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Reports: ISIS Commanders Are On Run After Terrorist Group Collapse In Deir Ezzor And Al-Qaim

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Reports: ISIS Commanders Are On Run After Terrorist Group Collapse In Deir Ezzor And Al-Qaim

On November 4, the Abkhazian Network News Agency (ANNA) reported that ISIS fighters who were trapped in Kati’ Island north of Deir Ezzor city are trying to escape through an area controlled by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) or in boats through Euphrates river.

ANNA added that some ISIS fighters are trying to reach ISIS-held areas to continue fighting while others are trying to flee Syria. So far the SAA has blocked many ISIS fighters from escaping, according to ANNA.

Meanwhile, Syrian local sources from al-Bukamal city reported that the ISIS command in the city collapsed. According to the sources, ISIS fighters, mainly foreign fighters, are now looting everything they can get their hands on in the city.

ISIS commanders and fighters are trying to collect money in any possible way to pay for Kurdish smugglers who could get them to Turkey through the SDF-held area.

According to reports, a part of ISIS members from the Iraqi city of al-Qaim also fled to al-Bukamal recently. Al-Qaim was liberated by Iraqi forces on November 3.

On November 1, local activists from al-Bukamal reported that ISIS fighters robbed a money transfer office in the city and held the office employees as hostages. ISIS security forces – known as Hisbah –  ully collapsed and didn’t excite anymore according to the source.

Back on November 3, the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in al-Bab city arrested Mohamad al-Daher “Abu Mousab”, a former commander of ISIS in Raqqa. This incident proves that ISIS commanders and fighters are on the run towards Turkey as the local sources claimed.

Reports: ISIS Commanders Are On Run After Terrorist Group Collapse In Deir Ezzor And Al-Qaim

Furthermore, the FSA in the US-led coalition base in al-Tanaf area near the Syrian-Iraqi border announced that they arrested 5 ISIS fighters near the base on November 4. ISIS fighters were apparently trying to escape towards Jordan.

Reports: ISIS Commanders Are On Run After Terrorist Group Collapse In Deir Ezzor And Al-Qaim

There is a good possibility that a large number of ISIS commanders and fighters have left Syria and Iraq recently. A big part of these commanders and fighters will likely try to find a new foothold for their “Caliphate” in African countries like Egypt, Libya and Somalia or southern Asian country like Malaysia and Philippines.

Some of these fighters might also work to establish new ISIS cells inside Europe to conduct terrorist attack inside it, and recruit new fighters.

However, when it comes to the ISIS heartland in Syria and Iraq, it appears that the terrorist organization that once shocked the world, is now witnessing its very last days.

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andy l

Good riddance to them it will allow the taking of Al Bukamal with little resistance

jerry hamilton

Has America finally thrown them under a bus?

John Wallace

while they train the next group with a new name to suddenly appear somewhere to destabilise and create war.


It’s scheduled for the Rohingya(some were trained in Mecca) in Burma to block Chinese access to the Indian Ocean…


And stop the Iranian-Qatar gas sales to China ( via Burmese pipeline). If Iran is the next target , hurt their money machine .


To destroy Europe-Germany-Russia their main competitors

Anglo-American Money Owners Organized World War II http://www.voltairenet.org/article187508.html

How Ironic, Syria-Hezbola-Iran-Russia-China saved the free World from the US/Zionist… The amazing last decades changes of Russia and China is balanced by the US/Zionist devilish destructive worsening ! Their today main worry is China. I hope Europe will finally quit the NATO occupation since 1945 and join Russia, a part of Europe since “ever”…. Saudi is on the way to implose… US/Zionists permanent cheating has a limit, to lies permanently to everybody dosen’t work !

Facts are stubborned ! ============================= http://www.voltairenet.org/article198617.html

Xi Jinping: the Geo-Economic Emperor with a 15 year head start

by Alfredo Jalife-Rahme

While the Western Press mocks the Grand Mass of the Chinese Communist Party’s Congress, Alfredo Jalife is taking President Xi’s announcements very seriously. Far from comparing him to an emperor, Jalife sees him as one of the senior officials that have made China “millénaire”. Jalife observes how Xi is following through with the planned Silk Route and is demonstrating his willingness to partner Western investors through a dollar offering. He also comments on the reform of the military’s structure of command with a view to developing it.

A few days before beginning his important Asian tour, Donald Trump effusively congratulated Xi Jinping, who had just been enthroned “Supreme Leader” for a second five-year period during the 19th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Trump flattered him, calling him as “king”.

Trump’s ignorance is legendary because in China’s six thousand year history, there has never been a position such as king; there have only been mandarins and emperors. According to the Washington Post, Trump praised Xi as “probably the most powerful leader” that China has had for a century. More so than Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping? Not yet….

I would be more inclined to qualify Xi Jinping as a mandarin. That said, he is today an “emperor on geo-economic matters”. This is because he holds the reins of the country which, according to the CIA’s World Factbook, has the highest real GDP in the world [1]. We expect that in terms of nominal GDP, towards 2020, China will overtake both the European Union and the USA, which are in first and second place respectively. China has the biggest currency reserves (3.1 billion dollars [2] compared to the EU’s 774,900 thousand dollars (four times less) and the US’s 117,300 thousand dollars (26 times less!) [3].

In the course of a week, The Economist, a global neoliberal journal, controlled by the Rothschild bankers, has erred in its biased classification. First, it classified the global emperor Xi as “the most powerful man in the world”, then it went on to label Vladimir Putin as “the new Tsar, one hundred years after the Communist Revolution of October 1917 [4]. For The Economist, the global emperor Xi “has more influence than Donald Trump” and so “the world should be wary”. The Economist judges this negatively, because Xi is not aligned to the interests of the treacherous Albion. Thus the Economist considers that we must not “expect Xi to change China or the world (sic) for the better” [5].

According to The Economist, the Chinese army pales in comparison to the US army”. Yet the problem this latter faces, even though it is the army of the most powerful country in the world, is that “its leader is rather weak domestically and less effective externally. In contrast, “Xi is the dominant motor of world growth”. With the Silk Route, The Economist warns that China is going to invest billions [6] of dollars abroad in railway lines, ports, electrical power plants and infrastructure [7].

In fact, Trump’s strategists, such as Henry Kissinger and Steve Bannon, know that investments in Chinese infrastructure are going to give Xi a winning hand in Eurasia, over the USA, which lacks economic clout [8].

But from the classic perspective of “trilateral geostrategic stability” between China, USA and Russia, Peking is the weakest link on the military front. This is why in the days following his military appointment, the geoeconomic Emperor Xi encouraged “building a strong army”, right in the middle of a new era of “Chinese socialism”.

In the Chinese liturgy, Xi was confirmed as the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. In addition, he is the President and Symbolic Head of the Central Military Commission, which represents the true power behind its hierarchical structure. Accordingly, Xi has exhorted the armed forces to get ready to establish a world class army by the middle of the 21st century [9].

The South China Morning Post, a Hong Kong newspaper, owned by Jack Ma, also the CEO of Alibaba, the famous Chinese internet sales company, reveals that Xi “has shaken the Chinese military command” to create a “more streamlined Commission directly under his command”, phase one in the accelerated modernization of the armed forces [10].

The USA, through its different presidents, Democrats and Republicans alike, has devoted itself to delivering wars in all four quarters of the world. Its motive is self-interest: increasing its prosperity through an “economy of war” and its all powerful military-industrial complex. Contrast this with China which promises development to countries that want it through a policy of stimulating infrastructure building. There are two prongs to this policy: the Silk Route and funding in the form of soft loans, offered by the outstanding AIIB [11].

Anja Manuel reporting in The Atlantic, considers that “China is in the process of calmly reshaping the world” though its “initiatives to encourage infrastructure building”. This boils down to the Silk Road (which has the potential to manage up to eight billion dollars [12] of investments: “China is rapidly growing into the most extensive commercial empire in the world [13]”. It suffices to make a comparison with the US’s 800 billion [14] dollar (in current value) Marshall Plan, with China’s formidable investments. China has already invested 300 billion and is proposing to invest a further billion over the next decade. Furthermore, China, single-handedly, has granted more loans to developing countries than the World Bank.

Some days after Trump’s official visit in China, for the first time in 10 years, Peking launched a two billion dollar bond issue (sic) on the Hong Kong stock exchange. This was a day after the CCP had entrusted a second five-year mandate to Xi [15]. The quantity is symbolic because the largest tranche of the Chinese bond issue is in renminbi.

This spectacular measure by China, of a dollar bond issue, relates to the Silk Route and constructing infrastructures in developing countries that are participating in its prosperity. The Chinese Vice-Minister of Finance, Shi Yaobin, has declared that this dollar bond issue must be a convincing sign that China wants to open its economy to all investments [16].

The new, more pragmatic team that supports Xi in executing his duties, is particularly important for the Chinese economy. According to Wang Xiangweil of South China Morning Post, this team (a dream team) is proposing an important shift towards market reforms (i.e. “supply side”) [17].

Li Qiaoyi and Song Shengxia of Global Times, assert that the XIX° Congress and Xi’s notable ascension pushes “China to opt for enhancing quality” and that “modernization will be reached 15 years prior to schedule” [18].

The 2020 – 2050 development plan will have two stages. Its aim “will no longer be to double the GDP” but “to choose to enhance the quality of growth”: to develop China into a great “modern socialist country” which will be “moderately prosperous from 2020”. “Modernization” will not stop with the vulgar economism of GDP growth but will entail “greater attention to social well-being, regional balance, national security (sic) and political cohesion” in the “Chinese way”.

The uncertainty they contemplate, that hovers on the horizon, rests on the degree of openness to global capital, which may denature and destabilize China.

The promises the Emperor Xi has made and in light of which history will hold him to account, consist in eradicating poverty by 2020 (already achieved), returning to unpolluted blue skies, and to making China a modern country by 2035.

He will be judged on his results.

Alfredo Jalife-Rahme

[1] A distinction is drawn between real GDP (which takes into account currency fluctuations) and nominal GDP, calculated according to current prices.

[2] Translator’s Note 1 (“TN 1”): one billion = a 1,000,000 million not a 1,000 million.

[3] “Reserves of foreign exchange and gold”, World Factbook, CIA, 2017.

[4] “A tsar is born”, The Economist, October 26, 2017.

[5] “Xi Jinping has more clout than Donald Trump. The world should be wary”, The Economist, October 14, 2017.

[6] See Note 2.

[7] «La nueva ruta de la seda de China: ¿plan Marshall optimizado?», Alfredo Jalife-Rahme, La Jornada, 14 de mayo de 2017.

[8] «Kissinger y Bannon “forman proyecto de alarma contra China”», Alfredo Jalife-Rahme, La Jornada, 4 de octubre de 2017.

[9] “Xi calls for building a strong army”, Xinhua, October 27, 2017.

[10] “Xi Jinping shakes up China’s military leadership … what changes at the top mean for world’s biggest armed forces”, Liu Zhen, South China Morning Post, October 26, 2017.

[11] «El banco chino que sepulta Bretton Woods», Alfredo Jafile-Rahme, La Jornada, 22 de abril de 2015.

[12] See Note 2.

[13] «China Is Quietly Reshaping the World», Anja Manuel, The Atlantic, October 17, 2017.

[14] See Note 2.

[15] “China sells first dollar bond in more than a decade”, Gabriel Wildau, Financial Times, October 26, 2017.

[16] “First dollar bond sale since 2004 indicates more opening-up: Chinese Vice FinMin”, Xinhua, October 28, 2017.

[17] “What President Xi Jinping’s new leadership team means for China’s economy”, Wang Xiangwei, South China Morning Post, October 28, 2017.

[18] “China shifts to quality growth”, Li Qiaoyi & Song Shengxia, Global Times, October 27, 2017.


Thank you Alexander Amproz , a great write up .

Jens Holm

I prefare water in my behind instead of that printed on even soft paper.

Jens Holm


Jens Holm

If You want to be enemies to the Chinese too, You are welcome.

Jens Holm

I didnt know it was about chinese. But i can confirm it seemes to be some few Rohinga muslims being guerillas comming from the outside, which made some dirty buddist smoke into uncontrolled fire of the worst kind.


The ‘Gladio’ project started by CIA in immediate post 1945 Italy is ancestor to all of these activities. The secret training and arming of internal fringe and extremist groups to create chaos and assist CIA with their then agenda for that country – it was eventually expanded into most NATO countries outside of the host’s control and the project finally revealed to Italian public in 1990 by an Italian ex Prime Minister.

John Wallace

Yes I know about Gladio . Been abused and accused of all sorts of nonsense whenever I mention that. They blew up airport and train terminals killing lots of innocent civilians while blaming it on Left wing radicals to turn the population against voting for Communist / left wing parties. What I can’t understand is why the European Governments don’t take the US to task over their bullshit / spying . Are they so much in fear of the US they can’t / won’t say anything.


Gladio brings out cognitive dissonance in lot of people in west – the reality contradicts everything we have ever been taught about both the US and the compliant western governments as benevolent authorities. It’s kind of a red pill/ blue pill deal.

Jens Holm

I agree. And thats only a part of it, because we trade and agree and disagree with many others too from small comming economies to the big ones – mainly china but India some too.

Jens Holm

Its easy. We get a lot of information too and has something to offer.

Some seemes to forget, that USA is not only owned by citicens there. We own parts of it too from trade to military protection.

You can see Kuwait as an extreme example. Even Saddam a short while took it, it had money and influenze to come back by that being an important parts of west.

In Denmark they owe many good companies and those are spread around in the world. So US/Europe is networking even some % are in the US favour if You add all.

We export 10% to USA having a value of 17 billion dollars(1915) but we only buy 6% thats 11 bio.

And EU(with UK) are bigger then USA in GDP(BNP), so we dont feel we are bad treated after all.

We are more bound to Germany exporting them 25 billion dollars and importing from them 28.


http://www.voltairenet.org/article198511.html News on the Brabant Killers

Articles in the Het Laatste Nieuws [1] and a TV documentary on Flemish television, have reopened the case of the Brabant Killers. Christian Bonkoffsky is the brother of a policeman working in an elite squad. Christian declared that his brother had revealed to him on his death bed that he was one of the mysterious killers. Furthermore, a lawyer for the victims denounced the failures of the judicial inquiry.

Between 1982 and 1985, individuals whose identity is still not known today, carried out a series of attacks without financial motive in Belgium and North France, killing 28 people. They are known as the “Brabant Killers” or the “Band from Nivelles” (Bende van Nijvel). The preliminary inquiry judges, the Minister of Defense and a House of Representatives Commission of Inquiry clashed with NATO Top-Secrecy [2].

During the eighties, Nato organized a series of attacks in Europe based on the model applied later, in more recent years, with the jihadists.

The Belgian Authorities, which are taking these revelations very seriously, consider that this former police officer of an elite squad (Diane), fits the police sketches at the time. Checks confirm that he was not physically present at work when many attacks took place. The Belgian Investigating Judge is interrogating all the former colleagues of the deceased suspect. The witness also revealed that two other former members of Squad Diane came to visit the suspect at his home. The witness also revealed that two other former members of Squad Diane had come to visit the suspect at his home.

[1] «Vermassen denkt te weten wie achter Bende van Nijvel zit: “We moeten naar Staatsveiligheid van die tijd kijken”», «Onderzoek Bende van Nijvel in stroomversnelling: “Vaak uitgelachen, maar nu krijgen we toch gelijk”», Het Laatste Nieuws, 15 & 21 oktober 2017.

[2] « Les armées secrètes de l’Otan (X) : La guerre secrète en Belgique », par Daniele Ganser, Réseau Voltaire, 6 juin 2011.

Jens Holm

CIA wasnt invented until 1947.

Jens Holm

That goes both ways – actually by many players.


No, the US is sending a ‘bus’ for their journeys to US bases where they will have time to rest before they are given their next missions :)

Jens Holm

And SAA send their spendables to Idlib…


Don’t worry, they will be travelling to Europe soon. Including Denmark :)

Jens Holm

Who is them. For USA and my Goverment its in 2 levels. 1) ISIS started terror as Qaida dis – and 2) Syria as a dirty regime must be reduced to those, which actually support it – or go away.

jerry hamilton

Sorry. Them is ISIS and the SDF. Their mercenary wages are paid by the American government et al. Britain, Saudi and Israel. Far cheaper than American soldiers. The Pentagon is saving millions daily.

I ask you just one thing. Was Bin Laden real?

Jens Holm

Ypu have no idea how we have invested in stopping ISIS and before that Qaida here.

Those ISIS people are children of Your bad behavior and their own non integration. We dont get why they has come here at all and has only asked for the ones, which we have jobs for.

You blame us for mainly Your own garbage rules by dictators and sharia of the worst kind.

So did Jews wrote the holy Choran to keep You down and Your economic disfunctions as security belt. It seemes to me, thats where the real problems are.

We are only corners of it. You have no idea about what we incl USA has done to get Johadist out the the world game.

Shame of You.

And let me remind You Bin Laden was helped by Stinger missils because USSR tryed to help Afghans away from many Years of total chaos in civile wars of the worst kind.

I agree it was no succes, but blame people for their part of it. The Jihadist like Nusra(Qaida) also today are motivated by their hate to Russia. Some even has ancient relatives for Caucasus.

jerry hamilton

Take a deep breath. Calm down. You are obviously not American. I blame you for nothing. I don’t know that Bin Laden was not a media story made up by America. Try again.



A closer look at the Sarkozy and Lafarge cases

by Serge Marchand

If the press is no longer interested in the expanded Middle East after the fall of Raqqa, which it wrongly interprets as the defeat of jihadism, French judges are now working on two cases that have come from the East: one is Libya’s alleged funding of Nicolas Sarkozy’s electoral campaign and the other is Lafarge’s alleged purchase of oil from Daesh. In both cases, the investigations have still not addressed the crux of these matters.

Serge Marchand : Two issues that you highlight in Sous nos yeux. Du 11-Septembre à Donald Trump are currently the subject of judicial proceedings in France. Can you talk to us about them? Let’s begin with the alleged funding of President Sarkozy’s electoral campaign by the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.

Thierry Meyssan : When the United Kingdom, France and their allies attacked Libya – a Sovereign state and a member of the United Nations – I set up a government working group in Tripoli to put together the issues that could be raised to recall Paris to order. We gathered together evidence of several cases — Libyan, Tunisian and Egyptian — of funding the 2007 presidential electoral campaign. It is noteworthy that this group included the civil servant that had made payments personally to the emissaries of Nicolas Sarkozy.

Fabrice Arfi and Karl Laske continued this inquiry [1]. As they did not have access to evidence of this agreement, they re-established in detail the circuits for transferring funds.

Contrary to what appeared in the press, there has never been any written evidence of this arrangement but there is audio evidence. Today, someone who collaborated with the Guide Muammar Gaddafi held this information he was thus able to escape Nato prosecution. Today, that someone has been granted asylum in another African state. On the other hand, some transfers of funds can be traced. The Prosecution will easily be able to verify this from information provided by Fabrice Arfi and Karl Laske.

In this matter, the criminal proceedings against Nicolas Sarkozy has clearly funded his electoral campaign violating the ceiling set by law, by funding it through foreign funds to the detriment of his competitors. Nonetheless, these proceedings are unfair because they have been brought against him alone and not the other candidate who also benefitted from this money, although for half the amount that Sarkozy received. If you apply the law, then you must apply it to everyone who meets the prima facie case requirements, or leave Mr Sarkozy in peace.

As I have often publicly declared and written, Ségolène Royal was guilty of the same infraction and this was thanks to the help of Roland Dumas Esq., the former President of the Conseil Constitutionnel (the highest constitutional court in France)…

Serge Marchand : In your book, you cite Ségolène Royal, but you make no reference to the name, “Roland Dumas” [2]…

Thierry Meyssan : Yes that’s quite right. The French editor and I came to an agreement not to reveal the names of some French personalities to prevent them bringing defamation proceedings against us. But these names can be read in the publications in other languages. I am going to publish these names on our website, then my editor will not incur any legal liability. The important thing is that the facts that I have related have not been challenged.

As it happens, I contrast Roland Dumas, the anti-imperialist militant for whom I have a deep respect with the same Roland Dumas, the explorer, that we drag around like a cannonball.

Let me get back to what I was saying. Not only do I consider the proceedings as they stand against Nicolas Sarkozy as improper, but knowing that almost every other candidate has also sought money from other foreign governments, and that this has been the practice for years, I think that he has simply been craftier than his competitors and has obtained more than them. Unfortunately, this system is the product of our erroneous conception of Democracy. There is another aspect that no one is talking about that shocks me far more: according to everyone who collaborated with the Guide, President Sarkozy and Madame Royal both pledged that once elected, they would “quash” the sentencing of Abdullah Senussi in the matter of the UTA 772 flight.

Abdullah Senussi is the brother-in-law of Muammar Gaddafi and was Head of the Internal Secret Services. In 1989, during the war in Chad, he had sponsored this attack which cost the lives of 170 persons. Tripoli considered that it was an act of war and therefore Senussi should not be subject to a criminal sentence. On a personal level, my thinking is aligned to the French judges: that if the act took place during war, then it was not an act of war because it was intentionally targeting civilians. Incidentally, everyone knows that Senussi and I did not see eye to eye on anything.

The pledge to “quash” this sentence could only mean pardoning the convicted (possible at the constitutional but not the political level) or worse, manipulating the French Justice System (a violation of the President of the Republic’s constitutional duty). By doing this, Nicolas Sarkozy and Ségolène Royal have shown that they were both unworthy of this office.

Serge Marchand : The second matter is the Lafarge [3] matter. Former employees are bringing actions against it for not paying them regularly and for purchasing oil from Daesh [4]. Laurent Fabius could be called to testify in investigatory proceedings.

Thierry Meyssan : So here again, we are punched in the face by hypocrisy of gigantic proportions. I do not know if it is the Public Prosecutor that has thus limited the investigation or if it is the judges in charge of the investigation who have clipped their own wings. The real issue is completely different.

The factory at Jalabiyeh (at the Turkish border in the North of Aleppo), was not being used to produce oil rather coke. For two years, the Turkish secret services, the MIT, have chartered trains to deliver it with coal.

The French daily newspaper, Le Monde has acknowledged that the factory was working at full capacity for two years. At that time, you couldn’t transport merchandise from this zone to the area controlled by Damascus, all civil construction had been stopped in the jihadist-controlled zone and there were no exports to Turkey. Thus why manufacture and what had become of this cement?

The response is simple. Jihadists used it to build fortifications [5]. We then passed to a war of positions not with trenches, but with underground bunkers. This strategy had been described by Abou Moussab in “The Syrian”, in a book he published in 2004, “Management of Savagery” [6].

The quantity of cement that Lafarge produced at Jalabiyeh and sent back to the jihadists is equal to what the German Reich used to build the Seigfried line. There are these bunkers that the Russian Air Force’s Army has come to destroy with penetrating bombs.

In 2013, Daesh had still not taken the form of an unrecognized State. The jihadists were divided and dispersed in many groups. However, their military operations were under the de facto coordination of the Nato Land Forces (LandCom) Command Centre at Izmir (Turkey). This meant that they could benefit from advice of Nato engineers to build these installations.

Laurent Fabius was evidently an actor in this operation …

Serge Marchand : Was Nicolas Sarkozy involved in this at all?

Thierry Meyssan : No, not at all. The Lafarge affair began when François Hollande, a former partner of Ségolène Royal, became President. President Sarkozy had concluded a peace agreement with Syria after liberating Baba Amr where the jihadists had already declared an Islamic Emirates.

At the time then, Laurent Fabius and General Benoît Puga thought that France and its allies were toppling the Syrian Arab Republic and would place General Manaf Tlass in power [7]. At that time Manaf’s brother, Firas, was the manager of the factory at Jalabiyeh.

Serge Marchand : Both are sons of General Moustapha Tlass, the former Syrian Defense Minister.

Thierry Meyssan : Absolutely, but Moustapha Tlass, has never taken a stand against the Republic nor has he ever supported the jihadists.

It is important that to know that in the past, Hillary Clinton had been the lawyer, then a director of Lafarge and that when Saddam Hussein was in power, this company had worked with the CIA to illegally transport arms to Iraq and to prepare for war.

Clearly, if the investigation were to pay attention to these facts, it would immediately come up against Secret-Defense, the only way to protect the Hollande government from providing an account of the war that it had been involved in organizing in Syria and its relations with the jihadists.

My book deals with all these issues and many more. It leaves me gobsmacked that no judge has had the curiosity to read it.

Serge Marchand : Thank you .

Serge Marchand

Even if you think a priori that Thierry Meyssan is not a journalist but a novelist and that therefore you do not have to take him seriously, his book sets out a Russian-Arab perspective on the 15 years of war that the Western press has always refused to explain to you. And with good reason.

Sous nos yeux. Du 11-Septembre à Donald Trump.

And if you like unintentional humour :

Mediapart : le complotisme au petit pied, Étienne Gernelle, Le Point, 19 October 2017.

For this short story, Étienne Gernelle owes his entire career to Franz-Olivier Giesbert. The latter replaced Roland Dumas in the bed of the sister of Manaf and Firas Tlass. What a small world.

[1] Avec les compliments du guide, Fabrice Arfi et Karl Laske, Fayard, 2017.

[2] See Sous nos yeux, Thierry Meyssan, Demi-Lune, 2017, p. 26.

[3] Ibid, pp. 88-90 for the French perspective, p. 95 for the Russian perspective, and p. 250 for the US perspective.

[4] E mails from Daesh form part of the investigatory file. These e mails were initially published on the website Zaman Al-Wasl, and were then withdrawn before the article in Le Monde was published. You can still view these emails on the Voltaire Network website: “Lafarge-Holcim e-mails”.

[5] “Revelations – Lafarge-Holcim’s jihad”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 24 March 2017.

[6] Management of Savagery was signed under the pseudonym, “Abu Bakr Naji”. Experts do not agree on the author’s true identity. Experts from the Saudi Television Channel think it would be Abou Jihad al-Masri, head of Al-Qaeda propaganda. On the contrary, other experts such as Thierry Meyssan think that this book does not originate from propaganda but military art. They think it is attributable to the person who authored The Global Islamic Resistance Call, Abou Moussab “The Syrian”. This jihadist had been granted political asylum in France when Mitterrand was president. He is known for adapting the “strategy of tension “ to jihad. He was the head of the Islamic Conflict Studies Bureau, in Madrid and London: a structure identical to what was Aginter Press (the Piazza Fontana attack) in the seventies. Ibid, p. 118.

[7] Currently A Laurent Fabius is the President of the Conseil Constitutionnel (France’s highest constitutional court) and General Puga is the Grand Chancellor of the Legion of Honor. They have been placed in eighth and seventeenth place in the protocol order of the Republic.


Zbigniew Brzezinski was proud to have invented the Afghanistan gap to built a Vietnam to Russia…

When George Bush Sr was Ambassador in Saudi, Jeb Bush was Salem Ben Laden classmate best friend. Osama was selected by the CIA to lead the Afghanistan Djihad ! When the US pushed Saddam into the Kuwait gap on purpose to organized the First Gulf War. Osama realized how much the US abused him and declared War to every US Official outside the US, CNN translate it into every Americans ! Then Osama was quick out of Saudi Arabia and his family with 20 Millions, becoming Billions in the Medias. According to the MSM he became more powerful than KGB & CIA togethers, but in fact his supposed Terrorism was handle by the NATO/CIA/Mossad !

The US Officials presence outside the US is disgusting and smell high haven since too long ! American Dollar & Neocolonial Cancer collapse on the way would be good news for the whole world. ====================================== http://www.voltairenet.org/article190171.html

Seventy years of harassing political establishment and people of Europe

by Andrey Fomin

Contrary to appearances, the decision of the United States to investigate a possible Russian aid to anti-European parties is not intended to protect Europeans from foreign interference. This is quite the opposite. For 70 years, Washington controls the West European politics prohibiting all forms of genuine democracy. According to a “sensational” article by The Telegraph, the US director of National Intelligence was recently instructed by Congress to “conduct a major review into Russian clandestine funding of European parties over the last decade.” [1] This disclosure —a classic “controlled leak”— is intended to warn disobedient yet popular political entities across Europe to scale back their ambitions to rebalance the roles and weight of their nation states within the European Union. Hungary’s Jobbik, Greece’s Golden Dawn, Italy’s Lega Nord, and France’s Front National are explicitly included in the US “warning list,” while other unnamed “parties” in Austria, the Czech Republic, and the Netherlands are being advised that they are “under a US security probe.” Even the new British Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, is suspected of flirting with the Russians. So, according to the sponsor of The Telegraph’s story, any European politician who dares to question NATO’s eastward expansion, the policy of anti-Russian sanctions, or the current European stance on the Ukrainian conflict is essentially a witting or unwitting tool of “Russia’s hybrid warfare.”

Well, that would be funny if it weren’t so dangerous. In fact, any impartial observer would pose some simple questions: Why the hell do US intelligence agencies care about challenges to Europe’s internal security? Aren’t they the same agents who finance, recruit, and control countless political organizations, individuals, and media outlets on the European continent? Why are they so brazenly revealing their dominion over Europe?

A politically correct challenger would argue that the United States saved Europe from the “Communist threat” after the end of WWII, facilitated its speedy economic recovery, and is still safeguarding the continent under its nuclear umbrella. Perhaps. But a review of the historical background should not begin with the Marshall Plan. First of all, that was launched in April 1948. Since the Nazis capitulated in May 1945, a misinformed reader might deduce that the United States had been drafting a massive investment program for Europe for as long as three years, and … he would be wrong. At the Second “Octagon” Quebec Conference in September 1944, President Roosevelt and US Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr. submitted to the British PM Winston Churchill their Post-Surrender Program for Germany [2]. That strictly confidential document envisaged the partition and complete deindustrialization of the German state. According to the plan, Germany was to be divided into two independent states. Its epicenters of mining and industry, including the Saar Protectorate, the Ruhr Valley, and Upper Silesia were to be internationalized or annexed by France and Poland. Following are a few excerpts:

• The [US] military forces upon entry into [German] industrial areas shall destroy all plants and equipment which cannot be removed immediately.

• No longer than 6 months after the cessation of hostilities, all industrial plants and equipment not destroyed by military action shall either be completely dismantled and removed from the area or completely destroyed.

• All people within the area should be made to understand that this area will not again be allowed to become an industrial area. Accordingly, all people and their families within the area having special skills or technical training should be encouraged to migrate permanently from the area and should be as widely dispersed as possible.

• All German radio stations and newspapers, magazines, weeklies, etc. shall be discontinued until adequate controls are established and an appropriate program formulated.

That was the original postwar recovery program for Germany, known as the Morgenthau Plan. The notorious Joint Chiefs of Staff Directive 1067 (JCS 1067) addressed to the Commander-in-Chief of U.S. Occupation Forces in Germany, which was officially issued in April 1945, was fully in line with that document [3].

Partition of Germany according to Morgenthau Plan, 1944

The Morgenthau Plan very quickly proved to be a strategic mistake. The United States underestimated the ideological and cultural impact the Soviets would have on European societies. Left to their own judgment, American strategists failed to understand the attraction that a socialist system held for the majority of the population of the liberated nations. A vast spectrum of pro-socialist and pro-communist politicians began winning democratic elections and gaining political influence not only in Eastern Europe, but also in Greece, Italy, France, and other European states (Palmiro Togliatti and Maurice Thorez are just a few who could be named here). Thus Washington came to understand that its forced de-industrialization of Europe could result in Soviet-style reindustrialization and eventual Russian dominance of the continent… Therefore the US had to promptly replace the Morgenthau Plan with one named after Secretary of State George Marshall… Over the course of four years it provided Europe with $12 billion USD in credits, donations, leases, etc., for the purpose of buying … American machinery and other goods. Although the plan undoubtedly revived the economies of Europe, its biggest positive effect was on … the US economy itself! Simultaneously a wave of political repression was launched throughout Europe, most notably in Germany.

The media has largely forgotten about a Soviet initiative, proposed in 1950, to withdraw from the GDR and to reunify a neutral, non-aligned, demilitarized Germany within one year of the conclusion of a peace treaty. As a matter of fact, the resolution adopted at the Prague meeting of the foreign ministers of the Soviet Bloc on Oct. 21, 1950 proposed the establishment of an all-German Constituent Council, with equal representation from East and West Germany to prepare for the formation of an “all-German, sovereign, democratic, and peace-loving provisional government.” Needless to say, the US government and West German administration in Bonn strongly opposed the initiative [4]. While a plebiscite on the issue “Are you against the remilitarization of Germany and in favor of the conclusion of a Peace Treaty in 1951?” was announced in both halves of the divided state, that referendum was held and officially acknowledged only in East Germany (with 96% voting “yes”).vtek The authorities in US-controlled West Germany failed to respond in a truly democratic manner. They refused to recognize the preliminary results of the referendum that had been held since February 1951 (of the 6.2 million federal citizens who had taken part by June 1951, 94.4% also voted “yes”) [5] and introduced the draconian cautious Criminal Law Amendment Act (the 1951 Blitzgesetz) on July 11. According to that legislation, anyone guilty of importing prohibited literature, criticizing the government, or having unreported contacts with representatives of the GDR, etc. was to be prosecuted for “state treason,” which was punishable by 5 to 15 years in prison. Consequently, between 1951 and 1968, 200,000 charges were brought against 500,000 members of the Communist Party and other left-wing groups in Germany under this law. Ten thousand people were sent to prison, and most of those who were “cleared” of charges never resumed their political activities. Additional legal amendments in 1953 actually abolished the right to freely hold gatherings and demonstrations, and in 1956 the Communist Party of Germany was banned.

More details can be found in Daniel Burkholz’s 2012 documentary “Verboten – Verfolgt – Vergessen” (Forbidden-Followed-Forgotten. Half a Million Public Enemies), which is surprisingly unavailable on YouTube.

The political repression that occurred in Germany from the 1950s to the 1980s, compared to similar events in other European countries during the same period, is a very taboo topic. Operation Gladio in Italy, the crimes of the regime of the Black Colonels in Greece, and the controversial assassinations of realistic European politicians who openly advocated for historical compromise with the Soviet bloc – such as Italian PM Aldo Moro (1978) and Swedish PM Olof Palme (1986) – all received far more media attention. The revelations made by a former correspondent for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Udo Ulfkotte, in his book Gekaufte Journalisten (“Purchased Journalists”) about the mechanism of media control in Germany (remember the Morgenthau Plan?) represent only the tip of the iceberg.

The almost complete lack of reaction seen in Berlin after Edward Snowden’s disclosure of the blanket electronic espionage routinely conducted against German leaders by the NSA means that in reality, Germany has acknowledged its loss of sovereignty over its own country and thus has nothing to lose.

So, after taking all these facts into account and rereading the article in The Telegraph, are you still so sure that the United States is truly the guardian of Europe’s sovereignty? Is it not more likely that by using the alleged “Russian threat” to control and harass the political establishment and civil society in Europe, Washington is making headway toward a simple and primitive goal – that of merely keeping its sheep within the fold?

Andrey Fomin

[1] «Russia accused of clandestine funding of European parties as US conducts major review of Vladimir Putin’s strategy. Exclusive: UK warns of “new Cold War” as Kremlin seeks to divide and rule in Europe», Peter Foster & Matthew Holehouse, The Telegraph, January 16, 2016.

[2] “Suggested Post-Surrender Program for Germany”, F. D. Roosevelt, September 1944.

[3] “Directive to the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Occupation Forces (JCS 1067)” (April 1945)

[4] “Notes for Eastern Element’s Briefing of General Mathewson”, February 15, 1951. Published in Foreign Relations of the United States 1951, Volume III, Part 2, European Security and the German Question (Document 341).

[5] “Flusslandschaft 1951. Frieden”, Protest in München.


Ben Laden was a CIA Hero until Americans “invited” Saddam to invade Kuwait He offer to liberate Kuwait, but the Saudi Government didn’t want, to built US Bases in KSA was already scheduled, thanks this “organized” pretext… Before that, every CIA VIP was queuing in front his Djeddah home to get an audience Al Qaida is the “Gladio” continuity…

Joe Doe

Most likely SDF and US-alliance will provide escape tunnels for ISIS. ISIS is Americans proxies to destabilize countries and the world .


It won’ bet the first time that ISIS receiving help from the Kurds. I posted this link before, but re-posting it again seems appropriate now. https://www.globalresearch.ca/kurdish-peshmerga-helped-isis-terrorists-flee-their-stronghold-in-northern-iraq/5615940

Tudor Miron

“Repetition is the mother of learning” – old Russian tale.

Jens Holm

Could be in some Russian outfits. But it also say, that Sunni by that in many matters hardly has left the stoneage.

You also copy mistakes and many dont learn. I see a lot of people hereby birth has learned not to learned in a very systematic way.


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Jens Holm

Hahahahaha – some Iragin commander says.

Very independent source.

Iraqi Kurdistan for the moment has 1,3 mio refugees and mainly Sunni Arabs. I wonder why. ISIS is been figthed hard to not to be among the refugees in their areas.

So how in the holy camel and dromedars Pashmerga should let ISIS people through. Only mad haters can come with assumtions like that.

Thats whát things are: A madhouse for barking mad hardly people. You should be the spendable, so the peacefull normal ones could come home.

Deo Cass

These ISIS terrorists are being taken under the protection of their Western Zionist colonialist imperialist handlers and being rebranded as SDF to continue the fight against the Syrian government forces under their new flag of pseudo ‘freedom fighters.’

Jens Holm

Grotesqes some muslim Jihadist should join jews and sekulars.


Somebody should have to ask from Rex Telerson that who brings ISIS commanders from Syria and Iraqi border to Torabara in Afghanistan and why now America are not doing carpet bombing on Torabora.


THE PENTAGON IS PREPARING A NEW WAR IN SOUTH-EAST ASIA http://www.voltairenet.org/article198141.html Political Islam against China

by Thierry Meyssan

You are probably aware that you are incompletely informed about what is brewing in Myanmar, and you probably haven’t heard about the military coalition that is preparing to attack that country. And yet, as Thierry Meyssan reveals here, these current events have been in preparation by Riyadh and Washington since 2013. Don’t take sides before you read this article and digest the information.

According to the US chief of Staff, Myanmar is part of the zone to be destroyed (map published by Thomas P. M. Barnett in 2003).

Pursuing its Grand Strategy of extending the theatre of war [1], the Pentagon is at the same time preparing the instrumentation of the Kurds in the Greater Middle East, a civil war in Venezuela and a war of attrition in the Philippines. However, these conflicts will have to wait for the implementation of a fourth theatre of operations – namely Burma, China’s next-door neighbour.

On 28 September at the Security Council, Jeffrey Feltman, the number 2 of the UNO, takes part in the debates, next to Secretary General António Guterres. After having personally supervised the aggression against Syria, he now intends to organiser the attack on Burma. Ex-US civil servant, Feltman was the assistant to Hillary Clinton.

During the meeting of the UN Security Council on 28 September, the US ambassador and several of her allies accused Myanmar’s coalition government of « genocide » [2]. This loaded word – which, in European law, designates the massacre of a great number of people, but in US law applies to a method of killing, even if the criminal kills only one person – is enough for Washington to justify a war, with or without the backing of the Security Council, as we saw in Yugoslavia [3]. The meeting of the Security Council was held at the request of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

Since 2013, the Western medias have been taking care to present Buddhism as a sectarian movement. The photo shows the monk Ashin Wirathu, condemned in 2003 to 25 years of imprisonment because of his anti-Muslim preaching. He benefited from the general amnesty in 2012. It is not difficult to find fanatics in any religion.

In order to make the facts correspond to their narrative, the United States, the United Kingdom and France, which had celebrated Aung San Suu Kyi and the Buddhist monks for their non-violent resistance to the dictatorship of the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) during the « Saffron revolution » in 2007 [4], simply redefined the Burmese army, Nobel Peace Prize-winner Aung San Suu Kyi [5], and all the Buddhists in the country [6] as “the bad guys”.

Burma has not known civil peace since the days of foreign domination, first British and then Japanese [7]. It has become easier to destabilise since the SLORC junta agreed to share power with the National League for Democracy (NLD), and together are trying to resolve the country’s many conflicts in a peaceful way.

Indispensable to the Chinese economy, the Yunnan pipe-lines reach the Pacific coast in the Arakan/Rakhine province.

By a geographical coincidence, Burma allows the passage across its territory of the pipe-line linking Chinese Yunnan to the Bay of Bengal, and houses the Chinese electronic surveillance posts for the naval routes which near its coasts. Making war in Burma is therefore more important for the Pentagon than blocking the two « Silk Roads » in the Middle East and Ukraine. An inheritance of British colonisation, there are also, among the distinct Burmese population, 1.1 million descendants of the workers that London had displaced from Bengal to Burma – the Rohingyas [8]. It happens that this national – not ethnic – minority is Muslim, although the great majority of Burmese people is Buddhist. Finally, during the Second World War, the Rohingyas collaborated with India against Burmese nationalists.

Perfectly equipped, the Faith Movement, or Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army, is trained by the British in Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh. Before the beginning of current events, it numbered at least 5,000 soldiers.

In 2013, when the Pentagon and the CIA had deployed the jihadist hordes in Syria and maintained a war of position, Saudi Arabia created yet another terrorist organisation in Mecca, the Faith Movement (Harakah al-Yaqin). This group, which declared that it was an assembly for the Rohingyas, is in reality commanded by the Pakistani Ata Ullah, who fought the Soviets in Afghanistan [9]. The Saudi regime housed the largest community of male Rohingyas, after Burma and before Bangladesh, with 300,000 male workers without their families.

According to a report by the Benagli intelligence services, before the current crisis, the Faith Movement had been working for a year with a spin-off group of the Bengali Jamat-ul-Mujahideen around the slogan « Bengali Jihad in Baghdad ». This tiny group pays allegiance to the Caliph of Daesh, Abou Bakr al-Baghdadi, and has gathered in the same coalition the Indian Mujahideen, Al-Jihad, Al-Ouma, the Students’ Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) and the Pakistani Harkat-ul Jihad-al Islami (HuJI). The group is financed by the foundation Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS) in Kuwait. When, less than a year and a half ago, in March 2016, the SLORC accepted to share power with Aung San Suu Kyi’s party, the United States attempted to use the Nobel Peace Prize-winner against Chinese interests. Knowing that it would be difficult to manipulate the daughter of the father of Burmese independence, the communist Aung San, they encouraged the Faith Movement – « …you never know … ».

In September 2016, Aung San Suu Kyi came to explain her efforts in favour of the Rohingyas before the General Assembly of the United Nations. Like her father Aung San, who believed for a moment that he might receive Japanese aid to free his country from British colonisation, the Nobel Peace Prize-winner naïvely imagined that she had the sympathy of the Anglo-Saxons to solve Myanmar’s internal problems.

In September 2016, Aung San Suu Kyi represented her country at the UN General Assembly [10]. Naïvely, she explained the problems faced by her people and the means she was setting up to resolve these difficulties progressively, beginning with the question of the Rohingyas. Once back home, she realised that her former US supporters were in reality the enemies of her country. The Faith Movement launched a series of terrorist attacks, including the attack on the Maungdaw border police station, where 400 terrorists plundered the arsenal, killing 13 customs officers and soldiers.

Resolute, Aung San Suu Kyi pursued the implementation of an advisory committee tasked with analysing the Rohingya question, and ending the discrimination under which they suffered. This committee was composed of six Burmans and three foreigners – Dutch ambassador Laetitia van den Assum, Lebanese ex-Minister Ghassan Salame (in reality representing France), and ex-UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, acting as President of the committee.

The nine committee members began work of a rare quality, despite the Burmese obstacles. Political parties failed to have the committee dissolved by the National Assembly, but managed to force the adoption of a motion of no confidence against the committee by the local Assembly of Arakan (the state inhabited by the Rohingyas). Nevertheless, the committee members handed in their report on 25 August – it contained genuine recommendations which could actually be implemented with the true goal of improving the living conditions of all concerned [11].

The same day, the Saudi and US Secret Services gave the signal for the riposte – the Faith Movement, renamed by the British the « Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army » and divided into commandos, attacked army barracks and police stations, causing 71 deaths. For a week, Burmese troops waged an anti-terrorist operation against the jihadists. 400 members of their families fled to Bangladesh.

The President of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, opens the world-wide media campaign to save the Rohingyas (Istanbul, 1 September 2017).

Three days later, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan began to telephone all the heads of state of the Muslim countries to alert them about the « genocide of the Rohingyas ». On 1 September, the day of the most important Muslim holiday, the Aïd al-Adha, acting as serving President of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, he gave a vibrant speech in Istanbul calling to save the Rohingyas and support their Salvation Army [12].

However, the jihadists have done nothing to defend the Rohingyas, but have systematically intervened to sabotage the attempts to improve their living conditions and end the discriminations under which they suffer.

General Mohsen Rezaei was the commander of the Revolutionary Guard which fought alongside NATO and Saudi Arabia during the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina against Serbia.

On 5 September, the President of the Iranian Expediency Discernment Council, Mohsen Rezaei, proposed joining the forces of all Muslim states to create an Islamic army to save the « Rohingya brothers » [13]. A position which carries all the more weight since General Rezaei is an ex-Commander of the Revolutionary Guard.

While the Burmese army had ceased all activity against the terrorists, Rohingya villages were burned, and the Rakhine population of Arakan lynched Muslims, who in their eyes were all accomplices of the terrorists. According to the Rohingyas, it was the Burmese army who burned the villages, while according to the Burmese army, it was the jihadists. Progressively, all the Rohingyas from the North of Arakan took to the road seeking refuge in Bangladesh – but, curiously enough, not the Rohingyas from the South of the State.

On 6 September, an official Turkish delegation went to Bangladesh to distribute provisions to the refugees. It was led by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, and by the wife and the son of President Erdoğan, Bilal and Ermine.

The campaign of communitary mobilisation in the Muslim countries relies on some particularly shocking visuals. This photograph was published by the Turkish government. It is supposed to show the Muslim victims of Buddhist monks in Burma. It is in fact an old photo of a funeral ceremony for the victims of an earthquake in China.

In the Muslim countries, a vast campaign of disinformation claimed, with photo support, that the Buddhists were killing Muslims en masse. Of course, none of these photos had been taken in Burma, and the fake news reports were debunked one after the other. But in countries where the population is poorly educated, the photos were deemed authentic, while the denials were hardly mentioned. Only Bangladesh voiced reservations about the role of the jihadists, and assured Myanmar of its cooperation against the terrorists [14].

On 11 September, the serving President of the Islamic Conference Organisation (ICO), Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, spoke before the Organisation’s scientific committee meeting at Astana (Kazakhstan) – which is not competent in the matter – « to save the Rohingyas ».

For Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the military engagement of his country alongside NATO and Saudi Arabia in Burma would be a catastrophe. Particularly since Iran has a thousand-year history of cooperation with China.

On the following day, 12 September, the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei took position. Very worried about General Rezaei’s proposition, he was careful to delegitimise the religious war which was being prepared – the « clash of civilisations » – even if it meant blaming the presence of a woman at the head of a State. He was therefore careful to close the door on a military engagement by the Revolutionary Guard. He declared – « It is quite possible that religious fanaticism may have played a part in these events, but this is a completely political question, because it’s the government of Myanmar which is responsible. And at the head of this government, there is a cruel woman, a Nobel Peace Prize-winner. In reality, these events have signed the death notice of the Nobel Peace Prize » [15].

In Teheran, President Sheikh Hassan Rohani immediately called on the regular army to participate in the conflict which was being prepared. On 17 September, the Chiefs of Staff of the Iranian and Pakistani armies made contact in order to unite their forces in the crisis [16]. This is the first military initiative, but it concerns the Iranian army (which is already working with its Turkish and Pakistani counterparts to defend Qatar) and not the Revolutionary Guards (who are fighting alongside the Syrians against the jihadists). Iran is also providing massive aid to the refugees.

Aung San Suu Kyi calls on international public opinion to take into account the efforts of Myanmar to resolve the question of the Rohingyas and denounce jihadist terrorism. She will be no more understood than was Mouamar Kadhafi when he denounced the attack on his country by Al-Qaïda (Naypyidaw, 19 September 2017).

On 19 September, ignoring the explanations of Aung San Suu Kyi [17], and profiting from the UN General Assembly, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan gathered the ICO contact group in order to request that all member States suspend all commerce with Myanmar, and to ask the UN Security Council to rule on the matter [18].

Saudi Arabia has been protecting and supervising the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army since 2013. King Salman has given 15 million dollars to Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, where the training camps of the jihadist group are situated.

Finally appearing from the shadows, Saudi Arabia affirmed that they had been discreetly helping the Rohingyas for 70 years, and had already offered them 50 million dollars’ worth of aid during that time. King Salman also added a gift of 15 million dollars [19]. The Saudi ambassador to the UN in Geneva, Abdulaziz ben Mohammed Al-Wassil, mobilised the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

Forgetting the wars they have been waging against one another – in Iraq, Syria and Yemen – Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia, in other words the three main Muslim military powers, joined together by simple communitarian reflex [20] and took position alongside the Rohingyas. All three of them named their common enemy – the coalition government of the Burmese army and Aung San Suu Kyi.

This total about-face in the Middle East has already seen a precedent – namely the wars in Yugoslavia. In Bosnia-Herzegovina (1992-95) and in Kosovo (1998-99), the Muslim countries and NATO fought side by side against the Orthodox Christians linked with Russia.

In 1995, in Zenica, Oussama Ben Laden paraded the Arab League before President Alija Izetbegović. These combatants are ex-Mujahideens who fought the Soviets in Afghanistan. They later adopted the name of Al-Qaïda. During the war, the Russian Secret Services penetrated the barracks of the Arab Legion and found that all their documents were written in English, and not Arabic.

In Bosnia-Herzegovina, President Alija Izetbegović worked with US representative Richard Perle, who advised him on the diplomatic level and directed the Bosnian delegation during the Dayton Agreements. He also benefited, on the media level, from the advice of French representative Bernard-Henri Levy, according to Levy himself – and this has never been denied. Finally, on the military level, he relied on the advice of Saudi representative Oussama Ben Laden, who organised the Arab League on his behalf and received a Bosnian diplomatic passport. During the conflict, supported in secret by NATO, Izetbegović publicly received the support of Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia [21].

Western public opinion accepted without question the violation of the United Nations Charter in Kosovo after having watched, powerless, the exodus of thousands of civilians.

The Kosovar conflict began with a terrorist campaign against Belgrade by the Kosovo Liberation Army (UÇK). The combatants were trained by German Special Forces on a NATO base in Turkey [22]. The current head of Turkish Secret Services, Hakan Fidan, was the liaison officer for the terrorists within the NATO military staff. He is today the head of MIT, the Turkish Secret Services, and the number 2 of the régime. At the beginning of the war, in the space of three days, 290,000 Kosovars fled Serbia to seek refuge in Macedonia. Western TV channels showed numerous clips of the long lines of refugees walking along railway tracks. However, according to several million Macedonians who welcomed them, there was no objective reason for this migration, which was carefully supervised by NATO. Nonetheless, this displacement of the population was used to accuse President Slobodan Milošević of disproportionally repressing the terrorist campaign affecting his country, and NATO declared war on him without the authorisation of the Security Council.

The dirty work currently in preparation will extend the theatre of operations towards the East. The Pentagon is unable to impose an alliance between Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia, but in fact, does not need one. In Yugoslavia, these three states were coordinated by NATO when they were not in direct contact.

However, the fact of fighting side by side in Burma will force them to find arrangements in Iraq, Syria and Yemen – perhaps even in Libya. Considering the devastation of the Middle East, and the tenacious resistance of the populations there, the Pentagon can leave the region to lick its wounds for a decade without fear of seeing the emergence of the slightest opposition to its policies.

The day after the Security Council meeting which laid the foundations for the future war against Burma, the State Secretariat informed President Barzani that the United States would not support the independence of an Iraqi Kurdistan. Of course, the Pentagon can not mobilise Turkey and Iran in South-East Asia while betraying them at their frontier. Consequently Massoud Barzani, who had engaged himself unequivocally for the referendum on independence, will soon have to retire from political life. Particularly since the display of Israëli flags at Erbil, massively relayed by the Arab, Persian and Turkish TV channels, has alienated every one of his neighbours.

If the Pentagon’s scenario continues to play out as we may anticipate, the war against Syria should soon end due to the lack of combatants, who will have gone overseas to serve the « American Empire » in a new theatre of operations.

[1] Source : The Pentagon’s New Map, Thomas P. M. Barnett, Putnam Publishing Group, 2004. Analysis : “The US military project for the world”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 22 August 2017.

[2] « Myanmar : le Secrétaire général demande “une action rapide” pour mettre fin au “cauchemar” des Rohingya dans l’État de Rakhine », Compte-rendu du Conseil de sécurité, Onu, 28 septembre 2017. Référence : CS/13012.

[3] The United Kingdom and the United States have already drawn up the act of accusation against Myanmar, even before the current events: Countdown to Annihilation : Genocide in Myanmar, Penny Green, Thomas MacManus & Alicia de La Cour Venning, Queen Mary University of London, 2016. Persecution of the Rohingya Muslims ; Is Genocide Occurring in Myanmar’s Rakhine State ; a Legal Analysis, Allard Lowenstein, Yale University, 2016.

[4] « Birmanie : la sollicitude intéressée des États-Unis », par Thierry Meyssan, Abiad & Aswad (Syrie), Réseau Voltaire, 5 novembre 2007.

[5] The Burma Spring: Aung San Suu Kyi and the New Struggle for the Soul of a Nation, Rena Pederson, Foreword by Laura Bush, Pegasus, 2015.

[6] Neither Saffron Nor Revolution: A Commentated and Documented Chronology of the Monks’ Demonstrations in Myanmar in 2007 and Their Background, Hans-Bernd Zöllner, Humboldt-University, 2009.

[7] Burma/Myanmar: What Everyone Needs to Know, David Steinberg, Oxford University Press, 2013.

[8] To be specific, there were Bengali immigrants in Burma before British domination, but the vast majority of Rohingyas are descendants of the workers displaced by the colonising power. (Author’s note).

[9] “Myanmar’s Rohingya insurgency has links to Saudi, Pakistan”, Simon Lewis, Reuters, December 16, 2016.

[10] “Speech by Aung San Suu Kyi at 71st UN General Assembly”, by Aung San Suu Kyi, Voltaire Network, 21 September 2016.

[11] Towards a peaceful, fair and prosperous future for the people of Rakhine, Advisory Commission on Rakhine State, August 2017.

[12] “We won’t Leave Rohingya Muslims Alone”, Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, September 1, 2017.

[13] “Rezaei urges Muslim states to defend Rohingya Muslims”, Mehr Agency, September 6, 2017.

[14] “Bangladesh offers Myanmar army aid against Rohingya rebels”, AFP, August 29, 2017.

[15] « Myanmar : le Guide critique les défenseurs des droits de l’homme », Leader.ir, 12 septembre 2017.

[16] “Iranian, Pakistani Top Military Commanders Stress Need for Ending Myanmar Muslims’ Plights”, Fars News, September 17, 2017.

[17] “Aung San Suu Kyi speech on National Reconciliation and Peace”, by Aung San Suu Kyi, Voltaire Network, 19 September 2017.

[18] «OIC Contact Group on Rohingya calls for UN Resolution on Myanmar», Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, September 19, 2017.

[19] « Le Serviteur des Deux Saintes Mosquées accorde un don de 15 millions de dollars aux réfugiés Rohingyas », Saudi Press Agency, September 19, 2017.

[20] The Rohingyas : Inside Myanmar’s Hidden Genocide, Azeem Ibrahim, Hurst, 2016.

[21] Comment le Djihad est arrivé en Europe, Jürgen Elsässer, préface de Jean-Pierre Chevènement, éditions Xenia, 2006.

[22] « L’UÇK, une armée kosovare sous encadrement allemand », par Thierry Meyssan, Notes d’information du Réseau Voltaire, 15 avril 1999.

Jens Holm

Why not, New Guinea is a beautifull place to figh as long as its not in the rainy periodes.


There is some maps for you of the US world wide intentions about Natural resources…


The anti-imperialist camp: splintered in thought



We are all Guinea Pigs for the US/Zionist deep power !


Nobody needs to ask anything. Haven’t you realized that Israel-USA-NATO created ISIS-Daesh-SDF-Nustra to destroy Syria with the help of Qatar-saudis-Jordan-Turkey ? Do not waist your time asking for what nobody will ask.


…………..Because its all as obvious as the day is long.

Jens Holm

You forget the hindus and some of the more divided sikhs as well as a few other.

Right now we are trying to help some muslim Rohingas in Burma.

Jens Holm

Where is the proof for that at all. I see none. More like goats and sheep eat anything, they are served from there master with licens to kill them, if they dont.

Pave Way IV

Summary field execution for anyone helping ANY head-chopper escape from Syria or Iraq. Too harsh? The smuggler is at least a traitor, accomplice to terrorism and a human trafficker. Indefinite stay in prison pending the return of the head-choppers (or their bodies) to authorities. We’ll see how loyal the smuggler’s family/friends are or if he saved enough money to hire the requisite thugs for the head-chopper retrieval. The head-choppers will not want to return and are pretty good at disappearing. A smuggler’s temporary prison stay may end up lasting a long, long time.

Jens Holm

You forget the many, which come from there as active and supporters – And why ISIS got that much support and why SDF has grown being trustworthy in their way compared to the Regime in Damaskus.

Alejandro Bonifacio

if it’s true, daesh will be where the others cia-projects belong, to the garbage can of History

Don't read butthurt replies

And more terrorists attacks will happen wherever these terrorists go, especially in Europe and U.S. At this point I have stopped caring, because the European people and in U.S. don’t do shit about their government who are responsible for all of this. Pussys, both are responsible. I’m tired of it and the nonsense, hypocrite double standard crap too.


I have also stopped caring if they bomb my country. Most people here are too immersed in bollocks and Facebook to take any interest of what is being done by terrorists in our name throughout Syria and Iraq. Terrorists that my nation is complicit with. I have a wry smile when I hear all the angst and see the hand wringing as all the Government and MSM lament the attacks here when they know damn well that the scum bags that they work for have caused all of this mess in the Middle East and Europe and to a lesser extent in the USA.


Now ain’t that the TRUTH !

Jens Holm

If You are so irrespaonsible for all things, why dont You ask for being a colony again. Most important things in Syria as well as in Iraq are build by foreigners.

Even Islam is from far away.


A sigh of relief. This is the smell of victory. The enemy flees. Good for Syria and good for the destruction of the ISIS movement and the myth of the caliphate. More mopping up to do.


if the enemy flees we have a problem……battles will continue in africa, asia europe


Yes, but this one clearly decisive victory has history shaping significance. Nothing will be the same after this. Russia said ‘No!’ The paper tiger of USA does not look so fierce.

jerry hamilton

They have already started.


so true

Jens Holm

It would be nice if You found places, where there only are Yourself.


οκ its true….so lets give them asylum in Europe and pray that they will change…maybe they will get bored butchering civilians you never know….

Bobby Twoshoes

Coming soon to a refugee shelter near you! Just like in all of our other illegal wars, collaborators are always welcome! Why wouldn’t we want to give shelter and money to people who betray their own country, or even better illegally enter other peoples’ to overthrow their government? I mean, what could possibly go wrong with that?


‘ISIS commanders and fighters are trying to collect money in any possible way to pay for Kurdish smugglers who could get them to Turkey through the SDF-held area.’…..and from there to Europe to continue the bloodbath of the civilized world….

Jens Holm

Yes, if its true at all.I dount that. More like planting, but I agree the situation is desperat, if you are an ISIS.


They should be put in Stalin like work camps and if resist they should have trials and executed or life long jail.



Memorandum on Libya: Fabrications against the State, Leadership and Army

by Saif al-Islam Gaddafi

This memorandum aimed to pinpoint some of facts that the Libyan people were subjected to during the past six years where the most horrendous crimes were committed against its people. These crimes were committed under the name of human intervention, protection of civilians, introducing democracy and prosperity where the NATO forces, with the help of some Arab countries and a few Libyans, attacked Libya with all weapons under its disposal. The justifications put forward were as false as the invasion of Iraq in 2003, and in fact it was a systematic destruction of a sovereign country and a peaceful nation. Thus far, this memorandum is trying to present these crimes to the international community, human rights organisation and NGOs in order to stand by Libya and its people in its countless efforts to rebuild this small country.

Libya on the Cross Roads: The Beginning

Libya’s agony began on 15th February 2011 when a number of protests gathered, in its routine, to demonstrate in support for the Abu Saleem prisons incident. The demonstration was soon hijacked by elements of Jihadist groups such the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group LIFG. They attacked police stations and army barracks in Derna, Benghazi, Misratah and Al-Zawayh aiming at collecting weapons to be used in their planned war against the Libyan people and its legitimate government. All these actions accompanied by a propaganda machine were launched by Aljazeera channel, Al-Arabiya, BBC, France 24 and others which were encouraging the Libyan people to confront the state police who try to protect governmental buildings and people’s properties from attacks and lootings.

Horrific scenes unfolded in the streets, bridges, and security forces buildings where the demonstrators committed unspeakable crimes against humanity. Security forces, military personnel and policemen were slaughtered as their throats were cut, their hearts were taken out of their bodies and their bodies cut into pieces in a real show of brutality and savageness. For instance, in the first day of unrest 16-02-2011 and in the city of Misrata, the so called peaceful demonstrators have killed and burnt a man named Musa Al-Ahdab. On the same day and in Benghazi a police officer was killed and his limbs were cut in pieces. [1] Those barbaric actions were committed by the armed demonstrators as they were using tanks, machine guns and anti-aircrafts machine guns throughout the cities of Misrata, Benghazi and Al-Azawiyah [2]. These acts and scenes are well documented and can be seen on YouTube [3] and across social media.

Thus, the fallen victims were in their tens contrary to what was reported by the biased media. According to Aljazeera, Al-Arabiya and the Libyan oppositions groups, by the end of 2011 the number of people killed reached 50,000. However, in 2012 Abdulrahaim Alkeeb’s government announced that the number of victims from 17th February 2011 to the end of the war in October 2011 were 4,700 including the people who died via natural death [4]. The highly claimed number of victims remained statistics figures without releasing the victims’ names or their identity as well as to claim for compensation from the governments.

The propaganda campaign and lies that accompanied the military insult did not stop at the aggregation of the victims but claimed that the regime used military aircrafts to attack the civilians, reported rapes by the army and security forces, [5] Viagra found in tanks, [6] African and Algerian mercenaries fighting along the Libyan army and the airmen defections to Malta. [7] None of these claims proven until today and in fact bears any truth what so ever. UN, Western investigations, Amnesty International and the Human Rights Watch [8] have not proven any case of rip from the total of 8000 reported cases by the Libyan opposition figures. In fact, all these cases were fabricated and lacked credibility. On the same ground, the use of Mirage aircraft from Al-Weathy airbase in the far West of Libya to attack the civilians in Benghazi also bears no weight as these aircrafts could not attack targets in Benghazi and return to its base in the West due to the distance and fuel consumption. It is impossible for this type of aircraft to attack targets in 1500 KM and return without refuelling as well as there were airbases around Benghazi accessible to the Libyan government to be used if needed. Also, the Viagra found in tanks story was fallen on the same trap as the Libyan army has a professional, moral young army that neither think to commit such crimes nor need Viagra to activate their sexual desires. These fabricated stories are merely a SEX IT UP on the same line with the Iraqi seven minutes MWDs attack. Now, the Iraqi and the Libyan cases became laughing matters by the Iraqi, Libyan people, the American and the European media. (Amnesty Report [9])

The International Court of Justice (ICC)

The ICC [10] issued a warrant of arrest for Muammar Qaddafi, Saif Al-Islam Qaddafi [11] and Abdullah Al-Senussi in 2011, charged with crimes against humanity allegedly committed in Libya. Despite the seriousness of the crime, the ICC has not conducted any investigations on the ground (Libya) as well as it reached its conclusions and identified the perpetrators within two weeks from the UN resolution for the ICC to proceed its work. The timing given for the charge to be announced was not presented and was not enough to even issue and investigate traffic penalties. In this effect, Al-Jehani, the ICC-Libyan government coordinator, asserted that, “the ICC case against Libya was purely political because the NATO countries order the National Transitional Council (NTC) to prepare a list of officials for the ICC

to be charged for crimes against humanity”. The NTC assigned Al-Jehani to prepare the list who produced and presented tens of names, however, the ICC selected only the above three names. In his statement Al-Jehani also added that all the accusation was fabricated. He also asserted his views when he met Saif Al-Islam and told him that it’s impossible for the Libyan judiciary to find you guilty. Al-Jehani added that we (Al-Jehani and his team) fabricated this case against him because we simply knew in advance that the criminal part is a lost case but we brought it forward to implicate Saif Al-Islam in financial and corruption cases.

Al-Jehani has justified his fabrications and lies as these lies are permissible during wars but it’s hard to be proven in the law of court, (Al-Jehani statement documented on 1/1/2012 and field in Al-Zintan court).

The ICC adopted a double standard on Libya’s civil war and the NATO intervention, implicating the Libyan political figures in fabricated crimes where ignored and failed to condemn the barbaric killing of Qaddafi [12] and his son Al-Motassem by the NATO backed militias. [13] The only action the ICC made was to drop the case against Qaddafi after his death. However, the ICC had a strong case as the killing was well documented by the media and needs no evidence to bring those responsible to justice. The ICC could also easily reach and arrest these perpetrators as they assumed political positions and diplomatic posts in various European capitals. A similar position was taken by the ICC against Abduallah Al-Senussi who was kidnapped from Mauritania by the Libyan government, [14] it stopped calling for his extradition to stand trial at the ICC. It did not even follow his human rights violation and inhuman treatment in the militia’s prison even though he has been imprisoned by the well-known notorious jihadists, the Libyan Fighting Islamic Group. The head of the prison is the leader of LIFG, Abdul Hakiem Belhadj.

Belhaj is well-known to the CIA and Western governments. The CIA arrested him after his escape from Kandahar, interrogated and extradited to Libya in 2002 charging with terrorism. [15] In 2009, he and the LIFG members were released from prison under the General Amnesty Law. [16] Belhadj terrorist record speaks for itself. In 1994-97, he ordered a slaughter of 225 people and ordered the killing of the German tourists, Steven Baker and his wife Manuela Spiatzier in 1997. Nevertheless, he assumed a high-ranking position in Libya. He was a minister of Defence, and is responsible of Tripoli security, General Manager of Libyan prisons and responsible directly of Al-Senussi cell. Bearing in mind Belhadj’s criminal record, the ICC expressed its reassurance that Al-Senussi is in the safe hands and supported his trial in Libya.

The NATO and small Gulf countries ignored Belhadj terrorist activities and recognised him as a political and military leader and above all a businessman. He owned the biggest TV station in North Africa, biggest airline company in Libya, cement factory, properties in Spain and Turkey and a private airport in Tripoli. This airport, however, has been used to channel and transport the terrorists from Libya to Syria. These terrorists were financed which was estimated to be 160 billion worth of dollars in 2010.

Belhaj and others are responsible of the misuse of Libya’s assets and putting an end to Libya’s development plan worth 200 billion of dollars according to the World Bank. Belhaj is one example to the warlords’ lavish life where the ordinary Libyan citizens were plunged into severe poverty.

The Militias Human Rights Abuses

The militias’ leaders and war lords has committed heinous crimes against humanity, destroyed cities and vital infrastructures throughout the past six years. The following are few of the listed crimes – People were burned, cooked alive and subjected to the ugliest forms of torture. Political prisoners, security personals and soldiers were thrown in the Iron and Steel smelting furnaces plant of Misratah. Above all, the militias traded in the prisons’ human organs. With the Libyan political scene growing more complicated, IS has also added more atrocities by slaughtering, crucifying people and cutting their organs in dramatic senses.

Unprecedented racial and ethnic cleansing, genocide was committed against five Libyan cities and its people. 55% of Libyan people were forced to flee their country to the neighbouring countries. In addition, hundreds of houses were burnt in Bani Walid [17] and five other cities in Warshafana. [18] Furthermore, the destruction and flattening of the city of Sirte [19] and bombardment of residential populated areas in Benghazi [20] and Dernah. Even the cosmopolitan Tripoli faced the same faith of ethnic and racial cleansing especially in the areas loyal to Qaddafi.

Besides the systematic human rights abuses, the militias and their leaders destroyed the Libyan essential infrastructures. [21] In July 2014, they set Tripoli airport and the aviation fleet on fire as well burning number 24 & 25 oil reservoirs. [22] [23] [24] [25]

Despite the militias destructive actions and brutal torture, the international community and the UN legal bodies ignored all these crimes and failed to bring these warlords to justice [26].

NATO and Libyan Militias’ Atrocities against Civilian and Public Figures

The NATO military aircrafts targeted civilians across various Libyan cities, namely Zlitan, Sirte, Surman, Tripoli and Bani Walid. In the south of Zlitan and precisely in Majeer, [27] 84 families mainly women and children were killed in cold blood while they were sleeping by NATO airstrikes. [28] Media showed children’s bodies pulled out of rubble and a lady named Minsyah Khleifa Heblow was halved in two and others lay dead in a very disturbing scene. In another case, the Khawildi Al-Ahmadi family was killed as NATO airstrikes hit their house and consequently killed two of their children. [29] Also, Al-Jafarh family were killed in Bani Walid [30] as NATO targeted their house during the Holy month of Ramadan. Not to mention, the well documented and deliberate NATO Arial bombardment of Qaddafi and his convoy in Sirte and the killing of Qaddafi’s youngest son, Saif Al-Arab in his house in Tripoli. [31]

The human rights abuse and systematic killing and torture of Libyan civilians continued after the militias assumed control of Libya. These people were civilians that did not participate in the civil war and the majority were old and cannot carry weapons. The popular comedian Youssef Al-Gharyani was detained and tortured by Al-Zawiyah militias.

Misratah militias has also detained and tortured the eighty-year-old and the Libyan Mufti in the 1970s, Al-Shaiek Al-Madani Al-Shwearief, [32] because he did not approve and support the NATO intervention in Libya. [33] The famous Libyan singer, Mohammed Hassan, was abused and put under house arrest. [34] Others like the economist expert in the Ministry of Finance, Dr Abdul Hafied Al-Zalatni, was tried and sentenced to years of imprisonment. Likewise, the Head of Islamic Call Society, Dr Mohammed Al-Shareef was sentenced for long term imprisonment. The Head of Customs Department and the Head of Training at the Ministry of Interior were also sentenced to long term imprisonment along with others who were sentenced to the death penalty and various terms of imprisonments. It’s rather absurd that these public figures were tried for drugs trafficking, human trafficking and rape in addition to 17 other charges. [35] The question that presents itself is how all these old professional figures met and conspire together to commit crimes throughout a period of nine months?

After NATO helped those militias to rule Libya, more horrific terrorist crimes were committed against Libyan and foreign nationals. A Coptic man was killed at the Misratah’s battalion, [36] murdering number of Coptic men in Sirte, [37] murdering a number of Christian Ethiopian workers, [38] murdering the American English teacher, Roni Smith, in Benghazi, [39] killing the Red Cross staff in Misratah in 2014 [40] and the French Embassy bombing in Tripoli, [41] above all, the murder of the American Ambassador in Benghazi, who helped and armed the militias throughout 2011. [42]

All the above victims were reported by the Human Rights Watch and in some cases NATO admitted responsibility of their death. However, the ICC turned a blind eye and failed to investigate such crimes despite various national and international bodies which demanded to initiate an open and transparent investigation as well as bringing perpetrates to justice. The ICC record showed failure in its responsibility regarding Libya’s civil war. It was evident as it has not produced a single warrant of arrest against these militia leaders and NATO forces. It seemed that it has been a deliberate policy of ICC to ignore these authentic crimes and only focuses on Saif Al-Islam indictment and trial.

When it comes to Qaddafi’s family, the ICC are seen not to be serious as in the case of Al-Saadi Qaddafi torture that the ICC prosecutor claimed that she is still investigating the case. However, he was shown in a video being interrogated and beaten in front of the camera. The same standard applied to the Abduallah Al-Senussi case where the ICC prosecutor claimed that she is still in deliberation of his death penalty. A similar claim was made by her predecessor regarding the bombing and killing of Qaddafi and hundreds in his convoy. The ICC never showed any seriousness in other crimes committed by the militias against thousands of Libyan people, except Saif Al-Islam in order to silent his voice and eliminate potential leadership.

The NATO countries and the Gulf mini-states should be held responsible for the chaos that has been created in Libya since 2011. They intervened in Libya in the pretext of Qaddafi killing his own people. The scenario of a leader killing his own people reminds us of Tony Blair during the Iraq inquiry in 2016. He said it was “the right thing to do and if Saddam had remained in power during the Arab Spring he would have crushed the rebels”. [43] By this kind of speculation, countries were destroyed, thousands of people were displaced and national assets were stolen. As a result of the NATO militarily intervention in Libya, Qaddafi, his sons and thousands of Libyan people were killed and millions more were displaced.

Six years on and the political settlement in Libya is far distant from being realised soon. With a glance, Libyan militias are fighting each other as well as Western countries military forces who are siding with different militias. France remains involved militarily and lost three soldiers in Benghazi in July 2016 by groups that were supporting the 2011 uprising. France then called the uprising a revolution that France ought to support and if its belief was true why is the war continuing today? And why 700 people mainly army officers assassinated? Why were the American Consulate Staff killed in Benghazi? Why the West ignoring is IS barbaric acts of cutting people’s throats in Sirte, Misratah and Dernah?


The answer to the later question is clear, those criminals were supported by the West in 2011 because they were fighting the apostate Libyan government as they claimed. Why was IS wearing the same Libyan soldiers uniform that was imported to the Libyan army in 2012, and who gives it to them? Why did IS’ members receive a salary from the Libyan Defence Ministry? The answer to the above question is that search for the effective ruler of Libya namely Belhadj, Al-Shareef, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and their co-ruler, the National Congress members. Who governs Libya today is well known by Libyan people and by some international NGOs groups. Thus far, Libya today is under the rule of the Islamic Jihadist groups and the West is supporting them despite these groups’ crimes against Libya and its people.

At this moment of time, is it strange that the Western countries as far north as Norway and Canada and to the south, Malta and Italy, not to mention the Qatari forces, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Sudan and Morocco all assembled to launch a military aggression against civilians who were not being hostile against these countries, such as, Saif al-Arab Muammar Qaddafi and Khuwaylidi family and 84 of innocent victims of Madjer? While these countries are patient and tolerant towards the supports of IS in Sirte, Misrata and Benghazi, they were also celebrating the IS bombings of the French and Belgium cities. Yet, the NATO countries and their allies should attack and bomb them as they did in Libya in 2011.

Finally, in complement of its series of crimes against the Libyans, the Western countries have appointed a war criminal who was responsible for the destruction of Bani Walid and killing of its children, “Abdul-Rahman Al-Swehli” as a head of Libya’s highest authority, the State Council and appointed his nephew, “Ahmed Maiteeq” [44] Vice President, his niece “Nihad Meitiq” [45] General Director of the Foreign and his brother in law, Faiez Al-Saraj, head of the presidential Council. In addition, Al-Swehli struck a deal with Belhadj, commander of the Islamic Fighting Group, to take the Islamist share of the presidential election. However, it is well known in Libya that if elections were to be held today, the above-mentioned persons will not guarantee and secure even their family members’ vote. Belhadj popularity was demonstrated in the parliamentary elections where he got only 50 votes in the Sauaq Al-Joumah district, which has a population of 250 thousand people.

Meanwhile and during writing these lines, the cities of Libya and its population including the capital city Tripoli where a third of Libyan population are inhabited, are suffering water shortages, living in darkness because of power cuts, lacking medical facilities and basic human needs. Per the UN, 65% of hospitals stopped working. [46] Whereas the Libyan Dinar lost 300% of its value and oil production fell from 1.9 million barrels a day into 250.000 barrels. [47] To add to the suffering of Libyan people, main roads were cut due to the military operations and act of banditry by the criminal gangs, in addition to the military operations and bombing campaign that stretches from Derna in the east to Sirte to the West through Benghazi and Ajdabiya. The most dominant in the daily news are kidnapping for ransom and booming arms trade to the extent that it is sold through the Internet and advertised on Facebook.

In conclusion, we ought to thank our brothers in Qatar and the UAE, Sudan, Tunisia, the Arab League, the NATO countries, the European Union and the people who helped Libya become a failed state. After the release of Islamist political prisoners and others, Libya became a home for the largest private prisons run by families and militias. Also, a country attracted investors from around the world to a state exporting migrants including its own citizens, 55% of its population migrated and took refugee worldwide. A state that combined the finest legal and constitution experts in the world, that were able to forge a new and modern constitution, now transformed to a state governed by 1500 militias. And finally, a state where a crime of theft was considered strange and unusual, to a state where human mutilated bodies and decomposed bodies were dumped on the streets and road sides, which became a routine and normal across the country every morning.

The Herland Report comments:

Saif Al-Islam Qaddafi and the ICC case

Before the uprising, Saif Al-Islam was the architect of the new Libya. He presented his new vision of Libya free of political prisons, committed to human rights charter, distribution of wealth, prosperity and democracy. [48] He embarked on political and economic reforms in Libya whereby the radical Islamic prisoners gained their freedom, rehabilitated and engaged in the Libyan society. Once the violent uprising erupted in some Libyan cities, local sources confirm that he offered his help by engaging in human relief efforts to help the displaced people around the country, released the uprising prisoners, securing the Misratah people who caught on the cross fire and sheltered the Benghazi people who fled the fighting areas.

He also called and supported the peace efforts to solve the Libyan civil war. According to sources on the ground, he asked the University of Sirte’s administration to print 5000 leaflets and distributed to the peaceful convoy to Benghazi contained observing human rights, calling for the army to uphold the rule of engagement and prohibiting the use of force against the protesters. The later was stated by the Head of the Joint Operation Chamber in the 2011 Libyan war, Marchal Al-Hadi Embarrish, who was taken as a prisoner of war by the Al-Zintan militias, badly treated and deprived from medical treatment until he died of cancer in prison in 2014. [49]

Despite Saif Al-Islam Qaddafi’s tireless peace efforts, NATO aircrafts targeted him in an attempt to assassinate him that resulted in a permanent disability and killing of 29 of his comrades. [50] Also, he lost his fingers and suffered multiple injuries. Yet, the ICC did not investigate the airstrike, nor oversee his five years of solitary confinement condition and his human rights generally. [51] Furthermore, the ICC persisted demanding his arrest and trial despite he was sentenced to death by a Libyan court that set-in Al-Hadbah prison under Khaled Al-Shareef, the right man of Belhaj.

For these reasons, the unfair trail and dismissal of the case is the only outcome that should be endorsed. Indeed, it could be argued that the case should be completely dropped especially after the Attorney General assassination in Benghazi and fleeing most Public Prosecution team as they faced an immense pressure from the militias. With all these circumstances, the ICC arguments were that his death sentence has not been implemented and therefore he should be arrested and jailed in Al-Hadhaba prison.

However, his death sentence was appealed by the Libyan Ministry of Justice on the ground of unfair trial since the court was set in a prison controlled by the Al-Shareef who has power over the court and the judges. Nevertheless, the ICC continued calling for his retrial and turned a blind eye on the fact that Saif Al-Islam was in the Al-Zintan prison and the Tripoli court had tried him via close circuit TV. Therefore, the ICC should respect the Libyan law and be aware that a person should not be tried twice for one alleged crime. But the end game for the West and ICC is to get rid of Saif Al-Islam Qaddafi as they did with his father Qaddafi and his brothers.

It is time for the ICC to drop its double standards and side with the Libyan people in their ultimate aim that to salvage their country from these militias and build a new Libya where human rights, prosperity, development and rule of law prevails. We also call upon the ICC to drop its call for Saif Al-Islam to be extradited and tried by the ICC.

Instead, the ICC should recognise and respect the Libyan Ministry of Justice General Amnesty Law by which Saif Al-Islam Qaddafi should assume his role in the struggle for a new democratic Libya. In this respect and after the Western countries began to see their mistake, they should work with the sincere Libyans and NGOs to bring these militias and their leaders to justice for the sake of peace and reconciliation.

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POl… THE HANGING OF A LIBYAN SOLDIER IN THE STREETS OF BENGHAZI IN 2011

[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sR… CIVILIANS DRIVING TANKS IN THE STREETS OF BENGHAZI


[4] file:///C:/Users/Doaa/Downloads/2.%09https://www.theguardian.com/world/2… THE GUARDIAN REPORT ON THE ACTUAL NUMBER OF DEATHS IN THE 2011 WAR AMNESTY REPORT

[5] https://humanrightsinvestigations.o… RAPE CLAIMS

[6] file:///C:/Users/Doaa/Desktop/Letters/5%20https://www.theguardian.com/world/2… RAPE CLAIMS IN 2011

[7] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dR… THE LIBYAN PILOTS IN MALTA

[8] https://www.hrw.org/ar/world-report… HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH REPORT

[9] https://humanrightsinvestigations.o… RAPE CLAIMS

[10] file:///C:/Users/Doaa/Desktop/New%20folder/8%20https://www.hrw.org/news/2011/08/01… CRIMINAL JUSTICE COURT REPORT ON MUAMMAR QADDAFI, SAFI AL ISLAM AND ABDULLAH AL SANUSSI

[11] https://www.icc-cpi.int/libya/gadda… CRIMINAL JUSTICE COURT REPORT ON SAIF AL ISLAM

[12] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpB… MUAMMAR AL QADDAFI’S DEAD BODY

[13] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pk… MUTTASIM MUAMMAR AL QADDAFI’S BEFORE-AFTER DEATH FOOTAGE

[14] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kqq… ABDULLAH AL SANNUSI’S IMPRISONMENT IN MILITIA’S PRISONS

[15] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-afr… BBC REPORT ON ABDULHAKIM BELHADJ LIBYA

[16] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReQ… GENERAL AMNESTY LAW

[17] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUH… SHELLING BANI WALID IN 2012 BY THE NEW GOVERNMENT’S MILITIAS IN 2012

[18] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG-… BURNING OF HOUSES AND PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF WERSHIFANA IN 2014

[19] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIa… A WIPEOUT OF THE CITY OF SIRTE BY THE SO CALLED “REBELS” IN 2011

[20] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW9… THE DESTRUCTION OF THE CITY OF BENGHAZI

[21] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abV… MUAMMAR QADDAFI’S CONVOY AFTER GETTING STRIKED BY NATO IN 2011



[24] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBE… SATELLITE IMAGES OF THE BURNING OIL TANKS IN TRIPOLI

[25] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8t… OIL TANKS BURNING FOOTAGE LINK

[26] http://gate.ahram.org.eg/News/32366… YOUSEF AL-GHERIANI’S COURT DECISION

[27] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uE… AL-JFAARA FAMILY MASSACRE IN BANI WALID 2011


[29] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTU… AL-KHWAILDI’S FAMILY MASSACRE BY NATO IN 2011

[30] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uE… MAJER MASSACRE BY NATO IN THE CITY OF ZLITIN 2011

[31] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6t0… MURDER OF SAIF AL ARAB MUAMMAR AL QADDAFI BY NATO IN 2011



[34] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYu… THE FORCE-ENTRY OF MUHAMMED HASSAN’S HOME BY THE SO-CALLED REBELS IN 2011

[35] https://www.hrw.org/news/2015/12/03… HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH REPORT ON THE DARK PRISONS OF LIBYA

[36] http://www.masress.com/tahrirnews/311658 THE KILLING OF THE EGYPTIAN POPE IN THE CITY OF MISRATA IN 2012


[38] file:///C:/Users/Lahwej/Downloads/37http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wor… THE MURDER OF 30 ETHIOPIAN CHRISTIANS IN LIBYA

[39] https://www.theguardian.com/world/2… MURDERING OF THE AMERICAN TEACHER IN THE CITY OF BENGHAZI

[40] https://www.theguardian.com/world/2… THE MURDER OF THE RED CROSS CREW IN THE CITY OF MISRATA

[41] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-afr… THE FRENCH EMBASSY’S BOMBING IN TRIPOLI

[42] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ar… US EMBASSY ATTACKS IN BENGHAZI 2012

[43] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMJ… TONY BLAIR ADDMITING THE “MISTAKE” OF THE INVASION OF IRAQ

[44] http://www.ahmedmaiteeg.com/%D8%B9%… AHMED MAETIEG’S WEBPAGE

[45] http://www.unmultimedia.org/arabic/… NIHAD MAETIEG SPEECH ON UN WEBPAGE

[46] http://www.who.int/countryfocus/coo… WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION REPORT ON HEALTH-CARE IN LIBYA

[47] http://www.opec.org/opec_web/en/abo… LIBYAN OIL EXPORT REPORT IN 2015


[49] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkl… AL HADI EMBEERISH’S KIDNAPPING IN 2011

[50] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJ8… SAIF AL ISLAM’S ARRIVAL IN THE CITY OF ZINTAN

[51] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVa… AFP REPORT ON TOURTURING PRISONERS IN NEW LIBYA


[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POl… THE HANGING OF A LIBYAN SOLDIER IN THE STREETS OF BENGHAZI IN 2011

[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sR… CIVILIANS DRIVING TANKS IN THE STREETS OF BENGHAZI


[4] file:///C:/Users/Doaa/Downloads/2.%09https://www.theguardian.com/world/2… THE GUARDIAN REPORT ON THE ACTUAL NUMBER OF DEATHS IN THE 2011 WAR AMNESTY REPORT

[5] https://humanrightsinvestigations.o… RAPE CLAIMS

[6] file:///C:/Users/Doaa/Desktop/Letters/5%20https://www.theguardian.com/world/2… RAPE CLAIMS IN 2011

[7] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dR… THE LIBYAN PILOTS IN MALTA

[8] https://www.hrw.org/ar/world-report… HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH REPORT

[9] https://humanrightsinvestigations.o… RAPE CLAIMS

[10] file:///C:/Users/Doaa/Desktop/New%20folder/8%20https://www.hrw.org/news/2011/08/01… CRIMINAL JUSTICE COURT REPORT ON MUAMMAR QADDAFI, SAFI AL ISLAM AND ABDULLAH AL SANUSSI

[11] https://www.icc-cpi.int/libya/gadda… CRIMINAL JUSTICE COURT REPORT ON SAIF AL ISLAM

[12] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpB… MUAMMAR AL QADDAFI’S DEAD BODY

[13] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pk… MUTTASIM MUAMMAR AL QADDAFI’S BEFORE-AFTER DEATH FOOTAGE

[14] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kqq… ABDULLAH AL SANNUSI’S IMPRISONMENT IN MILITIA’S PRISONS

[15] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-afr… BBC REPORT ON ABDULHAKIM BELHADJ LIBYA

[16] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReQ… GENERAL AMNESTY LAW

[17] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUH… SHELLING BANI WALID IN 2012 BY THE NEW GOVERNMENT’S MILITIAS IN 2012

[18] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG-… BURNING OF HOUSES AND PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF WERSHIFANA IN 2014

[19] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIa… A WIPEOUT OF THE CITY OF SIRTE BY THE SO CALLED “REBELS” IN 2011

[20] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW9… THE DESTRUCTION OF THE CITY OF BENGHAZI

[21] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abV… MUAMMAR QADDAFI’S CONVOY AFTER GETTING STRIKED BY NATO IN 2011



[24] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBE… SATELLITE IMAGES OF THE BURNING OIL TANKS IN TRIPOLI

[25] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8t… OIL TANKS BURNING FOOTAGE LINK

[26] http://gate.ahram.org.eg/News/32366… YOUSEF AL-GHERIANI’S COURT DECISION

[27] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uE… AL-JFAARA FAMILY MASSACRE IN BANI WALID 2011


[29] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTU… AL-KHWAILDI’S FAMILY MASSACRE BY NATO IN 2011

[30] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uE… MAJER MASSACRE BY NATO IN THE CITY OF ZLITIN 2011

[31] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6t0… MURDER OF SAIF AL ARAB MUAMMAR AL QADDAFI BY NATO IN 2011



[34] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYu… THE FORCE-ENTRY OF MUHAMMED HASSAN’S HOME BY THE SO-CALLED REBELS IN 2011

[35] https://www.hrw.org/news/2015/12/03… HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH REPORT ON THE DARK PRISONS OF LIBYA

[36] http://www.masress.com/tahrirnews/311658 THE KILLING OF THE EGYPTIAN POPE IN THE CITY OF MISRATA IN 2012


[38] file:///C:/Users/Lahwej/Downloads/37http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wor… THE MURDER OF 30 ETHIOPIAN CHRISTIANS IN LIBYA

[39] https://www.theguardian.com/world/2… MURDERING OF THE AMERICAN TEACHER IN THE CITY OF BENGHAZI

[40] https://www.theguardian.com/world/2… THE MURDER OF THE RED CROSS CREW IN THE CITY OF MISRATA

[41] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-afr… THE FRENCH EMBASSY’S BOMBING IN TRIPOLI

[42] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ar… US EMBASSY ATTACKS IN BENGHAZI 2012

[43] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMJ… TONY BLAIR ADDMITING THE “MISTAKE” OF THE INVASION OF IRAQ

[44] http://www.ahmedmaiteeg.com/%D8%B9%… AHMED MAETIEG’S WEBPAGE

[45] http://www.unmultimedia.org/arabic/… NIHAD MAETIEG SPEECH ON UN WEBPAGE

[46] http://www.who.int/countryfocus/coo… WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION REPORT ON HEALTH-CARE IN LIBYA

[47] http://www.opec.org/opec_web/en/abo… LIBYAN OIL EXPORT REPORT IN 2015


[49] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkl… AL HADI EMBEERISH’S KIDNAPPING IN 2011

[50] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJ8… SAIF AL ISLAM’S ARRIVAL IN THE CITY OF ZINTAN

[51] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVa… AFP REPORT ON TOURTURING PRISONERS IN NEW LIBYA



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