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Russia Can No Longer Guarantee Safety Of Turkish Aircraft Flying Over Syria

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Russia Can No Longer Guarantee Safety Of Turkish Aircraft Flying Over Syria

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Russia could no longer guarantee the safety of Turkish aircraft flying over Syria, Oleg Zhuravlev, chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria, said on March 1.

In his statement, Zhuravlev citied the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) recent decision to close the airspace over Greater Idlib as the reason. The Russian commander said that Syria was forced to take this decision.

“In such conditions, the command of the Russian taskforce cannot guarantee safety of flights by Turkish planes over Syria,” Zhuravlev said.

The SAA announced the new measure following a series of Turkish drones strikes, which inflicted catastrophic losses on its troops in Greater Idlib.

So far, the army’s air-defense systems have shot down between six to nine Turkish drones over Idlib. Yet, the strikes are still ongoing.

Turkey responded to the downing of its drones by shooting down two Syrian Su-24 warplanes. Syrian military sources said the Su-24s were shot down by Turkish F-16 warplanes, which violated Syria’s airspace twice on March 1.

The skies of Greater Idlib will likely witness more confrontation between Syrian and Turkish warplanes in the upcoming few days. Zhuravlev’s statement indicates that Russia will not try to stop the SAA from implementing its decision.

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Lone Ranger

Wehehe. Good good :)


How about guaranteeing to your allies that they won’t get bombed by Turks on their own territory? :P Can’t do that neither. I can imagine if the NATO was invading Russia in the 21st century and Russia making all kinds of civil statements how it can’t guarantee the safety of NATO invaders coming over to end their existence. :P

Black Waters

Well that’s the difference between Russia and the “Western pseudo-civilization”, that gives Russia moral ground.

About invading… lol, you can say that only trough internet, in reality it’s impossible to invade Russia. Those who tried end erased from history or giving Russia even more land.


I agree with you.

President Putin’s decision decision to allow UNARMED Turkish drones to fly over Idlib was in accordance with the Sochi accords. President Putin has been careful not to allow the West to claim that Russia is escalating the violence. In reality, Russia has responded to NATO provocations by gradually increasing the defensive measures available to the SAA and Russian forces in Syria.

The Turkish assault on the SAA and allies with armed drones violated the Sochi agreement and not even NATO can dispute that fact. President Putin would have realised that Erdogan could betray the agreement and attack in force, along with his terror proxies with Al Qaida and ISIS.

President Putin has now increased the risk for Erdogan with the acceptance of SAA and Iranian air defences that are all operating in concert with Russian air defences.

NATO can scream and shout, but there is now absolute proof that Turkish NATO soldiers are embedded with UN proscribed Terror Gangs illegally fighting on Syrian lands. As loud as NATO might scream, the far larger world outside NATO can see that NATO is flirting with proscribed terrorists.

President Putin still dominates the high ethical ground.

Gabriel Hollows

What do you think is happening right now? The turks are getting bombed in the ground and shot down from the air as we speak. This announcement, hilariously, came hours after Russia went open season on the roaches.



You are used to people like trump and ergodan talking tough the Russians don’t do this they make a quiet statement then act on it


A total joke !!!!


Russia doesn’t make loud boastful statements about what they are going to do I would take this threat by the Russians very seriously

Gabriel Hollows

It’s not a ”threat”. It’s politics. They’ve been bombing the turks for several hours already.


Where did you get that info?


If just it was a threat! I see it more as an excuse!

Russia / Syria had the upper hand, both politically and militarily! The final moves should have been so well coordinated and everything should have been cautionally foreseen and political and military measures taken in advance. It was going to be full victory in Western Syria or a nice Victory with minimal concession, we all almost did see it coming….

(Not going into the merits of possibly went wrong, brings me headache, Russia / Syria (the political factor) behaved immaturely and childishly…

So my friend… Russia was / but is not anymore in the position to make threats and to determine the military and the political will at ease, (always taking about Idlib) !!!

Such hard efforts and sacrifices in years to arrive at that marvelous position there was a week ago, and Russia just let it go, just like that, without any apparent reason….

Lone Ranger

Thats a lot if crying from you.. Are you ok? Need a Tampax?


I’ve just got some new info the Russians are not allowing the SAA to use the s300 so I grudgingly accept what your saying what the fuck is Putin thinking im hearing isreal and turkey are working together modifying the f16 s turkey has Russia just seem to be using a few long range bombers which are out of range of the stingers to make it seem like they are doing something also I hear turkey has the full backing and support of America this is looking like it was a trap


https://youtu.be/VjkVw46r5uA 1


Breaking : russian air force targeted a trukish military convoy near saramin resulted in deaths and injuries…turkish helicopters entering the area to evacute

Gabriel Hollows

Death to all turks.

Lone Ranger

Nah, only to Turkisis. We dont want to be carried away ;)


Do you have a link?




Thanks, but these Twitter accounts are frequently highly questionable.




If this is true, AND IT IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY NEED TO DO, then great. Oh and also shoot down those helicopters.


Sustained air strikes are the most expedient and effective means of imposing a high cost for the illegal Turkish invasion of Syria and reprehensible support for terrorism. Turkey is a weak dictatorship and its military is not cohesive and will resort to a coup if a large number of body bags come home every day to the poor villages that supply the conscripts.

Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt… Where are my fellow hasbarats… Nein…. Inserting Tampax….


Shoot the Turk choppers down. They are illegally in Syria.


They are no longer guaranteeing, means they were guaranteeing before. This is why the troops morale is low in the SAA. Their partner, Russia is guaranteeing the safety of the adversary that is killing them. Russian madness. But in character. They betrayed Iran in 2011 when Iran ordered the S-300 and they stopped the delivery. This one reason why Iran buys most of its military hardware from China. Do they realize how dangerous this is.

Wow, speechless again.


Mixed Russian signals and turning a blind eye to repeated Turkish provocations only encouraged a street thug like Erdogan. Russia needs to take resolute action and put Turkey on notice. Having unfruitful summits with Erdogan serve no purpose and only whittles away Russian deterrence.

Assad must stay

i really thought russia was much smarter than this, makes me think putin is not in charge or someone else is running the government


The oligarchs are running the country and Putin represents them !!!!


Russia is a not a united country and its government and power centres are fragmented historically and that resulted in the collapse of the USSR and Czars previously. Today, the western intelligence agencies operating through NGO’s, “religious” organizations, academic institutions, social media and businesses have a very strong influence in Russia and the CIA hopes to use that to destabilize the Russian system further. There is now a growing anti-Putin political movement a well as Jew manipulation via media.

Lone Ranger

BS, it only means Russia doesnt want to nuke Ankara, but eventually they may have too, if Erdofuck keeps up his lunacy…

Assad must stay

not good, inshallah that all is reversed and changed soon


This is how I perceived it, but didn’t want to elaborate! That’s the direct meaning of the declaration…

I guaranteed since of now but from now on I’m not guaranteeing anymore!!

Nothing else gives me more headache than speculations and conspiracies, I try to follow reason and to read fact in order to get to the truth…

… but this declaration just gives credibility to the voices according to whom NW Syria was deliberately left without air defense cover during this days….


This war is costing Turkey $30 million USD a day includes losses. So they cant keep it up and save face. To much ottman fairy tales effects Turkish military decisions. When the militants become ineffective , is Turkey going to fight themselves on multiple fronts Greece will look to take back North Cyprus in this unrest.


Turkish economy is in dire straits and their oil theft from Syria is not paying off due to collapsing global oil prices and also leaves their Arab patrons like Qatar, Saudis and UAE in a bind. The Saudi economy is in free fall as well as Yemen quagmire is bankrupting it, and UAE may face a quarantine due to coronavirus. The best way for civilized nations to deal with Turkey is to impose a total economic boycott and stop the tourist trade. Turkish economy is very weak and sustained conflict will destroy it.


Sure, but it’s not like Putin’s puny economy can handle too much economic stress either.


You, don’t know what you are talking about.


In a ranking of the size of the economies of the 50 U.S. states, Russia wouldn’t even make the top 3!!

2019 GDP: State of California: $3.15 trillion, State of Texas: $1.9 trillion, New York State: $1.74 trillion.

Russia: $1.66 trillion. PUNY!


Ah, want to play with numbers? What is the net income of each of those states, after taking into consideration state and national debt tied to them? You don’t know crap buddy.

Gary Sellars

“Putin’s puny economy”…

..that is sitting on $500B of hard cash in reserves, has a budget surplus and a trade surplus and whose total public and corporate debt is < 15% of GDP.

LOL!! Yeah you dumb schmuck… tell us all about it :-P


It’s laughably puny for such a large, oil-rich country. Even some of the 50 U.S. states have bigger economies than Russia does!! LOL….


I think the only reason Syria has survived this long is that it is truly a sovereign state, i.e. not bankrupt through obsessive arse-kissing of the banksters. I wonder if they manage a positive balance of payments?


Well I was surprised that they in fact did, they manufactured most things and exported a lot and even oil but only like 25K a day.. But earlier they exported 50K by buying iraq oil and exported their own oil and they had huge surplex and even ordered a lot of weapons and such which russia never delivered. Syria had a GDP of 65Billion in 2011 from like 10Billion in 2001..

But if you look at California with a GDP of $4000 Billion, but they dont manufacture much of anything.. taxes are sky high, medical costs are astronomical, a PhD costs you a million $$$, a 2 bedroom flat costs $5k, and many cant even get past the poverty line.. Syrians live very comfortable lives on so little and carry almost similar population numbers and size..


Much the same deal as Iran. What’s not to hate? The west really hates anything approaching true liberty


They can keep it up as they have the full support and guidance of US isreal


Money it does not matter at all, jews bank are so happy to give money to Turkey, USA, Syria, Russia…whichever ask for it.

John Brown

Remember Russia can take down the Turkish economy any time they want and that will be the end of any Turkish offensive as Russia is the # 1 trading partner of Turkey with China being number 2.

Mustafa Mehmet

Greece is bankrupt state they can’t even feed their own people let alone go to war with turkey

Gary Sellars

Go back to banging your under-age (male) goat…

Mustafa Mehmet

I only bang blond ladies Mr Gary


So you let your mongol wifes to dire they hair blond, wow

Mustafa Mehmet

Never been to Mongolia but I’m going to Google to day to find out more about mongol beautiful women’s… vas vas happy now go back to your cava now


Mongols have a bad rep but they were some proud fierce warriors. They bitchslapped the sultan like he was a rag doll.. actually bitchslapped everyone.. You dont need to like them but you got to admire their efficiency and getting world wide trade going.



keep em happy mehmet.. they do you long time..


Greece is not bankrupt, where the fuck did you learn that, in fact the economy is on the rising with 3% growth rate, among the highest in the west, still the salaries/wages and per capita is more than double than Turkey, while Turkey’s economy going down and the turkish Lira is becoming a toilet paper with 6,2 Lira for 1 dollar ratio.

And the statement that it cant feed their own people is hilarious, go to the turkish eastern border with all the mongol tribes there and see how they live.

Mustafa Mehmet

Friend of mine from Greece she not saying same thing.. everyone’s living Greece because no money no job no food on the table..Greece is bankrupt next 50 years. You have to pay Germany first they want their money back… or


Hahaha I bet you have no friend in Greece because what you said its simply not the truth, or perhaps you have friends here, some illegal immigrant as usual who steals/murder/rapes. Greece is doing well, look your own shit ih your 3rd world country there because at this rate with the casualties and money bleeding for the war you going to have a civil war, especially if you consider that half’s Turkey population is minorities.

Germany gave no money, you people need to understand how modern economy works, what EU did(basically French and German banks) is to give guarantees to greek bonds and nothing else, no one came with a bag full of money and gave it to Greece, plus Greece is giving back with interest every year every dose. Germany cant ask for money back because ain’t theirs in the first place and tell me what will happen, what do you mean by or… Also Germany can give back first the WW2 reparations.

Mustafa Mehmet

????? I know this was coming Germany owe Greeks ww2 reparations.. typical Greek mines. just pay the loan back… yes I do have friends from Greece name Andrea and Sophie nothing wrong with that


hahaha you mean you know Mustafa and Abdul I am sure that cross illegally the greek borders. And we will pay whatever we want(which we pay anyway) and I explain how things work but your uneducated mind cant comprehend how economy really works and also if we choose not to pay we will do it, but first they need to pays us war reparations. Look your own shit mustafa mongol, half your population lives in caves, 20+ million Kurds and at least another 15 mil minorities in your country hate each other, I cant wait for the civil war to start, popcorn and TV watching lol


Turkey cannot afford the expense of a war on its own soil. Turkey’ economic stability is spread very thin as it is now; Turkey will collapse. Turkey’s generated income is producing agricultural products, textiles, motor vehicles, transportation equipment, construction materials, consumer electronics and home appliances. A war on Turkey’s soil would destroy all that production (and let’s add the money Turkey is getting hosting refugees, that’s a business venture in itself; a lot that money probably doesn’t even reach the refugees, Turkey keeps it).

If Turkey doesn’t leave Syria, the war will spill over into Turkey.

There is talk that the “Hatay Turkey” region is actually Syria’s real estate (we are looking at another disagreement coming soon between Syria and Turkey if this is the case).


Agree in principle, with this proviso: unless someone else is paying for it!


This is a polite warning from Russia and hopefully Turkey will pay heed and the Syrian Arab Republic and Russian Federation will back this up with a concrete action. Turkey is acting as a thug rogue state committing aggression against a neighboring state and openly sponsoring terrorism, and that can not stand.


Turkey is not acting as a rogue state it has the full support and guidance of isreal and america and yes it can stand when you have that sort of backing


Turkey is acting as a rouge state, in alliance with other rouge states.


Rogue. I mean, Erdogan does look like he has rouge on his face….


Yes, actually this is war of aggression on the part of Turkey which is the most fundamental war crime.

Assad must stay

shoot down all torki aircraft/drones, destroy anything torki, NO EXCEPTION


Yes, General


Does that mean that Russia was guaranteeing the safety of Turkish aviation before? What kind of joke is this?

Black Waters

We are about to find out.


Absolutely Russia was. Russia and Turkey so far are not in a war. Syria also so far has not been in a war against Turkey and neither do they want to be. But if Turkey wants it…


Russia must have gotten a warning from US MIC that either they allow Turkish airstrikes on SAA or CIA submarines will shoot a couple low-yield tactical nukes on SAA positions.

Lone Ranger

That csn go vice versa ;)

Black Waters

Do you believe the bs that you are writing? Jesus…


Yes some are saying isreal has already nuked Syria back 2014 its looking like Idlib was a trap

Assad must stay

lmao yea right, russia would take out those subs which im sure they already know where they are no problem


+10 shekels

Pablo Rivera

Whoever invented the “low yield” nuke concept is a complete idiot. It won’t be answered with another low yield, but with a topol the size of Texas

Albert Pike

You are kuku – “CIA submarines will shoot a couple low-yield tactical nukes on SAA positions”

There are no CIA submarines, and how ever low-yield, the genie would be out of the box…

Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt, Dont shoot down our beautiful hasbarat jets… dont you know how much each costs? The beautiful shekels each U.S. taxpayer generously donates…to our cause… There will be crying and raging, either way Me and Ytzak have our Tampax ready…just in case. I hope I wont faint…where is my dreidel…oyyy


I take this to mean that they will use their S-300s finally? Flaming Turkeys falling from the sky might even get NATO involved, article 5 or no. But, then again, regime change in Turkey is desirable anyway…especially if things go to shit. Erdo might find himself between a rock and hard spot, again.

Stinky Man

I hope Putin pays Turkey back 1000x for the Russian pilot that was killed by those filthy animals.

Chris P

I do to. I doubt the Russians forgot. They are letting the Turks look bad now. The aggressors. Next Turn is theirs. What will the Russians and Iranians do? A small nuke ends this and Nato will not respond to Idlib being blown up. Turkey will be destroyed by this action. Blow up Idlib. The Russians have plenty of tricks up their sleeve, I believe they are being nice now. We shall see how long Russian can handle being Turkey’s pushover. That is how they look to me. Some Ally you have with Russia, not there when you need them. The Battles are now Syria and Turkey, this is not the same war anymore. Declare War and stop pissing around. I wonder what the Kurds must think of Americans, especially now that they want to help Turkey in Syria now? What a joke. Truly backslappers who don’t care about what they look like anymore too, Abandon the Kurds and help the Turks too in Syria. The Kurds are not even smart enough to help out now, when they are needed most. If Errogant wins, they most certainly will be NEXT. Dumb asses.


Everything related to Trukey-Russia just smell to bullshit.


Trying to remember any pronouncements from Stalin&Zhukov about guaranteeing the safety of German troops in Russia.


Ya this 4-d chess is perplexing. I mean does Russia have a flow chart with this all mapped out somewhere? All of these scenarios in which they plan to achieve multiple strategic goals. What is also perplexing is why the Syrian military was not prepared to stop drone strikes at this point in the war of Turkish aggression and imperialism. They had to know this was coming.


About freaking time,the Russian must enhance the Syrian air defence and the Syrian military must keep attacking the terterrorit by air and ground and missile strike form ground.


List of POSSIBLE reasons Turkish drone attacks were not countered

1. Gross negligence on part of Syria military 2. Gross negligence on part of Russia military 3. Sophisticated jamming or stealth tactics by Turkey 4. Russia became upset that Syria attacked the Turkish military directly 5. Brute force multiple wave attacks that override air defense systems 6. Internet – communications attack against linked Russia/ Syria air and or communication systems

Have I missed any possibilities? Please add on.

Lazy Gamer

The US is providing air or ground recon/satelite coordinates. lol So no matter how much drones are taken down, the Turkish artillery and missiles are still accurate. Artillery could even be lent and directly operated by US


Why do you say lol. Are you a Turk jihadist?

Lazy Gamer

you can call it dark humor or something else. In the face of fuckin monstrous evil, one can only be humorous about the situation.


Probably a combination of factors. A. SAA is not accustomed to dealing with a large number of modern drones on this front. B. They where not given enough warning when Russia pulled back from enforcing the no fly zone.


Or all of the above?

Alberto Garza

i think is 3 and 4


you forget that the attack in turk is probably russian … i don’t think it was an accident for proof helicoptere was not allowd to take injured soldiers


7. Giving Erdo more rope to hang ? himself


“Russia could no longer guarantee the safety of Turkish aircraft flying over Syria,” Why the hell were you guaranteeing their safety in the first place??????

Al Balog

4D Russian chess.


Russian chess = dead Syrian soldiers. (pawns)


Ah so you see, by now it was Russia who was making the Syrians not to shoot at the Turkish aircrafts as drones and F-16s but Russia now openly says that we will no longer do that anymore. Good this is good news. That’s why those drones were ravaging SAA troops and no one was shooting down. Well SAA fuck everything you see on your radar over idlib.


SAA: Putin, can we take down Turkish drons? they are killing our soldiers. Putin: Nahh, let them one more day, I like it.


Putin to Erdogan: I only allowed you for 20 hours. Your time is up.

Now from me:

Fuck you Putin, how can you play with the lives of Syrian Army and it’s allies? Is that a video game? I am disappointed in Russia.


Putin is heartless


Putin: Erdogan said he will send only reconnaissance drones, I didn’t expect that


how many time to put air defence back on 30 sec … not 2 days fucking lie something else behind this

Ashok Varma

Turkey is a terrorist state.

Mustafa Mehmet

So India killing innocent people in Kashmir ashok

Rodney Loder

I think Russia will let the situation intensity hoping Trump will get a sense of low hanging fruit and enter the conflict, at that point Russia will open up and demonstrate air supremacism, taking down US exceptionalism.

So far Russia seems unwilling to pull the veil of humiliation over Brother Erdogan, that is not Putin’s intention, it’s the US armaments industry Putin wants to humiliate.


“RUSSIA COULD NO LONGER GUARANTEE THE SAFETY OF TURKISH AIRCRAFT FLYING OVER SYRIA”, Oleg Zhuravlev, chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria, said on March 1, 2020.

Turkey has no options left but to leave Syria. Russia is not pussy-footing around.

Turkey is now feeling that “tense creepy-crawly” running up its spine !!!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

In other words we’re staying out of it, you two can duke it out over Idlib. Very bad.

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