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Remembering Soleimani: Nasrallah Says Lebanon Exists On The Map Thanks To Iranian Support

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Remembering Soleimani: Nasrallah Says Lebanon Exists On The Map Thanks To Iranian Support

Hassan Nasrallah during a speech commemorating the first anniversary of the assassination of Iran’s Quds Force Commander Qassam Soleimani. Via al-Manar TV.

Lebanon exists on the map today thanks to the resistance, which is supported by Iran, Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of Hezbollah, said on January 3.

The Hezbollah leader made this statement during a speech commemorating the first anniversary of the assassination of Iran’s Quds Force Commander Qassam Soleimani.

Exactly a year ago, a U.S. drone strike on Baghdad International Airport claimed the lives of the Quds Force commander, Deputy-Commander of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and eight other people.

“Iran is not weak, and it knows very well when and how it will avenge the assassination of its figures,” the Hezbollah leader said.

Nasrallah stressed that the “Resistance” should stay loyal to the blood of Soleimani and al-Muhandis. The Hezbollah leader added that the “Resistance” became more “firm and stubborn” following the assassination of its leaders.

“Mistaken he who thinks that we can retreat by either sanctions or assassinations,” Nasrallah added.

Earlier today, thousands of people gathered at the Tahrir Square in Iraq’s Baghdad to commemorate the assassination of Soleimani and al-Muhandis. Gatherings and events to remember the two commanders were also held in Iran, Syria, Yemen and Lebanon.

The assassination of Soleimani and al-Muhandis brought members of the Axis of Resistance closer than ever. At the same time, it created new, unprecedented threats to the U.S. and its allies in the Middle East.


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More mumbelings from a puppet, where was he 3 months ago when we waited for his response at the border? we will keep killing his terrorists in Syria whenever they act against the State of Israel.

klove and light

a puppet who kicked major jew ass in 2006.


Free man

You will have to wait a long time. They are too afraid to respond at the border. But they have no problem killing tourists, as they did in Bulgaria. This is what cowards do: https://twitter.com/ELINTNews/status/1345803605677387778

Great Khan

Hahaha little Jew mamtu post mishygugu everyday,,,,haha

Free man

Hahaha tiny Khan mamtu post mishygugu everyday,,,,haha tiny Khan talks a lot like rat from Beirut…..hahaha


If they start killing innocent Israelis on vacation, you can be sure we can do it to them inside Iran itself. Mullahs are playing with fire, we can light up Tehran if we decide to.


“If they start killing innocent Israelis on vacation”

You kill innocent Arabs of all nationalities almost monthly all over the ME, if not weekly in the Occupied Territories and Gaza. That would only be fair retribution , even if I wouldn’t personally condone it.

“we can light up Tehran if we decide to.”

Again with the grandstanding that goes nowhere man… please, enough with the childish chest-pumping. You try that and Tel-Aviv loses entire neighborhoods in less than 10 minutes, and you know it… a few thousands 1 to 2-ton thermobaric warheads of various types come crashing at Mach 15, sending tremors there for generations to come… do the math, the closest there is between Iran and Israel is barely 1500 km and these assets travel at Mach 5 to 8 average once off the atmosphere.

You won’t ever “decide” something of that magnitude, while Tehran won’t ever draw first blood despite all their officials barking, same thing. They know both Washington and Tel-Aviv are looking for any excuse to create a coalition against it. And if by some unlikely event it ever comes to that, you’ll call uncle Sam.

Blue In Green

Happy New Year Gryzor!! Wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2021!!

The attrition factor in a kinetic-conflict between Israel and Iran, favors Iran greatly due to a multitude of points included military and non-military aspects.

– Larger population – richer nation in general – larger geo-graphical foot-print – better strategic depth – more vectors to potentially attack from (Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Gaza, Syria, Iran) – way bigger industrial base from which to supplement a war, etc.,

Iran has it will fight Israel from many different areas all over the Middle East, this alone would present a massive logistical issue for the IDF. The way I see it is pretty simple actually.

Israel has thousands upon thousand of targets to choose from where as Iran and its allies only have so many targets in Israel they can destroy, not because of technical issues in getting to the assets but the reality that thee is only so much physical targets to be obliterated.

How many substations, power-plants, nuclear-facilities, air-strips, sea-ports, centers of military operations, airbases, barracks does Israel have? It’s not that many and they’re all under Iran’s precision missile umbrella.


Hi BIG , thanks , I wish you all the same ;-)

very good point about a strategic depth, 80% of Israeli electricity depend on less than 5 or 6 plants or so, many articles provide insight into the critical points of failure Israeli infrastructure , and that’s a major issue for war planners there.

Iran has the numbers, ranges, types and guidance that allow their arsenal to destroy those sensitive targets several times over even taking into account ABM defenses.

And that’s exactly why such a shooting war will NEVER materialize between the two arch-foes. Israel won’t act alone overtly for reasons you mentionned above.

Similarly, Iran won’t start it either, since it would risk NATO joining in on top of the GCC, like Saddam brought on himself in ’91.

So in the end, this war will quite fortunately remain on paper, books, e-books, and Disqus forums in the foreseeable future xD

Plus, time plays on the side of stability obviously. Considering Iran grows more and more militarily by the year and with it the ever-increasing costs of any direct intervention against it.

Jens Holm

It certainly is needed to be as many as possible, when such a big procent are lazybums and unomplyed.

The Shiits Pope and Allah is helping Israel very well in economy as well.

Jens Holm

“Thermo barbaric”:)


Thank you for your valuable contribution Jens, and a happy new year to you AND your friend Google.

Jens Holm

It will be the hot word for 2021 in stead of Meetoo:)

Blue In Green



Jens Holm

XD is a blindfolded lying down Kyklope with a too big mouth.


Glad I could kickstart the year the right way , B.I.G ;-)

Jaime Galarza

Your hope is misplaced. Somebody who denigrates others by calling them monkeys and at the same time writes as such is hopeless, I think.


Lol agreed. My reply to him was more rhetorical than anything real. I’ve stumbled across his unintelligible nonsense enough times to realize this any change is actually hopeless now.


People have overlooked how weak the Zionists are as they are in social and demographic decline. Many dual passport holders are fleeing.

Icarus Tanović

How about Negev gets one? A Nuke one.


You are wrong gryzor, I usually agree with you but this time you are wrong man. Iran enriched today Uranium to 20% and Bibi has already said it is unacceptable for Israel. As I’ve told to Garga, we are going to an open conflict and the only question is when. You will cause us alot of damage with your missiles, I don’t doubt it. But your nuclear program will be stopped by peace or by war, and right now it’s by war. The distance between 20% to 90% is very short, we can not take that risk. Goodluck gryzor, you and Garga actually two of the normal Iranians I could be friends with on a different time and place.


I afraid I’m not IZ, and the reason is all over the place.

-Bibi was among the ridiculous handful of world leaders that opposed the JCPOA before and during its signature, and did everything within its power to destroy it. He found in the Trump administration the ideal vector to succeed in doing just that.

-Donald’s unilateralism essentially struck the final nail in the coffin of the internationally agreed document, and with it certified compliance from Iran in what was the very first Security Council treaty that its leaders accepted to seal by trusting both American and European leaders.

-Concessions were serious and plenty : the Arak heavy water reactor was destroyed, thousands of centrifuges were taken offline in Natanz (the very same that are getting back to service today, quite ironically) enrichment was limited to 3,67% so even lower than the usual 5%, and Tehran even accepted the most stringent and invasive inspection regime in the history of the AIEA, that in turn repeatedly confirmed its full compliance two years in a row.

You see, before the US tore up the internationally signed document in a historical mockery of a level unseen in the existence of the United Nations, Iran had voluntarily , essentially given up on every key technology and infrastructure of relevance to even a civilian nuclear program, let alone with a military element.

What Bibi succeeded is basically to reverse all those gain by lobbying the Trump administration as hard as it could to force it into retracting away from it and then even re-establishing the sanctions regime that existed prior to the JCPOA.

What is even more extraordinary is that by doing so, the US/Israel actually gave Iran the legal right to enact retaliatory measures that are explicitly specified within the P5+1 treaty in case one party decides to renege on core terms of the agreement. They also gave Iran’s hardline leaders the best case they could have ever imagined to sell their people, the best propaganda boost ever : factual and undeniable proof that when they finally decide to trust Western leaders and get back to the world order, they get betrayed plainly in return. Never in history could they hope for a better cliche with them having to invent anything. This is crazy. And you gave them that option on a golden plate, with your own hands. You can only blame your own shortsightedness, foolishness and non-stop appetite for confrontation.

You say you “couldn’t achieve de-nuclearization by peace” well of course man, you did everything to kill the peaceful option, you fought very hard for years to reach that objective, and you dare complain ? you dare whine in here telling us that “Iran wants war ?”, how the heck do you want anyone to take you seriously when your posture are so pathetically weak in the face of facts, acting like pyromaniac firefighters, as the saying goes ?

You seem like a smart guy IZ, but the recurring problem I always see in your rationale one topic to the other is the lack of perspective and context. Every time, you complain of a given situation by merely looking at its surface, and don’t bother going back to the root-cause that led things where they are. Stop taking close-up snapshots of everything , sit back and look at the bigger picture, you’ll be surprised by what you learn.

And as I always tell you : you reap what you sow. Deal with it when it bites back.

Don’t pin the blame of your own policies on people you impose it to. When you act, people react. When you abuse, people slap back. Iran should be a lesson, ditto Hezbollah, which wouldn’t even exist in Lebanon had you not destroyed the country in 82 followed by the harshest occupation of its southern lands for 17 years straight. Ditto Palestinian struggle, when you decided to outright ignore the letter and the word of the Oslo accord by expanding settlement policy even further while the PLO officially disarmed and started active collaboration with Israel’s security services. Ditto the whole situation you created by coming out of nowhere claiming lands by force and terrorism right after world war 2 against people whom had never done a thing against Jews and simply happened to leave peacefully where you unilaterally decided to come in force.


I am not going to argue with what you wrote gryzor, we have a big part in the current situation. I am not trying to stop you or tell you what to do anymore, I think we are past that point. The nuclear deal is dead, and by enriching Uranium you have also made Israel and the Sunni Arab states much closer. The hardlines in Iran were always in power, I’d rather see someone like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad than Rouhani, atleast he tells us what he truely thinks and wants. We both know Zionism and Islamism can not co-exist, a war was always a matter of time since the day of the IRGC revolution. Let it be. I think both sides have said it all. Diplomacy is over.


You make no sense at all IZ. None. Rouhani and the Obama administration along with Europe, Russia AND China, reached an historic agreement that both kept the hardliners at bay in Iran AND provided the world with an Iran that voluntarily relinquished its ability at nuclear technologies, reduced everything to a bare minimum and literally destroyed and/or dismantled some key infrastructure they took years to establish in order to fully comply with the AIEA inspection regime. Gulf states and Israel did everything to destroy all of that progress and they got exactly what they wanted : hardliners back in charge and a return to nuclear development in full steam by the regime.

You do not get to complain of a situation you were the sole responsible for. Should you add insult to the injury of the suffering of millions of Iranian reeling under the illegal sanctions regime engineered by Trump on hysterical lobbyism by Bibi , AIPAC and their friends in Congress, you will get the only thing then deserve : mass casualties and destruction on imaginable scale, and so without the international community at your side, or legitimacy, or anything.

If push comes to shove and Israelis like yourself support their government in getting ahead with an outright attack that would kill Iranians, after they already humiliated this nation and impoverished so many of its inhabitants under the crushing weight of unilateral sanctions : let them crumble under a missile hell. The dice has benn cast and I will FULLY support Iran’s right to defend itself at ANY cost, no matter what it takes and the impact it has on Israel, I simply, won’t, care one bit. If you are a reflection of the average Israeli, then may you have it. You’re gambling with the life of my relatives ? You’re now my enemy. You do not want peace at any cost and OCD on being righteous above all existing facts ? Then please, go ahead and get your war, but also its many, many dire consequences. And please then don’t come crying we use banned weapons of mass destruction and immoral warheads when they explode over key districts of your country.


Frankly, you are a teenage wanker extraordinaire.

Ashok Varma

Silly chit of a boy. Post some more lunda bazaar (surplus clothing) photos from Vietnam era to show what a great teenage doona warrior you are :)

Great Khan

Hezbollah brother STRONK! Jew buy more diaper,,, ,hahaha

Putin Apologist

Nasrallah wishes all his Christian and Muslim bothers and sisters a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year… sorry Jews. Maybe he just forgot?


Jens Holm

Hust as the the rest of us, they dont care a shit. We have monkeys here too, which best tool is their tail.


So-called Pisrael is dying. Just today a demographic profile gives a glimpse into the future.

In first, Jewish population in Israel drops below 74% as Palestinian and Arab growth soars

The number of Jewish immigrants hit a record low of 33.8% of the total number of new immigrants and large number of dual passport holders head back to North America and Europe as economic conditions hit rock bottom.

For the first time since the founding of the State of Israel, the country’s Jewish population dropped below 74%, according to the Israeli Immigration Policy Center (IPC), which cited data from the Central Bureau of Statistics.

The number of Jewish immigrants also hit a record low this year, with 33.8% of the total number of new immigrants, according to the IPC.

TheCentral Bureau of Statistics classified Israelis in one of three ways: Jewish, Arab and Other. The Other category includes non-Arab Christians, Druze and those who do not have a religion classification with the Resident Registration.

The Jewish population in Israel decreased from 74.1% in 2019 to 73.9%, a drop of 0.2%. Half of the drop in the Jewish population proportion (0.1%) is due to the increase in Arab Palestinian population and the other half is due to an increase in the population proportion of the Other category, according to the IPC. The impact of the mishandled Covid 19 and regional tensions with stalled economic growth has also accelerated an outflow of dual nationals.

Jens Holm

Its true Hesbollas with no Iranian support with have much less influence in the mad % calculations for parlaments and other things.

But I also allow me to say, that Lebanon compared to now most likely would be a peaceful and at least more wealthy country.

Hesbollas systematicly has plundered parts of Lebanon hardly making any production themself prudlæy spending their time walking around prudly with kalshnikocvs hardly doing anything else but that.

Even America is a free country its not so free, that peoplecontribute and pay rent.

…And yes, I am aware those Christians are corrupt and like that, but at least they create jobs and incomes too.

Jens Holm

But You didnt stop the reasons for those uprisers at all and even before that supported Assad and Hesbollah should take over Lebanon.

If thats and what happens in Syria as well as in Iraq of today are succes, whats fiasco??

A long time program for You should be the many unimployed at least planted forrst for their own coffins.,

Tommy Jensen

Lebanon also exist only thanks to an American. If we hadnt refused to carpet nuke Lebanon it would not exist today. Therefore you should also thank an American because we didnt do it, although the bad guys said we should do it. Thanks to an American for all you did!

cechas vodobenikov

LSD quality improving


Frankly, the Zionist criminals are petrified of Hezbollah. For the past week all of northern occupied Palestine has been declared a “security zone” as the scared Zionist cowards are expecting a Hezbollah strike. Not going to happen like that, but Hezbollah besides being king of the battlefield is also the master of psychological warfare. Hezbollah has the Zionists in diapers as their hasbara losers here show.

Icarus Tanović

Oh yes.


Hezbollah has the Zionist cowards spooked. It is now far too big and powerful to be intimidated by anyone. The Zionists have shown an inherent impotence to confront Hezbollah. It is too late now anyway as Zionist cities will be razed to the ground if even a single bullet is fired towards Lebanon.


The legendary militia deployed just a small fraction of the power that Iranian aligned groups can put to the field today. Time strongly favours Iran’s side, and Tehran will be content to built up its forces for years before initiating an open conflict – a fact the Israeli leadership is well aware of. It is only in light of this that the recent action of Israel’s armed forces to undermine Iranian deployments near its borders, which include carrying out seemingly desperate cosmetic missile strikes on Syrian territory, can be fully understood.


Shia propaganda disseminator … the Hezbollah slug sleeps underground … in safe lairs nightly … his party face hasn’t seen sunshine in years … pmsl

The next war will bring Lebanon … TOTAL DESTRUCTION … the Iranians have announced they’ll USE Hezbollah to attack Israel … attempting to save themselves from the wrath of the Jews/Zionists/Israelis … hello?

It didn’t go over well in Lebanon … Aoun was mealy mouthed and twitter went wild … hello? Lebanon must be reading my missives … they KNOW about the … 200,000 DEAD LEBANESE in the first 48 hours and are FREAKING OUT … lol

Lebanon is finished …


Military Recruiters Worry America’s Youth Are Too Fat Or Dumb To Enter Service

Head of Marine Recruiting recently voiced far fewer than 30% of youth eligible to even enter Marine boot camp “If you break it down further into those skill sets, intelligence level, and the physical ability level, those that we’re looking toward bringing into the Marine Corps… quickly decreases to about 7%,” https://www.zerohedge.com/political/military-recruiters-worry-americas-youth-are-too-fat-or-dumb-enter-service


Pretty well sums up us combat readyness ready to enter battle these days too.


Russian propaganda disseminator … is that ALL you got ? Ya f/kn slug?

‘The harder they come … the harder they fall’

Soviet Russia fell … not the USA … snowflake

Russia will fail as well … cuz that’s what kleptocratic dictatorships do … apres moi le deluge


Ban lgbtq goods and services and their dud ceo corporations,world record debt traps.

Icarus Tanović

Cowboy Jimmy, there’s smoke around.

Icarus Tanović

Wahhabi state of Satan and other sorts of monstrosities.

Ashok Varma

India, Russia and Europe owe Hezbollah a great debt of honor for protecting them from Turkish, CIA and Mossad backed Wahhabi terror and destabilization. Even a RSS bigot and fanatic like Modi has kept open channels with Hezbollah, which is the powerbroker in Lebanon as its wise leader has stated.


Shia apologist … thankfully you’ll be dying of AIDS

cechas vodobenikov

amerikans are shortsighted and greedy; civilized peoples like Persians are patient…able to think they prefer amerikans to defeat themselves after 20 years in SE Asia Vietnamese had the amerikans killing their own officers and scarring back to their villages where they became homeless addicts. today they control no territory in ME, hide in fortresses protected by private militias…these culturally impoverished illiterate incompetents are suited for killing and raping little boys. when they return to USA they r only allowed in their homosexual bars


Who needs to control territory?

The USA controls the air and sea … hello?

Act out and you get incinerated … lol


Jimmy Jim



Gas goyim … Incinerate Shia slugs


had not iran and a few other parties been around say 30 years ago the jews would have incorporated lebanon into what they call israel and which really is palestine. fortunately for us, lebanon is still there and equally fortunate is that the jews in palestine shortly won’t be able to call what is palestine israel since they are about to be evicted to somewhere else or be buried at 6 feet. and the theft of palestine will be undone and returned to the rightful owners. question is if there is anyplace in the world which would welcome a bunch of jews entering diaspora 2.0 (of at least 5000 years). sure some bought and paid lawmakers in washington dc might raise a hand but the great unwashed under-educated public won’t be happy so the jews will practically be without a chair when the music stops. and do they deserve such an outcome – yes indeed they do, tenfold.


YOUR premise is wrong … hello?

It’s Israel in control from the River to the Sea … hello?

The Pals are finished … the Trump Plan provides for a demilitarized entity on part of the WB … No Jerusalem … No Jordan Valley … economically viable …


Arch Bungle

Absolutely. IRGC were active in Lebanon near the end of the Lebanese Civil war.

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