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MARCH 2025

Recent Israeli Strikes Targeted Research Center In Syria’s Masyaf, Killing 6 – SOHR

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According to the reports by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), the recent Israeli strikes on Masyaf countryside in the western Hama governorate caused human loses and significant material damage. The missiles, which were fired from Lebanese airspace, allegedly hit positions held by Iran-backed militias in the Masyaf district of Hama province.

“Israeli missiles coming from over Lebanese territory have destroyed warehouses and manufacturing centers for short and medium-range missiles belonging to Iranian militias in the scientific research area, the “Defense Factories”, within the area of Al-Zawiya in Masyaf countryside.” – SOHR report reads.

The strikes allegedly targeted a government-run research center, where surface-to-surface missiles are developed and stored. Iranian experts are believed to work there. Among the other targets was the al-Talae’ training camp in Sheikh Ghadban area in the same Masyaf countryside.

Citing “reliable sources”, SOHR indicated that the strikes had claimed lives of six people who were not Syrians and injured others. However, SOHR claims are yet to be verified. The London-based observatory is known to falsify the information concerning the Iranian-backed militants in Syria.

The Syrian Ministry of Defense issued a statement saying that Syrian air defenses “confronted the enemy missiles and intercepted most of them”, without reporting any casualties.

“Our air defenses intercepted an Israeli attack on the Masyaf area,” SANA news agency stated.

There was also a video spread by Syrian State TV reportedly showing Syrian air defense system preventing Israeli attack.

The Israel Defense Forces did not comment on the recent strikes, maintaining a policy of ambiguity regarding its activities in Syria, as usual.

The Masyaf area has reportedly been targeted by Israel many times. The last attack was carried out on June 4, when a series of Israeli airstrikes targeted a sensitive military research facility. The previous time, the airstrikes were also launched from Lebanon’s airspace.


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Servet Köseoğlu

İsrael and the other countries in middle-east..xD https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/952490ea4c8e3dc1f97237c0104feb0af7e97547fcd4dcedc17a9871bec72fc6.gif


Whose laughing at whom … xD?

Rhodium 10

yes I am laughing..because I have destroyed the same warehouse before Israel did it… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e0ef9ac65c0f6ff409a0c1f7f4dc35ac971e503df5b9c296e0003afb2b1a6023.jpg


Using Israeli satellite pics … lol


Rhodium 10

That is one of the warehouse” destroyed” by IAF last night…but I also launched my cruise missile vs the same targets before Israel did it…




yes, you are…. pathetic and stupid… not to mention boring.


Got under your muslim skin … eh?



Wrong as usual… you got under @Servet Köseoğlu muslim skin – or in his butt; IronZion (Arab traitor from Iraq) and T.E.D.S. (another turkish troll, even more retarded) are already there so you all can throw a party – virtual Tel Aviv Pride 2020. ?

Servet Köseoğlu

Da fuq?You’re flat out wrong, ı am not muslim and tzatz is not my buddy…

Vox Populi

You seem to have a Turkish woman’s name for a Zionist pimp though, what gives? inferiority or gender confusion. Servet is an Arab woman’s name.

Servet Köseoğlu

No secret ı like jews from childhood in İstanbul and hate Assad..Thats all..inferiority? Strange ı love iranians as well what about that? ………edited……………….. lol.. Servet is not Turkish womans(mans are also using) name….lol besides my Name is Hakan(Servet is my cousins name)..

Vox Populi

I not a fan of either Iranians or Turks, least of all Arabs, but the Jews are the worst of the lot and have destroyed western civilization. Now they have infested the Arabs and the region and will eventually destroy the world. Jews historically are a cancer for all civilizations.


And you’re a goy … slavic slug

Ashok Varma

Servet in India also a woman’s name, the Indian woman who married the Crown Prince Hassan of Jordan is named Servet and a famous female Australian soccer player.

Girl name Servet meaning,etymology, history of Arabic female names.


According to the Turkish government 99 percent of the population is muslim.

Vox Populi

He is a hasbara troll masquerading as a Turkish woman. Turkey is more Muslim than most Arab states. I had an Algerian girlfriend named Servet.

Servet Köseoğlu

Sorry no islam here..ı am agnostic atheist..

Vox Populi

There is no such thing. It is a contradiction. Either you believe in some sort of spiritual “God” or not. Can’t deny existence of an unknown quantity. It is a logical and mathematical absurdity.

Servet Köseoğlu

You have given me your anecdotal experience of being a dumbass…..lol…Lack of belief isn’t the same as disbelief..

If you had a jar of marbles you’ve never counted, you know the number is either even or odd. If you aren’t convinced the number is even, does that mean you believe the number is odd? If you’re irrational then yes, you’ll believe the number is odd. If you’re rational, you’ll just say you don’t know because it’s the only answer you’d be justified in giving.

There is a god or there isn’t. If you aren’t convinced that one exists, does that mean you believe no gods exist? If you’re irrational, then yes. If you’re rational, you don’t know.

The latter is an agnostic atheist and it is my position, “lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.”

That’s my honest claim in atheism. I don’t know if there is a god but I haven’t been convinced so I don’t believe one exists

Vox Populi

No need to get you knickers in a knot little girl, just exposed the juvenile absurdity of your claims. No need to cry any more. Have a good Christmas ho, ho ho.

Servet Köseoğlu

Nooooo, worthless isn’t the right word for you…

Insignificant, there we go.

You still have worth. As much worth as a punching bag…xD


So a goy …


Jimmy Jim




Ok … a goy

Free man



Vox Populi

Not under my foreskin :)

Jimmy Jim


Vox Populi

He is “iron zion’s” alternate ego account. These hasbara teenagers are easy to bait and expose. This TWATZ is accurately named though :)



Vox Populi

Looks more like a gardening shed and secondly SOHR less credibility than a toothless whore on crack. This is all Zionist desperation at its best and sign of sheer impotency.

Free man

They also give the pictures of before and after : https://twitter.com/ELINTNews/status/1342487069730418688

Rhodium 10

Fake photos

Vox Populi

I recommend that you learn to use the internet, all your trolling effort are shooting blanks.

Free man

It turns out that some can see and some can not. Apparently this is a problem of internet restriction in Iran and advanced countries like it.

Jimmy Jim



“You can’t touch this” was the lyric to the MC Hammer song … eh?

The Syrian/Iranian slugs think that repeating it in their media … makes it true … LMAO

9 Dead + many more will die from their injuries … whether they’re IRGC or Shia slug proxies … they’re gonna die in ever greater numbers … Inshallah

Israel’s IDF Chief Kochavi is on a mission to destroy the Iranian presence in Syria … hello?

Should there be a response to Israel’s PINPOINT hits … say the IRGC Fire back at Israeli targets in the Homeland? A real war will begin in earnest … hello?

YOU’LL know about it then … you slugs supporting Iran / Syria / Hezbollah / Russia … it’ll be on PAGE ONE

May the vile Jihadi / Islamist Arabs and their supporters suffer a HUMILIATING / SHAMING defeat at the hands of the Jews/Zionists/Israelis


Emad Irani

dreaming for over 40 years, you bought enough land in South America Hasbara?


No … too many f/kn Hezbollah slugs dealing dope


Another fabricated ZioNAZI BS propaganda Myth + Lie…just to con + scam the AmeriCunts into putting Hezbollah on a Terrorist Watchlist to use it as revenge against Hezbollah for defeating + kicking them out of Lebanon to end their Reign of Terror and savage Atrocities.


Coming ta git ya

Vox Populi

Zionists thrive on propaganda mostly geared at the dumbed down western sheeple to squeeze more money out of them, and the Arabs, Turks and Muslims in general are easy targets for Zionist propaganda since they have emotive uneducated populations. These strikes with million dollar western funded missiles against corrugated iron garden sheds in the middle of the Syrian desert pose no real military purpose. Any semi-lucid person can see that “destroying” and garden shed and killing a sleeping villager or a child is hardly going to change the military equation. If the Zionists have any courage, then they should invade Syria and “expel Iran” out. However, considering that the mighty IDF has not been able to subdue Palestinians armed with rocks in Gaza, getting Iran out of Syria is a pipe dream at best. Even making comments on it is now embarrassing.


Just another BS Propaganda Disinformation by the corrupt [phony]SOHR outfit to whitewash and create a [fake]Narrative with Disinformation + made-up falsified fabricated imagined Horseshit as usually, to cover for the latest ZioNAZIs of IsraHELL act of evil-minded savage unprovoked War-Crime + State-Terrorism.

Damien C

“However, SOHR claims are yet to be verified. The London-based observatory is known to falsify the information concerning the Iranian-backed militants in Syria.”

So why in fucks name do SF use this clown as their go to source for information ?

And please for the love of Budda stop saying he is London based….. he doesn’t even have an office he uses his sitting room at home in Coventry when he’s not working in his dry cleaner business


This Asshole is on the same payroll by the same criminal cabal like BellingCrap, they are both total frauds and Whores.

Jimmy Jim


Free man


Pave Way IV

I think the original SOHR was London based. Some kind of internal squabbles split it up and one of the founders Osama Suleiman (using pseudonym Rami Abdulrahman) went his own way. To be fair though, SOHR has clearly stated on their site that they’re “UK based”. As far as anyone knows though, Suleiman is the only employee in the UK and almost everyone else involved is a source/activist in or closely connected in Syria. So yeah, Rami Abdula Rahman in his sitting room with a half-dozen cell phones.

“The London-based observatory is known to falsify the information concerning the Iranian-backed militants in Syria.”

Oversimplifies Suleiman’s biases, Damien. It’s a bit more complex than that. Only my opinion, of course, but I doubt he outright lies in his reports. He seeks out sources and filters based on his biases (like everyone else) particularly with regard to civilian casualties, so you get what you pay for: “Israel always strikes military targets with a minimal loss of civilian life, Assad regime forces always attack questionable targets in populated areas and kill a lot of civilians.”

If you’re keeping civilian body count statistics, then yeah – his numbers are always suspect. If you want some idea of what area/unit was attacked and why, then he’s not too bad. A lot of that is already know (in a general sense) from other sources. IDK about percentages exactly, but he’s more right than wrong in retrospect. Verified? Nobody military involved is going to verify anything – that’s basic operational security. Suleiman’s friend who has a cousin in the town that was attacked who heard some gossip about two militia brought to the hospital is the best we’re ever going to get at the time, so take it for what it’s worth. Alternative ‘verifiable’ sources reporting the incidents a few days later are the usual biased western MSM or local ME sources.

Which brings up the SF editors’ dilemma: Report only MSM spew? Useless – nobody would come here. Report only “alternative news” opposing most MSM spew? Then you’re just another predictable anti-western conspiracy news site. Toss both of them in recognizing the bias and let intelligent commenters tear them apart? I like that option. This is intelligence warfare with twelve sides. I don’t want to pick any side – I want to be an observer with some marginal capability to identify the sides. That’s the best anyone can hope for. Verifiable truth? A fantasy. The damn intelligence agencies don’t even get that far a lot of times, and they’re monitoring your computer right now!

Arman Melkonyan

Better than most articles, thanks.

Jimmy Jim


Vox Populi

SOHR has as much credibility as a ghetto whore on crack. This is all futile and impotent Zionist display for domestic audiences. The global media now does not even report these theatrics in the middle of the desert.


Wanna bet? lol

Do you feel manly holding your dick while writing? Just asking … eh?


You seem upset your bro’s are losers?


SOHR additional report:

Recent Israeli Strikes completely destroyed Damascus defenses. Hero General Nyet-anyahu is expected to roll in with his luxury limousine next week, to take over power from President Assad.


Nah … muslims are easy to conquer … but impossible to rule over

Just f/Ken up and go … leave them to pick up the pieces … lol

They’re not worth anything anyways …


Well done israel

Vox Populi

Well done what? hitting gardening sheds with million dollar western funded missiles?


Lots of garden sheds in Syria … lol

Lots in Iran … too

Blowing up suddenly … Dead nuclear scientists being killed by remote control … ROTFLMAO

Am I spoiling your fun? TFB


Nope, well done killing tens of terrorist every week.


I thought you were an American … no bias … no skin in the game?


Can’t say we haven’t warned them.

Vox Populi

LOL, you again little child.

Ashok Varma

Can’t help it, can you ? Mummy left you alone for a few minutes.


I see that twat is out and spreading his inanities and the best reply to him is just to stone cold ignoring his feeble diversions. the same goes for the other idiot iron zion, who is remarkably silly and in fact plain stupid (like twat).


Nothing to say? ?

Arman Melkonyan

It’s stupid.

The Syrians (and by extension, the Iranians) keep claiming that they intercepted the Israeli missiles when it’s HARDER to intercept missiles than fighter jets. The Syrians weren’t able to score a direct hit on any NATO/Israeli jets since the last century.

Stop your BS and admit that Russia is in bed with Israel and by extension NATO itself.

The Jews are playing with you. Putin is a Jew: http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2018/02/trump-putin-kosher-nostra.html?m=1


They shot down an israeli F-16I in 2018… now they just fire missiles from Lebanese airspace, then run away behind the mountains (not to mention countermeasures and maneuvering). So no, it’s not “harder to intercept missiles than jets” in this case.

Vox Populi

A Zionist F-35 was also damaged by a “bird strike”.


Damaged? There are 2 squadrons … 50 planes

Flicks of birds can cause problems to engines … that’s why airports keep them away

Arman Melkonyan

Are you implying the bird was a Muslim? Or maybe you interviewed the bird post fact? Or maybe you were in the vicinity when the event took place? Cut your BS. Muslims can’t do shit against Israeli planes. And the Russians are collaborating with the Jews anyway. Otherwise, the Russians could have shot down those Israeli planes the moment they took off from Israel, if they wanted to. The Russians can engage them also as they fly in and out of Lebanese airspace WITH EASE but they simply don’t. Because Putin and the rest of the Russian administration are JEWS and they are not really your allies nor your friends. Delusional morons, Who shipped millions of Muslim terrorist Jihadis to Idlib in air-conditioned buses? That’s right: PUTIN. Who PREVENTS you from finishing them off? Yes, PUTIN. How many times did Putin order the Syrians and the Iranians to stand down when they were about to overwhelm the Turk-supported ISIS types? We lost count. You Muslims love raping, torturing and murdering Christians but you’re also nothing but a delusional, lying bunch of psychopaths ruled, organized and used by the JEWS whom you hate.


One plane was shot down … and YOU’RE making it a big deal … a SA-2 was used … lol

Pilot error was the reason … sluggo


Arman Melkonyan

See below.

The Jews are bombing you when they feel like it and you do NOTHING about it, Muslim. Instead of trying to intercept a bomb or missile or two, why don’t you fire a few SCUDs or otherwise attack the Israeli airbases whence the attacking Jewish planes take off? Because you are scared. Because you believe that the Jews will kick your collective Muslim butts tenfold if you dare. Because you know that your supposed-allies the Russians are NOT really your allies: the Russians are the Jews’ allies, just like the Americans. As long as you wallow in denial, the Jews will own you, Iranian, Syrian or otherwise. The Turks are only nominally Muslim. The Turks’ real religion is rape, murder and mayhem, and the Turks have been ruled by Donmeh crypto-Jews for centuries anyway — just as Russia has been ruled by Jewish Bolsheviks since 1917. We have seen the Jews and Turks in action in Karabakh together. All Erdogan’s anti-Israel posturing is a lie: the Turks worked and fought side by side with the Jews in Azerbaijan.

Free man

“the Turks worked and fought side by side with the Jews in Azerbaijan.” – Israelis will work with any neighbor of Iran who is willing to work with them. The Azeris were wise to take advantage of this.

Arman Melkonyan

Which doesn’t justify the Jews allying themselves with this. I hope Jews don’t need Armenians’ help one day: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e50f6a8ae803224cef5c6f1eeaa8448e26ca976c68eb1efc5174ef607da74e84.png

Free man

You probably do not understand reality. Armenians need the help of the Jews not the other way around.

Arman Melkonyan

You don’t understand what I’m saying. Jews are “stronk” now. They don’t need help. (Yes, Armenians do need help but they won’t get it. Armenia is FINISHED. I think I explained why enough times already.)

I said that, because Jews have so much Armenian blood on their hands, I hope Jews do not have to ask Armenians for help if they lose their position of great worldly power one day. Do you see now Armenians impeding Iranians in case of war between Israel and Iran? But it looks like the arrogant and stupid Jews believe that the Azeris or the Turks will side with them in such case. Turks are only interested in winning — not coming to anybody’s help. Did you know that only one Turkish sultan had a Turkish wife? All the others were basically abducted Christian women. Because betrayal and perfidy being part of Turkish tradition, Turks themselves do not trust other Turks. But they do gladly stick together when it comes to killing and raping Christians.

The Jews just killed thousands of Armenians again in Karabakh along with their historic Azeri and Turkish partners.

Armenians don’t need Jewish “help”.

Free man

You write in a stereotypical way. In the last war in the Caucasus, it was clear to me what the consequences would be. Armenia can only blame its leaders, who could have long ago reached a diplomatic solution and prevent the war.

Rhodium 10

Israel launch cruise missile because cannot do other thing!…if they launch Harop drones..most of them will be shot down…and it is an expensive weapon!…if they fly high to launch supersonic air to ground missile…planes can be shot down easily…yesterday all cruise missile were shot down…thats fake photos…you can see in the photo above left the same house that I have posted…


Denialism …

How does Israel exist? All their weapons / planes are worthless … xD

It’s YOUR denial that’s worthless …



You’ve been anti-Jew / anti-Israel in other boards … what’s up with that Armenian?

Arman Melkonyan

I am pro-truth, not pro any particular ethnicity or nation. I am not complimenting or supporting Jews per se merely by acknowledging that Israel has been kicking the Muslims’ collective butts in general, and the Syrians’, Iranians’ and their proxies’ like Hezbollah in particular. Israeli military assets are superior to anything the Muslims can field. The Muslims being Muslims, keep lying to themselves about this fact. However you Jews have been torturing and genociding Christian Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians for more than a century by now, in collaboration with crypto-Jew Donmeh-ruled Azeri and Turkish brothers. 1800s to 1923, and again now between 1988 and 2020. The LORA Israeli missile that took out the bridge in Karabakh was manned by Israeli officers. The Harop and other sophisticated Israeli drones were operated, maintained and supplied by Jews also. Israelis and Jews in general are de facto political and military allies and collaborators of the Turks. I’m just calling a spade, a spade.

Free man

“…..Assyrians for more than a century by now, in collaboration with your crypto-Jew Donmeh-ruled Azeri and Turkish brothers. 1800s to 1923….” – The reality was much more complex than what you describe. In these areas not all Christians were one-piece and not all Muslims were one-piece. In a time of war / struggle everyone behaved according to the same rules, the strong hit the weak (except the minorities, that had no outside help, were never strong).

Arman Melkonyan

So there were more Turks and they were armed so they had the right to torture, rape and murder the unarmed Armenian population, according to you because the situation was “more complex”.

You make me sick.

Free man

I have great sympathy for the Armenians. But there were a lot of minorities in those areas, and the Armenians were not the “good guys” they were like the rest. My family members (Assyrians) were robbed and slaughtered also by Armenians.

Arman Melkonyan

Armenians killing Assyrians…now I had not heard of that one before. Giving you the benefit of the doubt (and assuming you’re not a Jew or a Turk agent provocateur), do you know why? Share with us.

Free man

My family lives in this area as a minority (having a unique language – Aramaic) and they had good relations with the various neighbors (Armenians, Kurds, Azeris, Jews and others). But it was an area that various forces occasionally invaded. Armenians from the north, too. I’m sorry it doesn’t fit your narrative, but that was the reality.

Arman Melkonyan

My narrative is that Turks committed the genocide of millions of the Christian peoples indigenous to Asia Minor, and Turks are continuing this genocide today.

And you are trying to cover up this fact by trying to create a moral equivalence between the Turks and the Armenians by alleging that some Armenians killed some members of your family. Armenians did not plan and organize the murder of millions of Assyrians like you’re suggesting they are capable of doing.

Free man

“Armenians did not plan and organize the murder of millions of Assyrians” – You’re right, I never suggested that, it was your interpretation. Read what I wrote. I wrote what I wrote just because you mentioned Assyrians. Most people on this site are not really familiar with the Middle East and are not aware of the existence of minorities like the Assyrians.

Arman Melkonyan

Don’t rationalize the Turks’ crimes.


Jews … you said they were Jews

Arman Melkonyan


You know very well what it was.


YOU said they were Jews who committed the genocide …

F/k you and the Armenians


F/k the Armenians if that’s your rap …

The Turks are your torturers … not Jews

I’m glad you clarified your position … saves me thinking kindly towards your ilk

Arman Melkonyan

Basically all the Young Turks who organized the Armenian genocide — including Mustafa Kemal ATATURK and Talat Pasha — were JEWS and Freemasons: http://themillenniumreport.com/2015/11/ultra-secret-conspiracy-in-the-middle-east-revealed-the-donmeh-the-wahhabi-and-zionisms-sephardic-jewry/

You Jews just tortured and murdered thousands of Armenians in Karabakh in collaboration with your Muslim terrorist brothers the Turks and the Azeris.


If ever the goyim wake up this time to who you really are, I wouldn’t wanna be in your shoes at all.

Now go kill some Iranians and Syrians and keep digging your grave.

Jew killing Muslim and Muslim trying to kill Jew.

Next on the menu.


STFU … they were TURKS … all you’re doing is exhibiting anti-Judaism HATE

I get it … eh?

It’s Christianity baked into your brain … I know where you stand that’s all

Arman Melkonyan

No, dear boy. In fact most of my friends whom I have fond memories of from my youth were Jews. We shared sensibilities lacking in the majority western ethnicities around us. The friendships of our younger years. Wonderful memories.


Which you betray by pointing your crooked finger at Jews not Turks …

‘My best memories’ is full of sh Xt …

Stew on your hate … ya f/kn goy

Christianity is buried in your soul … and Jew hatred is buried deep within it


Arman Melkonyan

Oy Vey.

Jews rule the world.

Until they don’t.

You Israelis are generally extremely rude, pushy and hateful people who despise non-Jews, I’ll give you that.

So you killed some more Armenians and got some more of the blood of the first Christian nation of the world on your hands.



Armenians should internalize the lessons that Israel has provided them … the first Christian nation

If not the Armenians will be wiped out …

I could give a sh Xt …

Arman Melkonyan

Look, You Jews are playing a very dangerous game. You know no limits. No need to keep insulting me. It’s pointless. Do what you will.


Drop the anti-Israel / anti-Judaism line


Willing Conscience (The Truths

For once I hope the SOHR is 100% accurate, I don’t mind Israel blowing up Iranian infrastructure and killing Iranian and Hezbollah personnel, that’s understandable and acceptable, and it’s also appreciated that they tried to avoid civilian and Syrian military personnel while they were doing it. Get out Iran, move well away from the border, it’s like watching 2 grown men fighting while a child’s stuck between the 2 of them, and in this case it’s Iran pushing the fight while a child’s in the room, go somewhere else to fight your battles you dickhead, don’t just keep doing exactly the same thing you accuse Israel of doing.


Rational … ???

Now … why would you believe they EVER TARGET civilians?


If it wasn’t for Iran being involved in helping the Syrian Army, Syria may have been in a much worse state, one that was being hindered by Israel sponsoring ISIS and the so-called opposition. Now tell me Iran must get out…..

Willing Conscience (The Truths

They were a great help once but they’re not anymore, now they’ve just become a millstone around Syria’s neck, and Russia’s too. And if you think my main resentment of Iranian activity in Syria is due to Israeli objections you’re wrong, my biggest beef with Iran is the same beef the local Sunnis have with them. For the last month South Front’s been telling us the situation in southern Syria is “quickly spinning out of control”, and last week they republished excerpts from Israeli media talking about Israel’s military taking advantage of the growing tensions between Russia and Iran [due to their struggle for power and influence in the area]. SF didn’t even deny there were growing tensions between them, or make any disclaimer or add any qualifiers to the article, just republished it lock stock and all, that means they’re not arguing that Iran has become a problem for Russia, otherwise they would’ve, because in every other article of a similar vein, SF always adds qualifiers, disclaimers, or outright denials, but not in the last 2 articles they republished they didn’t, and they didn’t add them for a good reason.


Say it ain’t so … this board will EXPLODE … lol

All the slugs here are in denial … lol

I piss on y’all

The Jews/Zionists/Israelis are spanking the f/kn muslims … over the head with a bat


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