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Revealing Truth Behind The Strike In Kramatorsk

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Revealing Truth Behind The Strike In Kramatorsk

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Revealing Truth Behind The Strike In Kramatorsk
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Revealing Truth Behind The Strike In Kramatorsk

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On June 27, explosions thundered in the city of Kramatorsk, which is located in a part of the Donetsk People’s Republic controlled by Ukrainian forces. At the same time, the Ukrainian media, supported by Western journalists, broke out with headlines about another ‘cruel Russian strike on civilians’.

According to Kiev, a Russian missile killed 10 people, including 3 children, in an ill-fated pizzeria. A total of 56 civilians were injured. The head of the regional administration confirmed that three foreigners were among the wounded. Numerous foreigners spotted on the sight were widely called “tourists” and “journalists”.

Later, the Security Service of Ukraine proudly announced that it had detained a traitor who allegedly helped the Russian army to target their missiles. It turned out to be an employee of a local gas transportation company.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian public blamed the attack on a Ukrainian woman who took a picture with the military in the cafe and posted information on Instagram. Ukrainians still believe that the Russian military is targeting missiles solely according to the Instagram posts of Ukrainian bloggers.

On June 28, the Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed the attack on Kramatorsk, revealing the true target of the strike. Russian troops hit the temporary deployment point of the command staff of the 56th Motorized Infantry Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Ukrainian officers were meeting with foreign mercenaries who lived in the hotel Kramatorsk located in the same building.

Several foreign mercenaries, including Alex Gallant, Arno Dedeker and Nick Duckworth, were spotted at the site of the strike. On one of the videos, the tattoo of the wounded man revealed that he belonged to the 3rd battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment of the US Army. Another video shows a man in uniform with the emblem of the 101st Airborne Division of the US Armed Forces.

There were also foreign journalists and three Colombians, including writer Hector Abad, politician Sergio Jaramillo and journalist Catalina Gomez.

Ukrainian servicemen began mourning their comrades killed by the strike on the social media. For example, a 22-year-old member of the Azov Nazi military Artem Sukhovey.

The Ukrainian regime is unlikely to reveal the true number of victims, who turned out to be mainly not civilians. However, the trend is already obvious, the louder Kiev accuses Russia of war crimes against civilians, the more senior commanders of the Ukrainian army and NATO military were destroyed.

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Tree Mike: ef be eye code name Foghorn Leghorn

so far, russian fairy tales, are the most accurate, reliable source out there in the great land of inner webs .

sweden have lost its right to exist —– chief keef – i don’t like f/ lil reese

Erik Nielsen

why? explain.

ukraine and us are master of fakeand lie news, russia can’t match them. i quite believe in russia information. 😂 lol anyway us and uk have been killing 6 million of innocent peoples in the middle east.

Last edited 1 year ago by War

middle east = muslims, so everything is fine…

Little Tommy Sawyers Tears

exactly what we said about grandad before we hung his nazi ass.

crying soy boy mercenazy call of duty player fagot

yep, and this is the reason why you are here. everyday. coping.


why is it, you lefties have no concept of truth ? if life does not go your way, you cry and piss and moan, and scream “fake news” “fact check” “whaaaaaa !” we know allot about “fairy” tales, we hear them from the doj every day. why do you think we will believe your stupid comment , i mean, really ? is it worth your time to cry here ? guess what little girl, it isn’t.

Little Tommy Sawyers Tears

nice boy, just a little dumb


laut reklamierte auch onkel joe dass er mit der sache prigogin nix zu tun habe, was genau das gegenteil vermuten lässt!

Jut vg

beautiful russia…..extinguisher of anglo saxon vermin….love it.


that is ashkenazi satanist-controlled anglo-saxon vermin, thank you.


if these hubs of restaurants and hotels are being used by foreign fighters and leadership and if they are particularly camera shy…then if i was russian intelligence i would be looking for areas such as above that haven’t posted any photos since the war started.


maybe a lucky hit. but wagner just left the chat. that’s potentially tens of thousands of troops off the battlefield at a time when russia needs manpower. russian women have 1.5 children born per woman. russia demographically cannot fight this war.


you are grossly mistaken. most vagner troops will just sign contracts with the russian defense ministry and will thus continue to serve their country but this time better since they won’t be instruments in prigozhin’s ambitions and intrigues!


respectfully, not so. numerous sources say only 2% signed up with the mod. the other 98% are still on the front or in belarus. as they should be. the whole affair was a brilliant exercise in postponing the us/nato nuclear provocation. if they go through with it, they will of course insanely claim that the russians somehow bombed their own nuclear power plant and then nato will try to establish a no-fly zone over ukraine and the liberated territories.


why has wagner’s mutiny postponed the us/nato provocation?

AM Hants

remind me, where were the wagner forces, over a week ago? who does it benefit sending them to belarus, when poland is planning regime change and also very close to kiev? it sure as heck does not benefit kiev or poland, now does it?


ehmm… 1,5 children per woman , but even if it were 20 children per woman , you would have to wait ca. 20 years before they can fight as soldiers. i guess you haven’t thought it to the end right?


those kids and women were there for another reason, we know what that is, every country the us attacks they bring people down to their depraved level they turn women into whores.

AM Hants

how much money were the biden family making from it all? is that why they expect the us tax payer to pick up the bill, for their seriously dodgy dealings and business interests?


let’s review: – russians running out of missiles ; russians running out of intelligence ; russians running out of money … of generals , of toilets , of computer chips… and now of manpower. russia is running out of everything , a third class regional mini power with a military not able to find the way back to their barracks. but miraculously able to find the higher nato staff in ukraine and target them at a will.


continuing your review, based current battle losses, one other russia is at risk of running out, is ukrainian nazi’s to kill.


us demographic at 1.60 can’t either, and the us is already having trouble with recruiting men into its abcdefgh and joo control military.

William Gruff

just wait until america’s “gen z” (the end?) reaches childbearing age. they are all trannies, fags, and unfornicatable wildebeests, so america’s population curve will look like it hit a wall.


if you look at relevant web sites you’ll see that the us birth-rate is already on a steep slide, and toxic feminism and over picky women is causing increasing american men to say f it, i’m not going to risk all what i’ve worked for, and they are going mgtow, or as it used to be called being a bachelor, and us women are complaining like mad in tiktoc. interesting times are coming.

Michel LeBlanc

never mind people, you cannhave 1million men, they are useless unless you have factories.

russia has lots of factories while we do not.

stinger missiles have been out of production for 20 years.

cry some more child, let the real men make the decisions.


uh, again, wrong.

AM Hants

they moved to belarus, in order to greet the poles who believe they can cause regime change in a sovereign nation, that has nought to do with poland.


i’ve seen a video where a guy declares : ” look at what these bastards have done to this country. there is lot of soldiers under the rumbles.” in a very fluent english…..


and the ‘french philosopher’ bernard henri levy, who is a nato zionist spy said on twitter he was exactly in the samd restaurant 2days earlier….how surprising !


in fact in a native english…

808 is from another planet

i heard that guy speak as well, he sounded like he is originally from south africa (afrikaans) but also has a heavy british accent so he might of been living in england for a while.


south african.


it must have been a wedding or maybe a funeral no it was metadata.


theys was all jokin’ it up until … kaboooooooooooooooooooooom !!!!!!!!!!!


loool primitive ukronazi animals and their western owners are getting their asses cremated hard! :d


ukraine is taking more and more land russia! take back the land ukraine has taken! v o z


88 minuts …. al pachin movie —- spotify ceo on going public, convincing taylor swift to rejoin

Little Tommy Sawyers Tears

bwahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa thats fucking hilarious. what color is the sky in your hallucination?


hahaha trolls 🧌 are out after this one. wa wawawa zelensky they are blowing up civilians, not us nazis.lol


atatck atatck intil lsweden is gone stcholomhggoing to piåe exclusive interview: spotify ceo and founder daniel ek, extended cut

tom sucker

jens went to russia to obtain free prozac


russian or blkack man in you wife sweden ‘in da club’ reaches 1 billion streams on spotify; 50 cent awarded with special plaque


jay-z in kiev grab you by the ankle —


the cia recruits from the special forces, the special forces recruit from the ranger battalions, the ranger battalions recruit from the 101’s airborne. a lot of sf guys, including some high ranking ones, left the sf after the afghan pullout and right at the start of this war heating up and joined these “anti-terrorist” working groups.

those tattoos are exactly what you would expect to see on a high level cia recruit, not some instagram warrior, especially the 3rd ranger


if they are serving personnel then the us is now a direct participant in this local conflict.

The Crunge

speaking of dead generals, has anyone heard a serious interview with general zaluzhny lately? that video with “him”standing around with a calendar in the background to “prove” it was recent seemed like a comedy skit from a bad movie.


then me and gang … just inspecting the paris then … from the 60 minutes archive: sarko l’americain; french president nicolas sarkozy 2007 … or did i die already #forlifeparis


pizza anyone?

Little Tommy Sawyers Tears

how long will it take to cook?


shoot every body bloot them upp ——————- det svenska “försvaret”.. … final startego …

crying soy boy mercenazy call of duty player fagot

“-look man, there are soldiers under these rubbles”

jens holm

it seemes very unlaikely the rustikas did it. and as for me – wel, i laike boys

jens holm

it seemes all mens are bisex, i read article on wikki. and i meen all mens, incliuding rustikas , tjekks, jaslovakians, rouanians, ukras, amerikans we all. if you never tried beffore you should considering becomming a bisexuel man

Last edited 1 year ago by jens holm

tourists for pizza in kramatorsk! now in local crematorium!


the dirt is cleansed! the scum sent to hell! lovin’ it!

christian reinhard

bomb kiew!!!!

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