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MARCH 2025

Russia, Cuba And China Leading War On COVID-19 In Italy

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On March 26, a Chinese medical team arrived in Milan, Italy. It consists of 14 medical experts. The plane also delivered 8 tonnes of donated medical supplies, including ventilators, medical monitor complexes and face masks.

This was the third Chinese medical team deployed in Italy. The previous Chinese team deployed in the country consisted of 37 doctors and paramedics with 20 tons of equipment. Over 70 Chinese medics are currently working in the country to assist it in the war on the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

Additionally, 37 Cuban doctors and 15 nurses (described by La Repubblica as the “most simpatico”) arrived from Cuba on March 22 to help with coronavirus treatment. They had previously battled Ebola in Africa.

The biggest foreign medical team deployed in Italy is the Russian one. The Russian Defense Ministy sent a large number of medical supplies, equipment, and specialists to the country by at least 15 flights of IL-76 military transport aircraft. According to official reports, the deployed Russian COVID-19 response team includes at least 100 viral agent defense experts, 8 mobile medical teams and dozens of pieces of various medical equipment. The estimated number of Russian personnel involved in the operation is up to 500.

The equipment (estimated number up to 50) include the Supotnitskiy M.V. Multifunctional Mobile Module Complex for Analysis of Pathogenic Biological Materials (Agents). It is a multifunctional mobile module complex for analysis of pathogenic biological materials (agents) (MKA PBA) and for the support of the decisions of the operational groups of the Ministry of Defense of Russia in case of biological emergencies.

Russia, Cuba And China Leading War On COVID-19 In Italy

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The complex provides life support of the crew during 14 days and nights of autonomous work. The equipment of the complex allows to reveal and identify up to 25 agents of infectious diseases: plague, anthrax, glanders, melioidosis, cholera, typhoid, brucellosis, legionellosis, tularemia, orthopoxvirus diseases, Q fever, rabies, Rift Valley fever, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, Marburg fever, Ebola fever, Lassa fever, Machupo fever, West Niles fever, epidemic nephritis, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, Dengue haemorrhagic fever, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis and tick-borne encephalitis.

In case of the absence of any stationary operational bases, MKA PBA can provide the fulfilling sanitary-epidemiological requirements SP 1.3.3118-13 “Security work with microorganisms I-II pathogenicity groups (hazard)”.

The complex can reveal pathogenic biological agents in no less than 20 samples simultaneously with probability 0,95. The duration of the preliminary analysis and the evaluation of biological environment in the emergency zone is no less than 15 minutes. The alleged service life of the complex is 12 years.

The Russian team is currently working in Bergamo, where it desinfected 2,000km2 during the past 24 hours. Every of the 8 deployed mobile medical teams is set to provide support to 7-9 facilities adapted by local authorities to assist eldery people with COVID-19 disease. Therefore, the total number of medical facilities in Bergamo that receives the Russian support is over 60.


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Daniel Martin

Meanwhile, the EU and U.S is shining with their absence, I guess it’s perfectly understandable that the Italians where furious and took down all the EU flags from official buildings and replaced them with Russian and Chinese ones.


Capitalism by its very nature promotes narcissism and US and EU pathetic and sorry behavior is no different. People, especially the poor, simply don’t matter in the west, only profits do.


The Socialist system has been vindicated once again.Even tiny Cuba which has been under an illegal US embargo since 1959, built a world class medical system that is punching above its weight with medical personnel deployed in over 59 countries. US and the west in general have only displayed a mean, self interested and greedy streak, so typical of capitalism. This pandemic has exposed that the emperor has no masks or gloves.


Communist,nothing to do with soros+co+nwo along with the fake lefts are the reight socialists! If it was socialists the soro fraternity implied would the eu-epp +usa demoncraps not deliver? Just so we break up the nwo/soros bullsht! Why do you think they the cia despise communist?


LOL…that incomprehensible comment indicates there is plenty of soap around, mostly between your ears, Igor or Adolf as the case may be. Little difference nowadays it often seems.

Arch Bungle

Non-meaning. Non-statement #1


LOL…our downtrodden exploited colony of nearby Puerto Rico has a longer life expectancy than Cuba. So much for your Glorious Socialist Paradise. Do try to get the simplest things correct.

Arch Bungle


Cuban life expectancy: 78.79 (pretty good) Puerto Rico: 80.02

Marginal difference. And this is with a blockade around Cuba. While Puerto Rico is an American colony.

That definitely vindicates the Cuban Socialist system.

Do try to understand the facts you parrot, hasbara troll.


A “newspaper” said Russian aid is 80% useless … so 600 ventilators, 100 military virologists and epidemiologists, 1000 reusable masks with high-grade protection, gloves, 700 protective suits and 8 medical teams with a mobile Testing complex and 100,000 test systems is useless ??? well ill be damned i’d guess the people in the US would appreciate that kind of “useless” aid now

Zionism = EVIL

$15 trillion for lost wars for the Jew scum while they can’t even supply soap to their third rate hospitals. Doctors and Nurses were crying on TV as they have no basic supplies and poor people are dying in the streets. A million Americunts will be infected by next week.

Assad must stay

But it seems like its just the regular people getting hit, not so much the elite and politicians that were behind those jew wars, this is not fair

Zionism = EVIL

That is the Americunt and Jew way. Get the poor killed. In Vietnam not a single Jew was killed as they all got military deferments. The poor and homeless without any access to health care will bear the brunt of the corona bio-weapon.

Assad must stay

Inshallah the true evil behind this all gets a hefty dose of karma

Arch Bungle

Hmmm. Zen-Sunnism?

Assad must stay


Arch Bungle

Dune. Good book.

Arch Bungle

The poor must live among each other. They do not have the luxury of protective isolation. The rich live in hermeticaly sealed bubbles of privilege. Their privileiged status provides social distancing from the very start …

Assad must stay

But the rich need the poor, otherwise who will work to make them rich?

Arch Bungle

Indeed. These two statements are not contradictory.


You are looking into your Russian crystal ball and seeing home later next month, Igor.

Arch Bungle

Another meaningless non-statement. Catalogueing your nonsense.

Rhodium 10

In USA you must to pay 35.000USD for medical cares vs Corona virus…or die!..most of the health insurance there dont cover Coronavirus treatments..


You lie as always, Igor.

Arch Bungle

You’re projecting again Shlomo. It is in fact you and your hasbara teamates who are known on this site as accomplished liars. You get debunked on a daily basis. Which is why you no longer put forward facts but instead make insulting, but meaningless statements.


Nahhhhhhhh…you lie. I have no team mates here. I put forward facts all the time along with deserving insults to you bigoted, lying AH’s. Now to divert back from your silly, lying diversion, no one here has had to pay $35,000 for COVIS-19 treatment. Your lying butt buddy gave zero evidence that they do. Nor did he give any evidence that COVIS-19 treatment is not covered by health insurance like other illnesses. He lied and you back him with lies. Now THAT is quite a team!

Arch Bungle

You put forward no material facts. A simple survey of your historical posts reveals that. You lie reflexively. The bulk of your posts are non-statements composed of non-meaning.


$35 dollars? Do you consider that to be expensive?


LOL…well, you’re not Ukrainian. And you are a linguist who generally are not into numbers. Japan, like the US, uses “,” and Ukraine like most of Europe uses “.” And reverse it as decimal separators. So $35.000 is $35,000 to a Russian or Ukrainian or most Europeans. But either way, that guy is an ignorant lying AH.


Yes, I understood the differences in separators. I was using that to my advantage, Jake-San.


LOL…why, thank you for the honor. Of cause, that dodo wouldn’t understand you. I like to chop them up without much subtlety. Just my Old New Yorker way. Keep at them!!!


To honor you would be Jake-Sama. I thought we could be closer to colleagues than higher.


OUCH!!! I deserve that. Well, in terms of knowledge of Russia you sure are higher than me. And actually, I like your way of chopping them up better as well. Sorry for my presumptuous arrogance. Kind of comes with the NYC turf.


Oh no no. I did not mean it that way. Despite our age differences, I prefer we converse as colleagues than that of a junior to an elder.


Me too. And no problem. I do need a wee bit of that, intended or not, now and again. Or so my wife reminds me occasionally. };o) Now go get them.

Arch Bungle

Jake321 is an hasbaranim. You would do well to analyse the linguistic characteristics and underlying psychology of a paid propagandist.


Jake is an intelligent commenter. You sound like a dum-dum, dum-dum.



Arch Bungle

Jake321’s a dumb cunt and you are a shitty little anime’ bot he set up to spank his paedo fantasies about prepubescent andromorphs. Go fuck yourself with a cactus.


I am legally an adult, dum-dum.

Arch Bungle

Not mentally though, you’re clearly retarded.


Mentally, I clearly am your superior.

Arch Bungle

No evidence supports your speculation.


LOL…your comparative posts sure prove the point, junior.


Mentally, you are an imbecilic retard turd.


You mean, “I am legally a dum-dum.”


Nahhhhhhhhh…no way someone can create a bot that is smarter and more educated in many subjects than themselves. Now it would be really easy to create an arrogant ignorant vacuous bot like you, kid.


That must be you that you speak of. It sure is not me. (It should be “It is not I” but that sounds weird and a bit haughty to an old New Yorker like me.)

Zionism = EVIL

To put in diplomatic terms, Americunt arseholes created this bio-warfare virus which has bit them on their lardass and the corrupt motherfuckers are clueless what to do since the mean bastards rather kill people and invade peaceful small nations for their Jew masters than invest in public health care. Now they are begging for Russian, Cuban and Chinese aid. China just sent another train load of supplies to the ingrate EU fuckwits.


Liberal democtrats,eu-epp,cia created the weapon from canada to the eu run uk,then hong kong via soros to china,because they simply cant deal with trumps wiser nationalist strategy!


Nahhhhhhhh…give credit where credit is due. Everyone knows this is a Russian bio-weapons virus released when the Russians were working at the Chinese bio-weapons lab in Wuhan. Just another typical Russian techno fuckup. Try to get the basics correct.

Arch Bungle

“Everyone Knows” … Who are you kidding you filthy liar?

James Adams

China started the Virus because of their Communist practises in the 50’s, 60’s etc. Now you are complaining that the “west” is villainizing China? Shame on you. 28,000 people would be alive if it wasn’t for China..


And a lot more will be dying because of them. But the Virus itself likely came from the Russian bio-weapons program by way of Russian scientists working at the Chinese bio-weapons lab right there in Wuhan. And in a typical Russian techno fuckup, the damn thing got out.

Arch Bungle

You are another filthy liar. Like your cockroach-pod friend James Adams. Gaslighting Shlomo trying to cover up historical fact.

Arch Bungle

Rubbish. You filthy liar.

The US has been actively using and developing as well as planning the use of bioweapons for the past 100 years or more:

“There were great fears a few years ago when American scientists recreated the Spanish flu virus that killed around 50 million people in 1918. They spent nine years on this effort before succeeding, and now large quantities of this virus are stored in a high-security government laboratory in Atlanta, Georgia. More recently, scientists have created a mutated super-strain of the deadly H5N1 bird flu virus that is directly transmissible among humans and would have at least a 50% kill rate, spawning fears in 2005 of a global pandemic that might kill hundreds of millions.”

James Adams

Wait your not stupid enough to believe that every major nation on the planet doesn’t have bio-weapons? I guessing you got the idea that the USA started this from Chinese state news. And I’m the liar? You would rather believe a totalitarian dictatorship that has killed 50 million of its own people and regularly lies than even free and democratic nation on the planet? Who sounds like a filthy liar now?

AM Hants

Not forgetting the help from Venezuela.

Four nations demonised by the US and friends.

Well done to them all.


Well, some countries like them are more or less demons.

Arch Bungle

Israel for example. And Israel’s cockslave USA.


What do you expect? They are there to check on how their handiwork is working. And Cuba does whatever their Masters demand.

Arch Bungle

Hey filthy liar, what propaganda did your joo masters program into your semen-saturated skull cavity today?

Arch Bungle

“There were great fears a few years ago when American scientists recreated the Spanish flu virus that killed around 50 million people in 1918. They spent nine years on this effort before succeeding, and now large quantities of this virus are stored in a high-security government laboratory in Atlanta, Georgia. More recently, scientists have created a mutated super-strain of the deadly H5N1 bird flu virus that is directly transmissible among humans and would have at least a 50% kill rate, spawning fears in 2005 of a global pandemic that might kill hundreds of millions.”

Arch Bungle

Time to take down the global American bioweapons network:

“It should be apparent that the launching of bio-warfare, as with conventional warfare, is considerably eased by locating military bases, offensive weapons and delivery systems as physically close as possible to one’s potential enemies. This is one reason the US has established its nearly 1,000 foreign military bases – to ensure the capability of putting an enemy under attack within 30 minutes anywhere in the world. Clearly, the same strategy applies to biological warfare, the US military having created scores of these labs euphemistically defined as “health-security infrastructure” in foreign countries.”

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