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MARCH 2025

Rioters In Portland Set Police Association On Fire, Clash With Police Throughout City

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Rioters In Portland Set Police Association On Fire, Clash With Police Throughout City

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On August 4th, riots in Portland ramped up in violence.

There were fires and clashes between rioters and police all throughout the city on several days.

Rioters broke into Portland’s Police Association office setting fires at the building and elsewhere nearby.

Hundreds of protesters marched to the office building on North Lombard Street near North Campbell Avenue and arrived at approximately 9:45 p.m., at which point police said they blocked “all lanes of traffic” at the intersection, according to information released by the police department.

Police said a “large fire” was started on North Lombard Street soon after the group arrived at the PPA building.

A truck drove into protesters on August 5th, and nobody was injured.

“Members of the group started vandalizing the Portland Police Association office with graffiti while others attempted to pull the plywood off of the doors and windows,” police further alleged.

These riots continued on the evening of August 5th.

There were even suspicions that an explosive device had been planted in front of a police station.

It turned out not to be anything dangerous.

However, the situation has reached such a point that there are even suspicions that rioters would plant explosive devices to potentially kill police officers and destroy police stations.

Furthermore, initially reports in MSM and claims by Democrats and other supporters of the rioters were that violence escalated in Portland because US President Donald Trump deployed federal agents to the city.

The agents have since left, but the violence appears to be ramping up.

Rioters are thrashing residential neighborhoods with police officers having to clash with them and take them down.

Random vandalism is also a reality.

Police said that riots have so far cost Portland businesses $23 million.

“We’re six weeks into this,” Portland Deputy Police Chief Chris Davis said during a virtual news briefing. “A walk through downtown today will expose you to a scene of boarded-up windows, extensive damage to public property and really an unfortunate scene in our city center.”

More than 100 people — comprised of city employees and the public — have also sustained injuries, he said.


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Zionism = EVIL

The dumbass deadbeat violent Americunt loudmouth morons are fucked, even the FBI police state thugs are predicting a high probability of internal mass armed conflict after the November Jew selection.



That would set things square at least


November Jew selection. Brilliant!


This planet is soaked with blood of tens of millions of innocent victims of U.S. aggression’s.

You do exist God Almighty and your justice is indeed Eternal.


The funny thing about mediocre people is that they can’t distinguish between a person, a group or a leader. It’s like when I would say: the Russian broke my window and the options were to: 1) call the police 2) start a war against Russia 3) assasinate Putin … 4) your case: make a voodoo doll and summon the spirits


Well from one of those “mediocre people” I have just one message: the complacency of being “exceptional nation”, “only world super power”,”FIRST world” ,”defender of democracy” and all other IDIOTIC SLOGANS that were used over the loooooooooooong decades of US interventionism, militarism, invasions, systematic bombings and all other endless war crimes that hardly have wake up in you Americunts more than dull zombie like interest that some “shit hole” is getting US bombs on regular bases for no reason really (and if it was one you wouldn’t care anyways) You have exported death and destruction in the name of would be democracy, now is your turn? What do you expect us to say? “Oh we are so sorry, poor Americans!” ??!

The chicken is coming home to roost !!! That’s all !

Jens Holm

Maybee its revenge. They were blamed not making WW1 and fotced to participate. They also was blamed for not participating in WW2 and even had to be provoked by the Japanse.

And there You go.

My best hope for You non changers are, You soon will blame the Chinese instead of westerns Jews included. You should be impressed by their children too. Even small ones can speak chinese.


Pearl Harbor was expected attack, they were forcing hand of Japanese to start the war and crying wolf when it has happened! All that was THEATRICS for gullible US population! Those in power wanted Pearl Harbor to happen and did everything in their power to happen, to brake isolationist spirit of American public, for war in Europe and war in general ! Those are well known facts !

Антон С

They broke japanese code and had read Tokio’s messages to the embassy 2 months before attack. That’s why no aircraft carriers, new battleships and large submarines (biggest in the world at that moment, only french “Surcouf” type was bigger, but 1-2 subs in total) were in PH in the moment of attack. Losses – few obsolete ships and ~500 people. It’s nothing.


US is very long history of the false flag operations and the biggest and the worst of them all was WTC 9/11 “Pearl Harbor like event” words of Bill Cristoll neocon from book (US imperialist Bible ) called; “American Century”

Jens Holm

It seemes the flag covers Your eyes.

Антон С

“Remember the “Maine”” – blasted cruiser in Havana, when no officers injured, because they knew about provocation. Tonkin bay, chemical weapon in Kuweit and crying pre-Bana girl, who told about murdering newborn kids in hospital, which was daughter of Kuwait’s ambassador in USA as we knew later, i.e. she lived in USA. Then chemical weapons in Iraq and C.Powell in UN, in Syria with that Bana-banana spotted at “Oscar” and other such lies. USA is empire of Lies.


yeah Cuba (CIA plan – simulating of shooting down US passenger plane by Cuba to start the war), Tonkin bay false flag, yeah the “babies from incubators” on the floor, Weapons of Mass Destruction (that never existed) , 9/11 endless mountain of lies, JFK and RFK probably CIA organized assassination with cover up, etc. etc. Indeed US is empire of Lies and Liars !

Антон С

“Weapons of Mass Destruction (that never existed)”

Hussein took some chemicals from the US in the time of war with Iran. But later all reserves of such weapons were destroyed. Liars from Washington thought that they could find some of their own old shipments.


many countries have “chemicals” but in some countries those are called with bombastic words a “Weapons of Mass Destruction”and for no justifiable reason.

Wen it comes to bio warfare US is by far investing the most in that hopping to create viruses that can exterminate us all….

It is them who look for”Weapons of Mass Destruction” all the time

Антон С

Indeed. Ordinary chlorine can be called WMD. But it’s far from real combat WMD.


I saw the movie… I think it was in the movie also if I remember right…about embassy messages (not 2 months before attack though)

Jens Holm

There are facts for that. Your memory is doing fine.

Jens Holm

Yes. Things changed in 1938 when USA from 400.000 soldiers went up to 1 million. So they did prepare. But they prepared against Japan only and had no equipment and logistics for that yet.


They certainly are, and the US carriers were ‘amazingly’ at sea with the more up to date supporting ships, whilst the outdated US battleships were at anchor in port.

The US had for years been deliberately encroaching on the Japanese sources of raw materials such as rubber and oil, in order to maintain dominance.

China is in the same situation today.

Jens Holm

Ypu seemes to have forgotten the Japanese tryed to expand, where thy could and that was the reasons for the American embargo, where the Japanse had to expand.

A terrible result was the Japanese later also took, where the kono against moskitos grew. Many american soldiers died because of that.


So true, good parallel. But at least China is not island and has energy rich Russia (and central Asian countries)with plenty of different raw materials and on top they are becoming extremely close allays as time passes by (mostly thanks to the US through NATO efforts to agrees and alienate Russia)


I agree, and in current times the missile capabilities that were once a Western advantage are now military assets that are universal.

The US could only have a chance of winning with nuclear weapons, BUT the US mainland would be unlikely to be spared devastating strikes as well.

There is no way today that the US could win a conventional war against China or Russia. even with NATO.


I beg to differ when it comes to nukes. There would be no winner in nuclear war

Jens Holm

I will remind You WW1 and WW2 were in Europe and it was Hitler, which declared ware against USA.


Learn basics about history only than talk on the subject.

For U.S. war against Japan in Pacific was bigger war for them than war in Europe. Japan was with Germany and Italy one of the 3 main countries opposed to “allied” countries. UK,France, USSR have had fought war against Japan during WWII

Антон С

By the way, war against Japan was done not by nuclear bombardment, but after destroying the Kwantung army, placed in Manchuria, ruled by Japan via marionette government. Million troops. Defeated in two weeks, 9-20 of August, 1945. Lost of Manchuria was lost of resource base to Japan.


And what are you gonna do about that? Make things happwn or sit and pray?

Jens Holm

He is trying to replace the lost fertilizer in Lebanon.


No, his mind is cold like the cold fusion.


Neither of those. I will not even sit and watch other peoples misery and gloat (I am Christian after all).

The only thing that will happen is that my hart will be more in place and get some internal peace. Because deep down now I know that justice do exist. That is all I needed to see. This day when oppressors finish under oppression themselves.

Harry Smith

There are a lot of good and faithful Christians in the USA. Not them, neither many other good Americans can’t be blamed for the tyranny of their government.


You can’t just dismiss their responsibility so easily! Christians (and I am Christian) are ZIONISTS in US and directly responsible for Israeli crimes ever since its creation ! Not to mention permanent US imperialism (except 1968 demonstrations against the war in Vietnam) All that was indirect supporting of neocolonialist imperialism in the name of “exceptional nation” that has all the rights to do absolutly anything they wanted because so exemplary in “democracy” even though US was openly supporting FASCISTS dictators all over the globe.

Harry Smith

Not all Christians but only Evangelicals.


Of course Evangelicals above all but people in US in general (when not Muslims ) are supportive of Israel much more than they are in Europe.

Israel and Jews are huge parasite on US body for so many decades. Attack on USS “Liberty”, pushing US in wars against Iraq where 2 trillions of taxpayer money was spent for Israeli objectives. Desert Storm is the most catastrophic geo-strategic decision in history of US existence. Probability that among some U.S. Jews; even Israel is involved in 9/11 attack

Harry Smith

Just watch this video starting at 30 mins https://youtu.be/NFOBCYE9_94


OK it took me 2-3 minute to see that there are 3 intelligent people in studio, …quite well informed and speaking their mind without prejudice, asking important questions.

How much do these people represent average Christian (non Evangelical ) community? What are the possibilities that their way of thinking prevails in public opinion?!

Harry Smith

Not simple Americans are those who choose the AIPAC dominance in their domestic politics. They literally can do nothing.


As long as US are on the top with global currency Jews will suck their blood. End of the story So America is in trouble of her own making. People should never complain about their own choice.

Harry Smith

USA dollar is not state but private currency. FRS is conglomerate of private banks with the right to “print” dollars. When USA will fall, won’t be any strategic change because of it. The private banks will just transfer their assets to another uprising power and will parasitize on it another couple of centuries. This algorithm works good more than 1000 years. “They” started with Byzantine Empire, then, when “they” drained it,” they” moved to Venice. After “they” drained Venice, there was a short period when “they” established in Switzerland. But Swiss could not offer much security, so “they” moved to England. After England was almost drained, “they” moved to USA and the moment “they” got full power sin the country, is establishing of FRS. In fact, people in the whole World struggle not against Italians, Brits or Americans, but against a solid group of people who are more religious sect than a financial corporation. Those are very old families who’s wealth can be traced down to the Roman Empire times. And the real war is not against ordinary people of any country, but against these satanists.


I know all those things. Talking like that is nonsensical.


It was U.S. soldiers who killed 1 million Iraqis and not some bankers.

Madeleine Allbright have said publicly that killing 500 000 Iraqi children was “worth it” !! And there was not even outcry in public let alone that somebody would accuse her of being monster and war criminal.

U.S. have also killed few millions o Vietnamese (after false flag attack in gulf of Tonkin) they have killed few million in Cambodia also, etc etc. The list of their aggression’s and killings is very long.

Ordinary people can’t ignore their assassins and talk conspiracy about bankers. If intellectual and other ruling elites are bribed into accepting certain conditions, than nations are condemned to slavery sooner or later.

Your story about “real” enemy will not change thing.

Harry Smith

When a man bits a dog with a stick, only few smart dogs are biting the hand, which holds the stick. Majority of the dogs bites the stick.


You were never on receiving end of any stick when it comes to Western imperialist terrorism. That’s why are you so full of “wisdom” and moderation. There can be any peace unless we do no justice to the victims. I am not talking about revenge…we only must know who did what , when and why and never forget to prevent from happening again! I am looking forward when it comes to US collapse. One terrorist supporting country less. Nothing bad with that sentiment.

Harry Smith

Yeah. No justice no peace. Seems like I have already heard it before. The collapse of USA means collapse of global markets. Those must very hard times for many people outside of USA because USA is main global goods and services consumer. If you’re looking forward for USA fall, you must have a self sustainable place where you can live with no money.


I will not run in circles with you. I just pretend that I agree with you on your logic and extremely relaxed and permissive attitude since you keep repeating the same.

Germans as nation were condemned (by Americans also) and labeled as supporters of NAZI’s after the WWII and rightfully so. Since they have elected Hitler and were in huge majority very supportive of everything he was doing including the wars. That’s all I have to say on that subject.

Jens Holm

Yerrrh and even so we are more then ever. They are very slow those americans.


US is a failed state in its twilight years. It has the blood of millions on its filthy hands.

Rhodium 10

Today 75 years ago…USA wipe off the entire city of Hiroshima with the first nuclear bomb…200.000 killed!…USA have this bloody honour!

Jens Holm

It made a lot ofd sense. Should estemated 200.000 americans had died. That was the alternative.

Stalin wasted millions of his own and pretended to be a proud hero. The reason wwas he amoutated the whole military forces and even displaced in an agreement with Hitler.

Before that the Nazis hardly could have taken Poland, France, Holland, Belkgium, Denmark, Norway and the UK expeditions corpse with not helå from Russia in iron, coal, nikel and all kinds of food.

And that was MILLIONS of own spendables and not 0,2 of them.


And that day started the peace we have today.

Raptar Driver

That’s propaganda that 1,000,000 American troops would have been Killed in an invasion. Our navy surrounded the islands. The islands could not grow enough food to support the population. We could have just waited, in fact the japanese did try to surrender several times before the atomic bombs.

cechas vodobenikov

u idiot fascist liar coward; your stupidity is tiresome


US should be ashamed as its streets burn it is wasting money on lost wars for a delusional global domination.


Those are gang members, shoot to kill them.

Harry Smith

Not a good enough idea to even threat the rioters. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/07/20/st-louis-couple-who-aimed-guns-protesters-charged-with-felony-weapons-count/


Stupid laws.

Raptar Driver

You’re only law is the law of Satan, do what you will.


It takes one to know one, and I worship God unlike you and your Islamic terrorist friends that go to hell.


Hopefully these useful idiots turn on their zio masters! I mean ransacking the Fed & Cnn would be a good start!

cechas vodobenikov

children with bad manners—counter-revolutionary and stupefied

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