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MARCH 2025

Russia Developed Stealth Version Of ‘Geran-2’ Suicide Drone (Photos)

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Russia Developed Stealth Version Of ‘Geran-2’ Suicide Drone (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Via X.

Russia has reportedly developed a stealthy version of the Geran-2 suicide drone, which is believed to be a copy of the Iranian-made Shahed-136.

The new version, which was designed to avoid detection by radar systems, is made with non-resonant volumetric coating, according to Ukrainian sources, which shared photos on social media on January 27 allegedly showing the wreckage of one such stealthy Geran-2.

The special coating consists of cellular foam, in which incoming radio waves begin to move spontaneously, which prevents them from being reflected back to the radar properly. In addition, the black color of the coating reduces the visibility of the drone against the sky at night.

Just like the Shahed-136, the Geran-2 has a range of around 2,500 kilometers and it is armed with a 50 kg warhead. The drone is guided via a satellite-aided inertial navigation system. While the Iranian versions use civilian grade GPS, the Geran-2 uses a military-grade Russian GLONASS receiver.

The new stealthy version of the drone is armed with an all new thermobaric warhead, according to Ukrainian sources. The weight of the new warhead is unknown.

Ukraine and the United States claim that Russia first purchased Shahed-136 directly from Iran then launched a project to locally develop and manufacture the drone. However, Iran denied this and Russia said that the Geran-2 is a homegrown system.

The Russian military began using Geran-2 and a lighter version of the drone, the Geran-1, against Kiev forces just months after the start of the special military operation in Ukraine.

These drones have proven to be deadly. Even the older versions are hard to detect due to the low radar cross section of their design and the minimal heat output of their small engines. The guidance system of the drone has also proved to be highly resistant to jamming. The introduction of a stealthy version will only add to the problems of Kiev forces.



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bugeacul o asteapta!


simple answer as to why humans declare war on each other: political leaders want to hide behind their wicked ideas, and want to instead, make enemies so their people shift their attention towards analyzing those “enemies”, instead of reflecting upon their own mass-genocidal leader.


stupid gender neutral clown….


humans dont, it’s criminal organizations called “governments” -and their satanic leaders or blackmailed people working for it.


bankers and weapon producers are behind this politicians are mostly puppets

Ali Baba

sure sounds like porkshanks and zelgelsky to me.


“every true man submits to his wife, his ever lasting lady, his one and only. only true relationships are everlasting if the groom submits to the bride.” – said a true man. we should all respect women and make them our leaders, they will disarm all of us.


funny, wife can be ruthless. sometimes war is easier to cope in comparision with a hysterical wife.


you must fuck wife good. not submit to her, you dummy

Ali Baba

she must be tamed. like hunter says, surrender some of your power to her and she will be tamed.


eat gestapo pig arse, weirdo…


sure women like von der leihen, baerbock and clinton will disarm us. this theorie that women would be less violent has allways been stupid. sweet women never get near to power lust like nice man don’t. a person who wants power will go to any dark place no matter what parts it has between it’s legs.


interesting , i wonder if russia also starts to produce long range drones made out of wood ,capable of carrying 500kg bomb/warhead .. there are literally millions of russians that can produce parts for such drones as side job .. gliders powered by small engine made by lippitz in 1920s weighted under 200kg and were made from wood and fabric , they would be capable of carrying 100kg warhead at long distance..bede bd-2 glider was capable of carrying 2tons with 30 000km range


*armed with a 50 kg warhead”


Ali Baba

probably what just hit the jordan/syrian base.


russia’s big bang theory drones will destroy biden’s little puppets universe.


a stealth geran is coming, ukrainians: look, what bird is that? is it an eagle? booooommm!!!!

Ali Baba

ukies are superstitious. make them look like vultures coming to pick their bones and war’ll be over in a week.


bude zaujímavé sledovať tento stroj v akcii. myslím, že výsledky sa čoskoro dozvieme. banderovským fašistom v kyjeve zvoní hrana!!!

Erik 1953

imagine, the us received almost 22 million military age men. so, all they need to do is to start up the weapons industries.

Erik 1953

suicide drones are a waste of money. they should be able to return.

jens holm

into pieces or by mail ?

Ali Baba

so shape them like boomerangs. btw, one might have already hit your head.

jens holm

ha ha.

maybee the same people made the armata.


armata is the best tank on the planet earth. your country does not even produce tanks. in fact your country does not produce anything. the laptop you are typing right now is from china. only thing you scandinavian have left is an aging boring population who pays 3 times more taxes than russians do. and many holmos. cope.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gerschwin
world class economist

they make danish pastry and haagen raus ice cream which was founded in 1943 to feed the german troops that occupied them in a single day and screamed ‘raus’ when the danes finished serving them.

other than that, i’m pretty sure they import everything. well, ok – maybe the make cod liver oil since they’re surrounded by water.

jens holm

as dane i can confirm that very well.

the coverment saw happens with poland even it was much bigger.

and ussr were friends yhem them and sold food, coal, oil, nikel and anythink to suppert them taking west.

your took finland, the baltics and much more then half of poland. now has collopsed just a the tzars.



learn how to write in english, nobody understands your wording. seems to be the failed education system in your country

jens holm

gdp is as twice much as russia.

we fx produce lego, ozempic and invented windmills, which now are over the world.

and high tax er correct. we are are proud in that.

by that we have free scools, free edutions to the top. we has free hospitals and ambulances, almost free healthcare and medicin i 10% level of usa.

jens holm

we are lowest in corrupti i www. police and courts are thrusted. we no homeless and very low crime.

we also has many vancent jobs and research all over the world to fill them well.


i can’t even comment this garbage because it’s not english


about gdp: according to wikipedia, russia is #11, your piece of shit country is #37. lego? is made in china. windmils are older than your country. yeah be proud of being a sucker. that is exactly what you are. in russia they also have free schools, free healthcare. so stop lying here and go to hell

Last edited 1 year ago by Gerschwin
jens holm

2) i just told its against facts . the are not produced because they expensive, not good and fx upgraded t90 and well as restored t72 are better.

Peter Jennings

not knowing or hearing this drone approaching might be a blessing in disguise.

Ali Baba

i’d give them t-rex voice boxes so that could make a roar when approaching.

jens holm

geran is fine and cheep as is. this is a propaganda upgrade only.

and you even believe. not even goat would even wrapped in pravda

world class economist

geran goes cheep cheep like a bird? is that what this guy is trying to say?

jens holm

thanks very much

world class economist

i hear the russians have invented so many different drones with different names that they ran out of the alphabet.


krassvchik prosto krassavchik


z v z o x a


we innovate better fentanyl in amerika–we advanced more than eskimo

Simon Ndiritu

“the introduction of a stealthy version will only add to the problems of kiev forces” admin is very blunt today. this is going to be good

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