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MARCH 2025

Russia bans import of wheat, sweets, vegetables, fruit and Beer From Ukraine

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Russia bans import of wheat, sweets, vegetables, fruit and Beer From Ukraine

Alexandr Demyanchuk/TASS

The news agency TASS reports (source):

Russia introduced a ban on import of wheat, sunflower oil, sweets, vegetables, fruits, beer, tractors, paper, turbines, furniture, and other goods from Ukraine.

The list of more than fifty products is in the Cabinet Decree posted on the official website of the government.

The ban is also set on chocolate, ethyl alcohol, fruit juices, caviar, fish and canned fish, bread and bakery, equipment for processing of agricultural products, engines and power generators, tractors, gearboxes and variable speed drives, transformers, cables and wires, chipboards, children’s and feminine care products and certain other goods.

“This is a tit-for-tat measure against sanction restrictions on the part of Ukraine,” Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said.

Russia can decide on canceling these special economic measures if Ukraine abandons restrictions introduced earlier against specific Russian goods.

On December 18, the Ukrainian government extended the earlier introduced embargo on import of Russian foods by 2020. The list contains over 30 positions, including bread, bakery, chocolate sweets, meat, fish, coffee, black tea, infant food, filter-tipped cigarettes, beer, vodka, and certain other goods. The ban was also set on railway equipment: locomotives, railcars, trains and switch throwers.

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And all this started because Ukraine dared to sign free trade deal with EU.


Yes, that’s the only reason. And Putin hunts puppies and throws kittens in bags into the river. Not to mention his crude penis drawings on Ukrainian rainbows.


Putin and Penis do not belong in the same phrase.

eternal indian

Putin is not western beta male or transgender worshiper.

eternal indian

But he is way more knowledgeable in geography than his western or American counterparts who don’t have the basic ability of map pointing let alone knowledge of basic geography.


After having been invaded from Europe time after time after time the Russians are very nervous about having a buffer zone between them and the West. Ukraine performed that role and in return Russia couldn’t care less what happened inside the Ukraine. However Russia also knows that the road to NATO memberships and American bases on its frontiers starts with EU free trade deals. That’s how the former WarPac countries and the Baltics did it. And that’s the route that Washington encouraged those countries to take. So I’m not surprised that when the same thing appeared to take shape for the Ukraine Moscow became very nervous.


ukraine is an ugly duckling not to be trusted. but when it comes to nato, I sincerely doubt that the moronic state can convince its nato-allies to wage war against russia. no way is the europen union’s nato-states going to war, think greece or italy or even france or germany. the opposition in europe would just be too hard to overcome so if a war is coming, it’s most likely the moronic state would have to do on its own. and we all know how the moronic state’s wars end – soundly beaten and returned home with the tail between the legs,


I think we all know that when push comes to shove and war were to happen in Europe it will be the Americans who will do the fighting. Eastern Europe, the Baltics and even the Ukraine don’t expect France, Germany and the rest of Western Europe to come to their rescue, they barely have functional armies left. To those countries NATO membership is the ticket to get American protection. Western Europe? France? Germany? Even the UK? To quote Donald Rumsfeld, that’s Old Europe.


People here are so eager for a war because they know Russia wouldn’t make it trough an economic war with the west, since almost half of their exports are fossils.

eternal indian

Thank God ,Russia will not have to subsidize Ukrainian economy.The ex Soviet satellites are now EU/NATO/American slaves and they all lives upon aid provided by EU or USA.


All this people are happy to be EU/NATO/American “slaves” than Russian “satelites”, the other ppl try to emigrate into this “slaves” countries.

eternal indian

Not at all,as long as America and west doesn’t destroy those countries, nobody thinks to join them.In fact,many countries are doing well without becoming NATO,EU or American slaves. A country doesn’t like to be with USA/NATO or Russia,they only want money.The USA has printing machine of dollars and that is the main thing.In that case,you are right. Satellite or slaves –2 sides of the same coin as at the end of the day it turns into dependence not independence.


So it’s hard for Russia to invent the printing money machine or what?

eternal indian

Actually Russia cannot print such kind of money like dollar as dollars are printed out of thin air and speculation supported by nothing.Russia does believe in real money ,not the Fiat one or future junk.

Kelli Hernandez

Russia and China both backed by GOLD. China in the trillions Russia by the hundreds of billions. Both far more than US. They have hard backed currency while US prints and prints.

Daniel Miller

since they want a realistic econemy witch wont collapse evry 20 years.


Capitalism collapse every 20 years since Communism was invented

Daniel Miller

ummm no it has not Capitalisam is good if used correctly but the problem is that most econimists in the west and china are morons and think extreme growth in a short period is good…well its not

You can call me Al

WTF is wrong with you at the moment ?; are there 2 of you ?. You sound like a dishevelled knob head.


Thanks, a qualified opinion, finally.


Wow, you must have lost it. Have you ever seen a happy slave? Where? Show me, please.

Chris Saunders

You’ve got a problem with your facts bud. Russia, of almost any country in the world is most prepared to fight a world war, and especially an extended global war. Russia possesses rich reserves of iron ore, manganese, chromium, nickel, platinum, titanium, copper, tin, lead, tungsten, diamonds, phosphates, and gold, and the forests of Siberia contain an estimated one-fifth of the world’s timber. You will not find another country, with the exception possibly of the US, that has so many natural resources available to support a global war. Germany and Japan, by comparison during WW2, had very limited resources and were almost completely unprepared for the regional, turned global conflagration.


Any amount of resources Russia posses, it’s less than what USSR possessed. Nice try anyway.

Robert Ferrin

Do you really think that Russia gives a rats ass about Germany France England or of any of the rest of the shithole countries for they ALL have their own set of internal problems…

You can call me Al

Yes. The Europeans are closer to Russia than you may think. Yes, we all have internal problems, but we are all sick of the Yanks.

Kelli Hernandez

You would be WRONG. And EU leaders taking an anti Russia position put their populations in the firing line It will be NATO sucked into fighting first not the US


No, I COULD be wrong, there’s a difference. Fact remains that the countries of Western Europe. and most of Eastern Europe too for that matter, have no armies worthy of the name any more. Most have been cut back to the barest bone, and/or turned into counter insurgency forces who can participate as token allied forces in whatever Middle Eastern country the US wants to invade this week operation. Both the Netherlands and Belgium don’t even operate tanks any more.

Any NATO country that is not the US could not fight in a conventional war with Russia even if they wanted too. Because their armies are A: too small, B: no longer suitable for conventional warfare, C: in such a state of disarray it would take months of preparation and lead in time to even deploy a small portion of their armies to Eastern Europe. They are not going to fight Russia without the US. And if the US told them to do so they would be kissing Putin’s arse in record time because they are not that stupid.

Membership of NATO currently exists for European countries as a way to lift a ride on America’s military coat tails and to enjoy US military protection. The price for that is that you have to agree with whatever crazy scheme of the week the US wants you to agree with and occasionally contribute some token military force or military bases to whatever crazy invasion of the week the US wants to engage in. Which overall is still cheaper then increasing defense spending. EU leaders are not that stupid. Even vassals are only loyal to their feudal overlord as long as it is in their own best interest. Go read up on medieval history if you don’t believe me. Even if you don’t its still an entertaining read.


And with what price some countries were designed to be Russian satellites, so called ‘Russia’s buffer zone’? Russian mafia owning their governments. Ukraine, Belarus and Moldavia are the poorest countries in Europe – yeah sure Russia ‘couldn’t care less’ just have them poor and enslaved.

eternal indian

They are poorest not because of Russia but for their lack of resources and skills.


There is a huge coincidence that all satellites of Russia are poor and all the satellites of USA have a higher life standard, Russia didn’t chose satellites with skills and resources maybe

eternal indian

So you’re telling living on American aids and imf debts indicates the well-being of a country?


I’m saying that people wanting to immigrate into a country has a lot to do with well-being also this people moving in a country that is a Russian ‘slave’ would buy 2-3 times more than locals could.

eternal indian

I am not telling that peoples don’t want to immigrate to more prosperous countries but in case of receiving immigrants USA,GERMANY and RUSSIA are in forefront though immigration to west today is not as profitable as it had been 20 years ago as almost all countries including Communist China follow the rules of capitalism.Also India,China,Russia and other asian countries are growing rapidly.

Orientation to west didn’t bring much prosperity in Eastern Europe or ex Soviet republics but capitalism did bring the prosperity.In EU to some extent Germany,France and Britain are doing well while others are in disarray or living like parasites.All the Eastern European countries have no basic industries.People of those countries are fleeing en masse to Germany,France or UK to get jobs and their remittance floats those countries’ economy.

Even in these days of sanctions Russia can borrow more or gets more foreign investments than those erstwhile satellites.Ukrainians are either coming to Russia or fleeing to west.They are not seeing any prospect for themselves in Ukraine except being enslaved by Poroshenko and other oligarchs controlled by west coupled with western propaganda.


Better than being enslaved by Putin and the bunch of oligarchs in Moscow

eternal indian

I have never seen Putin and his ilks are enslaving people.In fact, Russians are too happy with Putin except some western funded groups and brainwashed liberals.


Middle class families from Russia are migrating to West and not the other way

Chris Saunders

Every nation that gets “overthrown” by the US gets more money than it had before, because US (and by direct extension) western sanctions are lifted, international trade restarts and the New York bankster cabals start loaning money. Take a look at Chile, El Salvador, Grenada, Egypt, Iran (after installation of Shah Reza Pahlavi), Cuba, the Phillipines etc etc. The only ones that don’t improve financially are the ones that keep fighting, like Iraq and Afghanistan. Venezuela is another case in point. If the CIA was able to overthrow the Maduro government, suddenly their economic outlook would magically brighten . .

Daniel Miller

Belarus is in good shape only Ukraine is in the shitter its actually poorer now so wheir is all of that “free trade zone” money?


Just checked, indeed Belarus is ok. However Ukraine exports in EU are growing with 25% per year, they just signed free trade with Canada and next year will sign with Turkey. I don’t know how much money that percent is, but Russia’s non-fuel exports are growing with only 1 billion per year. Ukraine’s GDP droped 10% in 2015 but it recovers fast at 3% per year so one more year and will be better than it was with Russia.

Daniel Miller

ummmm thats compleately wrong Ukraine is border line bankrupt their GDP per capita is lower then ever and their GDP ppp is also getting even lower then that Ukraine is a puer shit hole its the poorest nation in europe and some african contrys have a higher GDP per capita then Ukraine has now also 25% growth of fuck all is still fuck all they bearly export anything to Europe and 25% is nothing if we are also talking about Russia,Russia’s dependance on oil and petrolium based products shrunk form 60% in 2014 to 29% in 2018 so thats far form “just 1 billion a year” and even if that was true that still 1/6th of Ukraines whole GDP ppp…Also Ukraines GDP growth is at 0.4%https://tradingeconomics.com/ukraine/gdp-growth


You started with a false claim: Ukraine GDP is lower than ever. Even without online data, it couldn’t be worse than in 2015. Here’s the growth: https://tradingeconomics.com/ukraine/gdp-growth-annual

Here is the article that claims that non-energy Russian exports grew with less than 1 billion per year in the past 5 years: https://www.rt.com/business/447153-russia-non-energy-exports-billions/

Daniel Miller

oh it can be look at the GDP per capita also wtf 147 billion vs 40 in 2014…yea “less then a bullion”


40 ninjas or what?

Kelli Hernandez

Bullshit. All of those countries surviving via IMF loans aka US/NATO debt slaves. Ukraine is the same and just got a huge IMF bailout while U$ and Ukrainian plunderers loot anything that’s not bolted down . Ukrainians are the poorest in Europe and pay the highest prices for food. This must be why one million Ukies ditched Ukraine fleeing to Russia.


Better check Ukraine economy growth rate


The US policy toward its own sphere of regional influence – the southern American continent – has been ruthlessly self serving for well over a century. Repeatedly installing violent and corrupt dictatorships and juntas, subverting and overthrowing democratically elected and independently minded leaderships, and opposition parties, and all of this to maintain US corporate control over the resources, infrastructure and markets of the southern continent, with direct result of perma-static to weak economic and social development across many southern American nations. To fully grasp the ruthlessness of US policy toward its own regional southern continent, research the CIA funded and run ‘School of the America’s’ located in US. Where potential future despots are instructed in the methodologies of state repression, without the rule of law, and instilling mass fear, ie unrestricted torture programs, and likewise vassal-proxy ‘opposition;forces are instructed in the methodologies of sabotage and terrorism against states and societies.

People in giant glass houses…throwing stones…lol.

Silly troll.


Venezuela is the happiest country in the world since they got rid of the oppressors

Robert Ferrin

That’s what happens when you become a poodle for the west,now would you really say that they are better off today then before the illegal coup…..


Check the poorest countries in EU then talk. You need brain to sum up 2+2.


poorest countries in EU are those who were Russian satellites in the past, that America couldn’t save after WW2 to be plundered by USSR


1691 5++

Chris Chuba

No. Because the elected President of Ukraine was chased out of Ukraine for wanting to study the measure even after agreeing to early elections for the sin of ‘breaking a campaign promise’. The ethnic Russians got the message, their votes don’t count and never will. This was the second time their candidate got tossed out after winning an election.


Wrong, he tried to turn down the free trade deal with EU after it was ratified by the Ukrainian parliament – like the majority of the Ukrainians should listen to the pro-Russian minority and stay poor for the sake of Russian nationalism.

But there is more: he tried to ban all the protests like Putin did in Russia, only that he didn’t know that Ukrainians unlike Russians, have balls and they fought riot police to the end even when the riot police (which were pro-Russians from Donbas) tried to run over civilians in Kiev with armored vehicles.

eternal indian

Ukrainian economy is in more bad condition than it’s time with Russia.Yunakovich was overthrown by illegal coup sponsored by Western intelligence agencies and their stooges-you cannot whitewash the American or western crimes.Election was going to be held within few months as Yunakovich was serving his last stage of his tenure.Like it or not ,he was an elected president and the way he was thrown out was breakage of all norms and regulations.But it is absolutely perfect for a neoNazi regime run by poroshenko spobsspon by Western gangsters.

You can call me Al


PS “More bad” = “worse”; sorry to be pedantic.

eternal indian

You are right.Thanks for the advice of sophistication.I actually used those words intentionally.

You can call me Al

OK, understood.

Happy New Year.


Please, you are not talking to your buddies from the Azov battalion. We know what happened.


Please give me a break, you are the most biased misinformed users of Internet.

Chris Saunders

Instead of “occupying bacon”, could you do us all a huge favor and go “making bacon” somewhere . . so we don’t have to read the sh_t you post? Thanks Shlomo . .


I know the truth hurts, that’s why is easy for me ti hurt your feelings.

Kelli Hernandez

More bullshit by a Russophobic troll (or is that hasbara troll) The former President TURNED DOWN EU offer, preferring to work with Russia. Hence, this is why Vicki Nuland, John Jihadi McCain and Obama instigated the Maidan against the democratically elected leader and put in their neonazi sympathizing illegitimate leader Porky .

The majority of Ukrainians are ethnic Russian speakers. The population is inherently friendly to Russia . Porky and his neonazi thugs are a product of Western ZIONIST AND Porky is a JEW, surprise, surprise! Porky has an 8% popularity rating. His people hate his gutts as he opened Ukraine to western looters to Ukrainian recourses, stealing everything not bolted to the ground. In fact, Joe Biden’s son Hunter is now President of one of Ukraines gas giants. Western elites want to keep the looting in the family. All of this has thrown Ukie citizens into abject poverty. They need a yellow vest revolution to overthrow this asshat, Porky. That’s what happens when you become western vassal .


“The former President TURNED DOWN EU offer, preferring to work with Russia.”

Actually UE didn’t ask Ukraine to turn down any trade deal with Russia, instead Russia asked Ukraine to turn down free trade deal with Ukraine.

Maidan happened after Putin wrongfully advised Viktor Yanukovych to ban all the protests like he did in Russia and they sent riot police from Donbas to beat people in Kiev.

Chris Saunders

Absolute crap Shlomo . .


Czech beer is much better than Ukrainian.


Bet the Ukrainian one is 3x cheaper at least.

eternal indian

Now Russia makes enough good beers,so Ukrainian junk is not at all necessary.

You can call me Al

No offence intended on swearing; but who gives a shit about the beer washing down the Vodka ?.

eternal indian

I want to tell the products Russia banned are now already produced in Russia at enough quantity.So Russia doesn’t need Ukrainian Junk as Ukraine already sanctioned Russian products and terminated friendship treaty.

You can call me Al

OK,sorry, mine was a bit of humour.


at least you tried

You can call me Al

Cheeky !!!.

You can call me Al

Damn right.

As a side issue:


Tommy Jensen

P.sswarm Chango is the best. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPZ_Itkzdrw


American beer is for kids, get a real beer. https://beerstore-2032.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/xxxx-gold-beer-online-1368414656-225×600.jpg

You can call me Al

OH FO, I was drinking that when I was 15, when they had those fantastic and funny adverts in the UK; wasn’t “Crocodile Dundee in them ?”……. anyway, come to The Netherlands or Belgium and try some of those out.

Have a Happy New Year to you and yours.

eternal indian

Now Ukraine will ask for more debts and loans from IMF/world bank and if possible frebies from it’s new found western masters.

Kelli Hernandez

Funny you mentioned that as Ukies just got another IMF loan for being good little vassals in provoking Russia


Loans they will give, if the American appointed rulers of Ukraine agree to sign over the title of Ukraine’s infrastructure. If you look at all the countries the US/UK have helped, the UK/US owns all the power stations water supply, banks insurance companies etc.

The pillagers don’t carry broad axes anymore, they come with pens calculators and iPhone’s.

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