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MARCH 2025

Russia And Hezbollah To Open Representative Office In Moscow: Report

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Russia And Hezbollah To Open Representative Office In Moscow: Report

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The Russian government and Lebanon’s Hezbollah are reportedly discussing the possibility of the group opening a representative office in Moscow.

This was the result of several high-level meetings held in March 2021.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov received on March 15 a delegation of senior Hezbollah figures led by Mohammad Raad, the head of the Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc — the political wing of Hezbollah — and media reports indicated that the two sides had held “open and friendly” talks.

The visit by the four-member Hezbollah delegation to Russia took place at a time when Lebanon is mired in its worst economic crisis in decades as well as a political stalemate over the formation of a new government.

“The two sides stressed the need to strengthen means of communication between them and to adopt direct channels of communication between the party and Moscow, while studying the possibility of establishing a representative office for the party in the Russian capital,” Lebanon’s al-Akhbar newspaper reported.

This was likely also reinforced by the reality that Hezbollah was present in the Syrian conflict, and its presence was “necessary”.

“Russian officials were keen to deliver a clear message to the Hezbollah leadership: Your presence in Syria is necessary, in politics, as in the military,” al-Akhbar reported. “We count on cooperating with you in the future in both fields.”

Meanwhile, Lebanon is still waiting for a new government to be formed months after caretaker Prime Minister Hassan Diab’s cabinet resigned in the wake of a massive explosion at Beirut port on August 4 last year, which ravaged the heart of residential areas and the city’s vibrant commercial district.

Prime minister-designate Saad al-Hariri and President Michel Aoun have been at loggerheads for months over the makeup of a new cabinet.

Diab has threatened that he would stop performing his duties as the caretaker prime minister in a bid to pressure political forces to form a new government as he faced criticism for both being passive and overstepping his caretaker role.

Meanwhile, Hezbollah is organizing various social and economic assistance projects in order to support the Lebanese population and increase its support.

The value of the Lebanese pound has crashed steeply in recent weeks, losing one-third of its value. The plunge has driven up the price of crucial imports like food and fuel, and triggered small but angry protests.

More than half of Lebanon’s population is reportedly poverty-stricken, and much of the six million population depends on subsidies to get by.


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Proud Hindu

50 Somali muslims sent 2 he££ in Ethiopia

Proud Hindu

I only report Muslim deaths.

Proud Hindu

It is occupied by muslims soon to be liberated by Hindus


Oops. Quite an explicit political statement here. With strategic implications. I wonder whom it is directed to xD

That’s also likely competition to Iran. Gosh that chessboard keeps on shakin’.


I agree it would be foolish to try and catch up right on their turf.

But they could be playing the longer game or at least merely positionning themselves somewhere they have barely been present in the past.

The self-described “talk to all, deal with all” policy detailed several times by Lavrov.


I get your point. I maintain that while not stupid or amateurish as you say and I agree,Moscow has sometimes proven overconfident and bold in their manoeuvering. Like with Turkey. Or Israel itself. Bargaining so much as to hurt their own interests on the short term in areas of relevance.

One also has to recall the occurences where they openly thought they could do without Iranian militias with Putin quas-explicitly calling for their departure at some point,it was a few years back. They backtracked soon after when faced with the SAA’s vulnerability in fronts they were absent from to supoort them against unexpected jihadist offensives.

Now again I agree they aren’t that foolish, but that does not mean they cannot commit hasty judgment calls and adjust afterwards like they’ve done in the past. Your idea about exchanging info with a third party also can be kept in mind until we have more concrete facts.


Ali jan all that food shown on the shelves will be supplied by Iran. We’re keeping Venezuela running and now we gotta step up and help out Lebanon too……..no other country wanna do what Iran is doing. 30 muzlim countries out there today, however none got the balls nor the guts to take a stand like us.


At uncle Sam. They are saying “do you really think you are the only ones capable of using terrorists to strike the enemies”?

“If you arm my enemies, I will arm yours”, Vladimir Putin.

johnny rotten

This shows Russia’s seriousness when he says he wants to solve the Mo question, none of the participants should be excluded. For the illegal occupying of Palestine it is a sad day, now probably Hezbollah can count on the satellite information provided by the Russians, in practice Isisrahell has lost all the advantages, a good day for resistance, and others are waiting for them.

Just Me

Hezbollah is the effective government of Lebanon and represents the majority population and it is normal and essential for all independent states to value its contribution in fighting US, Zionist and Wahhabi global terror. China also has very good relations with Hezbollah.


queen of saba and king solomon had a black offspring and that’s the start of the black jew syndrome!


the quicker the world can be rid of naziyahu the better for the world.


I’m all for a one palestinian state and the illegal occupiers/imposters kicked into an early grave. the jews have forfeited any eventual right to remain in palestine but that is long since gone. just the dust heap for the criminal jews.


Verner, look up Gemal Abdul Nassar’s famous quote from the 60’s when he stated that according to the old hieroglyphic Egyptian records which clearly state that when Moses took his flock out of Egypt they all left as black people. However they returned to Palestine as white men in 1948…….lol……look it up!


They washed themselves with a powerful detergent and voilà, white jews!




He fukkin said this on live TV back in 1952 holding up a 4000 year old Pharaoh Hieroglyphic clay tablet…..lol…….they whuz niggaazz!……..lol….aaaahahahaaaaa


sure and do I believe him, yes I do. imposters is what we have to deal with and as such they deserve no mercy, ever or as much as they’ve been prepared to show other humans, like palestinians or syrians or lebanese or iraqis or iranians – nada and thus must be eliminated for goooooood.


Verner, so now we know that they left Egypt as niggaz 4000 years ago, but came back in 1948 as hillbilly no?……lol……now that’s some real god dhang transformation no?……lol


good, the attempts by the jews to have hezbollah sidelined and without influence in lebanese politics and protection of lebanese land from being stolen by the jews seems not to work out – another reason for a new tantrum being thrown in the oval office and another reason to make naziyahu even madder than before. in fact he is straight jacket crazy and for the good of the world should either be strung up in the nearest lamp post or locked away for ever and ever.

Rhodium 10

Russia know that Hezbollah on ground and RUAF on air is what guarantee the defeat of the terrorists in Syria….thats why Israel&USA and even Turkey have attacked HZ along these years of war…

Just Me

Throughout history, cultures under duress and attack by covetous enemies have produced their own brand of warrior. Native American Indians gave us the ‘Braves’. Japan gave us the ‘Samurai’. France gave us Joan of Arc. Africa gave us ‘Warrior Queen Amina’. And modern Lebanon has given us, Hezbollah,noble natural born warriors.


Great, this is wonderful news.

Emad Irani

Israhell doesn’t like it


of course not, hezbollah is in the way for the jews’ pipeline over lebanons economic zone and for stopping the jews encroaching, i.e. stealing more land and water from lebanon, the southern part of lebanon. bet the jordanian crisis also is about water for the jews.

Just Me

Not much the Zionist cowards can do about it though.


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov just kicked sand in the face of the Israeli controlled “US” elites.

Just Me

Good article by Taxi on Plato’s Guns

Hezbollah: currently the world’s most successful warrior-resistor group fighting against the most malevolent of all modern abominations, otherwise known as the Axis of Evil (US, Israel, and their Western and Arab-Wahabi allies). Hezbollah is also currently the most reviled of all warriors. This is because unable to defeat Hezbollah on the battlefield, and after already spending some $11 billion on many failed coups and smear campaigns this past decade, the Axis of Evil is now reduced to merely attacking Hezbollah with malicious lies and false accusations. To demonize Hezbollah, to sully their immaculate reputation in a vast and global media campaign is about the only weapon left in the hands of the Axis of Evil. This defamation offensive may work on some uninformed people, but indeed it will not weaken Hezbollah’s phenomenal abilities on the battlefield. This agitating agitprop will not change any facts on the ground. It will be but more of your tax dollars wasted on a chimera.

Hezbollah is noble, yet not royal. Its warriors and leaders are essentially from working-class, farming communities who grouped themselves to repel a vicious, colonial and genocidal invader, otherwise known as Israel. Some thirty years after the birth of their resistance group, Hezbollah remain exceptionally humble and profoundly rooted in their modest beginnings. Even though Hezbollah has lost warriors in combat, the number of its martyrs has been relatively low, and it has yet to lose a single battle or war in its 30+ years of existence. And despite its stellar successes on the battlefield, Hezbollah remains unostentatious and merciful in victory. Most notable and impressive of all, Hezbollah’s leadership does not practice chicanery, skullduggery or monkeyshines. They simply do not lie. Not once has its leadership deceived or duped its fighters, its allies or supporters. Consistently true to their word, even Israeli Jewish citizens, according to Israeli polls, believe what Hezbollah’s leadership says above their own leaders in Tel Aviv. This is because time and time again, what Hezbollah says simply and truly ‘is’, and what it promises, it always delivers. And, indeed, it has outsmarted its bulkier enemy at every turn of the road and delivered.


Certainly, a lot has changed since Putin and Medvedev refused to live up to the agreement with Iran for the already paid S300 and refused to deliver it. At that time there was still a hope (in their ignorant minds- despite the two decades of experience behind them) that they (not necessarily the Russian people as such) will be somehow able to to rub their “noble” shoulders with the “equals” in the US and West only if they did just little bit more treachery. Nowadays even the Hezbollah comes handy as a companion because Russia has an unbridgeable shortage of sincere allies. And how could it have any true allies since so called “modern” and “pragmatic” Russia had back stabbed and had sold all of them. From the greatest German Russophile E. Honecker who was sent back to Germany in fetters, to Serbs and Milosevic, to Cubans and Castro (just imagine if the Lourdes was still operational in the current situation), to Yanukovic (instead of bringing him back to power the next day as everyone in the world was expecting , Putin recognized putsch as legal), to Libya, to Armenia etc. Do Russians really believe that anyone can trust them any more, do they really believe that they can deceive such historically and culturally deep peoples like China, Iran and others?

Cray Brand

Best comment and analysis on this post by a mile! Kudos!

Lone Ranger

Only if you are high on LSD…


No LSD where he lives. Afghan heroin is mainly used in Iran…

Lone Ranger

Lay off the LSD, its bad for you…

Lone Ranger

Certainly, a lot has changed since Bush Jr. and Obobgo refused to live up to the agreement with Iraq for the already paid F-16s, Abrams and refused to deliver it when it was most needed during the advancement of isus. At that time there was still a hope (in their ignorant minds- despite the two decades of experience behind them) that they (not necessarily the Americant people as such) will be somehow able to to rub their “noble” shoulders with the “equals” in Russia and East only if they did just little bit more treachery. Nowadays even the Turkisis comes handy as a companion because U.S. has an unbridgeable shortage of sincere allies. And how could it have any true allies since so called “modern” and “pragmatic” U.S. had back stabbed and had sold all of them. From the greatest German Amerophile Aldomoro who was killed by CIA run Red Briage(Operation Gladio) in fetters, to Hungarians and Kurds, to Vietnamese and Cambodia (just imagine if the Lourdes was still operational in the current situation), to Saddam (instead of bringing him back to power the next day as everyone in the world was expecting , CIA recognized putsch as legal), to Libya, to Armenia etc. Do Americants really believe that anyone can trust them any more, do they really believe that they can deceive such historically and culturally deep peoples like China, Iran and others? Fixed Trollstoy 🙃

Steve Standley

That took some effort to match the style and (counter) content.

Lone Ranger

Took about 4mins :)

Steve Standley

Hey all of you “Putin is a Chabad puppet” whack-jobs, take note. ^This says makes you look pretty silly. Please, someone come in here and tell me Putin is a Jew now.


The meeting between Lavrov and the Hezzbolah delegation breaks the past perception that Russia had issues with Iranian backed faction. Russia can provide Hezzbolah the keys to shut the door to Israeli air incursions over Lebanon.

Steve Standley

This article provides direct evidence that Putin is a Zionist playing 4D chess. Says Shylockracy.

Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt… Mossadisis trolls will cry and rage…


What the fuk.. Russia publically is working with terrorist entities and groups. Opening a representative office


Meanwhile the retarded banana regime of Serbia listed Hezbollah as a terrorist group because our American slavemasters demanded that we do. But luckily we are a completely irrelevant actor in the Middle East. lol

Potato Man

Zion cry and would never like to hear it, but Hezbollah is also a political party, and so many people within and outside of Lebanon support them. The West MSM is run by such moronic people who think people believe them, all you hear from West MSM is about Hezbollah military might without pointing out anything else they do, like IRGC…

The best part is when a moron believe them and talk out of their a$s.

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