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Refugees: EU Has No Solution, Merkel Rejects Limits

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The EU summit on the refugee crisis was a flop. The States concerned are totally overwhelmed and nerves are on edge. It is expected that all will try to send as many refugees as possible to Germany. Because Angela Merkel announced again that there is no upper limit for accepting them.

Refugees: EU Has No Solution, Merkel Rejects Limits

Photo: dpa

Originally appeared at Deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten, translated by Karin exclusively for SouthFront

The Brussels Refugee Summit is interpreted by the German government as a failure: Development Assistance Minister Gerd Müller warned on Monday in the Südwestrundfunk, the 100,000 places for refugees planned along the Balkan route needs to acted upon. The best would be if the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker would take the coordination now in his own hands.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel described the deliberations of governments as an important intermediate step towards the solution of the refugee crisis. Chancellery Minister Peter Altmaier evaluated the night resolutions at the EU special summit only as a first step to solve the problems associated with the high number of immigration problems.

Yet Merkel maintains her general line, to keep open the borders in spite of unsolved problems: Altmaier rejects a limit to reduce the influx of refugees in Germany further. “That’s what we have always said, it’s the right thing to do,” he told the ZDF on Monday. Nevertheless, one must solve the practical problems that are associated with the high number of immigrants coming to Europe.

However, given the chaotic situation in most European countries, this statement has only declaratory nature. It will, however, mean that all the other European countries send their refugees furthermore to Germany.

Participating at the meeting were, the leaders of ten EU member states and three non-EU countries of the Western Balkans, the EU Commission and the refugee agency UNHCR. 50,000 of the 100,000 places for incoming refugees are to be built in Greece. Müller warned that the project could face the same fate as the decision of the distribution of 120,000 refugees across the EU states. The reality is that until now only 900 have been distributed.

Slovenia shall, within one week receive 400 border guards from other EU countries. The country is faced with an onslaught of refugees, since Hungary has sealed off its own borders for migrants. Slovenia Prime Minister Miro Cerar has warned of a breakup of the EU.

Participants in the meeting also committed to end the “waving through” the refugees: But that is a purely theoretical commitment because they can’t be controlled by anyone. In Salzburg, the police have let passed on Saturday 1,000 refugees to Germany, ostensibly to prevent a panic. The next day Salzburg declared that the current transit district at the main station was not winterized and therefore could no longer be used. Previously, state and federal governments argued about the eviction. It is unclear, however, who has ordered it.

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras promised by the end of the year to have five reception centers (hotspots) completed. When one thinks of the recent promise Greece made during the euro crisis, it is not ruled out that there could be delays. In addition, the EU wants to accelerate the deportation of people from Afghanistan, Pakistan and other Asian countries.

According to the CDU politician Wolfgang Bosbach at the European level the meeting was only partially successful. A fundamental decision must be made: “Will we use our current applicable asylum law, yes or no.” He indirectly accused CDU leader Merkel to be deviating from the applicable law. Criticism also came from Union Group Vice Hans-Peter Friedrich. A signal must now be sent to the countries of origin, “that those who have no right to come here will be and quickly and visibly deported “. This is long overdue, the CSU politician said in the Deutschlandfunk (Germany radio). “The Chancellor must act now. That’s why she is the prime minister. The influx must be slowed or ideally be stopped”. This is also demanded by German security services, with some vehemence.

Within the Union Merkel is now openly criticized for her attitude: CSU-man Hans-Peter Friedrich stood behind both statements of CSU leader Horst Seehofer, according to which the existence of the CDU and the CSU are at risk without action. “I see the urgent need for the CDU that the opinion-forming processes that takes place at the base, also arrives at the top,” said the former interior minister.

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