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Refugees On Crimes Of Azov Regiment (AFU) And Right Sector (Video)

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As DPR and Russian Federation units occupy Mariupol, more and more eyewitness accounts of AFU war crimes appear. This content is deleted from MSM social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. We will continue to provide such video testimonies with English subtitles or with a voice-over narration.

We encourage our readers and viewers who are willing and able to translate and voice-over such videos in English to email us: info@southfront.org and southfront@list.ru (it is better to write to both emails).


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Ashok Varma

Indian TV was the first to expose these racist NAZI savages crimes. Indian students gave details on how these racist bastards abused women and children. Every decent human being is supporting Russia wipe out these Ukrainian scum.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ashok Varma

Russian forces capture Ukraine’s Slavutych, where workers from the Chernobyl nuclear plant live, the mayor asked local people to turn in all weapons and cooperate with Russian administration. Locals seen flying Russian flags on homes. The brutality of Azov Nazi has turned the population against them.

Karen Kobylanksi

More images of Ukrainian brutality being shown in Poland even, just saw a horrific video of Azov Nazis shooting captured Russian soldiers in knee caps. The western media must expose Ukrainian atrocities.


I saw and shared the videos and other videos to wake people up, here in France there is no freedom of expression, the media does not tell the truth no matter how much evidence is in front of their eyes


Macron, Johnson, Biden, Trudeau, Morrison, Ardern – all Nazis and all dictators.


Poles are waking up?

jens holm

Those mnazis are promised same treatment by the Russians. Actually Putin has told all nazi look a like should be treated like that.

And again: We actually show them very well. You are in the old days using old days sate driven state medias.

But we see and debate most things by Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, telegram, TikTok whatever. Its not our fault you only see the dance macrabres and parts of them instructed and done by Russia narrow mind TV.

Aunt Polly

What are you on about? Who’s “we”?


Jens is an ASSOFF battalion spokes-liar, and a psychopath.


YOU are a war crime. I am sorry that scum like you draws breath. Hopefully, this time we will wipe out the psychopathy gene and its carriers.

jens holm

The main difference is Russia dont see the results of their own bombardments added killings and even blaming Ukras all named as nazis are doing that themself.

You also dont show we allow us to show and take care of more then 4 million external refugees and many more as internal.


You should just shut up. Stop justifying the war crimes of Ukro Nazis.


You ‘take care of them’ alright, with bullets in the back and phosphorus tracers. We know who you are – lying psychopaths and mass murderers. The world is catching on. You are done. I only pray that you are all hunted down and removed from the gene pool.

jens holm

Here is my HORROR show from west of Martipol. Ukras was blamed hiding between civilians in a town. Facts were all the locals was evacuated away. The many refugees actually just had arrived from Maripol hardly having had any food, water and sleep for days.

jens holm

NGOs was there. You of course see 2,15% Ukra nazis only. But the Maripol defenders are 3 units and not just one nazi one. They now of course are decimated to not many. Some has retreated making a new front.

You all are well prepared little roosters from before comming out from the eggs.

Aunt Polly

Take your meds, maybe you can become coherent?


She lacks a basic grasp of the English language but is compelled to post in an English language forum. A freak among Nazi freaks.


You keep posting that figure that has no relevance to anything other than an Anglosphere propagand campaign to hide the reality of the Ukrainian Nazi problem.


Do you mean “Poopaganda”?


Are you serious? Klaus Schwab and the global elite cabal are the same ones that own the US/Western media and the Ukrainian government. Klaus owns the Canadians government as well, he even bragged about it on the internet.


The US and it’s western vassal states and their totalitarian governments are the instigators of this proxy war. The western mainstream media is tool for them to brainwash the public and to erase critical thinking so we stay as sheep’s 🐑.

Last edited 2 years ago by DSB88

not “UKRnian” tout court; these are lvov-region lvov-nazis who say they are the only UKRnians…

Ashok Varma

I would beg to differ, western Ukraine has a lot of Catholics who hate the Orthodox and Muslims as these racist NAZI bastards have committed atrocities against Romani, foreign students, Muslims, Indians and ethnic Russia, so at least 10 million or more of the Ukrainians are historically Nazis like the Wahhabi terrorists in the Middle East, the only real option for Russia is either to kill them or deport to other Euro-trash racists like in Poland. Indian TV is full of images of these NAZI terrorist scum committing atrocities against ethnic Russian old women and children. Russia should make sure that they are killed.

jens holm

Your midget really deny to get it. The Russians made an removed Ukraine into to Poland and their older then Russia ortodoxes with the Russian orthodoxes.

And clean the whole carpet please. The jews in Russia was expelled to Ukraine, Belarus and Poland by Youir belowed Tzars.

Before that and after the Russians killed just as many as anyone else there. About 5 million jews still alive for very good reasons emmigrated to almost anywhere else but mainly USA.

That was long time before there was any possibility and dreams for any Israel. Maybee it started in 1870.

You even insinuate everything was happiness and understanding in Russia. It semes that has been being nuked away in Your history books as well.

Thats why You have a collpased Mother and Father. Tjose many millions never was on not only there.


And there you have the diseased, Ukro-Nazi version of historical reality. All based on the ‘fact’ (proven by their ‘linguists’) that Adam and Steve, the first Orcs, spoke Ukrainian in Paradise.

jens holm

Its a atter of definitions.

You can find good maps for where the Ukras was living as majority and minority.

But by that You also has to add parts of them actually was the polish versions and parts of that was polish dominated.

Dont forget Ukra of today in map printing is a total Russian constrution. People living there according toonPution(apart from the 2,15 nazis) are RUSSIANS.

But people west of Minsk as well as the big Lvov are and smaller units actually was Polish.

he never Ukraine for real are the Odessa-mripol coastline, which were added roumainian and germann setllers. Then we have the kosacs and the Tatars keptaway, whci had much more then Crimera. The latest addiction was Russians added to Ukraine in south East. It was Russia and a industriy devellopment for good reasons.

Some might forget the 2 or 3 million jews. If it was today they would be at least 5 million. 30% of Donetsk, Rostov, Kharkov and other big towns had 30% jews. Hitler forgot to to evacuate them.

Russia also systematicly has told wrong about the Ukrainian freedom fighters from the area to make it a good thing the USSR took over.

Denikin also is not there.


“Ukrainians” – invented by Lenin and Trotsky, along with The Ukraine in 1918. All the rest is feverish bullshit for and by morons. Thank God that’s over. A little over 100 years too long! Good riddance to bad rubbish says the world. Too bad Freeland will probably give you Canada.


Good thing India has choosen the path of antifascism. It is not about siding with Russia or China, but about opposing violent and low iq faggots that are only able to express themselves through torture and murder.

The fact that the anglos are backing them, is another reason why it is time to oppose these thugs.

Ashok Varma

The racist Anglo trash thought that India is still a colony and we will say yes master, how high to jump. They don’t realize that Indians in general hate the racist west and are very grateful to Russia for almost a century of friendship and alliance. We will never side with the western racist liars against Russia or China. BTW, the Indian and Chinese foreign ministers just met today and both offered Russia support and pledged no sanctions and the creation of a new Eurasian swift, along with Iran.


You are not even Indian. And you never had a girlfriend.

Ashok Varma

Abay madar chod gandoo, you have many boy friends though. JAI RUS!


তুমি দেখতে বানরের মতো তবুও চড়তে পারো না।

jens holm

There we go again. You have used that excuse for almost anything since 1948.

W see how the Indian racist is not better. Hardly any indians get married with no indians.

You have protected Yourself agains anyone and not only Britts/Westerns. That why main parts of Your country is almost as poor as it was.

Indian GDP is 1900 dollars and the 1900 dllars covers too many too rich and many more 100 millions more poor then the poor in the poorest countries.

Right now danes are nic epeople again. You decided we was not usefull for anything even Our GDP it 30 times Yours and the wellfare is well equalized. New things are not possible in India. By that we even gets well educated Indians all over the world.

Those well qualified people even are lowed paid then others, because they are used to.

jens holm

Sure. Accoding washington Post:

Chinese was ordering Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi struck a conciliatory note on Friday toward longtime rival India and urged the two Asian giants to speak “with one voice” in his first visit to New Delhi since a tense border standoff began.

So how are enemies if this is friendship.

jens holm

Moro is fascisme of the worst. They Hindu top is keeping the rest in levels as in very old days and muslims lower then ever.

Its for everything and not only education and jobs.

And why are so many raping woman and girls and even burn and damage them alive. If You dont take sefies or has a mirror, YUpu can try with a lake.

So what is the West and at least 135 countries backing up??? It not membership of nato. Its is not membership of EU.

So what is it. Between many YÚkraine has been its own country for 30 years. By that they has the right to choose things themself.

jens holm

Thats highly incorrect. When nazis and seminazis march the whole world has at the TV right on.

You should clean Your own house. We again and again see mass rapes and honor burnings and acid use from India to their own women and girls.

That dont say anything about whats going on in Ukraine. You seemes to prefare socalled military weapons against the civilians, so the distance is kept.


Love Russia sending these scums to meet Hitler and Bandera in hell.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

The brave Russian soldiers are doing very well in past two days and have captured more area than Holland and Belgium combined and as the videos show have captured tons of NATO weaponry supplied to the terrorists. The local population is now supporting Russia and pictures of President Putin and Russian flags adorn all shops and buildings. The dumb fat Kiev Nazis have no fuel left and can not carry the NLAWS and Javelin too far. Russian KA-52 are making mincemeat out of the Nazi hoholassholes SLAVA ROSSIYA!

jens holm

You must have seen it tatooed somewhere up in Your behind. But its dirt Pedo Andy from Fcuking ham and already deead Alice


Zelenskyy hiding in a Warsaw basement reiterates appeal for planes and weapons, asks if West is afraid of Moscow? Ukrainians facing defeat now suffering low morale and Biden leaves without offering any real support.

Timmy Temperance

Yes, it was like a surreal book (or perhaps weapon) signing tour. Demented Joe went as close to the battle as he dared and essentially threatened nuclear war in leiu of any real military aid. Then the Whitehouse walked his incredibly reckless comments back. NATO is all about selling weapons but they cannot do that if there is a nuclear war. So Ukraine must neogotiate or there can only be one outcome.


The senile wanker is a disgrace mate, he just blabs horseshit, fondling kiddies makes the geezer look like a paedo.

jens holm

Bandara was a real regular in independency.

The Russian version is created to make it legal to let Stalin go west with Russia by Ukraine, Belarus, Germnay, Hungary, Slovakia, Roumania and Moldiva.

Later on they also took Königsberg and Kant and his bridges.

Hungary Guy

The West and its allies at their Best. But hey, what to expect after 2 Years of Covidiot Dictatorships, waging War against their own peoples- not to mention, against the HEALTHY majority, forcing them into brainwashed. submissive bio- robots, having to play Russian Roulette every 3- 4 months with the Kill Shots (esp: schizer, mod(ifi)e(d)RNA, AstraClotshot, J&J AIDS)

Last edited 3 years ago by Hungary Guy
jens holm

Your comment seemes connected to the worth nothing inflated Rubelira.


The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have been unleashed and we the righteous are still standing. We will win, just as it was foretold. They only have Famine left to unleash. They already did War and Pestilence.


West of ukraine must be leveled Mosul style and thrown away to europe

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Russia has to do a Syria style demographic chance and send all the Ukrainian Nazi roaches to Poland and then seal the border and watch the fun as the racist Pollacks turn on the hoholassholes. Win win for Russia. SLAVA ROSSIYA!

jens holm

USSR did the wrong thing and moved themself west by Ukriane and Belarus. And next they collpsed themself and those people too.

Its a kind of very impressing.


Tell me Jens, why are you Danishes such perfect little Nazis?

James Prendergast

There is good farmland in the West.

jens holm

Thats right. UNICED send You grass from there.

jens holm

They learned it from Aleppo.


Russia should ask for US help in razing Galicia’s cities to the ground. That is the specialty of the Planet of the Angry Apes and their ape leader – Uncle Scram.

I was almost saddened to see that they perfectly target military targets like the Orc Greenhouses and the Oil Storage tanks… FROM 600 MILES AWAY!


I don’t know how EUROPE people fail to see these same nazi disease is repeating when they all used to feels how it like to face facist nazi.

Im sure these azov guys taking drug’s which makes them more aggressive even to civilian.


European people? Do you mean the drones that browser Instagram all the day? The ones with an attention span of no more than 3 seconds? The ones that leave of virtue signalling on social networks through memes?

These bastards need a bomb to explode over their heads, only them they will get off their high horse.

And yes I am a western european and say these things exactly because I know what sh**hole the western society has become. Thanks to God we have thousands of africans coming to Europe every year. Like them or not, but at least they are humans in the true sense of the word. They thinks, work, have no problem getting their hands dirty, reproduce, smile, cry and fight for their future.

Ashok Varma

The sick Anglo DNA is racist, Russophobic, Sinophobic and Islamophobic. These racist Anglo-Wasp trash hate everyone.


What happened to Quad mate? potato head Dutton is angry.


YURP was almost always less than the sum of its parts. At its worst it manifests as something like this Fourth Reich (and all the ones that went before.) I think it is time to grow more useful things on that land than Nazis.


Europe won’t give her any golden globe, that’s very bad acting.

jens holm

Russia has more real nazis then we have. They just are camouflaged as oligarcs and machos in the “we are not gay” style.

jens holm

Number two is we vote and by that the nazis know they are close to nothing because nothing is hidden for them and us.

You behave like Stalinisme. You also dont reflect why people becomes nazis as well as communists.

And we are none of that as well as we mainly has no fear for them. Those in the worst versions are normal policematters. We dont use leoprds and Tanks against them.

We mainly include them by giving themeducation, jobs, houses, homes, chilren. Thats named consensus.

The difference Your kind is, the we prefare freedom but that freedom is reolaced by being repsonsible for You and others Yourself.

You prefare some Putin has too much gas brain is more clever then the rest of You. becaue You are raised to behave as chaos makers onless You are not are taped to a barbed wire or a roped and being punished often.

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

That’s all the evidence.? Another old Russian woman bitching about Nazis? How many of those bitching old women do they have in Russia? As far as anybody can tell she could be the mother of Mikhail Mizintsev the white haired general faggot himself.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Ukrainians have been racist Nazis since their collaborated with the loser peasant Hitler and in the past two decades the Jews and EU trash funded and promoted Nazism, Hungary in Ukraine and Poland. The Azov Battalion ( a misnomer as they were a company sized terrorist operation) committed very serious crimes against foreigners and ethnic Russians.

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

And that’s why the Putin faggots tried to overthrow the Jewish president of Ukraine. We all know all the bizarre contradictions from the moronic Russian state propaganda by now.

Senile uncle Joe left mate, fondling kids, even Zelensky is now accepting defeat from a Warsaw basement. You trolls lost a long time ago, Putin knows his business.

jens holm

Biden is no senile. He delegate jobs out to qualified people and has no need to correct and replace them.

By that he is a strong leader sompared to Yours stromng in decibels only.

It named democratic leadership, which also has listen to.


Seriously, how much is Mossad or whatever Bellingcat shit house your working for, paying nowadays?

jens holm

He had to have an extra wife to fill up all the golden bathtubs with children. Even their grandparents are their in coffins.

Russain propagandists are paid in zink.

jens holm

Goebels had a nicer hair too.

jens holm

Thsts highly incorrect. Thode kinds of elements were there against the Bolsjevics during and just after WW1 fx by Denekin.

At that time Hitler had not written Mein Kampf.

Not only Ukriane had natinalistic fascist elements. great parts of the rest had too. So Nazisme just was a more calibrated version.

The god realtions to germans came, when much of the area was taken and secured by the Germans after both the Tzars and the Red arny had lost to them.

Why dobnt you read about those things. Its free to do so. You semes to be some akward flee market about things.


Truth hurts try to handle it hohol.

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Truth according to the Putin faggots changes every day. Depending on how badly the shitty Russian tanks will keep getting destroyed.

jens holm

I heard LEGO might make kids rebuilding sets after this.

Thye will be named Glue1 , Glue2 a.s.o.

Florian Geyer

We are all witnessing the Real military power of Russia against the Propaganda power of the US and Nato.

President Putins decision to deploy second line troops for the bulk of the land operations is a masterful one. Russia now has more battle hardened soldiers whose previous military experience was largely limited to camping trips with blank ammunition.

The vast majority of NATO has no combat experience ‘ and a few have experience in countries that had little or no airpower.

In the real world of nuclear superpowers the US/UK model of propaganda war is as pathetic as the Wests drive to green power.

The West is impotent and feckless rump of Western citizens will reap the whirlwind of despair as their living standards fall to the level of weak countries that they have destroyed, such as Libya,Iraq and Afghanistan.

Slava Rossiya.


Russians have stabilized their fronts and at today’s briefing, there were a lot of younger gung-ho generals who said that the fighting to become much stronger and perhaps even new offensive measures during this month as the weather will break into warm hard ground. They also stated that Ukraine has no aircraft left and they have seen no hostile air activity. Now that senile Biden has left babbling nonsense, Russia has a free hand to test its tactics and weapons in Ukraine. Russia will win for sure.

jens holm

Thats a winners system if theyr are not up against any.


Not so black ammunition. The russians are famous for their live fire exercises. Spetsnaz instructors firing a machine gun at soldiers in training is great to see. They try to not kill them of course and they have the expertise to do it, but hey they are true bullets!!

The russian decision of sending low level fighters and equipment as the first echelon has been pure genius. Sad but true. The survivors will be battle hardened and ready to fight the world war that is coming. Because, unless someone with a brain takes the power in murica, or we will all go to hell.


Brother, NATO has sadly years of war experience from Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa, Syria etc.

jens holm

We must be the ones using one arm as anteena to see only Putin. Its added energy saving. You are not allowed to use both eyes.

We are not like that.


Hard to sher it on FB. It blocks the posibilty to past the link. Any othe solution/sugestion?


Put a space in the web adress & explain it has to be removed to view link


Use an url shortner

James Prendergast

Switch to vk. Quite alot of FB people on vk now.


Try tinyurl.com

jens holm

You can write what You asked for fx at google search and next the used result. ‘

nick stabinski

we need a way to share on facebook and aviod sensors. Would gladly give you money but no access to crypto


Pray The Lord to put some crypto in their wallets

jens holm

Censors is a relative. Its a right here to debate womens right, structures for the countries and show any kind of sober nakedness for almost any reason.

In many countries its not. So some Indians or philipines take away whats normal here. Its a culture thing.

Derick Lewis

I putting juju curse on them just as soon as I find my rattle and chicken feet.

Derick Lewis

I am labialing them Nazis, they are honor without.

jens holm

You should label why You and others make them. Thats where the reduction should be made.

A typical reason for any extremisme is no job and no hopes for any future. By that ou go to the ones, which has the tools against the leaders, which dont help You.

In assads the real unimplyment rate was 50% had no real full time job or no job at all. By that some well paid Jihadisme becomes and option.

You get an education, You get a job, You get clothe, roof and can send money home.

jens holm

Thats why we give LGBTs and Criminals equal right as well as both genders has.

By almost no problems in the debates and disputes, we can focus on others things an do.

Its private matters as long as they dont harm others. If You dont like strange looking trans, You just wear dark sunglasses.

EWe have lovered crimes a little by that too.


American led NATO, yet again creating and aiding the slaughter of civilians.


UNemployment line for you with that kind of talk.


You trolls face a long dark future, Ruskies winning propaganda war too mate.LOL


I have four leaf-clover and shoe of horse. Sitting in my tree house looking down on your antics. Mouth full of war buzza.


Time to look for a burger flipper job in poland, SBU faglet.

jens holm

We know all aboutthat shooe. The horseunion has complaints in the UN about it.

No horse likes to be renamed to Limper.

jens holm

I dont see that. Its must be in areas where most medias are forbidden.


America has better actors than Russia

jens holm

And in golf You has to j¨´keep the grass short too🛀🏼.

Robert Flee Konjan

Bravo to the people of Russia, Long live President Putin in liberating the western backing nightmare,


Got to admire the Ruskies, they are born brawlers and hard to knock down, they keep coming back at rope dope Ukies.

“We are waiting for 31 days already and are facing defeat. So who is governing the Euro-Atlantic community? Is it really still Moscow through intimidation?” Zelenskyy fumes at US.

Last edited 3 years ago by Bazza
James Prendergast

Anyone who has followed the conflict in Eastern Ukraine after the illegal coup-d’etat of 2014 knows the renlentless cruelty inflicted on the civillians of this region by the Kiev regeime. Trained and backed by NATO and “The West” the Ukrop Nasis killed 20,000 innocent people and made life hell for countless others. People who have endured the cruelty of opression are always reluctant to talk about it. The truth will seep out.


The End of Banderisistan.


A dead ukronazi a day keeps Azovisis away

jens holm

Thoise are not deleted at all.

Russians are all forbidden to see Facebook and Instagram. Every neutral and reflecting Russian has been closed. The Russian people are forbidden to say anything about things in Russia as well as in Ukraine about it. They will be punished if they do.

Now they only has black as color in Putin created inviroments.

I alow me to add we from same refugees as the Russians and others like redcross do know those nazis are not nice people or worse. We get it from 1000s of refugees having dayli contact with family and friends in Ukraine.

There are corners, which are not covered because of lack of electricity and maybee towers bombarded away by the Russians.

jens holm

Russians systematicly are kept away from any non created knowledge orm there. They now take away all kinds of possible transmissions of real facts in speak, pictures and videos.

Russians which has no choises are back in old days with statues for USSR and Goebels.

Why do You keep people like Putin and his oligarcs. EASY. They remove and even kill any possible replacnents.

It just as for Gorbatjov and jeltzin. Both should have been Leaders 20 years before they did and it by that had been possible to reform the bad communisme or partly do as China has.

No way. Putin even want us to payin rubles. We will do anything to make him back inhis correct seize. no matter what.

alex the omniscient

I know, it is bad. but it doesn’t matter at the moment. Now it is necessary to destroy nacis like Azov, Aidar, etc. as soon as possible. Then it will be possible to build a bright future in Russia.

Irene Smart hudd

My heart is breaking today on mothers day to see the cruelty being dispensed by the soldiers when Russia have treated Ukrainian soldiers kindly .I hope justice will be served on these murderers.


Wipe out these Azov Nazi scum from the face of the earth. Never again must a Nazi be tolerated on this planet for one second. They must be hated and hunted like the pigs they are. Kill every last one of them.

Truth for Ukraine

The nation-socialists never were against other nations. They were for their own nation. The Waffen-SS was a united army of africans, indians, russians, etc. The REAL enemy never was Russia, Germany, Ukraine, or other nations. It ALWAYS was and IS the so called “High-finance” which is primarily located in the U.S. They rule the world by division and spread of lies and hate over mass media.

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