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MARCH 2025

Russia Deploys Su-34 Jets To Black Sea Region, US Not To Send It’s Warships There

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Russia Deploys Su-34 Jets To Black Sea Region, US Not To Send It’s Warships There

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On April 13th, it appeared that Russia had deployed its 559th Fighter Bomber Aviation Regiment, equipped with SU-34 jets deployed to the Black Sea region.

This raises concerns of an escalation, or at least justification for Kiev to cry foul.

The Russian side claims that the deployment is part of an exercise that was planned a while ago.

“The crews of the operational-tactical aviation of the Air Force and Air Defense Association of the Southern Military District redeployed to operational airfields to carry out joint missions with the naval aviation of the Black Sea Fleet. The activities were carried out during the control check during the winter training period.

In addition, the pilots of the two formations will carry out the tasks of escorting naval strike groups and acting as part of reconnaissance strike complexes while ensuring security in the Black Sea.

The control check of the Southern Military District troops for the winter period is carried out according to the approved troop training plan for 2021. It involves the troops of all associations of the district, including the Black Sea Fleet and the Caspian Flotilla. The commissions of higher military command and control bodies also check the staffing level and supply of troops, their ability to meet the standards established by the requirements of combat and operational training.”

More Russian ground forces are also en route to the areas near Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Kiev is attempting to further stir the pot.

Ukraine’s defense minister said that Russia is potentially preparing Crimea for storing nuclear weapons and warned that Moscow could attack Ukraine to ensure water supplies for the annexed peninsula.

Andrii Taran, speaking to the European Parliament’s defense sub-committee in Brussels, also said he could not rule out that Russian forces in Crimea could “undertake substantive military provocations” in 2021.

The director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) William Burns told the US Senate on April 14th that Russia has amassed sufficient military forces and equipment on the border of Ukraine to allow a Russian incursion into the country.

The CIA director, who served as a former ambassador to Russia, said that experience taught him “not to underestimate the ways in which President [Vladimir] Putin and the Russian leadership can throw its weight around”.

“The Russian military build-up in Crimea and alongside the border of the Donbass is a serious concern,” Burns told the Senate Intelligence Committee.

It could be “signalling a way to intimidate the Ukrainian leadership, signalling to the United States – but also that build-up has reached a point that it could provide the basis for limited military incursions [into Ukraine] as well. It is something that not only the United States but also our allies have to take very seriously.”

On Moscow’s side, Russian Deputy Foreign Ministry Sergei Ryabkov was cited by Russian news agencies on Tuesday as calling the deployment of U.S. warships in the Black Sea a provocation designed to test Russia’s nerves.

“There is absolutely nothing for American ships to be doing near our shores,” Ryabkov said, warning there was a very high risk of unspecified incidents if U.S. military hardware were to be positioned in the Black Sea.

“We warn the United States that it will be better for them to stay far away from Crimea and our Black Sea coast,” Ryabkov was quoted as saying. “It will be for their own good.”

The Turkish Foreign Ministry said that Washington had informed Ankara that two U.S. warships would pass through Turkish waters this week to be deployed in the Black Sea. The deployment would come amid a significant escalation of the conflict in eastern Ukraine between Russian-backed separatists and Ukraine’s forces, which have U.S. and European support.

This was denied by Pentagon spokesman John Kirby.

And, surely enough, Turkish media reported that the deployment had been “canceled”.

As such, the entire situation is in a state of chaos. Reports of various preparations are commonplace, and the US appears to be attempting to avoid an escalation, but Kiev is dead set on attempting to get Washington in a situation in which the tail wags the dog.


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Jihadi Colin

The Faker (Andrei Raevsky) yesterday posted an article on his site, The Junkyard Of The Faker, by Dmitri Orlov that has the perfect solution to the Donbass crisis! Simple: all Donbass citizens pack up and move to Russia! How brilliant! Everyone leaves the place where they and their forefathers lived, for which they fought Nazi and Ukranazi, to become refugees. Wonderful!

You can read it here if you want:


The first comments themselves, which somehow made it through the Faker’s “moderators”, eviscerated Orlov, following which he threw a hissy fit. The Faker then came apologising abjectly for publishing the comments, and for putting Orlov through the torment, following which just about all the comments were in praise of both the Faker and Orlov himself (meaning that critics were censored, and quite likely many of the comments were from sock puppet identities).

My own immediate response was, “if Russia were stupid enough to try that, it would instantly be accused of mass kidnap and forced deportation. Besides, who told Orlov that the inhabitants of Donetsk and Lugansk would want to leave everything they’ve ever known behind and go off where Orlov’s plans send them?” Of course, being banned from the Faker’s Junkyard, I couldn’t post it there, but if I hadn’t been banned it would never have made it through the censorship anyway.

Meanwhile, on Fakebook, Russell Bonner Bentley from Donetsk responded in a rant which deserves to be read in full (expletives deleted by me as superfluous):

“This is the stupidest article written about the Donbass War since the beginning of the war. Dmitry Orlov, self-styled “Russian geopolitical analyst” (who lives in the USA) has come up with the solution to the whole Donbass problem. The 3 million+ people who live here will simply “evacuate” to Russia. We will leave our homes, our gardens, our history and heritage, the land our grandfathers fought and died for and that WE have fought and died for, the graves of our ancestors, and go like beggars, to another country that cannot afford 3 million refugees. What a genius! Why, oh, why, didn’t we think of this before?!

“Here is my reply to Orlov, and the boot-licking “Saker”, and all the goddamned “Russian pundits” who live in the West and write **** and betray their history, heritage and homeland. Orlov and Raevsky are the same kind of **** as Vladimir Suchin and Vladimir Golstein. Same as the Moscow Times. “They’re Russian, it must be true!” BULLSHIT. Here is my reply. Read Orlov and Raevsky’s ********, and you will understand why I am livid. I wish I had these vermin within arm’s reach for a single minute, I would cure them of their disease for good…

“I respected Dmitry Orlov. Until today. Now, I know, beyond any question, he’s just another ******* “Russian geopolitical pundit” living in the USA, selling out his heritage, history and homeland, a professional liar and traitor. Give me a break! ******* Raevsky, ******* Suchin, ******* Golstein, ******* Orlov, pulling their middle of the road, safe to stay in the USA ******* idiot opinions right out of their treacherous asses. “Evacuate Donbass”? Is there really anyone stupid enough not to see how abjectly and utterly imbecilic the idea is, much less the actual suggestion of it?

“On its face, the evacuation idea is ridiculous. Please, Dmitry (and collected ******* sycophants) name ONE time in history when 3 million people were moved to another nation successfully. And I mean in ALL of human history. You can’t. So how in the **** can you suggest it as a remedy for the current situation? Perhaps Noah can build us an ark, Dmitry, or aliens can “evacuate” us to Niburu. Both equally as likely and credible as your laughable and contemptible idea.

“What you suggest is the equivalent of every single person in Chicago or Houston picking up and moving to Canada or Mexico, with no more than the clothes on their backs, to a place with no infrastructure or housing, totally unprepared for such an influx. Your idiotic suggestion would quadruple the population of Rostov on Don. This is literally the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Did you ever wonder what the million residents of Rostov might have to say about it, you ******* idiot?

“And perhaps it is not clear to you, living as you do in the USA, you sold out boot-licking political *****, but the people who live in Donbass LOVE this land and the people we live with here. We aren’t going anywhere. We will die on this land and go to Valhalla before we will go to Rostov. WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER OR RETREAT. That is what cowards and traitors do, you treacherous coward, but there are less of those **** like you here than perhaps anywhere else on Earth. I only wish you had the balls to dare to come to Donetsk you chickenshit *******, and make your suggestion here, in public. The Babushkas here, who remember their history and have suffered through the last seven years of war would feed your sorry ass to the dogs within the hour.

“Leave our homes, our gardens, our history and heritage, the graves of our parents and ancestors, OUR land that our grandfathers fought and died to liberate, and that WE have fought and died to defend and protect? “Evacuate”? Just pack up and go, leave our homes to Pravy Sektor pederasts, go to Russia and start over as refugees in need of a hand out, from scratch. The strongest, bravest most patriotic people on Earth? **** you, Orlov, you **********, and you too Raevsky, you ********* poseur ************ traitor, for writing and posting this ****.

“I have only lived in Donetsk for seven years, and it is now my home. I will not leave even when the ukrop/NATO blitz comes through. I will die here, with my wife and family, with my friends and comrades and brothers in arms, before I will take one step back, and I know, because I am here, that the vast majority of DPR citizens will stand here with me. **** you, Orlov, and **** you, again, Raevsky, you miserable ***********. May God and Humanity deal with you as you deserve.”

Note: Russell Bonner Bentley is mistaken, Orlov now lives in St Petersburg, not Amerikastan.

Lone Ranger

I trust nobody who leaves his country. If you are only loyal in good times you ain’t loyal at all. Patriots for the Win. Hurra. I have a counter offer, how about kievnazis pack their bags, and move to Poland and Canada where most ukropnazis have already moved. Ukraine is Russia under CIA, poletard balticnazi occupation. They keep pushing, they want war, they shall have it. Time to liberate Kiev…

Tommy Jensen

Good one Colin. I liked that!


Why is SF censoring Collins and other valid comments?

Al Balog

It’s Disqus’s fault, not SouthFront. I’ve made a number of comments criticizing Erdogan, and Disqus really liked deleting those for some reason.

Gregory Casey

I let fly at Erdogan on his official twitter a/c a few days ago and had been suspended for 12 hours with the tweet removed within 3 minutes!

Tommy Jensen

As I see it SF or Disqus are very pragmatic.

Lone Ranger

Ukropnazis and CIAisis will cry and rage, pretty soon… You wanted it…you will have it… Enjoy…😘

Porc Halal

And the turks too! Remember that not only the US has direct interests in the false state called “ukraine”, but also the turks who salivate and have wet dreams about crimea ..


Yeah, I agrees completely with R.B. Bentley, but the problem isnt morons like Faker, but the somewhat fog of drivel served by Russians from time to time witch dont always corrolate with actions taken, like claiming been an alie, while doing the opposite, like what happened in Syria, if you think military stategic thinking, Putin waded deep into the mud, when He was to eager to cooperate with the Turks, etc, two times, witch for me was the same as giving Syrian land to Turks. It was so bad that I stil cant help to think what the bloody hell did the Russians think, never ever trust an Turk, havent you learned that, yet.

And the second issue is ISISrael, witch is an capitel by it self. And I could go on for an long time, but the main problem is how week Russians are, when I know they are not, by any number of ways, but then again politics, economic issues, weapon sale, etc, dictates, more than most want to admit and it have made me question the motifs of the present Russian Gov.

But faker is an waist of time. And others, the Armenian war (ukraina and russia backed the same people, fascinating isnt it) was the answer to that one, witch I can take on later, not now, my wife wants the LapTop right now, hehe, the only Russian I will ever bow to.


Tommy Jensen

Listen. I think all of us here, except Russel, are wrong in about all our analyses somewhere. We dont have the overall view.

Think about 50 different militias groups in Syria, foreign mercenaries pouring in from all over the world, Turkey, Kurds, US/Nato, France, UK, Iran, Hezbollah, Lebanon. Iraq, PMU, Israel, refugees, Syrians losing their homes, killed, and wounded.

As always the hero quickly gets loaded with more jobs and work he also should have done, and certainly should have done the job he did differently in another way than he did it a.s.o. We armchair Generals are a disgusting lousy crowd of hypocrites. We must look at what has been done, praise it, and stop the stupid raised finger.

johnny rotten

Quod erat demostrandum. There will be no war, let alone a Nazi war led by a Jewish comedian, would have gone too far from every limit of decency. Disastrate ukraine troops are not in conditions of fighting, the same applies to NATO rainbow troops. Talking about war and fighting the war are two completely different things, the US made a turnback, first with the Briben phone call to the Putin president and then with renuncetion of the sacrifice of two ships in the Black Sea. If the Nazis will insist will be punished e No one will help them, end of history.

Arch Bungle

The last nation that voted a Jewish comedian into power was NAZI Germany. That turned out well …

AM Hants

They never change the script and same crowd then, as today, running the show.

Rhodium 10

How can NATO scare Russia if Iran through Houttis using cruise missile and drones have destroyed 2 refinerys in Saudi Arabia protected by a ring of Patriot and Avenger AD missile!…Yesterday a drone hit Erbil base protected by C-Ram phalanx , Patriot and Avenger…

Gregory Casey

3 more Suicide Drones hit the US Airbase at Erbil last night with unconfirmed casualties – a significant number apparently.

Tommy Jensen

Exactly what I predicted 5 years ago. After gobbling the landmasses of Crimea and Donbass, more gold, Putin will want the Black Nato Sea for himself, sitting on the gold balcony of his castle looking over his “property”, the Black Nato Sea. Innocent small countries around the Black Nato Sea who have done nothing wrong will be taxed and fined if they dont follow their new “Tsar” from Kremlin. Fortunately US has the balls of steel to secure freedom in International waterways like the Black Nato Sea.

Tarmo Multanen


Arch Bungle


Fortunately, USA has balls of steel and could step right in to defend Georgia in 2008.

Oh wait … that never happened …

AM Hants

Russia got it sorted in 3 hours, with Saakashvili begging for a ceasefire. How long does it take the US to get a runway up and running, when Russia, can take off on anything, unlike the US?


turning around their two destroyers is clear sign of fact that the disunited states of insufferable fools won’t oblige the ukienazis, on the contrary they prefer to stay well away unless of course they intend to send a nuked up icbm from a safe distance, it’s a possibility.

AM Hants

Would not be surprised if they were planning a false flag, involving an ICBM and something went wrong. Hence the USS Donald Cook, once again fleeing the Black Sea. Hope peace comes to Eastern Ukraine and NATO Forces get back to their Pride Parades. The World would be a safer place if they swap invasions for Rainbow Flags and stilettos.

AM Hants

Tommy, you should try and get a few gigs that the Ukrainian Comedian turned down, owing to his new job. They are in dire need of comedy, over in Ukraine.


but tommy can have his own act on any scene in kiev, possibly also in washington.

AM Hants

Both in dire need of a comedian.

Band Itkoitko

Nah, the US has Biden and co. They are well set as far as comedy (or maybe tragedy) is concerned.

AM Hants

You have a point and yep, tragedy version of comedy, is apt, where Biden and co are concerned.

Tommy Jensen

Comedians gets killed. Jokers change the game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=836AE8f__BM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dV3AziKTBUo

AM Hants

Used to like ‘The Joker’ – Steve Miller Band

Guess with all the Jokers over in the US, the Comedian in Ukraine should be frightened. There again have you ever met a Dem with a sense of humour, so perhaps not?


is your entire schtick here based in Sunstance-less pop culture?

cechas vodobenikov

Tommy astrologer on LSD—only predict BLM riots, LGBT US military

Gregory Casey

Tommy has an ‘in’ with the LGBT Military Arm.


Black Sea is done. If I were you, I would worry about Atlantic ocean :-).


I will bow out to your offer of joining your wet dreams, Tommy :)

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Powerful electronic warfare/ARM capabilities and ASM attack… DDG killers.

All the Sleepers

The most powerful of its kind in this respect, forget the F-18, which is only good against poor underdeveloped militaries that use tech from 40 years ago.


Demented bribe taker Biden’s foreign policy is as doddering as his ability to negotiate aircraft stairwell. US is in no position to open a suicidal three front conflict against the Chinese, Russians and Iranians. The 20 year old sapping wars for Zionism have destroyed the US internally and turned it into a global laughing stock. A war with Russia is as recommended as a anal prolapse surgery with a jalepeno enema.

Gregory Casey

Hole-in-one Condor!


This will never make CNN.

Arch Bungle

Nobody who matters watches CNN anymore.

AM Hants

Have you seen the video of the CNN guy being hit on the side of the head by a bottle, courtesy the peaceful protesters of BLM/Anti-fa.

Despite almost being knocked out, CNN were still very supportive to those peaceful protesters, who so resemble the Ukraine Nanzis and trained by the same team.

Ricky Miller

Yes. Hong Kong protesters too. It’s a hybrid war tactic long perfected in the U.K. and the United States.

AM Hants

You cannot tell the difference between: ISIS Daesh Al Qaeda White Helmets Hong Kong Protesters BLM Anti-fa Ukaine Nanzis etc, etc, etc

They all wear the same uniforms, including similar masks. Have the same style banners and symbology and use the same tactics. With the media fully supporting them, running the emotional, manipulation script. Soon they will have the IRA back and joining them. The same old crowd were pulling the strings of the IRA. Funny, how they were fighting for their homeland, whilst being funded by those running the City of London and using exactly the same old script that the others use. Just years previously. Why were Clinton and Blair, both, puppets of $oro$, so persuasive when asking the $oro$ soldiers to back down?


In November 2014, nine months after the coup in Kiev, Putin was interviewed by German TV channel ARD. Putin: “Today there is fighting in eastern Ukraine. The Ukrainian central authorities have sent the armed forces there and they even use ballistic missiles. Does anybody speak about it? Not a single word. And what does it mean? What does it tell us? This points to the fact, that you want the Ukrainian central authorities to annihilate everyone there, all of their political foes and opponents. Is that what you want? We certainly don’t. And we will not allow it to happen.“ https://original.antiwar.com/mcgovern/2021/04/14/biden-and-blinken-blink-on-ukraine/

AM Hants

CNN did comment on it, but, still thought the people of Eastern Ukraine deserved the nukes sent from their Government in Kiev. Can you imagine their response if Russia had nuked Kiev?

Ukrainian army uses short-range ballistic missiles against pro-Russian rebels – CNN… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnep9lXoL-A

So what did Joe Biden’s 2021 Press Secretary have to say about it, when working for the State Department, back in 2014. Over to Psaki,

US State Dept offers ‘no comment’ on ballistic missiles fired by Kiev forces… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6yX3w5m6oI

Remember John Kirby, back in 2014, when he again was the Pentagon Spokesperson? What was it he said, just before Russia lost the Band Members of the Red Army, on Christmas Day, with regards sending messages, or was that Mike Morrell, who was hoping to be Clinton’s Defence Secretary, if she had won the 2016 Election.

US Spox John Kirby threatens Russia with “more body bags, attacks on Russian Cities”… https://geopolitics.co/2016/09/29/us-spox-john-kirby-threatens-russia-with-more-body-bags-attacks-on-russian-cities/

What was it Mike Morrell said, on the Charlie Rose Show, with regards sending a message and not forgetting Niki Haley, saying about what they would do to those that did not agree with the US, over in the UN, just before Vitalie Churkin collapsed on the streets of New York, dying hours later, in hospital.


Yes, famous US double standards…. Obama Slips Up: “We’re Training ISIL” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2NkjNvwuaU

Biden rings up “killer” Putin. Joe needs help out of Ukraine mess (while talking about sanctions against Russia over the situation in Ukraine) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTUVPmpfeDM

AM Hants

Brilliant, nice to go back in time, to Obama admitting that him and Hil were behind ISIL aka ISIS. Plus, I keep forgetting to pop over to the Duran and so nice to see the two Alex’. Alexander Mercouris, did a brilliant Question and Answer E Mail with The Saker, based on Crimea and the UN. You have just reminded me to see if I can find it, as very apt today.


QUESTION From The Saker:

Dear Alexander

I just read this: http://theduran.com/general-assembly-vote-jerusalem-nikki-haley/

Where the author mentioned that:

“the UN General Assembly convened today under the extraordinary procedure created by UN General Assembly Resolution 377 (V) (A) on 3rd November 1950. This procedure – known as “Uniting for Peace” – can be invoked by the UN General Assembly whenever the UN Security Council is unable to reach a consensus on any issue which affects peace.”

the author further writes:

“However though a resolution of the UN General Assembly made in accordance with the “Uniting for Peace” procedure is legally binding on UN Member States, there is no mechanism to enforce it, as there is when the UN Security Council votes for a resolution made under Chapter VII of the UN Charter”

I was not aware of this procedure and I wanted to ask you this: has the Russian protection of the Crimean referendum and the subsequent admission of Crimea into the Russian Federation ever been condemned by the UN General Assembly under that procedure?

Specifically, is Russia currently in violation of international law regardless of any issues of enforceability.

Last but not least, do you know of other instances when the UNGA voted under this procedure to basically overrule the UNSC?

If you could clarify this for me I would be most grateful.

Kind regards,

The Saker

THE ANSWER: Please read more.

Dear Saker,

I can answer all these questions…’


Tommy Jensen

I can answer all questions. “Russia is currently in violation of the Rules Based international Usury Order”, set forth by the civilised and free world with a majority vote of the US/Nato 70 countries Resolve Freedom Coalition. That, under free democratic circumstances Pentagon paid for Crimea and the democratic elected country Ukraine admitted it. So yes! Russia IS in violation!!

AM Hants

So with regards the Pentagon purchasing Crimea, then they were in violation of the Budapest Agreement and Non-Proliferation Agreement, from the UN, with regards Article 3 and ‘Coercion’.

‘Rules Based Usury Order’ – does that come out of the Rothschild and Friends manual, with zilch meaning whatsoever, unless you are a corrupt oligarch having a hissy fit?

When was the vote taken? Was it back in 2014, when 193 members of the UN were asked to vote. 100, aligned with the US and their persuasive ways, voted against Russia. 11 voted with Russia. Leaving 82 who refused to vote or abstained. Now even if you went for 50/50 you would require 97 to agree with the US and they only just got 100. However, don’t they require over 2/3 of the vote, going one way, during a basic vote in the UN?

By the way, what were the figures when Ukraine tried similar a couple of years later? Why would the US not repeat it annually? Was it because they could not handle failure?

The Argument – Alexander Mercouris reply to the Saker:

(1) “Uniting for Peace” was a device sponsored by the US in 1950 in order to circumvent Soviet vetoes during the Korean war. At the time it was legally controversial and as Professor Tomuschal (quoted in the article) has pointed out, it actually contradicts the UN Charter. However in 1950 the US controlled the UN and the international court system as totally as it ever has done since (thus the Soviet vetoes) and it was able to get the “Uniting for Peace” procedure accepted.

(2) It has however only been invoked very rarely, in total no more than eleven times (the UN General Assembly vote on Jerusalem being the eleventh).

(3) The point about a “Uniting for Peace” Resolution passed by the UN General Assembly is that it becomes a part of international law. I can therefore be cited as legally binding in cases before the International Court of Justice (“the World Court”) or indeed other international courts. However it is not legally enforceable except through the UN Security Council. Since the “Uniting for Peace” procedure is by definition only invoked when the UN Security Council cannot agree this has robbed it of its effectiveness.

(4) Now comes the key point.

The UN General Assembly has NEVER declared the the Crimean referendum and the unification of Crimea with Russia illegal under the “Uniting for Peace” procedure.

To my knowledge the only time the “Uniting for Peace” procedure was used against Russia was in 1980 to declare the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan illegal. Though Russia is in a consistent minority in the UN Security Council the US has never succeeded in mobilising sufficient support against Russia in the General Assembly to secure a “Uniting for Peace” resolution against it on any issue since the 1980 vote on Afghanistan.

The UN General Assembly did vote on the question of the Crimean referendum in March 2014 but the resolution was non-binding and was not brought under the “Uniting for Peace” procedure.

Moreover only 100 out of the 193 UN Member States supported it (11 states including of course Russia voted against it; 58 states including India and China and totally 58% of the world’s population abstained, and 11 states including Iran and Israel failed to take part in the vote, which is a form of abstention).

This was virtually a defeat for the US and Ukraine because for a resolution to pass the UN General Assembly it must have the support of more than half of all UN Member States ie. – since the UN has 193 Member States – at least 97 UN Member States must vote for it.

In other words the resolution on the Crimean referendum was not merely non-binding but it only just squeaked past with just 100 votes in favour.

Given that the US had the automatic support of all the NATO/EU states in the voting that underscored how little support for the US/Ukrainian position on Crimea there actually is outside the Western Alliance with key countries like China, India, Brazil, South Africa, Pakistan and Vietnam refusing to support the resolution.

Needless to say the US has not risked another vote on Crimea since then, whereas during the 1980s it staged UN General Assembly votes criticising the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan regular as clockwork every year.

Needless to say the March 2014 UN General Assembly vote on Crimea is not something that you hear Western commentators bring up precisely because it was so close to being a debacle.

The result is that there is NO legal finding either by the International Court of Justice or by the UN General Assembly or by the UN Security Council that Russia is in violation of international law on the Crimea issue and those who say it is have no international consensus on this issue behind them.

I presume you are familiar with the International Court of Justice’s Advisory Opinion on Kosovo which says quite clearly that unilateral declarations of independence such as the one made by Crimea in 2014 are not contrary to international law even if made in contravention of the constitution of the country the region making them is seceding from?

That too means that the Crimean declaration of independence of 2014 and Crimea’s subsequent decision to join Russia is NOT contrary to international law. Putin repeatedly points this out but the US – which lobbied the International Court of Justice hard for the Advisory Opinion on Kosovo (just as it lobbied in 1950 for the “Uniting for Peace” procedure) prefers to forget it and you never seen the Advisory Opinion on Kosovo ever brought up in any Western discussion of the Crimean issue.

It is of course because of the Advisory Opinion on Kosovo and the UN General Assembly’s failure to pass a binding “Uniting for Peace” resolution declaring Crimea’s union with Russia illegal that Ukraine has never brought legal action against Russia on the Crimean question in the International Court of Justice.

I trust this answers your questions? Please do not hesitate to contact me is there is any other point you want me to clarify.

Best Wishes,

Alexander https://ooduarere.com/news-from-nigeria/world-news/email-saker-alexander-mercouris/


AM Hants

Part 2 – Part of the Answer:

‘…The UN General Assembly did vote on the question of the Crimean referendum in March 2014 but the resolution was non-binding and was not brought under the “Uniting for Peace” procedure.

Moreover only 100 out of the 193 UN Member States supported it (11 states including of course Russia voted against it; 58 states including India and China and totally 58% of the world’s population abstained, and 11 states including Iran and Israel failed to take part in the vote, which is a form of abstention).

This was virtually a defeat for the US and Ukraine because for a resolution to pass the UN General Assembly it must have the support of more than half of all UN Member States ie. – since the UN has 193 Member States – at least 97 UN Member States must vote for it.

In other words the resolution on the Crimean referendum was not merely non-binding but it only just squeaked past with just 100 votes in favour.

Given that the US had the automatic support of all the NATO/EU states in the voting that underscored how little support for the US/Ukrainian position on Crimea there actually is outside the Western Alliance with key countries like China, India, Brazil, South Africa, Pakistan and Vietnam refusing to support the resolution.

Needless to say the US has not risked another vote on Crimea since then, whereas during the 1980s it staged UN General Assembly votes criticising the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan regular as clockwork every year.

Needless to say the March 2014 UN General Assembly vote on Crimea is not something that you hear Western commentators bring up precisely because it was so close to being a debacle.

The result is that there is NO legal finding either by the International Court of Justice or by the UN General Assembly or by the UN Security Council that Russia is in violation of international law on the Crimea issue and those who say it is have no international consensus on this issue behind them.

I presume you are familiar with the International Court of Justice’s Advisory Opinion on Kosovo which says quite clearly that unilateral declarations of independence such as the one made by Crimea in 2014 are not contrary to international law even if made in contravention of the constitution of the country the region making them is seceding from?

That too means that the Crimean declaration of independence of 2014 and Crimea’s subsequent decision to join Russia is NOT contrary to international law. Putin repeatedly points this out but the US – which lobbied the International Court of Justice hard for the Advisory Opinion on Kosovo (just as it lobbied in 1950 for the “Uniting for Peace” procedure) prefers to forget it and you never seen the Advisory Opinion on Kosovo ever brought up in any Western discussion of the Crimean issue.

It is of course because of the Advisory Opinion on Kosovo and the UN General Assembly’s failure to pass a binding “Uniting for Peace” resolution declaring Crimea’s union with Russia illegal that Ukraine has never brought legal action against Russia on the Crimean question in the International Court of Justice.

I trust this answers your questions? Please do not hesitate to contact me is there is any other point you want me to clarify.

Best Wishes,


AM Hants

The First Director of the CIA, Allen Dulles, was a Nanzi supporter and sympathiser. His brother worked for an investment bank, which looked after US Elite and their Nanzi Investments. The same Allen Dulles, who chose who would be provided safe passage out of Europe, just after the war ended in 1947. The same year the foundations of Israel were put down.

2014 – what happened to the USS Donald Cook, when it got too close to Crimea? Well, many of us have laughed about it both then and still laughing now. When Bastion smiled sweetly at the sailors.

So imagine 7 years later, when they planned to send the USS Donald Cook and friend, back to the hospitality of Bastion.

K-300P “Bastion” missile system in Crimea frightened Donald Cook destroyer crew: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sX3KKn4pbWA

Remember the Caspian Flotilla and how the little Corvettes could pack a punch? How did it work, from the Caspian Sea to a target in Syria?

FIRST VIDEO: Russian warships attack ISIS positions in Syria from Caspian Sea… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2TQ0wAfRts

Russian Navy Deploys Bastion to Crimea, after US Ship Sails in the Black Sea. (February 2021)… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=945czrUwbpw

Compilation of Russian jets passing near the USS Donald Cook… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJFnDfvUVGc

So what will be there to greet the USS Donald Cook in 2021? Bearing in mind, this is a propaganda funded video and some parts will not be that easy on the ear. Worth listening to and laughing at the negative aspects.

Russian Navy’s Deadly Plan to Defend the Black Sea, Against US, Nato, Ukrainian Naval Formations… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3ql0lOZySs

No wonder Biden, in a sane moment, has backed down.

jabirujoe .

To quote Dorothy. “We’re not in Kansas anymore Toto”.https://media.kasperskydaily.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/92/2015/03/06041111/twitter-periscope-featured-VK.jpg

AM Hants

So, did you manage to get the Wicked Witch to melt or is Nanzi still running Congress, even if she was never in Kansas? Can you do the same with Basement Joe, as he plays behind his curtain, believing himself to be some kind of Wizard?

jabirujoe .

Maybe it was Toto that bite his foot henceforth the re-enforced cast he was wearing. Toto always could smell a rat.

AM Hants

Plenty of rats around old Joe. Hope all is well with you and nice to see you back from your tour.

Sure it was Toto and not Major Biden, their friendly Alsatian, who enjoys biting humans wearing electronic, ankle bracelets? Guess the old dog has been taking lessons from Hunter.

AM Hants


Just pinched this one from you. It got lost in the UK.

jabirujoe .

Nice wink Antsie my precious. My periscope is your periscope….

AM Hants

Cheers jabirujoe. Thought you would not mind me borrowing it. Take care and stay safe.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Kremlin is dealing with a complete Blinkenpoop at the U.S. State Dept.


The American ships are unnecessary in the Black Sea. Nowadays, mostly because of Russian incompetence, every country around Russia is an American warship.

cechas vodobenikov

diseased CIA LGBT amerikan paid 1 sheckle per c omment

All the Sleepers

“…but Kiev is dead set on attempting to get Washington in a situation in which the tail wags the dog.” That is highly unlikely, since Kiev is now occupied by foreign military powers, but most relevantly by the US. The reason for the cancellation is a firm stance by our MIA, which is setting the stage of open confrontation with our masters – with the ultimate end of full souvereignity. On the other hand time is running short and everything is headed towards the all deciding battle and our military is prepared at least, which is an encouraging sight.

AM Hants

Biden has pulled back the two US Destroyers, on their way to the Black Sea. How Bastion loves greeting USS Donald Cook.

Not only that, I started to read the Zero Hedge article, whilst laughing, owing to the following, Not forgetting the US blaming Russia, yet again, for Election Interference 2021. Remind me, but, how did Donald Trump get over 76 million votes, over 10 million more than 2016, when he was running against Clinton and the most any sitting President has ever achieved, in the history of US Politics? How did Biden, who never came out of the basement or faced the people end up with over 81 million votes, more than any US Presidential Campaigner? How come Trump was in the lead, up until everybody went to bed and then all of a sudden Biden bounced into the game and stole the show? I don’t think Russia gave the US the Dominion Voting Machines, that Malloch-Brown was flogging, now did they?

Biden Targets Russian Sovereign Debt, Expels 10 Diplomats, In Sweeping Sanctions Action… https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-slap-russia-new-sanctions-thursday-report

Biden wishes to summon the Russian Ambassador to Washington DC. Does he not realise that Russia recalled the Ambassador, a few weeks ago, when Biden was ranting that President Putin was a killer.

He also wishes to target Russia’s Sovereign Debt – but, how does that work, when Russia avoids the $US and they can more than cover their Sovereign Debt. Russia has around $600 billion, currency reserves, including gold, compared to the US, with around $30 trillion national debt and the world’s largest debtor nation.

US Banks cannot purchase Russian Sovereign Debt – The US is a debtor nation, not a creditor nation, and needs other nations to buy it’s junk bonds. So not as though they would be purchasing Russian Bonds.

10 Russian Diplomats being expelled – tit for tat and been down that route before. How many will Russia kick out of the US ‘Spy Centre’ aka Embassy, over in Moscow?


‘…Today the United States is formally naming the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), also known as APT 29, Cozy Bear, and The Dukes, as the perpetrator of the broad-scope cyber espionage campaign that exploited the SolarWinds Orion platform and other information technology infrastructures. The U.S. Intelligence Community has high confidence in its assessment of attribution to the SVR..

The SVR’s compromise of the SolarWinds software supply chain gave it the ability to spy on or potentially disrupt more than 16,000 computer systems worldwide. The scope of this compromise is a national security and public safety concern. Moreover, it places an undue burden on the mostly private sector victims who must bear the unusually high cost of mitigating this incident..’

Cozy Bear – that goes back to Crowdstrike and Ukrainian Malware, used many years ago and back when Obama was President. Why did he give Ukraine’s Crowdstrike a White House Contract and why did he use them when trying to blame them for Vault 7 Hacking Concerns?


OpEdNews Op Eds 1/3/2017 at 4:20 PM EST H3’ed 1/3/17 Why Crowdstrike’s Russian Hacking Story Fell Apart–Say Hello to Fancy Bear… https://www.opednews.com/articles/Why-Crowdstrike-s-Russian-by-George-Eliason-Assange_Coup_Donetsk_Euromaidan-170103-420.html


RF must be prepared for all scenarios planned by the Evil Empire from behind the Atlantic …

thomas malthaus

If Ukrainians were looking for someone who could maintain cordial relations with Moscow, Viktor Medvedchuk might be that man.

All the Sleepers

As a transitionary figure, he might play a role… we shall see further on.

cechas vodobenikov

amerikans and Ukraine has already surrendered…ze went to Dubai had a diversion with the Ukrainian prostitutes detained by govt there; amerikan sent LGBT sailors to BLM BDSM academy


Lol, no one gives a shit about two Yankie destroyers anyway, they’d just be free target practice for Russia’s naval aviation anyway. The US has no cards to play in this part of the world and they know it (and that really pisses them off). Good.

Rodney Loder

US got the message delivered by China in Alaska.

Rodney Loder

Yep, !! Biden takes the fall recalling US shipping to Black Sea, however Turkey steps up to the plate supporting Kiev, with worthless words only, actually it the same throughout Europe, Ukraine is a failed Orange Revolution, even if there asked Victor Yanukovych and his family to come on back, wouldn’t make any difference, he’s not stupid enough to do that, Jew maggots are listed to be liars forever.

That’s what I tell the disciples of the homosexual Sid Loder, Freemasons are the architects of damnation.

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