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MARCH 2025

Rex Tillerson: Maybe Russia Got Right Approach In Syria, US Got Wrong Approach

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Rex Tillerson: Maybe Russia Got Right Approach In Syria, US Got Wrong Approach

Rex Tillerson

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in response to a reporter’s question about US President Donald Trump’s claim that Russia might been aware of the Syrian chemical attack beforehand. “Maybe they’ve got the right approach and we’ve got the wrong approach”. Tillerson has explained that USA may not have all the answers, in what some may interpret as a recognition that USA has made mistakes in Syria.

Tillerson said that Putin and Trump spent more than two hours meeting in Hamburg to discuss Syria. Tillerson added: “But there’s a lot more commonality to that than there are differences. So we want to build on the commonality, and we spent a lot of time talking about next steps.”

Tillerson also said that the defeat of ISIS is near, and considered that the long duration of war had made various parties more willing to agree than before. “In many respects, people are getting tired. They’re getting weary of the conflict,” he said. However, Tillerson hasn’t formally disclosed any details of a cease-fire deal in southern Syria.

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No worries, mccain and his warmongering anti commi butt buddies must be wetting their panties looking for a way to throw a monkey wrench in anything russia-us… Too bad the vietnamese didnt finish his punk ass off back then…

John Whitehot

what can one say. I don’t like being this way, but can’t argue that it would be a better world. Although there likely would be somebody else in his place doing the same shit.


Managing director of Google says we are paying $97 per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family^hp55d: On tuesday I got a great new Mitsubishi i-MiEV from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it.Then start by visiting this link ~xg55d: ➽➽ ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleFinancialJobsCash345BuzzSpring/GetPay$97/Hour… ★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★:::::~xg55o…….


Yep!! Linsey Graham or Marco(shoe shine)Rubio.


Managing director of Google says we are paying $97 per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family^hu64d: On tuesday I got a great new Lamborghini Aventador from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it ..Then don’t miss this ~hh64o: ➽➽ ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleFinancialJobsCash354MarketNext/GetPay$97/Hour… ★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★:::::~hh64o….

Maj Dan

The Russian land mass spans eleven-time zones (if you include Kaliningrad), they do not like/trust China (they almost/sorta went to war), they have much of the worlds resources (some yet to be discovered), and markets we would like to exploit: rather than hand over to the China (which is a little bit crowded). They will not be sending us a lot of unskilled labor to go on our welfare roles…. And, if they did they would not likely try to impose Shari law and destroy our democratic values. Trump is dumb like a fox!

Charlie rad

Awesome Comment. Dan you are right on Target. Now both we & Russia can prosper from what will be the most lucrative alliance in history. #1 & #2 together are unstoppable. We have far more in common than not. Cold War alone will save us $ trillions. Bummer for the Greedy Globalists whose Bloodlust & greed won’t be quenched anymore.


The Zionist will not be happy lest we forgot and the politicians they buy.

Night Hunter

Sound like admitting a lot of wrong doings. Its is a decoy of some sort to mask what’s happening in a grand chess board. I hope putin stand aware of what’s to come.

They have finally realised that this war is not making a decent profit. Kurds dont have control over resources, any thing given to them is on a loan bases. So no grand contract there to write home about. Saa I gaining upper hand in most teather, Iran an Russia are the suppliers and no room to manoeuvre there. Turks they have their own agenda and Russians are selling s400 to them. And f35 has gone off the table.

New market place is in gulf. Which the seeds of deceit is ripe. There is plenty money to be made there, even Russian Chinese and Europeans are invited to make a massive arms deals.

Charlie rad

it’s hard to believe it’s for real. But, keep in mind, this is the 1st time TRUMP & PUTIN have been able to meet in person. ONLY 4 people allowed. PUTIN, TRUMP, & 2 interpreters. GET it yet. I won’t even hold my breath on this one. It’s for REAL. THE FAKE NEWS & DEMS are going NUTS. That confirms it. They want WW3. They know this is BAD for them. <>>> BRAVO TRUMP & PUTIN !!!!!

888mladen .

“it’s hard to believe it’s for real” So why don’t you fallow what’s your intuition is telling you rather then fooling yourself? It’s not for real mate and It’s a bite for the gullible ones. When has it been for real last time? Can you remember?

Bill Wilson

Fusk you. This “civil war” is a sham. It started off as strongmen trying to take control of the Syrian government away from Assad and his handlers then turned into a fight between Islamist extremists, moderate rebel groups who didn’t care for them either and the government forces with ISIS expanding by taking over areas and villages that were abandoned by withdrawing units.

George King

I suppose you believe that? Afghanistan? Iraq? Libya? Egypt/MB? Africa? and of course color revolution in US? You fusk off idiot.

Bill Wilson

What the fuck is your dumbass jabbering about?

888mladen .

Sorry but your breath smells terribly.


Checks the weather outside to see if its raining cats and dogs. Nope. Checks the internet to see if the Gates of Hell are opening and the Prince of Darkness is emerging to the tunes of Voodoo Chile with Jimi Hendrix on guitar, John Bonham on drums and John Entwhistle on bass Nope.

Must be fake news then. No way in hell that this has happened.


It’s politics Trump style. Remember few months ago – Tillerson announced Assad can stay, 24 hours later CIA organized Khan Sheikun false flag, Nikki Haley had dead children’s photos blown up and Mad Dog Matis was ordering air strikes. It’s flip-flop diplomacy all around. I wouldn’t believe a word those people utter and Putin and Lavrov are intelligent enough not to be fooled.

Charlie rad

No, this time it’s for real. That was deepstate. Comey & many of his allies have been neutralized !! Bravo TRUMP & PUTIN !! Great Natural Allies As are USA & RUSSIA !!!

888mladen .

Flip-Flop diplomacy yes fully agreed but “Putin and Lavrov are intelligent enough not to be fooled” it’s not a matter of intelligence but rather character.

Slave 2none

sure is a different tone then pushing the Russians hacked meme…..

did you finally get a well deserved dressing down from POTUS?

This is only a minor speed bump for the blood thirsty neo-cons pushing for WWIII ….. most any thinking human being in this world knows it is one the way……

The USSA has shredded any viability of every treaty since the first infected blankets were given out…..

Ask any Native American Indian how well that has worked out…….


Believe Trump is the true ruler of America, what is your agenda promoting Trump, the bomber of Syria? He couldn’t help it? Jared made him do it, you say? LOL. Your analysis is as bankrupt as your clinging to the view that Trump is pro-Syria, Russia and against the Deep State.

888mladen .

Where did you get that? Reference please.

Trump is a puppet like every US president that hasn’t been assassinated.

Slave 2none

I don’t support anyone…but am noticing that as he (Trump) trolls the media….he may be trolling the swamp creatures as well until he has time to play out his hand……look at the Podesta tweet he released while at the G20…. I know he is a masonic member but does he still have a conscience? as opposed to the others? I don’t know…let’s watch this play unfold…..

Bill Wilson

Those asshole Injuns dug up graves to steal infected blankets and clothes off the soldiers and civilians that died from those diseases. Best of all the tribes that did that were the strongest at the time so mostly killed themselves off instead of the settlers who were rapidly learning how to best Indian warriors by being nastier fighters than the Indians ever were.

Jorge Sotomayor

Wow man it’s so amazing how zionist rats and anglo-saxon supremacist rats sound’s about the same when they talk about american natives and palestinian natives.

Slave 2none

SO that means treaties can be broken at will and makes it all OK?

Slave 2none

Putin, Lavrov……please show us that you have learned that the ussa cannot and should not ever be trusted.

btw did you tell POTUS that they are in Syria illegally and that the merceneriaes are at risk of a ‘accident’?


Slave 2none Putin – Lavrov did nothing of what you suggested wisely.

Instead Putin bent over for Trump.

Charlie rad

DREAM on , far from it. pay attention the next 2 months.

888mladen .

You rather pay attention to the lessons of history instead of living from day to day. 24 hours time frame is too short for making any true projections.


Charlie rad It won’t kill me to wait two months but it will kill and injure Syrians, destroy their infrastructure and damage their economy.

PS. Been waiting since 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 Jan to Sept 2017 Jan to now.


Charlie rad “…pay attention the next 2 months…”

Like what ?

These are the past 6 months since Jan 2017:

The US has established a 55 km No Go Zone around Al Tanf. The US has established a No Go Zone around Raqqa There will be more US No Go Zones that will be established in Syria.

Israel freely attacks Syrian military in Damascus, Palmyra, etc. Syria Shayrat airbase attacked by US Missiles Syrian Air Force jet is shot down near Raqqa Syrian military Al Tanf convoys x 3 are wiped out. Etc Etc

Peter Moy

It is incredibly amazing that this stooge Tillerson (or any US politician) admits begrudgingly that the Russians may have been right concerning chemical weapon use in this war. He left out one gigantic omission: US plans for regime change and the dismemberment of Syria has been a failure and a disaster.


Peter Moy “…dismemberment of Syria has been a failure…”

Not at all.

Russia did not protect Syria in 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / Jan to Oct 2015.

As at 2015: Syria 500,000 killed, 1.9 million injured, 6 million displaced or refugees, infrastructure destroyed, economy trashed.

Since Jan 2017 after the Tillerson Putin meeting, Russian help for Syria has been reduced to the minimum.

As at 2017: Russia is bleeding Iran dry of US$s for the Military equipment supplied to Syria. : The US has established a 55 km No Go Zone around Al Tanf. The US has established a No Go Zone around Raqqa There will be more US No Go Zones that will be established in Syria.

Israel freely attacks Syrian military in Damascus, Palmyra, etc. Syria Shayrat airbase attacked by US Missiles Syrian Air Force jet is shot down near Raqqa Syrian military Al Tanf convoys x 3 are wiped out. Etc Etc

Charlie rad

from this day on . Syria will be very different. Already the Southwest Zone .

888mladen .

Mate you need to keep your unwarranted enthusiasm in check by using your reasoning power.

Bill Wilson

Yep. That 30Km buffer along the Golan Heights was a very wise decision.


Charlie rad

There is a lot of work to do:

The US led “Terror Axis” aka IS – Islamic State is still in place after 30,000+++ Air Bombing Sorties by the Russian Air Force in Syria.

Reports shows IS are still embedded in Damascus area / region

Previous report weeks ago IS running loose or embedded in Hama area / region Aleppo area / region Palmyra area / region

Meanwhile the Syrian Military (includes all its non Russian allies) has done well but it is fighting the same battles over and over:

Homs v1 2014, Homs v2 2017, Palmyra v1 2015, Palmyra v2 2017, Al Tanf v1, Al Tanf v2, etc etc.

Over 50% of Syria remain to be retaken: Deraa Al Tanf Deir Ez Zor Raqqa Idlib etc


You can see the glass half empty, it’s probably half full and in 18 to 24 months the war will be almost completely over with the Syrian government in almost compete control of the entire country. And the Russians, Iranians and Lebanese permanently stationed in Syria with a state of the art military armed to the teeth and strengthening Lebanon as well against Israeli predation. With US Ziocons pleas for more war falling on Trump’s deaf ears as America First rolls ahead.

888mladen .

When have you seen a positive trends in Int politics last time and I mean real tangible one not the one from media outlets? How many wars have been fought in the last 100 years and every subsequent was bloodier then a previous one? So what’s the ground for your optimism? It seems like you’ve put your hope in mere mortals like yourself me included. What did Germans hope for when Hitler came on power? Was it disaster or prosperity? ~9 mil died and their hopes with them. Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. Jeremiah 17:5


The only war of any significance with a first world military involved is Syria. And the Russians are in a support role mostly. And that war and Iraq are heading for a positive conclusion. Afghanistan and Ukraine are semi wars, and as tragic as Yemen is, it’s a small war and a half hearted effort at best by the invaders who’re using proxies for the most part.

There hasn’t been a full scale war with a first world military since the US pulled out of Iraq. Unless the Jews can get the US involved in another big war, and it isn’t looking good for them. I don’t see another major war, do you? Trump isn’t into war, And France and the UK, even as Jew infested as they are, are unlikely to start something on their own without the US involved.

888mladen .

The U.S. Has Been At War For Over 220 In 241 Years http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-07-08/us-has-been-war-over-220-241-years


That’s a dodge, try answering the question, what happens after Syria and Iraq win and the US doesn’t start another war because Trump is not into it?

888mladen .

Syria and Iraq will not win in long run though I would wish otherwise to be true. It’s one thing being capable of obliterating you enemies (and yourself) by nuclear weapons and the other being in control of all money creation and flow in the world. RU is desperately looking for recognition by US but US is not giving it to them since they think they are destined to be second to none in the world. It has been like that and it will continue until the end irrespective of our personal preferences.


You’re ignoring reality, Aleppo, Homs Palmyra, reaching the Iraq border. Tens of thousands of dead invaders. The Syrian government foot print is expanding every day and the opposition is contracting. And that will continue until the Syrian government controls all of Syria. The regime change supporters are trying to slow the loss down, but they’re still losing ground every day.

You obviously don’the understand money creation. The Jews don’t control the SCO economies. And they’re creating plenty of money.


Shut up and stick to your space aliens and beam weapons drivel.


Drivel, really?

You never did explain how tactical nukes left the WTC basements intact where you say that they went off, where unharmed survivors walked out of after the buildings came down. Yet pulverized and vaporized 1/3 of a mile of massive steel super structure and concrete above them into dust. I believe my eyes, ears and pictures, not your nonsensical disinformation.

888mladen .

“where unharmed survivors walked out of after” Hiroshima just to name the one. Check you facts. Actually the lady was our church member. No signs of radiation disease and she lived to the ripe old age.


“Little Boy containing about 64 kg (141 lb) of uranium-235 took 44.4 seconds to fall from the aircraft flying at about 31,000 feet (9,400 m) to a detonation height of about 1,900 feet (580 m) above the city….

Eizō Nomura was the closest known survivor, who was in the basement of a reinforced concrete building (it remained as the Rest House after the war) only 170 metres (560 ft) from ground zero (the hypocenter) at the time of the attack.”

“Eizo Nomura (then47) was working for the Hiroshima Prefectural Fuel Rationing Union in the Fuel Hall (now the Rest House in Peace Memorial Park) in Nakajima-hon-machi (now Nakajima-cho). The A-bomb exploded when he was in the basement looking for documents. He barely escaped toward Koi through furious fire and thick smoke. Later he hovered between life and death with high fever, diarrhoea, bleeding gums, and other acute effects of radiation.’

And people 100 to 200 feet from nuke explosions inside the building where they went off capable of turning 1,700 feet of massive steel super structure into dust walked out uninjured and alive? And the basement walls containing the explosions were undamaged while the building above it was undamaged?

I really don’t think so.

888mladen .



You’re wasting my time with links about people surviving 1/2 mile away from ground zero in Japan from a 2,000 foot air burst. People walked out of the WTC basements less than 200 feet away from where nukes supposedly went off in the basements that they were in alive and uninjured, it’s nonsense.

888mladen .

You too with undue comparison between ADM designed for demolition purposes and unguided nuke bomb designed for mass destruction and the time span of scientific research between them of 56 years.




A nuke capable of going off in a basement that obliterates 1,700 feet of massive structural steel and concrete and leaves human beings 100 or 200 feet away uninjured and the basement walls undamaged? Try explaining in a paragraph or two how that works. You can’t, because you’re a scam artist.

888mladen .

Yes my little boy a teacher said. I posted a link where you can get pretty clear scientific explanation. I understand you’ve been amazed what science can do and me too. Watch it be good boy and do you homework.


Another dodge, you can’t provide a rational explanation. So you don’the even try.

888mladen .

So you don’t understand English?


Why are you asking stupid questions? Try explaining in a paragraph or two what you think that the videos you posted prove. The only thing that they prove is that you have no proof. Because they don’t explain how the WTC was brought down by nukes just like you can’t explain it.

888mladen .

It took you less than 2 hours to watch 5 hours video. You must be a superman.


You’re evading the fact that you can’t explain your 911 nuke theory and neither do your stupid rap music videos. Because it’s a scam.

888mladen .

Buddy don’t get excited too quickly. Just consider things like this. On July 19, 1956, AEC Chairman Lewis Strauss said that the Redwing Zuni shot clean bomb test “produced much of importance … from a humanitarian aspect.” As such, high-yield clean bombs appear to have been of little value from a military standpoint. The actual deployed weapons were the dirty versions, which maximized yield for the same size device. The need for low fission fraction nuclear devices was driven only by the likes of Project Orion and peaceful nuclear explosions – for earth excavation with little contamination of the resulting excavated area. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_weapon_design Isn’t that shame that you as a grown up person need somebody else to do search on the Internet for you? Case closed.


I’m aware of all of that. It changes nothing. People 100 feet from nukes going off capable of pulverizing and vaporizing 90% of the material of 1,700 foot tall massive steel super structure and concrete skyscrapers into dust or less don’t walk out alive and uninjured. Whatever took the WTC buildings down, it wasn’t nukes in the basement.

888mladen .

It seems like no amount of common sense is able to dilute somebodies nonsense. Directed energy doesn’t tell anything about the source of energy which blew the towers. So what is it? An energy. We call that circular reasoning. Dr Judy Wood has coined this term probably to avoid any future trouble with the shadow government and also most likely because he has been sworn to secrecy like all high ranking scientists and government officials in US. In 60 every 5th US citizen was a member of Freemasonry according to Encyclopedia Britannica. They’ve been extremely useful when it comes to keeping secrets. And the last but not the least how much damage to the basement we have been allowed to see by US law enforcement agencies immediately after the demolition and during the operation of cleaning the debris? Directed energy term has been used also in conjunction with tactical nuclear weapons just for your personal information. It has been considered a form of masking for purpose of keeping it classified. Your conception that nuclear explosion cannot be controlled or directed is outdated by far. If that was the case we wouldn’t be able to talk today about TNW. Your assumption that small yield clean nuclear device could not have been used for purpose of tween tower demolition is biased.


Another dodge by someone who needs to grow up and deal in the world of truth and facts rather than nonsense. There is no known nuke, clean or dirty, capable of taking those buildings down in the manner that they were. There are nukes capable of pulverizing and vaporizing 90% of those buildings. And if they’d been used there would have been a lot more collateral damage, and uninjured survivors 100 feet from the detonations wouldn’t have survived the detonations.

I’ve looked at the new nuke theory’s from sites like Veterans Today and found them unsupported by the science and technology that we’re currently using. I don’t know what took the buildings down. A combination of demolition charges to drop the buildings and directed energy to dematerialize them as they’re falling down might be viable. I don’t know what the source of the directed energy would have been. It might not have been straight line energy and could have come from a power plant on the ground or aircraft or space craft, or maybe it was field energy in a containment area where the buildings were.

There isn’t technology publicly available or acknowledged that I’m aware of that could have done what happened. But it did happen. So it was either coming from a sequestered project or maybe something off planet. But to keep on beating a dead horse like you are with your tactical nukes in the basement nonsense is foolish.

888mladen .

“scam artist” thank for putting forward such a weighty argument.


Suddenly you come up with intact basements. Did the aliens tell you there were intact basements? Where are the pictures of intact basements?


Where are the pictures of blown out basements? Search WTC basements after the clean up and look at the images. Here’s one:


People walked out alive and uninjured from the basements 100 to 200 feet from where you say the nukes that destroyed 1,700 foot skyscrapers dematerializing 90% of the matter into dust or less. Those people wouldn’t have survived alive and uninjured that close to nuclear explosions strong enough to pulverize and vaporise massive buildings. You’re peddling disinformation unsupported by facts or science.


This doesn’t show intact basement levels. This shows the Bathtub. The towers were built on rock foundations. You can even see the crater made by the tactical nuke in the lower bottom of the picture. It is the round hole carved into the rock. You can see it more clearly here: scroll down to the bottom – NY Times picture shows it. The crater made by the tactical nuke is discussed and analyzed here: https://apunked.wordpress.com/craters/ Please do not be ignorant and learn about shielding in nuclear explosions here. https://apunked.wordpress.com/shieding/ All covered, including the Stairwell B incident. Many pictures showing ruins of the basement levels, including the fact that there were rivulets of molten metal for MONTHS – 3 months – in the basement of the WTC. This was reported by a government engineer. This is also discussed at the site. All of these things are consistent with a tactical nuke.


That’s the same scam site that you used on the last thread, it’s all bs. 1 tactical nuke didn’t take down 3 different buildings at 3 different times. People 100 feet from nukes going off capable of pulverizing and vaporizing 90% of the material of 1,700 foot tall massive steel super structure and concrete skyscrapers into dust or less don’t walk out alive and uninjured. And there would have been a lot more damage near the ground then there was. Steel doesn’t just disappear like that because it drops 1,500 feet. Whatever took the WTC buildings down, it wasn’t nukes in the basement.

It might have been a combination of demolition charges and some type of directed energy technology, but it wasn’t nukes. Dr. Judy Wood thinks that the material exploding was from directed energy exploding the material that the structure was built of.


https://apunked.files.wordpress.com/2017/02/combo25.jpg Crater of tactical nuke on right. Comparison to crater made by nuke test on left.

Another pic of a “gnome cavity”: https://apunked.files.wordpress.com/2017/02/combo33.jpg

These are created in underground explosions.

Please add your discussion here: https://apunked.wordpress.com

But please study the site before commenting.


RichardD “…You can see the glass half empty, it’s probably half full…”

Whichever way, the content is the same.

How will the Syrian military take back ???: Deraa Al Tanf Deir Ez Zor Raqqa Idlib etc

Recent report shows IS are still embedded in Damascus area / region

Previous report weeks ago IS running loose or embedded in Hama area / region Aleppo area / region Palmyra area / region

How will Syria stop or take back ???: The US established a 55 km No Go Zone around Al Tanf. The US established a No Go Zone around Raqqa Prevent more US No Go Zones that will be established in Syria.

Israel attacks on Syrian military in Damascus, Palmyra, etc. ? Syrian targets attacked by US Missiles? Syrian Air Force jet being shot down? Syrian Military convoys being wiped out? Etc Etc


You seem to forget that Russia is the only nation on earth capable of obliterating the US in 30 minutes. The Russians have underground preparations for their citizens, they’re called NBC shelters. The US does to, they’re called graves. Do you really think that the US, let alone Israel, is going to play chicken with Russia? I don’t.

The Russians can slaughter the invaders en mass at will. The only thing holding the Syrians back is being able to hold ground that they take, and that’s being addressed.


RichardD “…Russia is the only nation on earth capable of obliterating the US…”

All the nuclear powers can obliterate one or each other, US, UK, France, Russia, China, Israel, etc.

Nuclear weapons are a deterrence, they are never used.

In the event of a Nuclear conflagration even if accidental, apart from the deaths it would cause the Global Financial Markets, Money to collapse.

With the collapse of Money, the World’s economy would collapse.


You don’t know much about nukes. Short of an extinction grade event from a very large war. There are winners and losers. With Russia number 1 and the US number 2 in a class by themselves. Britain, France and Israel would cease to exist against Russia or the US, and life would go on for the rest of humanity. So nukes make a big difference. The world economy would adjust not collapse.


RichardD The US$ Banking system would be destroyed and along with it 80% of the world’s money would become useless.

Trade would stop world wide.


Monetary systems can be replaced, and that’s what would happen on an as needed basis.


RichardD “…Monetary systems can be replaced…”

If that is so then why has the US$ not been replaced?

888mladen .

For what end?

888mladen .

Taken by surprise? Your mind being dazzled by light shining from the illuminated one? Well calculated effect. We should not blame them for calling us goyim.


From the article: “… Tillerson added: “But there’s a lot more commonality to that than there are differences…..”

US – Putin differences in Syria are approx 20%:

US – Putin’s goals in Syria:

US Goal Not Met – Prevent Saudi pipeline through Syria US Goal Met – Prevent Iran, Iraq, Syria pipeline US Goal Met – Since Jan 2017 Russian help for Syria has been reduced to the minimum. US Goal Met – Russia is bleeding Iran dry of US$s for the Military equipment supplied to Syria US Goal Met – Allow Putin to implement Israel’s Oded Yinon Plan in Syria.


If Putin was implementing Israeli designs he would have let Assad fall, not spend billions preventing it. Your comment makes no sense.

888mladen .

Nope. He needs Assad in power to prevent delivery of Qatari and Iranian gas to EU market.

G Dean VanGaya

It’s pretty clear, imo, that Assad is wiling to be the administrator for Turkish and Israeli control of Syria..

Bill Wilson

Assad won’t be there much longer since the Kurds are the new masters of Syria.

888mladen .

Thank you for joining the choir. New talents welcome.

888mladen .

And who are the masters of Kurds? We shouldn’t be asking silly questions. Should we?

Bill Wilson

Why do you idiots keep mentioning pipelines? Those various routes were only proposed then dropped soon afterwards. The Saudis told Qatar to go run their silly pipeline under water to Iraq then to Syria. Iraq told Iran that they’ll think about allowing their O & G pipelines thru to Syria then promptly forgot about it. Since then Israel and Egypt found huge offshore fields of NG and the USA’s increased oil production has created a glut of cheap ME oil with plenty of tankers to tote it to markets.

888mladen .

Not all people have good memory of lately.

888mladen .

Why do you idiots keep mentioning pipelines? It’s fun.



Bill Wilson has been informed:

Russia’s 2 largest oil and gas customers are: 1. EU 2. Turkey

Israels’s Leviathan fields are FAKE finds – Disinformation.

Israel has unlimited access to money from the Khazar controlled Wall Street Bankers and the question arises why are the Leviathan not already pumping oil and gas to the MaxX with undersea pipelines already built to Cyprus and the EU?

Answer: FAKE finds – Disinformation.


Bill Wilson “…Israel and Egypt found huge offshore fields…”

Egypt’s fields are just enough to meet its needs and export to neighboring countries.

How many times to you need to be told:

Russia’s 2 largest oil and gas customers are: 1. EU 2. Turkey

Israels’s Leviathan fields are FAKE finds – Disinformation.

Israel has unlimited access to money from the Khazar controlled Wall Street Bankers and the question arises why are the Leviathan not already pumping oil and gas to the MaxX with undersea pipelines already built to Cyprus and the EU?

Answer: FAKE finds – Disinformation.

Davey Price

He’s protecting Russian energy market that supplies Europe Gazprom Also many logistical matters crazy butchers have blown up in the underbelly if Russia Plus Syria and Russia have many interests going back years Plus Russia was ready to halt US hegemony in regions close to Russia God bless Russia and the resistance axis Fuck US and Israeli terror, absolute digs if war


RichardD Putin is a Khazar slave not the village idiot although he is slowly getting there.

Assad stays in place so Russia can bleed Iran dry of US$s for the Military equipment supplied to Syria.

And for Putin to complete Israel’s Oded Yinon Plan in Syria, the slow dismemberment of Syria.

Syria 500,000 killed, 1.9 million injured, 6 million displaced or refugees, infrastructure destroyed, economy trashed.

The US has established a 55 km No Go Zone around Al Tanf. The US has established a No Go Zone around Raqqa There will be more US No Go Zones that will be established in Syria.

Israel freely attacks Syrian military in Damascus, Palmyra, etc. Syria Shayrat airbase attacked by US Missiles Syrian Air Force jet is shot down near Raqqa Syrian military Al Tanf convoys x 3 are wiped out. Etc Etc


What is it about:

“If Putin was implementing Israeli designs he would have let Assad fall, not spend billions preventing it. Your comment makes no sense.”

That you don’t understand?

It’s costing Russia billions to support Assad. What makes you think that Russia is making money on this war? So what if Iran is helping out. Do you really believe that Iran is covering all of Russia’s costs and then some? I don’t. Where do you come up with this type of information?

888mladen .

He did his research and now it’s your turn.


Try proving it’s not bs.


RichardD This is the bottomline:

Every piece of Equipment supplied by Russia to Syria has to be paid for by Iran in hard US$s.

The longer the war goes on, the more US$s Russia will earn.

Russia implemented the Oded Yinon Plan in Syria by promising to protect Syria in 2010.

However, Russia did not protect Syria Militarily in 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / Jan to Oct 2015.

As at September 2015, the result was: Syria 500,000 killed, 1.9 million injured, 6 million displaced or refugees, infrastructure destroyed, economy trashed.


The bottom line is that with Russian, Iranian and Lebanese support every day the Syrian government foot print increases and the regime change foot print decreases. And that will continue.


RichardD Hardly and Minimal.

The same battles are fought over and over.

Syria is partitioned now. The US has established a 55 km No Go Zone around Al Tanf. The US has established a No Go Zone around Raqqa Turkey has established a Terrorist Zone in Idlib Israel has tightened control over the annexed Golan Etc

Meanwhile the Syrian Military (includes all its non Russian allies) has done well but it is fighting the same battles over and over:

Homs v1 2014, Homs v2 2017, Palmyra v1 2015, Palmyra v2 2017, Al Tanf v1, Al Tanf v2, etc etc.

IS and Terrorists embedded all over Syria.

Over 50% of Syria remain to be retaken: Deraa Al Tanf Deir Ez Zor Raqqa Idlib etc


The Lebanon border, Homs, Aleppo, Palmyra, the Turkish border, the Jordan border, the Iraq border. Everyday the Syrian government footprint increases and the regime change footprint decreases as the invaders retreat in defeat. And this will continue until there is more firepower and state of the art military capability on Israel’s border then has ever existed before, capable of dealing with Jew crime. And the world will be a better and safer place for it.

70 to 80% of the Syrian population, depending on where you want to put the Kurds, is under Syrian government control. For most Syrians the war is largely over with a government victory. It’s in the rural clean up phase now. I don’t see that changing in the invader’s favor. At the rate that things are going in 18 to 24 months the war will be largely over with the Syrian government in almost complete control of the entire country.

Your Putin implementing the Oded plan for Israel theory is absurd.


RichardD You are living in a dream world.

After Trump – Putin meeting, Russia is negotiating to allow US No Fly Zone in Syria.

Come back next year, Syria will be partitioned.


Really, partitioned by whom, the retreating invaders losing every battle they fight?

888mladen .

Mate all your thinking is like a chequered flag. You have a dog’s vision of the world around you. Now it’s your turn to answer questions. Why there has been absolute silence about any of unprovoked IAF bombing raids on SAA positions in violation of UN Charter in RU state run media? Just think that some of those Israhelli pilots might have had even dual citizenship with RU. There are thousands Israhelli citizens who have RU- Israhelli dual citizenship. Your understanding of RU Israhelli relationship is absolute wet dream. Your belief that Putin has been fighting Zionism is exactly the way they want you to think and you can’t even conceive it. That much about your power of reasoning. And please don’t come back with that nonsense of “You dodge it”. As far as they are concerned you are only a goyim a member of an inferior race and don’t blame them because in your case they are perfectly right. You have made that of yourself.


Your posts are becoming increasingly incoherent and non nonsensical. What’s you’re point?

888mladen .

Putin fighting Zionism.



RichardD “…It’s costing Russia billions to support Assad…”

Its the other way around, it is costing billions to Iran.

Every piece of Equipment supplied by Russia to Syria has to be paid for by Iran in hard US$s.

The longer the war goes on, the more US$s Russia will earn.


That’s a Dodge. You didn’t answer the question. What proof do you have that the war isn’t costing Russia billons?


RichardD There are many different costs to Syria.

Oded Yinon Plan – Implemented by Putin – Russia for and on behalf of Israel: Most important is the damage to Syrian lives. killed and injured, damaged children infants and families, life expectancy, break down of the state, Economy, Infrastructure, etc. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/12146082/What-has-been-the-real-cost-of-Syrias-civil-war.html

Cost to Iran in hard US$s and Military Lives: As a result of supporting Syria, Iran has to pay many US$ Billions for Russian equipment supplied to Syria which more than covers the Russian group’s operating costs in Syria.

Iranian Military people’s lives are lost especially due to regular air attacks by Israeli AF in Syria.

Russia Military Cost: Russia Insider: “…How Much a Year in Syria Costs Russia – Actually Not That Much…” http://russia-insider.com/en/politics/how-much-year-syria-costs-russia/ri16759

US$3 Million to US$5 Million per day, US$1.5 Billion per year.

This cost is more than offset by the equipment Russia sells to both Iran and Syria paid for by Iran in hard US$s.


Another dodge. I asked you about your Russia is Iran’s mercenary nonsense and you’ve provided no proof.

Aside from the $1 billion or more a year that the Syria war is costing Russia in budget allocation. The Jew world order leeches have gone after Russia with a vengeance, which has cost Russia plenty. But it isn’t going to prevent an outcome that they’ve tried for years to prevent. The failure of their regime change operation and a much stronger military presence in Syria than existed before the Arab Spring.


RichardD “…Another dodge. I asked you about your Russia is Iran’s mercenary nonsense and you’ve provided no proof….”

Your reply is nonsense.

You are the “Artful Dodger”.


You’re a liar and coward afraid to deal in truth and facts who makes up false stories to support your disinformation propaganda.

888mladen .



So what’s your point?

888mladen .



You’re wasting my time with your stupidity. If you can’t write something worth reading, go bother somebody else.

888mladen .



It’s Russia, China, Trump and humanity against Israel and their anti American Jew servants in the US government, media, finance and academia.

888mladen .

Don’t fool yourself and others please.


Trump tried America First right out of the box and the Jew cult and their collaborators tried unsuccessfully to impeach him and he fought them off. And now he’s getting back to America First, including working with Russia and China and stopping the criminally insane Jew world order wars in the middle east.

888mladen .

Altered state of conscience. Sad.



So what’s your point?

888mladen .

Would somebody of charitable heart like to help this gentlemen understand.


You can’t debate the issues so you make snide stupid comments instead to try to pretend being smart when your ignorant.


888mladen Looks very Russian taste, LoL:)))

Real Anti-Racist Action

So basically everyone is tired of the fighting and the war…. Except for of course Israel is not tired, and wants an extreme escalation of war!

Bill Wilson

Only to wipe out losers like you.


Real Anti-Racist Action The whole history of ancient Israel was based on continuous wars, conflicts, chaos and crushing of nations, taking their land and whilst enslaving their women.

Modern day Khazars are no different, they do the same thing continuously..


Yep!!, and GENOCIDE, killing ALL the children, women, elders and even the domestic animals, it’s in their own books.


EL ZORRO The True story of a sad people who keep reappearing but doing the same thing over and over.


Tillerson is playing it up for the American conservatives back home who support Trump. He’s saying this because even the dimmest Trumptard doesn’t sit comfortably on the anti-Assad bandwagon. Trump has to keep the electorate happy, and the goyim who are pro-Trump don’t have a hate hard-on for Russia like the Zios do. So, it’s just for domestic political consumption.

If you think the USA is retreating on Syria, you believe that the US spends billions of dollars warmongering in Syria for nothing.

Russia is weak and not committed. This is the problem for Syria (and Syria’s allies). The USA is taking advantage of that.


Russia is not a good country to manage the war for the Syrian side because it is a superpower. It is also a superpower that is under duress from NATO.

NATO is deliberately stepping up pressure in order to make Russia hesitate in the Syrian issue.

It is like the stick to Tillerson’s carrots.

Putin is nervous that the Syrian war could spill over into war on the domestic front. So he always puts that issue as a priority.


Russia didn’t do things well. It came into the war too late. It let the US gain an advantage in this war. Now the US has a foot hold in Syria and so it has won. Winning for the US is gaining territory and building bases in Syria. Building a base in a place means it’s USA’s land. Good luck to the Syrians pushing the US out. If Russia cannot do it, how can the Syria do it? Impossible. It would mean all-out war, with no guarantee of a win. Assad and the SAA have shown they are not willing to do all-out war. They’re not going to start now.


So, this is how Assad and Putin lost control of Syria. USA-Israel defeated them. The USA is having a pause now. It has long-term plans to gain more control of Syria. No need to rush at this point. Russia and Assad are defending well the areas they control.

Later, they will try more things, more excuses to grab more land. Occupation-creep. Like Israel does to Palestinian territory. Assad can never rest easy while the US is in his backyard.


Assad has his hands tied in the Middle East. While his land is occupied and he is too ineffectual to defend his own territory, how can he help defend Iran, Yemen, Lebanon, or Palestine?

This is the problem of a weak leader. Hafez al Assad made a mistake. He chose the wrong son to lead Syria. If none of his sons were suitable, he should have let his brother lead or his son-in-law lead.

There was nothing in Bashar’s history that showed he wanted to be Syria’s leader.


Leading a country is not like any other job. It’s vital the right person is picked. Someone who doesn’t have any interest in politics or the military or have strong convictions about protecting the nation should not be allowed anywhere near the presidency!

I don’t have anything personal against Bashar; in fact, I supported him right up until a month ago; but the evidence is too plain to ignore. The results speak for themselves – Bashar has made a disaster of Syria.


Look at Iran. Iran was in a worse position than Syria was in the Iran-Iraq War (no arms, sanctions against it, whole world was against it, the USA was backing Saddam), but because they had a leader who was committed to the defense of the nation, Iran won against all odds!

Bashar needs to pass on the presidency to someone better. The council of the Baath Party must choose a better person. Even if it means calling the end of the Al Assad line of succession, a change is needed. Even if Bashar retains his position as “leader” but appoints a person as his prime minister, who takes over the role of leadership, that is, becomes the real leader, it is better than now.


Bashar makes the nation look weak. As if Russia decides its future, not Syria’s president!

Why is this urgent? Because it has implications for the whole of the Middle East, not just Syria!

It has implications for outside the Middle East too – this is also a big blow to North Korea!

If Iran and Syria go down, so does North Korea!


If North Korea goes down, you have the US right on China’s and Russia’s doorstep!

You have a strong America and a weak Asia! (If North Korea goes down, South Korea and Japan will be devastated – China’s industry and economy will be badly affected). The USA will not be affected because the US will not be a war zone!

So the USA will reverse its economic fortunes once again!

So much hinges on Syria! Russia should not mess up! If it cannot do anything about the situation, give its best arms to Syria and Iran and let these people fight the war as Russia’s proxies!


Syria is a Jew world order proxy war and both Israel and Jew infested America, France and Britain have been in Syria from the beginning of the war. The only thing that’s changed is that some of them now admit it.

So Russia, Iran, Iraq and Lebanon got involved and the Syrian government footprint grows everyday and the invader footprint shrinks. And that will continue until the invaders are kicked out. All of your twisted logic doesn’t change the invader retreat in the face of superior firepower and troops.

888mladen .

Sure Iran’s leader has been groomed by MI6. And I’m talking out of personal experience cause I was in UK at that point in time when Islamic revolution was just about to start. BBC ran intensive propaganda programs against the Shah in support of the future Iranian leader.


Syria is a Jew world order proxy war and both Israel and Jew infested America, France and Britain have been in Syria from the beginning of the war. The only thing that’s changed is that some of them now admit it.

So Russia, Iran, Iraq and Lebanon got involved and the Syrian government footprint grows everyday and the invader footprint shrinks. And that will continue until the invaders are kicked out. All of your twisted logic doesn’t change the invader retreat in the face of superior firepower and troops.

Trump has no desire to get involved in anymore Jew wars and neither do most Americans. Which is why he’s in office rather than Hillary. Despite massive Jew financial and media support for Hillary and almost no Jew financial support for Trump and a Jew media and Jew servant establishment aggressively hostile to Trump and his anti Jew world order America First agenda.

Rakean Jaya

Putin G20 statement to Rex T: with all respect to Mr. Tillerson, as for Assad fate in the future, I should remain him, it is up to Syrian People, unfortunately, Mr. Tillerson is US citizens, not SYRIAN citizen


If arming terrorists (Obama) is an approach….


“But there’s a lot more commonality to that than there are differences. So we want to build on the commonality, and we spent a lot of time talking about next steps.”…TRANSLATION…There is a lot more commonality, but the DEEP STATE(COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS) is running the UNITED STATES FOREIGN POLICY/ STATE DEPARTMENT and they want WAR.


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