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MARCH 2025

Refugees From US-held Area Of al-Tanaf Declare Support To Syrian Army, Seek To Return To Government-held Area

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Refugees From US-held Area Of al-Tanaf Declare Support To Syrian Army, Seek To Return To Government-held Area

On November 25, the civil council of the Syrian Rukban refugee camp located on the Syrian-Jordanian border started negotiations with the Syrian government to reach a reconciliation deal, according to the Syrian pro-opposition media outlet “Hammurabi’s Justice News”.

Hammurabi’s Justice News released a list of demands, which the Rukban Civil Council had sent to the Syrian government. In the list, the Rukban Civil Council asked the government to allow the refugees from the camp to return to their towns and villages.

The Rukban Civil Council also stressed in the document its support for the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and said that the refugees are ready to form a force to support the SAA once they are allowed back. Others demands include allowing the refugees to return to their jobs or universities.

The Syrian government will likely accept the Rukban Civil Council demands in the upcoming days, as all of these demands are logical and compatible with the Syrian laws.

Such a reconciliation deal between the Rukban Civil Council and the Damascus government will be another blow to the US-led coalition in the al-Tanaf base area. The coalition had claimed on many occasion that it was protecting the civilians in the camp.

Previously, Russia accused the US-led coalition of not allowing any humanitarian aid to enter the Rukban camp and said that the humanitarian situation in the camp was catastrophic.

From tis side, Mohanad Tala’a a commander of the US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) group in al-Tanaf base denied the Russian accusations on November 25. He said that the aid didn’t enter the camp because “the UN is still studying the matter” according to the Russian state-run news agency Sputnik. However, the ongoing negotiations between the Rukban Civil Council and the Syrian government proved that Tala’a lied.

The Rukban refugee camp is hosting over 60,000 Syrian refugees from eastern Qalamun, Eastern Ghouta, Deir Ezzor, Raqqa and eastern Homs. Since 2014, the US-led coalition and the Syrian opposition have repeatedly claimed that these refugees are against the Syrian government. However the Rukban Civil Counicl said that these people only left their areas due to the battles.

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It appears that the genuine refugees in the camp have now seen the reality of US Coalition anarchy and criminality within the US ‘protected ‘ camps . ‘ The Grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence ‘. In fact the US ‘grassland ‘ is a literally a minefield of hazards designed to kill.


This took a lot of courage knowing that USA and it’s minions would have no moral objections to killing a few hundred of them to make them change their minds.


Or they’re desperate, which is becoming likely if they’re starving


I don’t know know about starving, but with crime, trash, sewage, poor sanitation, disease, and deprivation. The effect may not be much different. A car, bus and nice buildings looks like a better future than a tent city.

John Veitch

Are you talking about Yorkshire? We have many faults but our homeless aren’t allowed to have tents. Regards

Jens Holm

That has not happend. Seemes You and others here dont know, whats going on there at all.

So why dont you learn about it first and keep silent until then.

Bill Wilson

Most that post here are babbling fools that don’t know shit from Shine-ola.

John Veitch

Thanks Bill. You’re right I have no idea what shinola is but I can spot shit. Best wishes.

You can call me Al

I hope so, but do you not find the timing rather convenient ?.


It is I suppose, yes. Is one possibility that its the US unburdening itself if the Refugee camp so as to justify their withdrawal from the illegal US military presence on Syrian soil in the area ? Or is that a’ Hope too far’ ?

Jens Holm

Its not like that at all.

John Veitch

Florian hullo. I share your hopes but I have this terrible, niggling thought that the demons might be plotting to create a diabolical leaving present.


I also fear that the demons in the US,Israel,UK etc will stop at nothing to save their worthless skins. On a positive note, demons have often lost their heads.

Eric Holt

Along with a shitload of Syrian-moslem “Demons” It is synonymous that the Syrian war was that way!

John Veitch

Nice answer.

Bill Wilson

Nah. Those folks just want to go home so told Assad they’ll go along to get along.


You mean they don’t wish to be stuck perpetually until death and/or betrayal amongst the Iconic Vistas of Al Tanf in order to be used as a bludgeon to establish a mini-anti-Syria state?


Exactly and the sooner the Kurds realise that as well the better.

Jens Holm

There are no kurds at Al Tanf. The camp closest to Al Tanf started as 70.000 from the Eufrat Valley.

the other one is smaller and more mixted.


Do not bother. They know and are not interested. They are a group of trolls paid for being ass-adophyles. They like eachother very much and very often.

Politolog Externista

nice self-projection.

Bill Wilson

LOL! They are quite pathetic!

Jens Holm

You kind of expect that millions of Syrian refugees are antisyrians. Those are just refugees and You do not know if they are for or against Your version of Syrians.

Eric Holt

The camp is full of mixed refugees. Those for and those against Assaids. All fled fighting and ISIS in respective areas with that camp as only safe space. The spokesman does not represent all refugees, and if the way Syria is run with 12% Shiite minority governing the rest, then you know who is spinning the stories out of the camp and making decisions for all. Stories change and people start lying as the Syria saga approaches a new dimension. Now they will bite the hand that fed them to get the land distribution and control they want. And that goes for both sides of that coin. War takes its toll.

Daniel Castro

Refugees? You mean hostages…


Yes that’s the true description but in the Orwellian world of the US and Israel a ‘ gay ‘person is now a shit stabber ,’ truths’ are lies and ‘hostages’ are refugees.

Jens Holm

Most of the flees from Eufrat away from ISIS.

Jens Holm

No, most of them fleed from ISIS at Eufrat.


A lot of the Euphrates is not secure enough to let all return yet. But the sooner Ruqban refugee camp is cleared, the better. No more safe haven for Jihadist and criminals, and no more excuses for US coalition to be in Al Tanf. I think Jordan should help organize and pay for them leaving, it’s in their best interest.

Jens Holm

I can see You prefare they go into minefields and regular figthings. Hard to see Your kamikatze version is any solution.

Jordanians has no money as unless they print them thelselves. Hard to understand those should go. Jordan has 1 million refugees.


Jens – since when have you cared about Syrian Arabs? You are an advocate for YPG/SDF and US presence not for actual Syrian Arabs.

Eric Holt

>What would you know about “INDIGENOUS” Syrian Arabs or their plight?. Kurds make up approximately 10% of the Syrian population, Which is roughly about the same as the reigning governing body of Shiites there now. The only difference is that they don´t have the weaponry to control as Arab Syrians do. The reality is, the “indigenous” population of Syria live across the southern border known as “Israel” these days. The Arabs were only invaders, such same as American and English and Spanish colonies of old.


And what would you know? The Kurds are from traditionally nomadic tribes – and are closest in ethnicity to the central Asian Persian/Iranians. The word ‘kurd’ itself most likely originates from the middle era Persian language – meaning a nomad or, more literally, a tent dweller. The US backed SDF militia, based around a re-branded Syrian Kurdish YPG militia, are currently militarily occupying large swathes of the central and southern lower Euphrates valley, in Syria’s Dier Ezzore province, an area that Syrian Kurds have no absolutely historical links to. As for your proposition that, ‘… the “indigenous” population of Syria live across the southern border known as “Israel” these days…’. that is straight from the standard pro-Israeli handbook, constantly attempting to deligitimize both the historical claims and territories of the Palestinian based Arabs. In reality, Arabs have a recorded presence in the Syrian desert from the mid third century – pre-Islamic Arabs – that borders with the Arabian desert to south. Do you contest that, that would be a reasonable time frame from which to consider the Syrian Arabs of south east Syria as native inhabitants?


BORK I guess you get confused by putting up 30 post in one day? :D


Watch out, many ISIS FSA sleeper cell in there trained by the USA troops!

jerry Hamilton

Exactly. America would never allow it unless they were infiltrated.

Jens Holm

And then they drank the coffee ?

jerry Hamilton

It is not compulsory to be stupid, it is optional.

You can call me Al

and this is where my stupid picture in the avatar comes in ….from the SF, we are seeing a new ISIS; to be known as 313.

Call me negative, a conspiracy theory, but I am not confident that this is KOSHER.

John Veitch

Al, could you give us some links? Regards.

You can call me Al

Noted, will do; any chance you could remind me in the morning please.


You may like this John: Are the Israeli Zionist ASHKENAZI about to be taken down, for doing 911? https://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/11/27/breakthrough-video-case-for-war-with-israel-over-9-11/

John Veitch

Thanks for the link. Very impressive journalism and not a little troublesome.


TRUMP expanding Greater Israel to make “America Great Again” : https://southfront.org/us-led-coalition-forming-30000-strong-force-to-control-syrian-border/ and TURKEY will “strangle” the U.S. forces over that: https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201801151060762094-turkey-us-eliminate-border-force/ and then Syria ,in effect, agrees with Turkey, to “end U.S. Presence”: http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2018/01/15/548990/US–Syria-Russia-Lavrov

Just what the “Doctor Ordered” for Zionist Israel – MORE CHAOS. It is called the “Hegelian Dialectic” as part of “Winning by Deception”

Oh, “What a Wonderful World”……the FAKE Jews are “creating” for us while everyone is too busy playing the latest “ War Game” – Q Anon

They ( especially Americans and their love affair with Trump) just don’t notice

Remember what Warburg” stated about the NWO!

John Veitch

I this k that the comments ( yours j Clyde) are amongst the best. I always learn something useful and even the anti-everything posts are sometimes worth a laugh cheers to all commanders.


That’s the idea ,happy to hear that and “keep on truckin

Jens Holm

Haha. And You just woke up after sleeping 100 Years Yourself….ZZZZZZ

You can call me Al

“The Syrian government will likely accept the Rukban Civil Council demands in the upcoming days, as all of these demands are logical and compatible with the Syrian laws.”

………Falling into a trap ?, or genuine ?.

Tony T.

No doubt there’ll be some infiltrators among the refugees, it’s in the interest of the Syrian Gov to accept this proposal

You can call me Al

“The US will claim that the SDF is mainly Arab” – they can claim what they want, but the are not.

Eric Holt

When they return out of Jordanian US hands, they will all be executed. NO loss for stupidity


What ? You don’t like the taste of “freedom” and “democracy” in your dirty refugee camps ???? XD.


“I used to have a home and a country. Now, I live in a refugee camp and my country is cut in 4 pieces because I’m a shit with no brain.”

Tommy Jensen

The civil counsil only represents a few refugees. 98% of Syrian refugees back US Special Forces and are happy America are in Syria to help them against the terrorists and they ask US for protection. Therefore we cannot allow Assad to bomb these people only because they wanted democracy, and further its not the United States fault that Assad has not filled in the correct forms to UN for delivering of aid period.


up yours freak


Stop talking about rights and laws terrorists. You better worry about swendinstan. XD.


No one wants the Americans near them…..they are the most hated people along with their side kick Israelis ….around the globe!

Jens Holm

You pretend You talk for all. You dont. Not at all.

Eric Holt

Actually…you muzzies are…we just allow you pogos to think they are lol :P You need to get out more and see the real world lol :P


You’re fucking kidding right? Either that or you’re yet another Hasbara troll with a good goy-sounding handle.

Langaniso Mhlobo

All USA implemented councils must be aborted by the legitimate made government of Syria.

Jens Holm

Syria so far only have a regime in corrupt mafiosa style.


“However, the ongoing negotiations between the Rukban Civil Council and the Syrian government proved that Tala’a lied.”

Did you trust suinnis or americans or jews or europeans ???? XD. All these people are full of garbage liers.

Eric Holt

Welcome to reality!


“I don’t like Assad because he is a shia. So, I rather prefer live in a dirty refugee camp under jews than live in my own country. In my dirty refugee camp, Saudis come and marry our children. Our children are raped and live in insecurity. But, you know, we, sunnis, are so stupid.”

Jens Holm

You should prefare sekularisme in stead of all the religios everlasting sunni shiit.

Politolog Externista

real secularism isnt about forcing ones views, western, american type is about imposing godless liberalism, which makes them perfect allies to saudi arabia, who share their core values.


“My hate towards shias make me a jew puppet, a no brainer and a terrorist”.

Eric Holt

You know… Jew´s don´t figure in this scenario…but always one pogo going to bring them up. Yours is a sickness bro.

Solomon Krupacek

interesting assad-kurds relationship


Jens Holm



hahahah very nice that they wanan support SAA now :))


Jordan should be involved in this. The demand from Jordan should be forcing Americans to withdraw from the border areas of Syria/Jordan by 40 to 60 miles.

Cheryl Brandon

Fight those U$A wearing military uniforms ;Fake soldiers; Real Killers/Murders! !

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