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MARCH 2025

Russia Deploys MiG-29SMT Fulcrum Multirole Fighter Aircraft For Combat Operations In Syria (Photo)

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Russia Deploys MiG-29SMT Fulcrum Multirole Fighter Aircraft For Combat Operations In Syria (Photo)

MiG-29SMT is in Syria. Source: Russian MoD

Russia has deployed MiG-29SMT fulcrum multirole fighter aircraft for combat operations in Syria, the Russian Defense Ministry confirmed on Wednesday.

The ministry released a photo of the MiG-29SMT taking off from the Russian Khmeimim air base in the province of Latakia.

The MiG-29SMT is a modernized version of the MiG-29 Fulcrum fighter aircraft. It has an increased weapons carriage capacity and uses high-precision air-to-air and air-to-surface weapons to deliver high combat efficiency against aerial, ground, and sea-based targets.  The warplane incorporates enhanced cockpit and avionics, additional fuel tanks and upgraded engine.

Earlier this week, unofficial photos of the MiG-29SMT in Syria appeared online. However, the deployment was officially confirmed on Wednesday.

Russia Deploys MiG-29SMT Fulcrum Multirole Fighter Aircraft For Combat Operations In Syria (Photo)

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Rabih Saad

Love the modified 29…Effective highly maneuverable fighter at a lower operating cost…Russia should based tons of these in Syria. A welcoming addition to the SUs already fighting there…


Yep nice

Miguel Redondo

The MIG29 is much more a fighter than a ground attack aircraft. So this is a hint that Shogui is preparing for aircombat over the skies of Deir Ezzor.

Rabih Saad

Popcorn is ready over here..


I got mine in a Meal Deal with a beer and a doughnut.

Rabih Saad

I guess Ill have to order Pizza as well…


We Dutch eat a “broodje Doner” or maybe a pizza. I prefer the “Doner”.


who cares? I thought ISIS members were not allowed to eat pizza


Yeah I’m sure you prefer the “Boner”. Now go choke on one.


That ‘s just being greedy and of course you will get rather fat. People will think you are American :)


I will supply the samogon and salo. You can eat the popcorn :)


I suspect it does and is a signal for the US fly boys to ‘go forth and multiply’. For those readers here who are not fluent in English, the phrase ‘Go forth and multiply’ is a polite way to say ‘Fuck off ‘ :)

I hope this helps ,lol.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

I prefer the expression “go reproduce with yourself”!


That works better with the LGBT crowd as it lasts for eternity :)

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Uuuh, I have no idea! Maybe, the Pantygone generals have direct experience?


I would certainly think so.


It has the added advantage of being a … fruitless exercise.


Yankees GFAM!

R Raphael

“Go forth and multiply’ is a polite way to say ‘Fuck off ‘ :)”

Thank you


I am pleased to assist .

Igor Dano

They càn go home, but they cannot copulate, us army is a lgbt crowd,


I prefer “Fuck off”!


They both work :)

Deo Cass

There is also the formidable SU35 for that purpose, the best 4g++ air superiority fighter in the world.

John Whitehot

no. The Mig-29 SMT deployed in Syria is a multirole aircraft as much as the already present SU-35 and 30. It’s like stating that the US navy prepares for air combat because it embarks F-18s.

That said, an increase in Multi-Role aircraft over purely CAS or Bomber types is indicative of the will to pursue a larger mission spectrum. It also depends on the number of aircraft deployed, which is not stated in the article.

Don’t forget that the hostile powers in Syria may try using drones to support their rogues, in order to minimize risks to aircrews and other reasons. In this case these fighters are a good supplement to the already present composition.

John Whitehot

i thought comments were pushed down in order of time. perhaps somebody does not agree with it.


There’s a menu for best or newest at the top of every thread.

John Whitehot

never saw it until you tell it. thanks.


I feel you want to get hung up on semantics, a fighter with ground capability is called a fighter bomber. Multi role fighters can accomplish several air to air tasks; I said it could deliver air to surface weaponry. During the soviet times, the MIG Fulcrum was used as a fighter with air to air capabilities.

John Whitehot

Soviet times finished more than 25 years ago. In soviet times there was the MiG-29A, exported to client countries and the MiG-29C used by the VVS. that was a “fighter bomber” in your personal definition. The aircraft has been upgraded ever since.

The more modern SMT version is a multirole fighter not because of semantics, but because its sensors and weapons make it able to perform several missions.

Hence, multirole. And in case you didnt notice, of course multirole fighters are “agile, fast” and all.

Because if they weren’t, they couldn’t perform the A2A mission, and they wouldn’t be “multirole” anymore, but become CAS or bomber aircraft.


You have certain aircraft that have a more specialized airframe to turn at 10g, than others. In an air war these aircraft would be more suited for air to air combat WVR, than others. The SMT has only 6 external hard points while the Sukhois have a dozen. Other than that we are saying the same thing.

John Whitehot

To make a childish example: The US deploys F-16s in Afghanistan. Does that mean they prepare to fight an air war?

No. That’s the same you have here.

Why does the US deploy faster turning but lighter armed F-16s alongside heavier F-15E in a A2G only role? Why not only F-15s?

There are other operational reasons besides technology in itself. That said, without any number published there isn’t much that can be ascertained from the 29SMT deployment reasons.

Probably we aren’t talking of a large number of planes, which would elicit a somehow bigger response in “specialized” press and over the internet. Don’t fall for the rethoric zionist and wahabist medias are pushing these days.

Solomon Krupacek

the only reason is to test migs under desert conditions. migs are old machines. fling hour costs too much.also india is not satisfied with them.

John Whitehot

holy shit. you missed the part saying that mig29SMT aren’t “old machines”. and india is “not satisfied” with all the planes it produces by itself after buying the licenses, although it’s a remark that boeing and lockheed are trumpeting throughout the ages after of course, Cope India, where those unsatisfactory Su-30 made short work of USAF F-15s.

“but they had their fuel tanks on!, they couldn’t do BVR! they couldn’t use their radars!”. Wonder if they did that just to have excuses in case they lost the match.

Solomon Krupacek

india has the new versions. therefore meant them

John Whitehot

India has modified their MiG-29s to use foreign avionics, and that’s the reason they aren’t happy with them.

Anyway they employed the type (the Soviet made variants) very successfully against Pakistani F-16 in the 80ies, using them mostly in escorting missions to their Mirage 2000s.

Although I’ve heard rumors of shootdowns, I don’t believe they really happened, but the Pakistani were anyway unable to intercept the Mirage 2000s thanks to the Fulcrums work.

Solomon Krupacek

theforeign aviuonocs is in this case better than the russian one.

John Whitehot

better dont mean shit. soviet made 29 made indians complete their missions against paf f-16. they should had stuck with proprietary technology made for the aircraft instead than switching to foreign made shit, which probably is riddled with bugs and perhaps viruses.

Solomon Krupacek

sorry, i though, they have bought from france or germany. if not, then you are fully right!


>>Why does the US deploy faster turning but lighter armed F-16s alongside heavier F-15E in a A2G only role? Why not only F-15s?<<

Because the USAF has a lot, lot more F-16 then it has F-15E's. Which specialize in harder to hit all weather ground attacks, whereas if you just need to bomb something easier you send out an F-16. And from what I gather the 29SMT is basically the counterpart to the USAF's F-16 fleet.

Besides, if you want to deter IDF incursions you don't use an F-16 equivalent but an F-15 equivalent, the SU-35 and SU-30.

Solomon Krupacek

you know a lot

John Whitehot

dude, it was a rhetoric question :D u know, one of those questions of which you know the answer but you ask them anyway to make a point clearer to the other guy.

thanks anyway.

And in regards to deterring IDF incursions, you do that with SAMs they cannot defend from, like the S-400 or Pantsyr…


You’re right! f-16 can pull 9 g’s in a turn! Mig-29 can pull 11 g’s in a turn

there is your answer!


F-16’s are used to destroy targets that can take down aircraft! They can fly over and hit an anti-air missile battery and also out manoeuvre the missiles being fired at it!

It’s MAIN ROLE is to provide air cover for the bombers!

Did the USA need air cover in Afghanistan? YES!

Shut the fuck up with arguing YOUR LITTLE POINTS!

F-16 is THE air fighter of the US airforce! Mig-29 has a short range yet turns harder and faster than an F-16! In fact the Mig-29 was created BECAUSE OF THE F-16! LITERALLY DESIGNED TO COUNTER IT!

So if Russia has brought it in, its not to drop fucking bombs because there are FAR MORE effective aircraft doing that already! Doing it cheaper, carrying more munitions, flying further!

Its there to fight! Not for show!

Stop arguing for the sake of showing off!

Nobody gives a fuck about the “Multi role” name! All fucking aircraft can be used to drop bombs and do other shit! Its main purpose is what concerns us and hence why we comment on the fact its brought in, u just wanna argue RUBBISH!

And u were wrong about the Russian’s not having many! There are tonnes of Mig-29’s and they are being updated just as all their shit gets updated!

f-16 pulls 9 g’s in a turn mig 29 pulls 11 g’s in a turn!



Dude John is wrong! Mig-29 pulls 11 G’s and the F-16 pulls 9 G’s! It’s bought in 100% as a air superiority fighter! Russia and Syria have PLENTY of bombers! This guy “John” is getting his knickers in a knot and is TOTALLY arguing semantics! Almost all fighter aircraft today are multi role but that doesn’t mean it has its main purpose! U can’t have a fucking SU-34 against an F-16!

Best fighters go up against best fighters PERIOD!

F-16 is the best usable aircraft the US has for air battle! Mig-29 is the best Russia has (excluding Mig-35’s and SU-35’s due to the fact they don’t want to give the enemy any clues of what it can do)

They’ve been brought in to do its purpose, rule the skies and not to test, show boat, drop bombs (even though they will use it for that as an excuse to bring it in).

These aircraft pussies come in here with their internet researched knowledge of air craft and just argue to show their knowledge, never to bring logic to the table!


Yes I agree, Russians do not want to showcase Suk 35 for close encounters, the Mig 29 is a pure fighter, it was designed to be a fighter. The airframe of Mig 29 and Suk 27 were designed with great deal of engineering knowledge making them viable platforms for 70-100 years. Suk 35 and 57 are based an the Suk 27 platform, with continuous improvements and adjustments. With a solid and proven platform you can built the next generation fighters more economically and without unexpected surprises.

Miguel Redondo

For ground attack the SU25 are the best suited. To attack ISIS it works perfect. Perhaps the SU35 was brought in to test its abilities in combat conditions. But in my opinion the MiG29 is much more suited for aircombat than for ground attack. So it is a clear hint that Shogui is preparing for aircombat as a real possibility in the near future.

John Whitehot

it’s mig-29 SMT, not mig-29C. it’s a much different aircraft.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

It’s the upgraded version of the Full Fulcrum fighter with better air to air combat and air to ground missiles that are deadly accurate.


The primary role for the MIG 29 is air superiority, it might have air to ground attack capabilities, however, it is a highly agile aircraft whose capabilities are not going to be wasted for ground support.

John Whitehot

the primary role of multirole fighters is MULTIROLE. folks you need to update.

Nigel Maund

Agreed! Hence its deployment now that the US Coalition air forces are going to support an SDF push on the oilfields, Dier Azzor and the Iraqi – Syrian highway. This will be the signal to Washington – WATCH OUT!!


The Mig 29 is a smaller aircraft than the Sukhoi30,34,35, highly agile and they are available in good numbers to complement the existing air wing.

Solomon Krupacek

This will be the signal to Washington

sure not. mig29 – modernized or not, is not dangeruous for f-15/16

Nigel Maund

Oh yeah! Dream on! …. Do you think the Russians haven’t thought of that before sending the squadron? Since when are you a Military Aviation authority? It would be better if you thought through matters before writing nonsense on this site that defies any logical analysis!

Solomon Krupacek

yup, they was thinking on deal about not shooting the planes of the other side :DDD

John Whitehot

funny, ain’t it.


Well, if it was a old export version of a mig29, in the hands of incompetent pilots, heavily outnumbered, with lack of an integrated air defence system (I.A.D.S.), without command and control communications centres… like the old mig29 off the Iraqi Air Force in Desert Storm Operation… you would be right.

In this case, its quite the opposite… Different machine, in the hands of one´s of the most if not the most drilled pilots in air-to-air combat of our days, integrated in an I.A.D.S. with S-400, S-300v4, Painstir-S1´s, EW systems like Krasukha 4, AWACS, SU-35’s and so on…. and i’ m not even counting with the hundreds of SAM systems of Syrian Air Defence Force.

Every f-15/f-16 pilot will tell you that a decent pilot in a mig29SMT is a very dangerous threat in equal terms, not to mention the reality described above… In Syria, today, The Coalition only fly because the Russians let them fly.

As for their real purpose i can only speculate. In my vision they are just rotating planes and pilots, testing new weapons systems and giving them real combat experience. It´s extremely unlikely the clash of the VKS and Coalition air force.

Nuno Cardoso da Silva

It’s a warning mostly to Israel. Keep your planes away or else…


its more of a fighter than a multi-role fighter! Its literally the most manoeuvrable aircraft in existence (without vertical and horizontal vectored thrusters)! More so than the f-16! its an air superiority fighter!

John Whitehot

so funny. look, i’m done repeating the same things all over. a multi-role fighter does not have to be “less maneuverable” than an “air superiority fighter”. go read a fucking manual, and come back when you know the fuck you’re talking about.


The old Mig 29 Fulcrum was deadly in WVR combat due to its maneuverability, the SMT version most likely improved on the deficiencies of the Fulcrum, avionics, range and EW among other things. The MIG is back.

Nigel Maund

Most probably precisely the situation; otherwise the Russians are too careful to risk it! Thanks for postng!


Wrong, they are just rotating all kinds of tanks, aircraft and helicopters in the area. Gaining experience in using them and for the pilots, like one big exercise.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Wrong , as these are meant for intercept fighters they and they have rotated all squadrons currently and these were added this week. The Russians were perilously had their lives endangered by the Jets of Nutty Yahoo who failed to realize the Russians are also stationed at Masyaf. These are to respond to those incursions and prevent them and quietly escort Israel jets out of the soon to be declared uninvited guests you don’t fly in this zone.


I agree with Terra Cotta, what the Russian’s have a lot of is Mig -29’s! what they don’t have a lot of is Mig-35’s and SU-35’s! The upgraded Mig 29 will beat any f-15 and f-16 in the air! The f-18 is a multirole fighter and wouldn’t stand a chance against a Mig-29! So yeah, this will be an aircraft which is used to safe guard syrian airspace and fly ABOVE SAA and Russian ground forces movements and perhaps even in Lebanese airspace if they grant it!

Russia has been “Reactionary” throughout its involvement in this war (which is the right way to be for if they didnt, they would be seen as escalators and the Western media would chew them to bits with sanctions etc)

S-400’s were brought in after the Russian bomber was downed by a Turkish fighter, SU 27’s 30’s and 35’s escorting bombers also after that! More Pantsir’s after the cruise missile attack! And now pure fighter aircraft (much more manoeuvrable) perhaps stationed at DeZ airport or at the very least, at the T4 Airbase and / or Kweires in Aleppo!

Either way, this is not a test, this is a reactionary tactical implementation of a fighter aircraft! Therefore if the Americans or Israeli’s want to rule the sky, then they will need to confront this agile fighter or bring in their stealth aircraft where they risk disclosing flaws and therefore the trillion dollar program loses its sales!

Its a great move, an old yet updated and PROVEN airframe that has had the goods on the f-16 since its birth!

Its interesting times indeed! Air superiority could now go to the Russian’s in terms of quality in the skies. Plus there is that air defence system also! US and Israel are in a pickle! Im sure they have been quietly warned that if they dare attack, they will be ushered out of the skies or taken out by missiles from the ground!

I hope its an Israeli plane that gets taken out!


The Mig-29SMT is a very unimpressive platform, that’s why Russia only has a few of them. They would have even less if Algeria didn’t send them back. Russia is focusing on the SU-30 as its main workhorse multirole aircraft.

Also, the Mig-29 is not a “proven” platform, actually when it came out it was also substandard. And the upgraded versions are inferior to modern F-16s. As for the F-15, there is no comparison, only the SU-35 can sompare to that one.

Overall, Russia is just throwing some bones to Mikoyan with the Mig-29 upgrades and the “Mig-35”. Just to keep them afloat.

Russias adequate air platforms are all by Sukhoi and are all Flanker derivatives.


Algeria sent back standard Mig-29’s! The upgraded versions are much better! They sent them back due to their parts still being the original 1990’s parts!

Russia has PLENTY of Mig-29’s but not many upgraded versions and only about 34 or so Mig-35’s!

Yes the Russian govt throws the Mig company a bone but thats not to say the Mig-29 with its upgrade isn’t a good plane!

It is more manoeuvrable than the f-16 (its real threat, F-15 is not a threat)!

The Mig 29 was built to take on the F-16! Its been sent to do its job, not just be there for a showing! USA and Israel will use f-16’s to dominate the airspace, Mig-29’s are the answer to that threat!

If it hasn’t been tested or proven then how can u comment on it! Because the Algerians sent them back? This was when the USSR collapsed and their were bread lines in Moscow!

So it was a poor comment u made to prove your point! Then again u have the creator of the F-16 (Pierre sprey) saying that the Mig-29 is superior to the f-16 due to the fact the Mig-29 pulls 11 G’s vs the F-16 pulling only 9 G’s!

Hence the aircraft that can turn better (tighter and faster) wins the Fight!

Now I know of course that weapon systems, sensors, piloting skills, overall intel of where your enemy is comes into play! But the fact of the matter, with all things being equal in terms of pilot skills, the Mig 29 beats the F-16 in a dog fight and thats just a matter of fact!

Brining in outside factors such as the decline of the USSR and its ability to service aircraft etc means nothing today! These issues are fixed!

The Mig 29 isn’t in syria for show, just as the Pantsirs arnt, the S-400 or the T-90’s and Russian special forces! This plane is here 90% to counter an air threat and 10% for testing!

If there is an aircraft that gets into a dog fight with the Americans, the Russians want it to be the old but updated mig 29 and NOT the SU-35s or the SU-30’s!

Russia has PLENTY of multi role fighters in Syria! SU-34 Bomber yet can act as an Ariel fighter in defensive circumstances SU-24 PLENTY OF THEM! SU-25 ground attack PLENTY OF THEM SU-30 multi role Plenty of them (in Russia I mean) SU-35’s being reserved I’m sure

Then there is the Syrian Airforce doing its job!

Nope, this is here for arial combat (even if they state it for other purposes)

Its an arial superiority fighter of the 1990’s and updated!

Its not gonna be fighting F-22’s and F-35’s its gonna be scaring off F-16’s, F-15’s and FA -18 super hornets!

Deep down I think u know this is true but u just wanna make up other excuses!

Dude, Russia has tonnes of Mig-29’s. It was exported everywhere! They are short of Mig-35’s, I have a feeling this is what u meant!

Nigel Maund

Excellent comment and actually correct! The RuAF are well aware of their strengths and weaknesses vis a viz their interceptors versus US and its Allies aircraft. They are aware that the MiG 29 has the combat edge and, therefore, poses a serious threat to US and Coalition aircraft. As the Germans say “Vosicht!”. The US pilots will not be feeling very comfortable over the Syrian skies; and, this also applies to the IAF as they could be brought down by either a range of ground to air or air to air missiles and would have virtually no” reaction time” whatsoever.

Richard M

I’m dubious. How many are deployed? Russia would hardly attempt air to air combat unless they had a significant number of advanced fighters on hand.

Pavel Pavlovich

I would prefer to see it’s bigger brethren, the Su27 or Su35 in the skies.

Miguel Redondo

SU35 are in very short supply. SU27 are more but they need also double in flying personnel (twoseater). MIG29 are surely the most available. Another question is maintenance and combat readiness. MIG29 is a smaller and lighter aircraft than SU27. Perhaps the maintenance of MIG29 makes it easier to deploy. We don´t know all the parameters who led to this decision.


Clearly a signal that Russia wil continue support to SAA during crossing of the Euphrat. And, which is important, not only on the ground, but also in the air when necessary. Hmmm.



Congratulations. You’ll make a fortune here.


it doesnt take a fortune teller to see that you are an ISIS sympathizer though


just when I think Russia is getting ready to give up on Syria, BOOM! “I order the people to go forth and kill the enemy.” -Ho chi minh

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Shoygu makes military assessments and he follows through and has Putin’s complete faith as Defense Minister.


MIG 29. Less range, less radar, less bite than the SU 27, 30, or 35. Not sure what tea leaves people are reading here.

John Whitehot

right. Why deploying F-16 when you got F-15. you gotta be kidding.

Charlie rad

most US allies use the F-16 . Like Jordan & turkey.


The expert narrator says:

(…The MiG-29SMT is a modernized version of the MiG-29 Fulcrum fighter aircraft. It has an increased weapons carriage capacity and uses high-precision air-to-air and air-to-surface weapons to deliver high combat efficiency against aerial, ground, and sea-based targets. The warplane incorporates enhanced cockpit and avionics, additional fuel tanks and upgraded engine…)

In that respect it looks like it is modified to be the same level as the SU 27 and other SUs. It is also possible that it is deployed to test it in real combat situations.

888mladen .

If it’s fitted with Active Phased Array Radar then it’s better in that respect than SUs which don’t have it so far . There is a plan to fit SUs with a larger and more powerful Active Phased Array Radar than Mig 29 which will supersede specs of any US NATO variant. However for now only some Mig 29s have them.


Thanks for the technical analysis.

John Whitehot

is the Zhuk-M an AESA design?


You should see Syria as a testing field for Russian hardware. I bet, MiG-35 will be tested in realistic scenarios in the same way several other weapons were tested. E.g. Kalibr, Su30SM, Su-35, Tu-160,… Even the Kuznetsov was sent there to meet some action. It is the MiG-35 round now.Thanks to this realistic testing some glitches on the Su-35 were detected and fixed. I think Mig-35 will be sent for the same purpose.

Charlie rad

yes that’s true. But it’s designed to take on the f-16, f-18. Su-35 is designed to take-on the F-15, FA-18


And F-22, 35.

888mladen .

Some upgrades of Mig 29 are fitted with Active Phased Array Radar which is superior to baseline F16 and F18 radars and better than SU-30 and SU-35. However we don’t know exactly the configuration of Mig 29s introduced into the Syrian war theater. http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-Zhuk-AE-Analysis.html


The Zhuk-A/AE AESA radar will be first mounted on the MIG-35; than probably in SU-35/ SU-30SM2 and other Mig-29SMT’s, if they can afford it, remember it´s a costly update.

However, its not the radar that will determine an air-to-air engagement, it’s the man behind the cockpit. AESA’s or PESA´s are a bit irrelevant, particularly in Syria where all planes share data by data link connections, obtained from way more advanced radars, like the 91N6E, 92N6E radars from the S-400 system and AWACS.

John Whitehot

although I agree that the relevancy of PESA, AESA etc is low, I’m doubtful that the S-400 batteries radars get a lot of airtime. It would be much more logical to have a separate early warning network dedicated to scanning the airspaces, which disseminates data to both ground (S-400 etc) and air (Sukhois etc) based assets.


I have not heard of an upgraded radar for the mig. If so, it would be a superior fighter not only to the mig 29k naval version that served in Syria earlier, but would even be better than the mig 35, which is rumored to have lost it’s phased array radar in the latest iteration.


SU-35s aren’t that plentiful, the MIG-29s are a useful addition.


It is not economical to use this against the large number of enemy drones over Syria. It is not for Isis or HTS. It is to deter US or Israeli planes from attacking Syria.

That won’t work either. Conventional Russia air power is clearly out matched. Especially in the middle East, where they lack both quality and quantity.

It can only be a token, a symbolic gesture. Russian pride is on the line. If you castrate Russia here, Russia will get revenge elsewhere. Perhaps with Iran, North Korea, or in Ukraine.


Out matched by who and how?

Solomon Krupacek

learn to count

Charlie rad

maybe you should

Solomon Krupacek

i am very good. russia has there 3,5 dozens planes. only israel 400+ america also. the same amount other nato cantires. together can shot several times more missiles on s300/400 and so on, than all russian missiles in syria. in second wave eliminate all russian birds. and do not write such stupidities, that rusia can send other… nato also, and russia loose the ww3 already in the first day :P

Charlie rad

Outmatched ? Really , be specific. F-16 can’t touch the Mig29SMT

General Surena



Mig-29 Number built 1,600+

SU-27 Number built 809

SU-35 Number built Su-27M: 15 Su-35S: 58


Solomon Krupacek



Like what’s between your ears? You’ve been a broken record as the Russian equipment that you’ve been criticizing has cleared 85% of the territory that Isis used to hold.

Solomon Krupacek

first 2 numbers belong to ussr

last 2 to russia.

ussr lost the cold war. several times weaker russia will lose …. :(


USSR didnt lose the cold war..Why does this trash keep going around and repeated by brainless idiots.The USSR was dissolved…

Solomon Krupacek

you arecompletely idiot.

usser lost. warsaw pact was dissolved, allr soviet soldiers were sent back. ussr removed also from germany. and from cuba and vietnam. because ussr was economically totally defeated and had no mone to modernize the army.

2 years later was dissolved ussr.

Charlie rad

Coming from you . it’s a compliment. You a little upset your boy Porky is getting dusted, & Hillary Lost. Waah. Don’t cry you little swatztika you.

Solomon Krupacek

and who are you, little mops?

i am enemy of america and i am happoy, that they have the most stupid president ever :)))))


Hey imbecile, what is it about:

“the Russian equipment that you’ve been criticizing has cleared 85% of the territory that Isis used to hold and has kept NATO and the Jews off of the Syrian government coalition forces 99% of the time.”

that you don’t understand?

Charlie rad

Krupacek was a NAZI-Ukraine in Soviet janitor corps. Sabotage from within. Like our DEM-DEEPSTATE traitors in USA.

Solomon Krupacek



Plus why would Russia need large numbers of any weapon.Russia has a small defense budget. Its military is for defense and isnt in the habit of invading sovereign to change their governments..

Solomon Krupacek

this bullshit i herad 10 000 times as officer. and ussr lost the cold war with low budget. russia is empire on 2 continents with defense budget equal to saud arabia. russia needs at least 5x higher budget and 10x higher pruduction capacities. you have no idea, how expensive are the nuclear weapons. the rest of budget is extremly low.

sory, but i have no mood to duiscuss with somebody, who knows only porpaganda and nothing about army.

Charlie rad

He’s a Western Ukraine NAZI. They work with ISIS & Al Qaeda. Understand who you are dealing with ? Very Biased. A DEEPSTATE-OBAMA-McCAIN lover.

Solomon Krupacek

nice! some days ago i was jew. now nazi. perfect! i will write novel about me, the guy with thousand fates :DDD

Charlie rad

NAAH. He’s a Ukrainian Fascist . he hates Russia 7 anyone that defeated his idol Hitler.

Solomon Krupacek

how many times will you repeat your stupidity? wodkadrinker? DDDDDD

Charlie rad

Like Wikipedia has the Exact numbers. hell who needs intel & satellites, Drones, etc,, just ask Wiki

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Don’t expect accurate and true numbers from “Bomis Babes” ,”PORN King”, aka Jimmy Wales who needs to delete Hilary’s Emails being posted.


By production dating, I would guess this was a response to the F-15 and 16 designs. It is newer than those by at least half a decade. So I would give the nod over them to the 29.

Yeah the Coalition/Israel has more gear but, it is the mirage of invinceability that is vulnerable here. Russia has built about 1600 Mig-29, supposedly. If they lose a handful of aircraft and a few missile batteries, while downing 100 or more advesaries and hundreds of cruise missiles, that is going to put a big kink in the psycological armor. Imagine the reaction in Israel ifs 50 of their planes were blown out of the sky. Things would never be the same. I hope none of it happens. I wish well to all.

You can call me Al

“Imagine the reaction in Israel ifs 50 of their planes were blown out of the sky.”:



Exactly! The place would be packed, with the first ones in line, those being the people running the military and the government. To say they would be aghast is not far enough. Thank you Al, this was a good one.

Nigel Maund

I totally agree with FG below. This is Russia saying “OK US Coalition air forces you want to interfere in the Dier Azzor battle??” ……..We’re now ready to take you on and should you lose aircraft don’t come crying to us as you’re operating without any mandate from the Syrian Government (a democratically elected Government) to be in Syrian airspace, and are, therefore, utterly illegal under International Law. So, if you lose planes and pilots it’s a case of “too bad … how sad!”.

You can call me Al

I am with you on this and thought the same when the article stated “and uses high-precision air-to-air and air-to-surface weapons ” ……. air-to-air hey ?.

Nigel Maund

Al correct! Despite all the hype about US weaponry and its evident aesthetics, and Rolls Royce finish to US military equipment, its MIC is essentially a profit maximiser for its shareholders in the biggest single business in the world. The Russians equipment lacks polish and beauty but its highly functional, rugged and technically good value for money as far as the Russian Military and taxpayer is concerned. In many areas the Russians are technically ahead of the US despite the massive US military budget and one of these believe it or not is avionics and in development of long range and accurate air to air and ground to air missiles; such as the S200, 300, 400 and now 500 series and the Pantsir’s. For this reason the US Military are not fools and if the Russians get serious they’re going to be cautious. Russia are sending a very clear message to the US Coalition airforces in dispatching these aircraft to Syria. It’s as simple as that.

You can call me Al

I absolutely agree with you Nigel.


Good. Patrolling Syrian air space requires more aircraft. Israel firing missiles at a factory triggered this, I think. MiG-29s with long range AA missiles, and ability to integrate information with the radar systems, will keep Israeli pilots very much on their toes. I’d think they also carry EW pods, which may be able to fry Air to ground missile guidance systems. The planes can loiter near the Lebanese border as well as over the sea to discourage IAF potshots at Syrian installations. Western air forces have not had to do battle with a capable opponent, so they will back off. USAF pilot brags about shooting down a SU-22 with an AMRAAM! It might have given him a hard on but it is still a pathetic achievement. If even one Israeli or western aircraft gets shot down, all the pilots will crap their pants. They are essentially cowards who are happy to splash targets from uncontested airspace, but have no guts if someone stands up to them. Imagine USAF/IAF pilots parachuting to ISIS/jihadi areas? They’d be lucky to get out alive.

Solomon Krupacek

For Heisenberg, whos answer disappeared: Every f-15/f-16 pilot will tell you that a decent pilot in a mig29SMT is a very dangerous threat in equal terms

me told the opposite

you can not make excellent plane from underclass. also the newist mig version based on 29 has big limits.

its true, the 29 was better then 23, which was totally shit in its class.but sukhoys are better.

so, the new mig29 is good against turkey, saudi arabia, but not americans. you wrote about skills of pilots. the truthz is, the yanks fly much more hours monthly and are in more combat situations. i assume, russia had no chance to take air superioroty with mig29s. and this is known also in moscow :) therefore are in syria the best sukhoys.


I did not say that the mig29SMT is a better platform than the F-15/ F-16 in its latest configurations. I just said that its a competent fighter and its the strategical and tactical situation, as well as the pilot that determines the success of lack of it in an air-to-air engagement.

And yes, the yanks fly allot of hours doing nothing or doing Bombing runs. They are experts in dropping bombs, and even that is subject to debate since the heavy losses that Syrian, Iraqi and afgan population sustained during all this time.

In air-to-air combat they haven’t being drilled since the end of the cold war. at least of the same extent. Look for your self, and you will find that air-to-air combat training hours dropped allot, not only in US but, in UK, and other NATO countries. In Russia they still put allot on emphases in air combat training.

This is believe to be ok for them, because its part of their tactical philosophy that air-to-air engagement will be resumed to BVR range, since the last progress in Stealth, radars and missile technology. They will be dead wrong in an real situation like they were in Vietnam. To give you a hint, AIM-120 AMRAAM missile had a 50% success hit when tested, in actual fight until today its between 25 to 35%… once more against inferior opponents, actual numbers against the VKS would be considerable lower. About the F-15, 75% of the F-15 kills were in WVR. So in all the conflicts in witch the F-15 participated as a superior machine, with better pilots, and support most of the kills were in WVR, were the mig29 is superior, as well the SU-27/30/35

This said, is the VKS capable of air superiority in Syria? Yes, and No. If you think that achieving air superiority like America does by knocking out air defences and destroying enemy air assets, then no. But, they would create a No Fly Zone above Syria, not because solely of their planes, that are heavy outnumbered, but because their planes are integrated in an I.A.D.S. with S-400, S-300v4 and etc. This way they can achieve air superiority above Syrian air space without even engaging Coalition planes.

Sorry for the long post

Solomon Krupacek

all righ bro, i did not you understand first time exactly.

thanks for long answer.

good night!

Jordan Katz

Glad to see the Fulcrum is back in action. Some carrier based 29-K’s were used during the battle of Allepo, but that was getting close to a year ago. (Time flies!!) Was wondering if the Syrian Air Force still had any operational 29’s in service. Anyone here know?


http://luftwaffeas.blogspot.rs/ is good source of info about Syrian Air Force related stuff. Sadly, no recent MiG-29 related stuff there.

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