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MARCH 2025

Reconnaissance Unit Of Syrian Army Entered Afrin Area – Report

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On February 16, Hussain Murtada, a correspondent of the Iranian al-Alam TV, reported that a reconnaissance unit of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) had entered the Afrin area under an agreement, which had been supposedly reached by the Damascus government and the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG).

Murtada’s report is still not confirmed by any officials of the Damascus government or the YPG. However, pro-government sources said that the National Defense Forces (NDF) units of the city of al-Safira [ located in southern Aleppo] are preparing to enter the Afrin area upon orders from the SAA general command.

Meanwhile, the YPG’s media adviser Rezan Hido said in an interview to the Lebanese al-Mayadeen TV that the SAA is welcomed to deploy its troops anywhere it wants in the Afrin area. However, he didn’t confirm reports that Damascus and the YPG had reached the agreement regarding Afrin.

Al-Mayadeen reported on February 15 that Damascus and the YPG had reached an agreement that allows the SAA to deploy its troops in the Kurdish-held area. Later on February 16, al-Mayadeen’s correspondent in Afrin said that the SAA is preparing to enter the area.

It’s unknown yet if Turkey is somehow engaged through Russia in the supposed Damascus-YPG agreement regarding Afrin. Syrian sources believe that clashes in Afrin will intensify if Turkey is not a part of the supposed agreement.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLx55N_7iXE Pakistan cuts off US supply line: NATO has put all operations in Afghanistan in danger. After their forces killed 24 Pakistani soldiers. In retribution, Islamabad has shut down a major supply route to Afghanistan. This is a proof that US, NATO and Israel are enemies and Muslims should never trust them. Now shoot that Muslim leader that take blood money from US and EU states and have relations with Israel. ————————————————————————————————————————————–

Joe Doe

Only fool could trust Americans.


Still a lot of them around.

You can call me Al

You maybe surprised, maybe bullied into it, but definitely not trust in.


Only fool trust stong countries like usa, china, russia, france, UK, …

You can call me Al


Mahmoud Larfi

Long time no see Gayane, is this a recent report ?


I know from that date Pakistan have closed their supply to Afghanistan.

Joe Doe

Let’s wait and see. If is true and Turkey plus FSA will engage in fighting SAA than will shows another Putin blunders and Putin fooled himself at the expense of Syria, by thinking that banding over for Turkey on Syria will convince Erdagon to leave NATO , but looks like USA and Turkey friends again.

Smith Ricky

They’ve been fighiting with SAA

Joe Doe

In this case I was referring to Afrin


SAA and allies together will attack US forces in Syria but with proper way with about 1 million army forces not like current war. In Vietnamese war the strength of Vietnamese coalition forces was about one million soldiers who killed about 60,000 US soldiers. That was a great humiliation of US soldiers. In Vietnam US left dead bodies of their thousands soldiers and military equipments and ran away. That method will be used in Palestine, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan etc where US and Zionist terrorists present. ————————————————————————————————————————————

Joe Doe

You can compare Vietnam to Syria. Different times, different terrain and without better military hardware and tactics, very little changes for success


he is just writing down his personal wet dream

You can call me Al

Maybe you meant “cannot! and chances not changes – no offence intended, as I do understand it is Friday night.

Joe Doe

good catch mate! Yes, Friday and long weekend and many typo:)


Vietnamese had only AK47s,. Syria Hez has Sams and numbers plus territory while US cannot even resupply

You can call me Al

But, but, the Yanks say they won !.


Yanks Zionists are losers. When US lost Pakistan then it means they lost all Muslim countries in the world. Saudi king for the first time went to Russia in history along with all ministers and some one thousands officials. This is called change in priority and influence.


No in Syria, they fight Hez/, Houthis style and 1 Hez worth 10 American soldiers .. Lebanon 2006. But this time Hez has air defences.


and that air defences will neutralize all Zionists military plans and there will be no more air pollution.


More ground to the Syrian government. Kurds begin to align with the patriots. Turkey will not atack SAA.


When a country divide then who will benefit their neighbours, right. Kurds take advice from US and Israel and US and Israel both are number one enemy of Muslims. I think any Muslim leader that takes advice from these Zionists then he must be send to hell to bring durable peace and stability in the region.


I hope not as thats the American dream.


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Florian We

I guess they (US) will do everything in order to escalate the tensions between Turkey and Syria.


With luck it would backfire on the US severely :)


Yes but FSA will. Maybe with Turkish troops disguised in FSA too…


SAA, spetsnaz, etc, etc, eat FSA’s at breakfast. I think that what the Turks want it’s political influence in Syria, not territory. Those guys of the muslim brotherhood have yet a big, big political force in many countries (middle east, north africa). I think Turks will play on the political ground, in the futur, not on the war against Assad. We will see.


spetsnaz will do nothing. putin told this clearly.

Goran Grubić HardyVeles

Turkey has several key goals: = downsize of Kurdish held territory = affirmation of Turkmen/FSA entity of equal rights with future Kurdish federal unit, in future federal Syria = Preservation of Syria as the only int.rec. country (i.e. prevention of independent Syrian Kurdistan)

In these, only the second point is unacceptable for Assad (i.e. direct conflict about). That’s why there will be no direct fight between SAA and Turkish troops, that’s why Russia is staying out of this part of the battlefield = no specnaz there.

Feudalism Victory

I think turkey does. They want aleppo.


The Turkeys want a new Ottoman empire and crave up Syria with US and Zionists. Afrin and the north Aleppo is the most fertile Syrian agricultural land, that Turkeys have coveted since their moth eaten Ottoman empire fell.

You can call me Al

Only one thing for it then, we need a Turkey shoot.


Only fools think they can achieve it when Assad has powerful allies. This apply to the Americans as well


Yes they wanted, but now they know that the russians and iranians will not consent on that. We will see very soon if you are right and if they still dream about territorial conquests or no.

Feudalism Victory

Indeed they are also controlling idlib to a large extant. Erdogan didnt build himself a giant palace just to rule Turkey. The hitler clone sees turkey as robbed in ww1 and wants to change history

Behold a Pale Horse

Not sure you could ever compate Hitler to Erdogan. For a start, Hitler had the best army in the World at the time.

Feudalism Victory

Hardly. Hitler got lucky to a large extant. His army was largely unmechanized at the start and just had an edge in airpower.

Better doctrine and poor leadership in the west helped more than a dozen panzer divisions.

But I digress. Turkeys army is I believe hamstrung by the purges and internal conflict with a large segment of its population. But hitler erdogan parallels even down to facial appearance is fascinating

Igor Dano

they wanted alleppo? since 3 weeks they try on afrin without results.


Russia needs to declare all of Syria a NO FLY zone for illegal aggressors. It is time to hand over the S-400 and bring in more PantsirS1, Buk and Tor SAMS for SAA so that they can defend their airspace. It is time to blast the Turkeys out of the sky and let the Syrians do it.

Smith Ricky



I see so, Russia does not need to do this.


Will never happen

Curtis Dietz

This can work vs Turkey. I highly doubt vs US/Israel, although it would be interesting to find out. Will US/Israel simply turn it off from a distance as has happened before, or will not a shot be fired because the system cant see F35’s/F22’s?…we might never know then.


The Kurds had the best deal in Syria under the Assads. In Turkey they can not even teach or speak in their own language. The Kurds will be wiser to ally with the SAA and Hezbollah and repulse the Turkeys.


In Turkey they can not even teach or speak in their own language.

This was also under assad.




Talk nonsense.Assad is the most free secular country stupid


Not o kurds. The can not usse their language, they dont hav shools with kurdish teaching language. This is the main problem. In syria is arab nationalism.

Rüdiger Preiss

The same you could say about the UK where almost a Million Polish people and 800.000 Indian people don’t have their own schools. Before 2011 there’s been less than 2 Million Kurds in Syria, the vast majority of them came there as refugees.


Polish are immigrants, kurds live there centuries. They are more aborigins then arabs. YOu are writing in spirit of drittes reich. In. Germany. Poles. Have. Gramar. And. Secondary. Schools. Shame yourself!

Rüdiger Preiss

You are obviously a Kurdish Nationalist. “Kurds lived there for centuries” – certainly not. The vast majority of them came there as refugees and immigrants. Kurds are making unreasonable demands. And I struggle to understand your funny way. Of. Writing. Shame on you, propaganda troll.



I slam the kurdish traitors for two years.

I am european and i remember, which steps solved similar problems here.

Eric Holt

Bullshiite idiot!!! Kurds are original syrians and not immigrants. Just oppressed by arabs as are all over ME!

Rüdiger Preiss

So you are trying to tell us that the Kurds fighting in Syria are all Syrians :)? How comes the Druze or Christians in Syria don’t feel oppressed by Arabs? In theory the Arabs would have more reasons to oppress the Christians since they drink alcohol and eat pork. You are a victim of US/Zionist divide and conquer tactics. They have chiselled into your brain to despise Assad and hate the Arabs. But if you think about it, it was the very Arabs who have stopped the Ottomans from creating another empire – surely they would have treated you Kurds better than Assad??

Eric Holt

FUG! Where do you get your figures from idiot. 2 million Kurds”?? Whose ace you pull that one from. You think you know syria????? Syria never existed before 1925 … it is an english french devision of kurdish armenian lands after ww1, given to unwanted saudí nomadic factions to keep oil control. Thats how you arabs got a majority. 33% of syrians are kurds. Some just wont admit it under pain of death.

Rüdiger Preiss

33% of Syrians are Kurds?? Hahaha! Saudi nomadic factions? Assad himself looks very much like a Saudi nomadic goat herder doesn’t he? I think he’ll come soon with his army and prescribe you Kurds some glasses, so you can see better. After all, he’s an eye doctor :D

Rüdiger Preiss

It’s actually not that hard to do a bit of historical research. Syria did exist before 1925. All you need to do is look at some old maps. Here is Stielers Hand-Atlas from 1891, hence, 25 years before Sykes-Picot and at a time where oils wasn’t yet a big thing – in 1891 coal would have been much more important. “Kurdistan” clearly appears on this map a lot further North than where you claim your Kurdish lands. Below in big letters “Arabistan” and further South-East (green underlined) “Syrien”. You could take any map from this time and find similar. There were LESS than 2 Million Kurds in Syria before 2011; Before 1916 I doubt there was any Kurdish population within the borders of modern Syria that would be worth mentioning. Just look at old maps – surely those who studied it and produced those maps couldn’t get it wrong by 100eds of Kilometres??


คงศักดิ์ วงศ์ชูศรี

Take some medicine.


Better you, idiot!

Rüdiger Preiss

Where have you got this from?? “Syria is Arab Nationalism” Everyone who knows Syria knows this statement is utterly ridiculous. Druze are exempt from military duty due to their own arrangements, Christians are allowed to drink alcohol with restaurants and bars openly selling it unhindered; There even has been a Jewish Synagogue in Damascus (Jobar) and you claim there is “Arab Nationalism” in Syria??? Maybe in areas where HTS or ISIS terrorists are- they want a strict Islamic sharia law country. I don’t know whether the Kurds had their own schools or not, maybe not as I have never seen a Kurd majority anywhere in Syria, in some parts in the North/NorthEast I have seen some Kurds but always amongst many more Arabs (e.g. Al Hassakah). In Maaloula people still spoke/speak Aramaic and I do remember well the Syrians were very proud of it as well as any other cultural diversity in their rcountry.


Kurds do not have own schools, kurdish language is not allwed use in offices never. Even not in towns, where kurds form majority. So, they are as not existing nation in syria.

Henk Poell

So, if the Kurds can have their three zones where Kurdish is the main language, Assad can happily get rid of all unwanted elements in the country together with the ypg? Always looking for win win deals…


Assad should suggest cultural autonomy. And higher subsidiarity within whole Syria.

Eric Holt

The kurds have always beeen oppressed by arabs in the region. From iraq, syria and turkey. None wanted kurdish to have own autonomy. They were the rightful owners of much of the land before arab muslim conquests. But, in later years, this has changed with Assaids. Not with the other two countries as evident by turkeys actions now. 40% of turkeys population is kurds, 33% of syrian and 25%+ of iraq. so how do we have erdogan as a leader of turkey? . Go figure all about free elections. Same said for syria of past. Syria is so divided at moment it is better for all syrian factions do unite to preserve syrian nationalism first. Assaids has to go, but let that be decided by the people. I think Assaids has had enough also. He is nationalistic if anything and will try to bring syria back level as long as he protects his and his families necks at same time. Russia was best to do that. But now, no outside influence is good for syria. Everyone…and I mean everyone has a no good want for the way syria should go. It wont go well..but at least it should go the way of the syrian peoples.

Eric Holt


MariaCeleste Conkright

Don’t hold your breath .thryll t use their own choppers the FSA


If only it’s with the agreement of Turkey and Kurds willing to disarm to appease Turkey and Afrin will be under full control of SAA.

That’s the only solution or face sure annihilation of the Kurds who are definitely not in any position to defend against the Turkish army.

Assad gets Afrin without a fight


First US regime sent their terrorist forces to Vietnam then to Afghanistan then to Iraq and then to Syria and in this way US butched millions of civilions in these countries. Now this is time to disarm US completely to protect civilians in this world. ————————————————————————————————————————————-


If they pull out this through some sort of rogue element just like what happened in Deir ezzor then expect the same outcome or even far worse. Turkey is obsessed with this operation and you don’t want to stand in their way

Manuel Flores Escobar

Turkey armed forces is a fake like Saudi Army!…turkey only want to show strenght vs Kurds and keep a safe zone in Idlib!…the main problem for Syria is USA and Israel!


What Assad is the second weakest link in this war after YPG. The Syrian government is Russian protectorate.

They basically lost to the rebels back in 2014 when Putin stepped in and pretty much made Syria a Russian protectorate. The Oil and everything belongs to Russian companies aka protectorate.

Meaning Assad and SAA are not here due to merit but protectorate. They have really nothing to say on the table.

Turkey, Russia, USA and Israel hold territories of syria and all these are under occupation and protectorate.

If Russia goes nobody can safe Assad nor the Syrian regime they are bound to fail against the rebels who are more driven and motivated.

If anyone has fake Army and survived on other peoples merit then it’s Assad. His literally on Putin shoulders.


Assad is still the most powerful player inside Syria. Russia is not in position of 100% blackmailing Syria as Syria also has Iran as an ally. And contracts of rebuilding in Russia hands are much better than having Syria in hands of Jihadists or the Kurds or Turkey.

Curtis Dietz

I highly doubt there is any tension between Russia/Syria/Iran. Syria knows its finished without Russia, Iran might try some things since it wants a land corridor to Lebanon…which best can be achieved by Syrian success. Russia is in charge in that alliance. I doubt Syria makes a move without talking it over with Russia first.

Curtis Dietz

I pretty much agree with this, but Turkey is a paper tiger too, and their operation has been an embarrassment. I can see Putin’s smile and laugh when this is brought up. Russia and the US together will probably tell Turkey to go home, and SAA will occupy Afrin since YPG gave it up…hopefully they got something in the east for it.

Curtis Dietz

Playing games with the Russians/Putin is extremely dangerous…I’m sure Iran would see that, and they have a lot to lose by being that stupid. Although I cant explain why SAA/Russian mercenaries tried SDF/US in DZ unless it was just a test or a probe. Some people probably need to be reminded that Obama is no longer President, and US policy/the way things are done changes with every new administration. Call it lesson learned. As for Turkey, they will not go to war with any one other than militia’s…and Operation Olive Branch shows how much of a joke their generals are…very embarrassing!


This news from an Iran source, somehow, I trust it more than most. If true, good news, else land lost to Turks for 20 years or forever.

Feudalism Victory

Turkey wants aleppo not afrin. Thats where theyre headed. If saa moves they will ignite full out war. But I think turkey loses that war eventually.

You can call me Al

But Syria cannot afford the losses now.

Curtis Dietz

So long as Syria makes nice with the Kurds, they can…but I think diplomacy will prevail. The Turks will remove themselves and claim victory over the YPG, the Syrians will have retaken control of more Syrian territory. Two big guys avoid a fight.


I think Russia will have to step in to mediate any Afrin agreement first. No signs of this happening yet, but give it time. https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/kurdish-ypg-deny-syrian-soldiers-entering-afrin/

You can call me Al

Maybe you are right, but I will give it another week or so to be certain. Cheers.


Russia needs to provide SAA with SAM and air cover and not leave them to their fate like it did with poor Russians who were slaughtered like sheep by US treachery.


There is a big question that I have regarding to the Kurdish issue in Syria.

Why do most of you guys on SF, support the Kurds? Basically, Kurds are very divided. There are Kurds who are very radically islamic. Besides, Barzani’s (iraqi) Kurds are much different from Syrian Kurds (leftists, however, mixed with ISIS in the area above the river). There can never be any unified goal between those groups of Kurds. So, supporting the Kurds in general with achieving their own state, will only lead to more internal wars between them.

Besides, the only countries who are interested in such puppet state like Kurdistan, are Israel and the USA. Kurdistan is definitely not in the favour of Russia and Iran. This is simply an obvious fact. I also don’t think that Assad wants his country to be divided. Turkey, on the other side, no one will allow them to annex those parts from Syria. But once the Turks pull out and install their puppet FSA in this area, the SAA can easily attack them under the pretext of fighting terrorists and take it back, however, it can not attack the Kurds.

tony ebanks

South front r working 4 the Zionist and will b defeated


I have been on this site for some time now and although there are those here that do sympathize with the Kurds, I don’t think that the majority do. Basically, speaking for myself, I see the Kurds as pawns that have made very bad choices. They put their trust in an entity that only needs them for cover. They bit the hand that fed them, so to speak and now that they are being used by the Russians, Turks and Syrians (however their plans mesh) it is of their own doing. Most here, as far as I can tell, say the Kurds as getting what they asked for.

Mahmoud Larfi

F**k the imperialists… Go YPG ! Go SAA ! Time to free your land from the empire !


Die YPG, go SAA!

Mahmoud Larfi

They told you this war was complex yet you can only perceive it in a binary form. What a shame ! Enemy = Empire Good guys = People


Dis ISIS, HTS, SDF, too!

It is not more binary. :P

Lazy Gamer

The kurds better appreciate this loyalty. After sitting tight in their provinces and ignoring the SAA fight the fsa as well as allowing entry of foreign fighters into their borders plus seizing the eastern side of syria it is kinda amusing that assad still gives them a chance. Stop identifying as ypg. They should be saa

Curtis Dietz

Actually, the Kurds and SAA have made agreements for a long while, and are negotiating the final outcome of the civil war…although are still far apart. The Kurds (SDF) deserve at least some strong form of autonomy east of the Euph river.

Tudor Miron

So it seems that Erdogan was able to get Afrin Kurds back to their senses and now they seem to recall that they are part of Syria. https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-army-can-present-part-afrin-ypg-media-adviser/ Rumors are that Kurds will hand heavy weapons to SAA but they will be left with small fire arms. It is interesting to see how YPG will be rebranded – Erodogsan needs to be able to declare a victory in Afrin and to show that Turkey security was enhanced. Let’s see how it unfolds. May be I’m too early to say that my prediction (Erdogan teaching Kurds loyalty to their homestate) has become reality and we have to wait and see what Turkey does but indications are that everything went according to plan.


I think you’re quite right, bu I don’t think Putin trusts them at all. My reasoning is because of the airfield the RuAF struck after the Turks visited it. Was this a message to Erdowan or did Turkey request the strike. Your opinion?

Curtis Dietz

Turks and Russia have a very interesting history. I think Turkey is making a big mistake in Syria by getting involved, and are being set up for failure…if so, Erd will fall, and maybe someone in the tradition of the Young Turks will lead Turkey more sensibly. Also, I doubt Russia forgot about their plane being shot down by Turkey a few years ago.

Tudor Miron

Idlib situation is extremely complicated. I agree that Turks/Erdogan are very unpredictable and should not be trusted. Also there’s no real unity within Kurds forces (as we seen it in Iraq) and different faction are opposing each other (regarding reconsiliation with Syrian government). At this point I would prefer to wait and see how it unfolds.

Bulgarian God

Nuke all Assad and russian communist bastards ! Kill ’em all like in Deir-Ez-Zor! :)


Says a Bulgarian c*ck s*cker

Bulgarian God

Eat my dick you communist russian subhuman! You were defeated in 1991 forever ! :)


Now I feel that his mind is exploding miserably. I think he is not from Turkey and not from Bulgaria. Then may be he is from Zionist Israeli terrorists side because their fake state is in danger now.

Bulgarian God

Shut up jewish communist monkey !


Some users should go to the fresh air for a short time, to reactivate their sense of reality. This is not a video game or a round of risk. Just three examples:

1. Russia has nothing to give away. Likewise, you can not just push the latest equipment into the hands of the SAA and „off you go“. 2. Shooting down a US plane would be the stupidest thing you can do considering the current mood in the Pentagon and the US in general. They just wait for something like that. 3. Does nobody sees this action of the Syrian armed forces critical. Why now? For what purpose?Such an agreement does not mean that the Kurds break with the USA. The SAA marches into a scenario whose potential consequences it can not anticipate or control at all.

Lazy Gamer

Turkey and US just made up. lol

Curtis Dietz

We don’t know yet. Erd had a big mouth before the meeting, and then tried to disrespect Tillerson just prior to sitting down. Actions speak louder than words, and we will never hear the words spoken unless someone is stupid…and don’t listen to the “sources say” fake news that I am sure will “leak” out of this.

Curtis Dietz

Extremely wise what you wrote here!!!

Curtis Dietz

This is a good deal for YPG/SDF, and SAA. Kurds main enemy is Turkey. Afrin was never going to be held by YPG against the Turks (just by numbers alone), although they can/are giving Turkey a bloody nose (but that’s mostly because of Turkish bad planning/strategy…its amazing to me how badly Turkey is going about conducting “Olive Branch”…miss-use of armor, etc, etc). I hope the Kurds got something else out of it though, like SAA back west of the Euph river where their side was hammered by the US/SDF, and other places in the far north east. As for other comments I’ve read here, many seem to live in a fantasy world. Syria is not Vietnam (jungle is hard fighting esp with 1960’s tech, Syria is perfect terrain for war, especially with 2018 tech). Vietnam had more than AK-47’s…they had the support of USSR+China, had SAM’s, MiG 21’s flying around, etc… The north lost over 1 million dead vs 50,000 US, and were months away from defeat before the leftists in the US were able to pull the plug. There is a lot of faith on one side concerning the S400 system. I highly doubt it can even see an F35, much less an F22…it would be interesting to see if the Russians or Syrians try to shut down Syrian air space with it…I highly doubt it. Concerning Israel, they got caught with their pants down concerning the F16, not thinking that Syria would attempt to react…don’t think that will happen again. What happened last weekend when the SDF+US hammered the enemy should be a lesson and a warning to everyone involved in Syria. What ever area the US is in, only diplomacy can be used, not force. Obama the beta male is no longer President, the adults have arrived in the US. I see a lot of chest beating here, not sure if that is serious or joking around…never underestimate your opponent no matter how much you might hate them, in fact take everything seriously and use the threat to your advantage.


US may be big, but still it has not the courage to challenge Russia directly in Syria. US has no force of it’s own it’s own in Syria. Earlier US tried with FSA and it was utter defeat for US. Now US trying to use the Kurds, but here too US and Turkey fighting with each other. In no way a Kurdish state could ever be established ignoring Syria.

President Assad only has to clear the remaining Syria, and Kurds will have to automatically come to the negotiation tables sooner or later.

Curtis Dietz

Lets be honest here, Russia, US, and Israel will not trade blows…its not about courage, its about interest and value. The US has been friendly with the Kurds since the 90’s. Earlier, Obama was President…remember the “red line”? Things have changed dramatically in certain respects.

John Whitehot

where’s the tomahawks.

Gerald Gulenc

For the first time schools in Turkey will be allowed to teach the Kurdish language as an elective subject, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan says. this was in 2012 and Kurds can still choose to Learn Kurdish if they wished now. As it is in their legislation.


This could be a good way to resolve the Israelistan issue and prevent the mass murder and destruction that the Jews have planned for the Turks.


Israelistani Kurds http://image.yenisafak.com/resim/imagecrop/2017/09/12/02/26/resized_318ca-ec68c538tumblr_mb7pu95ti81rcc4r6o1_500.jpg




Mossad HQ Isis is here: http://media.worldbulletin.net/news/2014/02/07/mossad.jpg



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