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MARCH 2025

Result Of Damascus Meeting: Committees To Develop Negotiations And End War

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Result Of Damascus Meeting: Committees To Develop Negotiations And End War

The logo of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDF)

On July 28, the Syrian Democratic Council (SDF) announced in an official statement that its delegation and the Damascus government had agreed, during the recent talks, to establish several committees that will be tasked with developing the negotiations between the two sides in order to find a mutual understanding.

“This meeting resulted to decisions of forming committees at various levels to develop dialogue and negotiations to end the violence and war that ravaged the people and the Syrian society on one hand, and to draw up a road map leading to democratic decentralized Syria,” the SDC said in its statement, according to the Kurdish Hawar News Agency (ANHA).

Meanwhile, Salih Muslim, head of the foreign office of the Movement for a Democratic Society (TEV-DEM) said during a press conference that no final agreement was reached during the talks, which were held on July 27.

“What happened between the Syrian government and the SDC is talks, and there is a big difference between talks and negotiations. The meeting was a “test” for both sides. There are no agreements on the ground so far,” the NAHA quoted Muslim as saying during the press conference.

From its side, the Damascus government has not released any official statement on the matter yet. Syrian officials and state media didn’t even acknowledge the meeting.

The upcoming months will likely witness new rounds of talks between the SDC and the Damascus government. These new rounds will likely take place in the Syrian capital too.

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Rodney Loder

SDF are joining up with Trumps ARAB nato that’s NATO arabia Islam becomes a Talmudic brothel Salman pox.


>>On July 28, the Syrian Democratic Council (SDF) announced in an official statement that its delegation and the Damascus government had agreed, during the recent talks, to establish several committees that will be tasked with developing the negotiations between the two sides in order to find a mutual understanding.<<

Translation, nothing was agreed upon other then agreeing to disagree.

Ah well, on the plus side that still means both side are more interested in further dialogue then fighting

Promitheas Apollonious

you can not have dialogue with traitors and to me it is big mistake mostly not from Assad side, but because the russians insist. But not always what russians do is good for syrians.


If anything its an extremely good thing that the SDF wants to talk with Assad already. A testimony of Russian diplomatic persistence and handling. And Assad should rub his hands in glee and break out the champaign as well, because militarily Syria is but a shadow of its former self. Both the army and the country are in ruins and its only because of the Russians and Iranians that Assad still is in power in Damascus, instead of ISIS and Al Nusra fighting it out over his corpse. There is not a snowball’s chance in hell that Assad will get SDF occupied eastern Syria back under his control with the shattered remains of his army, as the Russians sure as hell are not going to support him if that means going up against the Americans. Trying to negotiate the Kurds away from their American puppeteers is his best bet. Does that mean that you have to eat humble pie and shake hands with traitors? Unfortunately yes. But do you want to be right, or do you actually want to win? Most people chose the former, and that is why they fail.

Promitheas Apollonious

ok I do respect what you saying but………… You either misinformed of reality or speculating wrong. In few points in what you saying.

I agree with you that with out the russians and Iranians, Syria would have been lost to zionist nato puppets.

Syrian army is not in shatters, put it used to be, before the russians step in and hezbollah with some palestinians. Now among people that understand military power, are rated among the best fighting armies in the world. So is anything, but shattered.

As for eating humble pie….. not at the cost of giving autonomy to the kurds. because then for sure he lost his motherland for ever. Another part you not considering is what the kurds are doing now, their move, to be at the instructions and under the direction of the zionists and american puppets of them, securing all the area for them and the oil fields via their kurdish whores. There are many dark holes why the kurds do what they do and is very possible if not 100% sure to be directed, to do so.

As for russia one of this days need to take a clear side with whom they are and stop behaving like whores for money, no matter how much they helped syria, they still dont have the right to divide syria in 3, or to ask the Syrians to forget parts of their country and have a snake, warming on their chest. So when you deciding what Assad must do, think what I said too.

You can call me Al

All propaganda and not by the SDC. It was a meeting to agree a new meeting later, then and only then would potential agreements be discussed.


With the weapons Syria has right now and the Russia aerospace support, Syria is more interested in destroying Kurds, and they can do it very fast.


Never trust the zionists behind the Kurds,I’m sure the Syrian government will be aware of the scumbags pulling the strings of the puppet Kurds.


What is this democratic decentralized Syria they are talking about? Assad said clearly there will not be any kind of Syrian federation state

Promitheas Apollonious

zionist planning to destroy them, when they think they have finally reached peace. Kurds are never to be trusted already shown once too many times their real face. They are worst than gypsies and always will bite the hand that feeds them, with no exceptions.

S Melanson

Yes. And the Kurds by their foolish actions keep reinforcing this. If there is one thing Erdogan can be counted on, is an iron hand in dealing with the Kurds. And thanks to Kurdish perfidy, Assad will now treat them as Erdogan does – no mercy.

Promitheas Apollonious

you know that almost 30% of the votes erdogan gets is from the kurds right? Not everything is as they look on the surface. And also think few facts that dont fit with the general picture.

Kurds put enough fight to protect Afri, to look legit, but much less than the fights they do within turkey for example. They had the backing of nato and allies in the area and ……. I learn to see the detail of the detail.

If you see the picture peripherally, the asskissing US does to turkey and then they willing to go even to nuclear war for israel, while erdogan seems to be the only one attacking with immunity israel but then a jew is the founder of them…… many inconsistencies that dont fit.

I have make millions for my group, which is a family business, working the details on the detail and my gut tell me nothing is at it seems. The sudden love of the turks for the russians and vise versa…. many inconsistencies. Not the place to discuss more than that. But the line of events we been following started with the killing in Norway in 2011.

S Melanson

Great observations. Of what you speak I too have noticed, and it seemed more intense from late 2011 onward. I remember as it was around the time I got my first and only tattoo – Nov. 11, 2011.

The inconsistencies in some cases reach the point of absurd. Mattis is talking about joint patrol of the Manjib with Turkey while Trump is putting on a big twitter hissy fit with Erdogan over the detaining of a US pastor and all the while, strangely, the overtures of the Kurds to Damascus seem on the surface to be largely ignored by both the US and Erdogan. And I feel like that’s only scratching the surface.

We could compare notes. Do you have a contact email? I am also on LinkedIn – Stewart Melanson, Toronto Canada. My name is very uncommon so easy to find. I was a professor of strategic management in the past so if see that, you got me.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes I noticed that also. I dont use nothing, beside viber and that only because I have to so my family can contact me if they need to. I think I told you my email is promitheasapollonious@gmail.com if you contact me there I give you my number so you can find me on viber there we can talk if you like. I use to have skype as well but is very bad the last years so I scratch that.

S Melanson

Got it. Thanks.

Mustafa Mehmet

Erdogan and Assad. should join forces against this Terrorist nation there ungrateful

Promitheas Apollonious

only if turkey, move back inside her borders. Don`t you think is hard for Assad to forget who was financing and arming, as well stealing his countries oil?

Mustafa Mehmet

Who’s going to protect our borders .when Assad strong enough then .turk will pull back .we don’t trust Kurd .you mustn’t believe everything you hear .

Promitheas Apollonious

I believe nothing I hear. I just conclude on facts and reality, not words and nice speeches. turkey was and is one of the main forces behind isis, and it did not went to syria to protect her borders that is been the excuse not the reason. It is kind of funny a country that promoted very actively terrorism and stealing oil from syria, to suddenly be the knight in shinny armor fighting what? The kurds and fully to this day supporting isis? Not unlike what israel or nato does.

refusing reality, or excusing it, is for the followers of one or another politician not for analysts. A true analyst will take the facts from the beginning and not selectively and understand them with out bias, or like or dislike (emotion). We may dont like what we conclude or see but that does not alter reality or the truth.


Israel want greater Israel for that decentralization is a first necessary step. Normally in Syria every governerate has its own government but they want more than that.

New Israel is Muslim

Assad if he has any balls should go to Erdogan and tell Erdogan that the kurds want some autonomy like Iraq… and like Iraq, they will use it to try to create a zio-Kurdistan. This is a threat to Turkish sovereignty.

What can Turkey and Syria under Assad do to make Syria as strong as possible. Force Erdogan to quit with the stupid Shia vs Sunni conflict and come together to defend both Erdogan’s Turkey and Assad’s Syria.

Rüdiger Preiss

Kind of hard to trust Turkey after all … nothing to do with balls.

S Melanson

Assad has no need. Erdogan understands all to well and this is evident in his actions against the Kurds.


Ah maybe the SAA needs a little break to consolidate their gains, clean up and reposition all the hardware they acquired lately.

As for the opposition their negotiating position seems compromised. We took support from those who created ISIS, that makes us, um, ah, well, unreliable partners at best, devil worshiping traitors at worst.


United Syria will emerge a greater power.

Syria whole land belongs to Syrians. Syria does not belong to any particular group or party. Yes who are loyal to Syrian nation and land they can happily live in Syria if they want but there are dozens of different races and sects on the basses of which Syria cannot be divided. These kinds of sects and races are in every single country.

Rüdiger Preiss

spot on!

S Melanson

Defending Democracy(TM) for the US has, since WWII, been a propaganda cover to justify violent intervention into the affairs of foreign nations. This fact is easily shown by examining US allies and designated enemies. Allies include Saudi Arabia – one of the most extreme Islamic dictatorships with an abysmal human rights record.

Official enemies include Syria, Venezuela and Nicaragua which election monitors have repeatedly reported election to be relatively fair and transparent. The US uses international law when it suits it, otherwise, international law is simply ignored as in the case of Israel. Israel is non-compliant with so many UN resolutions that I have lost count but the US stays silent. Meanwhile, Iran is targeted despite UN inspectors reporting Iran is compliant with her treaty obligations and UN resolutions.

This is why the push to a multi-polar world. The hegemony needs to be contained and prevented from rising again to terrorize the nations of the world which have had enough. This does not apply only to the US. No nation should become so powerful they are no longer accountable and do as they please. Such power corrupts so completely that they eventually destroy themselves. Fortunately, a weakened US is being constrained and hopefully the transition to a multi-polar world will complete its course without major calamity.


Well said, in particular your last paragraph warns of the spoils of victory/domination in a very clear way.

Its curious to me how psychopaths taking over reduces creativity and leads to eventual technical obsolescence. The storm troopers loose their motivation the further they get from home, no drug seems able to overcome the power of troops motivated by the defense of their own home.


There must not be any break at all until Syria becomes again the known country it was before the planned destruction. Not break, non stop, until the final victory. That is the lesson that USSR gave to us in WWII when they defeated Germany and Japan (Manchuria).


I agree with your point. Western English speakers often use a rhetorical style that subtracts from the overall message if you interpret each word literally. I will try to be more accurate in future.

After what Syria has been through, how can they trust many of their neighbors or the West? All the dirty tricks and pure evil requires a very firm response, steadfast diligence and uninterrupted attention to the task at hand.

Will it be enough to go back to it’s former self? In stopping the Empire the way they have it seems inevitable that they will assume a new prominence in the world. The downtrodden people of the World need a ray of light, a hope for salvation from the inevitable slavery being foisted upon us as our salvation.

Syria has always marched to her own tune and together with other rapidly advancing countries will lead the world to a better place. F.uk.us and friends have proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that they ruin much of what they touch. The MSM lies no longer persuade us to trust, now they only confirm the inevitable conclusion that a new way forward must be found and it is not at the point of a gun!


United Syria will emerge a greater power.

Syria whole land belongs to Syrian nation. Syria does not belong to any particular group or party. Yes who are loyal to Syrian nation and land they can happily live in Syria if they want. If any party or group want to divide, disintegrate or destroy Syria then they have no place in Syria.

New Israel is Muslim

“Oh vey, a Syria as chaotic as Iraq. We jews are now big time afraid of you Assad. It is not like a decentralized Syria was not one of the preferred outcomes we jews wanted. Maybe the kurds could have their own private militias on the payroll of Washington. If Assad wants to intervene to help the Palestinians from being slaughtered, the jews could once again easily civil war bad bad Syria using Syria’s weakness. Don’t get any ideas in building a strong centralized unified Syria, those days are over for Syria and Iraq. Just listen to Putin and Putin’s jewish advisors. So the victorious Assad and the victorious Syrian army win the whole war, but negotiate with the kurds to make Syria and Assad as weak as possible. These developments are pleasing to anyone named Shlomo. Over 5 years of civil war, hundreds of thousands of goy Muslims and Christians killed and even with an Assad victory, Assad must listen to the demand of zionist Kurds and their jewamerican backers. Assad, don’t you dare arm the former FSA to be proxies to fight the kurds and liberate the SDF areas for a strong unified Syria. And horrible outcome might happen. There might be chance of a decentralized Syria. Just accept the decentralized Syria and no S-300s for you.”

Sven Schmidt

Assad is playing with time! He will take back idlib next and than crush the kurds and their israeli masters!

New Israel is Muslim

The SSA can’t fire at the FUKUS terrorists mixed in with the Kurdish terrorists. It could start a war with Washington.

FUKUS is all over there:


Assad would have to use proxies, proxies that are friends with Erdogan, like the FSA. Get everyone on board that the jew wants a weak Syria and a strong kurdish population… so all sane Moderate Muslims should back Assad, now that Assad is near victory.


We hope so, and we hope Russia keep giving the strong support and protection to ground troops.

S Melanson

The title is misleading. We are a long way off from what the title implies.

I am surprised with the Kurd press release that gives the impression Damascus, which have not even acknowledged meeting, has agreed to a plan for a decentralized Syria. Really?

Have the Kurds not yet learned? Apparently not.


Kurds (USA-Israel-puppets) are traitor to the people who let them to live peacefully in its land (Syria). Now, they will face death and destruction for this treason.

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