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MARCH 2025

Russia Deployed Air Defense System In Northeastern Syria In Response To Turkish Threats (Photos)

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Russia Deployed Air Defense System In Northeastern Syria In Response To Turkish Threats (Photos)

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The Russian military has deployed an additional Pantsir-S1 short-range air-defense system at al-Qamishli Airport in Syria’s northeastern region.

On June 2, Russian sources shared photos showing the newly-deployed system at the airport, which recently became the main base of the Russian military in the northeastern Syria. The source said that the system was deployed to cover Su-34 fighter bombers and Ka-52 attack helicopters which were deployed in the airport less than a week earlier.

Russia Deployed Air Defense System In Northeastern Syria In Response To Turkish Threats (Photos)

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Russia Deployed Air Defense System In Northeastern Syria In Response To Turkish Threats (Photos)

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Russia Deployed Air Defense System In Northeastern Syria In Response To Turkish Threats (Photos)

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Russia Deployed Air Defense System In Northeastern Syria In Response To Turkish Threats (Photos)

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The Pantsir-S1 was designed to provide point air defense of military, industrial and administrative installations against aircraft, helicopters, precision munitions, cruise missiles and drones.

Russia Deployed Air Defense System In Northeastern Syria In Response To Turkish Threats (Photos)

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The deployment of an additional Russian air-defense system at al-Qamishli Airport is likely meant as a message to Turkey, whose military and proxies are preparing to launch a new operation against the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northern and northeastern Syria.

In very a recent speech, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stressed that his country is determined to launch a new operation against the SDF.

Moscow has been working nonstop to convince Ankara to abandon its plans for a new military operation in Syria in order to spare the country a new humanitarian catastrophe. Russia’s Foreign Affairs Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova warned from the consequences of a new Turkish operation in Syria in a statement on June 2.

“We hope that Ankara will refrain from actions that could lead to a dangerous deterioration of the already difficult situation in Syria,” Zakharova said in the statement. “Such a move, in the absence of the agreement of the legitimate government of the Syrian Arab Republic, would be a direct violation of Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity [and would] cause a further escalation of tensions in Syria”.

The risk of a military confrontation with Russia and Syrian forces may not be enough to persuade Turkey to abandon its military plans.

Ankara is apparently trying to take advantage of the conflict in Ukraine that is keeping Russia busy and the US in need of all of its NATO allies. While Washington appears to be willing to tolerate a new Turkish attack on its proxy, the SDF, Russia seems determined to prevent a new escalation in Syria.


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Putin poor judgment and leadership, cause Russia at the conflict on multiply fronts

10 Dead Generals

You didn’t get the point. Russia still has air defense to spare. It’s a strong message to NATO




What message? NATO fly their aircrafts all over Russia’s ally Syria and along Russian’s border. Remember Russian Su-24 got shot down by NATO recently? Powerful weapons are useless in the hands of wussies. Nobody takes Russia seriously because they’re lame.


Ask Zelensky if he’s taking Russia seriously. The Turkish situation is tricky, Erdogan controls the Bosphorus and buys Russian equipment. He must be kept onside but not slapped too much. It’s called diplomacy.


and winning. Check the scoreboards. check the value of the Ruble. How many Western Nations now have bank accounts with Gazprom and Rosneft. Not sure if you are up with current events but Putin is kicking ass! 85% approval baby! Whats Biden and Harris approval rating? How is NATO looking these days? Come on, lets call a spade a spade.


“check the value of the Ruble.”

It’s not very good advice, because ruble can go high and down with fast speed. Liberal management of the Central bank doesn’t care about stability, though this is their duty according the law. So we, local people, are in very philosophic mood, when it comes to the currency rate. But the economy will have fast restore even with those liberals, but could be even faster without them, because we have all needed resources for that and enough money. Western robbers took away half or our reserves, but soon they will compensate this with higher natural resources prices. There is another problem — where to put all those euros and dollars after changing for rubles in “GP-bank”. Oh, and if you need some rubles, ask Joeseph Biden, he gives 200 rubles for a dollar.)

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

Kicking sodomites ass too,Russia has a pragmatic controlled strategy,you only have soros+lgbtq!


Olympic, gone. Nord Stream 2, gone. Foreign assets, gone. US and UK have successed with their plan turning a former Russia’s ally/member state of USSR Ukraine to fight and bleed Russia.

Pragmatic controlled strategy? It’s just a stupidass strategy created and executed by the incompetent leaders of Russia. Maybe Russia wants to destroy itself. Who knows.

hunter bidé lab pork !

yeah russia was to close from the anus of biden now they need to go to uranus and to your anus !!!!


Why is the info about Pantsir-S1 when it’s Pantsir-S2 in the pictures? The radar differ and S2 is dual, it’s one radar on the back and one on the front.

10 Dead Generals

It’s a MadMax movie already


it was mistake on the part of the journalist. Journalists aren’t military experts


SM version is more advanced and deserves new table, but weaponry of S1 and S2 is the same, no need to draw another table.

Bayraktar Falls Down

Pantsir-S2 is good improvement over Pantsir-S1. Longer ranged early warning and tracking radar. Newer radar tech, more resistant to jamming. Pantsir-SM is even better, ability to use Hermes, new longer ranged missile, much better engagement radar with 40-50km range, 75km early warning radar range. Pantsir-M? Best out of all 4. Longest range radars, longer missile range, extremely jam resistant, but only for the navy on ships.

To be honest, all Pantsir-S1 should have radars upgraded to full AESA. Expensive but it would almost double engagement ranges against stealth targets, and double detection ranges for radar. Full AESA upgrade for Pantsir-SM would turn it into a monster, and it already is a beast.


Is the US putting pressure on Erdogan to do this?

Assad Defeated Zionists

No. Erdogan has NATO by the bolls, only him can allow Sweden and Findland to join NATO. He will get everything he wants.


Erdogan has both Russia and the USA by the balls. If he allows NATO fleet in the Black sea, it’s WWIII. Turkey would be gone as well though, but mistakes do happen.


I cannot see why Russia and Syria want to protect the SDF, arent they working for the US?


because Fsa is terrorist


Death to Fsa they is like Hamas

Adam Kafei

It’s the lesser of many evils, the SDF already hold a significant amount of Syrian territory, have one governing entity, generally agree with Russian and Syrian values and don’t hold such hostile sentiment towards Russia or Syria as to rule out diplomatic options. They should also be aware that the US has no great interest in preventing Turkey wiping them out, not to say Russia or Syria do either but at least they have Syria’s territory to motivate them to protect the kurds, it’s more than America does.


Exactly!Very suspect dud cia narrative considering Turkey is getting on far better with Russia +china.


It’s counterbalance for Turkey-backed militants/terrorists. Some RAF units with SAMs were already placed in kurdish provinces. For short time or permanent — don’t know.


USNato will love to inflame a 2nd war front in Syria to further bleed Russia military.

Erdogan is notorious opportunist without principle, he will try to exploit Ukraine crisis to maximum, including occupying more Syria lands. So will kosher Israel.


Must divide the Orthodox and Moslem Uiited they would be too dangetous


Yep it appears so. Turkey shouldn’t be that stupid not to see this.


Must destroy soros /lgbtq for good,only then in a multipolar free trade world we get to see progress!


I don’t buy it,since when does Russia support sdf? They are nothing burgers compared to Turkey and infact turkey did stop finland from joining nato,soulds like a blatant cia narrative,wheres the truth?


Russia is like a big stupid brawler with no brain. They’re getting played like ragdoll but acting like they have a standing in the world.


Let me get this straight – Turkey wants to destroy the Kurdish who’s supported by the US. Russia wants to protect the Kurdish but the US is at war with Russia using Ukraine. Meanwhile, Turkey refuses to join the US gang in anti Russia sanctions but openly supports Ukraine with weapons to fight Russia. WTF? Are these wars staged just to rob normal citizens like me?


Pantisir ? Useless against bayraktar TB2


Well done Russia.

hans raus

Situation for russia is getting more and more dramatic. Sanctions, 30 000 russian dead in ukraine, finland/sweden in nato and now another conflict ? time to finish off russian terrorists :D


Another conflict the US started “for democracy”. Your armed rebels are destroying themselves. So where are the Americans now? Running home. Chased out by sandal wearers. It only cost how many trillions? LOL. Hire more Jewish leaders, you thickos need it.

Bayraktar Falls Down

Qamishli or Tabqa needs S-300PM at least which will create a 50km safe zone against Bayraktar TB2. Pantsir will just help protect the base extra especially since there are multiple anti-stealth radars deployed already which will feed it acquisition data.

So far in pictures we see P-18 and Podlet-K1 and presumed PRV-16 height finder. This combination of radars is very good against stealth targets, can detect small drones up to 60km away. Will help Pantsir-S1 have longer engagement range against cruise missiles and bayraktars.

Seems Russians not deploying S-300PM2 or S-400 to Qamishli since it’s in heart of SDF territory who is friendly to USA and don”t want their advanced S-300/400 being so close to Americans who are flying jets constantly over there. IF that is the case then they should at least deploy or BUK-M1-2 or BUK-M2 to give base a medium range SAM. Pantsir is not enough. With currently deployed radars BUK will integrate perfectly with proper command post and be very capable against stealth targets. RU should establish medium range SAM in Qamishli and Tabqa asap, then eventually S-300 to create huge anti-drone/anti-stealth bubbles all throughout Syria’s airspace.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bayraktar Falls Down
Bayraktar Falls Down

When any Pantsir operates in battery command mode with external early warning/tracking anti-stealth radars like Podlet-K1, P-18, or Kasta-2E, it is an all out drone swatter. Its engagement ranges extend due to updates from external radars, jamming has less of an effect since it’s now using data inputs from other radars.

Looking at its history in Syria and Libya, virtually all Pantsir-S1 losses were due to operating in stand-alone-mode, without any external radars feeding it data through a command post. This decreases its efficacy against stealth targets and increases jamming susceptibility. And even then, Pantsir shot down 10+ TB2 in Syria and at least 40+ in Libya, all the while operating in the least effective mode.

That is why external radars and sensor fusion for less powerful smaller ranged SAM like Pantsir is 100% necessary. It will guarantee any drone will be swatted with the only exception of running out of missiles… which is another problem all together.

RuAF are currently using BUK-M3 and Pantsir-S1 in battery command post modes linked with external radars like Snowdrift and P-18 in Ukraine. With very good results, TB2s getting swatted.


The Russian version Pantsyr has can hit target at ad distance of 40km and altitude of 20-25km. The speed is 1700 meters per second.

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