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MARCH 2025

Riots In UK. “Far-right Thuggery” Or Popular Protest

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Riots In UK. “Far-right Thuggery” Or Popular Protest

Editorial by Martin A. Armstrong for SouthFront

Massive riots have erupted across the UK following the tragic fatal stabbings of three young girls in Southport. The girls were attending a Taylor Swift-themed dance class when a cowardly 17-year-old male, born to Rwandan parents, attacked the innocent children. The law protects the murderer over the three innocent young girls, and this preventable attack may have been the final straw for the people of the UK. Tensions between citizens and migrants were already at a boiling point. Now, the UK government is calling protests against migrants “far-right thuggery” and looking to silence dissent.

Riots In UK. “Far-right Thuggery” Or Popular Protest

Martin A. Armstrong, www.armstrongeconomics.com/about/1113-2

Prime Minister Keir Starmer, a World Economic Forum favorite, believes the UK should revert to “COVID-style” restrictions to prevent rioting. “Back in Covid, they were prepared to back measures that were needed in that situation and I think they would take a similar approach to keeping rioters off the streets now given the scale of damage that has been done to communities,” Starmer said while adding that the government must take “whatever measures they feel is necessary to get this situation under control.”

The people are livid and the government is willing to do anything necessary to quiet them, other than addressing the real problem. Starmer’s government has sent dogs after protestors. He has allowed authorities to punish them in ways that they never punished those protesting against Israel or other far-left causes. Every headline calls the protestors “far-right extremists” and “anti-immigration Islamaphobes.” The international press would like the would to believe that the outrage is unjustified.

What about migrant reform and preventing illegals or those with no loyalty to the nation in which they reside from continually committing crimes? Why were these three little girls unsafe in the classroom? The people want answers but Starmer won’t provide them. These riots are rampant and passion-fueled. It is estimated that rioters have already caused between £200m and £500m in damages. Over 400 people have been arrested at the time of this writing.

It is unfortunate when the masses resort to violence to be heard, but the people of the UK have finally snapped after years of begging their elected officials to close the borders. Around 672,000 illegals entered the UK in 2023 alone, with 84,000 claiming asylum. The foreign-born population reached 14.5% by 2021, and has doubled since the beginning of the decade. The open border policy never faltered when Britain left the EU.

Riots In UK. “Far-right Thuggery” Or Popular Protest

Nigel Farage is one of the only politicians in the UK to question what is happening in his country. “I just wonder whether the truth is being withheld from us. I don’t know the answer to that, but I think it is a fair and legitimate question,” Farage stated when the riots first began. He has condemned the riots but has at least acknowledged why the people are enraged. “The majority of our population can see the fracturing of our communities as a result of mass, uncontrolled immigration, whether legal or illegal,” Farage said. “Yet to attempt to debate this in the public arena leads to immediate howls of condemnation. A population explosion without integration was always going to end badly. I have said this for many years. We must have a more honest debate about these vital issues and give people the confidence that there are political solutions that are relevant to them. A recall of Parliament would be an appropriate start to this.”

England is hardly a Christian nation as the migrant crisis has permanently changed the landscape. In the United Kingdom, for example, Islam is the second-largest religion. In fact, Muhammad was the most popular name for baby boys born in the UK in 2023. The 2021 England and Wales Census marked the first time that less than half of the population (46.2%; 27.5 million people) identified as Christian. Christianity has fallen by 13.1% since the last census in 2011. The number of people abandoning religion entirely has continued to rise as well, with 37.2% (22.2 million people) declaring they do not believe in a God in 2021 compared to 25.2% (14.1 million people) ten years prior.

Pew Research Center believes that Muslim women will have more children than Christian women by 2035, and Islam could become the most followed religion in the world. There is nothing inherently wrong with the religion of course, but it is understandable that people want to maintain their own nation’s traditions, religion, and morals.

Home Office minister Lord Hanson has warned “far-right” rioters that they will be met with the full force of the law. Yet, no politician bothers to ask WHY the people are rioting. The headlines stating that these protests are a result of islamophobia are simply wrong. People no longer feel safe walking in major cities among the Build Back Better nations. Violent crimes, especially violent crimes against girls and women, are through the roof, and none of the politicians are protecting these innocent people. The Davos crowd now rules the UK, and they have every intention of keeping the borders open.

Martin A. Armstrong, www.armstrongeconomics.com/about/1113-2


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stupid question!

Real Saxon

when “minorities” riot vs. when whites riot: https://tinyurl.com/ynku39bd

british journalist from rotherham explains recent political unrest:

https://tinyurl.com/2b6d26mf – protests are organized by local, working-class people alongside cops, intended to be peaceful.

– strife has been building up for many years.

Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon
Real Saxon

– egregious crimes committed against natives by immigrants, e.g. rotherham child rape gangs, predatory migrants housed in hotels funded by taxpayer.

– whites (particularly working class) are continuously ignored by the establishment and branded as “far-right thugs.”

– two-tier policing, e.g. cops bowing to immigrant demands after they riot (happened multiple times in recent weeks).

Real Saxon

– stasi starmer intentionally pouring fuel on the fire by openly favoring immigrants and demonizing whites.

– out of touch politicians and media face zero consequences of mass migration while the public suffers.

Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon
Lev Yashin

“rather than found an intellectual elite amerika founded a mulatto stud farm”. rute hamsun


remember all the boys in blue on their knees kneeling in front of blm rioters?

Real Saxon

i do, lol. they cucked for blm. then a black cnn reporter on the scene said to the camera “protests are mostly peaceful” while buildings were on fire behind him.


they did so at the behest of those who pay their salaries.

Lev Yashin

“just as amerikan society differs so does the amerikunt national character differ profoundly from those in europe asia africa latin amerika”. geoffrey gorer

Real Saxon

many countries in africa and latin america have higher crime rates compared to america.


lev the white hater.


plenty of edl rapists out there calm down fagg0t ork lover


what are you talking about. are you whites that desperate and delusional? when minorities riot the white police bring out tear gas and rubber bullets. the white rioters got handled with kid gloves.

Real Saxon

you didn’t check the video clip i sent which refutes you. fact being you have nothing to support your retarded claim beyond anti white propaganda, especially when they treated blm and antifa with kid gloves.

second, the western world is openly anti white and gives preferential treatment to non whites and sexual deviants.

in the west, non whites (except east asians) commit more crimes than whites despite being the minority. or in america’s case, almost half the population.

Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon
Real Saxon

the stat from switzerland:


Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon
Real Saxon

don’t confuse the 1992 la race riots over that criminal rodney king with today.

https: // tinyurl. com/ 362sa63z

switzerland is one of the few european countries that records the race of convicted criminals.

african residents are proportionally 5x to 7x more convicted of criminal code offenses than the swiss.

Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon
Lev Yashin

amerika #1 violent crime non violent crime rape per capita all nations despite that your experts claim less than 25% reported

Real Saxon

the usa ranks 45th place worldwide for the highest rate of intentional deaths i.e. murder.

https: //en. wikipedia. org/ wiki/ list_ of_ countries_ by_ intentional_ death_ rate

https: //t. me/ thuletide/ 2900

blackest states in the usa have africa-tier homicide rates

whitest states in the usa have scandinavia-tier homicide rates

Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon
Real Saxon

https: //ourworldindata. org/ grapher/ homicide- rate- unodc

https: //t. me/ thuletide/ 6460

a new york times correctly stated that blacks in the top 1% have the same chance of being incarcerated as whites who earn $36,000 per year, but incorrectly blamed “systemic racism.”

looking at crime data, we observe, for example, that blacks in the >90th percentile of income commit significantly more murder than whites in all percentiles.

Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon
Real Saxon


– extensive data shows punishing reach of racism for black boys, new york times (2018)

– the changing relationship between income and crime victimization, levitt (1999)


stop ranting – boring

Real Saxon

https: //t. me/ thuletide/ 6561

el salvador has proven that crime is best solved by disregarding “human rights,” accepting that some people are defective by nature, and permanently removing them from society.

in doing so, they debunked decades of leftist rhetoric on “rehabilitation, socioeconomic factors, etc.”

Real Saxon

https: //t. me/ racerealismchannel/ 311

in germany, italy, and spain, north africans commit significantly more crime than sub-saharan africans, who in turn commit significantly more crime than native citizens (ethnic europeans).


look at some stats, boy.

Real Saxon


new – violence by north african migrants explodes in germany, according to “shocking” statistics by the federal criminal police office. the left-green-liberal government does nothing, bild reports.

https: //www. bild. de/ news/ inland/ gewalt- durch- nordafrikaner- in- deutschland- explodiert- regierung- tut- nichts- 66a222897ba9fd494deaf101

Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon
Real Saxon


(old article) rioting migrants in france burning down the largest public library in the city of marseille


2 minute video on the jewish role in the great replacement and migration crisis – highlighting adl hypocrisy with regards to israel and jewish nationalism.

Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon
Lev Yashin

inferior nazi amerikunt saxon inferior to jew


spoken like a true nazi (same as zionist).

Last edited 7 months ago by Jock
Real Saxon


in 1992, denmark granted asylum to 321 palestinian refugees and studied their behavior for almost three decades. in 2019, the results were released:

– 64% are criminals. – “a very large proportion” are on welfare. – 34% of their children are criminals (this figure could easily increase in the future).

source: https: //www. emilkirkegaard. com/ p/ palestinians- in- your- country- what

Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon
Real Saxon

https: //t. me/ thuletide/ 6688

indian immigrants (from india) in the united states oppose white nationalism in america but support indian nationalism in india.

note the poll’s duplicitous framing: “white supremacy” (evil) versus “hindu majoritarianism” (innocuous).

Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon
Real Saxon


left: james nelson, 18, who has been jailed for 2 months for protesting on sunday.

right: lawson natty, 18, who will spend just six months in jail for the manslaughter of a 14-year-old boy. keir stramer is setting murderers free, while jailing anybody who protests kids being killed.

Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon
Real Saxon

‘nowhere to hide’: chief prosecutor doesn’t rule out the use of anti-terror laws in tackling riots


uk riots: over 20 people charged after riots in middlesbrough


Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon

why can’t they all just take a knee and kneel down before the rioters? that’s what they did with blm 4 years ago and that worked like a charm, didn’t it? weren’t these protests (not riots) “mainly peaceful” as well?

Real Saxon

i will edit my comment after posting

Real Saxon

migrant gang beats up lone white man in sheffield, uk:


migrant gangs attacking brits in pubs and cafes:


Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon

in the u.k. a person going to church is considered a retard, 90% of “brits” love the heathen lifestyle so much that they’re always in “pubs and cafes” instead of being in churches!

if you wanted to defend your kind you would have fought against same sex marriage and you wouldn’t let the state grab your kids for gender reassignment!


ah, but that’s okay, rs, because those are our human rights democracy values and that’s just who we are.

Lev Yashin

saxon is inferior amerikan nazi retired walmart janitor


oh wow, is this jens holm aka saxon?


just more clowns. the supposed attacker was a crisis actor who also played doctor who for a bbc ad on helping children. maybe the bbc shouldn’t be doing children’s charity work being a pack of pedophiles. good luck for the control grid brits, you gave your guns away like nambies.

AM Hants

you have got to be in the pedo club, to get anywhere with the beeb. why does bill gates donate to the bbc, along with many of his mates? interesting who funds the bbc, besides the licence fee payer.

Real Saxon

ex-british member of parliament enoch powell predicted the present in his “rivers of blood” speech on 20 april 1968, to a meeting of the conservative political centre in birmingham, england.


uk: video indicates that muslims horde weapons in mosques and the british police are fully aware of this fact. edit: the charitable interpretation is that the police have some sort of weapons disposal unit at or near the mosque.

Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon

ah, but pc plod did his usual party piece, rs, and just pleaded with them to leave all their weapons in the mosque. no need for kid stammer’s “standing army of riot police” for them.

Real Saxon


now – violent mob attacks white people in middlesbrough, england, chief correspondent of channel 4 news reports.


just in – mosques in england will be offered new emergency security, the home secretary has announced.

Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon

if mosques are offered extra security it’s because people actually go worship there!

instead of complaining here you should be in church worshiping our lord, fighting for righteousness against the satanic lgbt nonsense and teaching your kids the bible so they may come to our savior.

don’t be a hypocrite.

Real Saxon

protection for mosques but not for churches because most church goers are white. you’re the hypocrite. non whites commit significantly more crimes than whites in white countries and abroad.


exactly, rs.


you are half-right, right about jesus/church, but wrong about the police and the mosques. muslim’s in the u.k. have raped thousands of white girls, and groomed many more to be so.


ah, but that’s allowed, j, it’s all part of the coudenhove-kalergi plan.

AM Hants

did reply, but, waiting approval, which means it will never be shown.

Real Saxon

you can get around that by typing a “politically correct” message. then edit it with whatever you want to say. links cannot be sent unless you space them out. or you can use a link shortener, you can make the link complete when editing your comment. you have to send the link with spaces in the url before you can do that.


they will probably get their own muslim police force soon, with uniformed muslim police and marked police cars, just like the synagogues have got.

Real Saxon

standing army against whites only – rape gangs are allowed though:


Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon
Peter Jennings

when politicians and rich businessmen were raping british kids up and down the country, we didn’t hear a peep from these right wing gangs who are now kicking up a stink. where were these people when the bbc was a pedo hunting ground? it seems raping kids isn’t so bad just as long as one has the right skin colour.

AM Hants

agent provocateur. remember, how they used the 3 letter agencies, over in washington on 6 january 2021? doing the same in the uk. what makes me laugh, is the fact they show a white male, with his tattoo, in honour of 40s germany and yet, westminster are fully supportive and fund the same characters over in ukraine. i did wonder if they are using zelinsky’s mates, for pr purposes, in order to blame it on those who are cheesed off.

Peter Jennings

our caring gov’t is trying to take legit anger against them and their policies and turn it into a race riot where those with the most to lose are fighting each other. policies which are not dependent on one party but all of them, and policies which have ruined the country and brought us all to the brink of world war. the people are going to have to stick together if we are to defeat the tyranny that’s coming our way.


they are high on power, and the masses are deep in their delusions. so deep they don’t even notice the drastic changes in clouds… pathetic is the word for it. even more pathetic are clowns who feel special for picking on pathetic people, ie the ‘elite’ (who are so special they have to turn you into a drooler to fool you).

Florian Geyer

it’s fair to say that all the woke and ‘gender benders’ are largely financed by the wearers of ‘small round hat’s ,lol.

britain is fast becoming a communist state, ‘am’.

AM Hants

hello, not just the uk embracing communism. must admit, munching on the popcorn, supping the wine and waiting to see how things pan out. have you heard that who aka bill gates and mates, are arranging an emergency meeting, to handle the latest man-made virus. just in time for the us elections and the general, global unrest. i wonder what morons will be queuing up for the next suicide jab?


the people rioting are a bunch of amateurs. no one killed in these riots. how come the british cheer on mayhem in the streets in other countries? if you are trying to be like your masters (the evil, diabolical, murderous, reckless freaks in washington, dc who control much of the world), there needs to dead bodies – and a lot of them in order to get your message out.

AM Hants

can you imagine what the media would be saying if the behaviour of the government, was russian?

Real Saxon

these riots were triggered by a wave of migrant stabbings against children, the assailants were caught.


on the left: “far right thugs” promote evil messages like “kids die, media lie” and “save our children.”

on the right: “wholesome communists” defend the “right” of foreigners to murder children with impunity.

the political battle lines have never been clearer in the uk.

Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon

pure g*ebbels type propaganda using pics with invented subtitles. this type of bs is at play from zio funded uk government and syl’s fascist stooges too.

institutionalised credulousness and lack of a proper education have changed the twin winged working class from being the intelligent driving force of politics 100 yrs ago to a subdued mass that simply do as they are told by global elites, fascist agitators, social influencers and politicians of all stripes.

Real Saxon

https: //www. dailymail. co. uk/ news/ article- 13713917/ armchair- thug- 28- charged- trying- stir- racial- hatred- social- media- riots- dozens- face- court- today- days- violence. html


popular unrest caused by a onesided policy of favouring the well to do and cause hardship to more than 50% of the population – food on the table for some, insufficient rent money for a majority, nhs is really national shit service. undrinkable water and sewage in all lakes and rivers. what to like ? more of the same by lord starmer – yeah sure as a cluckin’ bell!


remember the rotterdam case and all the grooming gangs in uk ? official data aknowledge more than 11000 victims, all of them white children and all that shit covered up by local polices, social workers and even gvt officials…….. maybe whites are fed up.


f white children. if you people stop trying to steal other skin colours resources, stop starting and proxying wars in non white countries and stop trying to colonise there won’t be any immigrants. until then screw you scumbags and your lack of honesty

Steve Biko

why don’t you go back to africa then instead of crying about that in a white country? did you know that if you went back in time far enough you would suddenly find yourself in a point of time where blacks like you commit all the crimes you like to blame on whites. doesn’t that make what whites did right following your illogical comment?!


speaking about time travel…yeah you whites are dumb. when you scumbags leave north america, australia, canada, south america, south africa and new zealand then we talk. until then shut up you stupid hypocrites.

Real Saxon

you want whites to leave but not other races? i promise you that if that ever occurred, your fellow subhumans would not leave voluntarily. it will only happen by force. the jewish dominated deep state through government, corporations, academia and ngos is responsible for you being allowed into our countries. jews use you as a bioweapon against the public.


– “fellow subhumans” ???

you talk like the pharisees.

Lev Yashin

saxon is inferior amerikunt nazi

Real Saxon

if all whites went back to europe, you would only feel further emboldened to colonize europe. you only come here because our countries are better, and you blame your failures on us. you think you will inherit what our ancestors built. the only difference is you coming over here will only make our countries more like the shit holes you left, therefore defeating the purpose of coming over to begin with.

Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon
Lev Yashin

amerikunt saxon not european–

Real Saxon

are you trying to conflate europeans with jewish nationalism, i.e. zionism? someone has to have two jewish grandparents to be granted israeli citizenship. the bulk of the “white” ashkenazi jews living in israel came from the soviet union.

ashkenazi jews are 50% middle eastern, 41% european. they are not white. they make up 70-80% of the total jewish population in the world.

Real Saxon

nietzsche described your sort perfectly well:

https: //t. me/ thuletide/ 6203

“a tyranny of the lowest and stupidest, the superficial, the envious and the more-than-half actors.”

quotes from the will to power, the anti-christ, and twilight of the idols.

Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon
Real Saxon

since you lack the capacity and sincerity to be introspective, you unwittingly give credence to men like nobel prize winner dr. albert schweitzer, which completely defeats the point of helping the third world to massively reproduce. helping them only draws hatred from them, increasing their malice and strengthening their will to power,

albert schweitzer’s warning to white people in africa:


Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon
Real Saxon

this would only result in the funeral wreath of humanity. life on earth would then pass through the ether as it did before mankind climbed out of its primordial cradle and first set foot on earth.

Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon
Real Saxon

albert schweitzer (1875 – 1965) was an alsatian who dedicated his life to alleviating the suffering of blacks in africa, likely due to his christian convictions.

educating blacks, a snippet taken from jan lamprecht’s personal website ‘history reviewed’:


https: //historyreviewed. best/ index. php/ uk- violence- the- israel- lover- tommy- robinson- might- be- behind- the- white- resistance/

Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon
Real Saxon

rebel news fundraising grift & tommy robinson’s cocaine problem


Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon

french have left haïti in 1804. since then, the blacks have build nothing. it a perpetual civil war ending in cannibalism.


the blacks were forced to pay compensation to their french masters as compensation for freeing themselves. they were forced to agree to this by the us. they had to borrow money at extortionate rates from the usual suspects and have been mired in hopeless debt ever since.

Real Saxon

blacks have always done that regardless of time and place.

Real Saxon

imperialism and colonialism: white guilt and historic non-white conquests of european territories

https: //tinyurl. com/ 2rred47v

almost every successful nation in history founded an empire whenever they became materially powerful enough to do so. yet, whites are the only race expected to endlessly grovel for committing the heinous crime of besting our enemies in warfare.

Real Saxon

https: //thuletide. wordpress. com/ 2021/ 01/ 06/ imperialism- and- colonialism- white- guilt- and -historic- non- white- conquests- of- european- territories/

mongolians are proud of their genocidal conquests. they constructed a monument to honor genghis khan raping people across eurasia. 1 in every 200 people descend from him. it encompassed a colossal 17.81% of the earth’s surface, bested only by the british empire which covered 26.35%.

Real Saxon

whites are the most honest people out there. that’s why you call us “stupid” because we’ve become too trusting of outsiders.

the colonized and the colonizers: https: // tinyurl. com/ yp6n76dc

colonized people are not always culturally inferior to the colonizers.

Real Saxon

* forgot to fix the link.


https: //nationalvanguard. org/ 2024/ 06/ the- colonized- and- the- colonizers /

Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon
Lev Yashin

“amerikunts have been liars and braggarts for 3 centuries”. daniel boorstin

Real Saxon

the presently on-going colonization of europe and america by mass immigration from african and middle eastern countries is an example of the colonization of a higher culture by people from a lower culture, and the net effects will be extremely bad. you might get a few additional food choices that are somewhat palatable,

Lev Yashin

“the banality of amerika=the radical absence of culture”. j baudrilliard


immigrants have to be allowed to do stabbings because that is part of their culture and so that they can culturally enrich us all. those are our democracy human rights values and that’s just who we are. it’s good to see stammer, rayner, pc plod, the courts, and the woke media, and all the rest of the pro stabbing community coming together to defend the right of immigrants to do stabbing.

Real Saxon

but with them you will also get more murder, more rape, more assault, more robbery, more corruption in high places, a decline in competence in labor, and a decline in the standard of living. when a lower culture invades a higher culture, the bad easily outweighs the good.

Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon
Real Saxon

when a higher culture invades a lower culture, the reverse is true. there is a decrease in violence, a decrease in corruption, an increase in competence, a rise in the standard of living. this is what happened when whites colonized africa to create rhodesia and south africa. the blacks got the benefits of literacy, of mathematics, of railroads, of electricity, none of which they could have provided for themselves.

Real Saxon

nowadays, of course, blacks like to talk as if they were “equal partners” in the creation of electric power and the technology that runs on it — though nothing could be further from the truth.

a case for reparations by the alternative hypothesis:


Last edited 7 months ago by Real Saxon

@jamies: you should do some real studies to find out “””who””” stole colored people resources.

in the “plentiful west” there are plenty of white kids that suffer from hunger and poverty so this is not a white skin vs black skin problem as poverty has no color so please stop this clueless goy nonsense and wake up from your own lack of honesty: the culprits are the scumbags in power that sold out to lucifer and his “””minions””” and certainly not the “white children”!


and “who” was really behind slavery (both african slaves to america and european slaves to the ottoman world,)


if it was covered up, how do you know?

AM Hants

the head of the cps at the time, who did not want them to be prosecuted was ‘2 tier keir’. same keir, who was running the cps when he refused to prosecute saville. human rights lawyer, with the keys to number 10, who has given ukraine £millions of tax payers money, the first day in office and gave them permission to hit russia with british missiles.


so it appears that when they are treated with kid gloves for children who are slightly misbehaving then it doesn’t change their behavior? as a humble suggestion to anyone who cares, maybe harsher treatment befitting the crimes is necessary to stop the child raping mass murders?

Last edited 7 months ago by BunkerDwellers

no doubt the satanic murdering pedophiles should get life with no parole, anyone hurting a child should get a serious punishment no matter who they are but the devils pushing the pedo agenda disguised under the lgbt propaganda should even get harsher punishment.


they should receive justice instead all-inclusive stay at club fed. that means the trauma they inflicted brought back on them. the horror, misery and shame… every single moment, not some stint stamping license plates with decent food and shelter.


rotherham lol


the biggest protests in the uk recently by a large amount have been from the palestine solidarity campaign, with 10’s or 100’s of thousands attending – why are other demos largely ignored yet a handful of people here get so much government and media attention? it probably suits a hidden agenda. many extremists are undercover agents, trying to identify real potential dissidents. the police arrested the culprit so attacking them seems illogical in this case anyway.


they are run by jews, right in the middle of it. where the rothschilds made their power. naturally any sort of manufactured drama is good to detract from epstein, nygard, the royals, staley, dimon, maxwell, rothschilds and probably all of them being child rapers using their power alongside the freemasons to always always always escape justice while some droolers watch tv shows for 5 year old kids. order — their control over you — from the manufactured chaos

Last edited 7 months ago by BunkerDwellers
AM Hants

media was up and running with the story, before it happened. all by design to bring in martial law, erase freedom of speech and ban social/alternative media. notice how the climate protesters and any protesting woke agenda are classified as peaceful protesters and never punished.


britannia is a fkn joke, they cannot even rule their territory in any meaningful sense, let alone “the waves”…


the country only existed as a means for the royals to escape justice for their crimes and live the high life. it has been run like a hand-me-down company where the kids care nothing for it for the stated reasons.


thanks to the shabbot goy oliver cromwell it has been in a downfall ever since.

British Cesspool

the british government and it’s elite imported violent terrorists to terrorize the local indigenous brits and it seems the citizens have had enough of it and starting to fight back. their government is saying you can’t protest little kids being murdered by the migrants the government brings into the country and houses in hotels while ordinary brits have to sleep in overcrowded shelters and the streets.

Conan M

what happens when green cards, h1-b visas, and “revolving doors” (in and out of the west) for a second or third home, after a false flag pretext of enormous proportion is exercised and runs it’s course for 22 years to declare global martial law… too bad that india, china, russia and iran passively watched from the sidelines and remained loyal to the un ca$in0 that made them all rich instead of endorsing the sacrifices that were made in question 3 buildings 2 planes.

Last edited 7 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

what we have been witnessing the past 10 years is the hangover!

Conan M

correction: china aided and abetted the crime scene by agreeing to haul it away!…

Last edited 7 months ago by Conan M

far right thuggery, kid gloved by commercialprivateequitybbc. it’s like the 70s with added orchestration.

taliban astrologer

uk is now a muslim country


all the so called “elites” in the west need to be killed. tortured if at all possible, as well.

their family members and children are legitimate targets as well.

it’s the only thing they understand.


another propagandist (indeed racist) article, deliberately (and ignorantly) conflating/blurring key issues.

sptnk today, coincidentally, also featured ‘insight’ (sic) from an ex-bnp leader (a pro white british rw nazi group who also stirred street violence against ethnic minorities).

is there a pattern here?


sf routinely condemns nazis, azov, banderites (etc) yet promotes this i’ll diguised justification of the same violent ‘thuggery’.

this article seeks to imply that the appalling uk events this week are somehow ‘justified’ by the ‘feelings’ of the uk people, the tragic murders in southport, davos, mslm births (etc); when they’re absolutely not!

what next, a banderite perspective on the odessa fire/massacres being simply a reflection of widely held street feeling?


‘ill-disguised justification’

(apologies for auto spell check madness)

Allahists are Nazis

ukrainian nazi invaders trying to rule in russian populated areas by terror and allahist nazi invaders trying to rule the native british population by terror.

do you see any difference?


ukranazis are real, west funded, govt approved sick nationalist armed murderers, who formally killed and terrorised thousands of russ speaking civilians.

‘allahist nzi invaders’ is lie spread by small brained white uk nationalist agitators and getting paid for it by the usual sources (documented). uk fascists have done this violent sh*t since mosley’s h*tlerite brown shirts.

AM Hants

‘two tier keir’ wants to bring in martial law, remove freedom of speech and ban social/alternative media. you know when the globalists are playing us for fools, because the media runs wild with the story.


the cult of (trilateral commission member) starmer has been fanned for years. i remember being censored by rt (after 15 minutes) for correcting the lies by its correspondent wrongly claiming starmer was opposing pm johnson!

truth was in that particular speech starmer was supporting the (then) tory government’s open crony capitalism and lockdown totalitarianism.

neoliberal ‘uniparty’ politics has run the uk since 1997, starmer is simply the latest stooge. it should surprise no-one

Peter Jennings

just as the people of blighty saw through the lies of religion, they are now seeing through the lies of successive gov’ts that have brought us to this point. the anger is real but i feel that it is being channeled by groups who are just as maniacal as those running this shit show. the murderer was born in the uk. this has more to do with a mental illness than because of any cultural divide.

Peter Jennings

western gov’ts are kicking the shit out of everyone, irrespective of colour, creed, or religious beliefs.


i agree, except that even that ‘anger’ is being carefully stoked and precisely targeted by the uk uniparty and its paymasters (who are behind both the rioters-agitators and ‘the government’ itself).

yes it’s theatre, but of the ‘bread and circuses’ variety where ordinary folk live in real fear of their lives.

meanwhile govt/wef approved legal migration outstrips illegal entry by many, many times.

Jewish pimp

oh god, what in the fucks sake you are talking about? the guy wasn’t even emigrant, but born in wales, yet alone an muslim. he was a christian from rwanda. they should ask who pyed him to commit this? was it mossad or theirs pawn, irish actually, who plays on uk uber alles card, so called ‘tommy robinson”, while he got like dozen other ‘not so british’, let alone english names, because he’s by his mother side irish, named steven lennon. he posed with idf t shirt, and on idfs tank as well.

Jewish pimp

we’re all stupid and dumb, and mister martin the who just spit in our face! but why the hell he run that english-jewish defense league (as it is registered) away from uk, while there was restrain order against him, police and border patrol on the french border detained that hasbarat, but they have let thefuck go to his villa in spain, to drive his beloved porsche, sail his very expensive yacht, and fly his plane. snorting coke and fucks models from paris.

Jewish pimp

taxi that drives that prick is nothing but mercedes s class to spain. and why was this all? because we wanna stop these nasty words against israel and support to palestine, and demonstrations in favor of palestine. those emirati pricks are just little fucks, they should burn his house down, his and all those israeli pigs. there and in that place in egypt as well, what a coincidence! in the same town, zelensky have a super luxurious villa.

Jewish pimp

they want to disrupt any pro palestine feelings, no matter what no matter of a cost, whether is a rape, torture, mass murderings, pogroms (as we can see in britain), burn at a stake (remember amber heard), pornography, subversive acrivities, anything! they are of beast! st.john apostle

California maybe Oregon

and what else? omg, why now is all antisemitic so much, we are doing nothing? they all suposed to listen to us and demonize islam and loath all muslims!


none of these “radical, dangerous, far right, islamist, extremist organisations” really exist. they are fantasy creations created, funded, orchestrated by western intelligence agencies, cia, mi5/6, mossad. al qaida, isis, edl, all controlled opposition, isis in libya was run by a mossad agent. bin laden was on the cia payroll for years. so was abedi, mi6 asset who did the manchester arena bombing.


“he posed with idf t shirt, and on idfs tank as well.” the sort of politician who will do anything for attention. naturally, the skeletons in his closet are bursting out.

homer simpson

now most aware are “far right”?

We suppose to hate muslims

wait a minute! our masks are falling down and tzar is naked! we can no longer play victim holocaust card no more? but muslims are to be blamed! muslims are bad ones, not us!


christianity is dying in the u.k. because the british rather worship a football club than our lord therefore deserting the churches, some are even sold to be turned into nightclubs! in the u.k. christmas is celebrated as a mercantile feast instead of a religious fest. the british welcomed same sex “marriages” lgbt nonsense and now police can grab kids from their parents for gender reassignment…

wake up people.

We suppose to hate muslims

it is of no significance. church or mosque aren’t only places where god is worshipped.


the rioting was incited by israel. “tommy robinson” and his organisation are bankrolled to the tune of £10,000 a month by israel. it was set up by israel to exploit migration and other issues to stir up trouble with moslems. they do this all over europe. wilders in holland has close links to israel.


exact, stephen christopher yaxley-lennon aka: tommy “the cokehead” robinson is a zio-asset used to stir up trouble in the u.k. for his zionazis masters.

“tommy robinson” is a crook, he stole his followers donations in order to indulge himself to a lavish lifestyle and fill his nose full of cocaine.

what a disgusting sellout.


all this will be exploited by the globalists to close down the internet and free speech, introduce draconian laws to ban demonstrations, bring in blanket surveillance and facial recognition, ai, and that f*****g ghoul blair has surfaced again demanding id cards. for the sake of a couple of torched police vans and a damaged wall at a mosque, they get the pretext for a fully fledged police state.


and these riots are pretty insignificant, they are relatively small and will peter out. britain actively foments, bankrolls and orchestrates incomparably worse violence abroad narget countries all over the world – syria, libya, ukraine, maidan, russia, hong kong, venezuela, the list is endless. with a death toll of thousands, not zero.


personally, i am looking forward to the gloves off moment when it can finally be settled. a pox on all the limp wristed ones who let it come to this. they will only stop when they are dead or know they are about to die. then they beg like spoiled children for forgiveness only after they are made to stop with force. there is no earthly punishment that is enough for them.

We suppose to hate muslims

that is so true. and again if one spares them thise roaches, they will start to do the same, and blame you who actually saved them for being a war criminal, nazi, hitler, anti this and that, you name it


hitler was a jew furthering the zionist agenda. same with stalin, and roosevelt was a fagmason furthering the exact same agenda at behest of the zionists they are beholden to.


you’re either an delusional idiot or a liar, bunkerdwellers – hitler wasn’t a jew.


his grandad was.


the riots are in israel genocide supporting england not the uk. no riots in scotland or wales. riots in n ireland but probably because the milk price rose or whatever excuse to riot there. the problem with the english is that they lost their identity in 1066 when the normans took over and they don’t know who they are. the scots, welsh and irish know who they are and the catholic population in n ireland. the protestant n irish like the english have identity issues hence the riots.

We suppose to hate muslims

they havent identity back then, just after elizabeth of tudor.


false flag. crisis actors on muslim side and agitators on native side. objective: mass surveillance


it was real enough from s.y.l. and his idiot fascist stooges funded by zio foundations. injuries and damage the same as ukr fascists in 2014 (odessa). the vital difference was that ordinary uk folk (seeing through nzi, zio and govt propaganda) stood up against the rioters and protected mosques etc.

uk folk have long stood with pilloried minorities against funded nzis (bnp, brown shirts etc). see ‘the battle of cable street’.


what the starmer extreme right wing and friends of israel, or the tory extreme right wing and friends of israel, both employed by israel to further their interests.


the british media predictably named it thuggery, but then the british media is just vile, and they serve the interests of the corrupt and arrogant british establishment, and not the british people. i say well done the protesters, it showed the establishment they are on the wrong track with their evil replacement program. vote reform.


farage is a duplicitous opportunist. he never questioned illegal police actions at the height of the uk’s corporate driven totalitarian lockdown, but crawls out of the woodwork now to misrepresent events to his s.y.l. type ends.

those lame brained violent rw rioters (beatings, burnings, damage, attacks on houses, intimidation etc) played straight into the hands of the uk govt. all praise to those folks who saw through all the propaganda and stood up to protect homes, mosques and hotels.


yes farage is a phoney, but he’s better then the other establishment creatures. as for the mosques, they are the modern day equivalent of norman castles, to show the local peasants who is the boss in that part of britani. either close them all down, or burn them all down, as oil and water don’t mix.

Raptar Driver

i hope the indigenous britons are tough enough & organized enough to push these invaders out once and for all. but just like here in the united states, the percentage of white alpha males is nearly non existent. the systems of these countries over the last 50 years have suppressed, murdered and simply wiped the alpha males out of the gene pool. the rest are in prisons. another reason the west could never defeat russia, they have no proper men left.

Last edited 7 months ago by Raptar Driver
Gneaus stapo

sure i get it,ur gay bar is empty and ur longing for alpha gays

Raptar Driver

alpha’s are rarely gay. unlike you c-men.

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