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Russia-Africa ‘Shared Vision 2030’: Alternative to Neo-Colonial Pillage

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Written by Matthew Ehret; Originally appeared on strategic-culture.org

A long night of suffering has kept one of the richest continents on the globe in a state of virtual dark age for over a century. Although the age of science has given humanity the means to access the highest standards of living in world history, 2019 has seen 15 000 children die of preventable deaths every day (illness, starvation and murder) with half occurring in Sub Saharan Africa. In a world of advanced energy technology, only five of 54 African countries have access to 100% electrification and all are North African.

Africa’s dark situation was never due to simplistic terms like “corruption” or “incompetence”, nor was Africa ever “culturally incompatible” with western technology as some racists have taught in social science classes. The truth is that Africa was never given true independence as is popularly believed. Sure there was nominal independence, but the economic independence needed to become a sovereign country was never granted by the empire.

This is why the growing presence of nations such as China and Russia on the continent are increasingly seen as beacons of hope for a new generation of Africans who recognise in this Eurasian alliance an opportunity to capture the future they were robbed of over half a century ago.

The Russian African Summit in Sochi

A watershed moment in this systemic change has occurred with the first Russia-Africa Economic and Security Summit in Sochi (Oct. 23-24) co-chaired by President Putin and Egypt’s President el-Sisi, featuring 50 African heads of State alongside 3000 representatives of business, government, and finance. This summit was the first of its kind, and followed hot off the heels of China’s first China-Africa Economic and Security Summit which was held in July 2019. In the past two years, 40 African states have signed onto China’s Belt and Road Initiative which has scared many imperially minded technocrats in the west.

In an interview leading up to the Summit, President Putin beautifully echoed the Chinese philosophy of win-win development for Africa:“We are not going to participate in a new ‘repartition’ of the continent’s wealth; rather, we are ready to engage in competition for cooperation with Africa, provided that this competition is civilized and develops in compliance with the law. We have a lot to offer to our African friends.”

While it does not have the same level of investments as China (which leads the world with $200 billion/year), Russia’s investments have quadrupled since 2009 now clocking it at $20 billion/year and growing with a focus on rail, energy diplomacy, education, culture sharing and military assistance. Russia is currently building Egypt’s first nuclear reactor in El Dabaa, and is negotiating with several other nations such as Ethiopia, Nigeria and Kenya to go nuclear which will end the policy of technological apartheid imposed onto Africa for decades. Russia has announced the construction of an Africa Center of Excellence and Nuclear Power in Ethiopia and the Russian Academy of Sciences announced branches opening up across Africa. A vital driver for development, Russian Railways is working to construct trans-border and intra-border rail in Ghana, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Libya, Egypt and East Africa (just to name a few). During the summit, Russia announced a cancellation of a $20 billion African debt as an act of goodwill.

President Putin pointed out the elephant in the room when he said: “We see a number of Western states resorting to pressure, intimidation, and blackmail against governments of sovereign African countries. They hope it will help them win back their lost influence and dominant positions in former colonies and seek—this time in a ‘new wrapper’—to reap excess profits and exploit the continent’s resources without any regard for its population, environmental or other risks. They are also hampering the establishment of closer relations between Russia and Africa—apparently, so that nobody would interfere with their plans”

Unlike the west, Russia has the advantage of having encouraged African development during the dark days of the Cold War and is thus infinitely more trusted than the west, whose positive attempts to genuinely help Africa develop (as seen under the leadership of John F. Kennedy, Italian Industrialist Enrico Mattei or President de Gaulle) ended with either assassinations or coups.

Some may call Putin’s words anti-west hyperbole, but a comparison of the quality of investments Russian vs American into Africa demonstrates the two opposing intentions referenced by Putin.

The Trap of Conditionalities

Where US Aid, the World Bank and IMF have poured billions of dollars into Africa over decades, standards of living, and stability of those recipient nations have only plummeted. This is the opposite result one would expect from such “generous” behaviour. Why?

The answer can be partly be found in the shift towards IMF/World Bank conditionalities which grew out of a monstrous paradigm shift that occurred in the 1950s-1970s. Where leaders such as Franklin Roosevelt and his ally Henry Wallace envisioned an industrialized Africa liberated from colonialism, the Bretton Woods instruments they created to provide long term low interest loans internationally were cleansed of anti-colonial leaders and replaced with deep state tools early in the Cold War ensuring that any credit issued would be tied to deadly conditionalities as exposed by John Perkins in his book Confessions of an Economic Hitman.

Under this neo-colonial formula, Africa was allowed to get money. But those dollars would no longer be “permitted” to be invested into genuine nation building or advanced technological progress as Patrice Lumumba, Kwame Nkrumah or Thomas Sankara intended. Only “appropriate technologies” such as windmills or solar panels were permitted. Small wells were ok, but major water/energy projects like hydroelectric dams or Great Manmade Rivers were not allowed. Certainly no nuclear power was permitted (unless you happened to be an apartheid state run by white racists of course). Oil drilling and mining investments were ok, but only if foreign companies like Barak Gold or Standard Oil did the work and none of the revenue or electricity benefited the people. Without the means of producing real wealth (defined as combination of material, intellectual and spiritual growth), Africa’s productive powers of labor collapsed with their sovereignty and the debts only grew.

Hysterical Neocons Lash out

It is no secret that just as China began outpacing the Americans in African investment in 2007. Rather than acting intelligently to increase genuine infrastructure funding as the Chinese had done, the US Deep State not only continued its outdated debt-slavery practices, but created AFRICOM as a military arm across the continent. Ironically AFRICOM’s presence coincided with a doubling of militant Islamist activities since 2010 with 24 groups now identified (up from only 5 in 2010) and a 960% increase in violent attacks from 2009-2018. Just as western lending has caused a pandemic of slavery, so too has western security forces only spread mass insecurity.

The fact is that the neo cons infesting the Military Industrial Complex have openly identified both countries as co-equal enemies to the USA and understand that this alliance represents an existential threat to their hegemony. Speaking at the Heritage Foundation last year, former National Security Advisor John Bolton said (without blushing): “The predatory practices pursued by China and Russia stunt economic growth in Africa; threaten the financial independence of African Nations; inhibit opportunities for US investment… and pose a threat to US national security interests.”

His words were bolstered by acting head of AFRICOM Thomas Waldauser in Feb. 2019 “To thwart Russian exploitative efforts, USA AFRICOM continues to work with a host of partners to be the military partner of choice in Africa.”

Luckily for the world, Bolton and Waldauser were both flushed from their posts by an American President who has chosen to ally with Russia and China rather than risk World War III. However, the dangerous ideology and deep state power structure they represent is not yet defeated, and with Trump’s intention to pull troops out of Syria, these psychotic forces are as dangerous as ever.

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Ceasar Polar

Africa welcomes Russia. Africa welcomes China as well. EU-fags-ressources-thieves and backers of corrupt African leaders, you can stay in your old continent, not welcome in Africa. It has been tried for the past 70 years, only wasteful years it was!


The historical slave traders the Dutch, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and the United States (Boston Harbor was built on American slave trade), cannot compete with Russia and China who never participated in the kidnapping of Africans. Today, enslavement is done by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund through debt slavery.


In fact, arabs and turks were the largest slave traders. They got their slaves from the north where turks and barbary corsairs to some 3 million slaves out of southern Russia and Ukrain, depopulating whole regions, killing many millions over centuries and north african barbary corsairs took hundreds of thousands from south Europe, not to speak on the arab and turkish slavers in Sudan, the Red Sea, black east africa, going on until the early 20th century. Slavery was abolished everywhere, still turks and arabs contunued deep into the 20th century. Internal slavery within Russia was only abolished just before wwI and internal slavery within China was never really abolished until the communists took over.

Hassadnah Abraham

The western countries colonized Africa for hundreds of years and continues to do so until now. Its is the right time for African leaders to wake up- find a fair way to develops their country to turning to China and Russia.

Wahid Algiers

China is dangerous! They take the earth treasuries and built therefore simple streets which break down in 10 or 15 years.


Unlike brave patriots like Philip Giraldi, this and many other authors dance around the Zionist/Jew issue with diversionary terms like deep state, neocon and military industrial complex. And while they’re all real entities, it’s impossible for any rationally thinking right minded person knowledgeable on these subjects to dismiss the Jew, Zionist and Israel nexus and corrupting influence that all of these entities undeniably have.

All modern nations have banking and military industrial complexes. What makes the US and much of NATO different is the level of corrupting Jew and Zionist infestation. And the corrupting, detrimental and exploitative influence that it has on the politics of the infested nations. And it is detrimental to both the infested nations and their targeted victim states in their drive for Zionist world hegemony.

The simple fact of the matter is that the US Government is run by anti American Zionist traitors who work hand in glove with Zionist Jews to the detriment of the American people and humanity. From 911 to the disastrous wars throughout the middle east and beyond. As well as their highly decisive anti social campaigns against Russia, China and many others.


Neocons are a Jew creation and have been vastly over represented by Zionist Jews from the movement’s inception. Almost to a person they’re all aggressive Zionist Israel firsters. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-M6uxAImua8A/T4kNbfyi6JI/AAAAAAAAAks/OVaSoeUGtCw/s1600/Jewish-Zionist+Neocons+Behind+Iraq+Plight.jpg

Jens Holm

I anytime prefare jews for someone like You.


Why do you prefer Jew pedophile mass rape cultists over someone opposed to them raping 1,000 children every week, taking their virginity, infecting them with venereal disease and murdering them?

Jens Holm

There is no Jew pedofile mass rape. In statistics they are exact the same as us. The same goes for infecting and taking their virginity and murdering them. Thye are not better or worse then You and us.

I live in the real world. Fx several muslim girls ha arrived from Syria being only 12 and 13 being married and 16 having 3 children. Thozse are married by boys and men much older then them for socalled own safety and never has any choise for being married or not.

Just an example.

None of that is only Jewish. Ypu can find it in many places of the world and internal in corners of countries.


You’re a liar shilling for the evil Jew baby rapers:

– Israel’s Chief Rabbinate Says Oral Suction at Circumcision Is Preferred –


Jens Holm

And so. All muslims are like ISIS too…or the nice Turks we have here in Denmark.

If You go to swedish muslim circusation soem semi imam prefarred to come sugar on the genitials. He has to go to the court again for that.


You’re a liar shilling for Jew pervert pedophiles.

Jens Holm

Keep Your own part of the world clean first.

Mnay of Yours are married still being children. A good example from the Lebanese and Turkish parlament is older men having seks with girls with very young vomen and of course not even being married to them –

CAN GO FREE, if their parents accept that. Its because those girls cant be sold as virgins again. Very strarge to raise for sale. It was many many years ago since we did something like that.

No wonder if any here sign for being a slave, its strictly forbidden.

So where is the Girlds and Young women in that. They already have almost no rights according to Islam. Above that the local tradition for their rights around zero.

And they cant be diversed, but the man anytime can clap in his hand, and is divorsed.

Here those men was in jail right away and probatly kept there for Years. Men like that also had to pay compensation to those girls/vomen and it dont care if its rape or bought for candy and nice dresses. The raped one will be payed – NOT the family.

She has not asked to be born and sold. And even more strange You muslims go to heaven one by one and not escorted in groups lead by old men in long beards…


I’m an American you moron. You’re the one shilling for blood sucking Jew pedophile rapists.

Jens Holm

My first real job was in a hotel as porter. My first lesson was, that wherever You are, You can divede people in good, bad and in the middle ones. The middle ones are the majority.

So it doesnt matter if You are some inuit from china.


Supporting child rapists over those condeming them puts you in the bad catagory.

Jens Holm

I never has supported pedohile rapists.


You’re a liar talking out of both sides of your mouth.


“Many of its adherents became politically famous during the Republican presidential administrations of the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s as neoconservatives peaked in influence during the administration of George W. Bush, when they played a major role in promoting and planning the 2003 invasion of Iraq.[3] Prominent neoconservatives in the George W. Bush administration included Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, and Paul Bremer. While not identifying as neoconservatives, senior officials Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld listened closely to neoconservative advisers regarding foreign policy, especially the defense of Israel and the promotion of American influence in the Middle East.

The movement had its intellectual roots in the Jewish monthly review magazine Commentary, edited by Norman Podhoretz and published by the American Jewish Committee.”

– Neoconservatism –


Jens Holm

I hope Russia wont do the same big mistakes USSR did.

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