A screenshot from the video
The Russian military has deployed servicemen with modern 9K333 Verba MANPADs at its positions in the Eastern Ghouta region near Damascus.
The missiles will be used to protect positions of the Russian servicemen monitoring the de-escalation zone from DIY combat drones as well as other aircraft.
Small drones have become a real threat after ISIS and several other terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq managed to arm them with DIY small bombs.
The video above was taken in Damascus. In the video we see that the missiles were flown to the Damascus International Airport and then transported via trucks to the Russian positions at Eastern Ghouta.
The video also showed the launch of one missile but it was not clear whether it was for training purposes or if it did target an enemy drone.
The 9K333 Verba is a modern Russian man-portable air-defense system. The missile has flight ceiling of 4.5km and is equipped with three-channel optical seeker with ultraviolet, near-infrared, mid-infrared sensors which allows it to be used against targets with very small thermal footprints such as small electric drones. This also decreases the chance of disruption from countermeasures such as flares and lasers that attempt to blind missiles.
The missile costs as much as a few hundred drones.
… but cost much less than the Israeli planes which have been bombing Syria in support of terrorists…
Article says Russian troops will use them to defend Russians. I haven’t heard of any Israeli strikes on Russians. It would be interesting to see whose technology would prevail if they were deployed the way you suggest.
It would depend on the tracking, if they’re sat linked, which they probably are, I wouldn’t want to be a Jew baby raper cult member in a helo or jet to close to them. The Russians have that airspace very well covered for a peer confrontation.
I’d think the major national players US, Russia, Turkey, Israel all have good ideas where each other’s forces are at.
That may be, but if you watch the video that I posted it looks like the Israelis may be at a disadvantage if they get within the range of these missiles. So if the satellite up links are on and the Jews are below 3,500 meters coming at a position equipped with these. That’s 12,000 meters that they’re vulnerable, and this is just the light stuff.
Russians killed CIA/ISIS/Mossad with one missile near Israel border. We don’t know if any Russians were killed when the Israeli’s attacked in Syria.
ISIS was using them in Iraq with improvised explosives so if it save russians lives it´s worth the cost. And it´s a good test against target with small IR signatures. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2017/03/22/isiss-killer-drones-are-a-threat-but-the-pentagon-is-preparing-for-more-advanced-suicide-aircraft/?utm_term=.44a7fd6db65f
They are not against drones but when a dirt cheap drone will threaten your life you would not think about cost of the missile. Plus in Russian missiles there’s less % added to fund mil lobby :)
I read about this missile. It is designed for drones. It has sensors to locate targets with little heat signature and little metallic content. More efficient to melt the wings and rotors with a laser or to jam the radio control signals!
This looks weird. Are those soldiers supposed to carry those manpads on their shoulder all the day? Why didn’t they just deploy 2-3 pantsir instead?
You seem to not understand how our layered interlocking air defence works. S300-S400 cover the large area and have anti NWH capability. Inside this “bubble” the are individual objects that require additional layers of air defence. Manpads are the last layer (small unit level) of air defence – close range targets i.e. (helicopters, A10, this kind of stuff) So there are pantsir’s (medium to close range) there covering relatively large area but it is obvious that RuMod decided that they require all the standard layers, not only long/medium range. This is because Russia deployed mil. police to overlook deescalation zones and ensure safe delivery of aid to Syrian civilians.
Tudor Miron None of the Air Defence you have described is available to protect the Syrian Military from Putin’s ally, Israel and Netanyahu.
“Inventory[edit] Soviet Union 320 Lavochkin CP-75 Dvina/S-75M Volga (SA-2) launchers – under upgrade Soviet Union 148 Pechora[1] +12 2M[2] Isayev S-125 Neva/S-125M Pechora (SA-3) launchers – under upgrade Soviet Union 48 S-200 Angara (SA-5) launchers Soviet Union 200 2K12 Kub (SA-6) launchers Soviet Union 60 9K33 Osa (SA-8) launchers Soviet Union 20 9K31 Strela-1 (SA-9) launchers [3] Soviet Union 35 9K35 Strela-10 (SA-13) launchers [3] Soviet Union 20+8 9K37 Buk М1-2+Buk М2 (SA-11) launchers[4]+[5] Soviet Union 6 9M311-1M Tunguska (SA-19) launchers Russia 50 Pantsir-S1 (SA-22) launchers[6][7] Russia + S-300 (missile) (SA-10) launchers – Delivered but not completed. Status unclear.[8][9][10][11][12]”
From the article – Syrian Air Defense Force
RichardD “…Russia + S-300 (missile) (SA-10) launchers – Delivered but not completed. Status unclear.[8][9][10][11][12]”…”
S300 has not been made operational under Syrian military control because?
Reason: Putin loves Kosher whining and dining with Netanyahu and allows both the US and Israel to freely attack Syria.
Wake up, Syria has minimal Air Defence.
Any rational person can see that the Jew world order is losing badly in Syria, your Jew lies don’t change that.
RichardD You need to accuse others because you cannot fact reality:
Because Russia does not defend Syrian airspace, Israel freely attacks Syrian military on an ongoing basis in Quneitra, Damascus, Palmyra, etc.
Syria Shayrat airbase attacked by US Missiles
Syrian Air Force jet is shot down by US Air Force near Raqqa
Syrian military Al Tanf convoys x 3 are wiped out by US “Coalition” Air Force Etc
The reality is that Syria is winning the war and nuisance air strikes and your Jew lies doesn’t change that.
RichardD “…Syria is winning the war and nuisance air strikes and your Jew lies doesn’t change that….”
Whilst Putin oversees the Oded Yinon Plan in Syria and empties Iran of US$s, Syria is winning nothing but fighting the same battles over and over
Homs v1 2014, Homs v2 2017, Palmyra v1 2015, Palmyra v2 2017, Al Tanf v1, Al Tanf v2, etc etc.
Reports shows Terrorists are still embedded and fighting in Damascus area / region (July 2017) Hama area / region (June 2017) Homs area / region (June 2017) Aleppo area / region (June 2017, July 2017, August 2017) Palmyra area / region (June 2017)
You’re a big Jew liar. If you can’t provide proof, real proof, your Jew lies don’t count, that the Syrian government foot print is less now than it was when Russia, Iran and Lebanon intervened 2 years ago. And that Russia is Iran’s mercenary. And that Putin is partitioning Syria. None of which you’re going to be able to. Then I’m not going to waste anymore of my time with your drivel.
Prove liar, that Damascus holds less ground now than then. Goodbye.
RichardD The proof that Syria is fighting the same battles over and over is on this website, Southfront.
Be realistic man.
Sephy “…Be realistic man….”
You need to wake up.
Putin who loves Kosher whining and dining with Netanyahu allows both the US and Israel to freely attack Syria.
Israel freely attacks Syrian military on an ongoing basis in Quneitra, Damascus, Palmyra, etc.
Syria Shayrat airbase attacked by US Missiles
Syrian Air Force jet is shot down by US Air Force near Raqqa
Syrian military Al Tanf convoys x 3 are wiped out by US “Coalition” Air Force Etc
Putin – or any president – would love to have dining with another president from another country.
Israel fears hazbollah, so they attack them when they think they need to. They are not keeping it secret. Hazbollah is not a state owned military. If I were netanyahu, I would have done the same.
Shayrat airbase: we all know it was a diversion.
US attacks Syrian military when they feel threatened. If you deeply think about the events, you will realize the unwillingness of the US military to attack government forces.
I know US military presence is illegal, but everyone seems to be fine with it as long as ISIS continues to exist.
When Russia intervened in the war, her air force repeatedly attacked the US proxy forces. US did not engage Russian military.
Both US and Russia support their proxy forces, but they will not protect them with their own military.
Good thing is that, SAA is now way stronger than it was 2-3 years ago. Things are getting better.
Sephy Putin is a slave for Israel and not a friend of Syria or Iran.
Okay, I understand you might be true. :)
Umm, I guess I understand the layered air defense, but my point was – soldiers are human and human cannot carry such weight (let’s say 5 kg) on its shoulder for long time.
Forget about pantsir. Maybe they could have used tor missile system which is a short range air defense system.
Anyway, I think they know what they are doing more than any of us, so no worries. :)
I’m sure these are kept in vehicles until needed!
Igla is slightly over 10kg, so i guess Verba is close to that. A soldier can cary that for a long time if needed (usually it is stored in vehicle). Weight is comparable to RPO-A Shmel which is around 11kg, and comes in a pack of two. A single soldier is designated to carry it around the battlefield. ATGMs can get well over 20kg without the tripod, and a small team is requiered to carry the whole thing.
They’ll also serve to interfere with any ‘accidents’.
Lasers will soon have this duty.
Lasers need to vehicle mounted due to the power needed to operate them, a man portable laser is many years away!
They have man portable lasers now. Just top secret at the moment. The difference is in the power/kw.
If it’s top secret how do you know about it?
you think if something is top secret nobody knows about it? LOL.
So it’s just your opinion then!
Nope. Not opinion. Fact.
You offer no evidence so it’s an opinion!
why would I feel the need to offer you any evidence. when they bring them out in a year you can pretend they weren’t working on it all this time. grow up.
I have some magic bean for sale if your interested!
you’ve got nothing.
Just for you and your sci-fi https://sputniknews.com/military/201708091056318998-us-army-lasers-railguns/
It looks like if you’re a hostile and you get within their 6,000 m range and 3,500 m ceiling, it might be a very bad day:
World’s Best Portable MANPAD missile Russian Verba
Whilst the Syrian Military in its own country does not have the “modern 9K333 Verba MANPADs”.
But it’s kicking the invaders all the way back to the borders that they came from with what it does have. And that’s what’s important.
RichardD “…But it’s kicking the invaders out all of the way back to the borders..”
Hardly kicking anything, in fact kicking nothing.
Terrorists do not have air power their masters the Israel controlled, US led “Terror Avis” countries have air power.
Russia has a policy of not using Air Defence to protect the Syrian Military from Israel and US air attacks.
Your a lying Jew pedophile cult collaborator.
RichardD You need to lay off from your heavy Vodka breakfast, LoL:)))
When you have sobered up, the reality is Putin on behalf of his Khazar cabal, Netanyahu and Israel, has implemented the Oded Yinon Plan in Syria by failing to protect it as promised in 2010 with the following results by 2015:
Syria 500,000 killed, 1.9 million injured, 6 million displaced or refugees, infrastructure destroyed, economy trashed.
Putin is also bleeding Iran dry of hard US$s for every piece of military equipment supplied to defend Syria.
You’ve run these Jew lies before with no proof, because it doesn’t exist. No proof, no debate, goodbye Jew liar.
Challenge this:
Moshe Vyacheslav Kantor in a meeting with Vladimir Putin, the Russian President said of these people:
“They should come here, to Russia. We are ready to accept them.”
Putin’s army of Khazar Billionaires who started with nothing and corruptly acquired Russian State assets now own large part of the Russian economy.
AT PUTIN’S SIDE, AN ARMY OF JEWISH BILLIONAIRES http://www.jpost.com/Jewish-World/Jewish-Features/At-Putins-side-an-army-of-Jewish-billionaires
Looks like Mossad propaganda that’s short on facts and long on innuendo. Putin inherited a Jew problem from Yeltsin. It’s being worked on. Some have been jailed, others exiled and some toe the line.
RichardD Bottom-line: Putin is a slave of Israel.
Under Putin, the Khazars are welcome in Russia so they can loot and plunder the country and its people.
You’re Jew lies don’t make it true. Russia has almost no government debt and 1/2 $trillion cash on hand and is the world’s largest oil and gas producer. It’s the the US that the Jew fed is looting.
RichardD You have an obsession with the J word, its a religion. Its better to refer to people by their nationality, e.g. Russian, Khazar, etc.
Under Putin, the list you posted is out of date as it has mushroomed.
You’re the one who keeps saying this:
“Bottom-line: Putin is a slave of Israel.”
The lists that I’ve posted are 2016, 17.
The vast majority of people on this list are non Jews:
“List of Russian people by net worth”
RichardD You are a brainwashed clown, LoL:)))
If you can’t deal with solid proof, facts and figures like I’ve provided to either prove your points or disprove mine. I’m not going to waste my time with your infantile lies, insults, nonsense and stupidity. I’ve proven my points, you haven’t proven yours.
RichardD Most of the people on the list are like Putin, pretending to be Christian.
How do you know that Russian advisor embedded with the SAA don’t have these manpads?
Read this article carefully, no where does it say this weapon has been supplied to the Syrian Military.
Putin operates an Israel first policy in Syria.
Arms transferred to Syria have to be approved by Israel.
I didn’t say it had been issued to the SAA, I was talking about advisors embedded with the SAA, there is a subtle difference! I think you will find Putin puts Russia first along with its citizens!
Nightcrawler136 “…I think you will find Putin puts Russia first along with its citizens!…”
Putin does nothing of what you suggest, Putin puts Khazars above Russians.
Moshe Vyacheslav Kantor in a meeting with Vladimir Putin, the Russian President said of these people:
“They should come here, to Russia. We are ready to accept them.”
Putin’s army of Khazar Billionaires who started with nothing and corruptly acquired Russian State assets now own large part of the Russian economy.
Regarding corruption this is the reality for Russia since 1917:
1. 1917 – 1922 Russian Empire, broken up, looted and plundered by the Khazars
2. 1922 – 1991 USSR, broken up, looted and plundered by the Khazars
3. 1992 – 2005 Russian Federation, pending its breakup, looted and plundered by the Khazars approved by Yeltsin
4. 2005 – 2017 Russian Federation, pending its breakup by the Khazars, still looted and plundered by the Khazars approved by Putin
Oh No the Jews done it! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a5344ff526cfb961beecb53feba321ac55289d2c060ce4164611327db2aa96cd.png
I hope the Verba MAPAD systems stay in Russian hands, at least until the dust settles and we can assess who from the local forces can really be trusted with this systems. For some of the local forces on the field there might be be huge financial incentive to pass them to the Americans or Israelis for evaluation; It would not be the first time destitute soldiers would sell military equipment to the highest bidder.
a bit over kill! I recon these maenads are going straight to South Western Syria, near the Golan Heights! There are Russian soldiers there too! Might help against Israeli strikes!
lasers are within a year of being infantry weapons.