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MARCH 2025

Russia: Corruption Scandals and Amazing Court Decisions

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Russia: Corruption Scandals and Amazing Court Decisions

SouthFront continues to cover corruption scandals as well as problems and crisis developments in the administrative system in Russia.

The Investigative Committee of Russia charged Deputy Chief of the Federal Agency for State Reserves (Rosrezerv) Aleksandr Kiruhin with a fraud. The former chief of the oil products department of Rosrezerv Vadim Gavrilov, his deputy Oleg Lasarev, as well as the director of the Storage Challenge Research Insitute Sergey Ulanin and Director General of OOO “NaftaPremium” Aleksandr Bezrukov were also charged in the framework of the same case related to the embezzlement of public funds.

According to investigators, in 2014 Rosrezerv and OOO Tvernefteprodukt SO signed a 3.2 billion rubles-worth state contract for the provision of services to restore the quality of diesel fuel after long-term storage at Rosrezerv’s plants. The investigation believes that Rosrezerv was aware that the work will not allow to improve the quality of the fuel. Nevertheless, it signed the document confirming final acceptance of fake work and transferred 3.2 billion rubles.

Besides this, investigators are bringing to trial high-profile cases of embezzlement during the repair of residences of senior state officials as well as objects at Red Square. Russian mainstream media provided little coverage to this scandal.

The large-scale investigation includes multiple episodes, including the embezzlement of 1.5 billion rubles during the reconstruction of “Ogarevo-53” (the residential residency). The Investigative Committee also evaluated data regarding possible embezzlement of public funds during works on 3 other dedicated facilities: “Red Square, 5” (the complex of buildings at Red Square); “Gorky-9 (the prime minister residency) and “Vorobyovy Gory” (country houses and house receptions for the highest officials of the state and leaders of other countries visiting Moscow). Investigators checked data on an possible embezzlement during the reconstruction of the Kremlin Wall.

According to the Investigative Committee, Dmitry Malchenko is the creator and leader of the organized crime syndicate involved in this case. Malechenko is the former owner of the port “Bronko” and a co-owner of the group of companies “Baltstroy”. According to investigators, Malchenko had two close deputies in the framework of the created organized crime syndicate: the head of the Federal Protective Service’s Federal State Unitary Enterprise “ATEKS”, Andrei Kaminov, and another co-owner of “Baltstroy”, Dmitry Sergeev. They led the structural units of the organized crime syndicate.

According to the Investigative Committee, Malchenko entice into the embezzlement of public funds the following persons: the head of the Engineering Support Service of the Federal Protective Service, Igor Vasiliev, and the head of the division of the Engineering Support Service of the Federal Protective Service, Utilin.

Mikhalchenko and most of the other defendants in the case face Articles 210 (organization of a criminal group) and 160 (misappropriation or embezzlement) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. However, Vasiliev and Utilin face charges under Article 160 only.

For example, the investigation revealed that during the reconstruction of the presidential residence, the “Baltstroy” offshoot, “Klimat Prof” overestimated prices for air-conditioning systems. All three top managers of this company, Rodionov, Perevalov and Malcev, face charges under Article 160 (misappropriation or embezzlement). Additionally, “Baltstroy” overestimated prices for the work on roof of the presidential residency. The total damage to the budget was estimated at around 225 million rubles.

The total damage caused by actions of this organized crime syndicate, involving businessmen linked to government officials and generals from the Federal Protective Service is estimated at about 5 billion rubles.

It is interesting that investigators and the Investigative Committee demonstrate a tolerant attitude towards persons involved in the case. Suspects are actively seeking a plea deal with the investigation.

For representatives of “Baltstroy”, this would be not the first plea deal. Previously, they reached a plea deal in the framework of the investigation of the embezzlement of funds during works to renewal of objects of the Ministry of Culture. Then, the businessmen got suspended jail terms. During the recent investigation, Sergeev and “Baltstroy” top managers Stanislav Kurner and Dmitry Torchinsky made plea deals.

It is interesting that the practice of plea deals with the investigation in Russia and most other countries implies that suspects should voluntarily disclose all the episodes of their criminal activity, repay the damage, if it’s possible, and make a complete and voluntary abandonment of the criminal purpose.

The “Baltstroy” case shows that the defendants made the first plea deal only on charges, which they faced, and criminal activities discovered by investigators. They hid other episodes of their criminal activity. Then, when other criminal actions were revealed and evidence confirming them were gathered by the investigation, these persons once again made a plea deal.

It is amazing, but investigators agreed on this. However, in accordance with legal practice, such behavior of persons involved in the case suggests that they are trying to hide episodes of their criminal activity and mislead the investigation. They made no complete and voluntary abandonment of the criminal purpose.

Another case is the sentence in the case of so-called “drunk boy” from the city of Balashikha, Moscow Oblast.

In the spring of 2017, 31yo Olga Alisova violated driving regulations and caused a road traffic incident killing a 6yo boy. The husband of Olga Alisova is Sergey Alisov. He’s currently jailed for participation in a criminal group involved in a series of frauds and kidnappings. The criminal group was reportedly linked to some local officials.

The Alisova case became widely known in Russian mainstream media because of a flagrant situation with the forensic examination over this case. The involved expert, Mikhail Klemenov, claimed that the 6yo boy was drunk (2.7 promille alcohol). The investigation tried to use this conclusion to deny criminal responsibility from the person responsible for the tragedy.

However, a large-scale coverage of this situation and the public outrage forced the investigation to review this approach. According to an official version, the investigation made a new, complex forensic examination that found that the boy had not been drunk.

The further investigation confirmed that the data of the first forensic examination was falsified. According to an official version, the child’s blood sample was taken improperly. Dirt got there. This led to the process of alcoholic fermentation. As a result of the criminal actions of the forensic expert, relatives of the boy, who were already in a traumatic situation, suffered irreparable psychological damage.

What kind of punishment should a civil servant, a forensic scientist that falsified results of an expertise in the case involving a minor child (intentional or criminal negligence), get? We believe that the punishment should correspond with the crime.

Moscow’s Shchelkovo сity court decided that the appropriate punishment should not be linked with deprivation of freedom. The court decided that it be 10 months of correctional labor (an 8-hour working day, while the person lives at his home). Moreover, the court canceled the previous decision dismissing Klemenov from his post. The man got his post back.


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The Jews are in trouble in Russia due to corruption.


the jews are corrupt every where in the world, is in their blood they can not help it unless they are recycled.


Jews have butchered their own prophets, children and women. If a race is so much evil so what you can expect from them. I pray God protect whole world from these evils. Ameen

Rodney Loder

This injustice is obviously down to the homosexual Sid Loder who usurped my intellectual property as a baby he also murdered my mother and replacer with a Roman Catholic woman who could be trusted to follow the dictates of the Zionist Masonic Lodge and Roman Catholic Church as well as the Evangelists.

Also if I might add one other thing, the homosexual Sid Loder usurping the Holy Ghost from myself, that being Jesus Christ, was also responsible for the recent political victories of the Liberal Coalition in Australia and the Hindu extreamist Modi in India, voters are really afraid that the followers of Sid Loder are losing their grip on the fallacious existential reality the Zionist and pseudo Christiand created using my being for 68 years.

My Salafist Brother fully believe all of the above.

Allah Akbar.

Xoli Xoli

Mr.Loder you always hit the nail on his head.Go strong pappa.Trump,May,Macroni,Merkel,Satanyahu are not Christian’s their are killers man.Mass murderious for depopulation agenda.Pure white supremacist illuminates.Look what their are doing in Altanf,Raqqa,Idlib with fake news.

Rodney Loder

Exactly if Brother Erdogan saw it like we do I could solve Turkeys problums easily, we can’t attack the peolpe you mentioned but as “Said K.Aburish” said all through his many books the solution would be attacking al-Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia, the King could stay but the fact is, I outrank Wahhab in Religion and Wahhab his BS has no place with Imams Taymiyyah and Ahmad b. Hanbal.

Toronto Tonto

Nut case .

Rodney Loder

Don’t hold back TT come forward and I’ll squash out the pox in you Christian little swine.


Why ppl downvote this kind of articles? Because they hate corruption or because they hate the ugly truth?

Real Anti-Racist Action

I know what you mean. I up-voted it. While I do not like that events are that way, if it seems like a truthful article that people should read to learn from. I often up-vote them. When the SAA advances in Syria, I up-vote. When The terrorist advance against the SAA, I up-vote. Not because I am happy with the terrorist, but because SouthFront writers are doing a really good job keeping us all informed about such events. To you SF mod’s and writers, I am very grateful for the labor of love that you are all doing. You all are doing a great job by the way!


That’s the spirit mate. When the West politicians screw the people fuck them when the East politicians screw their people fuck them too

Greg Schofield

Note this is a story of corruption being dealt with, try to find anyone going to gaol in the ‘west’ for criminal acts committed by top managers.

Xoli Xoli

My core commentators which are free riders and go with the flow always criticize if I comment on Russian corruption.The problem with arabs and Muslim men is just like devil.Their will show you how their live well and what their own.But their wont show how people which their oppressed suffer in Yemeni,Idlip,Raqqa,Hama and in Turkey Saudi,UAE.So Russia is not corrupt.Allah and Torah is devil.Jesus God.Repent from love of dollars,lies,murder,rape,fornication.Nine virgins are only in hell.Devil says kill in my name my islamic and Zionist children.Jesus the God says dont kill love one another.Just wait after ass in the sky face in the ground were the devil is worshipped ramadan shit.Their will start killing first in Saudi the kingdom of Lucifer the satan.Satayahu,sheiks,mullahs grand father.


r u on drugs kid? I assure you they do no good to you.


The reason western corruption doesn’t reach the headlines is because the system is so corrupt that the corrupt people simply cannot be prosecuted. It is also the case that people are accepting corruption as part of the system and don’t complain. Many don’t even understand what corruption means. When Russians prosecute corrupt officials is this not a good sign? This is, in fact, how the west should be as well. We should be hearing, in the news, about shocking corruption cases all the time. Only we don’t. The mass media and the judiciary are both so corrupt and defunct that corruption in the west cannot be prosecuted, it is that bad. That allows many to continue the day-dream that west is not corrupt. Pentagon loses trillions in unaccounted for expenditures, but no one is prosecuted – no, it is actually that no one CAN be prosecuted. It used to be a thing for journalists to compete with each other on how many people they got fired through scandalous revelations. These days it does not even happen. Did we just enter the paradise? I don’t think so. But White Helmets can win an Oscar because… I cannot continue, it is truly horrible!


the aim of this article beside been stupid, is to present russia as a corrupt country, so it must be a paid article.

Toronto Tonto

Russia never could handle the truth even with proof like MH17 .


Good thing pot is legal in Canada or you would be in real trouble :)


Trolling Tonto is not from Canada, he’s an ukrainian degenerate.

Carol Davidek-Waller

I disagree. It portrays Russia as a country that prosecutes its white collar criminals, unlike the US who not only doesn’t prosecute them, but in many cases, rewards them.


that was not the intention of the writer that I seen it like that and few others including you, that proves only that still are people around with more than few seconds thinking span.


well the tittle of the article could fool me. As well the way is written and presented but then what do I know right? As for the west rewarding their criminal elite it happens in all western countries not only USA. Kind of same shit different name there.


There is a RAND report out today, which is openly calling for the destruction of Russia, using the Jew 5th column to destabilize it.

US will use economic and military tactics to destabilize Russia like it destroyed USSR: Report

Brother Ma

True. Many of the great investigative journalists are silenced ,have died of old age or are being imprisoned as we speak. Who will be brave enough to make revelations now that Assange and Manning are so treated?

We need a strong man to come into western government like the Phillipines and come out with a statement ” you have three months to stop your corruption and train your replacements. Once three months are up ,All those public servants deemed to have continued stealing will be shot on site by the public or authorities . If no replacement was trained to do your job ,ALL your family’s properties and assets will be forfeited to the state as a symbolic token gesture and so that it is a cost to you”

Harry Smith

What kind of punishment should a civil servant, a forensic scientist that falsified results of an expertise in the case involving a minor child (intentional or criminal negligence), get? We believe that the punishment should correspond with the crime.

You can believe anything you want, but in Russia is Roman legislation system, which uses Penal Code. For negligence there is the article 239. Let me google-translate for you the first part of the article, which is applied for this case:

Negligence, that is, failure to fulfill or improper performance by an official of his duties as a result of unfair or negligent attitude to service or duties of office, if this resulted in major damage or a substantial violation of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens or organizations or legally protected interests of the society or the state, is punished a fine of up to one hundred and twenty thousand rubles, or in the amount of the salary or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to one year, or an obligation labor for up to three hundred and sixty hours, or correctional labor for up to one year, or imprisonment for up to three months.

The guy got almost maximal punishment under this article. And accordance to the Russian Court rules, the judge could not give him a year if he has no previous penal records.

Brother Ma

Not enough! He sgould be shot or put in a gulag for 25 years! .Only China knows how to treat traitorous and greedy public servants.

Harry Smith

Well that’s how Roman legislation system works. You can do nothing. As for the China’s approach, we had the same approach in the Stalin’s times. The main problem is that many innocents were executed.

Brother Ma

Yes. You ar right but i am fair. Once it is proven rhat too many innocents are abused or killed then the heads are executed /punished severely as well.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

In the end they are all politicians and businessmen, and they act accordingly.


“I have long since believed that in spite of all the vigilance that can be infused into Post Commanders, that the Specie regulations of the Treasury Dept. have been violated, and that mostly by Jews and other unprincipled traders. So well satisfied of this have I been at this that I instructed the Commdg Officer at Columbus [Kentucky] to refuse all permits to Jews to come south, and frequently have had them expelled from the Dept. [of the Tennessee]. But they come in with their Carpet sacks in spite of all that can be done to prevent it. The Jews seem to be a privileged class that can travel any where. They will land at any wood yard or landing on the river and make their way through the country. If not permitted to buy Cotton themselves they will act as agents for someone else who will be at a Military post, with a Treasury permit to receive Cotton and pay for it in Treasury notes which the Jew will buy up at an agreed rate, paying gold.” (Ulysses S Grant)

Toronto Tonto

Its NOT the Jews stupid its the Russians .


Jews are stupid for sure, no wonder they are universally hated :)


Somehow,, but they own the money of the world (Central Banks, Diamonds, Gold).

Toronto Tonto

Most corrupt place on earth , everyone is on the take .


Yes, Canada, wannabe Americans :) Your American masters even control your airports and ports OH’ OH’ Canada!

Toronto Tonto

Shows what you think you know.


Fuck off ukrotroll, your Ukraine is the most corrupted shithole on Earth – owned by Joe Biden and jewish clowns.


compared to the disintegrating states of america it’s nothing, small change. the most corrupt nation on earth is the disintegrating sates of america – rest assured. otherwise – idiot!

Bill Wilson

That 6 yr old kid must of been diabetic.


in comparison the sort of small scale corruption outlined here in before is nothing when factoring in the corruption persistent in the disintegrating states of A, where corruption is 100% or with other words, each and every politician and official is on the take. start with the congress (100% on the take to line the private pocket first and last) and every governor and every mayor and so on and so forth – that is a serious case of selling out lofty promises for the personal gain. and that is prevalent in all of the disunited states of america. so the insignificant corruption in other places is of little interest when including the disunited states of A where corruption is the basis on which the country is built and that is, as is well known, a friggin disaster – infrastructure disintegrating, obesity, drug-addled, rampant poverty, insignificant health service for the under-educated cattle, failing school system and a military running amok and intelligence networks being a state within the state out of control and a prison system filled to the brim with under-educated black people. sounds like the living hell, doesn’t it!

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