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MARCH 2025

Rockets Pound US Military Base Near Conico Oil Field In Syria

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Rockets Pound US Military Base Near Conico Oil Field In Syria


It seems that the practice of regular rocket attacks on US forces and facilities in Iraq has just expanded to Syria.

On March 23, several rockets hit a US military base near the Conico oil field in the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor.

Lebanese Al-Mayadin TV channel (affiliated with Hezbollah) reported that US forces suffered casualties in these attack.

Pro-US sources, including those affiliated with the US-led coalition, confirmed the fact of the attack, but denied any casualties.


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Yeah, ISIS did it. 😂😂

J Ramirez

ISIS don’t shoot there own, maybe friendly fire?


Yeah, something like that. https://media0.giphy.com/media/l16tEJXhwAKdGHe0OA/giphy.gif

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Illegal presence punished.

Great Khan

Freedom Fighter brother need more rockets on stoopid fat Amerikan fools. hahahhaha the fat Jew slave steal Syria oil,,,,,,not good,,,,,, more rocket needed………so kishmish mamtu Amerikan khaplu soon….hahahhahaa

Maz K

Who’s ‘us‘???


It would be karma indeed of jewhadi command bunker contained some NATO terrror experts :)

thomas malthaus

With missiles flying below radar, it may be difficult to ascertain which direction and location.

Pave Way IV

CONtinental Oil COmpany – CONOCO. CONICO is a Danish nickel miner.

Sounds like fake news. Lebanon’s Al-Mayadin reported multiple rockets hitting the base. CENTCOM: “One rocket landed hundreds of meters away from US Forces. There were no injuries or damages,” Col. Marotto @OIRSpox.

This is probably just a PsyOps ruse to call attention to the ‘Iraqi-backed’ Syrian militias reportedly bringing rockets into Mayadin, Syria to kill head-choppers.

Besides, the U.S. only has peaceful oil well equipment at the base for sucking out our oil. Here’s some drilling equipment brought in a couple of months ago. Why do the Syrians torment us?



It appears that the batch of guided artillery shells will soon have some US targets :)

I am sure that each shell will be stored in well disbursed locations until needed.

Pave Way IV

I can’t condone injuring or killing U.S. soldiers. None of them asked to go there or had a choice. U.S. politicians are the ones that need to be euphemistically bitch-slapped back into the reality of a constitutional republic. That’s my responsibility and my failing, not some dumb-assed grunt they put on oil theft guard duty.


Sorry pal,there is always a choice being asked to invade Syria is an illegal order,i was only obeying orders didn’t wash at Nuremburg with the SS.

Pave Way IV

So all 150,000 SS were prosecuted and convicted at Nuremberg, right? Wait, that was only about 180 Germans, civilian and military, total. Only a few SS if I recall. Nuremberg was only for major war criminals. How does a Nuremberg ruling against their defense apply to the average German solder of the day or even one in the SS? Even in the military tribunals that followed, there were no convictions for simple participation in the military or following orders if it did NOT involve the willful slaughter of civilians or prisoners. Few of those 150,000 SS (ruled a criminal organization) were tried and convicted, neither were all ordinary German soldiers.

I know perfectly well what you mean, but don’t dumb it down to individual soldier/lawyers assessing the international legality of each order based on international military tribunals that don’t exist and will never prosecute them. They have to consider whether the order is legal within the context of our twisted-ass U.S. laws and administration. Guess what? Our laws (or our administration) says SDFistan is not Syrian sovereign territory and we have magical title rights to give the oil to someone we like. You’re only remedy is for all soldiers to desert? Gosh, that will fix things – if you’re in sixth grade.

When someone defeats the U.S. and is able to subject all U.S. soldiers to military tribunals, then it will no longer matter what our soldiers thought or what happened at Nuremberg. Until then, you’re not going to convince some grunt guarding our Deir EzZor war booty that his crime is the moral equivalent of running Auschwitz.


The SS were classed as a criminal organisation,those US soldiers are not conscripted they chose to serve,they are serving the B Bankers and criminal politicians,its the duty of any military person to refuse illegal orders,when those bastards killed hundreds of women and kids at My Lai in Vietnam,their argument was they were following orders,ok so it was the top Nazi brass at Nuremburg but there were other trials of SS,such as for the Malmedy massacre and Oradour Sur glane.


A military is necessary. If people choose to serve for the right reasons. That needs to be taken into consideration. I got out of the front line military and then did a couple of years in heavy military electronics.

Pave Way IV

when those bastards killed hundreds of women and kids at My Lai in Vietnam,their argument was they were following orders

Some SS commander used that excuse and lost. Now you’re bringing up Mai Lai? I should just step back and let you argue against yourself – you’re doing a good job.

The Vietnamese called their village Song My, not My Lai. Lt. William Caley was the only one put on trial after the cover-up was discovered. He initially lied and said the 500 villagers died of an airstrike. When the prosecution proved that was impossible, he switched his defense to ‘just following orders’ (disputed by his commander). In case you didn’t notice, the military court ignored that weak-assed excuse and convicted him of personally killing 22 of the villagers himself. His incompetent commander, Capt. Medina, was acquitted so they didn’t think he ever really gave Calley that ‘kill everybody’ order. Calley was a dumb-shit hot-headed Florida redneck that should never have been an infantry officer.

But again, you’re trying to associate ‘illegal’ oil field guarding with the heinous war crime of intentionally causing 500 civilians to be slaughtered. I get that you don’t think the U.S. should be in Syria, Cromwell. But your attempt to assign blame to common soldiers at the level of crimes against humanity is just f’king stupid. Why are you giving the political and military elite a pass?

Fog of War

” None of them asked to go there or had a choice. ”

After 9/11 most soldiers joined up salivating at the prospect of ” smoking ” some ” camel jockeys ” and that mentality has never left. They are fully responsible for their choice of actions, remember, SIS troops just follow orders also.


That wouldn’t be my take. Some did, most is questionable. Especially after the JWO Hegelian 911 narrative started to unravel.

Fog of War

Maybe true, however in US society, the military is held up on a pedestal of virtue and honor, no matter what they engage in and the common US mindset is to follow orders, dont ask questions, and to do your job. This is a nice cover for when war crimes are committed because the troops ” were just doing their jobs ” and ” just following orders ” This also deflects the blame from the military while they hide behind the notion that everything is the politicians’ fault. The main job of the US military was to protect the Constitution, having failed that, they have no purpose left.


Again, some people put the military on a pedestal, many do not. The military’s main job is to protect the country from enemies foreign and domestic. That purpose is more needed now than ever.

Pave Way IV

Again, I’m talking about CONOCO. And whether the soldiers at CONOCO want to kill some Arabs or Syrians or not is irrelevant. They shouldn’t even be there to begin with. Itchy trigger fingers just compound the potential problems and we can’t rely on their commanders for shit. Everyone would be a lot safer and better off if those soldiers were back in the U.S. training in some miserable Georgia swamp.

The Objective

Hello, I like asking you things cos you seem to be very intelligent. I’ve been trying to fully convince myself lately about whether the U.S will launch a ground offensive against Iran in Syria. Russia is likely in approval of this.

Fog of War

A ground offensive probably not as they dont really need to. They have thousands of ISIS, Kurdish, and Islamic fighters in Idlib who can easily roll over SAA forces if supported by US artillery, air power, drones, and special ops. Basically, the US will most likely do what it has always done, that is, do what it wants and dare anyone else ( Russia, China, Iran ) to do something about it. There is no way those three will fight back against the US to defend Syria.

Pay special attention where US forces are deploying currently, as far as we know. ( Jordan, Israel, the Arab vassal states, and Iraq ). These deployments will be used both a protection fro those respective countries and as potential trip wires for war. Once Syria falls Iran will be next, then the world will see the ” theater ” curtains open.

There’s a reason why Russia, China, and Iran dont announce an official defensive alliance.


I had a choice and got out of the marines to avoid complicity in the misuse of the US military. I support the military. I don’t support it’s misuse.

Robert Ferrin

You can’t support both so make a choice..


What don’t you understand about that I support the proper use of the military, I don’t support the misuse of the military? I can’t state it any more clearly than that.

Robert Ferrin

Every war since 1945 has been illegal those that took the oath violated it so how can you support a military that won’t even honor its oath, accordingly you support a military that runs and picks its enemies and tells congress give us the money regardless of the fact that it calls for a declaration of war by the congress, and no the War Powers Act won’t cover their ass no more then I was just following orders.


I volunteered twice, once for the marines and once for army special forces, was in the military, and never violated my oath or participated in illegal wars.

Robert Ferrin

In that your wrong they had a choice to enlist or not, it’s not like Nam where you had no choice at all, they enlisted thinking that they and their buddies would lift a few go shoot off some rounds play cowboys and Indians so the folks could put a sticker on the back bumper of their car saying ‘I’m the proud parent of one who’s in the army’ and assume no responibility when they come home in a body bag or no legs or armes or no eyes I wonder then just how proud they are for not telling the fool that your only going to be cannon fodder for an evil corrupted government..

Pave Way IV

Do you understand context, Robert Ferrin? “None of them [the soldiers at CONOCO] asked to go there [CONOCO] or had a choice.” Their feelings about the matter are irrelevant. That’s where they were assigned, period, and that’s where they went. That’s how the army works everywhere. It’s up to the U.S. political leaders not to do dumb-ass stuff with our soldiers. Blame them.


Did you happen to catch the King of Thailand today. He failed to show up for a “photo op” of him taking a vaccine shot. That is leadership, he didn’t sell out to Big Pharma and their ‘warp speed’ vaccine. He failed to ‘follow orders’ by example and so kill his own people.

Robert Ferrin

The question stated did they have a choice the reply was they didn’t have to go because no one twisted their arm to enlist, now what’s so hard to understand about that or do you want me to draw you a picture.

Pave Way IV

If we could only school the average U.S. kid in ethics, morality, history, civics, political science and international law before they enlist, then we wouldn’t have these God damn war criminal soldiers running amok following illegal orders. But that’s not an excuse – all U.S. soldiers are guilty of supporting a scofflaw criminal organization and corrupt regime the second they enlist. Their choice – nobody twisted their arm. We should do something about that. How about if I go and vote? That should fix it.

Robert Ferrin

Yep you got it but don’t worry about voting for I voted for 60 years (a slow learner) and finally said enough so now I stay home I don’t need a sticker to tell me I voted today anyway.


Polls will be closed in 2 hours here, right now it seems like our side has a small advantage over Bibi’s bloc. If it stays like that, we will have a new PM in the coming days. Amen :-)


No LR, he will face justice here as he deserves. There is only one option for him – going to jail. I will keep you posted when the official results come.


I agree.

Garga could you take him away from us please? thanks in advance!



Right now I hate you both! We shall see who’ll laugh tomorrow. Mwahahaha!!!

Remember you promised if Bibi lost you won’t rub it to my face. Just as a reminder, I didn’t make such promise. ;)


Fair enough xD


What did you vote? What did you vote? What did you vote?

I predict a lower turnover than the last one, something around lower %60s, if it reaches %60 at all. Which is awesome!

It seem “my side” won’t be leaving the throne anytime soon. Most of the ultra orthodox Jews didn’t show up because apparently preparing for Pessakh is more important than some pesky matter like having a functioning regime. Even gifting talismans couldn’t bring them to vote.

Now everybody is accusing everybody of breaching the rules and advertising in the election day and oh, the App! the f’ing App!!

And it’s not fair! “Your side” are 4 people (3 idiots+the meathead) and “my side” is only one. But since he has me and they have you, it might be a tie. Anyway, we did what we could. I’ll be waiting for tomorrow to find out if I should celebrate or return to my scheming desk!

Talk to you tomorrow, yalla!


Garga ;-)

You know, it’s not over till the fat lady stops singing, but as it seems right now the turnout in the center-left cities is higher than the right/religious cities. Bibi might give one last push, but I don’t know if it would help him.

I don’t want to celebrate yet, he has come back from the grave way too many times. He is hard to kill, so I hope this time we succeed. Sadly, you won’t have the full results tomorrow but around 90-92% of the votes, so it still won’t be over.

Talk to you tomorrow my friend, if he loses then the beer is on me anytime you want! Cheers!


OK, we pretend it’s tomorrow. Congratulations, apparently Someone in Gaza strip is also on your side too, with freaking rockets!

Why else should they try to attack Bibi’s gathering in the occupied Be’r Sheba and make him run away with his tail between his legs?

tsk tsk… not fair… playing dirty.


I actually think it could play on his side, and bring in more of his voters. I think Bibi asked them to shoot that rocket.


Knowing this dirty creature, it makes sense. But this show was performed a little late, They should’ve done it sooner so he immediately order a bombing and prove to the gullible voters that only he can save them. Now the scene of his fleeing fills the social media instead.


May both him and Rouhani be removed from power, they both s*it on us.


Can I say amen to just half of that wish? ;)


You may xD

Furkan Sahin

you’re just a noob you know nothing about politicians

Furkan Sahin

who is Gantz who got less votes because he is dangerous

Furkan Sahin

Bibi have win lol

Raptar Driver

Funny how you fake jews debate over which monster is gonna rule over you. Either way I’m sure it’s okay with you two monsters.

Just Me

He is just a delusional kid, Nutter Yahoo will remain in power.

Raptar Driver



Raptar Driver; FYI

Iron-Zion is Israeli, but Garga is Iranian.

Furkan Sahin

Bibi has won officially

Just Me

Like every one of your idiotic PUNK post, you are wrong by a million mile, the Zionist criminal entity squatting in Occupied Palestine is NOT a democracy but a third world leper leech family run DICTATORSHIP, Nutter Yahoo just got “elected” again and will form the western aid welfare parasitic government. He is going to be power till death or if the Zionist entity collapses.


What!? NO! What did us ever do to you? Why do you hate us so much!? Bibi is right where he should be and help is on the way:

We are in the process of posting Rohani there, so their misery become complete. Don’t ruin my plans. Imagine Bibi and Rohani together lead Israel… what a beautiful fantasy…




Big fucking deal,what will change?

Just Me

None whatsoever. Nutter Yahoo has “won”.

chris chuba

What kind of voting blocks does Israel have today, Likud and super-Likud extra-plus?

Assad must stay



Wonderful! But since yankiees believe to be the “number one” they deserve much more :))


Some of the tribes in Deyrezzor (on both sides of the river) pledged their allegiance to the Syrian government and SAA a couple of days ago and swore to clean all of Syria from any occupying force. They are the new ones coming to the side of government, adding to the tribes who swore loyalty the government.

Interesting timing, coincide with Erdogan’s article in Bloomberg begging the help and money from west for his invasion and threatening them with new wave of refugees at the same time.

Now I don’t know if this attack is genuine, but I’m sure more attacks will come.

Davide Herzog

You have no idea of eu policy ! I understand you don’ t live here but you should heard about politic struggle here ! Eu commission , banksters , globalists call fascists and racist the ones who oppose their plans to sterminate indigenous by lgbt , feminism , neoliberism , ecologism and to sobstitute us with strangers coming from Africa and Asia ! They pay hundred billions euro per year to deport such people from Turkey , Siria , Pakistan , India , Bangladesh and dozens other . So Erdogan is payed to let ngo deport people from his country and absolutly not the contrary ! In which planet do you live ???? Our Interior minister Salvini , the one that had to check the steangers’ entrance in Itlay was processed because he did his job against mafia and ong ( eu commission ) , making difficoult for them to introduce illegally unchecked and unknown deported people from middle and far east and from Africa . How can you think who pay billions euro per year to have more illegal immigrants in the same time pay Erdogan to have LESS illegal immigrant…?!?!?! Never heard about fascist Trump and globalist bidet ? The first one didn’ t let the illegal migrants to come in and spent money to stop them the second one , the antifa lgbt ecologist is soending a lot of money to deport more clandestine as possible to create war between poors and to destroy the working class , the state , the welfare , the same wish of eu globalists .

Jens Holm

I understand You are agry. He is worse then biased.

Jens Holm

I think its the same, which – again – supports Assads going with the wind. They will do anything to be left alone and always play on winners.


I hope there were a lot of casualties,its the only language those animals understand.

johnny rotten

These Syrian bad boys, it is the usual patriarchal homophobia that does not tolerate the transgenders of the US Army, the LGBQTRS + lobby has already asked for more sanctions from the UN and Zombie Joe, who however did not understand and has also already forgotten the whole thing , leaving the gay-trans world heartbroken and in anger.

chris chuba

This is a long time coming. What kind of soldiers are we going to have after they shoot people who just want their own oil fields back. I hope they find work in Saudi Arabia, I don’t want to bump into them in the local grocery store.

Doom Sternz

America backs the SDF militia in Syria which is dominated by the PYD/YPG. The YPG is the Syrian offshoot of the PKK, a group recognised by Turkey, as well as the US and the EU, as a terrorist organisation.

This deal in 2019 also exposes how, under the Trump administration, the US has blurred the lines between private and public sectors, raising questions about ethics and business dealings.

US Government is literally a global criminal organisation that murders millions world wide for corporate greed. All the politicians, and i mean all, are on the take.

A secretive agreement has been struck between a US oil company, Delta Crescent Energy, and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in North Eastern Syria in order to steal and export the region’s oil.

Months after US president Donald Trump contradicted officials by suggesting that US forces were there “only for the oil” and vowing that it would “secure the oil”, the controversial deal lays bare the American strategy in the region.

Rodney Loder

Biden is seen as an Emu taking notice of only what makes notice under the dirt, which is pretty disgusting, anyhow China and Russia are onto this insulated tactical way of dealing with things and have kicked sand in his face, both China and Russia have redlined everything except North Korea and Iran, does this mean they have been sold down the river.

No because for Biden to latch onto that offering, he’d have to cave on the Crimea and the South China Sea, – Iran and North Korea couldn’t be safer.


Best news for the month… 👍👍

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