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MARCH 2025

Rouhani To US: This Waterway Is Called Persian Gulf, Not ‘New York’ Gulf

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Rouhani To US: This Waterway Is Called Persian Gulf, Not ‘New York’ Gulf

Forces of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) in the Persian Gulf. FILE IMAGE: IRNA

Press TV reports (source):

In light of Washington’s incessant acts of military adventurism in the Persian Gulf region, President Hassan Rouhani has once again reminded the United States to whom the waterway truly belongs.

“The Americans should know that this waterway is called ‘the Persian Gulf.’ It is not called ‘the New York Gulf’ or ‘the Washington Gulf,’” President Rouhani told a cabinet session  in Tehran on Wednesday, in remarks on the occasion of the National Persian Gulf Day.

“They should understand the circumstances [surrounding the body of water] by taking into consideration both its name and the nation that has preserved it for thousands of years, and, therefore, stop hatching plots against the Iranian nation every day,” the president stated.

The Americans, he added, can clearly witness how the Iranian nation has been and continues to be successful in all areas, including providing security for the maritime area.

The Iranian Armed Forces, including the naval forces serving either the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) or the Army, as well as the forces enlisted with Iran’s Law Enforcement Force and volunteer Basij force have invariably guaranteed the security of the waterways and its coastline, Rouhani added.

The chief executive congratulated Iranians on the national occasion, laying emphasis on the nation’s entitlement to the waterway that bears special significance to the Islamic Republic given its contiguity with international waters and its being host to numerous fuel shipments.

US President Donald Trump alleged in a recent tweet that he had ordered the US Navy to “shoot down and destroy” Iranian gunboats that “harass” American ships, following a recent confrontation between US warships and Iranian military boats in the waters.

The IRGC denounced the American vessels for their “unprofessional and perilous” behavior in the waterway, and said they had “caused trouble” for one of the elite force’s logistics ships that was on a routine patrol.

A US Navy statement claimed that about a dozen IRGC boats had approached several US naval vessels in the Persian Gulf “in dangerous and harassing” ways.

The IRGC has strongly dismissed the statement, calling the account a “Hollywood tale,” and has reciprocally cautioned the terrorist US forces against taking any reckless move in the waterway.

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Americans come up with a multitude of names for the Persian Gulf, their media does everything it can to ‘reduce’ Iran and Iranian people. I send the Persians full respect, and a shield of protection. May the Infinite Eternal protect Persia.


Well said.

You can call me Al

The scum changed the name of the Persian Gulf to Arabian Gulf, as did those inbred Saudi Arabia’s – may both burn in hell.

Pave Way IV

President Rouhani,

Please talk to Russia about getting their one and a half Erkanoplans out of mothballs and then clone about 100 more for Iran. That thing was made for defending the Persian Gulf. It scares everyone – including the Russians. That’s why they never kept building them. WAY too terrifying. I would try to find someplace to mount a turret with a 120mm smoothbore, just for the hell of it. I understand it will fly over any relatively flat terrain, not just water. Say, a desert… the Arabian Desert, for example. Imagine the camel hunting! Good for resupplying our Houthi bro’s, too. Who needs a port?


Jacob Wohl's Nose

UN arms embargo expires in october 2020, meaning iran will be allowed (by UN law) to purchase s400, su35, su30MKI, Mig-29SM, more s300pm, bukm3 and pantsir from Russia. they might choose wisely, adding to their arsenal

Jacob Wohl's Nose

Saudi wahhabi retards calling it “arabian gulf” MAGA-tards calling it “Mara-a-Lago gulf” pissraeli tards calling it “Yinon gulf”


Iran needs to respond via the medis sooner than later,this is why the flogs running the crap more times than not fooled the world,this is the 21st century,Iran needs to adopt a more mundane media like other nations whom governments take far too long to prove they are really on their game and in doing so also shows more alertness thus pshycological counter blow to them usa lamestream medias This passage explains alot of hard facts,if it were done last week,maybe more will see it irans pov?

Zionism = EVIL

Americunt dumbass arseholes don’t have a chance in hell in the Persian Gulf.

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