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MARCH 2025

Rocket Strike Devastated Turkish Observation Post In Northwestern Aleppo (Photos, Video)

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On September 12 afternoon, a rocket strike targeted an observation post of the Turkish military in the town of Xezwe in the northwestern countryside of Syria’s Aleppo.

A video and several photos of the incident revealed that the post had received several direct hits. One of the rockets landed right in the post’s main garage, where several military vehicles were parked. This caused the fire. Another rocket hit the post’s main point on Xezwe hilltop.

Several opposition activists claimed that the rockets were fired by the Syrian Arab Army from the nearby 46th Regiment Base. Nevertheless, others said Kurdish forces had launched the attack from their positions in the northern countryside of Aleppo.

Besides causing heavy material damage, the attack also injured many Turkish service members, according to different pro-opposition news outlets.

The Turkish Ministry of National Defense has not commented on the incident, so far. While the ministry acknowledges any casualties within 24 hours, it rarely comments on attacks that causes material damage only.

Xezwe post is one of over 50 observation posts established by Turkey in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib in the last two years.

The attack on Xezwe post may lead to a dangerous escalation in Greater Idlib, especially if it was carried out by Syrian government forces. Earlier this year, Turkey lost dozens of soldiers and officers due to Syrian military attacks.


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Lone Ranger

Who done it…

Servet Köseoğlu

probably saa,kurds at west syria doesnt have rockets…

Lone Ranger

Could be the U.S. or Israel as well to create tension…

Servet Köseoğlu

if we are talking 3rd parties then ı insert my 5 coin to Uae


Seriously Ranger? I thought you’re better than that. We have never killed Turkish soldiers, the only time we have ever had a conflict was on the Mavi Marmara when they refused to listen to our navy orders and tried to enter Gaza. Other than that, we have never hurt Turksih soldiers, so don’t act like it’s us. It might be the SAA or some other Jihadi group, I’ll let the Turks investigate the debris and find out to whom it belongs. Israelis and Turks are not enemies, doesn’t matter what the politcal relations are the people like each other.

Lone Ranger

Reichstag fire… Operation Gleiwitz Gulf of Tonkin… USS Liberty… 9/11…


What are you talking about? are you high? Want to blame us for more events that we are not responsible? Reichstag fire? Israel wasnt even existed. Operation Gleiwitz? between Poland and Germany, what it has to do with us? USS Liberty? it was when we had a war with Egypt, where was Turkey? and your best, 9/11 because we all know Israel crashed into the twins. seriously, fuck off.

Lone Ranger

It was meant as an analogy… Fakse flags do happen. Many countries did it in the past. You are a bit sensitive tonight. Hard day? Cheer up, not everybody is after you ?


I just don’t know why you wrote it that’s all. I take you as an intelligent person whom I can have a discussion with, unlike most of the SF idiots here. Not offended, just a bit disappointed you think we are that bloodthirsty with the events you wrote.

Lone Ranger

Not bloodthirsty. Only opportunistic. But its not only Israel. U.S., UK, Saudis, Turkey, France.


I agree our current leadership is corrupted and manipulative on a large scale, but I don’t believe even them would fall into this kind of actions. Our main objective now is to deal with the virus, the situation is very bad here at the moment. Starting a war is the last thing we want or need now, as I told to Garga.

Lone Ranger

Could have been the U.S. too… Whats your take on Covid? Is it a 100% legit, or is it a bit overhyped? Im curious about your opinion…


The virus is mostly dangerous to old people with a weak immune system, I think many governments use the virus for political needs to put people in quarantine and to stop anti-government demonstrations. Atleast that is how I see it here.

Lone Ranger

I agree. I would add that I think a global economic reset is coming, I deliberately say reset, it will be more serious than a collapse. I think they are doing a dry run on how to manage it.

John Wallace

Intelligent , unlike most of the SF idiots. Really.. Who just showed himself to be the biggest dumbest idiot .. Pussy Zion .. ??


Probably pissed off because there were no Palestinian kids to shoot.

Icarus Tanović

Don’t you waste your time talking to punk.

John Wallace

Wow .. That shows just how stupid you really are. They are examples of false flags , not that Israel were behind them. Dumb beyond belief..

Lone Ranger

P.S. I didn’t say you were, I only said could…


That is warning shot and answer on Turk shelling of SAA positions.

One hit bulls-eye ! Somebody merits promotion ! Just say that Kurds did it…..they have no proves anyways.

Simon Ndiritu

SAA needs to use its Tochka missiles well. So far, it has been unfair for SAA to allow Turkey to continue with its arrogant adventures while they have a descent stockpile of Tochka


“Tochka”=”Point” will become exclamation mark since they are built for destruction of the bases and fortification objects of bigger size. All SAA needs to do is to point their missiles and guns at those Turk “observation posts” and in the case of any bigger Turk provocation, they can level few of those posts to the ground as a warning….

Arthur Deodat Jr.

Is it observation or retaliation post?


How about waking up to the reality? This is not middle ages and chivalry.

Today word war is diametrically opposed to fair play. Kill or be killed – as simple as that. Turks are schakal’s and vaulters that came to feed, from the body of the wounded Syria.

Simon Ndiritu

SAA needs to plan and execute 5 others to show Turkey that it only needs 50 rockets to flatten all the Observation posts.

Icarus Tanović

That’s right my brother.


Bring up those Smerch and TOS-1s,burn the ground those bastards stand on.

Icarus Tanović

After couple more of these punks will think twice about new observations post. Post to save Wahhabis from the deserved justice.

Mustafa Mehmet

crazy idiot n https://media2.giphy.com/media/uaMNYdSdn2Gre/giphy-downsized-medium.gif

alejandro casalegno

A russian officer ·”Lost” the RPV photos of the turkish post near route 5, a SAA “forgot” long range rockets near Aleppo, ready to launch ………. a “Bored” kurdish with nothing to do push the trigger……………….and for a “Great luck” the rockets impact in the center of the turkish post!!!!!

Fog of War

Wouldnt it be better if your scenario was played out against the ZioAmericans and not the Turks ?

alejandro casalegno

Now is “Turkish Time”…………USA at the end……..Israel the next decade…..

Fog of War

Yes, I understand. ZioAmerica is always later for all of eternity. Its collapse will be later, Its withdrawl will be later, Its defeat will be later, Idlib will be freed later, and so forth and so on


ZioAmerica seems to be becoming ZioAmericaUAEBahrain.

Mustafa Mehmet

Stupid idiot if Uncle Sam wants if if they can finish Syria in one day..

alejandro casalegno

Russia is in Syria……….asshole………

Mustafa Mehmet

Russia no problem whatsoever. Asssshole.


1 down 49 more to go…

Traiano Welcome

Turkish Kebab anyone ?

Traiano Welcome

Turk triggered. A downvote :-)

Mustafa Mehmet

turkish YARAK tro

cechas vodobenikov

expected when there is foreign occupation

cechas vodobenikov

turkeys cannot defeat PKK/YPG, nor LNA, SDF or Syrian Arab Army, Russia in Syria—amerikans so fearful their airforce afraid to fly east of Euphrates where Russian airspace is active—-avangard can destroy every US base and S-500 can intercept every incompetent US missile….thie fake obese soldiers can’t even defeat Taliban after 2 decades…..perhaps they will invade Grenada again to build up their “self esteem”—if they r provided enough participation awards they will feel better

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