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MARCH 2025

Rocket Strikes Site Of Major Oil Companies In Iraq’s Basra Amid Heightened US-Iran Tensions

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Rocket Strikes Site Of Major Oil Companies In Iraq's Basra Amid Heightened US-Iran Tensions

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A rocket struck the site of the residential and operations headquarters of several major oil companies on the morning of June 19th, the Iraqi military announced.

The rocket hit the Burjesia residential and operations headquarters west of Basra, Iraqi police said. The site is home to a number of international oil giants, including US firm ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell PLC, and Italian Eni SpA.

Al Jazeera’s Charles Stratford, reporting from Basra, said a local security official confirmed Exxon evacuated 21 foreign staff in the immediate aftermath of the incident.

“The oil ministry is saying that oil production in the area has not been affected by this attack,” Stratford said, adding the security official described the rocket used as a Katyusha.

“[But] we are seeing what can only be described as an increase in the frequency of such incidents, over the last month and a half there has been a number involving rockets fired at what has been interpreted to be foreign interests here,” he added.

According to security official Mahdi Raykan, the Katyusha rocket landed at dawn in the Zubair and Rumeila oil fields camp, operated by the Iraqi Drilling company. It was fired from a distance of up to 5 km.

On the two previous days, similar attacks took place.

On June 17th, three rockets landed on a military base hosting U.S. forces north of Baghdad.

Reuters cited an anonymous source that claimed two mortar shells had landed in the Iraqi section of the Taji base and one just outside of it.

No casualties were caused by the shelling, the source said. He said sirens wailed in the US section of the base during the incident.

On June 18th, a rocket landed an Iraqi military base hosting US forces in the northern city of Mosul.

Mosul’s military commander said the rocket landed in an open space causing no casualties or damage. He said it was fired from west Mosul, across the Tigris river, and was a “locally made” rocket, without elaborating.

This comes amid US accusations against Iran for the alleged attacks on the two tankers in the Gulf of Oman and the older alleged sabotage on four tankers earlier.

On May 19th, a rocket also landed approximately 1 mile away from the emptied US Embassy in Baghdad, which was also attributed to militants backed by Iran.

Naturally, MSM wasted no time in claiming that these incidents were also a part of the US-Iran rise in tensions and that despite both countries claiming that they do not wish conflict, events such as this take place.

Notwithstanding, ISIS is farm from being defeated in Iraq, despite it being announced defeated in December 2017. Attacks by ISIS militants continue on a daily basis. he fight against ISIS is on-going, a simple glance on reports from Iraq is proof enough.

A simple glance at any Iraqi outlet will show that ISIS is alive, despite being announced as defeated.

Regardless, the defeated ISIS couldn’t have possibly carried out any of these recent attacks on US forces and the oil infrastructure, since they’re defeated – it could have only allegedly been Iran, or Iran-backed militants.

But quite conveniently these attacks managed to injure nobody and caused minimal damages.


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ISIS is definitely defeated as a military force. They are alive as a terrorist entity. Only when Saudi, Turkish, Qatari and Western money and funding and ideology is defeated will these terrorists such beas ISIS and Al Qaeda be destroyed for good. But defeating them as a military entity is still a major victory.


The US disrupts Iranian oil exports, so Iran disrupts American exports. It’s no coincidence that its American oil companies that are being targeted. About time too, the US has been stealing Iraqi oil for long enough.


Shell is an Anglo Dutch company, Sinbad, so is the US sending a message to the EU ? Added to that the UK and China have signed an agreement so that UK listed companies and Chinese listed companies can be traded in China and the UK.

The US is not happy about this.


Brother Thomas

It is most likely not Iran.


US ff??


On long term USA would benefit more from closing the Gulf oil exports by enabling their own oil and LNG exports.


This is the US policy, laughable as it is.

Shale oil might be OK for running an engine, but it is too light to be refined into other products. This is why the US is importing heavy Russian crude, to replace the heavy Venezuelan crude they used to use for refining the myriad of products that come from heavy crude. Add to that, shale oil is very expensive to bring to the surface, requiring a high price per barrel just to break even, and it is plain to see that the US would still be importing the heavy crude oil that is not present within the US, at ever higher prices.

Closing the Gulf, would be a God-send to Russia, who will always be able to sell its products cheaper than the US.


USA companies like Exxon already own a big chunk of “Russian oil” exports. They will allow new Russian projects with a condition: Russian companies shall not own more than 30% of the profit from exporting “Russian oil”. Almost like Iraq :)


You been under a rock? US companies had to pull out of their lucrative deals in Russia, because of sanctions.


Wolwitz has been overdoing the brisket of late.


You admit below that the US companies are gone from the Russian trade, just how bad is your anxiety, Norman?


Quote my saying then, I look below and can’t find anything


Why, has the virus affected your eyesight?

That was quick. Even for the Wolwitz family.


Thank you for letting me occupy so much in your mind. If I was admitting that US companies are gone from the Russian trade, that would make a fact for you?


It keeps the sun off your face, Norm.

That’s a fact.


Go to bed, your mom needs some rest.


She’s been resting a long time Norm, I already told you go dig her up.

Now about your mom, how much brisket can she stuff her face with?


As much earth can take yours in her mouth.


Post in English , your desert people gibberish is seeping out.


k moskal


Have some brisket, Norm.


Thanks, I let your mom rest for a while


A bit late with that Norm, but we know you couldn’t find her grave. It’s in a Christian graveyard where desert people like you can’t enter.

The directions are in English.


Only you can fuck her, jelly boy


I leave the incest to half breeds like yourself, Norm.

I wouldn’t want a crook nose like your moms.


You leave incest to me because you don’t like my mom? that means your mom is my mom, so would you let your brother fuck your mom because you don’t like incest?


Your mom has a crook nose, as a result of her brothers.

Same as your sister.


How did you know I have a sister?


She’s well known around Lviv ffs.


omg you wrote ffs instead of lol


lol at your, how do you know I have a sister, ffs.

She’s the talk of the town.


not brisket?


She’s more risque, than brisket.

Must be the fishnets you lent her.


I took those from your father


My dad was never in Lviv, he never went to where men lived by selling their women.


Because he was sold like a little boy not as a woman


Your dad was sold as a little girl!

I knew that Galicians were cross dressers.


I bet the Turks taught all the Galicians what a pain in the arse really means. LOL


The US doesn’t have the infrastructure. All the gas from the shale wells is flared, no pipes. The US buys LNG from Russia for the eastern states during winter because, no pipes from the American wells. America is a backward nation that spends all its money on killing.


Gems of your logic: US companies had to pull out of their lucrative deals in Russia, because of sanctions and that’s why they still need to buy oil from Russia; America is a backward nation that spends all its money on killing; The US doesn’t have the infrastructure.

Some used that brilliancy 70 years ago and got smacked by few kilotons of reality.


So what about your claim that Exxon only allows Russia to earn 30% of its own profits, like Iraq?

Wolowitz, what a schmuck.


Here is your quote Norman.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

ISIS always seems to be ready to respond for U.S. – NATO interests.


ISIS have a Hot Line to the Pentagon and the Whitehouse :)

Hos Ng

after all isis = mossad+ blackwater


And they never attack Israel, the source of all Islamic problems in the region.


Sccchhhh, that’s meant to be a secret :)


Iran has no choice but to act and has demonstrated it can cripple US interests in the Gulf. Trump knows he must seek a face-saving way out, though it is hard to see how that can happen as he seeks re-election. The only reason there will be no war with Iran is because Iran has demonstrated (with plausible deniability) that the cost to the hegemon of doing so will be too devastating to bear.


The attack on Iraqi oil exports primarily gives an advantage to the US Coalition of Terror. 1/ This attack punishes Iraq for having friendly relations with Iran, and Iraq’s refusal to allow a US invasion of Iran from Iraq . 2/ Disruption of non US aligned oil producers inflates the price of US shale oil for export.

So, when we consider who stands to gain the most from the attack on Iraqi oil production , it is evident that the US is first on the list of suspects.

America 1st :)

Brother Ma

I thought the same. What do you mean by “Disruption of non- US aligned oil producers in..”. Weren’t all targetted companies us-based or us friendly?


What makes you think that the US is friendly to European interests?


Its not, but the US sanctions those that will not align with US interests, and puts tarrifs on those that do.

Its essentially all a global protection racket that today is being run by the USA.

Hos Ng


Brother Ma

Well it isn’t is it but the Eu and America are allies in the Military sphere.


Europeans are under the US cosh to buy overprice US weapons and gas, along side shitty US mass produced food.

Brother Thomas

More false flag attacks. Still more to come from the Pompeo-Bolton camp. Yet no one is convinced it is Iran behind these attacks despite what Pompeo and Bolton say.


The treatment the US has meted out to friend and foe has evolved. It is now intimidated lackey and foe. As the opposition grows and unites the beast will get more desperate.

The two tankers was almost like they sent Abe a message. If you aren’t obeying us, we will hurt you.


Possibly instigated and carried out by the US to justify Iranian aggression.

You can call me Al

Possibly that the Iraqi government has finally told the US to leave the Country and the US have refused.

All I have found elsewhere is that it was the Exxon sited that fits in well.


fake fake – the quickly disintegrating states of A have a patsy passing as low life under-educated red neck from the flyover states who won’t be missed in amillion years and when blown to pieces (by the neo-nazis from tel aviv), he will be today marinus van der lubbe of Hitler’s Reichtags fire and thus provide the excuse the most dangerous man is waiting for or has arranged so he can start the war on Iran.

the world needs a 10million $ bounty on bolton’s head and fatso’s!

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