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Russia Asks US Department Of Treasury To Allow Sukhoi Superjet Delivers To Iran

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Russia Asks US Department Of Treasury To Allow Sukhoi Superjet Delivers To Iran

CJSC Sukhoi Civil Aircraft has submited a request to the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Department of the Treasury in order to get an allowance to deliver Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) twin-engine regional jets to Iran, the Russian media outlet Lenta.RU reported.

According to the report, OFAC is now preparing an answer.

Russia has to get an approvement from the OFAC because the SSJ100 jets are produced with the usage of US components.

In April, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said that there was a “concrete” agreement with Iran for delivering 12 SSJ100 planes.

Novak added that Russia and Iran had been negotiating over purchasing 100 SSJ100 planes for the past 18 months.

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Colin Oskapy

What ? Russia has to ask the US for permission ? Screw that


Appears Russia has integrity, pity the US senate was not the same.

Colin Oskapy

The US Senate are child molesters.


Seems there are a few among them, but traitors would sum up the majority.

Jan Tjarks

That exactly isn’t the way how Russia is dealing with agreements. They honor their agreements they sign. Unlike the USA, which actions they would take, you described very well in your comment. Russians take pride in being honorable people, which sadly is too seldom of being honored.


Yes. But Iran NEEDS those planes. They have this little existential threat thingie problem.

Solomon Krupacek



Give them the planes they ordered and paid for.




drown yourself? Or… drown an American. :-/

Solomon Krupacek


Solomon Krupacek

they can not. not all parts is their


When you buy something – it’s yours. That a basic cornerstone of capitalism.

Solomon Krupacek

far not.

you know nothinga about these things. therefore is difficult to discuss.

Virgil Cane

unless they want to lose access to the american made parts-likely a critical component of SSJ100’s hence request.

Joe Doe

Americans will never asked Russia permission to deliver their products, even when the products contain Russians parts

Gary Sellars

just because Uh’Murikkkanz are arrogant bstardz doesn’t mean the Russians need to lower their standards and do the same…


True. But as international law doesn’t apply to Americans – why should Russia (or any country) apply international law to the US?

It was the US themselves that put the US outside international law – it wasn’t done to them by someone else.

John Brown

Russia wants to build a reputation and practice of following just law and the rule of just laws so they can become a major economic power, while racist supremacist Israel and its USA slaves do the opposite.

Jan Tjarks

True, as long as they are living in their delusion of being the only empire, they won’t. Question is, how long this will be the case. Currently they are doing everything not to be an empire in the future. If this is good for the rest of the world is another story, we will only know once it happens.

Solomon Krupacek

depending upon, what is in agreement. if there are listed countries, then americans can not sell in those.


We understand by this news that the russian mafia in power at the Kremlin serves the NWO. Russia is a mere slave of US, there is no indepandance of Russia since 1991.

Gary Sellars

idiot… there is a trade agreement and Russia is being responsible… until the Muricans give her reason not to be…

Tudor Miron

Oops we have another zio troll here. That little jew caballist on your avatar did everything he could to dismantle Russian empire but failed to prevent Stalin from rebuilding it (in very few years, in very tough conditions). Commies :) we know who you are and who you actually work for :)

Simon Abruzzo

What US components are these?

Gary Sellars

Toilet seats (extra large)… about the only thing the US still makes (too big for Chinese factories to handle, and no good for their local market).

Simon Abruzzo

lmao, got em

Jan Tjarks

Brilliant reply. =)

Manuel Flores Escobar

Air cooler and Honeywell electronic switches!..


Russia wants to prove it’s point that there shouldn’t be any exceptions in abiding by international law, diplomatic and/or business deal and above all no “exceptional nations” in international relationships. Besides OFAC is bound to decline the request although Iran is not in breach of the Nuke Deal which plays into hands of both Russia and Iran. A dozen airliners in exchange of proving (again) US to be a rouge state that doesn’t respect even it’s own laws and deals, let alone it’s international obligations – is a small price to pay. And selling several dozen Su-30/35 later, for which Russia doesn’t need US permission, will more than make up for Sukhoi’s loss.


It is not true, Russia has told Iran that it can only give SU27 because the UN says it


These weapons deals have a way of sorting themselves out -behind the scenes – in a way that’s completely different from “official statements” of interested parties. Besides ALL military equipment exports to Iran are still under UNSC sanctions. The deal can be realized only once the sanctions are lifted and by that time 25 year old Su-27 refurbished air frames can easily evolve into brand new MiGs or SUs – stranger things have happened…

Solomon Krupacek

russia will not sell the newest planes


It’s complicated. There are several types of weapons under embargo until 2023 and those are the ones that can be used to deliver nukes – from ballistic rockets to artillery to jets. But also small arms, weapons parts etc.. Some deliveries can be approved by UNSC on case by case basis. Some sanctions on non-offensive weapons were lifted in 2015 when Russia delivered S-300 bought by Iran back in 2007…


It is complicated only for Russia….Saudi Arabia and Israel have nuclear weapons,but they are allies of the United States.

Solomon Krupacek

SA gas no nuclear weapon. iran signed NPT. until today is member state.

Solomon Krupacek

that is correct


On the other hand, you can label something a SU-27, it can still be a SU-30 or SU-35 in all but name only. After all, the US did the same when they sold F-16’s to Taiwan, supposedly selling the older A/B models, when the C/D models were actually in production.

Pave Way IV

“…Besides OFAC is bound to decline the request…”

No doubt they would love to do this, Hrky75. The only problem is that OFAC would have to pull a couple of dozen RD-180 rocket engines out of their ass for the USAF and other US commercial launches. Either that, or shut down most of the US heavy-lift launches for a few years. The US has nothing close to the reliable Russian RD-180 engine and will not for years. I don’t know if Russia would threaten to withhold those if the SSJ100 sales were denied, but the US probably doesn’t want to find out.


Current US Admin and insane Congress doesn’t think that long in the future – consequences are usually other people’s problems. Current “hot topic” around Belt is how to screw “Hitler-Putin” and “the mad mullahs” – commercial launches – I don’t think half the Senators can even spell it. Besides didn’t God (Christian Protestant one of course) put “them saaaatlites” up there Himself :-D

Pave Way IV

I think you’re under the mistaken impression that the US Administration and Congress ‘think’. Here’s an actual quote by the leader of ‘No Iran sales’, Rep. Roskam:

“Until Iran stops using commercial aircraft to support its terror campaign around the world, Western companies should not be selling them planes,”

Boeing has a $10 billion dollar aircraft deal with Iran that’s being held up by the US Treasury’s OFAC. They tolerate the US government delays for now. If push comes to shove, Boeing WILL convince the politicians – either the current ones or the replacements for them Boeing will help get elected.

Airbus has something around $10 billion of deals themselves with Iran and potentially many more. That’s a lot of incentive to ignore US Treasure ‘permission’. Every Airbus jet in Iran means one less for Boeing, and the Airbus jets are already being delivered. Iran will have 100 by the end of 2018. Sorry, Boeing.

Smaller contracts seeking OFAC approval: Franco-Italian ATR, Brazil’s Embraer. Japan’s Mitsubishi is waiting for now.

In other words, the world groveling to the US Treasury department for ‘permission’ to sell passenger jets to Iran over Israeli objections is becoming an extremely expensive exercise. The US is just begging to be made irrelevant in world trade with its psychotic backing of the ever-paranoid Israel.


Another way to interpret the same data points is that the US Treasury knows just how much they can get away with. For now, the whole world IS still groveling for Jewish permission to do trade with Iran which is legal to begin with–that’s power, folks.

Iranians are supposedly intelligent people, who contributed to the development of the chess game. It will be obvious to them that buying Boeing is the start of an endless headache, with sanctions on maintenance, training, spare parts and software. And yet, given the chance to appease the US with a juicy order, they instinctively go for it. Is there really nobody else making jets?


The Jews and Israel have had a hugely negative impact on the US domestically and it’s foreign policy. These leeches one of the biggest problems that the US has.


The old canard “eventually, American hypocrisy will be exposed”. Did it ever matter in the past two centuries? Did the truth about Iraq have ever any impact? And exposed where? Russia does not control the NATO press; Jews do. You want truth to matter, try science; in politics and especially international relations, power carries the day. Losing Iran as a civilian airline customer DOES matter.

Were there really no Russian or at least non-American parts available? Or were American parts designed in on purpose to foster “partnership”? In the latter case, this episode (well let’s wait for the OFAC decision, though I guess they could delay endlessly if the mood strikes them) should be a wake-up call, not an opportunity to continue playing the old game.


You make it sound like Russians want to be friends with US at any cost, maybe before 2014 there was a pragmatic hope that things could work out between the 2 superpowers to some degree. Russia coined the slogan that US cannot make and keep any political/military agreement, why would you think they see US differently for the last few months?


Not literally any cost, but damn close. Throughout most of the Syria campaign, the Russian priority was to forge an anti-terror partnership with the US; anything actually Syria-related was secondary to that. Putin invited the Americans into Syria, and now acts surprised when they make themselves comfortable, intending to stay. Even after Trump denounced Putin for helping Assad to gas his babies, the Kremlin was excitedly boasting that they’d secured a “full sit-down” with Trump at the G-20, long after everyone else and their dog already’d had a state visit.

Trump has, more-or-less rationally, concluded that his relationships to Washington’s war hawks are simply higher maintenance than the one with the Russkies, and he has adjusted accordingly. Patching things up with Moscow never was a priority because Moscow never *made* it a priority.


In 2016 Russia concluded the US could not agree or keep any agreement they entered into, since too many actors within the US establishment were involved in the Syrian war. Obama signed an agreement with Putin allowing some form of cooperation only to be over ruled by the Pentagon.

The Russians invited US to join the war against ISIS because underhandedly US was supporting ISIS being its boots on the ground. I do not believe Putin had much hopes for Trump, he allowed time to identify US position; after the cruise missile attack, Putin did not want to see Tillerson, however, at the last second he relented and was a gentleman. Of course nothing was accomplished.

I do not think Trump is in close agreement with the war hawks in Washington, Congress took his veto power by overwhelmingly agreeing on sanctions, he is riding the Russophobia wave…..for the time being.


Trump is opposed to the neocon Jew cabal, and is trying to stay in office and figure out a way to deal with the Jew cabal, and by deal I mean neutralize, so that he can move forward with America first. Including better relations with Russia and everybody else that the Jew baby raping cultists and their collaborators are alienating and constantly stirring up trouble with.


Antisemitic twat


Sure I am. Or maybe you are behind the curve. Who was it again, Saban or Dershowitz, that said “Our people are too shy talking about Jewish power in the US. Instead, we should boast of it–the power is deserved, for we contribute disproportionally to this country.”


They cause disproportionate problems.


I’m in fact a bit agnostic about this. Maybe Jews mostly have a culture that at least sends its children to school; wouldn’t be surprised if the numbers are that they’re overrepresented in the antiwar movement as well. But hopefully even Attrition47 can come on board to agree that Jews “contribute” disproportionally to America’s politicians.


Your comment doesn’t make sense. If you don’t understand English, you should learn what the words mean. Try using a dictionary before writing nonsense. Then you won’t look so stupid.


Raping Jew pedophile cult children is antisemitic. 3,600 a year in NYC and 65,000 a year in Israel. This evil cult should be outlawed, it’s assets seized, and the cult leaders and practitioners guilty of statutory rape and other crimes imprisoned. And Jew pedophile cultists gotten out of government, media, finance and academia where they have no business being and do so much harm. Practicing satanists and voodoo cultists aren’t allowed in these positions, neither should Jew pedophile rape cultists.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

I only up voted because you called the US a “ROUGE” State or in English we call it Red State which is the quite like a dictatorial State in lines with Red Skull the enemy of Captain America aka “the people” which fights Red states and Rogue states.


And I upvoted your dog on other thread only because I thought it was cute. LOL


Bla-bla.. Russia STILL licks the boots of the Yanks, trying to get back in the G8-raptors-pack.


I see no reason why the US should or would say yes.

Aren’t Russia and Iran SOVEREIGN countries? Then deliver them – and accept payment in barter or gold. And let Americans deal with American laws.


Boeing was the main consultant on the project. Other US contractors like Curtiss Wright, Honeywell, Hamilton Sundstrand, Parker Hannifin all participated on the project. SSJ 100 is made just like Airbus and Boeing make their aircraft; where almost every other component is made by different contractor, that is a specialist in that area. This keeps costs down to remain competitive. Companies from following countries are on the project: Russia, France, Germany, Korea, USA, UK, Italy, etc.


“Excuse me! I don’t care who’s who in your zoo —- I paid good money for those airplanes now deliver them!”

But thanx for the info – inneresting. ;-)

Tudor Miron

Guys…. it’s not about jets. It’s about civil transportation aircraft. Within 2 years it will stop using US made engines and deliver planes with domestic engines while US will be exposed again as…well we know what it is (not talkig about population here)


Russia is becoming self self sufficient in producing everything it needs, turbine engines formerly made in Ukraine for warships, are made in Russia; jet engines and a variety of other critical parts imported from Europe are made in Russia. Sanctions albeit painful in the beginning, make you stronger and more confident in your industrial and military capabilities.

Solomon Krupacek

th question is the quality. because you are not able to produce normal cars. be not angry, if somebidy wil not trust your planes ;)


What do you mean Russia is not able to produce normal cars? They have rocket scientists that make the best rockets, US buying rocket engines from them…..since they “forgot” how to design and build them, ….and they cannot produce normal cars? Russian brain power is not diminished nor clouded the by moral depravity prevalent in western societies.

Solomon Krupacek

you cen eat your rockets. the only one, what is on acceptable level, is some sections of military inudstry. but you lost cold war therefore, that nothing else does not function. it is shame, that you must import everything. no normal cars, normal phones,. normal computers. btw, also your rocket and space industry was developed on stolen chips. russian brain power is less then swedish, irt is big sham, thet 15x less country is on higher level of inustry.

Jan Tjarks

While I doubt the two years for the engines, it will take longer to achieve this goal, I can agree to the general statement of yours.

And don’t worry about the F22 or F35, they are planes for the “first day of the war”, where they surely have the upper hand. But at the “third day of the war” it’s the time of the Russian jets that comes. And from that point on, that won’t change anymore.

Tudor Miron

On the engines they were showing new engines (helicopers and civil jets) entering advanced stages of ground testing and soon to start flying lab testing. That’s 2 to 4 years if things go smoothly. Superjet will still be offered with optional US made engines but local airlines will rely on domestic powerplants.

Jan Tjarks

I think the four years are a realistic goal.

The question is, how much the US empire will break down itself until then and how the US industry will have to suffer from this. It might create real chances for the BRICS.


What a nice shiny new jet i hope they are delivered :))) and would love to fly on one sometime!


It is undertandable since parts of this plane were made with USA components…….what it is strange to me. Is not Russia be able to construct a good comercial plane without USA help ?


Sukhoi 100 is a collaboration between world’s leading corporations in the industry. This is how Boeing and Airbus manufacture their aircraft; which keeps costs down to remain competitive. Almost every component in made by a different contractor: see below:

Project leader: United Aircraft Corporation Russia Strategic partner: Leonardo-Finmeccanica Italy Risk-sharing partner: Snecma France Main designer: Sukhoi Russia Consultant: Boeing USA

Thales – Avionics Liebherr (with Teploobmennik OJSC and PMZ Voskhod JSC) – Flight Control Systems Messier-Dowty with OOO “Авиаагрегат”, Ulyanovsk – Landing gear Vision Systems – IFE Intertechnique – Fuel system BE Aerospace – Interior GEVEN SPA – Seats Curtiss Wright- Fire protection system Honeywell – APU IPECO – Crew seats Parker Hannifin – Hydraulic system Hamilton Sundstrand – Electrical system Meggitt Vibro-Meter – Engine vibration sensor Saint-Gobain Sully – Windows Aircelle – Engine nacelles and thrust reverser SAMCO, Korea – Passenger and cargo doors PowerJet – Engines (Joint Venture between NPO Saturn and Snecma) Mass production: KnAAPO, NAPO a

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