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Reports Of OSCE Aiding Ukrainian Military Could Damage Its Reputation

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Reports Of OSCE Aiding Ukrainian Military Could Damage Its Reputation

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“OSCE has been providing targeting data to Ukrainian forces for nearly a decade.” – report.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, better known by its acronym OSCE is, per its own definition, the world’s largest regional security-oriented intergovernmental organization with observer status at the United Nations. Its mandate includes issues such as arms control, early warning, conflict prevention, crisis management, post-conflict rehabilitation, promotion of human rights, freedom of the press, and free and fair elections. It employs around 3,460 people, mostly in its field operations, but also in its secretariat in Vienna, Austria, and its institutions. Most of its 57 participating countries are in Europe, but there are also members present in Asia and North America. The participating states cover nearly all of the Global North.

These self-describing definitions would make you think that OSCE cannot possibly be anything but a force for good. After all, in short, this should be their stated mission. Well, the war in Donbass, which has been going on for nearly a decade now, and which has taken the lives of around 15,000 local men, women and children, has pushed the role of OSCE into more of a gray area, especially in light of recent revelations.

OSCE’s mission in Donbass, which the organization itself claims to be “arms control, promotion of human rights, early warning, conflict prevention, crisis management” has already failed. In fact, it has continually been failing for 8 years now, because how else could you call the fact that the Ukrainian shelling of the people of Donbass never stopped. Worse yet, former president of the post-Maidan Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko once openly stated that “our kids will be going to school freely, while their kids will be hiding in basements”. So much for the “president of all Ukrainians”. OSCE never reacted to such statements.

Needless to say, OSCE’s “post-conflict rehabilitation” not only failed (since it failed to achieve any of its previous goals), but is highly unlikely to ever be conducted by OSCE, given that the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics have effectively banned the organization and ordered it to leave their territory. Now, why would the leadership make such a move? Hasn’t OSCE been helping for the last 8 years? Well, it turns out that they didn’t just do anything to prevent the conflict from raging for the last 8 years, but they might have even done certain things to facilitate it.

In a rather disturbing revelation by war correspondent Alexander Sladkov, OSCE has used high-resolution cameras, originally placed to conduct ceasefire monitoring, to relay DNR and LNR positions to the Ukrainian military which would then use the provided data to target or correct their artillery fire at the DNR and LNR forces. Sladkov further explains how the OSCE mission in Donbass provided the Armed Forces of Ukraine with their observation data, captured by cameras and other monitoring equipment they installed over the last 8 years.

In essence, OSCE was spying and effectively waging war on the side of the post-Maidan Kiev regime. To make matters worse, the provided monitoring data also included the movement of regular Russian military personnel in the last 50+ days. Russia, an OSCE member state, will hardly remain silent on the matter, given that the organization’s actions most likely contributed to the death of Russian and DNR/LNR troops. According to Sladkov, who also posted a video report from the area, a high-resolution 200x zoom-capable camera was installed on a tower and used to monitor the DNR-held town of Sahanka, as well as the “Avalam” military post of the People’s Militia of DNR.

As the joint DNR-Russian task force approached the city, forcing Ukrainian troops to retreat, the Ukrainians fired at the camera, which would explain the small arms fire damage the cameras suffered. However, special services of the DNR and Russian military intelligence managed to salvage the data and then determined how the data was used. The extracted video data shows DNR and Russian forces being shelled after the cameras caught their movement.

Among other evidence, laptops which were supposed to be used only by OSCE personnel were also found at Ukrainian positions, which would explain how the Ukrainian forces used the direct video feed of the OSCE-installed cameras. Further intelligence investigation discovered that the operator could control multiple cameras across the frontline, all of which were coordinated into a map of the area, effectively serving as an artillery targeting platform for Ukrainian troops.

Another piece of evidence found by the DNR and Russian military intelligence was a smartphone taken from a captured Ukrainian officer, which contains information on the OSCE data being relayed to Ukrainian field commanders, who would then use the data to target or correct fire at DNR and Russian forces, as well as plan and conduct ambushes. Due to these findings, DNR intelligence detained one of OSCE’s former field assistants, Vadim Golda, who stated that the surveillance system was not only used to conduct real-time surveillance of DNR forces, but was created for the very purpose of relaying the information directly to the Kiev regime forces.

This revelation doesn’t only damage OSCE’s reputation, beyond repair, to say the least, but it might as well facilitate member states to leave OSCE, or even the dissolution of the organization itself. Such actions severely undermine the very concept of international law, which is supposed to provide a blueprint for international cooperation, security and conflict prevention. But how are we supposed to believe that’s possible when an organization which was created for this very purpose is effectively a party to the conflict?


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Who isn’t? Everybody Western is fighting against Russia. After Donbass, Putin should now launch a WAR against Ukraine and the West.


It’s true in Britshit courts as well, where first you have to explain the legislation to the court and then you are entertained by their schooling and coaching of the witnesses.


If Russia cared about international law it would uphold the UN charter which clearly labels wars of aggression as illegal and a violation of the charter. Also the international court of justice has deliberated in favor of Ukraine and has ordered Russia to stop the war as it hasn’t provided any justification for this it. Especially now as the invasion has stalled, it is not producing any more returns for Russia and the amount of civilian and military suffering and damage are out of proportion in relation to the goals of the war. But of course Russia is selective about the application of international law, invoking it when its in Russia’s favor and ignoring it when its an inconvenient. It’s clear that Putin is bent to cause as much damage as possible, like a genocidal maniac who wants to kill as many people as possible before himself goes


Now, try saying all that again, as if you believed in it 😂😂😂

Karl Pomeroy

It is the West that has not honored its agreements. The West promised no NATO expansion to the east, then violated that promise. The West were guarantors of the Minsk Agreements, yet did not stop Kiev from violating them. You have your story backwards.


What is the name and date of the agreement that NATO made with Russia? I didn’t catch that.


What about the Budapest memorandum Putin violated? There was no actual agreement to limit what countries could join NATO if they so chose to. Please show me the text, if such an agreement?


Miss the point,you know turkey has the right to get into iraq and wipe cia woke turds too!

Bob - Enough

You should try and study more and stop spewing your idiotic MSM rhetoric; because you sound like a clown. You may take “defensive steps” and that is what Russia did, when your little bum chum said it wanted nukes and also manourvered 10,000 troops including the Nazis to commit genocide on the Russian speaking Ukrainians of Donbass. Go and get some more training in propoganda, as you embarrass Brigade 77.


I think it’s important to distinguish between Russia and Putin. Putin is interested in power and his ego. It would be in The Russian peoples interest to withdraw. But Putin does not want to lose face. It’s kind of sad how much human misery, death and destruction he is willing unleash on the Russian and Ukrainian people in order to feed his ego and silly out of date ambitions.


You know ego because you got cia ego issues,putin is doing what is right like it or lump it soros!


Kyiv attacked Donbass, Kyiv is the aggressor, believe what bullshit you want, but know that it is bullshit.


Donbass was part of Ukraine dumbass

Zee-sky the Dick player

Dombass declared it’s independace in 2014, just like terroristland kosovo did…. but One can do it and the other not?!


Which makes it legit for russia to help donbass kick the living daylights outta wokey nazis!


Un charter,when a neighbouring country is involved in criminal inhumane or teorrist acts to their society,particularly after the blatant teorrist and illegal acts in ukraine then the other has a legitimate right to intervene and pretty much what russias doing intervene and kick their lame wokey asses to all hours untill breakfast,puting it mildly unconstituate wannabe dementy wokey gimp,so FOOK YOU TOO!


jediný kdo dlouhodobě porušuje chartu osn a mezinárodní právo je usa a jeho mopslíci anglie a francie ! až budou usa postaveni před soud za válečné zločiny způsobené po celém světě na ochranu svých zájmů , tak se pak můžeme bavit co porušila rf.


“our kids will be going to school freely, while their kids will be hiding in basements”. So much for the “president of all Ukrainians”. OSCE never reacted to such statements. Iv posted this like a million times on YouTube, the issue is I don’t think the osce was there yet. This speech was given when donbass didn’t welcome the Ukrainian soldiers with flowers at the very beginning of the hostilities.


Since Syria everyone knows the OSCE is useless.


They were compromised in ex-Yugoslavia, so called the Kosovo Verification Mission/OSCE mission led by CIA William Walker whose only purpose was to find/make false pretext for NATO intervention.


Walker the fkn slime? putin is much smarter and the far better man than walker ever dared!

Karl Pomeroy

It was clear the OSCE was working for Kiev even in 2014. Dieder Burkhalter, the head of the OSCE at that time, communicated with me in a personal email that he supported Petro Poroshenko, and was not interested in any peace agreements except those proposed by Kiev. In fact, I was instructed to keep this email secret. Fat chance.


Could damage its reputation??? What reputation? Since the end of the Cold war the OSCE is just another worthless organization fully under the US control. Back in 1998. OSCE mission in Kosovo was led by CIA William Walker and their only purpose was to support American lies and prepared NATO aggression.

Last edited 2 years ago by Viktor

Nobody cares about Russia. It has already lost the war. For the next 60 years it will be isolated from the rest of the world. The Russian army is in disarray, politics are kleptocrats, really it is all pathetic.

Peter The Ungrateful

Replace Russia with Ukraine and it sounds about right.

BTW, Joseph Goebbels… err, my mistake, Oleksiy Arestovych has just been fired, so I guess he won’t pay you anymore. Bummer!


Says a mentally diseased obsessive moronic troll whose only purpose is to spam garbage trolling and sick hate against Russia 24/7 every day of his shitty failed existence.

If you “don’t care about Russia” how about you leave you shitty basement and spent at least 1 minute of your shitty life without barking against Russia you pathetic crazy bitch?


Hey gimp let me tell you feminised drama queens abit about reality,old cccp men are kicking you lame degenerate dumbfuked pathedic selow deplorable nazi ass outta the east in all towns,you useless fk!

Karl Pomeroy

Haha. No. It’s the West that’s isolated. More people live in countries sympathetic to Russia than to the West. And actually, Russia is completing its operation to protect Donbass successfully. This never really was a war.

Al Doobie

OSCE is just another Western construct. They do what they are told. They lie when they are told.

Bob - Enough

The OSCE along with all UN, US or UK backed organisations – along with the accompanying NGOs; lost their credibility a long time ago.


Anything connected with the UN stinks worse than vomit. I wouldn’t be surprised if UNICEF trafficked kidnapped children.


One question i ask myself everytime when a “international newtral ngo” is exposed as beeing just another tool in the toolbox of the us.

What did the sowjet union do for decades when they were equal in power to the west. How is it possible that under their watch the usa could create tons of ngo’s who were in their pocket and would just wait to be used as a “newtral voice of reason” against the enemys of the us.

I hope china at least will do something about it. It is just sickening that we hear all the time just the us position from 1000 differant voices pretending to all just have accidently gotten to the same conclusion on any topic just like “free journalism” allways shares the same opinon with the us in any important question.

If the US Era ever ends the world will be needed to be rebuild from scratch cause everything is compromised.


Thanks to Mr. Bosnic for this incisive article. It would be great if some reference/URL to Alexander Sladkov‘s report would be posted.


it certainly shows how behind Russia really is, it is time that Russia become a continent on it’s own, just like china, should have never trusted the west and it’s surrogates, it is still time for Russia to stand it’s ground by enhancing it’s military means, perhaps on the technological departments such is drones not tanks. thanks and peace from Afghanistan.


Drones are used effectively by russians but certainly not nato though,drones are useless compared to tanks which penetrate so much deeper,on the other hand drones are ok if used against nato/usa!


You really can’t trust western organizations no matter how nice of a name and mission they give to themselves.


You telling me,see all that new us cash packed in huge red cross medical boxes,unbefknlievable!

Timmy Temperance

World Wildlife Fund is good. Population Matters is good. Some charities do good work.



Carl Johnson

This is just one of the few proofs confirming that the fact of who exactly from the countries and how did not let this conflict stop. and every week there are more such evidences and in the future, after working with them, they will be presented to the whole world as proof if the red line towards Russia is crossed and she has already gone beyond the limit of what is permissible with the presence of bio-laboratories


We are hearing reports that the Russian speakers welcomed the Russian army and their own defense forces as liberators.

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