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Remains Of Israeli Spy, Executed In Damascus Decades Ago, Are On Way To Israel – Report

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Remains Of Israeli Spy, Executed In Damascus Decades Ago, Are On Way To Israel – Report

Eli Cohen in the Syrian capital of Damascus in the 60s. Source: jpost.com

The remains of Israel’s most famous spy, Eli Cohen, who was executed in the Syrian capital of Damascus in 1965, are on their way to Israel, the Jerusalem Post reported on April 15.

According to the Israeli outlet, a Russian delegation that recently left Syria departed with an Israeli coffin containing the remains of Cohen. Israeli officials have not confirmed or denied these claims yet.

Cohen, who operated in Syria under the alias Kamel Amin Thaabet from 1962 to 1965, managed to establish relations with top Syrian political and military officials, and provided information about the Syrian Arab Air Force and military positions on the Golan Heights.

Using Soviet-made tracking equipment and assisted by Soviet experts, the Syrian intelligence managed to uncover Cohen and arrested him on January 24 of 1965 while he was transmitting coded information to Israel.

After a military tribunal, he was found guilty of espionage and sentenced to death under “martial law.” On 18 May 1965, Cohen was publicly hanged in the Marjeh Square in Damascus.

Last July, the Israeli Mossad intelligence agency succeeded in retrieving the wristwatch of the famous spy, which was reportedly sold in an auction in an Arab state.

Israel recovered the remains of Zachary Baumel, a U.S.-born Israeli soldier missing since a 1982 tank battle against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), earlier this month. Russian and Syrian forces played a key role in the recovery of the remains, according to President Vladimir Putin.

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Mustafa Mehmet

Maybe assad working with Jewish terrorist state to


We dont know, but everyone knows Turkey does.. Always talking different for the public, but in the actions always serving NATO and Israel. ;)

Mustafa Mehmet

they all same every head of state they don’t give a s… t about public for them business is business .so why they keep , Jewish man dead body all this year’s something going on ?


Well Mustafa, i find comfort that you see Erdogan as the corrput and lying leader that he is. And you are certainly right, most heads of state are no different. Though there are sometimes leaders with true values and courage. And that is why everyone should demand from their heads of state being honest and with integrity. That most politicans are fools or corrputed is no excuse for them. And no excuse to vote for them.

Mustafa Mehmet

At the Beginning they’re all ok promises Promises once they start receiving fat brown envelopes plus lots of power. devil’s start taking over everything changed


True that. And i hope you and your country will some day have a leadership that truely serves you and your people. But as you say, they are mostly all the same.. We will see.


No, he dosent , Putin lies,

Hasbara Hunter

Can you send me a Link?

Hasbara Hunter

They should have Grind up his Bones & Scatter his Remains in the Wind….the Filthy Khazarian Mossad Parasite…


Who are “They”?

Hasbara Hunter

Does it matter? I would have grind them up meself….that Filthy Treacherous ZioNazi….


For you ,no, nothings matter,

Hasbara Hunter

Why does nothing matters for me?

Real Anti-Racist Action

Here is their history in maps. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/379b336801d70d914d4ea14eadd13edfa0f2bbd455b47529acb9d8978ee74b25.jpg http://www.khazaria.com/images/khazaria.gif https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DzIsktNU0AIPHbr.jpg


I don’t know when the Muslim world will learn a lesson. The Zionist Israel everyday f-cking Muslim leaders and they don’t become united to retaliate.

Zionism = EVIL

Islam is the problem for so-called “Muslim world’. It is an ignorant tribal cult of Arabs that has retarded education and progress. There are now over 2 billion so-called Muslims without any education and whole generations of kids from Algeria to Afghanistan have had no schooling and all they know is reciting the idiotic Koran and babbling Mohammed’s drug induced cave nonsense. The Arabs have no hope now as all their tribal societies are falling apart as the corrupt repressive regimes try to hang on to power at any cost. The Americunts and Zionists have played the Arabs for over 70 years since the devious Brits planted the Zionist cancer in Palestine and things will only get worse as tribal cannibalistic wars grow daily as western lust for OIL grows. The Arabs have proved to be a total failure at human level. No wonder 6 million so-called Jews are lording over the Arab idiots. The shame is that Arab Islam has destroyed such great cultures as Persia.

Zionism = EVIL

Putin is a Jew pimp who has spent millions looking for dead Jew rats in Syria while even ignoring Russian dead victims of Zionist masters attacks. Imagine all the fan fare in Kremlin for a Jew rat who was a treacherous spy. It is a shame that Bashar al Assad has stooped to such arse licking just to stay in power, Even the Wahhabi headchoppers would not have agreed to such humiliation.


Every Jew is a potential spy, their loyalty to the religion is much higher than their loyalty to any country except Israel. The huge number of Jews who work in every part of the US Government would all spy for Israel if asked.


I would think that most already do spy for Israel in one form or another.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re right, “every Jew is a potential spy”, but more of them a loyal to the Zionist movement or the LGBTQI movement than they are to their own Hebrew religion, and even the relgious zealots are mostly all just followers of the newer Pharisees inspired Oral laws, not real Hebrews, real Hebrews only follow the old Written laws, and they’re very few and far between, and that’s if they even exist at all anymore. What is a good Jew the most loyal to, his religion, his family, his country, or his wallet?


“What is a good Jew the most loyal to, his religion, his family, his country, or his wallet?”

During WWII many Jews got their money out of Germany, but they stayed behind to guard their real estate and business assets?


Why fucking Russia keeps kissing jew ass? They’ve shot down their plan, annexed golan and selling weapons to fucking urkain? wtf putin. I’m sick of this fucking bullshit


Putin’s a Zionist too. It’s all sick game they’re playing.

Hasbara Hunter

Shoygu too?


This too? That too? Stop play game,

Hasbara Hunter

No just gimme an answer…


In this case you are right. Shoigu send the S300 against the will of Putin . The military was very upset by Israel because of the IL20. But sadly Putin and his oligarchs are again in control.

Hasbara Hunter

The Miltary are the Ones that can arrange Coup D’Etats….They should be there for the People…that should be any Armies Pledge of Allegiance…Armies can Rise against Dictators…. Like in America & Europe….Peoples can Rise Against Dictators too….If Armies & Peoples Rise against Dictators…..Dictators are in Deep…DEEP SHIT….

Zionism = EVIL

Shoigu is a Tuvan and real Russian, but he has been sidelined and is on his way out. When the Jew pimp Putin med his lover Nutter Yahoo for the 15th time last week in Moscow, Shoigu was excluded from all meetings which gave the Zionist masters green light to attack Iranian targets in Syria at will. Russia now even provides targeting info to the Zionists. The coordinates of the Iranian missile factory in Homs was provided by the Russian bastards. The headchoppers are also on their way to occupying Aleppo again.

Hasbara Hunter

I never was a real fan of Putin…because he is a former Intelligence Officer…the Cheka-NKVD-KGB-FSB has been infected by Jews since it’s very beginning…Obviously the Russians, Europeans & Americans are in exact the Same Situation….Filthy Traitors Rule our Nations…A Global Revolution is needed to Chop’m up…

Zionism = EVIL

I have followed Putin meteoric rise to power from a low obscure major to the Russian presidency, he was hand picked by the Jew oligarchs and is totally corrupt to the core. His daughters live in Europe and has amassed billions of dollars in plunder of Russian resources with his Jew oligarch masters. He is not very well educated or intelligent and even most intelligence assessments stated that he suffers from Asperger syndrome.

Zionism = EVIL



Because Israel is Strategic partner for Russia and security of Israel is very important for Russia,

Hasbara Hunter



Because you are brain blind, go and search in Sputnik and you will find what Russian elites think about Israel,

Hasbara Hunter

Ah now we are getting somewhere….yeah most of the Elites I consider my Enemy…not the Common Folks….


Russian elites = Putin +co

Hasbara Hunter

For now Putin has done very Good things in Syria & Elsewhere… Chief Clown Trumpster hasn’t been too Bad either with his “Clumsy” Behaviour he has made a lot of Hidden things clearly Visible


I am sorry, I honestly gave up on you, but you will wake up one day,

Hasbara Hunter

Russia & the Russians the “Last Resort” If they betray us so be it…..any other possibility will mean the Extinction of Man anyway…Man’s Endless Greed will be his Downfall… Elites need only 500 Million Servants….Easier to Control than 7.6 Billion


Israel is a conspiracy project of US and UK against Russia and Mideast, so much Putin knows. Putin is on defence strategy not on offence with Israel. He cannot open another front with Israel, US and UK until the Syrian issue end.


Israel sends missiles, Russia sends a political present to Israel. Find the error. The fact that Putin says Syrian troops are involved, and Assad denies this, shows just the power balance in this “partnership”.


What ” partnership” ?


Thats exactly my point. But thats how Putin always Talks…

Zionism = EVIL

Putin is an arsehole and a Jew shill, he just mutters what his Zionist masters tell him to say.

Zionism = EVIL

Russians are incapable of making friends, look at how all their “Warsaw pact allies” hate them. Russians are illiterate and unsophisticated peasants and behave even worse. The Slav Russians are a identity challenged confused mob and will be demographically extinct in the future as other ethnic groups increase their power and influence. NATO is now moved into Russia via Ukraine, Georgia, the Stans and now even Azerbaijan which is participating in NATO wargames in Georgia. Even the puny Brits have deployed tanks and attack helos in Poland. Russia is weak as piss and is only surviving because of nukes and kissing Zionist arse otherwise Americunts and NATO fags would have wiped out Russia ages ago like they did with moth eaten USSR.


yep seems putin is partnering with the squatters and that is very very disappointing. wonder why!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I wonder what the Syrians got in return. I’m sure a few of the Syrian soldiers that were in charge of the coffin opened it up and went to the toilet in it, so when the Israelis finally do DNA testing on the remains, they’ll probably find some Arab DNA mixed in with the Semetic DNA.


Any decent country will return remains of foreign citizens on request. It is not a favour or a some kind of commercial transaction. It is simply the right thing to do, and it proves Syrians are a very decent people. Remember a couple of years ago when the jihadists shot down a Russian helicopter and treated the corpses in the most shameful and atrocious way. That proved that they are truly despicable people, lacking any culture or proper upbringing. So, disapproving of this action of returning remains etc. just drags us down to the level of despicable jihadists. There is no secret deal with Putin and Israel. They are just treating the dead with respect. Because they have respect. Some people have none, so it’s all disrespect.


Good, that they got this pig.

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