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MARCH 2025

Russia Deployed S-400 Air Defense System Near Syria’s Masyaf

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Russia Deployed S-400 Air Defense System Near Syria's Masyaf

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Russia has deployed the second battery of S-400 air defense system 13km northwest of the town of Masyaf in Syria’s Hama province, Jane’s Defence Weekly reported showing an alleged photo of the site.

According to the report, the system was deplyoed there between April and July 2017.

The media outlet added that the same location was seen in the Russian Defense Ministry’s video showing two Bastion-P launchers firing Oniks missiles at targets inside Syria in November 2016.

“Like the S-400 that has been deployed at Humaymim Air Base 40 km to the northwest in Latakia province since November 2015, the second battery is made up of four transporter erector launchers (TELs), albeit not all of them appear to be loaded with four missile tubes; a 92N6 target engagement radar; and a 96L6 target acquisition radar,” the article reads.

However, the S-400 system was not used in order to counter the September 7 Israeli strikes on a Syrian military facility near Masyaf. Later on September reports appeared that Russia also deployed a S-350E medium-range surface-to-air missile system in the same area.

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Zainab Ali

russia is putting defence in place again … the message is crystal clear for zio losers – sdf=kurds=yankees=israhell=isis

Solomon Krupacek

However, the S-400 system was not used in order to counter the September 7 Israeli strikes on a Syrian military facility near Masyaf.


Not yet but pieces are being put into place – for what is the question.

Solomon Krupacek

2047 will be still unexpired? :)


Putin is a Chess player the Neo-Cohens are Poker players, in a game of chance against a game of stratagy one will acheive certain surprises but the end will inevitably go to the one who remains cool and moves his pieces methodically to corner an opponent – Israel realises its survival is on the line and acting out of desperation and panic, the outcome is already decided.

Solomon Krupacek

putin is idiot. this chess player theory is geard daily in socialsm. and nice lost the game against nato. and russia is much, much weaker then the warsaw pact was. while putin playes chess, the world develpes. and in 2 decades russia will play in the 4th league. russian ppolitics were never realistic. on the other hand, they wer perfect thiefs and oligarchs.


I wouldnt be so sure, Russia has the recipe right, NATO/US does not, for one Russia isnt trying to genocide its native population and replace it with third worlders, this alone will ensure its pre-eminence while the West begins to resemble Somalia.

Solomon Krupacek

boy, in russia is much more massiv moslem immigration then in west europe. check the statistics. russia is the 2nd largest immigration country. mostly from moslem countries. now is 7% of russian populiatin moslem. in EU only 2%.

Wahid Algiers

But Russia won’ t be a second Kosovo. The western EU in the next time.

Charlie rad

Bull. 2% in EU ? stop making up stats. Western Europe is the problem. more like 20% muslim. In smaller countries like Denmark-Holland, muslims are up to 32%. it’s become critical. You Western Ukrainians are working with ISIS so I don’t believe a thing you say. Your Zionist leader Porkashenko is doomed. As are you.

Solomon Krupacek



in france is the highest ratio, and there also under 10%

in most countries 0.01-0.5%


Such a shame the Ukraine situation, I see it as a brother war and totally uncessary – once again jews instigating war for profit killing Europeans..


Solomon, I am not picking on you but, some folks think you are wrong. Question I put to a google search: what percentage of the european population is muslim? Answer: According to the Pew Research Center, Europe’s population was 6% Muslim in 2010, and is projected to be 8% Muslim by 2030.

Question: what percentage of the russian population is muslim?

Answer: Out of a population of 142,800,000 the survey found that 58,800,000 or 41% are Russian Orthodox, 9,400,000 or 6.5% are Muslims (including Sunni Islam, Shia Islam, Ahmadiyya Islam and a majority of unaffiliated Muslims), 5,900,000 or 4.1% are unaffiliated Christians, 2,100,000 or 1.5% believe in Orthodox Christianity…

I know you can be very precise when you want. On this angle in the discussion you are not a happy camper. How come?

Solomon Krupacek

the same source you cited, told, in EU are 2% of population muslems. and this is fact.


No way man your dreaming! Its not only Muslims its millions of Sub Saharan Africans which are the biggest civilization killers.

Solomon Krupacek

and? they are not in europe. and russians will do a lot of with arabs, inds, pakis, bang., chinese, persians. the climate changes will cause lot of problems. russia has beautiful several millions km2 free surface.


No I think Puti Pute is keen on keeping Russia White :D Hes publically called out the West for deliberately poisoning and destroying their own populations – all he needs to do is declare a white homeland and half the youth of the West will move there.


Russia has the recipe right – http://www.australiannationalreview.com/putin-slams-big-pharma-gmo-foods/

Solomon Krupacek

we will see. but the demographics tell something else.


Indeed we will see.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

He thinks his name is funny Solomon means wisdom or wise a Krupacek is a Ukrainian word for cracker.


Lol quite creative, maybe hes not as drunk as I thought he was.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Wonder if the Pew research counts refugees in the populations , probably not.


The situation in Western Europe is being activly suppressed, as with the stories of mass rapes – its only because of social media that the word got out, the main stream news wasnt reporting it.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They continue to suppress everything there we get brief media snippets only and not enough to form an opinion on. Funny how dutchnational is a monarchist and supports the Kurds …. oh I forgot their leaders see themselves Pashas and Beys.


I have no clue if they do or not Terra. Have a great day. :)



Russia switches off U$Asylum destroyer. U$Asylum Empire whines like a bitch.


A quarter of the crew quit after this


Charlie rad

Truth hurts.


Yes, I wondered what proportion of the crew was 27. :)


Interesting that they could jam the Aegis system and fire control but able to leave the ships steerage/nav systems uneffected – some 4D capability right there

Solomon Krupacek

i read only original voltaire


Yup! The russians and the SAA are losing in Syria..big time! Truth is they are being chased by US/Israeli-fed ISIS/Daesh back to Damascus. Deir Ezzor? Palmyra? Cmmon! Baghdadi controls it. Right?

Solomon Krupacek

i see only the fact, that saa can enter in territories left to damascus according to plan B. so, yes, saa/russians lose the war.


They are not so much losing the war as not winning.

Given the situation, not winning is indeed losing.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well we see the US Coalition/SDF is not winning even they had the advantage early on and now the playing field is being leveled somewhat. They control the UN with their “flunky monkey” Jeffrey “Fetch and carry mann” and control the investigation on everything, tell me I am a conspiracy theorist ranting away.

The saying goes “this war hasn’t even started yet!” ,as these are just the battles and all the real fighting will happen soon. The Shammar chieftains are now finding out their fearless leader has made a deal on the side and the others will be carefully eliminated soon. Like I said this fight is only beginning and will come to a brief and quick solution.



Charlie rad

Ignore him, he’s a West-Ukraine TROLL. They sell weapons to ISIS-Al Nusra.


Well, if Putin is an idiot, what does it makes you IMHO.

Charlie rad

SoloMutt is a loser Ukraine Nazi Troll. His people are getting thrashed, so he’s throwing fits. Waaahh


“russia is much, much weaker then the warsaw pact was.”

What does Russia produce?

#1 http://thesaker.is/what-does-russia-produce-1/ #2 http://thesaker.is/what-does-russia-produce-2/ #3 http://thesaker.is/what-does-russia-produce-3/ #4 http://thesaker.is/made-in-russia-sitrep-iv/ #5 http://thesaker.is/made-in-russia-v-sitrep/ #6 http://thesaker.is/made-in-russia-vi-sitrep/ #7 http://thesaker.is/made-in-russia-vii-september-1-15-2017/

Solomon Krupacek

only some weapons. in 20 years russia will be on ewel of zimbabwe. no innovation, no industry. how many original russian medicaments are on the world market? i am waiting for your answer. and we will continue with processors phones radios cars . . .


Evelyn Woodhead speed reading course recommended


Mr. Kruppcheck is a poor underpaid entity out of his league, (even here, sorry). Pompous plick that’s all. A bit like this guy:




#8 http://thesaker.is/made-in-russia-viii/


Been in the desert for to many years have you?? http://telemarksporten.no/Tegneserier/It%20came%20from%20the%20desert01.jpg


Solomon Krupacek

i see, you began to think. but in clothes you will better :DDD


Putin is spelled with a capital “P”utin. He’s the only adult in the room. Please stop watering down the comments.

Solomon Krupacek

putin with p.

your comment was clear trolling, spamming


C’mon Solomon. Why you saying this stuff. You know it is not true. You are not dumb or bought or sold out, I can tell. So, what is the axe you are grinding? Just asking.

Charlie rad

kell , I agree. Except more like Putin is playing Chess , while they play Checkers.


No, they attacked from outside of Syrian airspace. If you notice, for sometime IAF doesn’t enter Syrian air anymore. I wonder why. It’s not enough if they don’t violate the airspace with their crafts though. They attack a country which is not at war with them and is busy fighting terror groups.

Somehow they must learn to not attack someone who doesn’t antagonise them. I guess there is only one language they fully understand, their own.

Tudor Miron

Yes, 3 last strikes of Israely vermins we conducted from Libian airspace. They don’t feel safe in Suryan sky. Not anymore.

Solomon Krupacek

sure. and the missiles did not enter syrian airspace….

Charlie rad

they were small missiles &/or gliding bombs. Russians call projectiles. Not worth wasting an S-400 missile on.

Solomon Krupacek

aha, but their effect is worthz of crying…

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Lebanon is feeling threatened if the Israelis plane is shot down and their population finds out some in its govt are cozy with Israel their will be some heavy rioting. That is why they will feel the heat and good chance Samir Geagea and his cronies will be ousted from their seats.

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

What is the dynamic with that? Are there pro Israeli cliques in Lebanon?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They have always had pro Israeli groups like Samir he is a Maronite if you remember them they massacred Arabs and everything, Samir was jailed for killing an entire Arab family in their home.


Israel uses divide and conquer in Lebanon as it does everywhere else, Christian vs Muslim vs Druze

Hide Behind

staqqro Israel and Pro Hamas business concerns as well, and Northern Lebanon still hates Syria since it’s U.N. sanctioned put down of civil. Heck of a lot of Lebanon’s military are US supplied and trained by US. Lebanon at one time was money clearing Central Banking for all but Israeli financial concerns of Middle East oil and CONTRACTS with Europe and world for that area. THEN Regans defeat after shelling one side of Lebanon civil war used US and Euro financials by getting UAE and Saudi oil for dollars group to bypass those banks and crashed Lebanon economy. Since then N.Lebanon more Euro and US dependent than they let on.

Solomon Krupacek

aha. listen child, such stupid argues tell your grandma.


For quite some time I have refrained from commenting posts like yours on various forums. Exception would be this for the time being :http://telemarksporten.no/Tegneserier/Young-FrankensteinMissingSomething_resize.jpg

Large: http://telemarksporten.no/Tegneserier/Young-FrankensteinMissingSomething.jpg


Take your medicine grandpa, you are ranting again.

Charlie rad

Spit it out it’s not yours.blah blah


IAF was warned by the Russians and Syrians that any overflights over Syria would be retaliated with Scud missile attacks against Haifa and its port infrastructure. They fly over Lebanon or Golan Heights and fire standoff weapons using GPS for guidance, something the Russians can easily interdict electronically.

Solomon Krupacek


Charlie rad

now we know why Israel used their pinprick attack on Masyaf. they wanted Russia to over-respond so they could analyze the S-400. Missile are too expensive to use on projectiles. Tremendous Self-control. Watch what happens in Oct-Nov. Putin just fired 14 top Generals. restraint has ended. Putin wanted to make Russian military as strong as possible before taking on the Globalists. I’m sure they have built enough t-14s & SU-50s to do what they need. & have deployed enough S-500s in Russia.


Where is that report about Putin and his generals? I agree he is sharpening up his military.

Solomon Krupacek



Mmm interesting, I have no doubt they already have S-500s


They were in Lebanese airspace when the Israeli fighter fired the missiles.

Solomon Krupacek

and??? this stupidity you all repeat like mouse with IQ = 5. s400 is able to shot down missiles. and the missiles entered syrian airspace. or not???


Not if it was using the mountains as cover! You appear to be limited in your understanding, so before you insult other people please check for facts to support your grand point of view!


Good stuff – wonder if they will get one up on Mt Hermon eventually.

Brian Minavi

what difference does this make if they do not defend the nation from violations of its airspace?

Solomon Krupacek

to show the penis


Even the Rabbi had problems finding yours Solomon :)


Hes probably drunk

Solomon Krupacek

i am not russian

Charlie rad

you western Ukraine Nazis drink more than Russians. Your country has mismanaged & destroyed most of the industry the Russians built for you. You BEG Globalists for handouts. $billions your Zionist leader PORKY steals

Solomon Krupacek

i am not ukrainian :P

Solomon Krupacek

he sure, because i would kill him. i am not gay :))))


That’s a very anti-semitic comment of yours Solomon. Shame on you. Your Rabbi will be shocked and ‘deeply deepy’ worried.

Solomon Krupacek

why anti-semitic? kill all rapers. also russians :DDD


Does that include the Russian Khazar jews, including the ones that emigrated to Palestine Solomon ?


Bwahahaha! Still wiping the stank off his lips.


This: http://telemarksporten.no/Tegneserier/a15brain.jpg Is the brain of this bird. http://telemarksporten.no/Tegneserier/Good.jpg

Which (sometimes tend to believe it looks like this in other peoples eyes)


Take Care Kent

Solomon Krupacek

such little russian penis???


Preoccupied with the lower parts of the human anatomy are you?? Why?? Now sod off!!


My sincere apologies to all decent commentators/posters here for being rude. Couldn’t help it


Charlie rad

spit it out ! it’s not yours. You are well known for your ability to bend over & grab your ankles.


Ouch an Assault Emu Ran over one coming home from work the other day, fkn still pulling feathers out of my radiator.

Richard M

The strategy must be to hold the cards closely until they are shown?

Enrique Vivanco

The Russians installed these systems after the incident with the Turks, the order was to shoot down any aircraft that threatens the life of the Russian soldiers. The order has never been changed. Attacking Syrian facilities where there are no Russians is no reason to trigger a war.


All these Israeli provocations against Syria are giving the Russians and excuse and opportunity to deploy more advanced weapons for future use against the axis of evil.


Maybe, but it would be very good idea,


The long range missiles of the S400 deployed in this location will be able to, intercept targets over Israel or east of Euphrates. I see Russia strengthening its positions in Syria even more for an eventual check mate against US.

Charlie rad

that’s why they deployed medium range S-350 & more Pantsir systems. Russians are preparing for their big PUSH


Yeah looks that way, the trend is everything is coming to a head sooner rather than later.




Russia is going to make Syrian skies a deadly place for US and Israeli aircraft. Russia is going to define the exact price US will have to pay to defend the Kurds.

Hide Behind

Russia said : “Not here to protect Assad but here to protect Syria”; and so far they have helped Syrians not just win battles against US_NATO/ISRAELI supported terrorist but given Syrian people back their pride and restored Dignity to the Syrian nation. Israel especially is preparing for total ear upon Lebanon Hezbolla and Russian concentration on clearing Syria is realistic enough to know by shooting down ISraeli planes in Syria that it could not be effective in their misson, to save Syria. While Syrian proper military has been having heat success against largely I’ll trained militia groups, if they anger Israel there is no way that Russia could stop Israel from seizing Golan Heights and thereby stopping Hez troops in Syria fombeing able to get home to Lebanon in time for what seems assuredly N imminent attack upon Hex in Lebanon. Israel would occupy areas that Iran would be able to supply HEX In Lebano Also IRAN does not want a direct confrontation at present time with Israel/NATO/ UAE-SAUDI ARABIA AND US So as long as Syria and Russia can fully continue regaining lands and eliminate pockets of resistance, Syrians must continue sucking up Israeli air attacks. The placement by Russia of air defence and land as well, without using them now could be that for future use?????


Israel already has the Golan Heights, Assad keeps the republican guard around Damascus because of the constant Israeli threat.

Hide Behind

Israel wants lands, around 75 kilometers deep beyond Golans into Syrian and along borders of Southern Lebanon as well. SEEMS THERE ARE NATURAL GAS AND OIL WITHIN THAT RANGE.AND AFTER WIPE OUT OF HEZ WILL TAKE MORE OF WHAT THEY BELIEVE WAS OLD KINGDOMS BORDERS. O NLY THING ABOUT GOLAN HEIGHTS STATUS TO DAY S THAT ISRAEL DOES NOT OWN AS IT SUPPOSEDLY IS UNDER U.N. WITH THEM AS OCCUPIERS Israel wants to decrease distance to Iran. WHY? ask them why.



888mladen .

Israel has no future. It’s a place holder state which will cease to exist soon.

Hide Behind

I REPECTFULLY MUST DISAGREE. I do not form opinions based upon ideologies though do my best to understand them. I base from almost a materialistic and reality based knowlege. No pretensions as being wiser the others, and most assuredly not trying to be prophetic. “IN THE SEARCH FOR TRUTH ONES HARDEST TASK IS TO AVOID ALL ONE’S BIASES”. Israel has an unbelievable nuclear arsenal, and rather than face utter destruction is not afraid to use the, against any and all peoples. THEY HAVE way more than 200 large conventional nuclear warheads to arm multiple sub and land launched cruise missels besides aircraft delivery systems. WHAT IS FAR MORE DANGEROUS are the huge numbers of small tactical neutron warheads as designed by India. These have been tested in Ukraine, Syrian airport once and for the allies the Saudi’s, at least once or twice upon Houti fighters. According to U.N. and Eurocentric nuke rules these are “”legal” to be used in conventional warfare against enemy combattants. THEY HAVE multiple huge nuke proof underground shelters and storage facilities manned by both them and US military. Storage of armor, artillery and infantry supplies as well as hundred aircraft fighters and fighter bombers, Hundreds of short to medium range ballistic missles.. The smaller tactical neutron and improved upon conventional NUKES the warheads can now contain multiples of individually targeted warheads. Their ability to turn all essential ME MILITARY, OIL FIELD, especially targeted worlds largest of Joint Kwait and Saudi fields and every Arab capital city and palaces into funeral pyres within hours. The fanaticism of Israeli Jews and Zionist is just as strong as any Rehabbing. Possibly far stronger. Any attempt to destroy Israel will send 180 million religious Christian Zionist into blood must fury and US military would decare no holds barred destruction of all and any attackers. There are not enough virgins on earth or hear for…..

Tudor Miron

Well said. Increasing AA capabilities is done for obvious reasons – more numerous NATO/Israel forces (in the region) know that they will loose more planes before saturating Russian AA in case they try something desperate. Now they try to kill our commanders – thinking that their 5th column in Russia will stink loudly enough that people will start question Russian involvement. It is also their response for termionation of some high ranked officers attending those jihadist meatings that Russia bombed to dust. Not many realise that huge persentage of Russian media is Jew owned. They start their poisoning in ever growing rate now – 2018 election is coming.

Couple of predictions:

Loosing officers in Surya will not stop Russia which has much higher loss tolerance than West.

High order zio snakeheads should start prepping for a bit of snake hunting. ГРУ is patient but has long memory.

They will try their everything in coming months before elections in Russia to try to fool, distruct and interfere with people choice. People of my country will still choose current Gosudar/Государь and will continue to rise as a country that offers alternative (to zio global) way to the rest of the world.


And they (Isreal and USA) are ready for desperate measures as US is underwater and close to bankruptcy at this point. Khazarian Mafia – as Benjamin Fulford calls them – are desperate. they are desperate to start WW3 or anything to replenish coffers. https://benjaminfulford.net/

Tudor Miron

Let me suggest you ponder this: There are two elites fighting in US. Country level elites (Killary/Obama as face, US establishment in majority) and Global level elites (Trump as public face and sucrificial lamb if need be, federal reserve, all those dual citisens in your establishment, major banking, major transnational corporations) that have much longer (100s of years) plans and conduct higher order politics. Country level elites hate the fact that Global Predictor (term for very top of 1000s year old forces behind global historical process of concentrating productive/creative resources of humanity in the hands of fiew) decided that it’s time to move its center of power from US to China because they realise that loosing the role of global policeman they loose many privileges that come with that role. They (US country level elites) try to prove to GP that they are still useful and able to conduct global managing of worlds events. Medium sized war would be a best bet for them but this is hard to manage without spiraling into all out war and complete distruction of Humanity. They are dangerous because they are desperate and it’s a fine edge we (as humans) are trading at this point. Does it sound crazy enough? GP will dismantle US as it did with CCCP – mark my words :) Hopefuly Russia manages to maintain enough sovereignity to survive in this interesting times.


There is a group in the Military Industrial complex thats very quiet not aligned with the Rockefella faction, these are the people who opened up and kept the internet going for unknown reasons, dont know who they are but they are quietly throwing spanners in the works of the NWO – possibly the group behind Trump and returning manufacturing to the West.


keep in mind it was German industrialists in St Petersberg that saved Putin in his early days and helped bring him to power – it was the German firm Rhinemetal that trained the elite Russian troops that retook Crimea much to the chagrin of the US/Neo-Cohens, interesting moves afoot.

Hide Behind

At present the only military force in World that is undertaking a means to stop US and all it’s allies from their path of economic destruction of middle East is Russia. While I have studied Russian history, my studies were not so much names places and wars but how such people and events formed the Russia n culture. AND I do believe that those people’s who sacrificed so many lives in WWII never were acknowledged for being primary reason Germany was defeated, and instead became an enemy of Euros who immediately began EMBARGOS and vile propaganda to hide behind t otherwise would show how lottlr allies did towards what would US in reality has no nationAL character except theft, greed, and self agrandizement, it is a nation far from its lands heritage because of its hodge podge of every dissident and money Grubers of what’s in it for me. I just hope that Russia’s people’s do not personally suffer too many pangs from this Syrian affar. Men who serve in Honorable causes, and Russians aid of Syra is just that, are and should be a sence of national pride to their nations peoples. The US anylonger knows no such term as Honor, and while it does have many men in uniform who are greatly skilled in arms, they have no FN clue as to why the people’s they conquer will still fight on long after they have suffered so many casualties , they, Americans come from a plastic artificial world.


Slowly more people are realising that wars are not won by immediately responding to reckless actions that the enemy seeks to gain by.


Maysaf doesn’t need any protection. Maysaf is the headquarter of Assassins. Altair (the protector of Syria) shall not allow anyone to invade Maysaf :) Bring it on, invaders! Altair is ready for y’all with his hidden blades :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7e6f87cc169d3bd7da3126f6a45214782604590823e91f27c630479ab927e6f4.jpg

Real Anti-Racist Action

Russian S-400 systems are useless against Israeli F-15’s and F-16’s remember? More junk equals junk. Israel will flatten the Russian’s soon.


Seriously dude, these are very, very, serious high end surface to air weapons systems – they are not just fired off by a local battery officer – it requires a full chain of command decision. The Russian Federation is not at war with Israel – they at war with range of proxy militants in Syria and are ultimately intent on stopping a US/NATO/Gulf attempt to topple the Syrian state.

Prince Teutonic

He is definetly clueless about what he’s talking about…

Real Anti-Racist Action

Israel is at war with Russia, and you are telling me that Russians are to dumb to know this? Even we Americans know this. Russia is a thorn in Israel’s side, so Israel is ramping up social war against Russia, Israel is working on funding groups in Russia to hold a color Revolution! And Israel is beginning to arm any terror groups that wish to carry out attacks against Russians. And Israel is sharing intelligence with Ukraine in their war against Russians. This is called a ‘War’.

The Israeli AIPAC Lobby in the US is the ones pushing the US to war against Russia. See everything more clearly now? http://ihr.org/


It’s not all one way you know, Putin knows there’s a sell by date on Nuttyahoo, whose wife is flirting with prison. The Russians are testing new warheads for their missiles quite publicly. They announce every k-101 cruise missile launch, do you really think the Isis/Al quada perp on the ground cares whether the missile the fragged him was a kalibr or a k101? The message delivered to anyone hit by a stealth missile is “Your-air-defense-systems-will-not-protect-you”. Who do you think that message is aimed at?


US carrier groups also

Solomon Krupacek

Seriously dude, these are very, very, serious surface to air weapons systems

maybe. this you can tell after war, in which were massicely used.

– they are not just fired off by a local battery officer – requires a full chain of command decision.

oh, then already lost…

Pave Way IV

You mean useless against IAF aircraft using known compromised IFF codes. It would have taken a bored Russian tech maybe ten minutes to change them on the S-400 to ‘hostile’ when he was ordered to do so. The Russian aircraft would need their IFF codes changed as well. So not only are the Israeli F-15 and F-16’s NOT protected by the now useless IFF codes, they are now far more easy to detect and target if they are stupid enough to use them.

This all presumes the cowardly Israelis would actually attack a Russian S-400 site. I think that’s the job of their American bitch. Do you think AIPAC is in the US promoting Israeli tourism?

John Whitehot

omg. Do you really think that Israeli aircraft can take off from Israel and be misidentified with stolen IFF codes? don’t feed that troll, the whole point on IFFs has been destroyed. Israeli aircraft dont enter Syria since last year attempt at hitting Palmyra, where they had to hastily retreat.

Enrique Vivanco

The S-400 systems were installed to defend Russian facilities, not to defend Syria. In fact some Israeli drones have already been shot down when they have flown over Russia’s naval bases: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eR6vZS_FtNs

John Whitehot

No, i dont remember. Do yourself a favor and shut that trap on military subjects, you’re out of your depht

Pave Way IV

The S-400 location has far better line-of-sight and low-altitude coverage over eastern Syria. Deir EzZor and al Bukamal are within range of the longest-range 40N6 missile, but surveillance is probably more valuable right now. I don’t think the Latakia S-400 site had decent low-altitude coverage to the east of Syria beyond the mountains, but that wasn’t its original intent.

The new site 30km inside Syria means more time to defend itself and the Latakia site (or retaliate) against attacks from off the coast. The two S-400 installations can share each other’s radar information, so the coverage is additive vs. just two independent installations with overlapping coverage.

John Whitehot

It’s very likely that the S-400 share data not only with themselves but with an integrated air defense network along with the S-300V. Screens on command posts show the whole picture of the entire area of interest (Syrian airspace and beyond)

John Mason

Not wrong John, all systems interact with each other and relayed to a command post.


Yup, winter holiday, isnt it, the old potato week, huh, since the Turds are flowing everywhere this days, from the Catalan to the Syrian issue, but to the Hasbaratnkis and other packs of drooling “friends of ISISrael” I have an gift, to truth about the Joojos.

This, is from the 3 day long war against Hamas, witch they lost, and now they are hyping them selfs up to fight against Hezb, yeah how “brave” they are, when they are meting real fighters, and not sitting behind fences and shoots children in the back.




Oy Vey its another Shoah


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They just don’t realize that Russia has started establish a large base at Deir Ezzor as they are continuing to expand the security in the area as far east as Mayadin and are trying to draw out all the little ISIS creatures in the desert. They will continue to secure the area as this is imperative and will need to secure the Oilfields as those are owned by Syrian and leased by Russia and China so you will see more input from China soon as the expand in this region and possibly develop a Military base in Lattakia.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x