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MARCH 2025

Rep. Greene To Zelensky: “Leave Your Hands Off Of Our Sons & Daughters”

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Rep. Greene To Zelensky: "Leave Your Hands Off Of Our Sons & Daughters"

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Originally published on ZeroHedge

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has lashed out at recent controversial remarks of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during her Friday speech before the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

She addressed the Ukrainian leader by name, telling him to keep his “hands off of our sons and daughters” over the Russian invasion in Ukraine, after last month he had issued an appeal to the American public in which he chastised and berated those either unsupportive or on the fence about continuing massive defense aid.

Zelensky had uttered the words in a late February press conference when asked by a reporter about growing ‘Ukraine fatigue’ among the US public. He began his response by saying, “If they do not change their opinion…they will lose NATO, they will lose the clout of the United States, they will lose the leadership position they are enjoying in the world.”

He then quickly pivoted to saying that if Russia is not stopped in Ukraine, it will expand the invasion to other European nations. The Russian army will “enter the Baltic states, NATO member states,” Zelensky claimed, before saying, “then the US will have to send their sons and daughters exactly the way as we are sending their [sic] sons and daughters to war.”



Rep. Greene in her Friday speech blasted Zelensky’s claim in the following:

Greene on Friday told the CPAC crowd that she was still “committed to saying no money to Ukraine, and that country needs to find peace, not war.”  

“And while I will look at a camera and directly tell Zelensky, you’d better leave your hands off of our sons and daughters because they’re not dying over there,” she continued. 

While MTG’s scathing criticism is predictably being greeted with outrage among staunch Kiev supporters, who will likely argue that the White House has ruled out sending American troops to fight in Ukraine, the ‘mission creep’ on display of the last many months has become obvious.

Among many examples, Pentagon ‘advisers’ and weapons trackers have been sent into Ukraine, and more recently tanks and longer-range rockets have been approved, with F-16 jets now entering the Washington debate. But a small group of GOP outliers in Congress – especially MTG and Matt Gaetz – have lately pushed to halt the unaccountable billions flowing into Kiev’s coffers, regardless of how unpopular that position remains in D.C.

Reps Greene and Gaetz’s stances are rare also given the vast majority of Congressional leaders treat Zelensky with rock star status, which was on display when he received long, enthusiastic standing ovations during his in-person speech before Congress last December.

As for MTG’s words at CPAC, the crowd appeared to be on her side, given they loudly cheered her rebuke of Biden’s Ukraine policy, while also at one point booing Zelensky’s name.

Watch her full speech below…




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I think that Putin would love to meet this comedian guy. Isn’t same with american parents ?!


Don’t know why I am unable to ➕ your post but here it is with my response. The only people with a dog in the Ukraine fight appear to be select politicians. The majority of American voters are against involvement, French Citizens are against involvement, German Citizens are against involvement but the leaders are playing the Al Gore “I was against it before I was for it card.


all studies in anglo nations show you are wrong


if they knew the truth, he would be correct. The problem is fake news. All MSM is pro Ukraine in the USA. This makes most Americans support Ukraine.

jens holm

Of course they are pro. 141 countries in the world support Russian retreat. 7 support Russian stay.

Tommy Lee

You don’t know shit about shit, boy.


“only in amerika is the father vestigial; the amerikan mind and conscience is feminine”. Geoffrey Gorer😂😂😂 Z


amerikant Tammy expert at shit😂😂 Z


Remember, 90% of what zelensky requested or demanded from NATO and USA, he got it. But I want to think positive, that americans can stop warmongers if comes to point that Biden considers zelensky’s wish. Every government fears angry citizens.

Thanks for ➕ … You got my like.

jens holm

Its random and very strange in many things.

Formerly Ghost of Moscow

Ukrainian Forces have been defeated in Bakhmut and are retreating, The Russians have finally won, here is a link of a small group of Ukrops retreating, and tell me is this not, the funniest shit you have ever seen in your life? Here it is: https://odysee.com/@trader.one:d/leaving-Z:7

Ha I beat you to the story South-Front, I guess I’m better then your journalist!


Correction: people are against direct involvement. Helping Ukrainians who are fighting against oppression by providing modern military equipment got 99% approval rate from Germany to the US. As Poles says: if you want freedom – fight for it!


It is gone my comment and reply to you. Admins deleted it. I wish admins explain why deleted comments. I never offended anyone.

Erik Nielsen

Who voted these politicians in? The majority of American voters did little boy.

You think the majority of American, French, Germany voters are against war? Absolutely not, the majority love bloodshed, bombs and human misery and thats a fact. Otherwise this could not go on and on and on, and 98% of American politicians in the House could not vote in favour of war.

Rep . Greene was one out of only two. Fock the public. Fock mainstream. Fock the majority!


The majority have no idea what war is. It’s just a video-gave on the tv screen


who is choosing their leaders?


no one chooses their leaders, they are put there. Elections are rigged before they even start, with pre selected candidates.


Deep state and Globalists in the Western World especially in the US. The 2020 election was stolen from Trump because he was an obstacle for their 2030 agenda. Since Biden, just look around you. It’s a disaster in Europe, a NATO-Russia war, a CHINA-US nearby military confrontation and a humanitarian crisis in Africa. Adding fire to the situation, the WEF is cranking up is pseudo-climate change to destroy the agriculture of numerous countries in Europe, Canada,Australia, and NZ.


She’s there to serve as a political pressure release valve. Otherwise she’s useless, just like Gaetz.


Something very strange about the “anti-war” movement in the US. It’s now always tied to extreme right-wing dolts like MTG, almost as if there is an impetus to alienate the people who should know better from the movement. Kind of like the reverse that was used in the sixties with Operation Chaos. With Chaos they identified the anti-war movement with people like Charles Manson to turn off John Q Public. The entire political economy has moved so far to the right since 1972 that the average person holds what were far-right political views. The “left” has been replaced with identitarian wokeism, and thus are now the war-mongers. Typical US theatre.

Chris Gr

We the Stalinists are not identitarian, just totalitarian.


oh look its two faggot jews yapping on media.

Im tired of yapping jews.

Let filthy faggot jews die soon.


jens holm

If You will raise Your level, grab a chair.


The US congress presented this little Hitler with an American flag in a great show of propaganda the same flag handed to widows and mothers in that final salute to veterans … an insult to every American that ever served so much as to say that this no longer my government but a globalist self serving shell of what was once America no longer worthy of my respect.

jens holm

As usual Your kind lives in a museum, where a few isolanists dont decide the game.

We have for many years replaced it with western economics added manyaffialet.

USA dont ask for and want Your respect. Its only true they have their own problems too. But they have not collpased themselves.


Amen to that, if he wants to shanghai his own citizens and stuff them in uniforms and send them to get shot on 3 days’ training there isn’t much we can do about it except have two marines grab him up and convey his physical person to the front steps of a court building in Moscow to face the inevitable music, but we CAN expressly prohibit the involvement of US military personnel in this war with russia. What are we at, now, 115 billion dollars, I wish someone would cut ME a check for 115 billion dollars LOL

Last edited 2 years ago by bert33
jens holm

Marjorie Taylor Greene is a far out right conspiritist with no importance.

The Russians has their own choises for important persons in USA as well as in their own country.

My best hopes after the next Rustican collapse is they try Harpo in stead af Karl Marx. As a minimum he dont talk too much.

Formerly Ghost of Moscow

Ukrainian Forces have been defeated in Bakhmut and are retreating, The Russians have finally won, here is a link of a small group of Ukrops retreating, and tell me is this not, the funniest shit you have ever seen in your life? Here it is: https://odysee.com/@trader.one:d/leaving-Z:7

Ha I beat you to the story South-Front, I guess I’m better then your journalist!

Last edited 2 years ago by Formerly Ghost of Moscow
Tommy Lee

I just about blew my stack when I heard that Ukie bastard Zelensky say that. If I even get my hands on him, they’re gonna have to use dental records to identify his ass.

Cannon Fodder

All wars are Banker and Oligarch wars. Funny how the only US politician with BALLS is a women.

Slava OrganHarvestania !!

V for victory

She is a strong politician. God Bless her. And fuck to gender ideology (see the UK schools, where there will be only unisex bathroom).


Greene for President


This white trans gender should be put in a cage fight with a small eyes yellow Chinese.

Donald Moore

In other words Zelensky is running out of his own sons and daughters as well as fathers in this US/EU War. In Artyomovsk the West reports that Russians are losing a 7 to one ratio which really means that it is Ukraine is losing that. The West don’t like admitting to bad news so they accuse others on what is happening to them!

Israel first

He’s a Jew, most Ukrainians are not. He’s not sending his own sons and daughters, he’s sending the gentiles to their deaths. That’s why Jews like this war. Gentiles fight. Gentiles die. When you see the fields of dead soldiers, those are crosses above their graves, not Jewish stars.


Yes, here in US and the EU we are against direct involvement. Still, everyone wants Ukraine to protect its territorial integrity – obviously with exceptions of places of Russian majority in the Eastern part – and we will do everything we can to help another humans fighting with own hands against oppression! This is difference between Ukraine and Afghanistan… Ukraine deserve to be independent and part if the West – Free World is the best place to live on this Planet. One day Russian people will join us as well… Remember: resistance! Russians never have a proper Resistance movement, partizans and guerrilla fighting against horrible rulers. Create one!

Chris Gr

Because Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz are nationalists. Democrats and most of the Republicans are globalist.


Oh really did an USA citizen recognize now that Selensky is looking for all minor reasons to expand the war to other countries against Russia? Poland, EU, USA…

The easiest way to protect yourself is let Ukraine lose this war. Stop supporting a country which is not worth to do it.


She – MTG – is wrong. The war is American war. She may not realise it, or she may be dishonest. If it wasn’t for American involvement before the war AND now, it would be long settled

jens holm

She is a right wing nobody. Why bring her at all.

If Peple want to learn about the oppinions in USA and west bringing her is far out manipulation.

Its semilar to bringing Harpo Marx instead of Old Karl.

Economy is the same here. Too often it bring people, whichs oppinions are against all facts visible in the streets and indoor too.

USA has problems and do need reform, so bring the ones, which are wrong and tell why. USA has problems and need reforms, so bring wht they propose.

Now too old Sanders is a world known example Russia could learn from too. He will/would replace the bad parts of USA structures with systems which work much better as they are in Europe.

USA should be a learner. At least they has not collapsed and will not. But they need a lot a changes fx in education and healtcare/hospitals.


She’s got more political clout they you’ll ever have Jens.

Erik Nielsen

We all know your welfare fat libtard opinions Jens. If everybody paid 90% in taxes and people lived on the streets between faeces, needles and tents, all liberal politicians could be millionaires.


Retard, if Larry Fink, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet paid 90% taxes, there would be no homeless people. The US, at the peak of their civilization, such as it was, taxed the shit out of their plutocrats right after the Second. How in the name of Jesus H Christ can you have a system in which elites are not just permitted, but encouraged, to rake off as much wealth as possible?

Donald GayTrump

You SF developers are cowards, how dare you ban my IP I WILL STILL access your stupid site anyways. Unban me it wont help cmon.


If we assume zelensky’s words are calculated he is unveiling a plan to mix US troops with Ukros in the spring offensive words no American politician could survive.


Zelensky aka Mr Asshole-Pianoman is running out of his own people to murder. Now he wants to murder Americans too. Stealing and wasting their money is not enough it seems.

Israel first

I agree with her on this. Good for her.

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

I double down on the Clown’s remarks: You yankees will have to send your sons and daughters to the warfield against Russia. Otherwise you will lose all the respect in the plantation, slaves can make a rebellion.

Boba Lazarević

I’m completely okay for Europe to lose the “leading position” and “the clout of USA”, even though I live in it, because the moral price we’re paying for those things is terrible.

Buford T. Justice

When American asses are at risk of being drafted you will see them become a caring people in regards to wars they start.

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