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The Saker: “Russia and the USA both finish the year with a “Grand Finale” of sorts”

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The Saker: "Russia and the USA both finish the year with a “Grand Finale” of sorts"

Written by The Saker; Originally appeared at The Unz Review

The end of the year is often a time of relative calm when the various parties to a conflict take a moment off, even when they declare nothing of the sort publicly (there are, of course, exceptions to this rule of thumb, such as the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979). This year, both the Russians and the USA ended the year in a climax of sorts which we shall look into.

Another rule of thumb says that, “past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior”, and this turned out to be very true in both cases: the Russians did more of what they have done all year long, as did the Americans. Specifically:

• Uncle Shmuel decided to bomb five bases of the group Kata’ib Hizbullah in Iraq in retaliation for an attack on the K1 U.S. base in Iraq

• Defense Minister Shoigu announced that the first regiment of Avangard equipped ICBMs was fully operational and on combat alert.

Let’s take a look at the implications and consequences of these two events.

The U.S. airstrikes on Kata’ib Hizbullah units in Iraq

First, just to clarify, Kata’ib Hizbullah has nothing to do with Hezbollah in Lebanon. The word “Hezbollah/Hizbullah” simply means “party of God” and Kata’ib Hizbullah simply means “Brigades of the Party of God”. Yes, both groups have similar names and they are both Shia. Kata’ib Hizbullah probably aims at becoming an Iraqi version of Hezbollah, and while they even have a similar flag, Kata’ib Hizbullah is neither an offshoot nor creation of Hezbollah. Kata’ib Hizbullah was created as a direct response to the U.S. invasion of Iraq (whereas Hezbollah in Lebanon was blow-back from the Israeli invasion of Lebanon).

This being said, there is no doubt in my mind that the U.S. actions in the Middle-East, and especially the total and abject subservience of the USA to Israel (and when I say “subservience” I am being polite, really) have greatly contributed to facilitating the alliance and cooperation of all Shia factions in the Middle-East. The best example of such cooperation is the support the Yemeni Houthis get from Iran (but “support” is not the same as “proxy”, and Iran had nothing to do with the devastating Houthi counter-strikes against the KSA).

I won’t go into the details of the recent strike, especially since “b” on Moon of Alabama already has done a very good job analyzing it. What I will do is simply suggest an answer to the rhetorical question “b” asks at the end of his analysis: “Yesterday’s attacks guarantee that all U.S. troops will have to leave Iraq and will thereby also lose their supply lines to Syria. One wonders if that was the real intent of those strikes”.

My personal opinion is that Occam’s razor and past events ought to suggest that the most straightforward explanation is much more plausible than any kind of “5d chess” strategy.

Furthermore, far from suggesting that this latest expression of the hatred of the Iraqi people for Uncle Shmuel will result in a withdrawal, we already see the exact opposite happening: not only has the USA announced that it will send another 750 soldiers to Iraq, but it has also announced that another 4’000 troops might also be send to the region, to the immense joy of its Israeli overlords who can’t wait for a US attack on Iran (how nice that the “only democracy in the Middle-East” is always cheering for as much violence and wars as possible).

Does that look like a preparation for withdrawal to you?

Finally, there is also Donald The Great with his usual garden variety of empty threats like this wonderful tweet:

And, sure enough, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei quickly replied:


It sure doesn’t look like anybody in Tehran is taking Trump, or the US, seriously.

And, frankly, why would they?

As Ayatollah Ali Khamenei correctly pointed out – there is nothing much the US can do about what is taking place all over the Middle-East; except, of course, starting a war which the US will most definitely lose (Hollywood inspired delusions of invincibility notwithstanding).

I believe that the U.S. Deep State has no intentions at all of leaving Iraq (or Syria, for that matter). Furthermore, far from being a strike to justify a withdrawal, this strike was aimed at bullying the Iraqi people into submission and acceptance of the lawless and thug-like behavior of the USA in their country. Simply put, Pompeo & Co. did what Uncle Shmuel always does when they do not know what to do: they crudely decided to use brute force with the goal of terrorizing their adversaries into submission.

You might object that this strategy has not worked in decades, and you would be right. But here is the catch: the weaker the AngloZionist Empire looks, the more the Empire feels that it ought to restore its putative ability to terrorize by doubling-down, again and again. This mental block is called, “la fuite en avant” in French, which can be translated as a flight forward: that is what you do when all you can do is what got you into serious trouble in the first place, because:

1. It did work in the past.

2. You don’t have the intellectual capability to imagine any other approach.

3. Because you sincerely believe that violence always solves all problems (as in the German saying “Wenn es mit Gewalt nicht geht, dann geht es mit mehr Gewalt”)

Those familiar with Hegelian dialectics will immediately see what is happening; the Empire is being destroyed from within, as a result of its own internal contradictions and its inability to evolve to a higher level of functioning. This inherent corrosiveness within the Empire does not require an external enemy, it destroys itself due to its very nature.

There are rumors that Trump wants to get rid of Pompeo, but I don’t believe them. Assuming that these rumors are true in the first place, are they linked to the recent air strikes or is this an expression of Trump’s comparative benevolence? Again, I doubt it. Trump is already blaming Iran for the fact that the US embassy in Iraq was attacked by large crowds of US-hating Iraqis.

Finally, and just as pathologically dysfunctional, is the fact that the only “solution” the leaders of the Empire could devise to the current crisis is to send in even more forces to reinforce the huge embassy compound in Baghdad. Obviously, Uncle Shmuel can’t even begin to imagine a strategy not solely predicated on violence.

This clearly shows that the expression, “insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again expecting different results” still fully applies to the rulers of the USA.

Now let’s take a look at how Russia ended the year

Russia deploys the Avangard (and more)

Remember how after Putin’s famous speech, the so-called “Russia specialists” declared that all these weapons did not exist, that they were all just computer animations?

Well, now probably the most exotic and “incredible” weapon mentioned by Putin (the Avangard) is fully operational and on combat duty. The Russians went so far as to show that weapon to US inspectors. Still, there remains a tiny minority which do not believe the “Russian hype”, despite an unambiguous report by the GAO which clearly states that “There are no existing counter-measures” against hypersonic weapons, and who will only admit the existence of these weapon systems if they get vaporized by them. But what do these Russian weapons (especially the Mach 10+ Kinzhal and the Mach 27+ Avangard) mean for the rest of us?

One one hand, this is very good news because it it yet another sign that Russia is now fully prepared for war, including total nuclear war. To put it differently, all the hopes that the U.S. had regarding the development of an ABM system which could stop a Russian counter-strike (following a U.S. attack) are now gone. Not only have the new Russian weapons made the US carrier fleet obsolete, it also made the US ABM plans obsolete too. Thus, in theory, this new reality ought to deter even the craziest folks at the Pentagon, CIA, NSA and White House.

On the other hand, however, this is not good news, because now the U.S. has a factual basis to declared that it feels threatened. Why? Because of the tricky issue of first-strike stability.

I can state categorically that Russia will never deliberately start a war, least of all against the USA (the Russians understand that Russia could never escape a US counter-strike, even if delivered by the comparatively old US nuclear triad), but that is not an assumption the Pentagon’s force planners can make. Simply put, the Avangard + Burevestnik (nuclear powered infinite range cruise missile) combo could seem rather destabilizing from the point of view of what is called first strike stability (for a detailed discussion see here). For the time being, only one ICBM regiment has been outfitted with the Avangard hypersonic glide vehicles while the Burevestnik is still in the late stages of testing. But we also know that three more regiments are scheduled to receive the Avangard in the near future while the testing and evaluation of the Burevestnik is near completion (in spite of a possible recent accident). Once ready, this missile will probably be deployed in large numbers. Right now U.S. defense planners will have to assume that both systems will be deployed in numbers sufficient to affect the first strike stability between Russia and the USA.

The solution? To hammer out a new strategic arms treaty between the two countries. Alas, at this point in time, the U.S. leaders show no interest in any such treaty. Worse, the New Start Treaty will soon lapse.

I suppose that in the demented political culture of the USA any kind of treaty with Russia is a “sign of weakness” and is therefore “unpatriotic”. Still, first strike stability is one of those things which, along with cooperation in space, self-evidently benefits both nations (not to mention the rest of the planet) and, therefore, almost any strategic arms limitation/reduction would be highly desirable (the one exception to this rule would be a dramatic reduction in the number of deliverable warheads, even by both sides, which would threaten also first strike stability; see here and here for a discussion).

Finally, Russia ended the year by launching the newest Yasen-M-class SSN/SSGN, the Novosibirsk. This class of subs, arguably the most advanced on the planet, can function as both a nuclear attack and a missile attack submarine: it has eight torpedo tubes as well as ten vertical missile launch silos which can launch all sorts of missiles, including hypersonic ones. Most amazingly, it has only 64 crewmen, which suggest an unprecedented level of automation (the latest Virginia-class sub has a crew of 134). The Yasen-M is truly an amazing submarine, the big question now is how many of those Russia will be able to build? Probably not enough to really please the Russian force planners, but probably enough to create yet another major headache for the USN.

What is crucial to understand here is that the Avangard, the Yasen-M and all the other weapons systems Russia has deployed (the Avangards, Zirkons, Bastions, Sarmats, Pereswets, Burevestniks, Poseidons etc. are only the ones discussed in the western media, in reality there are many more) are but the tip of a much bigger iceberg: for the past 5 years or so Russia has been preparing for total war precisely to try to deter the USA from doing something literally “terminally” stupid. Will that be enough to shock the leaders of the AngloZionist Empire out of their delusions or grandeur and invincibility?

I honestly don’t know. I hope that it will. But, frankly, I am not sure. Listening to the likes of Trump, Pompeo, Bolton and the rest of these ignorant and self-deluded clowns, not to mention the English language corporate media, I don’t feel very reassured, to put it mildly. Let us pray that the actual deep-state decision makers can still discriminated between feel-good propaganda for the masses and the actual reality out there.

Conclusion: two diametrically opposed approaches to security

Trump is stuck in a position where he has no other choice but to continue to threaten anybody and everybody. This kind of manic aggression towards the entire planet is what passes for “looking presidential” in the current US political doxa. This, at leasts, is not Trump’s fault and it all began a very long time ago (remember Dukakis cruising around in a M-1 tank or Dubya landing on a carrier with “Mission Accomplished” in the background?). Not that I am excusing Trump in any way: no adult leader of a nuclear superpower should even think issuing such silly but nonetheless most dangerous threats towards any other sovereign country, nevermind another nuclear superpower. But let’s be honest here: every single US President starting with Clinton and all his successors was a clown of one kind or another and Trump is probably not the worst of them. As I have said many times, at this point the problem is not the man (or woman) in the White House, it is the entire system which is both terminally dysfunctional and unreformable.

The year 2020 will be dominated by the (frankly treacherous) attempts of the Dems to subvert the US Constitution and overthrow Trump. Like many others, I predict that this will boomerang into the Dems collective face and will yield a landslide victory for Trump (the Democratic Party is at least as unreformable as the US political system). Externally, Trump will probably continue to simultaneously threaten the EU, Russia, China, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Yemen, Lebanon, Venezuela, Mexico, Turkey, etc. and the entire worldwide Muslim community (keep in mind the following stats: there are about 2 billion Muslims out there, and make up a majority of the population in 49 countries around the world). Basically, the US believes that it can simultaneously threaten, sanction and otherwise bully (or even attack), most of the countries on the planet and prevail. To call this delusional is an understatement.

For Russia 2020 will be an important transition year. This is best illustrated by the compromise deal reached with the EU and the Ukraine on gas: Russia yielded to some of the Ukrainian demands solely in order to show support for the EU which is now slowly showing signs of truly getting fed-up with the endless stream of threats and demands coming from across the Atlantic. You could say that Russia agreed to a tactical concession in order to secure a strategic objective.

The Germans and the French, in particular, seemed to have finally (!) realized that they gained nothing and lost a lot in their subservience to the USA . The Russian plan is quite simple, really: show the EU that Russia has more than enough force to smash any US/NATO/EU attacking force while, at the same time, indicating that Russia is more than willing to cooperate, and even compromise, to establish normal, civilized, relations with Europe. This being said, Russia will only agree to relatively minor compromises, simply because her real priorities, political and economic, are not in the West anymore, but in the South, North and East and, especially, China [quick reminder: the top exports of Russia are crude petroleum ($96.6B), refined petroleum ($58.4B), petroleum gas ($19.8B), coal briquettes ($16.1B) and wheat ($7.93B); the top export destinations of Russia are China ($39.1B), the Netherlands ($27.7B), Germany ($19.9B), Belarus ($18.5B) and the United States ($15.4B).] Yes, the EU is still important to Russia, but not a top priority anymore.

How can all this be summed up?

Well, and paraphrasing a famous quote by Foreign Minister Lavrov, we could say that

  • the US plan is to turn allies into friends, turn friends into partners, turn partners into neutrals and turn neutrals into enemies and
  • the Russian plan is to turn enemies into neutrals, turn neutrals into partners, turn partners into friends and turn friends into allies.

I will let you decide which of these two plans is viable and which one is not.

I wish you all the best in 2020, especially peace.

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“show the EU that Russia has more than enough force to smash any US/NATO/EU attacking force while, at the same time, indicating that Russia is more than willing to cooperate, and even compromise, to establish normal, civilized, relations with Europe”

Very good conclusion.


The trick here is to stop at “enough”… Russian defense is vastly more cost-efficient than the US… but still Russia has to avoid the USSR- trap of starving domestic industries with military expenditures…


“…..and starving domestic……..” And, we don’t????????


Yes. Of course. It’s finally catching up to the US, which is being eclipsed by Chinese innovative products and new markets. But decades ago it was a different story with the USSR


Not sure that I can follow you? What do you mean by:

“USSR- trap of starving domestic industries with military expenditures…”


The decline of the USSR is usually attributed to diverting resources from domestic consumption and R&D/ industrial development and into a losing arms race with the US… Star Wars pushed them over the edge


Probably Afghanistan much more than Star Wars. Bottom line is that USSR has collapsed because of Gorbachev the most. USSR as country could have survived collapse of Warsaw pact if they had any other lieder than Gorbachev. Actually no other lieder would let East Germany for free re-unite West Germany like he did

Tommy Jensen

You both forget the poor Sovjet population. I have been there on a visit just after the wall and then back to Sweden. The contrast was incredible. Tens of km of dirty 12 storey buildings, only one type of milk, cheese, bread in the shops. then back to Sweden with everything in the supermarkets and fine clean buildings and houses. No! The population ran when they discovered how the West lived! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bc3dac5072b233f094af69a88126986eda9a58e107e3525f2de6dde09f22af67.jpg Sovjet Union

Gary Sellars

You’ve clearly never traveled thru the US and witnessed first hand the appalling poverty on display in the nations heartland (ie anywhere the coastal elites don’t live).

Tommy Jensen

True. I have only been in NYC Manhattan and Niagara Falls.


They are there Tommy, they didn’t all “run” away. I have lived in “socialism” and there were certain advantages to capitalism that you couldn’t possibly see in your visit.

If I could choose I would rather go back to that “socialism” than stay in today’s capitalism. And I am not communist and I never was communist.

Tommy Jensen

I know. Solid traditional education, excellent engineers, musicians and sport. Free Healthcare. A secure job.


Life FREE of ANY KIND of STRESS and worries about the future. That is something I miss the most.

Everything was provided, jobs, free apartments etc.

Everybody had place to live and enough food without extra humiliation.


“The Yasen-M is truly an amazing submarine, the big question now is how many of those Russia will be able to build? Probably not enough to really please the Russian force planners,”

How many is well known fact and never secret in Russian planing ( it is even in Wikipedia) Russia has no intention to make plenty of Yassen class subs. Because they are very expensive. That is why they want to build new 5th. generation subs that are among many high tech improvements (more automatisation, 2 times more silent) are much cheaper than Yassen-M class.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Thing is the Yassen-M is a multipurpose submarine (SSGN) one that has a greater weapons capacity than the Husky. (which the Russian navy will need for striking terrorist targets 100’s, if not 1000’s of km from the littoral without warning)

So ideally you would want the two classes of subs operating together.


And why would they pull relatively new Yassen’s out of the service genius?!?

“Husky” will be “modular” model. In simple words they will use some universal elements and compatible dimensions and change only modules depending on what are they going to build. On the same universal Husky design they will build all 3 different types: 1)Ballistic 2)Attack land/surface 3)Anti-sub (ship) attack So there will be no more completely separated designs for ballistic and attack models of subs. And that will also make them cheaper

Dick Von Dast'Ard

You miss what I’m pointing out, the Yassen-M and Husky are complementary with one another on complex task missions.


I missunderstood that you are giving me your own theory. Are you? You are….hmm I missed what you were pointing out here simply because I took the words from the different texts I have red on that sub and didn’t see anything on “complementary”usage of two together . So I was thinking that you are pushing some your theory :-)) and you did !

.Now seriously ….Since it is still not known number of launch tubes it is premature to have such theory but you might be right!!! Not only because of displacement but because it is TWO TIMES MORE SILENT “Husky”is much better for playing role of SUB KILLER & SHIP KILLER From what I had possibility to read anywhere I did not see any info on Yassen complementary and you are officially the first one who comes with that idea so the merit is yours (if not stolen from somebody else)! And I will agree with you because it does make sense.

It is logical also (since newer generation) model and since Husky will be produced in all 3 different types of subs. One day Husky will be replacing even SSGN Yassen also but in very distant future.


Top quality analysis from the Saker, as usual.


Top quality BS

Why do people listen to this crap?

peter mcloughlin

It is certainly right that “the Empire” follows the pattern of what worked for it in the past, but fails to see a deeper pattern: the ultimate fate of all Great Powers. It is always an honor to join in the Saker’s informative and interesting discussions. For my own small contribution:



Downloaded your GoH Peter. Any relation to Kevin?


The whole strategy should be to have “enough” (of strategic and conventional weapons) to deter military action and make war obsolete among large powers… let the US spend itself into oblivion.


They will. They are already going in that direction since it is them who chase now Russia to catch up on hyper sonic missiles and new generation of Russian nuke missiles.


Russian hypersonics are a shot in the arm for the US MIC bottomless pork barrel … US will continue diverting major resources away from basic R&D to endless dead-end waste


…`diverting major resources away from basic R&D to endless dead-end waste ——— They will need to show something after all

Tommy Jensen

I have decided that our plan works best.

We won the world opium trade in Afghanistan, we smashed a competitor in Libya, we sit on Iraq oil reserves, we are a pain in the arse for Iran, we paid our adventure in Syria with its oil. Today we dominate Europe completely. We have our 5 eyes, Japan, S. Korea, Georgia, Ukraine, Baltics, Finland, Brazil, in our cow shed.

What did Russia obtain with their nice guy strategy? Crimea, a quagmire in Syria, and a lot of sanctions and problems……………….……LMAOL.

We won again!

Gary Sellars

You really are an evil cunt… gratz buddy, but karma is a real force and the Universe will bite you in the arse when it calls time on your account.


I couldn’t have put it better myself

Unfortunately to many folks out there who hang on ever word of this Saker bloke, who certainly isn’t in any stretch of the imagination an analyst

Big puffed up BS merchant,oh i love those stats about the most important exports of Russia which basically proves they,Russia, has a crap one dimensional economy

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