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MARCH 2025

Russia Deploys More Patrol And Gun Boats In Sea Of Azov

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Russia Deploys More Patrol And Gun Boats In Sea Of Azov

Shmel-class river gunboats AK-201 and AK-248. RedJak / fleetphoto.ru

According to Russian media, 3 more military vessels from the Caspian Fleet were deployed in the Sea of Azov on May 23. These vessels are two Shmel-class river gunboats AK-201 and AK-248, one Zhuk-class patrol boat AK-326.

This passage aims at security in the Sea of Azov taking into consideration recent agressive actions in the region by the Ukrainian side.

On March 25, Ukraine illegally seized the Nord fishing vessel flying the flag of the Russian Federation in the territorial waters of Russia. On May 28, head of the FSB branch in Crimea and Sevastopol Viktor Palagin claimed that suspects of the illegal detention of the Nord vessel had been identified. According to Palagin, all the suspects, which are currently in Ukraine, were put on an international wanted list.

On April 4, a spokesperson for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine Oleg Slobodyan said that all the ships travelling to and out of Crimea without Kiev’s consent would be detained.

On May 4, Russia’s FSB Border Department in Crimea said in a statement that the fishing vessel YMK-0041 (homeported in Ochakiv, Ukraine) had been detained for “illegal fishing” by coastguards.

On May 10, Russian coastguards reportedly detained the Ukrainian fishing boat Amur with two persons on board in the Sea of Azov.

On May 22, Russian media reported about that May 16 extramural decision of the Ukrainian seaside district court of Odessa to seize the Russian vessel Pechora for the extraction of sand on the territory of Crimea. At present, the Pechora vessel is in Crimea.

Over past months, Russian coastguards have increased pressure on the Ukrainian side in the Sea of Azov. Russian coastguards are actively carrying out searches of vessels moving to Ukrainain ports and combatting illegal fishing in the Sea of Azov.

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Good… put some pressure on it…Shoot down a couple of Birdies or sink some Boats if they Cross your Borders… and the AngloZioNazis will get the Message…Europe already gone as participant basically… How does the U.S. Think it can win? Because the Cowboy will be a long Way from Home….


LOL…. jew bastards….abramovich…owner of chelsea football club…just got israeli citizenship…….lol……this is getting so obvious

Wise Gandalf

Putin´s best friend.


Stop spreading manure

Wise Gandalf

The truth is painful, isn´t is?


go back to Mordor

Wise Gandalf


Check some russian newspapers, troll!


what do you think? That liberal russian newspappers write the truth and not what their sio-masters tell them to write?

Wise Gandalf

Sure, when Putin calls him as friend, it is liberallie.


I told to fucking invade east and south Ukraine when Ukraine was weak. Least thing that Putin should have done is to not recognize Ukraine gov and impose the former president to participate to the elections.

Now, Russia must face the consequences of being weak.


Go get ‘im cowboy

Daniel Miller

>implying Ukraine can challange Russia >Implying Russia is weak


Dubai Airshow 2017 (Day 3) JF-17 PAF Flying display. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItgsVQTOvFk المقاتلة الباكستانية JF-17 Thunder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWSvEzNjNto الصواريخ الباكستانية النووية |Pakistani nuclear missiles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVHo0eb5iSU

Click on YouTube icon for better view. The actual ranges of Raad missile is 550 km, Ababeel 4,400 km and Shaheen-3 missile is 5,500 km. Pakistan produces fighter jets JF-17 Block1 / Block2, Cruise, Ballistic Missiles & nuclear weapons, tanks and some 1000 other military hardware.

The JF-17 Block-3 is 16m long with a new Russian upgraded jet engine AL-31FN Series-3 which has also used in China J10 fighter jet. At least 100 JF-17 Block-3 per year will be produced in Pakistan to export. With Pakistan a 3 stage ICBM missiles Taimor with 11,000 Km and Tapo 15,000 Km ranges are underdeveloped. The Tapo ICBM is with 15000 Km operational range, 25m in length and a 2.2m in diameter. Pakistan now encapsulating their all missiles for greater ranges. Pakistan also developing a heavy 22m long fighter jet like Mig-31 for longer ranges and JF-17 UAVs which Pakistani pilots will control from the ground stations.

Wise Gandalf

Why do you spam here with jihadi weapons???


Did you scare?

Wise Gandalf

From this shit? You are simply trolling and brake the rules of this site.


Are you from Israeli shit migrants the child butchers and perverts?

David Parker

The word is “break”. Nukes in the hands of Moslems are always scary. What “rules of this site”? I looked and don’t see any.

Wise Gandalf

The word is “break”.

sure :)


“Nukes in the hands of Moslems are always scary. Ragheads make an art form of dying and taking down as many others as possible. Now if only they were as good building roads and bridges instead of scheming how to rape and pillage those who can.”

I totally agree with you.

Rules: – Comment the article or another comment. Do not put another themes under articles. – Your comment about 1 idea put in 1 comment.


https://thaimilitaryandasianregion.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/jf-17_thunder_raad_load.jpg?w=625&h=469 Pakistan made nuclear Ra’ad-I Air Launched Cruise Missile with JF-17 Thunder. Pakistan made Ra’ad-I is with 350KM and Ra’ad-II is with 550KM range. Each nuclear Ra’ad ALCM is with 200kT yield nuclear warhead.

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Yo7V-n9JdZs/UIeTIkhDzkI/AAAAAAAASpo/ezVE6rQp1PQ/s1600/JF-17+Thunder+Pakistan+Air+Force+PAF+C-802A+Anti-ship+Missile+SD-10A+BVRAAM+PL-5E+II+WVRAAM++500+kg+LS-6+Satellite+Inertially+Guided+Bomb+LT-3+LT-2LS-500J+Laser++HAFER+H-4PGM+RAAD+MAR-1+%25285%2529.jpg Pakistan made H-4 BVR missile with JF-17 Thunder

Pakistan produces JF-17 Block-1, JF-17 Block-2 and now JF-17 Block-3 is underdeveloped with size 16m, speed Mach 2.2 AESA radar, better warfare capabilities and a bit powerfull jet engine AL-31FN Series 3 with better thrust force. This engine is also made in Russia and is used in Chinese J10 fighter jet.


First thought: This could get ugly. Then I thought about the minor offensive in the Dombas. SF’s emphatic use of the words illegal and territorial waters clearly show their sympathies. Journalistic integrity says NOT to give away your own opinions in reports. Given that Kiev emphatically claims Crimea so they are aggressively asserting their claim to disputed territory (which is still ill-advised).

John Brown

part 1 Nazis and racist supremacist Jews allies forever with identical race laws. When Hitler Honored Jewish Soldiers. Any European who likes Hitler is a fool. Hitler worked for and with racist supremacist Jews. Hitler was responsible for the deaths of 30 million Russians who were white, end of story. The Nazi regime conferred honors on many of the 100,000 Jews who fought in the German army in the Great War, even on some who had already escaped to Palestine. https://www.haaretz.com/caught-in-the-middle-part-jewish-germans-served-in-nazi-army-1.185805 Hitler’s Jewish Army https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/features/.premium-1.602868 https://www.haaretz.com/cau… At least 150,000 Jews served Hitler Rigg, who spent seven years researching his book, estimates that at least 150,000 men of Jewish origin served in the German army during World War II. One of these men was Major Ernst Bloch, the focus of Rigg’s second book – “Rescued from the Reich: How One of Hitler’s Soldiers Saved the Lubavitcher Rebbe.” Price is also working on a film version of this sensational story. read more: https://www.haaretz.com/cau… A German soldier in Nazi uniform strolls in the park hand-in-hand with his Jewish grandmother, the yellow “Jude” star on her coat. A Nazi officer is dispatched by the German high command to rescue the Lubavitch rebbe. Grandpa’s Nazi past shocks Jewish star Chelsea Handler confronts dark family history as she undergoes a televised journey of self-discovery By YIFA YAAKOV 10 August 2013, 5:27 pm 80 American Jewish comedienne Chelsea Handler realized her family history was no laughing matter last week as she underwent a journey of self-discovery in an episode of TLC’s Who Do You Think You Are, which was aired Tuesday. In the episode, Handler, who was raised Jewish by her Jewish mother and non-Jewish father, confronted the dark secret her “very, very big, strong” German grandfather, Karl Stoecker, had avoided discussing for years — his Nazi past and role in the Holocaust. https://justice4poland.com/2014/09/01/150-000-jews-in-hitlers-army-this-bit-of-history-was-hidden-from-us/

John Brown

part 2 Racist supremacist Jews = Nazis Hitler followed the Rothchilds orders in implementing the holocaust on any Jews who refused to move to Palestine as per the Havara pact with the help of his 150 k plus Jewish army. . So are the Times of Israel and Haretz lying about this? Are they anti Jewish? Don’t take my word for it as nothing beats the voluntary confession. Who tells the truth on this board me or Anja??? https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-comedienne-faces-grandpas-nazi-past/ Racist supremacist Nazi Jews role role in running the Holocaust. American Jewish comedienne Chelsea Handler who was raised Jewish by her Jewish mother and non-Jewish father, confronted the dark secret her “very, very big, strong” German grandfather, Karl Stoecker, had avoided discussing for years — his Nazi past and role in the Holocaust. https://justice4poland.com/2014/09/01/150-000-jews-in-hitlers-army-this-bit-of-history-was-hidden-from-us/ Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval. Cambridge University researcher Bryan Rigg has traced the Jewish ancestry of more than 1,200 of Hitler’s soldiers, including Two field marshals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Fifteen generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Two full generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Eight lieutenant generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Five major generals, “commanding up to 100,000 troops In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross. One of these Jewish veterans is today an 82 year old resident of northern Germany, an observant Jew who served as a captain and practiced his religion within the Wehrmacht throughout the war. One of the Jewish field marshals was Erhard Milch, deputy to Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goering. Rumors of Milch’s Jewish identity circulated widely in Germany in the 1930s. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e5142fdf79f086ca4e3a87561def9b6b5a7e5c1a08933959cf5dbf361c50987.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg

John Brown

Part 3 In the 1930es Hitler cooperated with his Zionist friends – who had a good time in Berlin! – to drive Germany´s Jews to Palestine with so much success that when although in 1933 there were 505.000 Jews in Germany in the census 1933. By 1941, another 300.000 had emigrated with Hitler´s accept in 1941. And 150.000 Jews were soldiers in Hitler´s army.So the Jews to persecute in Germany were few! But there were many more in Poland, where they were disliked. We have seen how Walther Rothschild was the driving force behind the Balfour Declaration 100 years ago – in 1917, Rothschild promised to draw the US into WWI if the UK would guarantee that the Jews would have a homeland in Rothschild owned Palestine. Rothschild´s US agent, Jesuit Edward Mandell-House, managed to persuade Pres, Woodrow Wilson to join that war. Mandell-House wrote the Versailles Peace Treaty without German participation in a way that WWII was inevitable Israel is Rothschild´s land. Already in 1829, the Rothschilds had bought Jerusalem. We have seen how the Rockefellers (Jews) and the Rothschild Federal Reserve of the US as well as their Wall Street (Anthony Sutton) even funded Hitler and via the IG Farben ran death camp Auschwitz by means of forced Jewish labour. We have seen that Hitler was a Jew,probably even a Rothschild. Most of the top Nazis were Jewish We have seen how Jewish Rothschild´s agent, Jewish George Soros, betrayed Jews in Hungary and took their possessions – even calling this “the happiest time of his life”! Another confession! Nothing beats the voluntary confession Smaug! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PUDmLCkgNc Therefore, the following is a logical sequel of Theodor Herzl´s diaries. Rudolf Kastner, the Zionist leader in Hungary, made a deal with Adolf Eichmann. another confession!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MekIiTzQaaQ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e11a5550681c285238f67a00a8a3731d95f23297cf61d52fcbce8dc566877d0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/02a4d449d36fb99e125fb879317ec279f8e9f73b523535368b27f226dab9469f.jpg

John Brown

part 4 Confession! American Jewish comedienne Chelsea Handler who was raised Jewish by her Jewish mother and non-Jewish father, confronted the dark secret her “very, very big, strong” German grandfather, Karl Stoecker, had avoided discussing for years — his Nazi past and role in the Holocaust. https://justice4poland.com/2014/09/01/150-000-jews-in-hitlers-army-this-bit-of-history-was-hidden-from-us/ Confessions! Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval. Cambridge University researcher Bryan Rigg has traced the Jewish ancestry of more than 1,200 of Hitler’s soldiers, including Two field marshals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Fifteen generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Two full generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Eight lieutenant generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Five major generals, “commanding up to 100,000 troops In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross. One of these Jewish veterans is today an 82 year old resident of northern Germany, an observant Jew who served as a captain and practiced his religion within the Wehrmacht throughout the war. One of the Jewish field marshals was Erhard Milch, deputy to Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goering. Rumors of Milch’s Jewish identity circulated widely in Germany in the 1930s. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ad5ee0d0d5febec51af46f04527884ae1c81f7e20aab7b3cd93269ebf07c575a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/57ccaf45f334c4c8eb85e0876f917e3eab8d243c2c6fbb0c4e17892fe78cad2c.jpg

John Brown

part 5 part 5 The Nazi regime conferred honors on many of the 100,000 Jews who fought in the German army in the Great War, even on some who had already escaped to Palestine. https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/features/.premium-1.602868 Hitler’s Jewish Army confession! https://www.haaretz.com/caught-in-the-middle-part-jewish-germans-served-in-nazi-army-1.185805 At least 150,000 Jews served Hitler Rigg, who spent seven years researching his book, estimates that at least 150,000 men of Jewish origin served in the German army during World War II. One of these men was Major Ernst Bloch, the focus of Rigg’s second book – “Rescued from the Reich: How One of Hitler’s Soldiers Saved the Lubavitcher Rebbe.” Price is also working on a film version of this sensational story. Confession! read more:https://www.haaretz.com/caught-in-the-middle-part-jewish-germans-served-in-nazi-army-1.185805 A German soldier in Nazi uniform strolls in the park hand-in-hand with his Jewish grandmother, the yellow “Jude” star on her coat. A Nazi officer is dispatched by the German high command to rescue the Lubavitch rebbe. Grandpa’s Nazi past shocks Jewish star. Confession! So are the Times of Israel and Haretz lying about this? Are they anti Jewish? Don’t take my word for it as nothing beats the voluntary confession. Who tells the truth on this board??? https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-comedienne-faces-grandpas-nazi-past/

John Brown

part 6 DID THE JEWS IN HITLER’S ARMY CAUSE THE ‘HOLOCAUST’? Rigg’s research also shed light on stories surrounding the rescue by German soldiers of the Lubavitcher grand rabbi of that time, who was in Warsaw when the war broke out in 1939. Joseph Isaac Schneerson was spirited to safety after an appeal to Germany from the United States. Schneerson was assisted by a German officer Rigg has identified as the highly decorated Maj. Ernst Bloch, whose father was a Jew. Jews also served in the Nazi police and security forces as ghetto police (Ordnungdienst) and concentration camp guards (kapos). So what happens to the claim that Hitler sought to exterminate all Jews, when he allowed some of them to join in his struggle against Bolshevism and International finance capitalism? “If the Jews were permitted to serve in Hitler’s armed forces then there could not have been a Holocaust.” During World War II thousands of Jews served in the Wehrmacht, many awarded the Cross for Bravery. Jews serving in the SS. Were they also in the Gestapo? As ‘Gestapo’ is an abbreviation of “Geheime Stadt Polizei”, meaning State Secret Police, Sources: William D. Montalbano, “The Jews in Hitler’s Military,” Los Angeles Times, Dec. 24, 1996. Tom Tugend, “Grad student uncovers Jews who fought for Adolf Hitler,” Jewish Telegraph Agency, Dec. 26, 1996. Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators

John Brown

part 7 In any fair court that actually listened to real evidence (from sources such as the Israel Times, the Jerusalem Post etc.) it is very easy to prove the Nazi racist supremacist Jewish alliance and that it was mostly the Nazi Jewish army that killed Jews as part of that alliance, under the orders of the Rothschild’s, killed Jews unless said Jews moved to Palestine. The Rothschild banks even seized the financial assets of Jews in Swiss banks which is also well documented, of German Jews etc. killed in the holocaust for refusing to go to Palestine. Learn some real history and hand get copies of Jews selling blacks, The Secret relationship between blacks and Jews all volumes and some confederate Jewish money with the Jewish faces on it, to prove racist Jews ran the South, 95 % of the slave trade committed the black holocaust of 400 years of slavery 100 million killed, rape, etc. It would be so easy to beat you by doing just that. See the Nazi Jewish Pact of steel the Havarra agreement by which Hitler created Israel. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e5142fdf79f086ca4e3a87561def9b6b5a7e5c1a08933959cf5dbf361c50987.png

John Brown

part 8 To put the size of Hitlers massive, huge, Jewish Nazi army in context, the size of the entire British Armed Forces – by numbers today is around 144,000 trained active personnel. Comprising British Army, Royal Navy, Royal Marines and the Royal Air Force – the Armed Forces is a huge operation, So Hitlers massive, huge, gigantic Jewish Nazi army which ran the holocaust was bigger then the entire UK armed forces which are ranked as the 5th most powerful armed forces on the planet and the Jewish Nazi army was bigger then that 150 k to 144 k for the UK .

Please explain how the Times of Israel and Haretz etc. are lying about this and are anti Jewish along with 60 minutes etc etc etc. It should make for a good laugh for all on this board. Is Chelsea Handler lying?? Look at the excellent evidence you can get from the Jewish press. Don’t take my word for it! To all Goyims on this board if you don’t already I suggest you study the Jewish Press – the ones based in Israel as I do – in order to get a full understanding of what they (Smaug and her master race) routinely plan in respect to the Stupid Goyim. Don’t take my word for it, see for yourself. See below nothing beats the voluntary confession. In 100 Days, A New Jewish Elite Rises Under Trump Read more:http://forward.com/news/national/370369/in-100-days-a-new-jewish-elite-rises-under-trump/ It is where I get almost all my info. You’ll usually see them admitting things (like the Jewish Nazi army of 150 k running the holocaust etc.) that would never make it into the American or Western media, and if you’re not up on the Zionist, Jewish, racist, supremacist, empire, their rantings of hatred and racism for all Goyim and bragging of their murdering millions and millions of goyim and their total control of countries like the USA, Britain France, German etc. in their global empire it can be quite enlightening, indeed “We must not forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish,” Plocker started out by saying. He went on to make a number of startling confessions: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00.html http://www.jta.org/2010/10/18/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/sephardi-leader-yosef-non-Jews-exist-to-serve-jews https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3ce223dc12d9b8a258530fcfb67dbeba80b4d26071cb6501f3df9d2675c9a307.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/02a4d449d36fb99e125fb879317ec279f8e9f73b523535368b27f226dab9469f

John Brown

part 9 Havaara Zionist nazi alliance Its common knowledge that Israeli foreign policy going back to the days of Ben Gurion has been exceedingly opportunistic and amoral as exemplified in this infamous statement: ”Were I to know that all German Jewish children could be rescued by transferring them to England and only half by transfer to Palestine, I would opt for the latter, because our concern is not only the personal interest of these children, but the historic interest of the Jewish people.” So I suppose one shouldn’t be surprised at this new development. But still it does momentarily take one’s breath away to contemplate just how brutally cynical Israel’s motives and choices can often be. http://www.nytimes.com/books/97/07/06/reviews/970706.06wyman.html

John Brown

They are making a movie about this stuff in Israel. Are Harretz, J Post and the Times of Israel etc. lying? You don’t honor an enemy and give medals awards and money. the Zio Nazis just like you!! https://www.haaretz.com/1.4902179 https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/.premium-when-hitler-honored-jewish-soldiers-1.5254336 A German soldier in Nazi uniform strolls in the park hand-in-hand with his Jewish grandmother, the yellow “Jude” star on her coat. A Nazi officer is dispatched by the German high command to rescue the Lubavitch rebbe. These are two of the surrealistic examples Larry Price cites to illustrate the complex reality in Nazi Germany for Mischlinge – the Nazi term (literally, “mongrels”) for Germans of partial Jewish ancestry. Price, a Jerusalem-based filmmaker, is the director and producer of “Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers,” a documentary film featuring interviews with five Mischlinge who served in the German armed forces during World War II. The film will premiere on April 24 as part of Israel TV Channel 1’s special programming for Holocaust Day.


Uh, I make a simple post about geopolitics and I get a response that looks like a neo-Nazi manifesto that I won’t waste time reading. Get a life.

John Brown

Oh you read it satanmaug. Thanks for the laugh ha ha ha ha!!! What a joke and a fool you have shown yourself to be with your confession,which you let slip out from your own lips. I quote these 100% Jewish sources word for word with the links to prove it. It’s not my words at all its theirs and yours. You are right in your confession confession that these Jewish movies and articles about Hitlers Jewish army, being a Nazi Jewish manifesto, which is exactly what I think they and you are. Allies on the same side with identical racial purity laws. You have just confessed to agreeing with me. Haaretz, the Jersulem Post, the Times of Israel, the state of Israel and about 90% of world Jewry according to Israeli polling are racist supremacist Jewish Nazis. They are making or have already made a movie about this stuff in Israel. Are Harretz, J Post and the Times of Israel etc. lying? No!. You don’t honor an enemy and give medals awards and money. They are all Zio Nazis just like you!! https://www.haaretz.com/1.4902179 https://www.haaretz.com/caught-in-the-middle-part-jewish-germans-served-in-nazi-army-1.185805 https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/.premium-when-hitler-honored-jewish-soldiers-1.5254336 A German soldier in Nazi uniform strolls in the park hand-in-hand with his Jewish grandmother, the yellow “Jude” star on her coat. A Nazi officer is dispatched by the German high command to rescue the Lubavitch rebbe. These are two of the surrealistic examples Larry Price cites to illustrate the complex reality in Nazi Germany for Mischlinge – the Nazi term (literally, “mongrels”) for Germans of partial Jewish ancestry. Price, a Jerusalem-based filmmaker, is the director and producer of “Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers,” a documentary film featuring interviews with five Mischlinge who served in the German armed forces during World War II. The film will premiere on April 24 as part of Israel TV Channel 1’s special programming for Holocaust Day. Chelsea Handler Grandpa’s Nazi past By YIFA YAAKOV https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-comedienne-faces-grandpas-nazi-past/ Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval. Cambridge University researcher Bryan Rigg has traced the Jewish ancestry of more than 1,200 of Hitler’s soldiers, including Two field marshals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Fifteen generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Two full generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Eight lieutenant generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Five major generals, “commanding up to 100,000 troops In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross. One of these Jewish veterans is today an 82 year old resident of northern Germany, an observant Jew who served as a captain and practiced his religion within the Wehrmacht throughout the war. One of the Jewish field marshals was Erhard Milch, deputy to Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goering. Rumors of Milch’s Jewish identity circulated widely in Germany in the 1930s.


How did it move them there?


They moved them very simply. Russia has a unique network of rivers, canals and lakes, names “The Unified Deep Water System of European Russia” which connects the Azov Sea (technically the Black Sea too) with the Baltic Sea, White Sea and Caspian Sea. Due to this system, it is possible to move smaller ships and submarines from one fleet to another, using only inland waters and protecting them with land-based antiaircraft defense (Pantsir S, S-300, S-400, BUK, Tor and similar), so that US fleet cannot intercept them. The same Buyan M class corvette or submarine may launch its 3M-54 Kalibr cruise missiles from the Caspian Sea today and 7 days later it can operate in Baltic, Azov Sea, White Sea, Black Sea or even Mediterranean.

Feudalism Victory

Fascinating info! Thanks!


Hi, see my reply above.


Well, many of them had no choice but to work, as they were political prisoners of the GULAG system. But that is less important at the moment. The conclusion is that Russians can redeploy same warships and submarines from Northern or Balic Fleet to the Black Sea Fleat or the Caspian Flotilla, without sailing through The Atlantic Ocean, Gibraltar, Mediterranean Sea and Bosporus. They can achieve the same using only the network of their rivers, lakes and canals which connects 5 sees. That gives them a significant strategic advantage. And that explains why they build so many small missile ships (Buy an M class corvettes) and diesel submarines, capable to sail both in rivers and the sea and armed with cruise missiles.


It’s true and was a remarkable project. I read somewhere that 250,000 Soviets were involved in it’s construction.


David Parker



Wow…the trolls are out in force tonight!

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