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MARCH 2025

Russia Deployed Second Unit Equipped With S-400 Air Defense Systems In Crimea (Videos)

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Russia Deployed Second Unit Equipped With S-400 Air Defense Systems In Crimea (Videos)

A screenshot from the video

The Russian Armed Forces deployed the second unit equipped with S-400 air defense systems in the Republic of Crimea, the Russian state-run media reported on Saturday. On the same day, the 12th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment, deployed south of the city of Sevastopol, became fully operational.

In 2017, the 18th Guard Anti-Aircraft Missile Sevastopol-Feodosia Regiment received S-400 air defense systems. Thus, now, two units of the Russian Armed Forces deployed in Crimea operate the S-400.

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paul ( original )

I am not quite sure who they are expecting to shoot at. The Ukrainians probably don’t pose much of a threat. NATO is for the moment not massed in Ukraine . So I am not sure what is the reason for this massive deployment. Some air defence is essential but why so much?


From a 1st Strike attempt perhaps by loonies in the USAF /NATO or even the Ukranian madmen. Or Turkey on a bad day.


Actually, amis are building a permanent naval base in Odessa, that’s right next door to Crimea and yanks are constantly flying with drones and Poseidon near Crimea.

Graeme Rymill

“Actually, amis are building a permanent naval base in Odessa”

Could this be what you are referring to?

“The US has started building a ‘maritime operations center’ on the Ochakov Naval Base in Ukraine, the US Navy said in a statement.”




Solomon Krupacek

thanks putin. you dwarf bastard, overchessgamend ukraine, you let fall the friend. you were coward to use force as do yanks and brits and french if necessary.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

It was the US/EU/NATO backed Banderists that violently removed ELECTED President Yanukovych on 22 February 2014. Re-writing history again, Solomon?

Solomon Krupacek

and russia had to put him back via military help

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

What a great idea you have come up with! The restoration of constitutionality to Banderised Ukraine. Who knows? We would then get free and fair elections with all parties running including the banned Communist Party. Gee, wasn’t this the same Yanukovych offer the US/EU/NATO gang rejected with a VIOLENT coup on 22 February 2014?

Solomon Krupacek

look, there was a russia-friendly ukrainian president. he was elected by nation, then came the orange revolution, anerica changed the president for fro american. then came another election, and the people, the god-blessed people elected russia-friendly president. again. tand finally came open american intervention. so, the people always were pro russia. but now, cutting of crimea turned the people from russia. in moscow never learned, not new territories are importent, but the influence. and the sympaty of the inhabitants in allied countries.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

It is the Banderized Ukrainians who CHOSE to cash in on their historically close relationship with the Russian Empire and then as part of the undefeated Soviet Union. They thought they would get to be part of EU/NATO as well as be showered with billions $/E in loans in exchange for giving up missile technology and a NATO base in long-coveted Crimea. That was the plan in 2013 to 2014. Giving up Russian Crimea to NATO was as step too far for timid Russia as that would have jeopardized military security. Even Gorbachev agreed with Putin on that move. The Kerch Bridge proves that RF and Putin is prepared to live without Ukraine. Crimea is all that Putin wanted. Why would the RF President waste Russian lives to rescue Banderized Ukraine again as they did in 1942/43? This time, Banderized Ukraine will be left to hang out dry, with the Russian Ukrainians leaving for Russia and the Banderized Ukrainians leaving for EU. The land of Ukraine will be left for US/EU/NATO war-games and Monsanto’s genetic experiments. No-one wants a bankrupt, Banderized anti-Russian RACIST Ukraine, not even their creators, the US/EU/NATO gang. This is the stark reality that all Ukrainians must face.

Solomon Krupacek

It is the Banderized Ukrainians who

extreme low minority

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Is that why they openly march in Kiev, with the full support of the government and state? Who chose to attack the Donbass with tanks artillery and grad missiles? Like many stooges Ukrainians think that they have the support of US/EU/NATO gang. They do not. Ukraine will be used to try to destroy Russia. There is no other point to Ukraine. Banderized Ukraine has many supporters and fellow travelers, those who are happy to fire shells on the Donbass cities and burn the Odessa victims in May 2014. These Banderized Ukrainian barbarians even celebrate these murderous acts. This is how rotten Ukraine has become. How very strange to see that they even managed to export this disease to their masters in the US! Amazing.

Solomon Krupacek

i talk about time of beginning of maidan

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Aaah, the beginning of mob rule! Do you have any idea how these armed and violent mobs would have been dealt with in London, Paris, Berlin or Washington? And yet, 20 police died on the Maidan killed by the mobs. If one police has been killed in London, CO19 armed police would have attacked the mobs with the full backing of the army if necessary.

AM Hants

There is a good article on Stalker Zone, with regards the court case and what Yats had to say, but, couldn’t admit. With regards what happened to President Yanukovitch, once he signed the Agreement to stand down.

Yatsenyuk Was Unable to Explain in Court the Reasons for Removing Yanukovych From Office in 2014… https://www.therussophile.org/yatsenyuk-was-unable-to-explain-in-court-the-reasons-for-removing-yanukovych-from-office-in-2014.html/

Plus another from the site, which might interest you.

Ukraine Media Caught Using Photo Shop To Spread Lies About Volnovakha Bus Shelling… http://www.stalkerzone.org/ukrainian-media-caught-using-photoshop-spread-lies-volnovakha-bus-shelling/

VeeNarian (Yerevan)



What did you want Putin to do? Directly invade Ukraine to protect Yanukovych?!

Solomon Krupacek

military halp against ukrainian nazis. look, west makes always this. france every second year makes intervention in africa, saudis in yemen, why could not help russia? 90% of people were pro russian. half division in kiew and next month withdraw. it is impossible to let fall allies. same mistale in syria. long years did russia nothing.


Putin annexed Crimea and sent forces to help the separatists. He couldn’t just officially invade Ukraine and annex part of that. Also, he couldn’t send forces to Kiev to install back the pro-russian government, that’s crazy. Nor could he start the campaign in Syria at the same time as the Ukraine shit was going on, he had to wait a couple of years.

Look, he annexed Crimea and helped the separatists defeat the ukronazis. Some time in the future the two areas, Donetsk and the other one, will have a referendum and will be annexed.

This was the best possible outcome if you consider the power and warmongering of USA/NATO.

Solomon Krupacek

and these moves were the worst. lost ukraina for ever. also the sympathy of people.


Yeah and if he invaded and reached Kiev, the Ukrainians woukd love him.

Let’s be serious, the Ukrainians blame their shitty economic situation on Russia and see Europistan as some kind of golden goose. Now they are more fucked than before and I don’t see them getting in the EU ever lol. Putin would never win the hearts of Ukrainians, better to take Crimea which should always have been Russian and of course he had to save the separatists from defeat.

Solomon Krupacek

sure. if course, when after several weeks remove units.


They indeed didn’t interfere enough in Ukraine, west had free play there for 20 years, but the ukkies are to blame for the most part, if Putin would have interfered he would have been seen as an agressor cause most of the young ones were brainwashed, i have talked to many of them, students mostly, i know what i’m talking about, basically Soros foundation and many western govmnts have been bying and funding “journalists”to bash own govmnt. and spread western view, all of those NGOs have paid good money for that. The tides are turning but very slowly.

Tudor Miron

Thing is that Crimea and Sevastopol in particular was the main aim ot Ukraine mess (instigated by US).

Larissa Vanderbilt

With a range of 500km, it covers parts of Romania, Bulgaria and Ukraine

Solomon Krupacek

dont cover. never is shot down at maximal range. 300-350km is most probably.


Nominal maximum detection range is 600km and engagement range is 400km.


Obviously a lot depends on the target’s radar crosssection and whether it changes course after the interceptor missile has been launched.

Solomon Krupacek

i agree

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

It is an easy answer called deterrent , the USA still violates every agreement and are building a naval base in Odessa.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

The US planes are constantly probing Crimea. They must be kept honest by the S-400s. Crimea is the southern hinge of Russian defence with Kaliningrad being the northern one, and both are under pressure from the expansionist NATO. I am glad to see RF is determined not to be caught by surprise this time.


US missile destroyers often go there and work with Romanian navy! only a week or so a go a US missile destroyer docked in Odessa (Ukraine’s new naval base).

AM Hants

Isn;t NATO hoping to set up base in Khakov, in non-NATO Ukraine? Then you have the US Ports, that are being set up close to Crimea. Lots of air defence is essential. Especially as NATO was measuring up the curtains and carpets of Sevastopol, before the people of Crimea voted to go home. together with the non-stop, back to back, NATO exercises on Russia’s borders and including when NATO invited Ukraine to join the games.


Crimea will be heavily militarized to ensure the Black Sea is a Russian sea, the same way for the Baltic’s sea, categorically denying any viable approach by NATO forces.

Solomon Krupacek

Black Sea is a Russian sea,

NEVER was, never will be, you little imperialist!

the same way for the Baltic’s sea

NEVER was, never will be, you little imperialist! :DDDD


I agree it is not! But if turkey completely allied with Russia then id call it a Russian lake! That pipeline to turkey that will end up feeding Southern Europe gas will be the Lynch pin that ensures that! So I wouldnt use the word “Never” because its getting real close now! Dont be fooled into believing that turkey wants to be in NATO! Turkey knows its important to NATO and if it doesn’t get what it wants, it wont take much for them to switch over! Turkey already relies on russia for its economy! This turkstream pipeline is gonna triple that!


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Black and Baltic seas are russian lakes, meaning Russia has full control militarily over these seas. Mediterranean Sea will be next with naval bases in Syria and Egypt. Bastion and Bal costal defenses along diesel subs would make these seas treacherous for any force that tries to impose itself in the area.

Solomon Krupacek



You are laughing at NATO and their desire to bring their carriers into the Baltic and Black Sea since their fleet without carriers is useless with the 30 year old Tomahawk.

Solomon Krupacek

until romania, bulgaria, turky (with bosphorus!!!) are memebr states of nato, this is nato lake. black see was never russian onhabited territory. you are there foreign elements. go home in ural with your imperial plans!!! :DD

AM Hants

They so need it.

AM Hants

Brilliant and so needed. For when those drones fancy a vacation, with the mother craft snooping around nearmy.

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