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MARCH 2025

Russia Asked Kurds To Allow Syrian Army to Enter Afrin – YPG

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Russia had asked the Kurds in Afrin to allow the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) to deploy in Afrin and Tal Rifat to stop the Turkish attack, Bahjat Abdo, Head of Defense Authority in Afrin and a commander of the Kurdish YPG militia said in an interview to the Kurdistan24 TV channel.

“Russians say if we allow the Syrian regime forces enter Afrin, they will stop the Turkish attacks,” Abdo said. “We drove the Syrian regime out of Afrin five years ago, and it is impossible to allow them back.”

Abdo also criticized Russia’s policy toward Afrin.

“Russians say they are supporting us when their forces enter Afrin, but unfortunately when the Russians entered Afrin, the Turkish attacks increased,” he said adding “Russians and Turks want to create more chaos and disturb people’s lives and forcibly displace them.”

Kurdish sources claimed that a new meeting between Russian representatives and Kurdish forces was held in Afrin to discuss the issue of the next Turkish Operation in the north of Aleppo or Idlib.

The sources claimed that the Kurds are still completely rejecting the idea of handing over the region to the Syrian government and the Syrian Arab Army.

The Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Turkish forces bombed YPG positions in the east of Afrin and the vicinity of Tal Rifat again. Turkey is very serious about the Kurdish situation in northern Aleppo while the Kurds remain determined not to make any concessions to any other Syrian party including the Syrian opposition.

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Time is ticking SDF

Jens Holm

For other too.

Daniel Martin

I would advice the Kurd’s to take a better look at the map, and see where they are situated, and that there’s no chance in hell, that any of the neighboring countries as well as Syria it self will ever allow an independent Kurdish state. If they think that the Americans will support them, better think twice and look back in history how such promises usually ended. The only “independence you will get is a temporary conditional one at the mercy of the Americans just as the so called Kosovo republic has today has.


It’s a negotiating position.


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The US will not leave. That’s the catch. They will figure out someway to create a “peacekeeping” force. If the Kurds don’t bend, let the Turks smash them. It would be good chess game for the Russians and SAA to attack them from the other end. Finish this foolishness.

Bill Wilson

LOL! The Kurds will kick the Syrian sissy’s asses since Putin won’t do shit against the Kurds.


You have to admit that now pro western Kurd controlled region is surrounded by forces who have their own designs. What are the options?! The Turks want to destroy them, the Idlib based Islamists want to conquer them, and the SAA / allies want every part of Syria back under their control.

I’m pretty sure the Kurds will give anyone of them a bloody nose but for how long? Even if the western military para drops aid (or even air strikes which I doubt), how long can they hold out before they’re compelled to negotiate for their own survival?

Its a small price to pay if they agree to the Russian request. It could buy them some time too.

Jens Holm

Rubbish again. To many assumptions. Fx : If SAA get weak FSA will attack and the other way too.


We can agree to disagree. The Kurds are hemmed in, not the SAA. Let’s see what the Kurds will do.

Jens Holm



As the kurds and SDF do not strive for an independent state, your comment is hardly relevant.

Kurds do not want to return to a syrian ARAB state that does not recognise their existence, both as a people and as individuals and do not want to return to the family run alawite dictatorship.

They want a secular multi ethnic state with rights independent of the local dictator.

A state that left them to the tender care of islamists of all types, ultimately IS.

Jonathan Cohen

And Assad’s ABORTION BAN, unlike Russia, and Turkey.


Protection of unborn babies from homicidal Jewish communists, antifas, and anarchists.


oh please they are whores to the americans and they want more than anything their own state, they should get what they deserve

Bill Wilson

Assad is bitch to the Russians.


And American government bitches to Zionists.

Weldon Cheek

The fact that they are american puppets is the number one reason they should noy be allowed to stay,and this is syrian land not kurdish so why do they deserve it? All the arguements are based o percived rights,this is the real world and if you take someone elses property you will have to fight to keep it.

Jens Holm

You are right. WW1 certainly took many kurds proporty. In hundreds of Ywers by ottomans and back, there was no problems.

Now they are divided by 4 little dictators in stead of one in Constantinopel.

They havnt fighted against Assads, but THEY has to pay.

A fence left of Istandbull please.


A state?

Jens Holm

Compared to what they have been since WW1 for whome?

John Brown

Mossad national the kurdish local leaders dictators now Mossad puppets like ISIS and Al Qaeda are following the Yilon plan for a greater racist supremacist Israel as they have clearly been bought by Israel and sold their people down the drain. I am sure they all have large off shore bank accounts now and also mansions in countries like Switzerland filled with hookers and drugs etc for them to go to once Afrin and all the Kurds there have been destroyed.

Jens Holm

And the secret leader of Mossad is Yassir Arafat in Hijab and his son is Bagdadi.

John Brown

You make dumb Goyim comments as all your female descendents will become hookers and male descendents drug addicts or gay hookers and slaves of Israel or just dead. Now the real truth. The Man Behind The Curtain Israeli Colonel Among ISIS Forces In Iraq June 14, 2017 206 Views Commentary This story is from November 28, 2015, but it is still important in that it demonstrates just how long evidence about the Zionist connection to ISIS has been out there — and how long our Zionist media has ignored it. http://www.middleeastrising.com/the-man-behind-the-curtian-israeli-colonel-caught-among-isis-forces-i Tel Aviv Pays Al Qaeda Fighters Salaries: The Syrian War’s Worst Kept Secret That Could Become Israel’s Nightmare Yes, Israel is supporting Syrian rebels, but this goes beyond cash and aid: Israel hopes the rebels will serve as a buffer against Hezbollah and a resurgent Assad, a strategy that could easily backfire http://www.globalresearch.ca/tel-aviv-pays-al-qaeda-fighters-salaries-the-syrian-wars-worst-kept-secret-that-could-become-israels-nightmare/5597339 Ex defense minister says IS apologized to Israel for November clash. translation ISIS apologized for accidently attacking its master. One does not apologize for attacking an enemy. Why doesn’t the media talk about this??? http://www.timesofisrael.com/ex-defense-minister-says-is-apologized-to-israel-for-november-clash/ Moshe Ya’alon’s office refuses to elaborate after alluding to contact with terror group You won’t see this on our heavily censored Jewish owned media.This should be front page news and on every T.V. channel. Where are the sanctions and Toma Hawk cruise missile strikes on Israel for this?? They show this in Israeli media but if any media or politician in the Israeli occupied slave empire showed it or talked about it here they would be called racist, arrested etc. for talking about and reporting on the truth. Nothing beats a confession this time from the Israeli defense minister. Is there any doubt who the creators and masters of ISIS and Al Qaeda are??? Is the times of Israel and the Israeli minister of defense anti Jewish and against Israel for saying this??? http://russia-insider.com/en/just-some-photographs-israeli-soldiers-hanging-out-islamic-extremists-syria/ri19253 Just Some Photographs of Israeli Soldiers Hanging Out With Al-Qaeda in Syria https://www.rt.com/news/386027-isis-apologized-israel-golan Ya alon I would prefer Islamic State to Iran in Syria http://www.timesofisrael.com/yaalon-i-would-prefer-islamic-state-to-iran-in-syria/ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg n-iraq/


They want a Kurdish state defended by Arabs. In Syria live a lot of ethnical groups, but Kurds pretend to be some sort of a superior group/race.


In Syria there live arabs, kurds, syriacs, turkmen. Also a few people of neither of the aforementioned but without a larger numbers

Turkmen fight as turkish mercenaries in the Azaz region. Kurds and Syriacs fight within SDF for autonomy and against islamists in general and IS in particular. All ethnic groups are against Assad. Supremacist attituds can be found among turks, arabs and persia, denying the existence of minorities. Ever heard of “mountain turks”, 80 years of denyng the existence of kurds. They have had it with racism from so called master groups.


Liar! Syriacs are ethnically cleansed by Kurds! They will never fight for Kurdistan!

Jens Holm

They are not. Its prooven all over and recognized by most part of the world. ISIS etnic cleansed. Isis made all the 1 mio refugees in Turkey and Europe from there.

You are scum telling Dutchnational is a lier referring prooved facts for the whole world.

If You then say, we know nothing – us fx in the dirty west – I would say thats what we have Internet incl wikipedia for.

You could take Kobane as a very good exampel.


Try again Mr. Scum, I didn’t believe it the first time. Maybe you lie better the second time.

Jens Holm

No, I waste by time by commenting rabiate fanatics with facts.They not even, what it is.

Kobane is a good examle, but You probatly never have heard about that too.


Are you on drugs or u sputter nonsense in order not to be caught lying again? Syriac never did and never will, fight for Kurdistan. It is possible somewhere in future they will fight for their own independent country, but not for others’ independent country. PERIOD, idiot!


Hello idiot! Heard today’s new about Assyriacs fighting Kurds? What did I tell you idiot? What did I tell you? Are you trying to teach ur dad how babies are made?

Jens Holm

Seems to be the opposite way to me.

Jonathan Cohen



Abortion is murder.

Jens Holm

You raise unwanted children and sell them as slaves?


Unfortunately the Americans have moved to Plan B! U.S. Bases Strategically Placed to Prevent Syrian Military From Advancing; Outlining Borders of Kurdistan………..The wild card, however, is whether Syrians will be able to live with the creation of such a large cutout rump state carved out of their own territory. Only time will tell as to how the situation will develop. Considering the fact that two nuclear powers are on opposing sides in this battle, it is safe to say the outcome concerns us all. http://www.globalresearch.ca/u-s-bases-strategically-placed-to-prevent-syrian-military-from-advancing-outlining-borders-of-kurdistan/5599230

Bill Wilson

Fuckin’ Sissy Arab Army can’t advance anywhere unless their opponent has already withdrawn.


Have done a lot of front line fighting have you Bill!

Jens Holm

Never take advice from evil enemies.


**The sources claimed that the Kurds are still completely rejecting the idea of handing over the region to the Syrian government and the Syrian Arab Army**

Kurds really should not have any say in this.

**We drove the Syrian regime out of Afrin five years ago**

That pretty much makes them a terrorist organisation


The primary function of a state is to provide security to its citizens. Assad not only not provided security to non arabs and non muslims, he was one of the sources of oppression.

Jonathan Cohen

Perhaps SDF should agree to direct Russian annexation, which would maintain ABORTION RIGHTS, unlike SAA. As would Turkish annexation, but NOT turkish proxies!



And freedom from Jewish communist antifas and anarchist antifas!

Jc Plancarte

Are you having difficulty what you read??? Do you need some learning disabilities professional help??? Read what this Kurdish commander is saying: “We drove the Syrian regime out of Afrin five years ago, and it is impossible to allow them back.” They were not abandoned to the terrorists. they took advantage that SYria got invaded by terrorists and they decided to become terrorists themselves and carve a piece of Syria for themselves by whoring out to the zionist and USA terror masters!!! Those ingrate dogs Kurds. They have bitten the hand that fed them!!!!

Graeme Rymill

Is the Kurdish commander telling the full story or is he just embellishing? All reports I can find say the SAA withdrew from Afrin in 2012 without any Kurdish/SAA fighting. The Kurdish PYD stepped in to fill the power vacuum.

Daniel Apaza

Who lies against their own interest?

Jens Holm

Well, try the internet. And if You are Turk, Your Master Lord and King Ördo says: Dont trust wikki.

But most others agree in most of it. Kurds wasnt armed to take any bigger force of SAA out at all. they were hardly a real milisia. But true Afrin is full of kurds. at that time it was 180.000 + refugees.

Jens Holm

Yes,it was more like a taking over then a fight. Inflation in moron Antonov and others memorylack.

Jens Holm

You can say that, but they didnt make the uprise, but made a stabil security zone from the uprizers as well as in Aleppo.

In Kobane they have not attacked SAA as well apart from incidents, which goes both ways. it zero and them being very neutral compared to all others.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

People who are clueless as you as to what is terrorism and what is not seems to leave one thinking this big trouble . Assad protected all and what you have been given is a media version and Kurdish history slant by the YPG. Since they had conducted terrorist raids from Syria and in Syria on Turkish and Arab people and minorities in the region . The western media keeps the Kurdish actions against the minorities from the press .

The media loves forgetting many Kurds have fled Turkey after every failed coup attempt and came as refugees and why no status within a country . This is a problem worldwide and time people like you wake up most refugees had a non status , now are given citizen rights and yet are unwilling to conform to the country they come to and Syria isn’t the only country to experience this either . Just think how many countries now have to give up parts of their country for idiot mentalities like yours .


exactly, nice to see well informed people like you

Jens Holm

Its ironi – isnt it. Like pretending walking with one shooe is best.

Jens Holm

If You did like that with the Choran and the Christian bible, there wasnt much left of them.

The Turkish one is the worst. I has never had a chapter how to avoid making terrorists. Its has one, which make new pop up, when the old one dies. Thats the main issue which only can be solved by Turks – givin all there equal human rights.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

What planet are you living on where everyone has equal rights , you must be on planet weird because they only exist in the movies and don’t actually exist in the real world.

Jens Holm

Thats right. Afrins themselves by SDF make the best security. SAA still dont protect it and allthe other SDF possetions. Assads would hardly be Emirs in Latakia witout them.

Jonathan Cohen

Perhaps SDF should agree to direct annexation by Russia, which has ABORTION RIGHTS, unlike SAA.



And freedom from communist antifas and anarchist antifas!

Real Anti-Racist Action

That and 40 years of car bomb attacks and suicide across four countries also makes them a terrorist organisation. Their handlers are the CIA, who are the same handlers of ISIS lol. They are terrorist across the board.

Jens Holm

No, its not. You can find peacufull solutions for that all over the world but also the opposite.

UK could be an example, Belgium could one, Denmark could be one, China could be one. Tanzania could be one.

AND DAA DIDNT DEFEND KURDS IN AFRIN AT ALL. They dont to today as well and has Turkey by fleemarket FSAtake over, and they have no calm too.

Very easy to make lies when You take at least half of the facts out. Like naming You NO ANT and replace it with Midget or something.

Jonathan Cohen




And freedom from Jewish communist antifas and anarchist antifas!


And freedom to shot all bears.

Real Anti-Racist Action

“We drove the Syrian regime out of Afrin five years ago, and it is impossible to allow them back.” -Kurdish Leaders They have always been an enemy, treat them as such.


Real Anti-Racist Action • an hour ago “…They have always been an enemy, treat them as such…”

Disagreed, if the Kurds have a say in the “Syrian Republic” they would integrate.


They’ve always had a say. What do you mean?


tigbear Syrian Arab Republic must reform and drop “Arab” and re brand itself as the Syrian Republic so it can reflect inclusiveness of all its people.

The Kurds in Syria faced or face severe discrimination from the Syrian Government. This has now reduced due to their “Rebellion”.

If the Kurds are made outcasts in Syria then there is no reason for them to be loyal to the country or its military.

Language: Kurds in Syria are not allowed to officially use the Kurdish language, are not allowed to register children with Kurdish names, are prohibited to start businesses that do not have Arabic names, are not permitted to build Kurdish private schools, and are prohibited from publishing books and other materials written in Kurdish. But this is no longer enforced due to the civil war.

Citizenship: Majority of the Kurds are unable to obtain Syrian Citizenship or get a Syrian Passport.

According to Human Rights Watch, the Syrian government falsely claimed that many of the Kurds who were the original inhabitants of the land were foreigners, and in turn, violated their human rights by stripping them of their Syrian citizenship.


Tommy Jensen



Tommy Jensen You are unable to challenge the fact Kurds were discriminated against in Syria.


You are allowed to discriminate against people who are not your citizens. Every nation has special laws and restrictions for people who are not citizens. Every nation treats people who are not citizens differently to the people who ARE citizens. Every nation has the right to tell these non-citizens what they can and cannot do. For example, North Korea restricts the movement of tourists who come to the country. They are not allowed to take pictures of soldiers or military installations. They are not allowed to preach their religion. Saudi Arabia has laws restricting the right of visitors to proselytize too.


Many countries forbid the rights of permanent residents to engage in political activity. In some countries, they are not allowed to set up a soap box in a park, and give a political speech, for instance. If any visitor, permanent resident or illegal alien does not like these laws, they don’t have to stay in the country. If the Kurds did not like these special rules that were made and were applied to them, not because they were Kurds per se, but because they were illegal aliens in Syria, they could have left Syria. It is valid discrimination, and is discrimination that is practised by every nation in the world. In Syria’s case, it was important for the government to enforce these laws at the time that it did because there was unrest in neighboring Iraq, with Kurds causing problems for the Arabs. Hafez was just protecting his nation. Law-abiding Kurdish citizens were treated like any other Syrian citizen. That is why today many Kurds support Assad, and even some fight on his side.


BS again.

Jens Holm

Full of dirt again. 1,7 mio. kurds has lived there 200 years or more and can never be taken as alians. the 200.000 comming in from Turkey being allowed to stay without passport rights would be allowed to work normal, but only to vote for county matters and therefore coukldnt join the parlment or being ministers.

Im sure those kurds prefare Assads for certain dead or jail forever, if they cross to Turkey, but You forget those 200.000 almost all today are born in Syria.




tigbear There was no such thing as the Syrian “Nation”.

Syria is a collection of different Nationalities created by the French and the British who partitioned the Ottoman Empire.

Back in time, everyone came from some place else.

An example, the Anglo Saxons are immigrants into the British Isles, they arrived separately as Angles and then Saxons later the Normans arrived, etc.

They integrated and formed a new language “English” and the English nation was created.

The border of Syria with Turkey were arbitrary colonial creation by Sykes–Picot who shared out the “War Booty” between Britain and France.

The Sykes–Picot Agreement, officially known as the Asia Minor Agreement, was a secret 1916 agreement between the United Kingdom and France to which the Russian Empire assented.


Jens Holm

I can confirm that. In many, many centuries there was no articial state named Syria but another dividing in provinces.

Its tryed constructed by french and Britts to get oil from mainly Kirkuk by the desert. Its constructed to get extra Empirial influence there incl. protecting the Suez canal.

And the french part was diveded, som You got lebanon. Brits diveded, som jordan came and britts tryed to europize the rest by making modern semi european citicens and jobs – which landed in the state of Israel being something else, then hoped for.

If You should rebuild, which is very difficult today, they should have used the old Ottoman districts – or from the time before having greeks in Konstantinopel, their dividing.


Jens Holm Yes you are correct in your explanation.

People on this readers forum are “Internet” Top Military Generals and Experts with many self awarded Medals, LoL:))) so will refuse to accept real history.

Jens Holm

Before the civile war there was estimated 1,9 million kurds in Syria. Only 200.000 were in that socalled tourist category, you metion. Its well descriebed by the syrian Goverment by 2 well descriebed catagories, where 1,7 are like the rest – or should be.

Far out to compare with North Korea, when You can compare with arabis ones doing like that 1000 years or since Adam climbed down a tree.


When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Most of Kurds were illegal immigrants. Hafez allowed them to stay so long as they didn’t cause trouble. They showed they were potential trouble-makers. They supported trouble-making fellow Kurds in Iraq and Turkey. So Hafez decided to hit on them and place restrictions on them. He was too lenient, he should have rounded them up and thrown them back into Turkey, and built a fence to stop them coming into Syria again. This is why the Kurds had to show proof of citizenship. Hafez was fair. He didn’t want to penalize those who had lived in Syria for generations and were law-abiding citizens. Identity cards are not the same as citizenship papers.


These were illegal immigrants whom Hafez had turned a blind eye to. Since they were starting to cause trouble, he as the leader of a sovereign nation, had the right to turf them all out. He had the right to put them on a boat and told them “Get off our land”. Instead of doing that, he let them stay and placed restrictions on them. USA would do much worse to illegal immigrants (who were not Mexican) who were causing trouble for it. Israel … no comparison. Israel would start a war on them, and rain down phosphorus bombs on their villages.

Jens Holm

They are and were not illegal emmigrants at all. They have been there very well registrated at least 200 years in the same thin line just inside turkey in the exact same areas.

It has widen a little out, but thats because of You have killed so many christians, arameans a.s.o. and the population growth for all as well as so many has emnmigrated by fear for arabs(and kurds).

Dont blame just kurds for those facts in the art of etnic cleansing.



Hafez was smart. He never gave them citizenship. He knew that these people could not be trusted. And the Kurds never applied for citizenship. They thought that they were entitled to the same rights as citizens just by illegally settling in Syria. They thought they could do whatever they like, once they’re in Syria, including help fellow Kurds causing trouble in Iraq and Turkey. One of their complaints in Wikipedia is that they weren’t allowed to name businesses in Kurdish. They should be grateful they were even allowed to own businesses in Syria in the first place. How many countries allow illegal aliens to own businesses? Basically, they are complaining because they aren’t treated like citizens.


These Kurds are very arrogant. There is very little evidence they even applied for citizenship or even wanted to be citizens. They probably go around thinking, “We’re Kurds, we’re special, we aren’t Arabs, we don’t want to become citizens of an Arab country, we don’t want to integrate.” Bottom line is if these illegal aliens don’t like how they are treated in Syria, they should go back to where they came from. Syria isn’t their country. They are illegal aliens; they shouldn’t be throwing their weight around. Why don’t they apply for settlement in Israel if they’re looking for a new country to settle in? The Kurds seem to like Israelis these days.


Assad should tell these illegal aliens they are not welcome in Syria any more. He should ask them for their citizenship papers, and if they can’t show them, put them on a boat and tell them to get lost. It’s not his responsibility where they go. They are illegals in Syria, and not only that, they are illegals who have taken up arms against the citizens of Syria. How are they different to foreign ISIS fighters? Can’t see any difference. Both people are illegals and both are fighting against the legitimate Syrian government.

Assad should put all of them in a boat and push it in Israel’s directions. Their new friends can take them in, and give them all the abortion rights they want.

Jens Holm

They already know, Assads dont like them, but they hasnt mainly emmigrated themselves and has choosen to be born, wherethey are.

We give those children school and education, and when they are 18, thay can be examinated in our history, culture and language and owe a passport being a normal citicens. Children shouldnt pay fot what parents did or did not.

But Assads and you do. If your brother or neighbor is a killer, You are too ???

Jens Holm

Rubbish again.You must be a brainwashed Turkmen.


tigbear Read carefully your points and opinions.

If Kurds are excluded from the Syrian nation and made outcasts then Syria will end up being partitioned.

Israel’s Oded Yinon Plan will be one step ahead in Syria.

Jens Holm

Again, You twist things just as Erdogan did when he became dictator.

You forget those non voters dont vote against.

First we dont illegal as that. Secondly we feed them some, so they pay tax some too. We dont have those uncivilized conditions here for illegale ones – only if they do hard crime and get convicted for it – then its only food and a roof.

They can have jobs and pay tax by that, but they dont have many rights.


This is the key part that seems to be the central issue over which there is disagreement: Human Rights Watch claims:

“By many accounts, the special census was carried out in an arbitrary manner. Brothers from the same family, born in the same Syrian village, were classified differently. Fathers became foreigners while their sons remained citizens. Kurds who had served in the Syrian army lost citizenship while families who bribed officials kept theirs. This report includes the names of Kurdish men and women, born in Syria in 1935 or earlier, who lost their citizenship as a result of the census and became “foreigners” (ajanib, in Arabic) in their own country. According to Syrian lawyers, as a result of the census “thousands of people went to sleep as Syrians and woke up to find that they no longer were [citizens].”

These are just anecdotal reports. I am sure that these things occurred to some people, but to claim that many Kurdish people were treated unfairly is just hearsay.


No evidence that large numbers were stripped of their citizenship unfairly. It probably is the case that many Kurds migrated there illegally over the years. They never got citizenship. Their children feel they are entitled to citizenship. And they think that forming a separatist state is a legitimate response to this situation where they are denied citizenship. This is the crux of their problem. Their sense of entitlement is what made them refugees seeking shelter in Syria in the first place. They continue their terrorist activities, and become refugees again. The government of the countries where they run to doesn’t trust them. They grow resentful and demand the same rights as native citizens.


The cycle begins anew. Eventually, they will be like the Jews. Kicked out of one country after another. There is much infighting among the Kurds too. They are at each others’ throats. How can Marxist peshmerga get on with Mujahideen Islamic extremists? This is why they can never have their own state. They can try, by pleading victim and getting countries like America to back them. Won’t last long. They fall apart as soon as their sponsor leaves, or drops them when they no longer find them useful.



Jens Holm

bork. If You want integration as kurds and those 4 countries, You need realistic individual majority solutions.

Kurds in Syria knows that the provoced Rojava estimated has(had) 45% kurds. You cant run a country without the others, but there are many other solutions as seens around the world, which can improove much and calm most things down to local police matters.


and again

Jens Holm

95% of that is 100% lie.


BS again


tigbear There is no hope in Syria as far as Kurds are concerned. They may as well create their own State as an example, South Sudan.

Jens Holm

Well, that part has been supported by deportations to fx Afrin in 1000´s. And when those grandparents come back to their homes filled by Sunniatabs – sometimes ISIS – their enemies call it etnic cleansing, they are moving them out.

Jens Holm

Kurd were well respected by Ottomans as very good soldiers in WW1 and before that. So always is something like after 1925, where some low life farmers and slumstormers pretended to be ottomans without fez.

Kurds were no problem until they were divided into 4 having 4 dictator masteres insisting in this and that compared to almost none.

But armenians was. According to treaty of 1878 they were promised almost total autonomy and that didnt happen. In stead the slaughter of them began in 1914.


The Kurds need to be integrated into the Syria nation so they become a part of the nation and not outcasts as they are presently both in Syria and Turkey.

The Syrian Arab Republic needs to be re branded as the Syrian Republic so it can reflect its inclusiveness of all its people.

The SAA – Syrian Arab Army needs to be re branded as SA – Syrian Army or the Syrian Military so it becomes inclusive of all its people, Armenians, Kurds, Lebanese, Iraqi, Iranians, etc.

Jc Plancarte

Kurds are ingrate dogs that bit the hand that fed them. Syria took them in as refugees from Turkey, Iran, Iraq and this is how these migrants repay their host country!!!!


Jc Plancarte You need to be reasonable.

If Syria is to get out of this conflict it must reflect inclusiveness of all its component People.

If the Kurds are made outcasts in Syria then there is no reason for them to be loyal to the country or its military.

Otherwise the Kurds may as well form their own state spanning Syria, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, etc even Azerbaijan has a small Kurd enclave.


Be careful. A lot of the information about Kurds that can be obtained from Wikipedia is from Human Rights Watch. Human Rights Watch is known to be an organization that distorts information and is funded by right wing organizations and rich Jews. The basic problem is that many of these Kurds are not indigenous to Syria. Syria turned a blind eye to the Kurds coming in from Turkey. Many of them were escaping troubles they caused for themselves in Turkey. Basically no one trusts these Kurds because these Kurds have shown they will ally with outsiders to form their own separate enclave within their nation. This is illegal secession. It is the same as Americans turning a blind eye to Mexicans coming into the US, then Mexicans demanding they have the right to form their own Mexican state within the US.


The USA has stricter laws than Syria about citizenship. Recently a man who was adopted by Americans when he was a young child decided to return to the country of his birth for a visit as a man in his 40s. While trying to return to the USA, it was discovered that his adoptive parents never applied for US citizenship for him, and he was barred from entering the USA and living there as a citizen. Furthermore, Syria has the right to enforce tight restrictions on non-nationals who have settled in Syria illegally, especially if they pose a security threat to Syria, which they do. Kurds have a few terrorist organizations that are active in Turkey, Iraq, Iran and now Syria. Basically, these interlopers were allowed to live in peace and their children were given full rights as other children, but these interlopers decided they want to form a terrorist separatist organization and take over land in Syria and treat it as their own sovereign territory, and invite outsiders, the USA, in to build bases on it. No wonder the Arabs and Turks are not happy with these Kurds.


Kurds are basically trouble-makers and opportunists in the region. They are considered terroristic, and unfortunately, even though not ALL of them are terrorists, the Syrian government has to keep tight control of these people, most of whom did not settle in Syria legally. If they really are unhappy in Syria, they and their families should go to Turkey, which is where many of them came from, and answer to the government there, and apply for citizenship there again. if they do not want to go back to Turkey, they should stop causing trouble for Syria who took them in because they felt compassion for them as fellow Muslims, but were repaid with betrayal and constant attempts at subversion and stealing Syrians’ land. If they do not stop this behavior, this time they will be kicked out of Syria the same way they were kicked out of Iraq, and they can go wherever – emigrate to Sweden, USA, UK or whichever nation wants to take them.


Furthermore, not all of them are the anarchist anti-racist, abortion-rights, antisemitic, pro-feminist, pro-democratic people they are portrayed to be. Kurds are a mixed bag. Some of them are radical Muslims who practice cousin marriage and honor-killings and so on. Some are radical Marxists, some are mujahideen, some are a mixture of Marxist and mujahideen. This SDF-YPG rebranding of Kurds is just a con, to trick the world into thinking the Kurds as a group are western liberal types who are living in these intolerant evil Muslim dictatorships. They hide the truth about Kurds’ terrorist pasts. They hide the truth that Kurdish were like gypsies, and unlike other minorities, refused to settle down and live law-abiding lives and settled communities.


The demonization of the Turks is one example of the trouble Kurds cause to Turkey. The mainstream Zionist media does not focus on the terrorism of the Kurds. This is why Turks do not like Kurds. Many Kurds have blown up Turks in terrorist acts. They have almost destroyed the Turkish tourism industry now – a large source of revenue for that impoverished nation. Who wants to go to Turkey for a holiday these days? Yes, a large part of that was brought on by Turkey itself for supporting ISIS and “moderate rebels”, but over the decades, the Kurds have not stopped committing violence against the Turks. And yet, they pretend to be the victims and claim human rights abuses. If they want to know what human rights abuses are, they should go and live in Gaza. Then they will know what REAL human rights abuses are. The Turkish have treated them reasonably. The US would treat terrorists living in its backyard much worse.


Look at what the US did to Move, a peaceful vegan and animal rights group that wanted to have their own community. The only problem was that they were noisy and irritated their neighbors, who called the cops on them. The US treated them like terrorists and bombed them, destroying 60 houses and killing 11 members of this community, half of them children. The US does not allow any hint of secession and even actively assassinates people who are asserting their rights by joining demonstrations. Also, Waco, Ruby Ridge and https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b14afcbff625c5757871ec3a4126dee40be26bfac20a0449ecb61f38fbe3da43.jpg . Compared to the US government, the Turkish government is very lenient and tolerant. The US kills people, even setting up assassinations; it doesn’t discriminate – children are fair game for police violence – bombings, shootings. Read about the police assassination of LaVoy Finicum who was on his way to joining a protest.


Compared to the US government, the Turkish government is very lenient and tolerant. The US kills people for even protesting, even setting up assassinations; it doesn’t discriminate – children are fair game for police violence – bombings, shootings. Read about the police assassination of LaVoy Finicum who was on his way to join a protest. The police shot him during a traffic stop even though he did not do anything wrong. http://archive.is/Lkiq7 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3535b49b8ab56c056f243b72e0f836d918e6d4e6039b541a94c050f1f16bcd13.jpg

Jens Holm

We – ziosnist and not – certainly have focused on You. Thats why we prefare You away from EU and avoid trading with You. EU has written most of the things too, where You not even have signed any change according to human rights.

This is not about kurds, but also the rest of it incl. all the rest.

Jens Holm

Non says they are westerns. Kurds dont. You say and try to put a false hat on them and blame it for something they never has said or been.

Our Turks – we only has 50.00 are in the same traditions as Kurds about marrige and family by cousin, because they are from the poor parts of Anatolia, where this still is an overwhelming tradition.

Kurds dont hide anything in their history books incl the bader parts of some of them. They are vertainly not gypsies in any matters. Some are in periods semi nomads, beacuse their habitats are poor and they have to find some food somewhere else compoared to farmers having good irrigated land.

Kurds has settled down where they are for 4.000 years in Turkey, Iraq and Iran. Thats 100%.

If You should compare with any, many are in periods living as beduins. thats a normal occupation in the whole world in mountains as well as deserts and semi deserts.

I have written the sam igorant and illiterate copy paste shit from You before. You are like a not update win95.

Jens Holm

200.000 thats how many that group is of 1,9 mio. Most of them are born there and inclsive children born there. Thats how You treat children. Shame on you. They havnt asked to be born and shouldnt pay for, what the parents did or did not.

Jens Holm

We have many muslim refugees here. Almost all ours are muslims prefaring setling down among christian, sekular kaffirs compared to muslims.

But almost none of them can be sended back, because they wont. If we pay them, they will – some of them, but they can only handle few, beacuse they came from areas in war or starvation and can – by tribes, which tell they are not countries – not come back to other parts.

The list of that is long. Other get hard punished by jail with toture, so we dont send them back.

So much for USA having 320 mio inhabitants and has taken in millions and millions of emmigrants.


I don’t understand what you write. Your English isn’t too good. What country are you talking about? “We have many muslim refugees here.”


you are right on target exposing this disinformation

Jens Holm

Well, wkipedia is only a very practical reliable source and a compact factfinder – BUT all the other sources say same things incl. local names, language dialects, found old old tools and registrated thing like they are traders, thieves and whatever.

Kurds in the area some kurds name as kurdistan, its prooved they have 4.000 yaers tools.

Your history book stinks. Even greeks and romans knows Kurds exist.


Strawman. You are claiming the Syrian Government didn’t recognize any Kurd in Afrin as citizens. This is an obvious lie.


Look at this report about human rights in Israel by Human Rights Watch. https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2017/country-chapters/israel/palestine

Every second sentence is “Palestinians did terrorism”, “Palestinians didn’t arrest their own for crime”, “Palestinians attacked Israelis”, “Palestinians did this ..” “Palestinians did that …”

And not a word about the rights of Palestinians to have citizenship in Israel and have the right to free movement all over the land of Israel, build houses in Israel proper, use the resources in any part of the country, and participate in government or whatever there.


Compare it to this report:


Not a word about the criminal, including terrorist, activities of Kurds, and how they shelter fellow Kurds doing such activities, and cross borders freely when they want to, many of whom do it to help fellow Kurds commit terrorist secessionist crimes.

No actual proof of any of the claims of government discrimination. Vagueness about the numbers rejected for citizenship. No actual figures cited for the number of legitimate claims that were rejected for citizenship.

So, basically HRW ignores the apartheid in Israel and claims apartheid in Syria, even though the Syrian Government gives these people, known for their secessionist and fifth column activities, the rights to be recognized as citizens if they can prove it. Even gives them amnesty and extensions of deadlines to prove their claims, and reversed many of the decisions, recognizing the citizenship of thousands who had been not recognized as citizens in the past.

Jens Holm

Thats not correct. they has as a minimum been there 200 years, where Ottomans made Afrin to a kurdish refugium, bacuse there eas already kurds there.

Hallo stupid slow learner. Dont You have internet.

Jens Holm

As I recall it Syria is not named as an arabic one anymore, because 30% are not arabs.


Jens Holm Syria is legally known as the Syrian Arab Republic https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syria

The Syrian Army is legally known as the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syrian_Army


Kurds are not indigenous to Syria, they are immigrants from Turkey.


BL “…Kurds are not indigenous to Syria, they are immigrants from Turkey….”

Back in time, everyone came from some place else.

An example, the Anglo Saxons are immigrants into the British Isles, they arrived separately as Angles and then Saxons later the Normans arrived, etc.

The border of Syria with Turkey were arbitrary colonial creation by Sykes–Picot who shared out the “War Booty” between Britain and France.

The Sykes–Picot Agreement /ˈsaɪks pi.koʊ/, officially known as the Asia Minor Agreement, was a secret 1916 agreement between the United Kingdom and France to which the Russian Empire assented.



indeed, but the Kurdish migrants in Syria arrived recently , mostly fleeing Tyrkey in the 2nd half of the 20th century. I do not trust given how their grand parents butchered on behalf of Ankara the Christians ( Armenians) to steal their ancestral territory.

Jens Holm

No,they wasnt. Many was there before that but arabic presure had pushed them back. We have little information about all details, but we have many rapports of the barbarian kurds comming down plundering. So they was there even not being in high ranks. You can in the same way see them mentioned as traders and smuglers across the mountains just as we see in Iraqi Kurdistan today.


Bru The choice is for Syria to make.

Not all Grand Parents, some or many may have done bad things in Turkey – Ottoman Empire time, approx 100 years ago.

Now Kurds live in Northern Syria, if they are excluded, then the Kurds will refuse to unite with Syria and create their own Area / State as the SDF are doing.

So Syria has a choice, start a new chapter with uniting the country or become partitioned.

Jens Holm

No, they are not. Ottomans gave refugium to kurds in Afrin, because there already was many there – and many facts like that. Old names such as kurdish mountains. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/955b950ea4251f2b81c28b2d037afcc1da2a0234640edbe3bf47ebc23b9c3db8.jpg

In those matters You certainly forget very much, so many christians, arameans, armenians and jews has left as well as nowerdays Turkmen.

So You cant conclude Kurds has taken from You in the late Ottoman. Its more like You all has taken land from the ones being killed or has emmigrated.

You also have to relate to all syrians has added themselves – not only kurds.

You see the same shit among kurds and turks in “Kurdistan” of thiers. First they kill up to 2 million people – and thoses sons and daughters still fight about the land, they killed for.


“So the Syrian Governments didn’t recognize any Kurds as citizens” …. is that what you’re saying?

(Strawman. Since the time of the map, which looks more than 100 years old, many Arabs migrated to Afrin from other parts of Syria. People didn’t stay fixed in the one place you know within a country. Populations change a lot from 100 years ago in any nation.)

The Syrian Government, in fact, even gave an amnesty to those who were rejected for citizenship after the 1967 census, giving people the right to appeal and provide more proof, and as a result, the numbers who were accepted as citizens increased.

“As a result of the investigation of these protests and successive extensions of the deadline for their submission, the number of those registered as foreigners decreased from 84,000 persons in 1966 to 40,587 in 1986.”

The Kurds weren’t the only people rejected for citizenship btw. Arabs too were rejected for citizenship during this census. No discrimination there. Applied to everyone, not just Kurds.

Bente Petersen

The Kurds have a problem…. they can’t see who will really help them ….


No, they have these wild communist dreams of taking shit from people that won’t want it back(see: Iraqi’s wanting their oil fields back, for starters)… Problem for them is, they think like this because of obama… trump is not totally onboard with the kurds and will most likely dump them once raqqa has changed hands. Supporting kurds was a obama idea, and is NOT US policy…

Jens Holm

Rubbish again. You are right about one thing. Its a part of it, that greater parts dont get oilmoney, but the rich and corrupt does.




Don't read butthurt replies

Once you become a U.S./Israel puppet like they did, in my eyes and in other communist eyes, you’re no longer communist. Fuck them.

Jens Holm

They are not communists according to their program. The big change is, that they are sekular. I would say PKK are reformed communists.

Solomon Krupacek

i live in postcommie country. such type like reformed commie does not exist.

they are like yeti; everybody knows he exists, but nobody saw. :)

Jens Holm

We all remember Hasaka, but according to You big mouth covering for eays and ears, I assume we dont have the same versions. I have all details and both sides and know the socalled kuridsh police are not always nice guyes too.


The arrogant Kurdish should understand that Russia is being polite. They don’t have to ask the Kurdish for permission for the Syrians to enter their OWN territory; they are trying to avoid a bloodbath of the Kurdish people. The Afrin Kurds should understand this and make NO mistake about Russia’s will to support Syria’s re-taking of their land from illegal usurpers in justified police action. This an offer they cannot refuse. The Afrin Kurds should not whine about Russians and Turks. They are legitimately on Syrian land because Assad invited them. The Kurdish have no right to secede. Syria will block this attempt at secession, using all its might and its allies’ help. They should not mistake Russian civility for weakness. Russians are on Assad’s side. Kurds cannot change that with their arguing and complaining. Russians are giving the Kurds a chance to live peacefully as they used to in the past. They should not reject it.

John Mason

Raqqa has always been an Arab district. The original inhabitants of Northern Iraq and Syria were the Assyrians not the Kurds and that is supported by history.

Jens Holm

Your picture of the world is total outdated even You are right some etnities has had a hard time as well as armenians, hittitians, babylonians and others.

You shall se it likeseing birds. There are many very different birds in an area named ad habitat. They live parallel. Some eat this, some eat that and birds also eat each other.

So when You dont see kurds much in the historybooks as rulers, its because their living has been in unimportant parts such as valleys in nasty mountains or the dryest land, You hardly coould get somn barly from. To make a living there, they sometimes and some years almost was nomads in periods. A state therefore wasntrelevant. Small tribes were.

And Assyrians wasnt (mainly) killed by Kurds as well. And let me remind You that Assyrians with babylonians also had Syria to the coast !

But was it filled with only them. No, it was as with the birds. All was there – more or less living paralel for trade handgraft, farming, ´building construction, religios leaders, wariors Kind of Jews were there too. But their Governess was Assyrians(and Babylonians) and their supoorters by tribes or being kept down.

Its prooven as well, that arabs – the real ones – was there too, but not so many. They spread out with Muhammed but more important language, religion and culture was a great succes. ………………………………..

According to Raqqa “always”. let me remind You, that all the world has made urbanisation saying that poor farmers go to town and being poor there in stead or get a job. After no rain in 2008 many kurds in syria starved and left to towns. So im sure You will find some 10.000 kurds being Raqqas today – apart from the main parts of Raqqas actually are refugees. ………………………………..

And thats supported by history.


Jens Holm Very good post.


John Mason “…Raqqa has always been an Arab district…”

Now Raqqa is a US Air Force Protected Area with SDF taking control.

John Mason

Not for long.


John Mason With proper Air Defence it will be an almost impossible task.

This is the reason for turning against Putin who allows Syria to be regularly attacked by the US and Israel.

Jens Holm

Ottomans made Afrin to a refugiun for kurds because there was already kurds there at least 200 year´s ago.

So buzz off. Assads has never invited them and Syria became a state in 1936 less then 100 years ago.


The map shows where kurds at that time was more then 51%.But they are in the Sunni majority areas here and there too.


Syria has recognized some Kurds in that Afrin region as legitimate citizens. Do not lie and say ALL Kurds that live there now have lived there since Ottoman Empire times. Many who live there have come from Turkey, another nation (probably many were running from the Turkish police who were chasing them for engaging in subversive activities).

Do not misrepresent the facts by implying that the Syrian government does not recognize any Kurds as citizens. Syria has recognized the citizenship of many Kurds. They were able to prove their citizenship. The government does not accept illegals as citizens, no matter how long they say they have lived there. This is their right as a sovereign nation.

If they cannot show proof, they will be rejected for citizenship. It is the same anywhere in the world, including the USA. No discrimination there.

Jens Holm

Many 1000 was deported to there by Old Assad having their homes confiskated and given to sunni arabs. Dont blame them comming there kind of lately.

I have written 200.000 of 1,9 milion kurds are not citicens, but today its mainly children and grandchildren – And we dont treat children of that category like that – only incommers. Those children hasnt asked to be born.

And whats the result. We get them and You have so many enormeus refugees camps. You still have Palestinians from 1948 and 1967 which You insist should go home.

Not so long ago some Iranians, which fighted Ayatollahs couldnt get citcenship in Iraq after livingthere from before Saddam died. Finally Albania found space for them.

Should we rent russiand to put the 10 mio other refugees into siberia. Its not about some kurds at all.

Its about your madness about ta,king about something else and forget 8-10 mio.own refugees because of some thing other has.

Should we send them back to Assad, which You probatly insist is the leader and also the repsonsible for the refugees. He is even proud having so many of them as supporters already -isnt he.


It is very easy for the Pentagon to betray the Kurds. They feel Kurdish loyalty can always be bought back later.

No, there isn’t anyone who can protect Syrian Kurds from turkey except Syria.

Jens Holm

Same evil and dirty enemý talk again. Kurds hasnt attacked Assads. Syrian kurds hasnt attacked tuirkey as well.


Kurds have attacked Syrian sovereignty. They used the excuse of having fought the US and Israel funded and supported ISIS to claim the land they occupy belongs to them and not to the Syrian people. Syrian government proxies, the Turkish military, have attacked them, and the Kurds have attacked these Syrian proxies too, which is the same as the Kurds attacking the Syrian army.

John Mason

There is the proof that the Kurds are not only treacherous but traitors, the territory belongs to the Syrian nation and not to the Kurds. Obviously the Kurds show no gratitude to the Syrians who gave them citizenship a few years ago. Go for it Turkey and destroy them or the Syrian army will do it.

Jens Holm

Well, kurds should all have had 100% citicenship from day 1 in 1936 as asnybody else. So You have have stolen it from them for many years in your version of it – just as kurds in Turkey and in iraq.

They dont have to show any gratitude giving them smal parts of vital human right back. If it was saudi Arabia You had no hands up to the elbows.


Rule under these cultural Marxist Kurds would be worse than rule under anyone currently ruling – even worse than rule by the Saudis. These Kurds are fifth columnists who will let foreign usurpers into the Middle Eastern nations of Turkey, Syria, Iran and Iraq. The Kurds can never rule these areas by themselves – they are too weak militarily and cannot govern themselves well. They always have to partner with foreigners – USA and Israel – to keep power. It will essentially be rule by Jews. Israel rules the USA. No one trusts Kurds. They have a bad history and reputation in that region. There are many ethnic groups in Syria. These ethnic groups (except the Kurds) are accepted and are treated the same as the majority Arabs because these ethnic groups don’t cause problems for the nation.


The Kurds are like the Jews of that region. Kurds themselves don’t seem able to form a stable nation, just like the Jews cannot. Criminal people usually cannot run a nation for long. The nation collapses under the lying and criminality. There is no honor among thieves. They will backstab each other. The nation falls apart. The criminal tribe have to live off other settled stable nations. And keep moving on, as the natives grow angry and disgusted with this tribe and kick them out. Some person who researched this topic found that Jews have been kicked out of places they moved to 3,000 times in total. Maybe the USA will be next. European nations. Israel perhaps.


You dumbass, how do Americans count as citizens of Syria????


“We drove the Syrian regime out of Afrin five years ago, and it is impossible to allow them back.” —————————– Now go phuck yourselves and die. Useless pos ‘Mericunt-Friends.

Daniel Apaza

People should keep in mind that the Kurds are Nomad people kinda like Gypsy from Iran.


In this report from Human Rights Watch, not a single word mentioned about the terrorist activities of Kurds in Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria. https://www.hrw.org/reports/1996/Syria.htm#P253_43060 Not a single statement about the Syrians (and Turkish, Iranians, and Iraqis) having the right to be free from terrorism in their own land. This report is obviously biased, and does not address the reasons for the Syrians not conferring citizenship to the northern Kurds, most of whom migrated there uninvited – many because they were running away from crimes committed in other countries (mostly Turkey), including secessionist crimes involving violence, specifically terrorist bombings and assassinations. Recent events in which Kurdish have sided with outsiders (Americans and Israelis) to act as puppets for them and help them to conquer the nation and topple the democratically elected government, show that the Syrians’ concerns that the Kurdish were potential fifth columnists planning to betray the nation were valid. If the Syrians do not resist their attempts at secession, Syria is at risk of turning into a second USSR, a nation where cultural Marxism was the prevailing ideology, and “antisemitism” (criticizing a Jewish person or pointing out crimes done by Jews) was considered “hate speech”, a crime against the State and punishable with death. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6383bc90367102a9e27e2ff63744b92ea5bc223b298fd9daa1bbf7ecee5b52d8.jpg


These people, HRW and other propagandists, will talk about giving people back their “rights” – rights to citizenship, rights to education, rights for women, abortion “rights”, rights for “equality”, rights to business-ownership, rights of movement, etc … and the people who they want to give these rights to are not even citizens but illegal immigrants … what they don’t tell you is that you (as a citizen) won’t have the right to free speech (free speech is taken away as a right because they will say people have the right to be free from “hate”) …

So these human rights people will give non-citizens rights that they’re not entitled to in the first place, but they will take away the most important right from the actual citizens – the right to free speech, using Hate Laws (thought-crime laws) to take away this right – therefore, effectively muzzling dissent to their rule, and imposing a fascist dictatorship of communism/cultural Marxism (rule by Jewish totalitarian dictators) on the people.


Look at what happened to the Ukrainians (Soviet citizens) when they fell under the rule of the Jewish communists (80% of the politburo were Jewish), believing in their promises, thinking these people would be better than the Russian Romanovs as rulers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0hGUwpkNh8 Holodomor. Millions of native Russians and Kazakhstans died too in this famine.

First, the communists promised them they would have right to own their own farm plots, that is, freedom from serfdom, but what they got was famine and genocide. They did not even have the freedom to talk about this tragedy – they would be sent to the detention centers and tortured and shot or sent to the gulags to be overworked to death if they talked about this.

Never listen to what outsiders promise you (rights for this, rights for that – free medical care, free housing, free etc …) if you have to agree to be ruled by these outsiders. These outsiders will make all kinds of promises. Once they get into power, you will find you have NO rights. You will leave yourself open to being genocided.


In this report from Human Rights Watch, not a single word is mentioned about the terrorist activities of Kurds in Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria.


Not a single statement is written about the Syrians (and Turkish, Iranians, and Iraqis) having the right to be free from terrorism in their own land. This report is obviously biased, and does not address the reasons for the Syrians not conferring citizenship to the northern Kurds, most of whom migrated there uninvited – many because they were running away from crimes committed in other countries (mostly Turkey), including secessionist crimes involving violence, specifically terrorist bombings and assassinations.


Recent events in which the Kurdish have sided with outsiders (Americans and Israelis) to act as puppets for them, and help them to conquer the nation, and topple the democratically elected government, and replace the government with Kurdish puppets shows that the Syrians’ concerns that the Kurdish were potential fifth columnists, planning to betray the nation, were valid. If the Syrians do not resist their attempts at secession, Syria is at risk of turning into a second USSR, a nation where cultural Marxism was the prevailing ideology, and “antisemitism” (criticizing a Jewish person or pointing out crimes done by Jews) was considered “hate speech”, a crime against the state and punishable with death.



If any group, citizens, non-citizens or a mixture of citizens and non-citizens do secessionist activities, the government has the right to use police action against these people. Afrin Kurds are engaging in anti-state activities in collusion with foreign governments (USA and Israel). Therefore, the Assad government has the right to do military action against these secessionists.

No American is a citizen of Syria; however, the US military has been accepted as partners by the Kurds to help them take control of Syria. Kurds even give this army of non-citizens “permission” to build bases in Syria.


These people, HRW and other propagandists, will talk about giving people back their “rights”, such as rights to citizenship, rights to education, rights for women, abortion “rights”, rights for “equality”, rights to business-ownership, rights of movement, etc, and the people who they want to give these rights to are not even citizens but illegal immigrants…what they don’t tell you is that you (as a citizen) won’t have the right to free speech (free speech is taken away as a right because they will say people have the right to be free from “hate”)… illegal immigrants are used to divide and conquer a nation.


So these so-called human rights people will give non-citizens rights that they’re not entitled to in the first place, but they take away the most important right from the actual citizens – the right to free speech, using Hate Laws (thought-crime laws) to take away this right – therefore, effectively muzzling dissent to their rule, and imposing a fascist dictatorship of communism/cultural Marxism (rule by Jewish totalitarian dictators) on the people.


The real agenda behind hate crime laws, hate speech laws, holocaust denial laws. You can deny Jesus, Christianity, Islam, evolution, earth is round, Holodomor, whatever all you want. But you cannot deny the holocaust. This tells you who the real power in these countries are. A criminal group in power has to silence speech because people will spread talk about the crimes they have done. This is why the USSR, under Stalin, made “antisemitism” (criticizing Jews, pointing out a crime they have done) a crime punishable by death. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/40712bbdbae9eb3c67bdd90ab6346ae358ec83ecd677b77dddcc00d206cb343e.jpg Note that under the Soviet government of which the top leadership was 80% Jewish during Lenin and Stalin’s time, 66 million people are said to have died due to the policies of the government.


From this, it seems the Kurds don’t care about the citizenship issue. They are just cynically using it to gain power for themselves. They, like pros, will side with anyone who wants to use them.


The Kurds say Israel is their friend. The Palestinians have lived in Israel since time immemorial. However, the Kurds don’t care about that. They side with the people who came from Europe and took over the land of the Palestinians in 1947. Kurds are opportunists. They didn’t care about laws and borders, historically. They lived the life of nomads and bandits in the past. The fact that the Kurds whine about lack of citizenship but are friends with the Israelis shows they don’t care about rights. They will look for sponsors who will help them get power in the regions they live, even a nation like Israel that is the major human rights abuser in the Middle East. Kurds should go and apply to live in Israel.

Len Zegelink

fuck the kurds .there are lie

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