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Renewed Exchange Of Fire Between Palestine And Israel

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Renewed Exchange Of Fire Between Palestine And Israel

The West Bank

The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) announced on Monday that they had launched airstrikes at militant positions and infrastructure in the northern Gaza Strip, allegedly in response to a rocket fired from Gaza that landed in an open field.

The rocket, alleged to have been fired at the city of Ashkelon to the north of Gaza, landed in an open field without causing material damage or injuries. The Israeli military announced its military operation on its official Twitter account, claiming that:

“IDF aircraft recently attacked an infrastructure used for underground operations by the Hamas terrorist organization in the southern Gaza Strip… In addition, IDF tanks attacked the organization’s military positions. The attacks were carried out in response to the rocket fire launched from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory, earlier this evening.”

According to a Gaza correspondent for Jerusalem’s al-Quds newspaper, Israeli artillery also targeted “a number of resistance observatories on the eastern borders of southern and central Gaza,” including Khan Yunis and Deir al-Balah.

Gaza-based Shehab News Agency reported that two Israeli missiles also hit “open land” near the remnants of the Yasser Arafat International Airport in Rafah, destroyed by Israeli forces in 2000.

Relations between Israel and Palestine have been effectively terminated following Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s announcement earlier this year that he intends to formally annex large parts of the West Bank.

Netanyahu lost no time in pushing ahead with the idea, declaring during the swearing in ceremony of the new government before the Knesset last month that Israeli sovereignty should be asserted over all of the illegal West Bank settlements inhabited by around 400,000 Israelis in the occupied Palestinian territory, saying: “It’s time to apply the Israeli law and write another glorious chapter in the history of Zionism.” LINK

Although the plan has received the support of the US administration and much of the US Congress, it has been condemned by most of the rest of the ‘international community’. The King of Jordan was particularly emphatic in his denunciation of the plan, which he warned could provoke a major conflict in the region.

King Abdullah II of Jordan stated in an interview with German news outlet Der Speigel, last month that any attempt to annex parts of the West Bank “will lead to a massive conflict with Jordan.” The official website of the King’s Royal Hashemite Court elaborated on this point several days later:

Asked about the impact of Israel potentially moving forward with the annexation of parts of the West Bank, the King said it could lead to a massive conflict with Jordan.

“I don’t want to make threats and create an atmosphere of loggerheads, but we are considering all options. We agree with many countries in Europe and the international community that the law of strength should not apply in the Middle East,” His Majesty added.

He reaffirmed Jordan’s position that “the two-state solution is the only way for us to be able to move forward,” and urged all countries in the region to focus on collective efforts to fight coronavirus instead of provoking more conflict.

King Abdullah II further stated: “Leaders who advocate a one-state solution do not understand what that would mean. What would happen if the Palestinian National Authority collapsed? There would be more chaos and extremism in the region.”

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, who visited Israel last week, also warned Israel it faced sanctions and possibly other dire repercussions if it attempts to extend its sovereignty over parts of the West Bank which the EU considers Palestinian territories, as clearly stipulated by international law.

On 1 July, the Israeli Knesset plans to vote on a bill that would extend sovereignty over some 30 per cent of the West Bank, an initiative that has enraged Palestinians as well as most of the Arab and Muslim world.

It has also led to greater polarisation within Israeli society and among political factions. A recent poll conducted by the Israel Democracy Institute showed that 50 per cent of respondents supported the idea of applying sovereignty over parts of the West Bank, around 31 per cent were opposed to the move, while 19 per cent said they were undecided.

Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, is also been split over its attitude to the plan.

Netanyahu’s Likud political party is the main protagonist behind the planned extension of Israeli sovereignty. Although it appears that the party is united in favour of the plan, there have been voices within Likud that expressed dissatisfaction with the “deal of the century” plan announced by US President Donald Trump at the end of January.

It appears that Benny Gantz’s Blue and White alliance will back Netanyahu’s move and vote in favour of the application of Israeli law on certain territories in the West Bank, providing 51 of the 61 votes required to pass the bill.

While it is also likely to be supported by some of the smaller parties, it faces strong opposition from the Joint Arab List which has 15 seats in the Knesset and supports the two-state solution and respecting the rights of Palestinians.

Nitzan Horowitz, the head of the left-wing party Meretz with its three seats, called the move a criminal act.

“Annexation is a war crime.  A crime against peace, a crime against democracy, a crime that will cost us blood..” he said at a rally staged on Saturday. LINK


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Ashok Varma

The Palestinians face extinction unless they unite and defend and reclaim their lands from Zionist usurpers.


They will face extinction if they start another Intifada, this time it is straight to Jordan where they came from.


PaLIEstinians have been trying that since 1947. Good luck

Zionism = EVIL

The PA is a tool of the Zionist cunts and Mahmoud Abbas is a old senile pimp for Shin Beth, the only real option the Palestinians have is to join the Axis of Resistance and wage a ruthless war of liberation against the Zionist parasites based on the Hezbollah and FLN model. If the Palestinians don’t unite they will be the new slaves, like African Americans, even they are now fighting back. Freedom does not come free, it is paid in blood and sacrifice, just ask the Shia who have fighting and winning against tyrants for centuries. Invite some Ansarallah and Hezbollah for advice.



Yawn. You still here talking a big game? The Iranians are too busy worried about their birth rate. The oaLIEstinians can’t unite, just like islamists can’t – you ever been fighting yourselves ever since Mohamed croaked.


I wonder if the Euros will put their money where their mouths are and join a regional coalition to clear the IDF out of the occupied territories. The Germans are talking tough, they should back it up with troops and equipment.


Which Euros? most of them don’t even have an army and if they do it’s not even comes close to the IDF. Realize this fact Richard, we do what we want on our land, and we only give account to the U.S since they are our true ally.

Concrete Mike

Its not your land, thats what we have been telling you good sir.


He’s been brainwashed from birth with the Talmud insanity. Which is why he supports the Jew’s crimes. And regularly shills for crimes against humanity here. It’s part of their depraved ethos.


You’re comparing apples with oranges. Barring Israel’s neighbors acting in self defense, no military is going to confront the IDF on their own as part of an international law enforcement operation. When the option of participating in a regional coalition is the common sense go to solution.

You’re right about the US being your only ally. Which is due to the number of Jews here and their disproportionate and detrimental involvement in the control functions of our society.

That is changing however as the general population turns against Israel and anti Judaic sentiment increases as more Americans educate themselves about the root causes of our problems. Of which Jews and Israel are a primary component.

Fracturing NATO on the Israel question would be a great way to confront Israel so that NATO isn’t a threat to a regional coalition clearing the IDF out of the occupied territories. It started with the Turks, and now the to their credit the Germans are expressing similar sentiment. Who have a much more progressive approach to relations with Russia than some other European nations.

With all of our problems here, getting involved in another Yinon plan Jew war in the middle east for Israel would be very unpopular with many Americans. So even American support for Israel has it’s limits. And it’s unlikely that the US will intervene directly against a substantial regional coalition armed with advanced conventional and nuclear weapons that risks escalating to a conventional or nuclear strike on American overseas forces, bases and the American homeland. It simply isn’t worth the risk.


If there really was a Muslim Free Army.They fight on the side of Palestine, but they fight in Iraq or Syria. This means that these organizations were created by someone.


Watch us annex it on July 1st, we will throw a big party here in Israel after that!


Don’t worry about me LR I’m ready. Will they call me? that’s another question but I assume they will :)


I’ll do my best bro, thanks. I had never run away from battle during a wartime, and I don’t plan on doing it now. I can be ready in a 4-6 hours notice, depends how fast I get called from my recruiter officer. I’ll let you know how things are going as soon as I know LR!

cechas vodobenikov

Israel only survives as a US colony; as the US collapses its cultural desert in debt, violence and stupidity Israel will contract into internal divisions—desperate, they will be required to return Golan to Syria and their settlements to Palestinians….the amerikans always betray their colonies when convenient

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