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Rosatom Releases Unclassified Documents On Russian Nuclear Weapons Development (Photographs, Videos)

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Rosatom Releases Unclassified Documents On Russian Nuclear Weapons Development (Photographs, Videos)

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In 2020, the nuclear industry in Russia will celebrate its 75th anniversary.

To celebrate the occasion, albeit a little in advance, Rosatom released various historical documents and videos providing a glimpse in the history of nuclear weapons, energy and various nuclear-powered machines in the Soviet Union.

This shouldn’t be confused with the 65-year anniversary Rosatom itself celebrated in June 2019.

The released documents were classified until recently, relating to the plans of the Soviet Union to construct nuclear weapons. The initiative was based on the need for industrial complexes for producing weapons-grade plutonium and uranium, which are necessary for building nuclear capacity.

Among them, there are reports and reference notes addressed to the Soviet leadership. In particular, the Deputy Prime Minister and the head of the Atomic Project Management Committee, Lavrenty Beria, was informed about how plants were selected to carry out design work there and that it was necessary to notify the Soviet population about the dangers associated with the discovery of the atomic bomb through the publication of a special book.

Rosatom Releases Unclassified Documents On Russian Nuclear Weapons Development (Photographs, Videos)

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Rosatom Releases Unclassified Documents On Russian Nuclear Weapons Development (Photographs, Videos)

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There are notes intended for the head of the Soviet state, Joseph Stalin. In particular, in one of them he was presented with a report on the status of work on the production and use of atomic energy.

Rosatom Releases Unclassified Documents On Russian Nuclear Weapons Development (Photographs, Videos)

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Some of the documents outline the decision of whether the payload being plutonium or uranium.

“The design must certainly be able to work before the start of its free fall and should be brought into working condition 20 seconds after the start of the fall,” is stated in one of the papers.

Rosatom Releases Unclassified Documents On Russian Nuclear Weapons Development (Photographs, Videos)

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The proposals put forward by the pioneers of atomic energy in the USSR were often realized even on a larger scale than was needed. The plant, built less than 20 kilometers from Tomsk, has become a unique enterprise, engaged not only in the enrichment of uranium.

Workers manufactured components of nuclear charges, and also engaged in their processing. Discharged weapons became fuel for nuclear power plants; among other things, the company was engaged in the processing of spent fuel and the creation of consumer goods.

Rosatom Releases Unclassified Documents On Russian Nuclear Weapons Development (Photographs, Videos)

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At present, it is a Rosatom enterprise – the Siberian Chemical Combine, working to develop nuclear energy.

Meanwhile, earlier, data were also published on German specialists involved in the development of atomic weapons in Nazi Germany, and after the war they came to the USSR and participated in the creation of the first Soviet atomic bomb. Later they admitted that such a proposal literally helped them survive, stretching out of post-war Germany, mired in unemployment. According to Rosatom, more than 300 people moved to the USSR – scientists and their families.

Separately, Rosatom published quite a few videos, not only focused on atomic bombs, but also showed tests of the hydrogen bomb, a nuclear submarine, and some of the first nuclear reactors.

The video shows a test at a training ground.

Test of hydrogen bomb on August 12th, 1953.

Test of RDS-37 hydrogen bomb.

Test of nuclear bomb RDS-3 on October 18th, 1951.

Test of nuclear bomb RDS-3 on September 24th, 1951.


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It would be very interesting to see the material from the same era on electrogravitics and anti gravity work.


Fact or fiction? https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-nyhBTW8Xb_I/V12gATFaO8I/AAAAAAAAF2E/cBTM6JkFBxAwUiEt00BGqY4U4ZqMBRkggCLcB/s1600/WW2-UFO.png

Simon Bernstein

take off your tin-foil hat, will ya. I bet you also believe in antisemitic conspiracy theories. Fact or fiction? ANTISEMITISM. Now go on and get lost you butcher assad supporter

Concrete Mike

Hey shit stain, treat black jews better, before you call others abti semite.

Also youre as white as snow, europeean not semite, you stole their lands , and now your stealing their identity, shame on you.

Make sure your air defenses are pointed in the right way shitstain!!


Think you are a wolf in a chicken shit outfit gringo..


The Palestinians and their neighbors are Semites. AshkeNAZI European immigrants from outside the middle east are antisemitic racists.


You’re another mental midget Zionist shill posting inflammatory stupidity who couldn’t win an argument with your hasbara lies if you tried. Which is why like the others of your ilk here doing the same thing you don’t even try.

Simon Bernstein

everyone with a functioning brain KNOWS the USA was the first to get nuclear weapons. Thanks to the genius Albert Einstein. the Russkies got their nukes over a decade (10+) years later than America. India and Pakistan had a nuke before them!


Yeah you’re either trolling hard or were dropped hard on your head as a baby. Holy shit you bring retard to next levels

Concrete Mike

1947, versus 1945, thats 10 years in your book? Wow nice math dude!


So what’s the point of who created it first, if it can destroy the shit out of you anytime and anywhere?

Jacob Wohl's Nose

his MASSIVE forehead would deflect a nuclear strike


Did you get these facts from the same “experts” on quora who taught you about RCS and radar? Let’s see: US 1st nuclear test (Trinity): July 16, 1945. Soviet Union, 1st nuclear test (RDS-1): 29 August, 1949 (that is a little over 4 years, seeing as your math is apparently failing you). India 1st nuclear test: 18 May, 1974. Pakistan 1st nuclear test: 28 May, 1998, although their program started as early as 1972. Since you have some problems with ordering events chronologically, I’ll help you out: 1st country to get nuclear weapons was the USA (at least you got that part right), then in the order in which they performed their first public tests: The Soviet Union, UK, France, China, India, Pakistan and North Korea. Israel and South Africa of course also have (had in the case of South Africa) nuclear weapons, but unlike the rest they never officially performed public tests.

Simon Bernstein

ok so big deal I made an error. But it’s MATHEMATICAL FACT that the RCS of an F-22 and F-35 are smaller than 0.0001 meters squared. This makes the engagement range from an S-400 ONLY 17 kilometers! Barely 9 miles


“it’s MATHEMATICAL FACT that the RCS of an F-22 and F-35 are smaller than 0.0001 meters squared…” At which aspects, for which frequencies, under which conditions? You appear to be incapable of comprehending that the very way in which you formulate your claim demonstrates your ignorance towards the technology of which you speak.

Simon Bernstein

No, an X band ENGAGEMENT radar “tombstone” of the S400 (which is the ONLY radar that can guide its missiles) has a detection range against 0.0001 meters squared of 30 kilometers and an engagement range of 17km. YOUR turn to do the math. Meanwhile the F-35/F-22 can launch multiple HAARM or SDB-53s at it from over 150 kilometers away! USAF wins


The SADF backed both NATO and the IAF out of Syrian airspace west of the river with a no fly zone that they’re in the process of extending east of the river. So whatever you claim. There are people in the military who disagree.

Simon Bernstein

Why dont we discuss how Syria’s S-300 radars could NOT detect the Israeli F-35s on multiple occasions? Or how about the S-300 failing to intercept IDF Rampage missiles? HA


Why don’t we talk about how out of Syria’s 1,000 plus anti aircraft systems NATO and the IAF have destroyed less than 1/10th of 1%?


Are you completely daft? The problem with your claim is that you use the single defining constant of 0.0001 m^2 for RCS on a parameter that is dynamic. You apparently have not even gone as far as browsing through the Wikipedia article on RCS, nevermind a technical one. The obvious problem with this approach have been explained to you before.You truly have no clue what you are talking about, do you?


Judging from his lack of understanding of basic military logistics and strategy. That sounds about right.

Simon Bernstein

Experts on military forums and Quora have already debunked this. Whatever


If an “expert” debunked the fact that a radar return is a function of aspect, frequency and various other conditions, that “expert” is no expert. Why don’t you go read up a little on radar and RCS yourself – at the very least it will give you the ability to distinguish between real experts and pretenders? Here is a hint: No one who has access to actual measured radar return data will publish that information in the open on a “military forum” or “quora” – if he does, he will be arrested. If he doesn’t end up in jail, it would at the very least end his career.

Simon Bernstein

bla bla whatever you say russkie troll


Why in the world would you think I’m Russian? And me correcting obvious errors in your posts is trolling? If you come on an open discussion board and make ridiculous claims about nuclear history and aircraft technology without any attempt at fact checking, you should expect to be called out.


The so called russians are also jewish it appears. Also, are you not being racist towards the Russians, you and Obiden Clinton fans?

Simon Bernstein

lots of Lockheed engineers and certified experts in aeronautics have confirmed this on Quora, news articles, and even on military webistes. S400 can’t detect or engage an F-22 or F-35 past 17-30 kilometers. FACT


You didn’t make only a single error – virtually every part of your claim, except for the US being the first, was wrong. Even the part on Einstein is only partially accurate: He played a very minor role in the Manhattan Project itself, since he couldn’t get security clearance. His most significant contribution was probably his and Szilard’s warnings about German developments towards a nuclear weapon, which was a significant factor in kick-starting the Manhattan Project. However, there were other much more significant figures involved in the actual bomb development, such as Robert Oppenheimer.


Thanks to Rosenbergs


That’s questionable:

“Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, vice-chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, investigated how much the Soviet spy ring helped the USSR to build their bomb. In 1945, Moynihan found, physicist Hans Bethe estimated that the Soviets would be able to build their own bomb in five years. “Thanks to information provided by their agents,” Moynihan wrote in his book Secrecy, “they did it in four.”[50]

Nikita Khrushchev, leader of the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964, said in his posthumously published memoir that he “cannot specifically say what kind of help the Rosenbergs provided us” but that he learned from Joseph Stalin and Vyacheslav Molotov that they “had provided very significant help in accelerating the production of our atomic bomb.”[51]

Boris V. Brokhovich, the engineer who later became director of Chelyabinsk-40, the plutonium production reactor and extraction facility that the Soviet Union used to create its first bomb material, called Khrushchev a “silly fool.” He said Soviets had developed their own bomb by trial and error. “You sat the Rosenbergs in the electric chair for nothing,” he said. “We got nothing from the Rosenbergs.”[52]

The notes allegedly typed by Ethel apparently contained little that was directly used in the Soviet atomic bomb project.[53] According to Alexander Feklisov, the former Soviet agent who was Julius’s contact, the Rosenbergs did not provide the Soviet Union with any useful material about the atomic bomb: “He [Julius] didn’t understand anything about the atomic bomb and he couldn’t help us.”[54]”

– Julius and Ethel Rosenberg –



I didn’t say USSR owns 100% to the nuclear spies, which btw were more than Rosenbergs, mostly communist jews


“From 1965 to 1980, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigated Zalman Shapiro, the company’s president, over the loss of 206 pounds (93 kg) of highly enriched uranium. The Atomic Energy Commission, the Central Intelligence Agency, other government agencies, and inquiring reporters conducted similar investigations, and no charges were ever filed. A General Accounting Office study of the investigations declassified in May 2010 stated “We believe a timely, concerted effort on the part of these three agencies would have greatly aided and possibly solved the NUMEC diversion questions, if they desired to do so.””

– The Apollo Affair –



Not true. Russia was able to build its bomb within 4 years. It would have taken them much longer if it were not for the help they received from communist jews. The whole problem here is that there were a number of co-conspirators and others also at work in Europe and the UK but they were not executed for high treason, and most of them were also jewish or crypto-jews as they say.


I’m going to be running an ET/ED/non conventional lifeform contact night op in the forest tonight to field test some new gear. Including a thermal imaging sensor for my phones and guns. And after dark Gopro action cam filming with an up to 360 lumen 100 meter beam Nitecore camera light. Using a cap mount set up that I can wear a winter head band, hat and or parka hood over at elevation in the mountains. To be able to produce Gifs that I can post here.

The camera light has a diffuser that can be slid up to switch from spot to flood. And 5 brightness settings. The lowest of which with the diffuser slid up I should be able to film bigfoot interaction during close proximity distances without blinding or bothering them excessively. The Hero 6 has very good low light capability. I may not need the camera light at all if there’s enough ambient moon and starlight.

The Hero 6 Black can be controlled with both a smartphone app and voice commands. I’m planning to buy a stereo dual mic external mic for the Gopro that can be fixtured onto the cap mount to improve the audio recording capability.


Gopro Hero 6 Black action cam with 360 lumen Nitecore GP3 camera light.



1,800 foot range Seek Compact Pro thermal imaging sensor with micro usb adapters for Android and IOS devices.



Installed on a Galaxy S6 smartphone using the factory interface that it was designed for without an adapter. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/44bf2e7747ae999c87110cac26cfa9154be8eaf65b589f15d9928fbcade0efe3.jpg


Compact 9mm pistol and backpackable 40 S&W folding carbine. With dangerous game ammunition the pistol has about 18 inches of penetration and the carbine about 36 inches.



This is the 500 lumen tactical light and red target laser on the .40 S&W carbine at about 75 yards. At a natural spaceport LZ 26 miles into the forest where an off planet liaison, landing party or ship could be brought in unseen at night for rendezvous without causing a disturbance. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/90f6ca1e41715f9c0dae0a18555a48fc072d8e6b8ff1ccd3edc2f355924e0acf.jpg


Everything in the above videos was done 70 years ago with pencil, paper, slide rules and manual machine tools. No calculators, computers or CNC machine tools. After 5 to 20 years of R&D. Using almost 100 year old science and technology. So what does that tell you about what is in sequestered programs today? Using super computers and CNC machine tools and other advanced manufacturing.

It tells me that there’s an unacknowledged breakaway civilization behind locked doors, underground and probably off planet that is decades or further ahead of where open source publicly acknowledged science and technology is today.


1947 engine lathe https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4344/36401461955_f187c516e3_b.jpg

MeMad Max

And I just got done watching the HBO series on Chernobyl.


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