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MARCH 2025

Romania To Supply Ukraine With Pricy Patriot Air Defense System

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Romania To Supply Ukraine With Pricy Patriot Air Defense System

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Romania promised on June 21 to send one of its American-made MIM-104 Patriot long-range air defense systems to Ukraine.

“Considering the significant deterioration of the security situation in Ukraine … Council members decided to donate a PATRIOT system to Ukraine,” the Romanian president’s office said in a statement.

Nevertheless, the promise comes on the condition that allies and “especially the American strategic partner” agree to provide an alternative “temporary solution” for Romania.

Romania, a NATO member since 2004, signed a $4 billion deal in 2017 to obtain a number of Patriot systems armed with PAC-2 GEM-T & PAC-3 MSE missiles, but so far only has one that is operational.

A Patriot system costs around $1,1 billion. A single PAC-3 missile costs some $7 million and a PAC-2 missile could cost up to $4 million, depending on the version.

In May, Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis said following a meeting with United States President Joe Biden that the issue of a Patriot pledge for Ukraine had been part of talks at the White House.

“I must discuss it in the Supreme Defense Council to see what we can offer and what we can get in return, because it is unacceptable to leave Romania without air defenses,” Iohannis said at the time.

Ukraine received last year two Patriot batteries and two launchers from Germany and another battery from the United States with two additional launchers donated by the Netherlands.

Most of these systems have already been damaged or destroyed by the Russian military. On the backdrop of these losses, the Kiev regime demanded more systems from its allies.

In response to these Ukrainian demands, Germany confirmed last month that it will supply a third Patriot system to Kiev forces. Around the same time, Spain said that it would provide additional missiles to Kiev forces.

President Biden also made the decision earlier this month to supply an additional Patriot system to Ukraine. Later, the U.S. announced that it will halt all open orders for Patriot missiles and redirect them to Kiev forces until its defense needs are met.

Moreover, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius announced that his country would deliver another 100 Patriot air defense missiles to Ukraine in an initiative with Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway.

The additional Patriot systems Ukraine will get from its allies, which worth multiple billions along with their missiles, will most likely be destroyed by the Russian military similar to the ones supplied last year.


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romania better be careful what they are doing. the reason the germans had to storm sevastopol was because the romanian oil fields were in bombing range. they were first part of the axis forces around stalingrad and changed sides at the end of the war. now they are on nazi/nato side again.

Last edited 8 months ago by thewhiterose
Sebastian Popescu

because romania was against the red plague, the bolshevik communist, satanic atheists and between the two satanic systems (bolshevik & nazis) chose to fight against one of them.

Moshe Dayan

the satanic bolsheviks are running the west now: they hate russia for throwing them out of power. europe and the rest are moving replacement populations into their own territories because those countries were primarily christian and they despise that faith more than any other. you are deceived. examine photos of all the old communists and compare them to paintings of napoleon and pictures of fauci: they display the hidden hand gestures. communicating to their “brethren”.

Woe is the West

so, it’s the bolshenazis then that romania chose. that makes it simpler.

Woe is the West

no choice of the two satanic systems any more. just one, it’s on the nazis’ side.

Sebastian Popescu

we never forget that the slavs from urss were the only race who tried to change forcibly our native language and history (not even otoman turks, hun(garians), austrians etc. tried that, let aside russians took our native land which is now republic of moldavia and other historical lands of the vlahos


the jewish bolsheviks slaughtered tens of millions of russian orthodox slavs. the russians lost control over their country with the jewish bolshevik takeover just like romanians are not in charge of their own country now. the jewish supremacists in charge of washington are the ones who dictate what the german president of romania iohannis is allowed to do. he’s a puppet.

Sebastian Popescu

exactly. we are orthodox like real russian and we love each other based on that but unfortunately at the moment there is no god anointed tsar and there are still unclean elements in russia and russian politics to say the least and many puppets even not so many like in romania controlled by jewish mafia

Woe is the West

jeez, you’re back and forth all over the place.

it still just boils down to your siding with both ukranazis and neocon trotskiites, who have forged a psychotic alliance. no wonder you’re confused.

Woe is the West

that’s what you get for siding with the nazis. if you like, i can send you a crying towel.


the shitty politicians, installed through fraud, at the head of romania, by westerners, the usa, globalists, are destroying romania. they are over-indebting romania, forcing romania to buy shitty weapons from the westerners, especially from the americans. romania has many problems and cannot afford to donate a system that costs over a billion dollars.countries like germany, greece, poland, spain refused to donate their systems


yes, romania is ruled by the jewish supremacist mafia and the puppets they selected in the romanian government.


dracula gonna end up toothless if he mess with kremlin.

James Connolly

mind you, as russia is not a threat to romania and presumably neither are their nato neighbours why dont they just send that expensive shitty us air defence system back to the americans and demand their $4 billion back, with interest

Donald Moore

what a great setup the us has. they know that ukraine can’t afford to buy them so they get their nato flunkies to buy them and give them to ukraine. the us gets richer, nato gets poorer and ukraine can kill off its people!

UN-Patriot Missiles

the nato globalists scheme day and night on how to convince working people that forking over their money and lives for western global hegemony is in their best interests when the opposite is true


why don’t sweden let go of its patriot system. yes why? it’s because sweden is the ultimate cheapskate and it hurts all the way to the heart even thinking of giving away their most precious thing!


count dracula is assisting nazis, crussified that bloodsucker cunt.

Joseph Day

paid for 3 and in 7 yrs only has 1 operational. suckers


o donație care nu aduce nimic. lasati trecutul. trăiți în prezent. tue ne sapa. bugetarii ne sapa si ne ingroapa. armata e pusa pe afaceri. doar coreenii au vrut sa. le. dea tevi de obuz si obuziere… si astea tot copiate de la ursoaica din schimburile. comerciale si de tehnologie din anii 1990. bouhanis e un vandut din start.


eu nu lupt pt tara asta in actuala configurație economica, sociala, teritoriala si politica.unde au bagat metalurgia? n au viziune. parca era inutila. cine vrea sa. meargă sa lupte in ucraina pt. moviolacu, mociuca si ursula?


cine vrea sa. apere tue? 1/4 romani pe front vor ucide 3/4 romani pe front. 54% dintre romani traiesc direct si prin familiile lor de. pe urma nue. dar nue omoara si ingroapa afacerile românești.


lvov poate fi scos din joc. un atac nuclear in v tarii ar paraliza totul. e sfârșitul razboiului.


1/4 dintre romani lupta pt supraviețuire. asta romania nu intelege.


romanian depots need to be burned!


patriot system is a useless, overpriced piece of junk all designed to milk the us taxpayers.


israel attack any shipment to gaza,lebanon.usa intercepe any weapons or food shipment of iran.only huthis answer the enemyonenemies terms.putin wach with the binocular and wait until citizens are killed


un radar de pa t riot are undeva la 80 ° acoperire. ai nevoie de 5 radare sa poti acoperi 360 °. polonia știe de ce! putea sa fie revandut la cma inapoi si luat banii pe. el. mociolacu si mociuca a pus babele din romanica sa i plateasca clovnului jucăriile.


furaciuni cu asta se ocupa mociolacu si. mociuca, si tot guvernul romaniei. au modificat an de an legea exproprierilor în interesul smecherilor au daramat o. biserica in s4 sa faca un spital tbc. ei se pun cu tata lui necuratu.


harta g oo g le, sector 4 peste drum de adesgo, biserica daramata. mai au sa mute cimitire.


how is it possible for russia with satelites best drone and best missile defence system.allow france,usa,britain,poland to ship in lethal weapons into ukraine which kills citizens and russia soldiers.

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