Kurdish militias operating in Syria have allegedly received a batch of man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADs) from the US, according to rumors spread by pro-opposition sources on January 15.
Kurdish militias – YPG and YPJ – are a core of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) that control large areas in northwestern and eastern Syria.
Opposition sources argue that the US had provided MANPADs to the part of the US-backed forces operating in the area of Afrin in northwestern Syria. However, they were not able to provide any evidence to confirm that the so-called “secret deal” between the sides really exists and the SDF had received the MANPADs.
Reports about the MANPADs supplies followed the escalation of tensions between Turkey/pro-Turkish militants and the SDF in northwestern Syria. Turkish forces repeatedly shelled positions of the SDF in the area of Afrin last weekend. The SDF, particularly Kurdish YPG units, responded with shelling positions of pro-Kurdish militants south and east of the Afrin area.
On January 14, the US-led coalition announced that it is working with the SDF to establish a 30,000-strong border security force that will control the Syrian border with Turkey and Iraq.
On the same day, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed that Turkish forces may soon carry out an attack on the city of Afrin and reports appeared that Ankara is deploying additional forces south of it.
On January 15, the Turkish president vowed to “drown” the forming “terror army” [border force] before it’s complete.
“Our duty is to drown this terrorist force before it is born,” AP quoted Erdogan. The president also said that the US role in establishing this force is “unacceptable”.
“This is what we have to say to all our allies: don’t get between us and terrorist organizations, or we will not be responsible for the unwanted consequences,” Erdogan continued threatening that Turkish forces will battle “until not a single terrorist remains along our borders, let alone 30,000 of them.”
if its true its a very bad move……its well known that all the terrorist groups in Syria have weapons that were supplied to SDF or ‘moderate opposition groups’ by US and allies. SO its obvious that those manpads will reach ISIS, HTS, etc in a second after they arrive in SYria…..same thing as with anti -tank systems.
No – it doesn’t matter; there is no difference anymore, between the so called moderates and extremists. Don’t fall for the MSM BS.
Everybody now fighting the state of Syria and Assad is the same – US backed terrorist vermin that need eliminating.
maybe my writings are misunderstood….of course there is no difference….to me they are all terrorists. no matter what uniform they wear, since its easy to change them in Syria. thats why weapons flow from sdf to ISIS then from FSA to HTS etc etc…..they are all the same thing…..
As long as you do not exclude Assad and SAA I am fully agreed. Assad is one of the worst state terrorist of the present.
Including you.
I can claim many things but never to being a state terrorist. Sadly, I am not a state. Otherwise I would help fund heavy arms for SDF forces and support the border force being expanded up till 50k+.
Would have been nice to be able to do that, sadly, my wallet will not facilitate this.
Well wait for your next dole check.
Hello Dutch. Sadly for you, I don’t think that the US Congress is going to agree to longterm funding of a 30,000 strong SDF force. The DoD is getting a lot of flak from them, about staying in Syria now. The US public is also way tired of giving weapons et al to anybody and everybody. They now know that we fund the terrorists and are not happy about this. The hide and seek game is over.
” The US public is also way tired of giving weapons et al to anybody and everybody.”
Is that realisation increasing in the US John ?
Yes. There is a sea change going on in the common US mind. The public is becoming very aware of the funding and support for jihadists. They are beginning to turn up the heat on it and Congress is feeling this.
The game is in the initial stages of ending. I am seeing this firsthand. Like myself, they are now aware of things we having been doing to Iran, arranging wars such as in Libya and Syria, that Russia may not be the Bogey man it is reported to be and a bunch of other stuff. Support for running around as we have been doing, is dropping now. You would be surprised at the look on their faces when they see brand news Hummers in the hands of AQ affiliated groups. Further, when told about these things, they are no longer dismissing it. It is a process but, it has begun. There is hope Florian. I wish well to you.
What you write is most heartening and I am hope that American citizens , from all sides of the political divide are realising what has been done in THEIR name by those who seek THEIR money.
Funding of $500 mln already taken care of for 2018. As far as costs per fighter is concerned, one of the cheapest forces ever.
In reality the SDF, as rebadged YPG, are just another very ordinary, small arms based, non-state militia. The impetus behind all the SDF rapid advances was US forces – US-SOF as tactical ground spear, USAF as cover wing and US Marine artillery as heavy ground firepower. Raqqa was flattened by the USAF and Marine artillery howitzers – that raw destructive firepower is entirely what led to negotiations to bus out last of ISIS from Raqqa – not any actions of the SDF. The SDF are little more than an occupation para-military police force sent in wake of the US military firepower. The point being, that the SDF can do very little on its own – it requires combined US force cover – and US air and artillery units are large expensive logistical projects to keep hanging around in foreign deployments,
SDF is halfway between a militia and a military, they lack heavy weapons, have now lots of medium weapons.
Without USAF they cannot have an open war against a first rate army. All correct. However, they have, at the moment, USAF support and there are no first rate armies in the region, so they will do fine.
US recently supplied loads of modern manpads, see the news, and they have ATGM’s.
If there is indeed an invasion of Afrin, we will see how the YPG will hold there, or not of course.
They have manpads now, TOW’s, Bradley armoured vehicles, Toyota’s coming out of their ass, special forces advising them etc etc. They have all the American military can give them for a contained theatre of war! Stop bullshitting! This includes Electronic warfare!
which doesn’t include the armoured vehicles which are “on loan”. Thats just an extra payment! U leave out so much info!
I don’t think you understood what I was referring to. This is not about money. They don’t want our guys or supplies in places like Syria. Just because funding may or may not have been approved, does not mean the game continues as it did in earlier years. A good day to you Dutch.
” Sadly, I am not a state. ”
You are merely in a deluded state of mind Dutch . Its OK though as many here like to accommodate Village Idiots such as you Dutch :) Its the kindest thing to do.
Very kind of you. I have the same feelings towards the ass-adophyles here.
Well coming from the F-lying Dutchmaniac your comments are always consistent at least knows he is a terrorist supporter. Think that everyone can fully agree on!
He is a Kurd.
And a Turd ?
You can not be older than 8-10. No adult can post garbage you post in here.
I think many are doing thet very well.
Yes Jens we all enjoy your rambling comments from the soon to be Shariah state of Denmark :)
You really are a slimy Kurd SOB.
hahaha go fuck yourself! More like the USA invading countries for their oil and Israel for land! U sound like the dumbest cunt when u say this shit! and as always u have ZERO up rankings!
You just confirm, what I wrote above. I admit it sometimes can be diffiv´cult to the the difference between ad sheepo and a got.
So You are ???
I always thought you had that difficulty identifying Sheep and Goats Jens. Perhaps that is due to your Viking genes and Pagan heritage.
english were pagan once, and some have viking genes as well ; )
Unfortunately we do. We even had Danish Kings for a while. The Vikings behaved rather like ISIS.
whahahahahaaaa, you are a joke!! Did you ever study how those fucking christians cut down our sacred holy germanic trees!?!?!?! And before the christians you had other germanic tribes raping the brittons, now you call yourselves anglo saxon, but those were fucking krauts, stealing the land from the celts, that in their turn invaded the isles and killed the ones that built stonehenge. Human history, that is all it is, nothing else, all over the planet similair behaviour, untill this day…..
I am doing a test: i made this petition on AVAAZ. I think you hate that site, but i wonder if it could grow on this subject, some people say it is a zionist site, so this is an experiment: https://secure.avaaz.org/nl/petition/THE_WORLD_STOP_THE_COLONISATION_OF_PALESTINE/share/?new
I looked at that site and the UK and US are not on the list of countries Matt. Not that I could see anyway.
Sorry if I misunderstood.
no problem….
Very well said. Different brands, different names but those are all the same – Al Queda, Daesh, PKK, FSA, SDF etc. are all and the same = irregular armed forces of US/UK/Israel (the rest of the west are just puppets and have no say in the matters). They are good to overthrow legitimate governments as well as homeland false flag attacks.
Hard to se which is a camel and which is a dromedar, if You cant count to 2.
Jens :) So now you want to say that I’m stupid/uneducated and you’re smarter and can count to 2? Did I understand you properly?
If I have him blocked, he must be a total knob…just block it, because he is on the site to disrupt, confuse, alienate and divert attention from the more mature comments.
PS What did it write ?, bob me over his comment will you please.
Thanks for your suggestion (blocking trolls), but I often find it amusing to stick their nose into their own sh$t ;) This human being (even if he wants to be above he’s still one of) posted: “Hard to se which is a camel and which is a dromedar, if You cant count to 2.”©
I’ve done the same. I think that is the only way to be rid of them…no audience/replies=no paycheck. My blocked list is at about 9. My only regret is not be able to see the asinine posts from Krupacek. He can be really funny. Dutchdipshit and the rest, not so much….just sick ass traitors to humanity for a shekel or two.
No wonder the region is in chaos writing things like this.
writing doesnt cause chaos…..actions do
Partly disagree. Look at the chaos Trump is causing with his stupid tweets.
War of the tweets.
his actions are worst!!
yeah I was just saying this the other day! I agree
Syria led collation cannot win from Trump because Trump divide nations and then support one part to fight with the other part and then enjoying the battle field from thousands miles away. This is good for greater Israel.
Oh dear, you have a lot to learn. When did the US last “win” a war ?.
The are out of their depth now and it is heart wrenching to watch the embarrassing, pathetic attempt by the failed, corrupt and rotten empire.
US always support traitors in nations.
No traitors left on the Syrian side now. But yes, I agree with you totally.
They are a disgrace to the human race.
Define ‘winning’ bro. The US doesnt win wars and they are defeated many times. Also Syria and allies won the country back and the presence of Iran, Hezbollah and Russia is greater then b4. But they succeeded in deviding the country, completely demolish it, fed the hatred and established a militairy presence in several places in Syria.
Perfect assessment. Initial stage of partitioning SY has been achieved along with US NATO permanent presence in the region at extremely low cost to them in terms of money and man power compared to IR and RU which lost couple of top brass along with many soldiers. It has been metaphorically like cold fusion process. The access to Mediterranean coast and further to EU for IR gas has been cut off. Another goal achieved.
The question is how long will this last as we saw everyone has eventually cut and run since Vietnam etc. , the UN then the US they were all there. The US presence in Afghanistan is being ramped up and everywhere else. The war machine is running on empty as it’s troops are over extended and spread to thin and why the constant need for these mercenary forces. Everything is going to sour for all those involved with the US and they will soon withdraw their support. The question remains how long before it crumbles?
America will fall to Muslims.
The military industrial complex needs perpetual wars not victory. Victory would mean the end to it and to their profits. You cannot make proper assessment of their success without understanding their true goals.
That’s right it’s not about winning but how you play the game even if that means losing like the US has done and continue to do.
This is just MANPAD and chemical weapons that America have delivered to their proxies in Syria. Trump may deliver nuclear weapons to their proxies to win from president Assad.
America, Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are united and are aggressive forces in the whole world they have entered into Yemen, Palestine, Syria, Iraq etc and have abused the International law.
I am not so sure now.
Maybe some MANPAD’s will end up Assad’s army and put one up an Israeli exhaust pipe.
Syria’s old S200’s are better than any handheld SAM system. Ask Israel’s F35. There was also an F117 years ago got bit by it.
But MANPADs can be smuggled into Israel much easier.
They can be easily smuggled from there too as Israel is experts on the smuggling game from when they arrived into Palestine to create their organization.
Yugoslav army has never possessed S200 in its arsenal. F117 was shot with Neva SAM which was modified to see stealth bombers.
was not modified
i don’t think so. s200 is too old, it’s obsolete against modern jets and it was never been able to shoot down anything.
Sephy… Why don’t you educate yourself a little bit?
I think you should instead of suggesting someone without having proper information.
Erdogan’s third day of rage in a row. WOW
It seemes Yours are very different from our normal ones.
If true, Prince involvement 70% probable, academi 70% probable, corporate entities with direct financial ties to them 100% probable. If these corporate entities were made up of actual people who are in actual locations on our planet, the situation might be much more simple.
Dear Ms Turkish Erdogan
I doubt it. The side with most to lose from a proliferation of MANPADs in the conflict is Israel, followed by the US itself.
I would think there is a real risk in the near future to all civilian airports, especially in Europe and the Middle East.
Yup, and Israel is where the jihadis want to shoot civilian planes down the most. The US in vulnerable because the SDF/Kurds will have to be supplied by air.
A few planes downed in Israel would ruin the tourist trade :)
better destroy leviathan gas field.
On cannot destroy an underwater gasfield. At the most one can destroy the extraction installations and I suppose Israelis guard the platforms with naval ships and missile installations on the platforms. Anyone nearing the platforms will be impounded or blown ito hell.
amphibian attack. on paform are sure limited weapons. it is not life insurance to shoot on platform. :) torpedo attack on underwatr tubes.
Do you really thionk so? Which jihadis exactly? Would you please provide us with some actual facts of ISIS or Queda attacking Israel lately?
They no longer use rotor craft to support nor they want to conduct CAS in the future using the F35 as their primary aircraft. That’s what convinced them to just go supplies them with MANPADS. Threat to use low flying aircraft is very high already with militants receiving what’s with large number of heavy machine guns from their aids program.
Turkey will never get any F35 delivered given the tensions between US/Nato and Turkey. They have been ordered, yes. Delivery somewhere 2021 or so, takes two years to get hem into operation. I am pretty sure that before 2021 Turkey will be out of this president or out of Nato.
Maybe the AKP will just buy more S-400s instead of the F-35s? :o)
Manpads are most effective against helicopters – so if rumor true, be to presumably counter Syrian or Turkish air force helos. Turkish based Kurdish-PKK have significant previous experience with Manpads against Turkish helicopters inside of Turkey itself.
They are effective against the most flying objects up to 3000m of altitude. No fighters fly at supersonic speed during CAS operations and the speed of MANPAD missile is around 2 mach.
Which means in Afrin up till 4.000 m as the mountains there are up to max 1.200m high.
Before the liberation of Aleppo, the moderate jihadists had shot down a Russian Mi-8 Heli ambulance on the outskirts of the city, using AAA technicals, and presumably prepared an ambush for the helicopter based on US or Israeli intelligence.
After the shoot down, the rebels published some pics of the wreckage, and it appeared clear that the main subject of the photos was the “Prezident” MAWS device mounted on the heli.
It should be clear to any real analyst that the the ragheads were documenting the presence of the device for somebody else, doing it publicly probably to not leave traces to their “contacts”.
Although the helicopter wreck was hit by several airstrikes, and the area interdicted, it remains probable that the jihadists have had access to the wreck, immediately after the strike and probably later.
My suspect is that the CIA commissioned the murder of the Russian servicemen on the heliambulance and promised money and support to the jihadists in exchange for the MAWS device, also giving them information in advance on the helicopter flight parameters.
This news about MANPADS, would not mean much by itself; yet if put in this context could be a sort of “warning” to the Russians, something like “we made MANPADS able to defy your MAWS, so you will not be impervious to similar systems used in Syria before”. It remains to be seen if the message is only a bluff, or if it’s based on real facts.
When people have “to tell” somebody, I’m inclined to think they are bluffing – otherwise the effect of a fait-accompli` would be much more strong.
that was not hit by a manpad but by an atgm when it was just few meters above the ground. and as far as i know, mi-8 doesn’t feature a president-s. i maybe wrong though.
“Russian Mi-8 Heli ambulance”
If it was a heli ambulance it was an armed heli ambulance!
May Turkey kick the ass of Kurds. But the question is: what next? Turkey will probably replace SDF by FSA terrorists, Al Qaeda HTS.
WTF is the matter with Erdogan?Does he not realise that the Zionists don’t care what trouble ensues from arming the Kurds.The more war and. chaos in the region the better for them to take over.Erdogan should be joining with Syria and allies against st the common enemy,USA,israhell,Saudi, and the European puppets.
Agree, abortion all the pregnant Kurd women.
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Thanks. You have made me laugh, even if I do not support the statement. :-)
Also cut the bollocks off all Kurdish males under 75. :)
Now RU has a right to supply MANPADs to SAA. It’s not a clever move by US. It will make only more difficult for US NATO coalition to run CAS operations. The conflict is far from over. It’s rather escalating to a whole new level. No end to it on the horizon. More destruction and suffering coming to Syrian people and the rest of the world is fast asleep behaving like it has nothing to do with them. China is dreaming a pipe dream about bringing back former glory of the Silk Road.
Russia will never deliver that to the Syrian army knowing it could harm the Israeli or US relationship.
The next step in the war really depends on what Assad does eventually. The Syrian army could liberate the country from “rebels” in a year or two. But liberating it from SDF is not going to happen. The only way to avoid a conflict between SAA and SDF seems to be negotiating and the US probably demand Assad to leave office etc.
That’s correct. I was talking just about legal implications and not about what was going to happen. US has earned permanent presence in the heart of the ME. RU doesn’t mind that the access to EU of IR gas has been cut off by US coalition. There have been always secret deals in a war time between waring parties.
I’m not so sure. They destabilize their position with recent Jerusalem stunts and just destabilize their alliance with turkey. Meanwhile their gulf country alliance remain cracked.
So far it is only a rumor, butb as usual You are concluding fast by that.
I do not know the right of this. If correct, I only hope they delivered enough of them. They could be very effective in case of a TSK attack with CAS. As YPG controls the high ground, they can kill any cas fighter attacking valleys. On the other hand, how to get those weapons into Afrin? The customary invisible flying carpet?
Those manpads are ineffective against warplanes operating above 5000m but they may be very effective against civilian planes of any (western included) country. But those snakeheads who provide this weapons to terrorists don’t actually care but in contrary – more dead people the better for them. Darn… many americans keep saying that nuclear bombing of Japan was an act with humanitarian intentions.
They are effective against all flying objects performing tactical operations below the envelop of their reach.
:D if you put it like that, you can take “performing tactical operations” from the phrase.
In this you are both correct. SDF can put the manpads to great effect if they station them on the mountais of Afrin. Any Turkish planes used by Turkey for close airsupport will render TuAF, whats left of it, quickly out of action and they will not get new ones from anybody, not mentioning even they lack pilots.
you are perhaps too drastic on TuAF, they are able to operate above MANPADS height, with both F-16 and F-4 Phantoms. Their problem would be the helicopters, it appears they lost a certain number to IGLA class MANPADS used by kurds.
paradoxically though, they could be less vulnerable to eventual Stingers given by the US to the kurds as Turkey has the type in stock and could develop specific countermeasures – Turkey has maintained a certain capability and independence in the electronic war sector, and this is probably one of those situation where it could use it to obtain an advantage.
civilian planes fly over 5000 m. your brothers also needed better rockets to take down the holland plane in donyetsk.
you are the antithesis of a gentleman.
i am example of gentleman. no lies, only truth.
I’m sure Solomon would like to welcome you to the club.
UkroNazi Hunta who did it are not my brothers. It’s very simple – look for beneficiary. If you can’t comrehand it than I can explain.
russian rebels did it. no doubt. you are also only migrant in moscow.
From what unit, only one base with Buks were taken by rebels was in Donetsk, designation A 1402, this was reported in UA and RU press 29-30 June as I recall, it is a very small chance that they were able to train and ready these in 16 days, the multiple ATO units already deployed in the area from UAF seems more likely. Not sure if the A 1402 is possible, there are different reports from the Odessa derived unit based in Donetsk as to the weapon’s serviceability. Conceivably, Odessans (this detail was provided by Russian press, not the English speaking part, not mentioned by UA) would help the rebels, that I concede is possible.
You might remember that UAF DID shoot down a civilian aircraft from Israel to Novosibirsk in the early 2000s with a ‘beech’ unit. This attack, probably an accident, would be in character. Final report (M-17 incident) was noncommittal as to trajectory possibilities, but certainly the UAF deployed units are in play as to that point, so this remains a consideration in a addition to cui bono (here, again, ATO). There is no ‘bono’ here for Donbass.
i have the video from youtube, where the rebel commander was happy for shoot down of plane. of course, at that moment he did not know, this was normal plane. today… you do not find this video anymore. the commander was killed several days later.
so, that is the truth.
Check your sources, the SBU-sourced ones were fakes, unless you trust the SBU (Ja, HET).
The Americans claimed they had evidence from satellites to prove that the rebels did it. So why did they never produce that “proof”. Because it would implicate their allies, that’s why. The Dutch inquiry was a complete whitewash, lots of critical evidence was excluded.
There is also a video of the Ukranian pilot, where he admits to shooting down the plane .
And the Ukraine has guided the plain to the area to make a propaganda from this well planned mistake? It is not clear what exactly happened and who is the worst evel in this.
no. ot was normal flight route
It was not for this airline. The re-route was a few hours before takeoff . The usual route was closer to Odessa if my memory is correct.
it’s not a “normal flight route” if it passes over a war zone where more than 20 ukrainian planes were shot down at all altitudes.
Ukraine has made the tragedy possible by not closing the airspace, and why? Because 1- Ex-soviet countries have a tax for foreign planes to overfly – this means that if Ukraine closes the airspace, Belarus gets the tax money from Malaysia Airlines instead, and 2- Probably they were begging for something like that to happen, if not actively conjuring for it to happen.
it is.
UAF actually did shoot down the Novosibirsk flight by accident with Buk in early 2000s. I think training on Buks was reduced after that accidental atrocity so another accident is also possible by poorly trained operators.
Interesting. The stupid, liear, neverisright, zionist, ukronazi, polish nazi, german nazi solomon krupacek was able to foresee, that trump will be big warmonger. and the megastar, on the breasts of kgb grown putin not. how much waited he and his fans for trump :)))
When did someone call you german?
2-3 months ago.
Like DJT, you must be super-genius!
i am simply clever.
Of course, there is not surprise my friend. What is the problem ?
Yanks supplies Manpads to ISIS terrorists in Mountain redoubt late last October when SAA were advancing steadily on Deir Ez Zor. After failed attempt to stop SAA advance Yankee choppers reportedly airlifted out 20 ISIS field commanders. Cant remember any Syrian or Russian aircraft being destroyed
bork. thats the last USA would do there.
The best guesses from that time could be by saudis or Qatars.
I hope some will supply your brain with oxygene, so You can have Your virus and spam taken away as well as getiingYour win95 upfated.
At the commands of Israel. Jewish terrorism goes way back, way long before Zionism. There won’t be peace for the natives in the Middle East until the illegal state Israel gets destroyed or the reptiles get sent back to where they came from.
Damaskus will be a lake.
Damascus has always been short on water. So why is the US coalition ramping up support for the SDF after ISIS was destroyed. Hmm, It seems Erdogan is getting rather pissed off, maybe no more NATO airbase :D
Imo the US is starting to think on a regional policy there, even more so after they saw what was being done by the KRG by their neighbours and by Iraq and even more after Iran and Syria claiming they finally got a land highway for Iranian arms and military to the Mediterranean.
A completely secular, almost democratic region, very pro US, with a disciplined, proven and very large army/militia and offering bases in the heart of the region is starting to sound very attractive to the US, even more so with Turkey sinking into the swamp of islamism and dictatorship.
Illegal? Maybe, but as of when had laws any meaning in Syria and as of when are laws counting for anything in the kind of failed states Syria has become?
It is not before. They have taken in more equipment then needed during the last 2-3 moths. Some is meant for their own base facilities, but much of it is a military build up.
That conform to me, that USA do as it said even before the uprise. They would either remobe Assads or reduce Assads.
They also several times has told, that they will defend the yellow zone against Assads(and Turks). By that they have reduced Assads.
So they are just consolidating what has been gained/taken/ stolen whatever. Nothing strange in that. ISIS being gone also says, that the good parts of SDF now can upgrade their many recruits, so they take the momentum for that even Afrin looks bad.
Of course Erdogan is pissed off. Anericabs as well as Russians mainlypaint the map.Everybody can see Russians would like to include Afrins into Assads. SDFs wont ´do that even under heavy pressure by Assads closing borderline. Turks don dare a real attack, but make revenge bombardments of the dirty kind.
I am sure USA and we have done our best to reduce the influence by the Turks. I hope SDF`s could be able to resettle some refugees soon. That would solve many problems as well. The most important one of course is, if the yellow ones can make a Federacy and the seize of it.
None know what fx 1 mio. incomming refugees will vote. Its a promise Tabqa/raqqa as well as DEZ north can go as they please with og without SDF support. I thinkit is the same for Manbij and MMC.
I see no solution is soved even Assads takes the rest of the green andthe grey area. The main problems stil remain and almost noine will invest in a state part as this.Well, we have heard the chines will some. A start..
But I see and hope that if the SDF zone of today remain in almost peace, it can get some investors and donators.
lol even if this is true about the manpads, it means that USA is saying “fuck you” to turkey! Also there could be a way in which these manpads end up in the hands of HTS which could also be the US’s true intentions! even so Russia has artillery with a range of 70km! this means they can hit anywhere in the idlib pocket! They are rocket assisted and GPS assisted projectiles which means pin point accuracy! at only $1000 per round its much cheaper to use these than aircraft!
Im sure that Turkey can do the same if they so choose!
I dont think turkey has a choice, they have to attack Manbij even more so than Afrin. If they dont the future problems they will have with Kurds in their own country will accelerate dramatically! The longer he waits, the worse its gonna get! But if he is now siding with the SAA, they may be waiting for the Idlib pocket to be liberated! So that a joint attack on Manbij and Raqqa can take place! Interesting times ahead!
Rubbish again. Turks themselves deny to change things in a realistic way and again and again do their best thow grewe little PKK`s in Syrian and Iraq.
USA wants terrorists to shoot down Russia and Syrian fighter jets.How to you arm people in a Sovereign country that is obvious terrorist promotion with intentions.
No they are dont :)
Hard to see any terrorisme from SDF at all. Most are now arabs as well. The terror is Turkish dayli bombardments.
You could try to clean Your microscope.
Sounds like you dont see and denying eye walking truth.Who give co-ordinates with advanced military jet during Russian bases attack with home made advance drones.
I am sure SDF`s as well as PKK`s never has done that. Those are friends or at least semi-friends to Russians and has been that even before USSR collapsed.
At that time Russia as well as Assads supported agressive kurds inside Turkey as well as Turks supported Turkmen in Syria
Thanks for information.Lets wait and see the new developments.
Of course to Erdogan the Kurds are “terrorists” because he wants to eliminate any chance of a Kurdish state anywhere near his borders. He also fears the Kurds because they are the most effective and professional fighters who have demonstrated their capabilities while fighting the real terrorists over the last few years. But you can be sure that if Erdogan makes a move against the Kurds, Turkish planes will be dropping out of the skies like flies, and any Turkish ground forces will be going home in bodybags. So he is not going to be so brave about making that move I am sure. Maybe now Erdogan wishes he had stuck with NATO instead of throwing in his lot with the Russians and all their hangers-on in the Middle East.
Turkey has played the NATO game for years but they still tried to organise a coup against Erdogan. By now everyone in the ME sees through the games of the imperial powers and the zionists. They are finished, they just don’t realise it yet. And the Kurds, the stalwart imperial tools for most of the last century, they will be left high and dry yet again. They had their chance, more’s the pity they blew it.
Turkey still is and will be in Nato for a long time. They can f*ck it up better from the inside with a much smaller risk than staying out, as a payback for the attempted regime change coup. Other Nato members are too pussies to kick out the member with the second largest ground forces.
I think SDF issue can still be settled with diplomacy in which the best result for SDF occurs if they agree to keep USA out. Which will leave those 12 US bases in NE Syria vulnerable to attacks of patriotic freedom fighters. Mind you that all US bases are also within artillery range from Syria and Turkey.
Quick Question. Is there an error in the article in the this sentence: “The SDF, particularly Kurdish YPG units, responded with shelling positions of pro-Kurdish militants south and east of the Afrin area.”? It sounds like one group of Kurds is shelling one of their allies because the Turks shelled them (based on what the previous sentence says). Now I know the Kurds are not slackers in the factionalism/infighting department, but the sentence I quoted above would make more sense if it said “pro-Turkish” rather than “pro-Kurdish”.
Your health incl. eays are fine., You are a good reader.
Those Pro probatly are FSA.
If true well then the US is fucking Turkey in the ass, well to tell you the truth for Turkey that’s what it needs a little spang to see how it is when someone supply your enemies with Weapons, as they Supply HTS in Syria with Weapons against SAA.
Weird how when I put SF it looks weird and the newest articles says 404 page not found , could be because the Venezuela article