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Rockets Hit Baghdad Airport And Green Zone, Despite U.S. C-RAM Deployment

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Rockets Hit Baghdad Airport And Green Zone, Despite U.S. C-RAM Deployment

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On the evening of July 5th, a Katyusha rocket was fired at the Baghdad International Airport, near where American troops and diplomats are housed.

The strike happened just hours after the US reportedly shot down a Katyusha rocket that was launched at the same location.

Reportedly there were no injuries and no damages, but this is the 7th such rocket launched towards the airport in less than 30 days.

The US, as per Fox News, accuses Iran-backed militias of carrying out the attacks.

The increased attacks against U.S. and coalition forces prompted the American military recently to deploy C-RAM [“Counter-rocket, artillery and mortar”] — which could fire 3,000 rounds of 20-mm high-explosive tracer rounds per minute to protect Baghdad’s Green Zone, which houses the US Embassy.

The C-RAM shot down a Katyusha rocket for the first time since it was deployed to Iraq’s capital city on the morning of July 5th.

C-RAM is the land-based version of the CWIS [close-in weapons system] which U.S. warships have used for decades.

C-RAM has protected American troops in bases in Iraq for many years dating back to the Iraq War.

C-RAM test-fired by Raytheon in Afghanistan, circa 2018.

A statement by the U.S.-led coalition said another rocket attack early on July 5th resulted in four Iraqi casualties.

“This attack is one more illustration of the indiscriminate nature of these attacks, how [Iranian-backed militias] harm Iraq’s sovereignty and security, and our need for self-defense capabilities,” the statement read.

On June 25th, the Iraqi military said that its forces had raided a base in southern Baghdad used by Kata’ib Hezbollah, which the US blames for the attacks on its positions in Iraq, despite another group claiming responsibility more than once.

Iraqi authorities were questioning the 14 men detained during the raid, the military added. A number of those arrested were later released.


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Zionism = EVIL

Last three days, resistance rockets have been coming in with train like schedule and the Americunt morons third rate “Patriots” have not been able to intercept a single 122mm grad that travels slower than my mountain bike. Wait till the real stuff starts flying soon. The dumbass Americunts morons need to home and die in their burning streets on fire. This week alone 170 Americunts were hit by gunfire from New Orleans, Atlanta to Chicago, more casualties than these rockets are causing so far.


LOL, but you know that Paytriots are a high altitude system, 122mm rockets probably dont even show on their radar.

Zionism = EVIL

The stupid Americunt morons could not even hit a single Saddam’s WW2 SCUD-B as even the GAO report cited. They fired over 473 patriots in 1991 and zero hits. This time the idiots fired patriots as low flying grads that travel at the speed of a mountain bike and missed all the three. LOL


Yeah I remember that, but consider the Paytriot of ‘Desert Storm’ was used as an ad-hoc missile defence, a task it hadn’t been designed for… plus that was was almost thirty years ago.

Where are you hearing that Paytriots were fired at grad rockets? I find that to be rather incredulous, but it’s 2020, afterall, so anything’s possible.


Muzlims killing each other ….nothing to see here lol

Zionism = EVIL

Not really dumbass, they are targeting the Americunt occupation cunts, just like the Chinese fucked you losers up :)


Yup.Chinese fucked us.Thats why that ass***le Xi hasn’t been seen after that whereas Modi went to the border areas and honored our soldiers.Actually Xi is a wimp.Hopefully Modi shows some balls and captures Tibet from China.Chinese have suffered at Least 130 dead.

Zionism = EVIL

You are a funny Indian, watch Bollywood much. You live in a total world of fantasy. Hopefully, you don’t have real job or your employers are fucked mega time.Break into a song and dance too.



Do you know that vietnamese effed the Chineze as***les in 1979 even when the vietnamese were far less armed and were outnumbered.Do read about it before thinking of China as a superpower.

Zionism = EVIL

The Chinese advanced 60 kms into Vietnam, met stiff resistance and as usual withdrew. However, India is no Vietnam.


Ya bcoz like 1967 we will show no mercy.You will see if war breaks out how we go all out against those wimps and destroy China completely.

Zionism = EVIL

Do you do stand up comedy? I will hire for my grandson’s next birthday. Do not be jingoistic, wars are hell and help no one. I have seen a few in my lifetime and don’t wish them on anyone.


It was Chinese troops that booted out the US/UK etc from North Korea in 1953.

Ashok Varma

Very good song by our best singer, the late great Muhammad Rafi. Nostalgia. The late Laxmi Chhaya did the dance. Movie is called Gumnam (nameless). It was hit in India and many countries.


Katwe quran padh aur apni ammi chudwa


Stop being a Bitch of the US,can’t you see they are trying to involve India in a war with China,that would be a war you wouldn’t win.


We have an old score to settle with those wimps.My brother is posted on the border and he told me that all their morale is high against those wimps Chineze ass****led.They are just waiting for orders to rip them apart and send them in body bags to Bejing


LOL, like in 1962, right?


Read about 1967.We took our revenge in 1962.Up to 500 Chinese soldiers were killed

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, get a grip, you are making a total fool by making nonsense up. What is with you Hindus, why tell such lies?


Read about it dumbass Shi@ .

Zionism = EVIL

Dumbass cunt you will be banned again arsehole. What a desperate attention seeking dot head LOL


Skirmishes, it wan’t a war, and 600 Indians were killed. What’s more, India never declared victory, so keep dreaming your wet dreams.

Ashok Varma

Abay chutiya, stop this nonsense.

Zionism = EVIL

Stupid filthy idiot, who is “we” ? you dumbass punk work in a call center, and how are you going to settle scores, by calling them as “paul” in the middle of the night in a funny accent.

Rafik Chauhan

Tell your brother Modi has already sold india to chinesee by making side deal .he will not get revenge even if chinesee killed them. Modi just talked big think on border . but behind the door he sold the indian land and made indian soldier to move back. and for what. Ask your brother does the indian army is allowed to patrol those terrtory where they were pattrolling. Modi sold indian army Courage to chinese. you fool


The Chinese fucked you? That means you are fuckable and unable to do anything about it ! And you guys are going to teach the Chinese a lesson? Like you did in 1962, when you were fuckable already and got fucked?

Keep up the good work, kiddo.


Don’t u understand sarcasm idiot.Modi was brave enough to go there.Where is xi?Has he got out of his palace ?Clearly shows who is a wimp ;)


Modi brave enough to go where? Behind his mummy’s skirts? Yeah, that takes a lot of courage, esp. for an über-fascist like Modi.

Zionism = EVIL

Modi is a pervert, he has never been married or held a job. Used to sell tea at a filthy stall in Mumbai and then the CIA propped him up as he is an extremist.


Oh? I did not know that. He is big pals with the über-zioracist in the Middle East.

Saubhik Ghosh, frnd of israel

Well..under him our GDP doubled ..now our GDP is $3.2 trillion with whopping reserves of $510 billion….our exports r now doubled to $ 530 billion anually our military is formidable consisting of 2,100 T90 tanks, 2,400 T72 tanks, 242 Arjun tanks (equal to german leopard)..so a total 4,700 tanks + 2,800+ BMP2 IFV modified with atgm carrying capacity we hav 3000+ Brahmos Crusie missile.. the fastest cruise missile in d world ..its a JV with Russia…we r getting 5 S400 systems starting dis year…. our air force have 272 Sukhoi30 mki with israeli avionics….125 MIg29 UPG standard, 70+ Miirage2000 5MK2 the latest version……+ we hav got 40 destroyers and frigates with displacement over 5000 tonnes…+ 2 aircraft carriers of 45,000 tonnes each we have civil nuclear reserves enough to make 4,000 nuke bombs..at present we have 160 deployed nuclear warheads…. most importantly our country is having the largest arable land in d world u desert monkey..plus our strength lies in 1.4 billion people…..

Ashok Varma

Stop this childish chest thumping. Our economy is in a mess with 50% unemployment for generations now and stupid people calling themselves Indians want a destructive war. We need to fix our serious problems of poverty and illiteracy.


Chup baith Katie.tera baap kon hai wo pata kr pehle

Ashok Varma

Abay chutiya, you cowards sit at home and want wars that will destroy our country that has enough problems. Tu naya account kholta hai or baskwas kart ha.


Katwe maa chuda apni tere behen ke saath.Tera naam abdul hai na bhosdike.

Ashok Varma

Liar and a fool.


Tu iran jaake mutah kr acha hoga

Rafik Chauhan

india ka dushman hai tu . teri pichwade me jaldi hi garam saliye ghusega. haram ki paidaish. na baap ka pata hai. tere log to behen ko bhi nahi chodte hai.harami ki Aulad hai aur india ka dushman.


Jo hasan aur Hussein ke saath hua acha hua :)

Rafik Chauhan

Abe haram khor Aids ki paidais. tere baap ka naam bhi tuje malumhai. . bahkt ka jake chus wohi tere logo ka kaam hai

Saubhik Ghosh, frnd of israel

I am not chest thumping..m just replying to dis India hater thug….I am talking about strategic aspects of India and how capable it is to defend itself….ur furstration shows either u r a Commie or a salafist under a Hindu name…whats wrong to state facts and answer dat silly war monger Iranian Shia…Y d hell r u getting pumped up….go to middle east and set up a business dere if u dont like INdia…days of idiots like u r over…

Rafik Chauhan

look like you got zionist women. thats why you are talking shit about shia. let me tell you dont ever come in front and tell shia muslim or corner them. you will regret in your life . the way your israeli master is pissing on daily basses and cowardly attacking women and children. thier time is coming to the end. and who the fuck are you to tell anyone if you dont like india go to middle east. you should move out of india and settle in israel. and better buy the grave there. bcuz soon there will be no land for your body available

Zionism = EVIL

This arsehole is a PUNK and a persistent troll. He is doing you Indians more damage than Zionist cunts. He has an obsession with Iran and Shia.

Saubhik Ghosh, frnd of israel

i AM NOT AGAINST shias but dis zionist= evil account always defames India…i am only against ISIS headchoppers and Turkey as well bcos they support Pakistan….i have nothing against Iran…..and yes u were talking about 8% growth we were having under Congress but u must remember that wat was d rate of inflation at that time..it was 14%…so there was negative growth with money going out.,..plus reserves were 369 billion dollar which went over $500 billion under modi

Rafik Chauhan

iam indian . and what a joke you are telling us. indian econmy is down to 4percant before corono attack. Before BJP came to power indian economy was 8.5percant. Modi has bet on chinese to promote Gujarati business. but it backfired now whenchinese attack the indian soldier. Modi is ready to sacrifice again indian soldier just to mainten relation with china for Gujarait business and money what they are putting in thier pocket and living millions in poverty. millions of jobs lost last year. and now in corono people are killing themselve bcuz bank got corrupt and people money is taken away. so nice try to make BJp and modi great again. I know He will win back again bcuz in india there are many bahkts who follow on religiuos line instead of following leader who is equal for all.

Ivan Freely

Pervert? Curious to know if Modi was a friend of Epstein. You never know these days.

Zionism = EVIL

The Indians are sick perverts, the old fart Gandhi was fucking his niece and most of their PM drink their own piss. Marrying dogs is common practice in India.


Zionism = EVIL

These Indians are funny, this guy gets banned regularly as he posts total nonsense that annoys the mods even.

Ashok Varma

He is a stupid fool and not an Indian. A fake troll.

cechas vodobenikov

Aussie fear of death? u r a US colony, a backward racist drunken obese people…there r no reliable reports on Chinese casualties..


So there’s two Paul’s

Zionism = EVIL

and Peter, Paul and Mary too. BTW, why do you Indians at call centers take on western names? and you are doing the same. The Indian Paul has several accounts and gets banned occasionally due to his most bizarre rants.


Paul is the name my mother gave me in 1975 when I was born in a small town in Western Victoria, Australia.

cechas vodobenikov

backward racist US colony, feminized w no father, envious of the Chinese they now warn against tourism in your prison colony


Why the personal insult. Do you think all Australians are like that. If so, than you are a narrow minded fool.


Muslims killing each other? AFAIK not a single one has died, so please point me to your source.

Zionism = EVIL

He is a angry disgruntled Hindu idiot and quite stupid, knows nothing about anything military but posts quite entertaining nonsense, mostly anti-Muslim and anti-Chinese. Most likely a bored call center worker.


I know, but rather than excoriate him, I push him to admit his BS.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

They had problems hitting the 122´s back in 2006 and 2007 and they still cant hit them reliably.

Zionism = EVIL

Last night the Americunt idiots fired 6 patriots at 3 incoming grads and all missed.


Got a link?


more of that, much more and the yankee-twats will soon skedaddle back home leaving the jews in palestine to fend for themselves and that will mean the end of the jews in palestine. not a day too soon.


They need more and bigger rockets.

Zionism = EVIL

Drones are cheaper and better.


They need something that actually works.

Zionism = EVIL

Hisham al-Hashimi: Leading CIA’s Iraqi expert on armed groups killed in Baghdad

Daily Beatings

I need that C-RAM for my porch. Keep the BLM rioters off my front lawn.


Well it’s about time the Americans finally got serious about anti-rocket and drone defence. For so long they just deployed patriots that do nothing against these kind of treats.

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