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Rockets Hit Iraqi Base Where US & British Soldiers Were Killed In Similar Attack This Week: Reports

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Rockets Hit Iraqi Base Where US & British Soldiers Were Killed In Similar Attack This Week: Reports

FILE PHOTO. A truck loaded with Katyusha rockets in Rashidiya. Undated picture by Iraqi Media Security Cell via REUTERS

RT reports (source):

An Iraqi base hosting foreign military service members was hit by a barrage of rockets on Saturday, Iraqi officials have said. A similar attack on Wednesday killed three people, including two Americans.

A dozen rockets hit Camp Taji north of capital Baghdad, Stars and Stripes reported, citing Iraqi officials. There was no immediate word on casualties.

Unconfirmed reports on Iraqi social media said as many as 20 Katyusha rockets had been fired at the base.

The Wednesday attack on Camp Taji claimed three lives and left a dozen more injured. The soldiers killed were identified as a 27-year-old US Army specialist, a 28-year-old US Air Force staff sergeant and a 26-year-old British lance corporal reservist with the Scottish and North Irish Yeomanry.

The US and Britain retaliated for the attack by launching airstrikes at Iraqi bases hosting Iraqi Shia militias, which Pantagon blamed for the attack.


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Zionism = EVIL

The dumbass Americunt cowards are making sure that all Iraqis hate the murderous occupation swine who bombed Kerbala airport and killed civilians. This latest was launched from a military truck mounted 122mm Katyushas that only Iraqi army has. There will be a lot of insider attacks on the Americunt arseholes and NATO arselickers now. Stay tuned!

Zionism = EVIL


Assad must stay

Why does the Iraqi govt still not kicked US out yet?

Zionism = EVIL

There is currently no government in Iraq, as the CIA hirelings are in-charge but they will be killed soon as the Iraqi population is fed up.


Cant’ wait!

Ashok Varma

US is running out of puppets and options in Iraq and the region. Even bribes can’t form a government. Should pack-up and deal with the virus at home.


Great News! Keep hitting the occupiers hard until they leave!

Zionism = EVIL

This is just the beginning as the resistance will go regional and Zionist scum will burn soon too. General Ghaani who is far more combative and hardline than the murdered soldier diplomat Soleimani just visited Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and found that all people in the region are fed up of the Zionist cancer and the murdering Americunt scum and now is the time for sustained resistance, just watch how all this unfolds.


Long Live The Resistance!

Zionism = EVIL

The destruction of Iraq was part of the Jew Yinon plan that is now backfiring on a industrial scale as there is growing coordination among various resistance forces both Shia and Sunni and people are fed up of the Zionist scum and Americunt cowards. The Americunts are exposed as paper tigers who like the Jew parasites can only kill civilians. The Americunts and NATO poodles have dropped more than three times the tonnage of bombs than in Vietnam and Korea combined and achieved fuckall.


Now is the perfect time to take down the mullahs, Iranians are already dying like flies all across the country from the virus. If the U.S and Israel make a move in the coming weeks, then the regime (which is already under harsh sanctions) will crumble. I hope the DoD and our Defense office are working on it.

Zionism = EVIL

Jew arsehole PUNK is back LOL

Lazy Gamer

The only thing missing is the Anti Christ. lol We already have war, pestilence, and soon to be economic depression. Attacking and occupying Iran on its soil will break the economic position of the US. If it is merely a kinetic action, it will just be useless. Havent you noticed that the US position is always sanctions. They are just kicking the can further the road. Can any president afford the risks when it is election time and when it will taint his legacy? It wont look good if the president loses a carrier or a base while the debt ceiling is continuously pushed up. The time has come to stop antagonizing a hidden nuclear power.


All the Zionist/jew led forces acting together in the whole world could not attack and neutralize Iran, much less occupy it. That fantasy would be suicide for the jew led west, and their lackeys.


Overwhelmed US medical centers turning away patients:


Zionism = EVIL

Americunts are the most dehumanized savages on the planet and the hospitals are owned by Jews who have already turned away poor people from getting oxygen and rationing it for the Jew parasites and rich lardasses.



Exactly right!

Violent and bloody America lectures the world about human rights yet 40 million Americans live in poverty and are on food stamps which is (larger than the whole population of Venezuela)! 15 million American children reside in xtreme poverty, 28 million Americans live without health insurance, with widespread urban decay, yards filled with sewage, rampant levels of crime, violence, suicides, has the largest prison population on earth and hundreds of thousands dying each year from suicides, homicides, opioid epidemic, mass-murder, abuse and police brutality!

Bloody America is more violent than Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia combined!!! Even Amnesty International is warning any kind of travel to the violent, bloody and poverty-stricken US. cities. More below:


Zionism = EVIL

The fucking Jews are so arrogant and shameless that I saw a ugly Jew fuck “doctor” openly saying that oxygen should be “rationed” as many of the poor are old and have no medical insurance so the hospitals have no obligation to treat them. The dumbass brainwashed Americunts deserve to die as they have been totally enslaved by the Jew parasites and Bilderberg global leeches.

Ashok Varma



He is a man of God!


Corona Virus was made in the U$A!


Lazy Gamer


Zionism = EVIL

Very funny indeed, I am really ROFLMAO.


we know and it’s a disgrace.

Ashok Varma

US health care is only for the rich. Poor people die in the streets every day.



Free man

“Now is the perfect time to take down the mullahs, Iranians are already dying like flies all across the country from the virus” – I agree. But the Iranian citizens need to overthrow the mullahs regime. No one needs another Iraq / Syria in the Middle East.

Simon Ndiritu

John McCain lived and died saying exactly that.

Zionism = EVIL

He is a Jew punk from LA and these arseholes have been pushing the same Iranophobic agenda for 41 years while Iran has turned into a regional superpower.

Free man

“Blah blah kill Jews …. blah blah kill Americans ….. blah blah kill Christians ….. blah blah Putin Zionists ….blah blah Iran strong …. ” The effects of Alzheimer’s seem to be increasing, old impotent Zio Psycho.

Zionism = EVIL

Get over it arsehole. In your dreams.


to get rid of the jews once and for all, it is necessary to leave the squatters alone for the time and concentrate on the jews being infiltrated/embedded/entrenched in the western societies, to such an extent that they are forced out, as the leeches they are feeding off the western societies and a good part of the take is transferred to the illegal settlement in palestine and thus the jews in the diaspora are accomplices in the war crimes and the crimes against humanity continually being perpetrated by the jews in in palestine.thus make their lives so insecure that they are forced to leave and prohibit the transfer of funds from any EU country to the illegal settlement in palestine.


True man, but Bibi’s trial starts this Tuesday, so hopefully we will get rid of him soon!

Assad must stay

bing bang bong lol

Ashok Varma

US needs to get out of Iraq and deal with the growing virus scare at home.


more of that and they, the under-educated white trash from the fly over states, will ask to be transferred back home at which point turkey, iraq, iran, syria, hezbollah can deal the jews a final blow so they can be buried at 6 feet and won’t be able to harass the world no more.

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