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Regular Ukrainian Army Destroyed

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Regular Ukrainian Army Destroyed

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Regular Ukrainian Army Destroyed
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Regular Ukrainian Army Destroyed

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In less than two years of active hostilities, the regular Ukrainian army was finished off. The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has asked Kiev to call up 500 thousand more soldiers.

Even military officials themselves admit that this demand is not feasible, and the deputies in Kiev complains that the country has no money for this.

The Ukrainian military complains that the mobilization process has slowed down significantly. Everyone who wanted to fight is already at the front, in captivity or in graves. There are no volunteers left in the country, and the massive hunt for soldiers on the streets is not enough to close the holes in the Ukrainian ranks.

Recently, roadblocks appeared on the streets in cities across the country, where all people are stopped in search of new cannon fodder.

Meanwhile, Kiev is ready to return refugees from abroad. Some European countries have already announced their agreement to extradite conscripts who escaped from mobilization.

Abroad, Kiev hunts not only on its citizens, but also on mercenaries. Ukrainian officials believe that recruiting should be carried out not in Lviv and Kiev, but “somewhere in Somalia, Congo, Yemen.” There, the Ukrainian army will be able to find many soldiers with rich combat experience. Kiev experts do not bother how the combat experience of these foreign fighters is suitable for Ukrainian battles. However, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have already reportedly lowered the requirements for candidates for their so-called Foreign Legion. Now mercenaries are not required to know Ukrainian or English, as well as have any special skills.

All these measures were not enough to man the Ukrainian army.

The Government of Ukraine has introduced a bill on “improving mobilization.” Fearing public discontent, information about it was quickly removed from the official website of the Verkhovna Rada. The media spread the main points of how Kiev will strengthen mobilization.

As required by the Pentagon, the draft age will be lowered to 25 years. The summonses will be able to find the addressee by e-mail. Those liable for military service who did not report to military units on time will be restricted in their rights. For example, they will be banned from conducting any operations with their property, receive benefits and services from the state, they will be denied loans, etc.

According to the new bill, the category of limited fitness for military service will be abolished, and a large category of disabled people could be sent to the front.

Even one-eyed and dwarfs will be subject to mobilization, while the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada will remain untouchable.

Hundreds of thousands of new soldiers need not only to be caught on the streets, but also trained and equipped. Kiev’s patrons from the West will have to pay for this.

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russia is providing ukraine with fuel. if they stopped the supply of oil, ukraine would collapse overnight. that is about all you need to know in regards to this war.

russia can survive without worthless paper money. ukraine and also the west cannot survive without oil. if russia stopped the supply of oil, the west would give up ukraine and the baltics, all on the same day.

russia has all the leverage, the west has none. yet we’re engaged in trench warfare. why is that?

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny
Rüdiger Fritsch // Düsseldorf

well, it’s not that simple! the oil goes from russia via china to india, from there to turkey and then on to the eu! here it turns into diesel, which then goes to ukraine and is destroyed there again by russian.

it would all be quite funny if it didn’t cost the eu taxpayer billions. according to this logic, the inflation data are also developing, for example in the instigator country germany.


but you see, russia could either enforce an embargo, or just close the valve altogether. if they wanted to win, it would actually be this simple. all of europe would collapse instantly. there would be riots on the streets and europeans would start killing each other.

russia has other means of defeating ukraine, this was just one example. but trench warfare is pretty far down on the list frankly.


what i see is that an army is completely finished off in nomansland (the grey zone) and the useless strongholds. then the trenches are cleared of the remnants after being hunted by drones and missiles. it is more mopping up of the survivors than storming defenses.

jens holm

thats right. but both sides having a hard time.

very much as you allowed your own. russians soldiers dont die as well. very much as you are distected to heven and hell too.

jens holm

dumb senile retired janitor fake homo jens—9 dead ukrop for each russian

jens holm

i never wrote that

jens holm

what a joke.

there is no valve. more like putin only has zink under his pillow.as well.

jens holm

thats right.

several forget eu now work better with replacing oil, gas with more effective use by insolation and all tools which use less el-power.

you we do somethings about it and the non taxpauérs too. it not a fossil question. we get cleaner air for bigger towns and the rest of the world too.

it make so sence to add germany as that. the whole world are in some kind of ression too and some much worse.

jens holm

russia now more revenue fro oi gas—dumb eu pay 4 times price than 2 years ago—economc stagnation all eu nations

christian reinhard

do you really believe that bullshit story?


and where do you believe come the oil in germania from? what does bildzeitung tell about?

And The World Remains Silent!

the majority of the ukrainian army might be destroyed, but it’s a good thing then, that n.a.t.o. helped the ukrainians destroy the novocherkassk! that by the way was carrying precious cargo for the russian soldiers fighting on the frontlines, in the recent offensives around donbass! 4,400 artillery shells and 280 ground launched rockets. this is a huge blow to moscow, and they will have to spend, money, resources and probably the most important time to re-supply their troops!

And The World Remains Silent!

and like they say, time is precious, at a time when the russians were making un-precedenated gains around donbass! now there will be a lull in fighting, while the troops are forced to wait for re-supply, and the ukrops will use this precious time to re-group and plug in gaps in their defenses and just as importantly to rest! and when the russians advance again, the ukrops will be waiting for them, this incident has caused their forces to lose the initiative and surprise on the battlefield!

Last edited 1 year ago by And The World Remains Silent!
jens holm

thats right. too much here is one eye or much. the big picture is not there.

we fx prefare them for many f16s. that should be a pluss for the ground defence and attack.

jens holm

jane holm expert on homosexuality f-16 inferior to all russian jets—easily demolished by tor panstr buk s-400…dumb retired dishwasher jane holm need change stinky panties where remnants of brain excreted from rectum

Last edited 1 year ago by jens holm

7 days later you can see how russians lose initiative and how the loss of novocherkask affected their supplies. hint: russian shells don’t come from chile or australia and don’t have to be shipped on sea.


you mean that same cargo shipt that was damaged a few months ago and laying docked for repairs??? they only managed to take out a already damaged ship….the drone story….oekiestory…. meanwhile they (oekienazistan) lost another two su’s in the process, so why would russia really care or be worried? their own droneproduction is at least seven times higher than ours (nato)..they dont need to import.. but hey….lol


if the ship carried this cargo then it was a good job , well done. while being targeted in the black sea, it was damaged and brought to crimea for repair. there being repaired it was hit by storm shadow and destroyed , but obviously without cargo. i doubt anyway whether the ship was used to carry the cargo to donbass . so what is the point?

jens holm

i can make a version too. russia export cheep oil to the ones, which dare. the rest of easy get cheeper oil by that.

ha ha. new kopek economy.

its not as you assume. we bought a lot of oil and gas from russia, because it was best to the price. there are no lack of it.

i can only recommend more more wind- and solar electrity, where it makes sence. we do and are now building for electric cars too.

jens holm

stupid homo–all russian oil sold at market rate above your homosexual cap—russia cost to extract 17% compared to amerikan…lol

jens holm

dumb moron–cambridge university study 2023—wind an expensive failure


end result is no more eu amd no more us hegemony. russia does not want the land. they have plenty of land and resources. they just want to stop interference bu the west. just look up yeltsins times. so a long protracted and a defensive war from russia. and a dragged out desperate offensive war from the west where they will keep replenishing us and our money to eastern europe untill our towns and cities are but crime ridden ghettos.

tom homo hillbilly

my lgbt army sodomizedc by taliban humiliated by russian superiority


there is greater power out there. you are no competition. so keep pissing your pee here and there.

NATO* Terrorists

even kiev will be go back to being part of the new russian federation.


kiev has always been called the mother of all russian cities for a reason. long before ukraine even existed as a failed state or any state

jens holm

i dont relate to that. very much as zelenski should be ruler of the whole russian democrasy.

i see ukraine as a landgrabbing added russians for control and rescue. stalin and later on krustov made those insanse border. but ussr dont exist. they were only from 1917 to 1991.

jens holm

afterwards i relate to fact. some 36 nio forced ukras dederve they only state and even quaqmire. thare are free do with anyone they wish. very much their main exports were to western europe. very much its here they can help after de ussr decline.


i also relate to fact, when ukras finished then eu and denmark also finished, ussr decline but russia climb and us plummet. ukras export of prostitute and poisoned grain not enough. and for 36 mio ukras in western europe no money

jens holm

i only relate to lick dildo and amerikan rectum


zelenski not democrasy , zelenski private slave of kolomoyski, and azov nazi

jens holm

you not even know what democrasy is.

jens holm

so funny for yours. in april you well have election with only person. is solomon there ?


democrasy and friidom the best we can export, everything else decline

jens holm

reforms should be replacing karl marx with harpo. he acted well and didnt talk too much.

yours dont decide that at all.

Crazy Canuck

soon there will be no russian anything lol eh

Gneaus stapo

there is no russian anything indeed…no russian civilian aviation, no russian car industrie and no proof at all for russian arm industrie as well. 10+ months ago alcoholic in chief medwejew boasted about tank production of 1600. where are those tanks? those should be running/ gunning down the unhappily too few western tanks provided to ukraine 🇺🇦.

but niet, no proof, no nothing. just bla bla, as believeable as igor konashenkov’s fantasy numbers of 600% of destroyed ukrainian airforce

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo
jens holm

aviation car export increasing in russia–in germland no culture stagnant economy must lick amerikan boot

And The World Remains Silent!

this made me laugh, this is such a under-rated comment!


new year and no hope in germanistan, they gave their 18 leopards to their beloved bandera brothers , and are now defenseless


there is news that ukraine is evacuating it’s soldiers from avdiivka.

jens holm

that no news.

tom homo hillbilly

my senility convinces me that taliban humiliation was a amerikunty victory

Gneaus stapo

was indeed best life fire/ shooting range available, given nato+ forces combat expierence for 20+ years, aka from ngo up to general everyone have combat expierence. compare that advantage with the occupation army of china 😂 last time in action 43+ years ago in failed vietnam adventure.

jens holm

dumb germ pay 3 trillion—no combat only germ areikan hide ins fortress bomb children…you senile retired germ dishwashers amusing

jens holm

wikipedia proves that senility and glue sifting make me geopolitical genius

jens holm

i nover whrote that.


don’t u meen u went n dun n never write n dun r wrong?


i never wraite it… n dun r wrong…n right..


as a trueamerikunty scum sodomized by taliban goat herder i am now humiliated by pygmy dildo

Paul Citro

they want extradite conscripts who escaped from mobilization? these conscripts will make very unwilling soldiers with seething resentments for a country that is forcing them to die for a corrupt government and a lost cause.

James Hodgkiss

a bit like people living in enforced multiculturalism.

Florian Geyer

well said.

enforced multiculturalism is a death wish for any civilisation.

Gneaus stapo

there have never ever been multi cultural sucessful empires/ countries ?


gn. stapo with some really bright insight. but what about the old romans?


now it’s clear why only a small part of ukrainians are registered in eu

Last edited 1 year ago by Darius
James Hodgkiss

what about all the women? i would have thought that they would be trilled to go to the front and take selfies as they step on mines etc.


this is just a live excerice. once the war spreads off course because they can’t stop russia so the polish latvians etc will go in next. so the whole of europe is planned to be wiped out. so that merica can prosper again. only if they knew what will actually happen. no bunker will save you the privileged ones


gas increase 8% this week–dumb europeans now only afford 3 taco per week…russia revenues now exceed pre ukrop denazification project feb 2022…more moron sanctions and the idiots comply

Gneaus stapo

russian inflation, military spending etc far exceeds pre 2022, burning fastly trough russian wealth fond. sure on paper, for morons all look good, but behind the fantasy numbers the smo is eating russia out. enjoy the smo, peace will be dreadful

jens holm

wrong dumb germ–russian gold reserves, forex reserves increased 2023…you germs are as stupid as your amerikan master


even bildzeitung reports the russians are economically on the bright side , especially compared to germanistan.


“even one-eyed and dwarfs will be subject to mobilization”

a legion of ukronazi one eyed dwarfs? sounds like success to me and danish fruitcakes…

Jean Paul France

a trench for dwarf soldiers is much easier to dig. and a one-eyed man doesn’t need to close one eye to aim the gun. very clever zelensky.

Gneaus stapo

lol 😂 very funny


zelenski is prepared for his job as war leader as brilliant as annnalena baerbock for the foreign ministery and robert habeck as minister of trade and commerce. that’s why the west will win this war.


clearly they intend to give them bomb vests and catapult them into the russian posirions.


agreed, it’s “lord of the ukronazi dwarf rings” all over again. history repeats!!!

Gneaus stapo

history? lol u mean movie

Crazy Canuck

how many su 34s left eh , did you see whats left of that landing craft pile of russian junk lol eh its gonezo eh. lets get this party started eh

Jean Paul France

canada is the whore of the usa.

Gneaus stapo

russia is the whore of china and gets pimped out to iran and north korea

jens holm

germ is whore to all civilized arabs


you are clueless of reality


surrender to russia call it a war. then the investigations and prosecutions can get started and zelensky and his minions can go sit big house

jens holm

ukrop now recruit mercenaries from crazy cuckold lgbt nursing home

gilberto posada

lo que mas deseo es que el ejercito ruso desnazifique y desmilitarice a las cotorras balticas y la menesterosa moldavia..

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