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MARCH 2025

Russia Delivers First 3 Of 46 Ka-52 Attack Helicopters To Egypt – Report

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First three Russian-made Ka-52 reconnaissance and combat helicopters have been delivered to Egypt, the Russian state-run news agecny TASS reported Tuesday citing a source in the Russian Defense Ministry.

According to the agency, Egyptian pilots are currently undergoing training to use the helicopters. In 2015, Moscow and Cairo made a contract on delivery of 46 Ka-52 helicopters to Egypt.

TASS added that Russia will also sell Ka-52K ship-based helicopters for Mistral-class amphibious assault ships recently obtained by the Egyptian Navy:

Russia also won the tender on delivery of Ka-52K ship-based helicopters for Egyptian Mistral class amphibious assault ships, Director of the Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation Dmitry Shugaev said in June 2017.

Russia and Egypt will hold talks on deliveries of Ka-52K helicopters at MAKS 2017 airshow, Shugaev said earlier today.

Russia Delivers First 3 Of 46 Ka-52 Attack Helicopters To Egypt - Report

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Bio_ Hazard

South Front, do you guys know if the Ka 52 tested a weapon called Hermes in Syria?

Simon Abruzzo

Russians are currently testing there almost every they can. I wouldn’t be surprised.

Real Anti-Racist Action

As I understand it, these KA-52 ATTACK HELICOPTERS are to be used by the Military dictatorship of Egypt to attack Palestinians illegally smuggling food and water and gasoline into the Gaza death-camp-gulag. Way to go Russia, but whatever you do, never never supple such defensive weapons to Palestine or to Lebanon or to Ireland or to Libya haha.

Backwards foreign policy. Egypt is currently helping with the blockade of Yemen. And Russia strengthens there hand.

Simon Abruzzo

Egypt is in the Yemen just for the show.

Real Anti-Racist Action

ISIS is in Syria just for the show

คงศักดิ์ วงศ์ชูศรี

US is in SYRIA for kill innocent people.


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Illegally sending food and water and gasoline? Are you out of your mind? Food and water are basic human needs and you are saying Palestinians should not have it?


Real Anti-Racist Action Putin – Russia will sell anything to anyone if there is US$ profit. 50% of Russian income gets siphoned offshore in US$s.

Justin Ryan

Russia won’t sell their SU-35 to just anyone! Their s-400 to just anyone! Their Iskander to no one! These helicopters were made for that ship! That ship was sold to Egypt! Egypt buys Russian hardware all the time! Russia is an arms maker and trader and u say “Russia will sell anything to anyone”! hahaha u idiot! Russia sells older stuff to others (BUK-m1 and m2, T90, t72,) etc but they have export variants u dumb fuck! SU-30 MKI (MKI means export variant) Stop talking horse shit!


Justin Ryan “…u idiot!…” “…u dumb fuck!…” “…talking horse shit!…”

You looked in the mirror and decided to write about yourself, LoL:))))

Justin Ryan

Awesome! I got ya! hahahaha U couldnt debate my answer so instead u just wrote back and illusrated how butt hurt u are! Dude, u literally responded as if i hurt ur feelings! Look, if i correct u, why get offended? Just learn to say, “oh yeah, ure right, u make a good point here”! Whats so hard about that?


Justin Ryan “…U couldnt debate my answer so instead u just wrote back and illusrated how butt hurt u are!…”

You’re the one hurting, no sense in debating with a burt person like you, LoL:)))

Justin Ryan


Justin Ryan


Justin Ryan

The reason you couldnt debate is because u im right and u are wrong! https://youtu.be/2bz-Qet4BDM

Valery Grigoryev

These KA-52 were initially assigned for those Mistrals. As the cowardly French president did not sell ships to Russia, violating the agreed contract, Russia has a right to supply helics to the current owner of Mistrals.

Tudor Miron

Where’s Solomosha to tell us how terrible this copters are, how good are those that Israel is using and Russia is basically done…


Soloman is wailing at the wall about the ‘Krapichek’ he got for his scribbling’s here I think.

Solomon Krupacek



Tudor Miron You have no ability to accept opinions unless they are Parrot fashion like yours.

Tudor Miron

You guys like each other :) This is… very liberal but we don’t like them liberals here in Russia. We think that this is discusting and unnatural and even dangerous when warshiped and encouraged by media.

Solomon Krupacek

we know, you are stupid muzhiks

ivan groznyy, pyotr velikyy, krasyvaya yekatherina tried to turn you to humans, but you are neanderthaloids. and you are proud, that you are stupid!

Valery Grigoryev

It’s stupid and unfairly to spread such insulting opinion to all Russians.

Solomon Krupacek

making diagnosis is not stupoid zhing. and most of russians, like tumor minor are proud, that they are unintelligent.

Valery Grigoryev

Please, let me consider that I know Russians a little bit better than you, Sol, as I am one of them:) As to Tudor, he seems to be not Russian as his name is Romanian.

Tudor Miron

Yes, I’m Moldavian/CCCP born Russian sitizen.


Tudor Miron Tudor is a typically Khazar name, example, Tudor Parfitt an Ashkenazi who discovered the Lemba tribe in Africa to be descendant of a lost tribe of Israel.


Seen his documentary, “Secrets of the Bible”, very well made and factual.

Tudor Miron

Tudor is a typical Romanian/Moldavian name of Greek descent. Example – Tudor Vladimiresku https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tudor_Vladimirescu Tudor = Theodor = Fedor etc.,

“Judge them by their deeds” – that’s about your posts here, You try to act as anti zionist while all you do is Russia bashing. Many will agree that Russia is the main obstacle for Zio-nazi/NWO gang. I’m positive that while you try to sound differently your true intentions are obvious for many readers of SF.


Tudor Miron That’s a good explanation of Tudor, what about Miron, is it a Khazar name?

You are wrong about the Zio, etc part.

Solomon Krupacek

i know, he is living in england. and is veeeery prouf of his englich language skills :) therefore i kick always in his big ass. simply ignore my answers directed him :)

Tudor Miron

That’s probably the first sensible post from Solomosha, where he suggests to “simply ignore my answers”(c) but than again he farts in the puddle: “he is living in england” My Russia hating friend, I’m living in the very heart of Mother Russia – Moscow suburb. I’m designing/building fastest GT race cars here in Russia – holding track records all over this country. https://www.drive2.ru/r/nissan/79138/

My “englich skills” are limited at best but good enough for self tought foreign language.

Valery Grigoryev

I guess you’d better not to use the word “we”, when talking about YOUR dislike of liberals.

Tudor Miron

Valery, let me agree that not all Russians dislike liberals/lgbt etc. In fact I was just trolling this two russofobs giving likes to each other. On the other hand, vast majority of Russian population is strongly opposed to what we generally call “liberals” – after cold and bloody shower of 90s most people realise that there’s darkness hidden behind nice words and “leberal values”. Considering that there’s more than one thinking this way it is perfectly valid to say that “we dont like liberals over here”.


Tudor Miron There a very few Russians or Jewish people posting on the Readers Forum, they should be encouraged to post so readers can get different opinions instead of your PARROT Posts, LoL:)))

Israeli helicopters are working compared to the rubbish Putin is selling to Syria which do not fly let alone work.

The Egyptians will not pay a single penny unless the Russian “Monkey Kit” is guaranteed as working.

John Whitehot

omg. I almost hurt myself falling off the chair. Thanks for the laugh.


John Whitehot Discrimination is wrong. If people are doing the wrong thing it should be pointed out based on the facts in a particular post, etc.

John Whitehot

what the fuck are you talking about.


John Whitehot “…what the fuck are you talking about…”

What language do you understand other than “Crude” ?, LoL:)))

John Whitehot

what a sissy you are being xD


lmao what a moron


but why?? sisi is just another zionist puppet


Thegr8rambino At least the Z pay their puppets. Russia makes their puppets pay to be Putin’s Puppets.


Who are Russia’s puppets?


Thegr8rambino Start with Mr Assad and Syria, next Iran, etc.


They are allies not puppets. US is the one who has puppets


Thegr8rambino The alliance between Mr Assad and Russia is Putin loves Kosher whining and dining with Netanyahu and allows both the US and Israel to freely attack Syria.

Israel freely attacks Syrian military on an ongoing basis in Quneitra, Damascus, Palmyra, etc. Israel unlawfully occupies the Golan and Russia has done zero about it. Syria Shayrat airbase attacked by US Missiles Syrian Air Force jet is shot down by US Air Force near Raqqa Syrian military Al Tanf convoys x 3 are wiped out by US “Coalition” Air Force Etc.

Whats the “Allies” time scale for liberating each of the below areas?

Golan area – ? Damascus area – ? Hama area – ? Homs area – ? Aleppo area – ? Palmyra area – ? Deraa – ? Al Tanf – ? Deir Ez Zor – ? Raqqa – ? Idlib – ? etc

John Whitehot

Can’t argue with that, Lmao.


John Whitehot Thank you plus you get an up vote, LoL:)))

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