English: CW4 Dallas Whitney (left) and MAJ Ben Luper, both of Combined Joint Task Force-82 Joint Fires Cell, stand next to an AN/TPQ-48v2 Lightweight Counter-mortar Radar at an undisclosed location in Afghanistan, January 2010.
The armed forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) have captured the remains of a US-made AN/TPQ-48 Lightweight Counter Mortar Radar (LCMR) from Ukrainian forces.
On March 17, DPR forces shared photos showing the damaged antenna of the radar, which was captured near the city of Maryinka.
The forces of the DPR and the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) have been taking part in the Russian special military operation in Ukraine since its start on February 24.
An American portable AN/TPQ-48 counter-battery radar was captured by the #DPR Militia during the fighting for #Maryinka. There are reports that several American instructors / contractors have been killed in the fighting….waiting for more info atm pic.twitter.com/GWSrclmlnD— Tony (@Cyberspec1) March 17, 2022
The SRCTec AN/TPQ-48 is a man portable system, designed to detect, track and locate primarily mortars, with later versions able to also track rockets. It provides 360-degree surveillance using an electronically scanned antenna. It has two separate modes of operation; sense and warn and counter-fire.
The system, which weighs less than 227 kg, can determining the position of an enemy mortar or rocket battery with an accuracy of 50 meters at a distance of 10 kilometers.
In 2014, the Ukrainian military begin receiving AN/TPQ-48 radar systems from the US. One of the radars was captured by Donbass forces in 2015. In the later years, the US went on to supply Ukraine with the larger AN/TPQ-49 and AN/TPQ-36 counter-battery radars.
The US supplied these counter-battery radars on the hopes of improving the accuracy of the Ukrainian artillery. However, they made no noticeable difference in the battlefield.
What is this esoteric looking thing? Maybe my buddy Himmler knows what it is
Alas, old chicken farmer Himmler will probably mistake it for latest gen farm feed station.
https://t.me/dvish_alive/10333 Look the Russians lost their drying mill , no dry washs anymore.
You moronic shtithead said yesterday Putin was going to nuke to world today lol. And I said you are a crazy moron. Proved once again. Now you keep puking more shit from your filthy shithole mouth. Fucking idiot.
From military academy: wasted US tax payers money for ashkenazi military industry. Long run tests showed that this technique isn’t reliable at all.
It’s interesting that you think that this tech isn’t worth it, while Russia is parading it.
Good that Ukraine had been equipped for defense.
Who has something against people defending themselves? Exactly, invaders.
Fun fact, Southfront sticks to Vlad’s order to call war not war in this article too again.
But scared minions in Vlad’s basement didn’t behave, so Vlad had to stop praising himself for a minute. Russian TV called it a technical problem.
Yeah, if only Russian recruits in Ukraine would only suffer from a technical problem only. They suffer logistical problems with food, fuel and ammo.
An oil exporting country that can’t refill its own army. What a joke and shame.
How many Russian soldiers already lost their lives due to blatant incompetence, well, who knows. It’s just sad.
Kievnatzis invaded Donbas first. What goes around comes around…
So much hatred in you against your brothers and sisters. Explains your allegiance. 🤷
To be honest he is right. It was us whom started the genocide first in the east.
While I understand what you mean, because one becomes a murderer, doesn’t justify to become a murder yourself.
Ukraine kicked out Poroshenko for good and elected the only decent person available. Since then Ukraine was mostly going it’s own way. A neutral Ukraine could have been achieved fat smarter.
The worst people from Azov are already serving prison time too.
Ukraine under Poroshenko after the coup is a whole different story than Ukraine right before the war.
To be clear, the devil is dancing on both sides anyway.
Complete garbage. Membership in NATO was built into the Ukrainian constitution after the US coup. The 2022 Klown Krew in Kiev was another band of anti-Russian IMF stooges. You’re regurgitating the same MSM talking points used in Anglosphere propaganda. The Canadians were busted outright training Nazis and tried to cover it up. This is in mainstream Canadian media. To be clear, the US stooges gave up their country to the US imperial strategy against Russia, and now the country is being destroyed as a function of destabilizing Russia. Pretty simple stuff. They have been white-washing Ukrainian Nazis in Canada for seventy years, and now that white-washing has gone global via the US propaganda apparatus.
Moral, housing, weapons, tires,
Hear Douglas McGregor talk and weep!
At 220KG it is stretching things a bit to be man portable, no one is carrying this thing around on their back, it is strictly a vehicle job to transport it, but couple of infantry heavy lifters can set it up once its delivered to fortifications site. This also why one was captured immediately by DNP forces in 2015, the AUF abandoned it in situ when they quickly retreated.
Reports released today indicate that Russia’s Yarovsky missile strike killed many white-supremacist, racist, Nazi mercenaries from Scandinavia. A total of 180 Nazi mercenaries were killed in that strike. Nobody knows how many were Ukrainian Nazis as opposed to radical white supremacists from other countries. But many of the Nazis were definitely from Scandinavia, Sweden in particular.
Russia is make the world a better, kinder place for all people. Russia is eliminating the racist-supremacists and the ethnic-chauvinist bigots.
Victory for Russia and the Russian liberation army.
O gevalt. My precious koshernazis. Thats roo much to handle.😨😫
Russia has taken on this Nazism obsession in order to justify a pointless and unproductive war. There are very few Nazis in Ukraine. And Ukraine is not the only country which has far right elements in their Parliament. Who appointed Russia the far right police in Europe? If anything, far right parties were on the side of Putin. They were aligned in terms of values. Putin is destroying everything in Russia. It’s diplomatic ties. It’s army. It’s economy. The mental health of the population. Driving an entire nation in a narrative of paranoia and fear. How can he make the Russian nation stronger when his very actions achieve the exact opposite?
Nah. Glorious ukronazisistan is the main hub globally for neonazis. Truth hurts try to handle it. Slava Ukraini. Praise Adolf and Bandera.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw5lzKVn3sc&ab_channel=OxfordUnion Putin is not feeling well, anymore
Im an Ukrainian neonazi and proud of it. I will kill both nato fags and ruskies.
Very few thats relative. Hundreds of thousands. Not their numbers are the problem but that they get most the funding from the CIA and NATO. That’s why I left. Im a proud Zionist. I have my limits. When they call me a dirty jew I leave That simple. Eff Ukraine. And Eff neonazis.
With a name like Stephen Bandera how can we not know who the Nazis are.
Blah blah blah…
WAOW as a Bidenvoter I approve of this. It’s everything I voted for!!!! W-wait a second you said Russia launched the missile? But Russia = bad. Conflicting programming bzzt brrtt system shutting down…
Biden voters don’t write WAOW that’s European only
Still remain the Muslims and the jews to eliminate
Its like 3 rightwing etremists from sweden, who joined the war since 2014. its no chance they were, in that attack. they killed 180normal ukrainian soilders.
Obviously, Ukraine has become a cabalist poison container and slaughter house for the jew led european neo Nationalist elite. Once the Nationalist cadre has been ten times decimated peaceful slavery will return to Europe’s premiere garbage container.
Its nothing special,just trash. Best is yet to come…dear russobots. 1 bilion dollars for ukraine equipment. Loitering munitions and javelins from uk, poland,germany and usa is coming. It will be nightmare for russian cannon fodder.
Should be a dream come true for the people of the Ukraine as the US goes about the task of turning the Ukraine into a wasteland to disrupt economic links between China, Russia and Europe. A beautiful future for all the young Ukrainian people. The Afghanistan dream they were all hoping for in 2014.
Wait a second, are you saying they lied to us? When I threw molotov cocktails at Maidan at civilians and police, I thought it’s because Ukraine would become prosperous(and ofc the juicy Soros money I got paid upfront) like all the other ex USSR states who joined NATO. There’s many examples such as Lithuania… no wait that’s become a complete shithole. What about Latvia? No wait that’s also a shithole. Estonia for sure! Oh…shithole. Quick someone hand me an example of a country that came under western influence that was anything short of a disaster for the population, there must be at least 1?
Sig Heil amirite kameraden? More will be joining me in hell- oops, I meant to say Valhalla!
And who is going to fire the Javelins or the Loitering Munitions ??? There is only Squad Size Ukro-Units in existence and all trying to reach the NATO borders to escape annihilation after the Termination of the Ukro-Army in February…. The Russian “Cannon Fodder” are dining on Roasted Ukro Ribs you Dimwit.
Slovakia and bulgaria decided to send s-300’s to ukraine. Slovakia and bulgaria will get 3 US made PATRIOT systems as replacament from germany and netherlands . russobots will cry
And you think they will arrive to Ukraine in tact? 😆 Also it was a bad deal. Even first gen S-300 is more capeble than the latest Patriot.
Unfortunately S-300 is obsolete against state of the art systems.
Can’t s300 be integrated with s400 and s500? Even the buk system regularly downs Israeli state of the art missiles.
More airstrikes incoming for the koshernazi banderites.
Ukropistan lost around $200billion worth of military gear. You are a funny guy thinking a few $billion more or less will change anything.
Who cares? western world will donate ukrainian economy soon but russia will remain on same level as north korea :D
Yeah, Russian recruits already living the North Korean dream … 🤷
You mean Azovisis does. I deed.
“Western world” doesn’t donate anything. World Bank and IMF bleed their marks dry. That was a major part of the problem in the Ukrainian criminal plaground before 2013.
Russia has a trade surplus of $200billion this year. U.S. has a trade deficit of $1300billion. Better luck next time tho.
USA is exporting their inflation since decades, that won’t change anytime soon. 🤷
You forget about the Petro-Yuan, coming soon to your non NATO country.
Wishful thinking. Do you really believe the Saudis will stand up against the western countries? They would screw them over in due time. The middle east has a history with that.
Especially as the Saudis need the Europeans to keep their oil production online.
But you can replace them with Chinese, good luck. 🤷
Now as China and Saudi Arabia agreed on oil rade on rimimbi basis, the Dollar will collaps soon. How much stuff will you get for a billion dollars? Ten loaf of bread, maybe?
Saudis can’t even use a hammer the right way around. How do they want to export oil without the European work force ones moved out?
Replacing them with Chinese? Good luck with that. 🤷
Chinese, Russians, Iranians, what do they know about oil that just gushes out of sand.
Quick, hand those Javs over to Steiner and have him deliver them to the Nazi batallions in Mariupel. Oh we can’t… Quick, send them to Kiev… Oh we cant. Quick, send em to Severodonetsk!! Well sheeeet. What else can we do to prevent our dying regime from disintegrating? Quick, release the anthrax. Russia did it, look everyone Russia did it, wasn’t us, it was Russia TRUST ME. Okay everyone send in those Bradleys that we have in Poland. REEE RUSSIA why did you just strike them with a hypersonic missile you can’t do that. I HATE YOU RUSSIA REEE *stomps feet*
Clava Rossia ru ruvtu
The fact the Russia is bragging about small material gains is a clear indication that they’re not making any gains on the important objectives of this war. Another day passed, another battalion of Russian soldiers exterminated, another batch of several dozen Russian vehicles being captured. The Russian troops are being cut down like sunflower stalks. The rate at which Russia is losing men in this war would make any western military hang is head in shame. The Ukrainians are collecting your dead, wrapping and packing them, getting ready to send them. They came in warm and they’re going back cold. There is nobody to receive them in Russia. The dead Russian soldier is worth less to Putin than the live one. In the meanwhile, Putin is self congratulating himself in massive rallies in Moscow. People are cheering and praising his narcissistic arse. While in Mariupol, the genocide perpetrated by the Russian army against the peaceful population of the city continues. It’s all fun and games for Putin, but the world is watching and judging him appropriately. There’s a special place in hell for such monsters
The fact the Ukropistan is bragging about small material gains is a clear indication that they’re not making any gains on the important objectives of this war. Another day passed, another battalion of Azovisis soldiers exterminated, another batch of several dozen Ukrobot vehicles being captured. The Ukrobot troops are being cut down like sunflower stalks. The rate at which glorious Ukropisstan is losing men in this war would make any western military hang is head in shame. The Russians are collecting your dead, wrapping and packing them, getting ready to send them. They came in warm and they’re going back cold. There is nobody to receive them in glorious Kievistan. The dead Azovisis soldier is worth more to Zellerboy than the live one. In the meanwhile, zellerboy is self congratulating himself in massive rallies in Warsaw err I mean Kievistan. People are cheering and praising his narcissistic arse. While in Mariupol, the genocide perpetrated by the Azovisis army against the peaceful population of the city continues. It’s all fun and games for Zellerboy, but the world is watching and judging him appropriately. There’s a special place in hell for such monsters I fixed myself 😃
Wow how original you’re copying me. Try harder you’re a joke.
Indeed Im a joke 😜
You’re an obvious troll liar and you don’t fool anyone
Lol you’re living in lala land along with your entire Russian population. You deserve everything that’s coming to you.
And how about the population of the Ukraine? Their stooge government installed by the US in 2014 undertook a barbaric ethnic cleansing operation in Donbas, while pursuing anti-Russian policies throughout the country. Now the Donbas is gone, the entire country is a war zone and millions are fleeing as the entire popuation is traumatized and subjected to dislocation an deprivation in the chaos. So who was in La-la land? What people in their right minds would want to submit their country to the US predator entity? It’s mind-boggling to think that the Ukrainian population bought into a seventy-year-old fake promise from the US empire. Sad.
This is the Russian stupidity. They’re trying to be original by copying the West but the exact opposite of the western society. Unfortunately,that’s only barbarism. It shows that you people are incapable to find your own identity
This is the Ukranian stupidity. They’re trying to be original by copying the West but the exact opposite of the western society. Unfortunately,that’s only barbarism. It shows that you people are incapable of finding your own identity. Fixed! Also fixed grammar!
This is the Ukrainian stupidity. They’re trying to be original by copying the West but the exact opposite of the western society. Unfortunately,that’s only barbarism. It shows that you people are incapable to find your own identity
I quit the SBU cyberwarfare unit 3 days ago. Home again in cozy TelAviv. Warm and sunny. You should do the same. Eff these double digit IQ koshernazis in kiev. 🇮🇱
You guys score extra points for lack of originality. Congratulations. You’re not only cognitively limited, you have a parrot brain too. Explains much about Russia today.
You score extra points for lack of originality. Congratulations. You’re not only cognitively limited, you have a parrot brain too. Explains much about Ukraine and the West today. Fixed!
NATO should deploy my danish tactical tranny spec ops unit in Kyiv. Im ready. I have my purse high heels lipstick dildo and hormone injections ready. I will mop the floor with anyone. My viking mangina can crush a wallnut.
You can’t win a debate with that kind of argument mate. This site is a Russian hole and everyone might agree with you. But 97% of the world population is not Russia.
Neither is it Ukraine or the US or the EU. Something to think about.
West just shot itself in the foot. Final days of the $ and the crumbling americant empire. Say helo to your new Chinese overlords. You have seen nothing yet ukrobot.
You’re delusional
Vlad cares about his soldiers and recruits as much as about his brothers and sisters, not at all. That’s the sad reality. 🤷
Where did you get this non-sense from, sounds like Hollywood make believe. Mariupol will fall very soon, if not already. Neo nazis fight like ISIS, destroy everything as they go. Agents of Satan.
The objective of the war is culling, pruning and providing strategic inertia. Its a three sixty win.
Ukraine became a blackhole that attracts weapons from Washington and NATO countries. I don’t know how they manage the delivery of these weapons to Ukraine and to other countries around the world. It costs a lot. I think this is stolen gold and money from poor countries.
That’s warshington.
“Ukrainian soldiers were trained by CIA veterans after Russia’s invasion of Crimea in 2014 according to reports, which officials believe is what is helping them in their war against the Kremlin today.
Paramilitary officers with the Central Intelligence Agency in the Special Activities Division began secret training in sniping, anti-tank warfare and surveillance evasion after Russia occupied Crimea this time eight years ago.
According to Yahoo News, six former CIA officials have said they can recognize their training in the current war on Ukraine through the resistance of the nation’s soldiers.”
It’s a US proxy war with the duped Ukrainians taking the place of the Hmong. How did that turn out? How are things in Afghanistan these days? Afghans living high on the hog from the mineral wealth and transit fees?
Just watch this interview: https://t.me/SurvivingWeimerikachat/92014
Oy vey, my precious americant babykillers. We will mourn for them….on tv…
Im low in captagon and heroin is all Having PTSD and withdrawal syndrome. Get me a medevac now or I will bomb another hospital. Start WWIII, close the skies, throw ukrop babies at Ruski tanks. Save my ass. Your best President ever 😈💯
Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗
CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡
An Iskander a day keeps Azovnazis away 🤗
Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺
Slava Ukraine was the salute popularized by Bandera himself. Now you’re saying you’re better than that, but you’re actually copying Bandera. How dumb can you get?
Slava Ukraine was the salute popularized by Bandera himself. Now the west is saying they’re better than that, but they’re actually copying Bandera with Boris Johnson repeating that phrase. How dumb can you get? Fixed!
Actually looked it up Bandera copied Russia. My bad…
10 000+ russian invaders are dead but who cares? Life in russia is worth nothing :D new afghanistan for russobots
here is another russian invader being annihilated by ukrainian/western toys:
world is happy that ukraine shithole is gone forever and will never be heard again. it will become one oblast in russian federation.
That means 30,000 dead Ukrainians. Sad day fūr unsere kamaraden.
If SBUisis and twitter says it must be true…
So let me get this straight, there are Rusophile bots here who lack sufficient neurons and have the brain equivalent of a parrot. They lack linguistic creative ability, basic logic and are incapable of holding a proper debate. It makes so much sense why putin finds it easy to brainwash so many Russian.
Slava Ukraini.
Sigheil mein bruder.
So let me get this straight, there are CIAbots here who lack sufficient neurons and have the brain equivalent of a parrot. They lack linguistic creative ability, basic logic and are incapable of holding a proper debate. It makes so much sense why Biden and co finds it easy to brainwash so many Americans. Fixed!
Why would a CIA bot waste their time on this obscure and pointless corner of the Internet? You’re so insecure about your own propaganda that you feel need to fix alternative views even here where its clear the most people are pro Russian. If you can’t hold a convincing debate in this Russian corner, how are you going to convince the rest of the world? Unlikely.
I am a CIA bot who wastes his time on this obscure and pointless corner of the Internet. I am so insecure about my own propaganda that I feel need to fix alternative views even here where its clear that the MSM is pro NATO. I can’t even hold a convincing debate without considering alternative viewpoints, I wonder how I am going to convince the people holding on to pro Russian views. Unlikely. Fixed!
This corner of the internet is so pointless and obscure that the White House singled it out for special attention. If find it very funny that you feel compelled to post on this “obscure corner” the same narrative pushed globally by the largest propaganda apparatus in history. Funny, funny stuff.
Rusophile rhymes with pedophile. There’s a special reason for that.
And that is Im a pedo. 🤫
You’re a Russian pedo. The most common type of pedo
I am an American pedo. The most common type of pedo! Fixed!
American doesn’t rhyme with pedophile. Rusophile does.
American doesn’t rhyme with pedophile. Anglophile does. Fixed!
Yes Im a pedo and proud of it. My mom was Ukrainian tho.
Slava Rossiya.
“Zelensky has just signed into law the first steps of Schwab’s Great Reset. He announced he is introducing a Social Credit Application combining Universal Basic Income (UBI), a Digital Identity & a Vaccine Passport all within their Diia app. He also says that because so much money is coming into Ukraine as he has become an international celebrity, he has legalized cryptocurrencies in Ukraine. He will allow foreign and Ukrainian cryptocurrencies exchanges to operate legally, according to the country’s Ministry of Digital Transformation.” https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/war/ukraine-adopts-wef-proposals/
The whole country is just a banker’s experiment.
Send to China!
Those two Uebermenschen should get their bullet. What are they doing in Afghanistan?
Americuns love to give away weapons, well not a gift exactly: first in Syria (American taxpayer paid), second Afghanistan (American taxpayer paid and the afghans) now Ukraine, (Ukrainians that are being born will paid that), hey, I want a barret