!..Syria have thousands of warehouse many of them destroyed as consecuence of civil war…10 people died?…no official sources claimed it.

The Objective

You are asking for video proof? That’s a laugh. what proof do you need when SANA has reported many deaths over the past few years due to Israeli airstrikes? I was not referring to a single incident. But I am recalling the collective damage Israeli bombings have inflicted on Iran and the resistance axis. All at the cost of how may Israeli soldiers?

Rhodium 10

Israel soldiers have fled from the lebanon border to avoid Hezbollah response…SAA are in war vs terrorist dont need to open a new front..thats why Israel attacks them!..tell me why Israel dont attack Iran territory?..why Israel dont attack Syrian air bases? just only T-4…because his cruise missile delilah are inefective vs Bunkers and needed to fly over there and to drop antibunker bombs and can be shot down!…israel also have attack many times Al Kiswah heavy bunkers and you can see in google earth all bunkers intact and without damage! thats because delilah and popèye are infective vs bunkers where Irani weapons are hide!

The Objective

There are certain targets in Syria that Israel will not approach due to the understanding it has with Russia, not because they fear being shot down by Iran or Syria. The most advance AA systems in Syria are manned by Russians or at least under Russian control.

You ask why Israel does not attack Iran directly? Well, I have a detailed answer for you. Something many Iranians don’t even know except for their leaders.

The reason Israel does not attack Iran directly is because the U.S. tells Israel to hold on. Do you know why the U.S. tells Israel to hold on? Because doing so will start a war with Iran. The problem is that America needs domestic support in the U.S to attack Iran. Because war with Iran will be the costliest in America’s history in both blood and treasure. But the U.S will finally subdue Iran should war breakout. This does not mean the American government doesn’t want a war with Iran. In fact, that is exactly what Trump is looking for. But Trump cannot just start a war with Iran without a good reason. The American public will demonstrate and force Trump to end the war prematurely like what happened during vietnamization.

Trump wants Iran to give him a reason to start this war. The killing of Soleimani was one such effort. The intended to goad Iran into killing Americans so that the American public becomes angry at Iran and support a war. But Iran wisely dodged. Iran understood that killing an American openly and accepting responsibility will anger the American public and make them rally behind Trump. That was why Iran informed the U.S about the coming missile strike, giving them time and location in advance, so that no U.S soldier gets killed.

One of your colleague on this forum called gryzzor once claimed that the U.S is afraid of attacking Iran directly, saying America only dances around and never dares to attack. The simple answer to both your questions is that Iran takes care not to give America a reason to attack.

If Iran is really convinced that it is their power that deters an American attack, then let Iran assassinate a U.S. general anywhere in the world and let the Iranian government officially take responsibility for such an attack. Just one general. That’ll be enough to rally the U.S public for a war. Iran with all its bluster wouldn’t dare take such a step. They will only act through proxies or covertly to deny responsibility so that the U.S public doesn’t support any severe actions against Iran.

Rhodium 10

Iran are just waiting that USA attack them to retaliate knowing that will have the support of Russia and China through the new Ho chi Ming route which is the Caspian sea!…of course USA killed Soleimani…but Iran destroyed 2 US bases ( especially Erbil whre satellite didnt post photos to avoid show an entire building and some aircraft destroyed..)..Iran also shot down a US drone Global hawk( Navy version)…and capture many petrol vessel include one British flag, sent 5 Irani ships with gasoline to Venezuela…and USA didnt move any finger to stop them!…wait octuber when Iran will buy modern Russia and China weapons…and if USA is eager to attack them..

The Objective

Look, you seem not to understand my point. America does not attack Iran because Iran hasn’t given America a good reason to do that. Destroying two American bases, a drone, and sending oil shipments to Venezuela aren’t enough reason to start a major war. Iran does these things to look less humiliated cos Iran knows such measured actions won’t lead to a war with the U.S. What Iran can do to actually lead to a war is kill a U.S general of similar status as Soleimani and officially take credit for the attack like the U.S. did with Soleimani. Then my friend, you can be sure of an overwhelming U.S aerial bombardment of Iran even with Biden in office.

Rhodium 10

I dont think so!..Iran have been doing many thing and USA didnt attacks them!..I remember the capture of US marines and what USA did? after Iran attacks vs US bases Emir of Qatar went to Teheran and offer money to avoid an attacks vs US airbase….by the way USA has the stigma of the failed hostage rescue operation!

Fog of War

Quit with the ” insignificant damage ” excuses. This attack was launched from Syrian airspace, therefore , Syria had a full right, and obligation , to shoot them down.

Rhodium 10

S-300 have 200km range…the Delilah cruise missile 270km…so they can launched out of the range!..when IAF fire from Golan and lebanon they flight low and cover by lebanon mountains…Israel dont flight high and thats why dont launch supersonic air to ground missile..just cruise missile..other wise can be shot down by SA5 or S-300..as we have seen with one F-16 was shot down..one F-16 damage an one F-15 damage ( accord saudi Al Arabiya)…


The right … but NOT the ability … eh?

Rhodium 10

I read in Al Manar in spanish accord Hezbollah sources on ground that only 0ne missile hit inside the research centre and damage was no significant.


So powerful and feel unstoppable

johnny rotten

Terrorism at the best of its collaborations, americunt together with israhell and the various delegates on the ground, from al qaeda to isis and kurdi, scum that does not hesitate to kill civilians to satisfy the monstrous appetite for human blood.

Lone Ranger

Isis air force…

Tommy Jensen

If Israel is doing it again, Assad will get the S-300.


I’m surprised Russia doesn’t come out publicly to warn Israel.

Rhodium 10

That airstrike are insignificant..most of the missile used to intercepted…Israel surely provide Russia of intel of terrorist movements in Idlib like they did with USA and his ninjadrone attacks..they have agents infiltrated in Islamist and Turkish troops.

The Objective

Yours is a pipe dream. Russia isn’t stopping or condemning Israel because Russia is in Syria to help Assad not fight Iran’s wars.


Exactly Objective. I also wanted to ask you, how do you see the peace deals between Israel and the UAE / Bahrain? I persoanlly hope it can help solving the conflict with the Palestinians, we need to give them a state as soon as possible and move forward with creating a new Israeli-Sunni alliance. Israelis and Arabs need to co-exist in the region peacefully, what’s your opinion?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

There’s more people in the worlds largest prison, Gaza, than in all those Gulf states put together ffs. Those “states” were set up by Britain, to give them bases from where they can direct all the ills of the region.

You don’t listen to the Palestinians, the worst affected by Israeli apartheid policies, but you add importance to the machinations of medieval, feudal monarchies?

Free man

“move forward with creating a new Israeli-Sunni alliance” – Israel already has great relations with Shiite Azerbaijan. The Mullahs regime is your enemy not the Shiites. The Mullahs regime gave an extreme and distorted interpretation to Shiite Islam. In the past, Jews had a comfortable and safe life in Iran / Persia.


I know Free Man, but I mean in the ME, as Azerbaijan is closer to the Caucasus. I have no problem with Azerbaijan at all and I even support them against Armenia. When I talk about Shias in the ME, it’s about Hezbollah, PMU and the Houthis. All Arabs, yet they are representing Iran more than their own people.

Free man

It’s easy to generalize. But most Arab Shiites are not Hezbollah, PMU and the Houthis. Most Arab Shiites are ordinary people who want to live their lives in peace. Like most Iranian Shiites. Your enemies are the mullahs regime and their jihadist militias.


Thanks for correcting me, I apologize. I’ll refer only to the mullahs or Hezbollah, without saying Shias.

alejandro casalegno

FagZion………………Israel will give surrounded Bantustans, the Gulf will give billons of dollars, to pay the “New Palestine”, the only problem…….Palestine is not for sell!!!! One Gulf state offer 15.000 Billons to Hamas for surrender to Israel…..Hamas response was one word….NO!!!!

The Objective

It’ll be great for Israel and Sunnis to coexist provided no one harms the other. In Islam, peace is always better than war no matter how fragile. If the recent peace agreements will give the UAE and Bahrain more opportunity to influence Israel’s actions regarding Palestine such that there is an end to oppression, then it’s a good thing and everyone should support it. But if this is just some political move by Trump to win elections and bolster Netanyahu’s popularity at home, then it’s a bad move by both U.A.E and Bahrain cos it’ll lead to no good while further isolating these two countries from the broader Muslim body. It’s not a sin to make peace with the Jews. But I doubt Israel will stop oppressing Palestine.


Israel right now is just one man – Netanyahu. He decides everything, he controls much of the power atleast till his trial starts in January. So if you talk about Israelis, then we are ready to make a lasting peace with the Palestinians and to end it. However, while this man in power nothing good can come out of it, he rejects a Palestinian state hence that is why he is helping Hamas. We need to get rid of him just like they need to get rid of Abbas, 2 old leaders that live in the past. We can and should have a better future for all sides. Inshallah.

Rhodium 10

Russia provide Iran with weapons..also Iran military assets are hide in Latakia base…Israeli airstrike are insignificant and not cause damage in the military structure and air bases…just hit agriculture warehouses

Fog of War

” Russia provide Iran with weapons. ”

How many jets and tanks did that include ?

Rhodium 10

Russia sent EWS system which hacked the RQ-170 sentinel also another system was used during missile attack vs US airbases providing glonass positioning….in octuber when UN embargos will be lifted…Russia will sell sofisticate weapons to Iran…


Provide has never been a good synonym for sell. The S-300 is not a jet or a tank.

The Objective

Some Iranian weapons may be hiding in Latakia, which Russia wants for the fight against ISIS and others. I said before that Russia will protect Iranian forces and equipment that are solely directed at fighting the opposition in Syria. What Russia will not protect is any proxy forces or weapons aimed at Israel from Syria. Russia selling weapons to Iran doesn’t mean anything. It’s pure business. Russia is eager to sell Turkey arms despite disagreeing with Ankara on multiple issues. Selling arms amount to little in terms of alliances. These strikes are causing significant damage. Dozens of Iranian forces have been killed in the past few years. Troop morale is low as they realize their leaders appear confused regarding how to respond to Israel’s bombings. If the bombings caused minimal damage, why does Iran say it wants to deploy AA systems in Syria even when it knows Russia wouldn’t welcome that? Any angle you look at this, Iran is currently getting its ass handed to it. No amount of twisted excuse can cover that shame. The lives of Iran’s forces and militias have become so cheap that any news of their killing no longer makes headline.

Rhodium 10

Israel only have killed 7 IRGC along these years..and Iran retaliated launching 55 rockets vs IDF Golan heights assets…since then Israel only attacks warehouse many of them just agriculture warehouse instead of airstrike direct to IRGC troops..

Muslim Lion


Tommy Jensen

Did anybody know ISIS is managed and coordinated from the private investment firm KKR in US with employee Fogh Rasmussen, former Nato General? ISIS is a profit model.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

As I’ve pointed out before there is no airfield at Al Tanf, just helicopter pads, and Israeli jets can’t use helicopter pads.

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