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MARCH 2025

Reflections On The Dispute Over The South China/ East Vietnam/ West Philippines/ North Indonesia Sea

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Reflections On The Dispute Over The South China/ East Vietnam/ West Philippines/ North Indonesia Sea

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Written by Daniel Edgar, exclusively for South Front

It has finally happened, growing from slow beginnings to become a major strategic factor in the geopolitical calculations in the Asia-Pacific region, one of the worst nightmares of Chinese geopoliticists and super-Patriots. India has joined and copied the US containment strategy against its arch foe in the Asia Pacific region, launching a belated ‘diplomatic’ charm offensive and industrial/ commercial marketing campaign in an effort to win over some new friends and significantly boost existing political and economic ties with China’s neighbours and other countries in the region.

Not surprisingly given the intensity and longevity of their respective territorial disputes with China, India’s relations with Vietnam in particular have achieved an impressive scope as they have found each other to be ideal allies and partners – close, but not too close, with largely compatible sets of capabilities, needs and objectives. LINK

The immediate success that India has achieved in this venture is in large part due to China’s intransigence in the ‘South China’ Sea Dispute. Just as China’s unreasonable ‘9 dash line’ – that in effect claims exclusive Chinese sovereignty and jurisdiction over the entire maritime region into areas that are many hundreds of miles from China proper and that push up to a few miles from the coastlines of some of its neighbours – has provided fertile waters for the US to wreak havoc in the region, playing out its divide, conquer and reign supreme strategies, objectives and ‘national’ interests, all of which dovetail neatly with its incessant efforts to isolate, contain and punish China for daring to refuse to pledge unquestioning obedience to the lords of Washington and Wall Street.

One only has to glance at a map to note that the maritime territorial claims being rigidly and dogmatically asserted by China are unreasonable and unrealistic, and that none of the neighbouring States can or will ever accept them.

Reflections On The Dispute Over The South China/ East Vietnam/ West Philippines/ North Indonesia Sea

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The outbreak of war in the European hinterland in February should have made all of the countries in the region hyper-aware of the folly and recklessness of permitting the festering territorial dispute to remain unresolved. While a few diplomats and political leaders in the region uttered some of the obligatory platitudes and statements of commitment to resolving disagreements pacifically in the aftermath of the abrupt escalation of the armed conflict in Ukraine, the perturbed murmurings rapidly faded away and the respective countries returned to their belligerent, provocative and decidedly undiplomatic rhetoric, manoeuvrings and stand-offs, including aggressive and provocative maritime deployments and activities that inevitably create confrontations and physical stand-offs, any one of which could abruptly spin out of control and instigate another catastrophic war given the size of the stakes and egos involved.

It appears that after all this time, the only possible solution that won’t leave lingering feelings of resentment and ill-will between two or more of the countries that have extended coastlines on the waterway between Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and China still hasn’t been seriously considered by any of the respective countries, not even in a cursory and speculative manner. That is, creating a zone of joint maritime security and cooperation for mutual benefit between all of the neighbouring States, with all of the neighbouring countries sharing responsibility for environmental management and economic development strategies as well as for maintaining security and safety in the maritime region, with the military forces of all other States excluded from the area (other than for brief transit purposes) unless all neighbouring States consent.

Returning to the original topic, it could even provide a template for China and India to resolve their other festering perpetual border disputes in a like manner: demilitarizing disputed areas other than a moderate joint security presence on the basis of approximate equality, embarking on a scheme of joint management of the relevant areas and joint exploitation of natural resources that occur therein, with major policies, projects and decisions always requiring the consent of both parties.

Given that so many politicians and their main opponents and rivals for power – whether within or from outside the government – are fearless when it comes to threatening rivals and enemies but are completely gutless when it comes to adopting conciliatory language and committing to dialogue and compromise to find mutually agreeable and beneficial arrangements for coexistence, the joint security and management of such areas would need to be elaborated on a temporary basis to start with. If war hasn’t broken out in the meantime, the agreements could be renewed or revised after a period of (say) three or five years on a revolving basis.


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Tony Lim

South China Sea, the name says it all. It all belongs to China, stay the fuck away US losers and its running lapdogs.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Julia
Elohim Kosher Bar

Only the west led by Yankistan want a war with China that they have already lost. Sun Tzu, bitchez. China has already won without firing a shot. The west wants war for the following factors:

1) Western nations are bankrupt both financially and morally. Especially, Yankistan. Just like in the movie “Goodfellas”, the west has been hollowed out by the mafia Talmudic globalist bankers. Time to burn down the house to cover up the evidence trail. Western leaders are corrupt inept traitorous self-deluded inbred mental deficients. HANG THEM ALL.

2) Globalists banks need a distraction from their ponzi schemes that they are not getting from the Ukraine fiasco. HANG THEM ALL.

3) Big pharma needs a distraction from the vaxxidents that are becoming increasingly noticeable. SADS my arse. HANG THEM ALL. Anyone who has allowed themselves to get the “shot” and / or “boosters” will be dead / disabled within the next 3-5 years. If you were lucky, you only got a placebo shot.

4) MICs need a distraction due to the biolabs fiasco and their selling of over-priced useless crap (ex. F35). HANG THEM ALL.

5) Jewish Epstein’s pedo black book addresses still have not been released by western officials who have been blackmailed / bribed. Talmudic perversion (pedophilia, LGBTQ+ propagation, organ harvesting, adrenochrome consumption, cannibalism, and human sacrifice) crimes need to be covered-up. HANG THEM ALL. Team Putin is dropping the ball on this one big time.

6) The Talmudic Tapeworm is losing everywhere: Syria, Afghanistan, Ukraine. Israel is in turmoil. HANG THEM ALL.

Follow the teachings of Prophet Borat AKA Sacha Baron Cohen – jew. “Throw the jew down the well and your country will be free”.

You are welcome.

Elohim Kosher Bar

For the muppets who think I’m lying about vaxxed injured / deaths. Check this out.

Shocking microscopy photos of blood clots extracted from those who “suddenly died”. >>>>https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-12-blood-clots-microscopy-suddenly-died.html

Bozo the Clown

There are ample records of peoples dying prematurely of the RNA “vaccine”. This is not a vaccine, this thing was originally develloped for cancer therapies.

Bozo the Clown

The United Snakes will try anyway. The punch, they are about to get, will leave them truly toothless.


Shouldn’t use China and dog in the same sentence. Getting ready for the Yulin Dog Festival next week?

Bozo the Clown

But you do, don’t you? Hypocrite.


Correct analysis but it must be said that, regardless of idealizations made by some, China is both capitalist and imperialist (Imperialism is a multiplayer game, with strong tendency to bipolarism, it’s the struggle for resources and markets between capitalist powers) and that nowhere it manifests more clearly that Chinese imperialism as in East Asia, where all the Chinese pretense for moderation and soft-handedness is nowhere to be seen. China is definitely in imperialist mode and, while this imperialism is silk-gloved in West Eurasia and Africa, or also in America, it is much more direct in East Asia and even South Asia, where China has been strongly investing in its “string of pearls” naval military approach to secure the access to the Persian Gulf and other Western interests (Red Sea, Africa, etc.) That’s why, in spite of all the “Asianist” discourses, Asians in general are rather wary of China and its intentions.

This could indeed be solved by means of a multilateral international conference (which can perfectly exclude the USA and any other non-regional actor) that actually splits the SCS between those with actual claims, and surely China could get away with some serious gains and yet show some respect for her neighbors, which a more sensible Beijing government should try to attract and not alienate.


While they technically need the resources more than most due to the large population, sharing 50/50 with neighboring states ( esp. in others EEZ) would suit China better by providing allies vs. potential adversaries.

China has the technology to make up for losses in energy and Maritime harvesting with Aquaculture and other sources of Energy in the future, but the “here and now” needs tends to cloud future thinking…

It would be nice to see a negotiated settlement, but I am not holding my breath…

Crazy cnook the fruitcake

Black penis is better than gook or russian penis I’ll take my liberal usa anyday Slava Ukraine



Sandra Lundy

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Last edited 2 years ago by Sandra Lundy

Please no need to be triggered. I do not attack anyone.

The asian states wary of china, the jews of east. They called that, because chinese controlled a big portion of economy in many countries. The differences is they are not little in number, but the biggest culture in the world. It is rather a compliment rather than insult to say that.

Well most southeast asian is wary because they have too much power in the region, well who else can match it? Not to mention if they can, they would, to just move in illegal & legal immigrant chinese workers to other countries. Well, Dili, the capital of Timor Leste now filled with chinese store. A good success story. Even if they send 20 million men to become a worker, they would lost neglible amount of workforce, but the other country would be dominated to the end of their life.

When americans control world economy, does americans immigrate to other country? No, rather people wants to immigrate to america.

When America controls world economy americans sends their imperialist company, but if china does, they would bring families in.

This is a chinese century and asians has many things to be wary about.

Bozo the Clown

Wrong, it is the United Snakes that have much to worry about and they show it as well. The emperor truly, has no clothes. Game over for USA, just a matter of time and in a fairly short future.


If Taiwan is truly part of China then why do you threaten and seek to harm the people there? It is not my place to decide but any people should be permitted to determine their own fate. A referendum should be held to assess the views of the Taiwanese. If a member of your family didn’t wish to live under the authority of the group do you allow this or do you threaten them with destruction and forced compliance ? It is immoral and China will lose the mandate of Heaven if it attempts to reunite with Taiwan by force. The Chinese are a great old civilization and should demonstrate to the world they are not violent and barbaric and resolve the matter peacefully. This doesn’t mean that China should tolerate interference by the zionist rapacious NATO . Please don’t ruin Taiwan or harm the wonderful Chinese people of Taiwan. The whole world is watching to see if China has grown wise enough to shoulder global responsibilities. Time for peace and prosperity not war and destruction.


Meddling scums like you is the reason China needs to unify with Taiwan. You evil piece of shit always talk about peace but your action is completely opposite, using scare tactics to instigate Taiwan, manipulate them into spending billions of dollars to buy your weapons to fight their own people in mainland China. After all, peace would not make you any money, would it? Fucking evil piece of shit.


The main reason for Taiwan to join China is to stop Taiwan from wasting money on buying weapons from the West. Why the fuck poor Taiwanese people has to make Western thugs richer?


“If a member of your family didn’t wish to live under the authority..”

You sure has a snake tongue. If a member of my family didn’t wish to live under the authority of the head of the household, he/she can get the fuck off, get the fuck out. This is our land, our property. No one is forcing you to stay.


What again is your land?

Marcelo Rodriguez

Me parece que lo que deberá hacer Pekín en la disputa del Mar del sur de China, sería tratar de extraer los ricos recursos de ese Mar en asociación y colaboración con algunos de los paises vecinos de china los que no son plenamente hostiles a Pekín y tengan cierta independencia respecto a EE.UU, ofreciéndoles la extracción conjunta de los recursos energéticos en ese Mar, así se evitaría que EE.UU utilice su estrategia de división y confrontación. China tendría que elegir con quién explotar esos recursos ya sea Vietnam, Indonesia, Filipinas.

Lazy Gamer

The surrounding states put a territorial stake on the islands and seas on the basis of ownership and possession. On the other hand, the international theater would like nothing more than declaring these as non-appropriable. Simply, all non surrounding states dont want to be subject to a vital chokepoint. And that is the sad result of an international case filed by the Philippines. lol Now it is bound to its EEZ stupidity. lol Anyway, if the surrounding countries all claim sovereign territory on these islands then that leads to a zero sum situation. Out of all contenders, the only one that can project is China and thus, the islands are tilted to China’s sway. This part of the world has massive populations that can easily suffer from trade disruptions as seen from the lessons of Ukraine so conflict is hopefully avoided. Personally, id make an international or multi party body that will be ensuring security in the area with an international consortium drilling for oil or clawing for metals in the whole area but depositing the proceeds into a fund that will be disposed of by an arbitral body to the neighboring states based on its percentage share. Fishing and aquatic resources however would be prohibited as these represent a vital spawning point of aquatic resources for the rest of the world. IF the seas at this area get lower sometime in the future, littoral states are permitted to stake out territory on their abandoned shores.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lazy Gamer

I disagree. There is absolutely no reason for any of the countries to cede anything to China. They have no legitimate claim to any of the South China Sea except what borders their own territory so there is no reason for any of the countries except maybe Vietnam to compromise with them. That would be like someone stealing your wallet and then offering you half your money back as a compromise.

Not sure about the validity of the claims in the India dispute or the potential value of any resources or strategic relevance of the area in question so there may or may not be grounds for a compromise there.

Lazy Gamer

Dont think in terms of eez but in terms of territory. Distance becomes irrelevant in that framework. If people get maximalist in their positions, then that will be war. The final say however will be all the neighboring states.

Lazy Gamer

Reposting again since trolls downvoted and made my post disappear.

The surrounding states put a territorial stake on the islands and seas on the basis of ownership and possession. On the other hand, the international theater would like nothing more than declaring these as non-appropriable. Simply, all non surrounding states dont want to be subject to a vital chokepoint. And that is the sad result of an international case filed by the Philippines. lol Now it is bound to its EEZ stupidity. lol Anyway, if the surrounding countries all claim sovereign territory on these islands then that leads to a zero sum situation. Out of all contenders, the only one that can project is China and thus, the islands are tilted to China’s sway. This part of the world has massive populations that can easily suffer from trade disruptions as seen from the lessons of Ukraine so conflict is hopefully avoided. Personally, id make an international or multi party body that will be ensuring security in the area with an international consortium drilling for oil or clawing for metals in the whole area but depositing the proceeds into a fund that will be disposed of by an arbitral body to the neighboring states based on its percentage share. Fishing and aquatic resources however would be prohibited as these represent a vital spawning point of aquatic resources for the rest of the world. IF the seas at this area get lower sometime in the future, littoral states are permitted to stake out territory on their abandoned shores.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lazy Gamer
Bozo the Clown

You’re naive and I suppose that this international committee would be controlled by the west. It is not trolls that vote you down, it is your ideas that are without merit. Better you go back to your gaming and leave international relationships to more capable hands. Asia has enough of your United Snakes meddling.

Lazy Gamer

See, it is posters like you who cant think about other scenarios. You only understand what you want to see.

Bozo the Clown

Laughing all the way at this moronic Gamer. Try harder, next time.

andre zulu

trying to connect my A9G to an ESP32… do you have any suggestions…???

Tommy Jensen

When the joos says jump, the chinese jump and jump and jump.


the impotent ontologically insecure paper tiger amerikants cannot challenge China–India will not nor will Japan Korea or Philippines

Chinese is Zionist

China is just the next neo-colonialist and imperialist empire, 9dashline claims mirror isreal way of claims, lunatic.

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