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MARCH 2025

Russia And Ukraine Exchanged Bodies Of Dead Servicemen

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Russia And Ukraine Exchanged Bodies Of Dead Servicemen

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Early on June 4, the first reports confirmed that Russian and Ukraine exchanged bodies of dead servicemen. The exchange procedure was carried out at the contact line in the Zaporozhye region, which is one of the most stable front lines in Eastern Ukraine. The exact area of the exchange was not revealed.

160 bodies of the dead Ukrainian servicemen were exchanged for 160 bodies of Russians.

Negotiations on the exchange of the bodies of dead servicemen were previously held between the Human rights Commissioners. Apparently, an agreement was reached.


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Florian Geyer

There is an old adage that states :- ‘ Do not speak ill of the dead’.

The dead who committed vile crimes will be judged by history.

And the dead who gave the ultimate sacrifice so that others can live without fear will be remembered as the Bravest of the Brave.

Slava Rossiya.


Who lives without fear? We did as children,without fear of war anyway,but not if murderers in the night and thieves in the day and spies in disguise and bogey men and ghosts and evil entities.


How dare you vile homosexual rant,try to speak for they brave,take a hike homosexual kike! You vermin luciferian sodomite born to lie degenerate cowards are going down (period) Lest the dead bury the dead,or at the very least pave the way towards humane redemption! For the figh must go on,no looking back however let the governments deal with their losses, like real men (not globohomo cowards) ought to!


“Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it? That’s what it is to be a slave.”

Warrior Nation

У русских столько мертвых Ukroniggers, а Украине нечего на них торговать!


I don’t understand why they trade KIA one for one. They should do it ALL for ALL (maybe propaganda. Maybe one side wants to hide the something…)


Ukrainians don’t want to change the dead, they had 160 Russian bodies, they changed them, they don’t want to take the rest. Because families need to be paid. And so they tell the families that he surrendered, fled to Russia, disappeared without a trace.


They’re dead. All this rubbish about sending corpses back so the owners can pay the disposal expenses is just gross.


yes, who believes in cholera or typhoid anyways, no scientific evidence of that since people started cleaning up battlefields, I think its poppycock to say disease starts because of heaps of dead ukrops litter the countryside. Leave them on the sidewalks, it will sort itself out, why bury grandma anyways, just chuck her in garbage for collection…


You have the heart of the coward,you are a swine,have no respect for the fallen nor families, which is why you are nothing but a degenerate insolent immoral homosexual gimp with no soul! Grow a set satanic poof!


at current rate of “Equality” Ukrops should receive 16 dead nazis for every one Russian Soldier its the rate they fight and die at. to win every ukrop bottom feeder needs to kill 16 Russian Soldiers personally, AND survive. Hence to battlefield loses beyond repair. Country is gonna look great when it’s finished.

Thought Criminal

That’s an incredibly unrealistic ratio, sure, the Russians rely much more on artillery, but in actual ground battles, Ukrainians as the defenders have somewhat of an advantage. The real casualty numbers are probably quite equalised on both sides.


It would be very interesting to get some day the facts of real losses of both RF and Ukie army. They both highly exaggerate enemy losses and but also hesitate to tell puclic how many their own soldiers have been killed. Nor are they not publishing numbers of soldiers missing in action.


Ukraine does,10 gajillion russians have died, no ukies have died…. anyone who does not answer the commanders phone call from kiyv after russian bombardments is ascribed the “Deserter” title not counted as a 300(dead). If he died in battle, no need to bury or compensate as he “Deserted” and is a horrible traitor to ukraine (Aka the zelensky bank account). if he didnt die, he deserted….no need to pay him, can steal family home from “traitors” Onward to destruction, onward to suffering and pain Onward into enslavement We eat our own kind Slava Polekraine


dpr 1,850 losses


The Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) is reporting as of 26 May that they had 1,912 soldiers killed and 7,919 wounded. During the next week they lost 74 killed and 280 wounded. So as in 3 June there losses been 1,986 killed and 8,199 wounded. Total losses 10,185.

Johannes Ekhman

One clear example how Russia has cultury to deny as long as possible their military losses was Finnish Russo Winter War (30 Nov 39 – 13 March 40). Molotov claimed 48,000 killed. But in early 1990s Krovosheev gave numbers: 126,000 killed. In 2013 Pavel Petrov counted numbers of database with names and information of 167,976 soldiers died in that 105 days war.


yes people hide things they dont like about war. Like how ukraine hides its genocidal anti semitic murderous nazi past from the MSM who comply instead of just reading history. ALL anti fascist forces who liberated Europa from the clutches of criminal nazis and their accomplices ALL to a state agree that Ukraine was complicit in the murder of civilians by industrial means. Who stocked the coal in the fires in Ukraines death camps? The Ukrainian Volunteers who dragged the corpses to the fires from the spot of their murder- The Ukrainian Volunteers who started the pogram’s against the Jew, the Pole, the Roma, and the Russian? The Ukrainian Volunteers


Only corrupt pro west muppets partake in bloated numbers for example late us military archives revealed the official soviet death toll in ww2 was infact 7.5 million,not 27 million as h.yped up by what is known as todays askenazi liberal medias,like they don’t fool the truth regardless how? Consider 7.5 million losses compare to 8.2 million germans,its obvious whom the victors were, and since when in history did the sound victors lose more people then,I rest my case! Todays faked up numbers by the fascists only expose the myth just like them self pitied askenazis of the wests,whom rigged up the fake holocaust if anything 10,000 senior nazi ranked fascists are the same immoral paganic satanic cultists whom represent kiev juntas of todays,let alone the famine then,which we now get to see whom instigated such,certainly was never stalin,fk no! It is the same satanic culted askenazi tryhard globalist jews whom are to blame for it all!

Peter Jennings

I’m guessing that the Russian military has a lot more ex Ukrainian soldiers left over, apart from those who were left behind to die on the battlefield and those incinerated in their tanks and armoured vehicles.


humane thing to do,dead or alive,only a degenerate homosexualised degenerate coward whom does not value anything or anyone these days would post utter coward like prop up soros/lgbtq/nazo nonesense (period)

Last edited 2 years ago by PUTIN DESTROYS CANCERS

As an American that has held his head in disgrace since the excuse for the Afghan and Iraq conflict based on a “New Pearl Harbor” https://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/story?id=128491&page=1 that gave the World 3 buildings 2 planes as the excuse to invade and occupy wherever it chooses since…

I want to see these two https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/reports-u-s-admiral-surrenders-to-russia-in-mariupol-ukraine https://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=251935 if DEAD with a pole up there asses paraded in every town square in the Donbas letting the “flies” do the rest… And if ALIVE brought before an independent war crimes tribunal in Russia and sentenced to death with a very public display for those of us who still care about the rule of law and justice for war criminals!

And if the Russian government sends them back home so they can do it all over again… Then the Russian military needs to form a new government for their sacrifices!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Johannes Ekhman

Ukies are claiming 30,000 Russians and its allies soldiers killed. More likely real losses around 25-50% of those numbers. DPR and LPR have total 3,000 soldiers dead. RF forces around 4,000-6,000.


Most of the infantry fighting is done by DPR/LPR/Chechens/Wagner. Russian seems to be behind at artilleries. I expect that most loses might have DPR. DPR is bigger than LPR. Chechens/Wagner are there for money

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